TIS0004346.002 en-US Boomer M20 - M20 S - Operation

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Boomer M20/M20 S

Original Instructions
2023-06-16 | No: TIS0004346.002 en-US
Boomer M20/M20 S Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 7
1.1 Safety First ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 The Purpose of this Publication .............................................................................................. 7
1.3 Target Group ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Feedback and Contact Information ......................................................................................... 7

2 Technical Data ....................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Weight ........................................................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Dimensions................................................................................................................................ 9
2.3 Performance .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.4 Stability ...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Maximum Permitted Inclination Angles for Tramming and Drill Rig Setup ........................ 9
2.6 BUT M Pro................................................................................................................................ 10
2.7 BUT M....................................................................................................................................... 10
2.8 Wheels ..................................................................................................................................... 11
2.9 Steering.................................................................................................................................... 11
2.10 Drive Axles .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.11 Transmission........................................................................................................................... 12
2.12 Brake Systems ........................................................................................................................ 12
2.13 Pumps, Electrically Driven, Gar 5.......................................................................................... 12
2.14 Pumps, Electrically Driven, Gar 30........................................................................................ 13
2.15 Cooling System ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.16 Recommended Power Supply Cable 2×55 kW ..................................................................... 14
2.17 Recommended Power Supply Cable 2×75 kW ..................................................................... 15
2.18 Recommended Power Supply Cable 2×95 kW ..................................................................... 16
2.19 Incoming Water Line Hoses ................................................................................................... 17
2.20 Air Conditioner Cab ................................................................................................................ 17

3 Main Components................................................................................................ 19

4 Product Description ............................................................................................ 21

4.1 Intended Use of the Product .................................................................................................. 21
4.2 Misuse of the Product ............................................................................................................ 21
4.3 Machine Data Plate ................................................................................................................. 22
4.4 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ................................................................................... 23

5 Daily Maintenance ............................................................................................... 25

5.1 About Daily Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 25
5.2 Visual Check............................................................................................................................ 25
5.3 Wash Machine Externally ....................................................................................................... 25
5.3.1 Activate High-Pressure Washer ........................................................................................... 26
5.4 Check Condition of Signs ...................................................................................................... 27
5.5 Check Condition of Hatches and Locks ............................................................................... 27
5.6 Check Fire Extinguishers ....................................................................................................... 27

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Boomer M20/M20 S Table of Contents

5.7 Check the Fire Suppression System..................................................................................... 28

5.8 Check Control Module Checkfire .......................................................................................... 29
5.9 Check Manually Fire Suppression System on Operator Panel .......................................... 30
5.10 Check Emergency Stops ........................................................................................................ 31
5.11 Check Bolted Swing Stop ...................................................................................................... 31
5.12 Check Articulation Lock ......................................................................................................... 31
5.13 Check Feed .............................................................................................................................. 31
5.14 Check Boom Condition .......................................................................................................... 31
5.15 Check Drill Steel Support ....................................................................................................... 32
5.16 Replace Drill Steel Support Bushing .................................................................................... 32
5.17 Check Coolant Level............................................................................................................... 33
5.17.1 Adding Coolant ..................................................................................................................... 34
5.18 Check Diesel Engine Oil Level............................................................................................... 35
5.19 Check Diesel Engine Sealing Integrity.................................................................................. 36
5.20 Empty Engine Air Filter Evacuation Valve............................................................................ 36
5.21 Check Compressor GAR 5 and GAR 30................................................................................ 37
5.22 Check Hydraulic System ........................................................................................................ 37
5.22.1 Fill Hydraulic Oil.................................................................................................................... 38
5.23 Separate Water from Hydraulic Oil........................................................................................ 39
5.24 Clean Water Strainer............................................................................................................... 40
5.25 Check Swellex Pump for Leaks ............................................................................................. 41
5.26 Clean Water Strainer on Swellex Pump ................................................................................ 42
5.27 Check Reeling Units ............................................................................................................... 43
5.28 Test the Parking Brakes ......................................................................................................... 43
5.29 Check Service Brake Pressure .............................................................................................. 44
5.30 Check Parking Brake Pressure.............................................................................................. 46
5.31 Check Service Brake .............................................................................................................. 47
5.32 Check Rock Drill ..................................................................................................................... 47
5.33 Drain Water Condensation from Primary Fuel Filter ........................................................... 48
5.34 Drain Condensate from Air Tank ........................................................................................... 49

6 Operation Controls .............................................................................................. 51

6.1 Turn On the 24-Volt Battery ................................................................................................... 51
6.2 Turn Off the 24-Volt Battery ................................................................................................... 52
6.3 Turning On Main Power.......................................................................................................... 52
6.4 Controls and Instruments ...................................................................................................... 53
6.5 ROM, Drill stop and Lighting Panel ....................................................................................... 54
6.6 Carrier Control System (CCS) Driving Panel........................................................................ 55
6.7 Steering Joystick .................................................................................................................... 58
6.8 Control Panel for Air Conditioner.......................................................................................... 60
6.9 Driving Controls ...................................................................................................................... 61
6.10 Turn Signals and Headlight Button ....................................................................................... 62
6.11 Control box for Heater A35 .................................................................................................... 62
6.12 Adjust Seat to Operator Position .......................................................................................... 63
6.13 Reverse Camera ...................................................................................................................... 63

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Boomer M20/M20 S Table of Contents

7 Tramming/Driving ................................................................................................ 65
7.1 Safety Precautions Before Tramming/Driving ..................................................................... 65
7.2 Operator's Field of View ......................................................................................................... 65
7.3 Check Before Starting the Engine ......................................................................................... 67
7.4 Starting the Diesel Engine ..................................................................................................... 68
7.5 Preparations before Tramming.............................................................................................. 69
7.5.1 Fill Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank.................................................................................... 69
7.6 Positioning before Tramming ................................................................................................ 71
7.7 Position Before Tramming with Telescopic Feed on BUT M Pro ....................................... 72
7.8 Position Before Tramming with Telescopic Feed on BUT M .............................................. 73
7.9 Parking the Machine ............................................................................................................... 74
7.10 Check After Tramming ........................................................................................................... 75
7.11 Check Emergency Stop Buttons After Tramming ............................................................... 75

8 Prepare for Drilling .............................................................................................. 77

8.1 Machine Positioning ............................................................................................................... 77
8.2 Lowering Jacks ....................................................................................................................... 78
8.3 Connect to Water Supply ....................................................................................................... 79
8.4 Connecting to Power Supply ................................................................................................. 80
8.4.1 Safety Precautions Working with Power Supply Cable ........................................................ 80
8.5 Check Oil Levels ..................................................................................................................... 81

9 Transport .............................................................................................................. 83
9.1 Preparations Before Hoisting ................................................................................................ 83
9.2 Before Loading the Machine onto the Transport Vehicle ................................................... 83
9.2.1 Articulation Lock ................................................................................................................... 84
9.3 Towing ..................................................................................................................................... 85
9.3.1 Safety Precautions Before Towing ....................................................................................... 85
9.3.2 Preparing for Towing ............................................................................................................ 85
9.3.3 Restoring after Towing ......................................................................................................... 89

10 Electrical System ................................................................................................. 91

10.1 Electric Cabinet Australia ...................................................................................................... 91
10.2 Electric Cabinet IEC ................................................................................................................ 93
10.3 Electric Cabinet USA .............................................................................................................. 95
10.4 Electric Cabinet Canada ......................................................................................................... 96

11 Particle Filter Regeneration ................................................................................ 99

11.1 Start Standstill Regeneration................................................................................................. 99
11.2 Interrupt Standstill Regeneration ........................................................................................ 100
11.3 Replace Diesel Particulate Filter ......................................................................................... 101

12 Climate Control Unit .......................................................................................... 103

13 Cab Fan Heater .................................................................................................. 105

14 Reeling Units ...................................................................................................... 107

14.1 Hose Reeling Unit ................................................................................................................. 107
14.2 Operating Reeling Units ....................................................................................................... 107
14.2.1 Unwinding Main Power Cable from Reeling Unit................................................................ 107

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Boomer M20/M20 S Table of Contents

14.2.2 Winding Main Power Cable onto Reeling Unit.................................................................... 108

14.2.3 Unwinding Water Hose from Reeling Unit .......................................................................... 110
14.2.4 Winding Water Hose onto Reeling Unit .............................................................................. 111
14.3 Dual Command for Reeling Units ........................................................................................ 113

15 Water Separator ................................................................................................. 115

16 Manual High-Pressure Washer......................................................................... 117

17 Manual Low-Pressure Washer.......................................................................... 119

18 Boot Washer....................................................................................................... 121

19 Freeze Prevention Measures ............................................................................ 123

19.1 Freeze Prevention Measures ............................................................................................... 123
19.2 Drain Water System .............................................................................................................. 123
19.3 Drain Water Pump ................................................................................................................. 125
19.4 Drain Water Mist Pump......................................................................................................... 126
19.5 Drain Condensate from Air Tank ......................................................................................... 127
19.6 Drain Swellex Pump.............................................................................................................. 127

20 Bolting ................................................................................................................ 129

20.1 Prepare for Bolting with Swellex ......................................................................................... 129
20.2 Install Bolts with Swellex Arm ............................................................................................. 130

21 Safe Bolting System .......................................................................................... 133

21.1 Positioning for Safe Bolting System ................................................................................... 133
21.2 Operating in Safe Bolting System ....................................................................................... 133
21.3 Operate Safe Bolting System with Drill Stop 2.0 in AUTO ................................................ 133
21.4 Selecting Alternate Lever Function..................................................................................... 134
21.5 Emergency Mode .................................................................................................................. 134

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Boomer M20/M20 S 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Safety First

Always read the information in the safety manual before starting to use the machine or be-
fore starting any maintenance work.

1.2 The Purpose of this Publication

The Operation manual is intended to:
• Give an overall description of methods, required calculations, and settings.
• Give an overall description of machine features.
• Instruct the operator regarding applicable controls, handling, and operation of the ma-
• Instruct the operator about doing maintenance and troubleshooting.

1.3 Target Group

The information in this publication is intended for everyone involved in the application, op-
eration, and maintenance of the machine and related equipment. All readers are expected
to possess basic competence regarding mining methods, construction methods, and the
machines used for that kind of operation.

1.4 Feedback and Contact Information

Epiroc works actively to develop and continuously improve its products and associated
documentation. Provide your feedback on products and documentation by contacting your
local supplier at https://www.epiroc.com, under 'CONTACT'.

NOTE: Epiroc values customer feedback. If you give feedback via email, make sure
! that you use a valid email address.

Postal Address:

Epiroc Rock Drills AB

SE-701 91 Orebro

7 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 1 Introduction

8 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 2 Technical Data

2 Technical Data

2.1 Weight

Weight, Standard Machine without Drill Rod

Weight See data plate

2.2 Dimensions

Machine Dimensions

Length 12-17 m (472.44-669.21 in.)

Width 2.25 m (88.60 in.)

Height, machine with cab, standard 3.04 m (119.68 in.)

Height, machine with cab, option 2.90 to 3.29 m (114.17-129.52 in.)

2.3 Performance


Installed electric power capacity See data plate

Voltage See data plate

Frequency See data plate

Ambient temperature 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)

2.4 Stability


Complies with EN 16228-1:2014 and EN 16228-2:2014

2.5 Maximum Permitted Inclination Angles for Tramming

and Drill Rig Setup

Maximum Permitted Inclination Angles for Tramming and Setup

See Safety, Stability.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 2 Technical Data

2.6 BUT M Pro


Description Data

Complete boom, including hydraulic hoses 3201 kg (7056.99 lb)

Rear boom section 1776 kg (3915.40 lb)

Front boom section 1306 kg (2879.23 lb)

! NOTE: All weights are in respect of boom, excluding feeder and rock drill.


Description Data

Boom retracted 5864 mm (231 in.)

Boom extended 7464 mm (293.86 in.)

Kinematic Configuration

Description Data

Boom lift 54.5° upwards, 48.5° downwards (parallel holes

normal to drill face)

Feed inclination ±180°

Feed rotation ±190°

Boom swing ±42° (max.)

2.7 BUT M


Description Data

Complete boom, including hydraulic hoses 3380 kg (7451.62 lb)

Rear boom section 1662 kg (3664.08 lb)

Front boom section 989 kg (2180.37 lb)

! NOTE: All weights are in respect of boom, excluding feed and rock drill.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 2 Technical Data


Description Data

Boom retracted 5922 mm (233 in.)

Boom extended 7522 mm (296.14 in.)

Kinematic Configuration

Description Data

Boom lift 54.5° upwards, 48.5° downwards (parallel holes

normal to drill face)

Feed inclination ±180°

Feed rotation ±190°

Boom swing ±42° (max.)

2.8 Wheels


Tires (boom and engine section) 12.00 x 24

Rims (boom and engine section) 8.50 x 24

Tire pressure 10 bar (145.03 psi)

Description Data

Tightening torque wheel nuts 550 Nm (406 lbf.ft)

2.9 Steering

Control valve Parker L90

Variable pump displacement 60 cm3 /turn

Maximum working pressure 210 bar (3045.79 psi)

Steering cylinder 125/63-500

2.10 Drive Axles

DANA 113

Axle type DANA 113

Maximum load front axle 19500 kg (42990 lb)

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Boomer M20/M20 S 2 Technical Data

DANA 113

Maximum load rear axle 11000 kg (24250 lb)

Weight 660 kg (1455 lb)

2.11 Transmission

Clark 24 000 Long Drop

Dry weight 333 kg (734.13 lb)

2.12 Brake Systems

Service Brake

System Dual independent circuits. Hydraulic disk brakes in

oil bath in both axels.

Hydraulic pressure 80–85 bar (1160 to 1233 psi)

Parking and Emergency Brake

System SAHR (Spring Applied Hydraulic Released)

Maximum hydraulic pressure 30 bar (435 psi)

2.13 Pumps, Electrically Driven, Gar 5

Percussion and Positioning Pump

Type Variable axial piston pump

Model A10V

Displacement, max 100 cm³/turn

Rotation Pump

Type Gear pump

Model PGP 620

Displacement, 50 Hz 50 cm³/turn

Displacement, 60 Hz 41 cm³/turn

Compressor Pump

Type Gear pump

Model PGP 620

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Boomer M20/M20 S 2 Technical Data

Compressor Pump

Displacement, 50 Hz 23 cm³/turn

Displacement, 60 Hz 19 cm³/turn

Water Pump

Type Gear pump

Model PGP 620

Displacement, 50 Hz 23 cm³/turn

Displacement, 60 Hz 19 cm³/turn

Damper Pump

Type Gear pump

Model PGP 511

Displacement, 50 Hz 8 cm³/turn

Displacement, 60 Hz 6 cm³/turn

Hydraulic Oil Reservoir

Capacity min-max 255-365 l (45-67 gal)

2.14 Pumps, Electrically Driven, Gar 30

Percussion and Positioning Pump

Type Variable axial piston pump

Model A10V

Displacement, max 140 cm³/turn

Rotation Pump

Type Gear pump

Model PGP 620

Displacement, 50 Hz 50 cm³/turn

Displacement, 60 Hz 41 cm³/turn

Compressor Pump

Type Gear pump

Model PGP 620

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Boomer M20/M20 S 2 Technical Data

Compressor Pump

Displacement, 50 Hz 23 cm³/turn

Displacement, 60 Hz 19 cm³/turn

Water Pump

Type Gear pump

Model PGP 620

Displacement, 50 Hz 32 cm³/turn

Displacement, 60 Hz 26 cm³/turn

Damper Pump

Type Gear pump

Model PGP 511

Displacement, 50 Hz 8 cm³/turn

Displacement, 60 Hz 6 cm³/turn

Hydraulic Oil Reservoir

Capacity min-max 255-365 l (45-67 gal)

2.15 Cooling System

Diesel Engine Coolant Volume

Deutz TCD 4.1 4-cyl Stage V Tier 5 17.3 l (4.6 gallons)

Deutz TCD 6.1 6-cyl Stage V Tier 5 33.3 l (8.8 gallons)

Deutz TCD 6.1 6-cyl Stage V Tier 5 Diesel Hydraulic 33.3 l (8.8 gallons)

Deutz TCD 2013 L04 4-cyl Stage IIIA Tier 3 18.8 l (4.9 gallons)

Deutz TCD 2013 L04 4-cyl Stage IIIA Tier 3 Diesel Hydraulic 18.8 l (4.9 gallons)

Deutz TCD 2012 L06 6-cyl Stage V Tier 5 28.5 l (7.53 gallons)

2.16 Recommended Power Supply Cable 2×55 kW

! NOTE: 2×55 kW, Service Factor 1.15, at 40 °C.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 2 Technical Data

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

380-400 Rockflex 3×150 50.5 120

440 Rockflex 3×120 45 120

500-550 Rockflex 3×95 40.5 150

660-690 Rockflex 3×70 37 175

1000 Rockflex 3×50 32 200

! NOTE: 2×55 kW, Service Factor 1.15, at 25 °C.

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

380-400 Rockflex 3×120 45 120

440 Rockflex 3×95 40.5 150

500-550 Rockflex 3×70 37 175

660-690 Rockflex 3×50 32 200

1000 Rockflex 3×35 28 200

2.17 Recommended Power Supply Cable 2×75 kW

! NOTE: 2×75 kW, Service Factor 1.15, at 40 °C.

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

380-400 Rockflex 3×185 55 90

440-500 Rockflex 3×150 50.5 120

550 Rockflex 3×120 45 120

660-690 Rockflex 3×95 40.5 150

1000 Rockflex 3×50 32 200

! NOTE: 2×75 kW, Service Factor 1.15, at 25 °C.

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

380 Rockflex 3×185 55 80

400-440 Rockflex 3×150 50.5 120

500 Rockflex 3×120 45 120

550 Rockflex 3×95 40.5 150

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Boomer M20/M20 S 2 Technical Data

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

660-690 Rockflex 3×70 37 175

1000 Rockflex 3×50 32 200

! NOTE: 2×75 kW, Service Factor 1.3, at 40 °C.

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

440-500 Rockflex 3×185 55 90

550 Rockflex 3×150 50.5 120

660-690 Rockflex 3×120 45 120

1000 Rockflex 3×70 37 175

! NOTE: 2×75 kW, Service Factor 1.3, at 25 °C.

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

380-440 Rockflex 3×185 55 80

500-550 Rockflex 3×150 50.5 120

660-690 Rockflex 3×95 40.5 150

1000 Rockflex 3×50 32 200

2.18 Recommended Power Supply Cable 2×95 kW

! NOTE: 2×95 kW, Service Factor 1.15, at 40 °C.

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

550 Rockflex 3×185 55 80

660-690 Rockflex 3×150 50.5 120

1000 Rockflex 3×70 37 175

! NOTE: 2×95 kW, Service Factor 1.15, at 25 °C.

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

440 Rockflex 3×185 55 80

500-660 Rockflex 3×150 50.5 120

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Boomer M20/M20 S 2 Technical Data

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

690 Rockflex 3×95 40.5 150

1000 Rockflex 3×70 37 175

! NOTE: 2×95 kW, Service Factor 1.3, at 40 °C.

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

660 Rockflex 3×185 55 80

690 Rockflex 3×150 50.5 120

1000 Rockflex 3×95 40.5 150

! NOTE: 2×95 kW, Service Factor 1.3, at 25 °C.

Voltage (V) Type Area (mm2) Diameter (mm) Length (m)

500-550 Rockflex 3×185 55 80

660-690 Rockflex 3×150 50.5 120

1000 Rockflex 3×70 37 175

2.19 Incoming Water Line Hoses

Recommended Hose Sizes mm in.

Hose dimension, 2-boom machine 38 1.5

2.20 Air Conditioner Cab

Refrigerant R134a

Amount of refrigerant 1.4 kg (3.1 lb)

Refrigerating capacity (35 °C, Rh 50%) 8.9 kW

Heating capacity, from diesel engine 9 kW

Heating capacity, electric heater 3 kW

Air flow 617 m3/h

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Boomer M20/M20 S 2 Technical Data

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Boomer M20/M20 S 3 Main Components

3 Main Components

A Cab B Boom

C Rock drill D Feed

E Front jacks F Rear jacks

G Cable reeling unit H Hose reeling unit

J Operators panel designed for standing op-


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Boomer M20/M20 S 3 Main Components

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Boomer M20/M20 S 4 Product Description

4 Product Description

The rig has the following features and characteristics:

• Underground blasthole drill machine
• Equipped with a top hammer rock drill
• Computer-based machine control system (RCS)
• Powered by a diesel engine
• Powered by several electrical motors for drilling
• Computer-based carrier control system (CCS)

4.1 Intended Use of the Product

The machine and related equipment are designed for drilling holes in tunnels and mines.
It is designed solely for this purpose.

4.2 Misuse of the Product

Misuse of the Product
Using the machine in a careless manner or for tasks other than what is described in the
instructions, can damage or cause problems with the machine and related equipment
or cause serious injury or death.
u Make sure that the user is provided relevant Epiroc product training and safety training
before using the product.
u Read and understand the instructions before using the product, and become familiar
with the permitted tasks and product capabilities.
u The instructions must be followed in all applications and tasks when using the product.
u Always obey local laws and regulations.
u Do not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs when using the product.

Machine Damage
Misuse of the machine can cause problems or damage to the machine and related
u Read and understand the instructions before using the machine.
u Follow the instructions and use the machine as intended.

Any use that is not described in the section Intended Use of the Product are forbidden.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 4 Product Description

Examples of Misuse and forbidden use:

• Lifting or transporting loads or people
• Supporting objects
• Scaling rock
• Using the boom to help the machine move up inclines
The list is not exhaustive.

4.3 Machine Data Plate

Example of a Machine Data Plate

NOTE: The machine data plate that is installed on the machine varies depending on
! the type, specification, and territory in which the machine is operated.

The machine data plate contains the serial number (product identification number) for each
individual machine, and is required when:
• Contacting Epiroc for support
• Ordering components or kits
• Creating records
• Maintaining records
The machine data plate indicates if the machine is CE certified or EAC certified. If no CE or
EAC mark is present on the machine data plate, the machine is not CE or EAC certified.

NOTE: The letters CE is an abbreviation for Conformité Européenne which means in

conformity with the EC directives. The existence of a CE mark on a product means that
! the manufacturer or importer certifies that it complies with the European Union (EU)
health, environmental, and safety requirements. The CE mark is also a trademark,
which means that a CE-marked product can be sold freely within the EU.

NOTE: The letters EAC is an abbreviation for Eurasian Conformity, which means in
conformity with the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The
existence of an EAC mark on a product, means that the manufacturer or importer certi-
! fies that it complies with the EAEU requirements of the corresponding technical regula-
tions. Furthermore it means that the product has passed all conformity assessment pro-

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Boomer M20/M20 S 4 Product Description

4.4 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

The machine complice with:
• European Union: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU.
• Canada: CAN ICES-2/NMB-2. ICES-002 — Vehicles, Boats, and Other Devices Pro-
pelled by an Internal Combustion Engine, Electrical Means or Both.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 4 Product Description

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Boomer M20/M20 S 5 Daily Maintenance

5 Daily Maintenance

5.1 About Daily Maintenance

NOTE: To make sure optimal availability of the machine and its equipment, it is of ut-
! most importance that daily maintenance is carried out in accordance with the recom-

The objective for the daily maintenance of the machine is to:

• Detect faults at an early stage
• Facilitate servicing
• Allow scheduled maintenance and planned reconditioning work to be performed
• Prevent costly secondary damage
• Prevent breakdowns
• Prevent personal injury

NOTE: If a fault is detected, only operate the machine or equipment when all faults
! have been rectified.

5.2 Visual Check

! NOTE: As soon as a fault is detected, note it and report to maintenance personnel.

¡ Check the closure, locks and seals of doors, hatches and opening panels.

¡ Check safety devices.

¡ Check hoses and cables.

¡ Check oil levels.

¡ Check lubrication points.

¡ Check leakage and wear.

¡ Check any faults in the function of the controls.

5.3 Wash Machine Externally

Disconnect firefighting equipment if steam washing or high-pressure washing is used.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 5 Daily Maintenance

¡ Rinse the machine with water at least once a day to remove drill cuttings, mud, and

NOTE: Never spray water directly against the opening of the

! diesel engine intake manifold.

5.3.1 Activate High-Pressure Washer

This equipment is optional.

Machine Damage
There is a risk of damaging control system and electrical components when using the
high-pressure cleaning.
u Observe caution when using the high-pressure cleaning.
u Do not use the high-pressure cleaning on control system and electrical components.

The high-pressure washer is used to clean the rig from stubborn emulsion and dirt.

NOTE: Disconnect firefighting equipment if pressure washing near fire detection sen-
! sors or cables on machines that are equipped with automatic fire release systems. This
to prevent unintentional release of the system.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 5 Daily Maintenance

Precondition ü The water hose is connected to the tunnel water outlet and secured to the tunnel
ü The RCS system is activated.
ü The electric motor is on.
ü The firefighting equipment is disconnected, if needed.

¡ Press the button (A) to start the high-pressure cleaning.

End result è The high-pressure washer is activated for 5 minutes.

5.4 Check Condition of Signs

¡ Make sure that all signs are in place.

¡ Make sure that all signs are intact, clean, and fully readable.

¡ Always replace defect or missing signs.

5.5 Check Condition of Hatches and Locks

Check the condition of hatches and the locks on enclosures, cabinets, and service points.

1. Check that the condition of the closing, locking, and opening mechanisms of all

2. Check that the seals are positioned correctly and that they are intact.

3. Lubricate the hinges. Apply universal grease to grease nipples.

4. Lubricate lock mechanisms with Teflon-based lock lubricant or equivalent.

5.6 Check Fire Extinguishers

The handheld fire extinguishers are optional.

NOTE: The number of designated locations for handheld fire extinguishers depends on
! machine model.

! NOTE: All fire extinguishers on the machine must be checked.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 5 Daily Maintenance

¡ Check that the fire extinguisher gauge indicator is in the green zone. If the gauge
indicator is in the red zone, replace the fire extinguisher with a new fire extinguisher
that is approved according to local laws and regulations.

Example of a Fire Extinguisher Gauge Indicator that is in the Green Zone

¡ Check that the seal and the lockpin on the handle of fire extinguisher are intact (not
broken or damaged so as to impair its function). If the seal is broken but the lockpin
is intact, replace the seal. If the seal is intact but the lockpin is broken or damaged
so that its function is impaired, replace the seal and the lockpin.

¡ Check the fire extinguisher and the holder for loose parts, defects, or damage. If
there are any loose parts, tighten them. If there are any defects or that the fire ex-
tinguisher or the holder are damaged, replace the handheld fire extinguisher and
the holder.

¡ If the machine is equipped with a powder extinguisher, take the powder extin-
guisher and turn it upside down a few times to loosen up the powder.

NOTE: Further maintenance instructions are found on the handheld fire extinguisher. It
! is important to follow the instructions on the handheld fire extinguisher always.

5.7 Check the Fire Suppression System

This equipment is optional.

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¡ Check the system components for mechanical damage or corrosion.

¡ Check that the seals and lockpins (A) of the fire suppression system actuators are
not broken or seriously damaged.

¡ Check that the seal (C) of the control module (B) is not broken or seriously dam-

¡ Check that all couplings (D) are tightened.

¡ Check that the nozzles (E) are clean and correctly aimed and that the protective
caps (F) are properly in place.

¡ Check that all hoses are intact and that all hose retainers are bolted or welded.

¡ Check that the system runs with no faults indicated in the control module (B) or (G).

¡ Check the detection cable and the control module for damage.

¡ Check plates for readability and make sure that they are properly attached.

5.8 Check Control Module Checkfire

This equipment is optional.

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A Power LED B Delay / Reset / Silence button

C Detection fault LED D Release fault LED

E Push to activate / Alarm when lit button

and LED

¡ Check visually that the power LED (A) is green and steady-on.

¡ Check visually that all other LEDs (C and D) are off (not steady-on or pulsing).

¡ Check that the sounder is silent.

5.9 Check Manually Fire Suppression System on Operator

The fire suppression system is optional equipment.

¡ Check that the cover (B) and the button (A) has no fault.

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¡ Check that the system is running and that no fault indications are illuminated.

¡ Check the detection cable and control unit.

5.10 Check Emergency Stops

¡ Check the function of all emergency stops on the machine.

5.11 Check Bolted Swing Stop

¡ Check that all bolted swing stops are in place. Examples of places where they can
be is the boom and articulation area.

5.12 Check Articulation Lock

¡ Check for damages.

¡ Check that all locking pins are in place.

5.13 Check Feed

¡ Clean the sliding surfaces of feed holder and cradle with water.

¡ Check for leaks and damage on all hoses.

5.14 Check Boom Condition

¡ Check and rectify any damage and leaks on the boom.

¡ Lubricate the tilt unit and the cylinder.

¡ Lubricate the hose guidance and the guide bushes.

¡ Lubricate the boom extension while running extension movement in and out.

¡ Check lubrication hoses and nipple connection for damage.

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5.15 Check Drill Steel Support

Moving Parts
Risk of crushing injury!
u Use the safety lock tool when opening the drill support.

1. Check for wear and damage on support bushing (A).

2. Replace support bushing if necessary.

3. Check the tightening of the screws (B).

4. Check for wear and damage on dowel (C).

5. Check all pipes, nipples, hoses, and rectify any damage and leaks.

5.16 Replace Drill Steel Support Bushing

Moving Parts
Risk of crushing injury!
u Use the safety lock tool when opening the drill support.

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1. Loose and remove the screw and screw-nut (A).

2. Remove the support half (C).

3. Replace the drill steel support bushings (B).

4. Place the support half (C).

5. Tightening the screw and screw-nut (A).

5.17 Check Coolant Level

Precondition ü The engine has reached room temperature.

ü The machine is leveled.

¡ Check the coolant level on the sight glass (A) on the expansion vessel.

The level must be between the MIN and MAX mark.

¡ Add coolant if necessary.

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5.17.1 Adding Coolant

High Temperature
Can cause personal injury or death.
u Use personal protective gear.

High System Pressure
Can cause personal injury or death.
u Release the pressure in the system before starting any work.

Bleeding is performed automatically when filling.

Precondition ü The diesel engine is off and has reached room temperature.

1. Check that the cooler drain tap is closed and that the drain plug on the diesel en-
gine and all hoses are tightened.

2. Check that the filler hose (B) is clean and then connect it to the reservoir with new

3. Press and hold the button on the control box (A47) to operate the filler pump

4. Fill coolant until the level is approximately in the center of the sight glass (A).

5. Start the diesel engine and warm up until the thermostat opens so that the coolant
begins to circulate through the system.

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6. Switch off the diesel engine.

7. Check the coolant level when the engine is cold and fill up again if necessary.

5.18 Check Diesel Engine Oil Level

Hot Surface
Hot components can cause serious personal injury.
u Turn off the machine and allow the components to cool down before starting mainte-
nance work.
u Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
u Be careful when draining hot fluids.
u Do not handle flammable fluids near hot surfaces, sparks, or open flames.

Burning Hazard
High oil temperature can cause serious personal injury.
u Shut off the engine.
u Use working gloves, face shield, and cover your arms with long sleeves.

Precondition ü The diesel engine is turned off.

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1. Check that the oil level is between the upper and lower mark on the dipstick (A).

2. Top up the oil through the filler cap (B), if necessary.

NOTE: Only use engine oil that the engine manufacturer ap-
! proves for engine and type of operation.

See Reference Documentation

Diesel engine instruction manual

5.19 Check Diesel Engine Sealing Integrity

¡ Visually check the diesel engine for leaks.

5.20 Empty Engine Air Filter Evacuation Valve

Engine Damage
Operating the machine without evacuation valve installed or with a damaged evacua-
tion valve leads to extreme deterioration of air filtration, and can damage the engine in
the long term.
u Check and clean the evacuation valve as scheduled or more often if necessary.

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¡ Empty the evacuation valve (A) by squeezing the slit together in the direction of the

¡ Clean the slit at regular intervals.

5.21 Check Compressor GAR 5 and GAR 30

¡ Check the oil level in the receiver tank.

¡ Check condition of the air filter and replace if necessary.

¡ If a cyclone filter is installed on the air filter unit, check the particle level in the re-
ceiver tank and empty if necessary.

See Reference Documentation

Compressor instruction manual

5.22 Check Hydraulic System

¡ Check the oil level in the hydraulic oil tank using the oil sight glass.

¡ Check that the return oil filter is not clogged.

A symbol on the control system display warns if the filter is clogged.

¡ Check hydraulic hoses for leaks and damage.

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¡ Check oil level in the ECL lubrication tank (A). Use Cop Oil.

ECL tank (Electric Controlled Lubrication)

Hydraulic Oil Tank Volume

255 liters (67 gallons)

Lubrication Oil ECL

5 litres (1.3 gallon)

5.22.1 Fill Hydraulic Oil

Overfill Hydraulic Oil Tank
Overfilling the hydraulic oil tank destroys the breather filter.
u Only fill the hydraulic oil tank to the correct level.

Location of button and sight glass on hydraulic oil tank differs on machines.

! NOTE: The position of the cylinders affects the level in the tank.

! NOTE: Fill new oil only with the filler pump installed on the machine.

The oil must be filtered before reaching the tank. It is achieved automatically if the filler
pump is used.

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Precondition ü All the cylinders are retracted (piston rod in).

ü All the couplings and hoses to be filled with hydraulic oil are clean.

1. Check if the return oil filter is clogged.

A symbol on the control system display warns if the filter is clogged.

2. Remove the protective cap from the suction hose.

3. Place the suction hose into the tank with new oil.

4. Press button A81 to activate pump (A) to start filling.

5. Check the oil level in the sight glass (B).

The correct level is reached when the oil level is 20 mm (0.87 in) below the upper
edge of the oil sight glass.

6. Release button A81 when the correct level is reached.

7. Remove the suction hose from the tank.

8. Install the protective cap to the suction hose.

Hydraulic Oil Tank Volume

255 liters (67 gallons)

5.23 Separate Water from Hydraulic Oil

The water separator is an optional function.
The water separator option is a function for circulating the oil during operation or when sta-
tionary in order to release water from the hydraulic oil.

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1. Drain the water separator before use into a suitable container by opening the drain
valve (B).

2. Connect the pump (A) to the rig's electrical socket or an external one.
Step result è The water separator starts operating.

NOTE: During continuous operation the water separator must be drained of water on a
! daily basis. The filter must be replaced if the pressure drop over the filter insert reaches
above 1.5 bar on the filter pressure gauge.

5.24 Clean Water Strainer

High System Pressure
There is a risk of personal injury when working with pressurized systems.
u Do not perform maintenance work while the machine is operating.
u Check that the hydraulic, water, and air systems are depressurized and that the electri-
cal system is de-energized before starting to work on these systems.

! NOTE: Clean the strainer regularly to maintain the proper flow.

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Precondition ü The mine is equipped with a water supply.

ü The hose connection points are clean.

1. Connect a water supply to the water inlet (B) on the machine.

2. Open the main stop valve (A).

3. Open the drain valve (E) and let water run through the water strainer (C).

4. Close the drain valve (E) and the stop valve (A)

5. Disconnect the water supply from the water inlet (B).

6. Remove the end piece (D) if the water strainer is damaged.

7. Remove the strainer drum.

8. Clean the strainer drum or replace with a new one if necessary.

5.25 Check Swellex Pump for Leaks

This equipment is optional.
¡ Check for leaks on the overflow hole on the underside of the pump.

Step result è If the pump leaks more than ten drops per minute, the seals must be replaced
with new ones.

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5.26 Clean Water Strainer on Swellex Pump

The Swellex pump is optional equipment.

High Water Pressure
The high water pressure from the pump can cause personal injury.
u Examine and rectify the leaks in high-pressure lines and couplings.
u Set the main circuit breaker to turn off position before working on the pump.
u Make sure that the hydraulic system is depressurized before working on the pump.
u Swellex pump must be activated to check that the water system is depressurized be-
fore working on the pump.

1. Open the drain valve (A).

2. Clean the water strainer by flushing water through the strainer (B) for a few sec-

3. Check the filter.

a. Remove the nipple (C) from the water strainer.

b. Pull the filter out from the water strainer.

c. Check that the filter is clean and intact.

Replace the filter with a new one if necessary.

d. Install the filter.

e. Install the nipple (C) on the water strainer.

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5.27 Check Reeling Units

¡ Check the oil level through the sight glass (A) and top up if necessary.

¡ Check the hose connections for leaks.

¡ Rotate the cable reel after four hours of operation. Rotation of cable reel avoids
flashover due to oxidation.

5.28 Test the Parking Brakes

! NOTE: Use the machine only when the machine passes the brake test.

NOTE: The machine must be park on horizontal surface to guarantee the reliability of
! the test result.

NOTE: Caution must be used when testing the brakes. Never assume that the brakes
! hold the machine.

Precondition ü The throttle is released.

ü The gear switch is set to neutral.
ü The parking brake is applied.
ü The engine is running.

1. Go to menu Settings > System > Brakes > Calibrate .

2. Tap the Test button next to P-brake test.

3. Make sure that all the conditions appear on the display are fulfilled.

4. Tap the Continue button.

5. Select driving direction by selecting a gear.

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6. Apply full throttle, press and hold the throttle pedal until the brake test is done.
Step result è Brake test done message is displayed on the screen.

7. Tap the Continue button.

8. Release the throttle and set the gear switch to neutral.

9. Answer the question Did the machine move? that appears on the screen.

a. Tap Yes if the machine moved.

Step result è Brake test failed. Service required, contact an authorized maintenance per-

b. Tap No if the machine did not move.

Step result è The brake test is successful and the message Brake test succeeded is dis-
played on the screen.

5.29 Check Service Brake Pressure

Hydraulic Oil at High Pressure
Thin jets of hydraulic oil under high pressure can penetrate the skin and cause perma-
nent damage.
u Never use your fingers to check for hydraulic fluid leaks.
u Keep your face away from any possible leaks.

High pressure can damage the components.
u Make sure that the pressure does not exceed 85 bar (1232 psi).

The pressure can be checked in two different ways. It can be checked in the CCS (Carrier
Control System) and it can be checked on either of the two pressure test outlets.
This instruction shows how to check the parking break pressure on the pressure test out-

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Precondition ü The machine is parked on a flat and leveled surface.

ü The parking brake is applied.

1. Connect a pressure gauge to the brake system pressure test outlet MP5.

2. Start the diesel engine or traction motor.

3. Push down and hold the brake pedal for 3-4 seconds and read the pressure on the
pressure gauge. The reading on the pressure gauge must be 76-82 bar (1160–
1232 psi).

! NOTE: The pressure is factory set and cannot be adjusted.

4. Stop the diesel engine or traction motor.

5. Remove the pressure gauge from the test outlet MP5.

6. Connect a pressure gauge to the brake system pressure test outlet MP4.

7. Repeats step 2-4.

8. Remove the pressure gauge from the test outlet MP4.

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5.30 Check Parking Brake Pressure

Hydraulic Oil at High Pressure
Thin jets of hydraulic oil under high pressure can penetrate the skin and cause perma-
nent damage.
u Never use your fingers to check for hydraulic fluid leaks.
u Keep your face away from any possible leaks.

High pressure can damage the components.
u Make sure that the pressure does not exceed 35 bar (508 psi).

The pressure can be checked in two different ways. It can be checked in the CCS (Carrier
Control System) and it can be checked on either of the two pressure test outlets.
This instruction shows how to check the parking break pressure on the pressure test out-

Precondition ü The machine is parked on a flat and leveled surface.

ü The wheels are blocked.

1. Connect a pressure gauge to the parking brake system test outlet MP8 or to test
outlet MP9.

2. Start the diesel engine or traction motor.

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3. Pull out the parking brake switch on the driving panel to release the parking
brake and read the pressure on the pressure gauge.
The reading on the pressure gauge must be 30 bar (435 psi).

4. Stop the diesel engine or traction motor.

5. Remove the pressure gauge from the test outlet MP8.

5.31 Check Service Brake

Property Damage
Risk of overheating the transmission system.
u Do not perform the brake test for longer than four seconds.

Precondition ü The machine is parked on a flat and level surface.

ü The diesel engine is turned on.

1. Press and hold the brake pedal down.

2. Release the parking brake.

3. Engage second gear.

4. Gradually increase engine rpm to maximum.

5. Check the machine movement.

Step result è If the machine moves, then the brakes must be repaired or replaced before op-
erating the machine.

5.32 Check Rock Drill

¡ Inspect and clean the rock drill.

See Reference Documentation

Rock drill instruction manual

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5.33 Drain Water Condensation from Primary Fuel Filter

Hot Surface
Hot components can cause serious personal injury.
u Turn off the machine and allow the components to cool down before starting mainte-
nance work.
u Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
u Be careful when draining hot fluids.
u Do not handle flammable fluids near hot surfaces, sparks, or open flames.

Precondition ü The diesel engine is turned off.

ü The electrical connections are disconnected.

1. Place a vessel below the primary fuel filter drain plug (A).

2. Loosen the drain plug (A).

3. Drain fluid until pure diesel fuel runs out.

4. Install and tighten the drain plug (A).

Tightening Torque Primary Fuel Filter Drain Plug

Tightening torque Tolerance

1.6 Nm (1.2 lbf.ft) ±0.3 Nm

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5.34 Drain Condensate from Air Tank

Precondition ü Air tank is installed on machines with the hole blowing kit option.
ü The machine is parked on a flat and level surface.

1. Open the drain valve (B) on the air tank (A).

2. Close the drain valve (B) when the flow of water stops.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 6 Operation Controls

6 Operation Controls

6.1 Turn On the 24-Volt Battery

The 24-V battery (VCA) must be turned on before turning on anything else on the rig.

Precondition ü The battery power is OFF.

1. Turn the battery isolation switch (A) on the 24-V battery (VCA) to ON position. The
switch is already in vertical position if the battery isolation switch has not been used
when turning off the battery power.

2. Push the green electrical main power button (B) or turn the knob on the Carrier
Control System (CCS) (C).

Step result è The 24-V battery (VCA) electrical systems of the machine turns on.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 6 Operation Controls

6.2 Turn Off the 24-Volt Battery

The main battery is turned off when the 24-V battery (VCA) is turned off.

Precondition ü The Rig Control System (RCS) are turned off.

1. Push the red electrical main power button (B) or turn the knob on the Carrier Con-
trol System (CCS) (C).

Step result è • The 24-V battery (VCA) electrical systems of the machine turns off.

2. If the machine is to be serviced, repaired or shipped, turn the battery isolation

switch (A) to OFF position.

Step result è • The battery is isolated.

• The battery isolation switch can be locked with a padlock.

NOTE: The battery isolation switch must be turned off at ser-

vice and repair of the machine due to safety reasons. Also
! observe local mining and transport regulations. Otherwise, at
daily use of the machine, it is sufficient to turn off the battery
power only by carrying out step 1.

6.3 Turning On Main Power

Precondition ü The main power cable is connected to the tunnel outlet and secured to the tunnel
ü Correct voltage is used.

1. Turn the electric cabinet main switch to position 1.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 6 Operation Controls

2. Press the lamp test button and check that all the indicator lamps on the electric
cabinet come on.

Step result è If an indicator lamp does not come on, investigate and rectify the cause.

3. Check that all the electric cabinet motor switches are in position 1.

6.4 Controls and Instruments

Operator Area

A Restricted Operating Mode (ROM), Drill B Carrier Control System (CCS), driving
stop and lighting panel panel and display

C Steering joystick D Control panel for air conditioner

E Rig Control System (RCS) operator panel

! NOTE: The appearance of the panels may vary, depending on choice of options.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 6 Operation Controls

6.5 ROM, Drill stop and Lighting Panel

Lighting Panel - Work Lights

Controls Function Description

Work lights, left and right

Spotlight ON and OFF

Left-hand spotlight Align vertically

Right-hand spotlight Align vertically

Right-hand spotlight Align horizontally

Left-hand spotlight Align horizontally

Restricted operating mode Option


Boom 1

Boom 2

Drill stop Option

Tramming mode When activating tramming mode, the following

• Drill functions are locked
• Warning lights are off

Manual mode for drill stop Manual mode for drill stop is activated.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 6 Operation Controls

Controls Function Description

Automatic mode for drill stop Automatic mode for drill stop activated.

Warning lamp and reset but- The warning lamp comes on if the safety field from
ton for drill stop and ROM the laser scanner is broken.
Pressing the reset button switches off the warning
lamp and generate a new safety field.

Electrical tramming Option

The knob must be turned on to allow the electrical
tramming to be activated.

6.6 Carrier Control System (CCS) Driving Panel

Button Function Description

Parking brake • Raised button = Parking brake released (only

if diesel engine running).
• Pressed button = Parking brake applied.

Override button Override function can be used for muting safety

functions. When the button is flashing, press and
hold the button to muting safety function temporar-
ily. Override function shall only be used when
faults have been detected in the system and the
machine must be moved to the nearest mainte-
nance station. The machine shall normally not be
operated with active faults.

Start and stop CCS Turn the knob clockwise = Starts the Carrier Con-
trol System (CCS).
Turn the knob counterclockwise = Stop the Carrier
Control System (CCS) .

Start and stop diesel engine Press to start and press to stop diesel engine.
To start the diesel engine, the gear selector must
be in neutral (N) and the parking brake applied.

Local/remote acknowledg- LED light in the knob:

ment • Off = No communication (default)
• Flashing = Waiting for acknowledgment
• Light on = Communication is activated and
Local/remote control local acknowledged.

Local/remote control remote

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Button Function Description

Emergency stop Stop the diesel engine and cease all machine op-
Apply the parking brake.

Cable reel unit Press arrow up = unwinding

Press arrow down = winding

Hose reeling unit (option) Press arrow up = unwinding

Press arrow down = winding

Cable guide on cable reel Not used on diesel hydraulic machines

unit Press the button to move cable reel sideways for
even distribution of cable on reel.

Hose guide on reeling unit Not used on diesel hydraulic machines

(option) Press the button to move water hose reel side-
ways for even distribution of hose on reel.

Move front jacks sideways Press arrow up = jack out

Press arrow down = jack in

Rear jack Press arrow up = jack down

Press arrow down = jack up

Front left jack Press arrow up = jack down

Press arrow down = jack up

Front right jack Press arrow up = jack down

Press arrow down = jack up

Signal horn Activate signal horn.

Working lights Activate working lights.

Laser Activate laser.

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Button Function Description

Light Activate tramming lights, on the roof.

Shine forward.

Light Activate tramming lights, on the roof.

Shine backward.

Turn signal Activate turn signal.

Step lighting Activate step lights.

Interior lighting Activate interior lights.

Light switch Activate tramming lights, on the carrier.

Shine forward.

Light switch Activate tramming lights, on the carrier.

Shine backward.

Turn signal Activate turn signal.

Front windshield wipers and Activate windshield wipers and washer:

washers • Press 1 = activate single stroke.
• Press 2 = continuous wiping.
• Press 3 = wiping and washing.

Rear windshield wipers and Activate rear windshield wipers and washers:
washers • Press 1 = activate single stroke.
• Press 2 = continuous wiping.
• Press 3 = wiping and washing.

Option These buttons must be activated in the display.

For instance, if the machine has extendable stairs
platform, the option must first be activated in the
display and then the buttons can be used to ex-
Option tend/retract the stairs.

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Button Function Description



Hydraulic pressure Activate hydraulic pressure.

Drilling/Tramming Diesel hydraulic

Escape Press the button to go back one step in the Carrier

Control System (CCS) menu.

6.7 Steering Joystick

• Move joystick forward: Turn right.

• Move joystick backward: Turn left.

Button Function Description

Change gear forward • While in neutral (N), press the button to acti-
vate forward drive mode gear F1 (after releas-
ing the brake).
• By pressing the button, forward drive gear F2
and F3 are gradually reached.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 6 Operation Controls

Button Function Description

• While reversing, press button until the neutral

(N) mode is gradually reached. To change to
F1, the service brake pedal must be pressed
until machine is standing still.

Change gears reverse • While in neutral (N), press the button to acti-
vate reverse drive mode gear R1 (after re-
leasing the brake).
• By pressing the button, reverse drive gear R2
and R3 are gradually reached.
• While driving forward, press the button until
the neutral (N) mode is gradually reached. To
change to R1, the service brake pedal must
be pressed until machine is standing still.

Signal horn Activates warning signal as long as the button is


Windshield wipers A short press:

• Activates a single stroke if the wiper is off and
selected gear is in forward or reverse mode.
• Turns off wiper if the wiper is on regarding
gear or neutral mode.
A medium long press:
• Activates continuous wiping if the selected
gear is in forward or reverse mode.
A long press:
• Activates the wiper as long as the button is
pressed down and selected gear is in forward
or reverse mode.
Wiper turns off when the gear changed to Neutral
if the wiper was turned on by button on joystick.

Change high and low beam The high and low beam function works differently
depending on if the light is set on automatic or
manual mode.
Press the button when high beam is activated the
tramming light front and rear roof status is turned
Press the button when high beam is deactivated.
• Manual mode: It turns on the latest deacti-
vated high beam and roof light. If none has
been deactivated, use the button on the driv-
ing panel.
• Automatic mode: It turns on the high beam
and the roof light in the chosen driving direc-
tion. If forward gear is chosen, the front high
beam and roof light activates and the opposite

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Boomer M20/M20 S 6 Operation Controls

6.8 Control Panel for Air Conditioner

The air conditioner provides climate control.

Controls Function Description

On and off Turns the air condition system on and off.

Temperature set point (Op- The temperature is set with the temperature set
tion) point keys. The controlled temperature range is
between 16 °C (60 °F) and 28 °C (82 °F).

Blower speed set point The blower speed is set with the blower speed up
and down keys. Blower speed is variable 0–100%
in 5% increments. Hold speed up button for a few
seconds to activate automatic blower speed.

Display Display contrast, brightness, temperature scale

(Celsius or Fahrenheit), and system errors.

Air mix control The air mix control can be set from full fresh air to
full recirculated air. In one end position, the fan
takes all air from outside the cab. In the other end
position, the existing air in the cab is recirculated.

Mode (Option) The air condition system modes (Automatic, Heat,

Cool, and Defrost) can be set by operator.

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6.9 Driving Controls

A Brake pedal B Throttle pedal

C Buttons for turn signals D Steering joystick

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6.10 Turn Signals and Headlight Button

A Turn signal left

B Turn signal right

C Headlight forward

D Headlight backward

6.11 Control box for Heater A35

This equipment is optional.
The heater kit is managed by the control box (A35). It is powered through socket X132.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 6 Operation Controls

The heater kit warms the power pack motors, the hydraulic oil and the diesel engine if in-

6.12 Adjust Seat to Operator Position

The swinging seat is optional equipment.

Rotating Component
If the swing arm lock mechanism is not properly locked or if the belt tension is not cor-
rect, it can cause personal injury and machine damage.
u Make sure that the mechanism locks properly when adjusting the swing arm lock mech-
u Make sure that the belt tension is correct.

The seat is in driving position.

Swing Arm Mechanism for Moving the Seat Between Driving and Operation Positions.

1. Loosen the seat swing arm mechanism by pulling the lever (A) on the left-hand side

2. Pull the seat towards the operation panel.

3. Lock the swing arm mechanism by releasing the lever (A) so that the locking wedge
enters locking slot.

4. Check that the lock is in the right position.

6.13 Reverse Camera

This equipment is optional.

63 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 6 Operation Controls

• The camera is at the rear of the machine.

• The camera display is in the cab.

Reference Documentation

See OEM instruction manual for further information.

64 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

7 Tramming/Driving

7.1 Safety Precautions Before Tramming/Driving

Tipping Risk
Incorrect handling and accidental machine movements can lead to tipping over of a
machine which can cause serious injury or death.
u Always wear a seat belt when tramming the machine.
u Always turn the machine on level ground.
u Follow stability instructions with allowed inclination angles of the machine.
u Do not put the gear selector switch in neutral when tramming up or downhill.
u Reposition the booms and feed or other positioning units to tramming position after
temporary swung out in narrow passages.
u Do not swing out booms and feed or other positioning units to the side if tramming on
inclinations or sloping track.
u Never swing out booms and feed and/or other positioning units more than necessary
during operation.
u When booms and feed and/or other positioning units are swung out within the machine
swing radius, the machine must only be moved at maximum 1 km/h.

Tipping Risk
Incorrect handling of the machine and accidental movements can lead to the machine
tipping over which can cause serious injury or death.
u Make sure that the service brake is released. Otherwise the parking brake is not ap-
plied even if the gear is in neutral.
u Put the gear in neutral position and wait for at least four (4) seconds for the parking
brake to be applied.

7.2 Operator's Field of View

The operator's field of view is always limited. The operator must be aware of that impaired
field of view can cause collision, severe personal injury, or death. When tramming or driv-
ing the machine, the operator's field of view is of extra importance. The operator must
make sure that no personnel are inside the hazard zones or the machine travel direction al-
How the operator receive information with the eyes, can be divided into two categories:

65 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

Direct vision and Indirect vision

Category Description

Direct vision Information that the operator sees directly.

Indirect vision Information that the operator sees indirectly with the help of other devices, such
as cameras, sensors, and displays.

The operator's field of view has been measured and verified according to the test method
and performance criteria of ISO 5006.

! NOTE: The operator's field of view depends on which options are mounted on the rig.

Direct Vision According to ISO 5006.

Ground level area visible to the operator. Ground level area not visible to the opera-

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Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

Direct + Indirect Vision According to ISO 5006.

Ground level area visible to the operator. Ground level area not visible to the opera-

7.3 Check Before Starting the Engine

Damage to Diesel Engine or Particulate Filter
The use of fuel of a lower quality other than recommended by the diesel engine manu-
facturer, damages the diesel engine and particulate filter.
u Always use the recommended fuel.

NOTE: It is important that the daily inspection checkpoints have been carried out to
! make sure that the equipment is in good condition.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

¡ Check the oil level at the lubrication point. Top up if necessary.

¡ If the machine is installed with a particle filter for exhaust emission control, make
sure that the particulate filter is not attached to the regeneration unit.

¡ Start the control system.

¡ Check the fuel level on the fuel gauge on the driving panel. Top up if necessary.

¡ Check the hydraulic oil level in the sight glass on the hydraulic tank. Top up if nec-

¡ Check the coolant level in the diesel engine. Top up if necessary.

7.4 Starting the Diesel Engine

First read: Safety Precautions Before Tramming/Driving [} 65]

NOTE: Certain machines have a function that prevents electric motors and diesel en-
gine running at the same time. Electric motors are automatically switched off when the
! diesel engine is started. The diesel engine must first be switched off to restart the elec-
tric motors.

Precondition ü The daily maintenance checks are completed.

ü The battery isolation switch is in the ON position.
ü No emergency stop is activated.
ü The parking brake is applied.
ü The gear selector switch is in the neutral position.
ü The button for hydraulic pressure is in OFF position.

1. Press the button (A) a few seconds to start the diesel engine.

Step result è The start alarm turns on.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

7.5 Preparations before Tramming

First read: Safety Precautions Before Tramming/Driving [} 65]
Before tramming, check the following:
• Boom/booms with associated feed is/are positioned in tramming position.
• Cab or canopy is lowered.

! NOTE: This applies to machines equipped with cab lift (option).

• Jacks are retracted.

• The headlights are ON.
• All personnel are cleared from the machine hazard zones.

7.5.1 Fill Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank

Damage to DEF System
The DEF system is sensitive to contamination.
u Follow instructions and recommendations.
u Make sure that all system components, tanks, and new fluid are clean.

! NOTE: Always fill up with DEF when filling fuel.

! NOTE: The level of the DEF tank is monitored and displayed in the control system.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

Precondition ü The engine is off.

1. Check that the DEF tank and funnel are clean.

2. Remove the filler cap (A).

3. Fill with DEF.

NOTE: For a 10 litre DEF tank, the minimum DEF refilling volume
! is 5 litre.

TCD 4.1 / 6.1 DH Engine

10 litre (2.64 gal) DEF tank 32 litre (8.45 gal) DEF tank

See Reference Documentation

Diesel engine instruction manual

70 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

7.6 Positioning before Tramming

Tipping Risk
Incorrect handling and accidental machine movements can lead to tipping over of a
machine which can cause serious injury or death.
u Always wear a seat belt when tramming the machine.
u Always turn the machine on level ground.
u Follow stability instructions with allowed inclination angles of the machine.
u Do not put the gear selector switch in neutral when tramming up or downhill.
u Reposition the booms and feed or other positioning units to tramming position after
temporary swung out in narrow passages.
u Do not swing out booms and feed or other positioning units to the side if tramming on
inclinations or sloping track.
u Never swing out booms and feed and/or other positioning units more than necessary
during operation.
u When booms and feed and/or other positioning units are swung out within the machine
swing radius, the machine must only be moved at maximum 1 km/h.

Tipping Risk
Incorrect handling of the machine and accidental movements can lead to the machine
tipping over which can cause serious injury or death.
u Make sure that the service brake is released. Otherwise the parking brake is not ap-
plied even if the gear is in neutral.
u Put the gear in neutral position and wait for at least four (4) seconds for the parking
brake to be applied.

1. Maneuver the drill to its rear end position on the feeder.

2. Maneuver the feed to its rear end position.

If the machine is installed with telescopic feeder (BMHT), it must be fully retracted
to its shortest position.

3. Rotate the feed until the feed holder retaining shaft is vertical.

4. Retract the boom extension completely.

If the machine is installed with RHS in combination with service platform then the
RHS carousel must be completely emptied for the machine to be operated at inch-
ing speed and positioned in the parking position.
Operation in tramming position is permitted when the drill steel are in the RHS

71 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

NOTE: The RHS carousel must always be emptied before tram-

! ming of the machine by personnel other than the machines nor-
mal operator.

7.7 Position Before Tramming with Telescopic Feed on


Tipping Risk
Incorrect handling and accidental machine movements can lead to tipping over of a
machine which can cause serious injury or death.
u Always wear a seat belt when tramming the machine.
u Always turn the machine on level ground.
u Follow stability instructions with allowed inclination angles of the machine.
u Do not put the gear selector switch in neutral when tramming up or downhill.
u Reposition the booms and feed or other positioning units to tramming position after
temporary swung out in narrow passages.
u Do not swing out booms and feed or other positioning units to the side if tramming on
inclinations or sloping track.
u Never swing out booms and feed and/or other positioning units more than necessary
during operation.
u When booms and feed and/or other positioning units are swung out within the machine
swing radius, the machine must only be moved at maximum 1 km/h.

Tipping Risk
Incorrect handling of the machine and accidental movements can lead to the machine
tipping over which can cause serious injury or death.
u Make sure that the service brake is released. Otherwise the parking brake is not ap-
plied even if the gear is in neutral.
u Put the gear in neutral position and wait for at least four (4) seconds for the parking
brake to be applied.

This instruction is applicable when using the long drill steel on BMHTC 6000 telescopic

Precondition ü The long drill steel is installed on the telescopic feed.

ü The lower feed beam is extended forwards and the upper beam is extended back-

72 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

1. Retract the boom fully.

2. Retract the feed until the rear end of the feed is above the tramming support.

3. Lower the boom until the rear end piece (A) of the feed rests on the tramming sup-
port (B).

7.8 Position Before Tramming with Telescopic Feed on


Tipping Risk
Incorrect handling and accidental machine movements can lead to tipping over of a
machine which can cause serious injury or death.
u Always wear a seat belt when tramming the machine.
u Always turn the machine on level ground.
u Follow stability instructions with allowed inclination angles of the machine.
u Do not put the gear selector switch in neutral when tramming up or downhill.
u Reposition the booms and feed or other positioning units to tramming position after
temporary swung out in narrow passages.
u Do not swing out booms and feed or other positioning units to the side if tramming on
inclinations or sloping track.
u Never swing out booms and feed and/or other positioning units more than necessary
during operation.
u When booms and feed and/or other positioning units are swung out within the machine
swing radius, the machine must only be moved at maximum 1 km/h.

73 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

Tipping Risk
Incorrect handling of the machine and accidental movements can lead to the machine
tipping over which can cause serious injury or death.
u Make sure that the service brake is released. Otherwise the parking brake is not ap-
plied even if the gear is in neutral.
u Put the gear in neutral position and wait for at least four (4) seconds for the parking
brake to be applied.

This instruction is applicable when using the long drill steel on BMHTC 6000 telescopic

Precondition ü The long drill steel is installed on the telescopic feed.

ü The lower feed beam is extended forwards and the upper beam is extended back-

1. Retract the boom fully.

2. Retract the feed until the rear end of the feed is above the boom fork.

3. Lower the boom until the tramming support (B) rests on the boom fork (A).

7.9 Parking the Machine

First read: Safety Precautions Before Tramming/Driving [} 65]

74 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

1. Apply the parking brake.

2. Set the gear to neutral (N) by using the steering joystick.

3. Lower the jacks until the wheels lift clear from the ground.

4. Turn off the diesel engine by pressing the button (A) .

5. Turn off all lights.

6. Turn off battery power.

7.10 Check After Tramming

¡ Make sure that the machine is parked in a leveled surface.

¡ Check the logs at the Carrier Control System (CCS), if any unnoticed warnings or
alarms have turned up.

¡ Examine the machine visually for damages and leak externally.

¡ Make sure to disconnect the battery power.

Turn the battery isolation switch to the OFF position.

7.11 Check Emergency Stop Buttons After Tramming

All emergency stop buttons must be checked for proper function after tramming.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 7 Tramming/Driving

76 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 8 Prepare for Drilling

8 Prepare for Drilling

8.1 Machine Positioning

Tipping Risk
Incorrect handling and accidental machine movements can lead to tipping over of a
machine which can cause serious injury or death.
u Always wear a seat belt when tramming the machine.
u Always turn the machine on level ground.
u Follow stability instructions with allowed inclination angles of the machine.
u Do not put the gear selector switch in neutral when tramming up or downhill.
u Reposition the booms and feed or other positioning units to tramming position after
temporary swung out in narrow passages.
u Do not swing out booms and feed or other positioning units to the side if tramming on
inclinations or sloping track.
u Never swing out booms and feed and/or other positioning units more than necessary
during operation.
u When booms and feed and/or other positioning units are swung out within the machine
swing radius, the machine must only be moved at maximum 1 km/h.

Tipping Risk
Incorrect handling of the machine and accidental movements can lead to the machine
tipping over which can cause serious injury or death.
u Make sure that the service brake is released. Otherwise the parking brake is not ap-
plied even if the gear is in neutral.
u Put the gear in neutral position and wait for at least four (4) seconds for the parking
brake to be applied.

Precondition ü The machine is correctly aligned.

1. Tram the machine to the drilling place.

2. Position it at right angles to the center of the tunnel face, parallel to the direction of
drilling. It must be possible to maneuver the booms past the parts of the rock face
that protrude the most.

77 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 8 Prepare for Drilling

3. Set up the machine on its jacks. Start with the front jacks and then the rear jacks
until the machine is leveled (observe the spirit level in the cab).

End result è The machine is ready for drilling.

NOTE: The following points are important to observe:

• The machine must be raised so that none of the wheels is in contact with the
! ground.
• The machine must be standing steadily while drilling to avoid disturbing the naviga-

8.2 Lowering Jacks

Moving Parts
Can cause serious personal injury.
u Make sure no one is inside the hazard zone before operating the jacks.

1. Press the button (E) to load the hydraulic pressure.

2. Press arrow up at the button (A) to the OUT position and move the front jacks

3. Press arrow up at the button (B) and (C) to the DOWN position and lower
the front jacks.

4. Adjust the position of the machine using the jacks so that it is standing horizontally.

! NOTE: Observe the spirit level in the cab.

5. Press arrow up at the button (D) to the DOWN position and lower the rear
jacks until the wheels are clear off the ground.

78 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 8 Prepare for Drilling

6. Adjust the position of the machine using the jacks so that it is standing horizontally.

! NOTE: Observe the spirit level in the cab.

7. Press the button (E) to the OFF position.

8.3 Connect to Water Supply

Precondition ü The water hose is clean and free from damage.

¡ Connect the water hose to the water inlet (A).

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Boomer M20/M20 S 8 Prepare for Drilling

8.4 Connecting to Power Supply

8.4.1 Safety Precautions Working with Power Supply Cable

Risk of Short Circuit or Fire
Can cause serious injuries or death.
Can cause material damage.
u Always use a cable with sufficient area for the current ambient temperature and power
output of the machine.
u Make sure that the cable is intact before using the machine. Replace the cable in the
event of damage, discoloration, or deformation.
u Make sure that the cable is routed on the tunnel floor so that it is protected from being
driven over by other mobile machines.
u Unwind the whole cable for intensive operation.
u Make sure that the cable does not overheat during intensive use of the machine.

For intensive operation with short intervals for cooling down, there is a risk of the electrical
cable overheating. For instance, during long drilling cycles with a short time between the
Many external factors affect the ability of the electrical cable to cool down. For example:
• The number of layers on the reel.
• The ambient temperature.
• The air exchange.
• The dirt accumulation.
Therefore, make a habit of always unreeling the entire length of the electrical cable during

80 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 8 Prepare for Drilling

8.5 Check Oil Levels

1. Check the oil level in the hydraulic oil tank sight glass (A).

Top up if necessary.

2. Check the oil level in the lubricating oil tank (A).

Top up if necessary.

81 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 8 Prepare for Drilling

82 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 9 Transport

9 Transport

9.1 Preparations Before Hoisting

Risk of Crushing
Crushing can cause serious personal injury or death.
u Use extreme caution when slinging and hoisting heavy objects.
u Hoisting must take place at the center of gravity.
u Only use slings that are intact and designed for the load they will carry.
u Fasten the straps to lifting eyes, if available.
u Do not approach a suspended load.

Before transporting in shafts or similar, it is necessary to disassemble the machine fully or

Observe the following when disassembling, hoisting, and assembling:
• Clean the entire machine with water and detergent containing a grease solvent before
• Mark hoses, pipes, and other connections to make reassembly easier and prevent
• Make sure that everything is clean when disassembling hydraulic, compressed air, and
water flushing hoses. Immediately plug all hoses, nipples and hydraulic oil pipes, or
• Use properly secured lifting device of generous dimension.

9.2 Before Loading the Machine onto the Transport


Tipping Risk
The tipping over of a machine can cause serious injury or death.
u Lock the articulation lock before hoisting the machine.
u Adapt transportation equipment to the dimensions and weight of the machine.
u Check that all hatches are properly locked.

• Position feed and booms as low as possible.

• Positions feed horizontally.
• To tram onto transport vehicle: Follow separate driving instruction sheet.

83 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 9 Transport

• To lift the machine onto transport vehicle: Use adequate lifting device and attach only
to marked lifting points.
• The articulation lock must be installed in locked position before loading the machine
onto the transport vehicle.

9.2.1 Articulation Lock

Crushing Hazard
Machine movement can cause serious injury or death.
u Make sure that the machine is not in motion when placing the articulation lock.
u Be careful when handling the articulation lock.

Articulation Lock in Stored Position

Articulation Lock in Locked Position

84 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 9 Transport

• The articulation lock is used to lock the articulation joint and prevent the rear frame
from swaying.
• The articulation lock must be installed in the locked position before starting service or
maintenance work.

9.3 Towing

9.3.1 Safety Precautions Before Towing

Machine Movement
The machine has no working brakes when it is being towed which can cause serious
injury or death.
u Always attach a tow bar between the machine and the towing machine before releasing
the brakes or removing the cardan shafts.
u Make sure that the towing machine and the tow bar are suitable to pull the load.
u Make sure that the towing machine's brakes are in good condition and have enough
power to stop both machines in any condition.

Incorrect Towing
Starting the machine when towing could damage the hydraulic transmission seriously.
u Do not start the machine by towing.

9.3.2 Preparing for Towing

Machine Movement
The machine has no working brakes when it is being towed which can cause serious
injury or death.
u Always attach a tow bar between the machine and the towing machine before releasing
the brakes or removing the cardan shafts.
u Make sure that the towing machine and the tow bar are suitable to pull the load.
u Make sure that the towing machine's brakes are in good condition and have enough
power to stop both machines in any condition.

85 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 9 Transport

Incorrect Towing
Starting the machine when towing could damage the hydraulic transmission seriously.
u Do not start the machine by towing.

Tow the carrier only if it is necessary.

Do not tow the carrier more than 1 km (0.621 miles) or at a speed greater than 5 km/h
(3.10 miles/h).

! NOTE: The brakes do not function while the machine is being towed.

1. Connect a tow bar between the machine and the towing machine.

2. Disable the parking brake mechanically.

3. Disassemble the cardan shaft from the drivetrain.

4. If the diesel engine or traction motor is not working, disconnect the steering cylin-

Disconnect Parking Brake Mechanically

Machine Movement
The machine has no working brakes when it is being towed which can cause serious
injury or death.
u Always attach a tow bar between the machine and the towing machine before releasing
the brakes or removing the cardan shafts.
u Make sure that the towing machine and the tow bar are suitable to pull the load.
u Make sure that the towing machine's brakes are in good condition and have enough
power to stop both machines in any condition.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 9 Transport

Precondition ü A tow bar is connected between the machine and the towing machine.

1. Loosen the lock nuts (A).

2. Tighten the bolts (B) alternately until the brake is released.

Both the bolts must be tightened to the same extent.

3. Lock the bolts with the nuts.

4. Disable the brakes on both wheel axles.

Remove Cardan Shafts

Machine Movement
The machine has no working brakes when it is being towed which can cause serious
injury or death.
u Always attach a tow bar between the machine and the towing machine before releasing
the brakes or removing the cardan shafts.
u Make sure that the towing machine and the tow bar are suitable to pull the load.
u Make sure that the towing machine's brakes are in good condition and have enough
power to stop both machines in any condition.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 9 Transport

Precondition ü The tow bar is connected between the machine and the towing machine.

1. Mark the flanges on the cardan shafts so they can be installed back in the same

2. Remove the bolts (A).

3. Remove the cardan shafts.

Disconnect Steering Cylinder

First read: Safety Precautions Before Towing [} 85]

If the diesel engine is not working during towing, the steering cylinder must be discon-
nected hydraulically.

Precondition ü The unions on the cylinder are not plugged to allow oil to run out.
ü The unions are protected from dirt.

1. Remove both hoses from the steering cylinder.

2. Plug the hoses.

3. Protect the steering cylinder against dirt.

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Boomer M20/M20 S 9 Transport

9.3.3 Restoring after Towing

1. Install the cardan shafts and the hoses again to the steering cylinder.

2. Apply the parking brake.

3. Loosen the lock nuts (A) a few turns.

4. Loosen the bolts (B) until the measurement of 34 mm (1.3 in.) is reached.

5. Lock the position of the bolts (B) with nuts (A).

6. Remove the tow bar between the chassis and the towing machine.

7. Check the service brake and the parking brake.

89 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 9 Transport

90 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 10 Electrical System

10 Electrical System

10.1 Electric Cabinet Australia

Dangerous Voltage
The voltage from the electrical system can cause serious injury or death.
u Make sure that the system is de-energized before starting any maintenance work.
u Only authorized electricians must carry out work on the electrical system, including any
troubleshooting or maintenance.

Front of Electric Cabinet, Australia

91 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 10 Electrical System

The number of motor switches (S11, S12, and so on) depends on the number of electric
motors on the machine.
Electric Cabinet Buttons, Switches, and Indicator Lamps

Designation Function Description

1P02 Hour meter Percussion hours

1P03 Hour meter Electric motor hours

2P02 Hour meter Percussion hours

2P03 Hour meter Electric motor hours

H03 Indicator lamp Phase sequence fault

• The lamp comes on if a phase sequence fault occurs.

Q01 Switch Main power switch

• Power supply switch.

S03 Button Lamp test

• All lamps in the electric cabinet must come on when this
button is pressed.

S06 Button Ground fault relay test for drain pump

• Pressing the button triggers the ground fault relay.

S09 Button Drain pump pilot test

• Press the button to release the relay and the operator
panel display shows a pilot fault message.

S11 Switch Engine switch, motor 1

• Must be in position 1 when in operation.
• In position 0, the control voltage is cut off.

S12 Switch Motor switch, motor 2

• Must be in position 1 when in operation.
• In position 0, the control voltage is cut off.

S13 Switch Motor switch, drain pump

• Must be in position 1 when in operation.
• In position 0, the control voltage is cut off.

SH02 Indicator lamp Motor overload

and reset button • The lamp comes on if the motor is overloaded.

SH16 Indicator lamp Ground fault on drain pump

and reset button • The lamp comes on if there is a ground fault on the
electric motor for the drain pump.

92 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 10 Electrical System

10.2 Electric Cabinet IEC

Dangerous Voltage
Risk of serious personal injury.
u Make sure that the system is de-energized before starting any maintenance work.
u The electrical system must be serviced by an authorized electrician.

Front of Electrical Cabinet, IEC

The following table describes the electric cabinet buttons, switches, and indicator lamps.
The number of motor switches (S11, S12, and so on) depends on the number of electric
motors on the machine.

93 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 10 Electrical System

There are three different types of IEC electric cabinet.

• With Y/D start
• With soft start
• With direct start

NOTE: Externally the three IEC cabinets have the same appearance. For the differ-
! ences between the cabinets, see Maintenance instructions, Electrical system, IEC.

Electric Cabinet Buttons, Switches, and Indicator Lamps

Symbol Designation Function Description

H02 Indicator lamp Motor overload

• The lamp comes on if the motor is over-

H03 Indicator lamp Phase sequence fault

• The lamp comes on if a phase sequence
fault occurs.

H06 Indicator lamp Main power

• The lamp comes on when the main
power is ON.

Q01 Switch Main power switch

• Power supply switch

S03 Button Lamp test

• All lamps in the electric cabinet must
come on when this button is pressed.

S11 Switch Engine switch, motor 1

• Must be in position (1) when in opera-
• In position (0) the control voltage will be
cut off.

S12 Switch Engine switch, motor 2

• Must be in position (1) when in opera-
• In position (0) the control voltage will be
cut off.

94 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 10 Electrical System

10.3 Electric Cabinet USA

Dangerous Voltage
The voltage from the electrical system can cause serious injury or death.
u Make sure that the system is de-energized before starting any maintenance work.
u Only authorized electricians must carry out work on the electrical system, including any
troubleshooting or maintenance.

Front of Electric Cabinet, USA

95 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 10 Electrical System

Electric Cabinet Buttons, Switches, and Indicator Lamps

Symbol Designation Function Description

1P01 Gauge Ammeter, motor 1

2P01 Gauge Ammeter, motor 2

H02 Button and indica- Motor overload

tor lamp • The lamp comes on if the motor is over-
• The overload protection can be reset by
pressing the button.

H03 Indicator lamp Phase sequence fault

• The lamp comes on if a phase sequence
fault occurs.

H06 Indicator lamp Main power

• The lamp comes on when the main
power is on.
• The functional status of the electric cabi-
net can be tested by pressing the button.

P01 Gauge Voltmeter, power supply

Q01 Switch Main power switch

• Power supply switch.

S03 Indicator lamp Lamp test, button.

10.4 Electric Cabinet Canada

Dangerous Voltage
The voltage from the electrical system can cause serious injury or death.
u Make sure that the system is de-energized before starting any maintenance work.
u Only authorized electricians must carry out work on the electrical system, including any
troubleshooting or maintenance.

96 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 10 Electrical System

Front of Electric Cabinet, Canada

Electric Cabinet Buttons, Switches, and Indicator Lamps

Symbol Designation Function Description

1P01 Gauge Ammeter, motor 1

2P01 Gauge Ammeter, motor 2

H03 Indicator lamp Phase sequence fault

• The lamp comes on if a phase sequence
fault occurs.

H06 Indicator lamp Main power

• The lamp comes on when the main
power is on.
• The functional status of the electric cabi-
net can be tested by pressing the button.

97 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 10 Electrical System

Symbol Designation Function Description

P01 Gauge Voltmeter, power supply

PS1 Indicator lamp Pilot circuit, stop button.

PS2 Indicator lamp Pilot circuit, start button.

Q01 Switch Main power switch

• Power supply switch.

S02 Indicator lamp Pilot circuit, test button.

S03 Indicator lamp Lamp test, button.

SH02 Button and indica- Motor overload

tor lamp • The lamp comes on if the motor is over-
• The overload protection can be reset by
pressing the button.

98 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 11 Particle Filter Regeneration

11 Particle Filter Regeneration

Also see about this

2 Replace Diesel Particulate Filter [} 101]

11.1 Start Standstill Regeneration

This equipment is optional.

Very High Exhaust Temperatures
Can cause serious personal injury and damage to property.
u Do not touch the exhaust system.
u Park the machine in the open air during regeneration.
u Do not cover the exhaust system.
u Do not let flammable materials come in contact with the exhaust system.

A certain soot level of the diesel particulate filter requires a standstill regeneration. The
Standstill regeneration cleanses the diesel particulate filter of the exhaust gas system. That
means that the soot in the diesel particulate filter is burned.
Standstill regeneration is done as soon as possible when requested. Otherwise power re-
duction starts. Regeneration is needed when the yellow regeneration symbol is visible in
the lower right corner of the display.

When regeneration is in progress, the symbol high exhaust temperature is shown as a

warning in the menu status bar.

NOTE: Ignoring of the standstill regeneration leads to conditions to be solved by Deutz

! service.

99 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 11 Particle Filter Regeneration

NOTE: Short intervals (<10 hours) between standstill regenerations is signs of engine
! failure.

NOTE: The number of standstill regenerations is monitored. When indicated by the en-

! gine warning symbol and the engine oil symbol on the menu status bar, the en-
gine oil and engine oil filter must be replaced and the EMR must be reset by Deutz or
Epiroc service.

NOTE: The control system displays remaining standstill regeneration time and time
! since last standstill regeneration.

NOTE: Do not use the machine during the standstill regeneration. The regeneration
! lasts for 45 minutes.

Precondition ü The engine is at normal operating temperature.

ü The engine is idling.
ü The machine is parked in a safe area outdoors.

1. Set the gear to Neutral.

2. Apply the parking brake.

3. Check that the hydraulic pressure is not activated.

4. Activate the standstill regeneration on the Carrier menu.

Step result è The regeneration takes approximately 45 minutes.
The regeneration symbol is displayed in the status bar during regeneration.
The symbol disappears when the regeneration is finished.

NOTE: Do not touch the throttle pedal during the regenera-

! tion. This aborts the regeneration.

See Reference Documentation

Diesel engine instruction manual

11.2 Interrupt Standstill Regeneration

This equipment is optional.

100 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 11 Particle Filter Regeneration

Very High Exhaust Temperatures
Can cause serious personal injury and damage to property.
u Do not touch the exhaust system.
u Park the machine in the open air during regeneration.
u Do not cover the exhaust system.
u Do not let flammable materials come in contact with the exhaust system.

The standstill regeneration can be interrupted at any time. The yellow regeneration symbol
continues to appear on the display until stationary regeneration has been performed with-
out interruption.

! NOTE: The control system displays time since last standstill regeneration.

Optional step Deactivate the standstill regeneration on the Carrier menu .

Step result è The standstill regeneration stops.

Optional step Remove the interlocks and operate the machine.

Step result è The standstill regeneration stops.

The regeneration lamp on the operators panel flashes.

See Reference Documentation

Diesel engine instruction manual

11.3 Replace Diesel Particulate Filter

This equipment is optional.

101 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 11 Particle Filter Regeneration

Burning Hazard
Can cause the service personnel injury as the exhaust gases and exhaust system be-
comes hot during regeneration.
u Do not touch the exhaust system.
u Do not cover the exhaust system.
u Do not expose the exhaust system to any flammable materials.

The diesel particulate filter requires replacement after a high filter running time as non-
combustible residues, ash, accumulate in the filter.
When the diesel particulate filter has reached a critical ash level and requires replacement,
the symbol ash level in particle filter is shown as a warning in the menu status bar ap-
The machine can operate normally until the replacement is carried out. After a while power
reduction starts.

NOTE: The soot and ash level is monitored and displayed in the control system as per-
! centage values.

Precondition ü The symbol ash level in particle filter is indicating.

¡ Contact Deutz service for replacement.

See Reference Documentation

Diesel engine instruction manual

102 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 12 Climate Control Unit

12 Climate Control Unit

This equipment is optional.

Climate Control Panel

For the air conditioning system to operate at maximum efficiency, it is important to keep the
cab as clean as possible. Dust and dirt can clog the system.
The air conditioning functions best when the cab doors are closed.
Periodically check the sight glass under the cab. Air bubbles in the glass indicate that sys-
tem refrigerant is running low.

! NOTE: Only authorized personnel must carry out refilling the system with refrigerant.

The control panel is located to the right of the driving panel.

• Close the cab doors when the climate control system is in operation.
• In high ambient temperatures, close recirculation flap.
• If the cab window mist up, the fastest method of demisting them is to turn on the air
• Use the full recirculated air to circulate the internal air in the cab.

! NOTE: Air bubbles in the sight glass indicate that system refrigerant is running low.

103 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 12 Climate Control Unit

104 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 13 Cab Fan Heater

13 Cab Fan Heater

This equipment is optional.

The electric cab fan heater (A) can be activated by connecting power to the electrical inlet
(B) on the back of the cab. The electrical inlet is only powered from an external electrical

105 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 13 Cab Fan Heater

106 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 14 Reeling Units

14 Reeling Units

14.1 Hose Reeling Unit

The hose reeling unit is optional equipment.

In normal operation, the hose reel must not be operated hydraulically when unwinding. The
hose must be pulled out through the gear slip coupling instead.
The machine is equipped with a hydraulic lever (A) that is used to swing in and out the
hose reel arm hydraulically.

14.2 Operating Reeling Units

14.2.1 Unwinding Main Power Cable from Reeling Unit

There are two alternative ways to unwind the cable. Under normal operation, the cable reel
must not be operated hydraulically when unwinding. The cable must be pulled out through
the gear slip coupling instead.

Precondition ü The main power cable is connected to the tunnel outlet and secured to the tunnel

107 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 14 Reeling Units

Optional step Unwind the cable using the gear slip coupling.

a. Drive the machine forward.

Step result è The cable unwinds as the cable reel unit coupling slips.

Optional step Use the hydraulic motor of the cable reeling to unwind the cable if it could not be
done using the slip coupling.

a. Press the button (B) to start the hydraulic pressure.

b. Press arrow up on button (A) to cable reel out position.

The unwinding stops when the button is released.

Step result è The cable unwinds when holding the button in cable reel out position.

NOTE: The cable can easily become tangled when using the
! hydraulic motor for unwinding.

The warning symbol is shown in yellow on the display when there are
three turns of cable remaining on the reeling unit. When only one turn remains,
the symbol is shown in red, and the parking brake is applied.

c. If the warning symbol is shown in red on the display, press the button (C)
. Drive the machine backwards and press arrow down on button (A) to
wind cable reel in until the warning symbol disappears from the display.

! NOTE: Only use the override button (C)

machine backwards.
when driving the

! NOTE: Pressing the button (C)

disengages the parking

d. Press the button (B) to OFF position.

14.2.2 Winding Main Power Cable onto Reeling Unit

High-Voltage Cable
Incorrect operation can cause personal injury.
u Move the gear selector switch to reverse before moving the machine again, or the ca-
ble is pulled away from its mounting.

108 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 14 Reeling Units

Risk of Damage to Cable Reel Unit
Incorrect operation can cause damages to the collector in cable reel unit.
u Turn off the main electric power before winding the main power cable.

Precondition ü The main power cable is connected to the tunnel outlet and secured to the tunnel

1. Press the button (C) to start the hydraulic pressure.

2. Press arrow down on button (A) to cable reel in position.

3. Drive the machine backwards.

Step result è The cable winds onto the cable reel unit.

Optional step Some machines have a cable guide function which can be used for winding the ca-
ble evenly across the reel.

a. Press arrow up on button (B) to activate the cable guide.

b. When the guide indicator reaches end position, press arrow down on button (B)

NOTE: If the warning symbol is shown in red on the display,

press down the button (D) . Drive the machine backwards and

! press arrow down on button (A) to wind cable reel in until the
warning symbol disappears from the display. Pressing the
button (D) disengages the parking brake.

4. Stop reversing the machine when there is little cable that is left to wind.

5. Press arrow down on button (A) to OFF position.

109 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 14 Reeling Units

6. Wind up the last bit of the cable using the cable reel unit knob (E) on the dual com-
mand to achieve better control.

NOTE: Use the cable guide knob (F) so that the cable winds up
! across the whole reeling unit.

7. Press the button (C) to OFF position.

14.2.3 Unwinding Water Hose from Reeling Unit

There are two alternative ways to unwind the hose. Under normal operation, the hose reel
must not be operated hydraulically when unwinding. The hose must be pulled out through
the gear slip coupling instead.

Precondition ü The water hose is connected to the tunnel water outlet and secured to the tunnel

110 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 14 Reeling Units

Optional step Unwind the hose using the gear slip coupling.

a. Drive the machine forwards.

Step result è The hose unwinds as the hose reeling unit coupling slips.

Optional step Use the hydraulic motor of the hose reeling to unwind the hose if it could not be
done using the slip coupling.

a. Press the button (B) to start the hydraulic pressure.

b. Press arrow up (A) and hold in position hose reel out.

Release the button, stops the unwinding.

Step result è The hose unwinds when holding the button in hose reel out position.

NOTE: The hose can easily become tangled when using the
! hydraulic motor for unwinding.

c. Press the button (B) to OFF position.

14.2.4 Winding Water Hose onto Reeling Unit

Precondition ü The water hose is connected to the tunnel water outlet and secured to the tunnel

1. Press the button (C) to start the hydraulic pressure.

2. Press arrow up (A) to hose reel in position.

3. Reverse the machine.

Step result è The hose winds onto the hose reeling unit.

Optional step

111 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 14 Reeling Units

Some machines have a hose guide function which can be used for winding the
hose evenly across the reel.

a. Press arrow up (B) to activate the hose guide.

b. When the guide indicator reaches end position, press arrow down (B) in
opposite direction.

4. Stop reversing the machine when there is little hose that is left to wind.

5. Press arrow down (A) to OFF position.

6. Wind up the last bit of the hose using the water hose reeling unit knob (D) on the
dual command to achieve better control.

NOTE: Use the hose guide knob (E) so that the hose winds up
! across the whole reeling unit.

7. Press the button (C) to OFF position.

112 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 14 Reeling Units

14.3 Dual Command for Reeling Units

Knob Function Description

A Water hose reeling unit • Turn knob counterclockwise = wind

• Turn knob clockwise = unwind

B Cable reeling unit • Turn knob counterclockwise = wind

• Turn knob clockwise = unwind

C Hose guide • Turn knob counterclockwise = maneuver left

• Turn knob clockwise = maneuver right

D Cable guide • Turn knob counterclockwise = maneuver left

• Turn knob clockwise = maneuver right

113 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 14 Reeling Units

114 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 15 Water Separator

15 Water Separator

This equipment is optional.

The water separator option is a function for circulating the oil during operation or when sta-
tionary to release water from the hydraulic oil. The water separator starts operating when it
is connected to an electrical socket on the machine or an external electrical socket.

A Particle filter B Heater

C Water separator D Pump

115 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 15 Water Separator

116 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 16 Manual High-Pressure Washer

16 Manual High-Pressure Washer

This equipment is optional.

High-Pressure Washer

A High-pressure washer lance

B Button for starting the high-pressure washer

C High-pressure washer pump

117 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 16 Manual High-Pressure Washer

118 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 17 Manual Low-Pressure Washer

17 Manual Low-Pressure Washer

This equipment is optional.

A Washing water hose B Ball valve for starting the low-pressure


119 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 17 Manual Low-Pressure Washer

120 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 18 Boot Washer

18 Boot Washer

This equipment is optional.

Boot Washer

A Ball valve for starting the boot washer

B Boot washer

121 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 18 Boot Washer

122 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 19 Freeze Prevention Measures

19 Freeze Prevention Measures

NOTE: The water system must be drained at temperatures approaching or below 0 °C

! (32 °F).

19.1 Freeze Prevention Measures

The control system has a function for blowing clean the water system.

Precondition ü One hydraulic pump is active.

1. Go to Settings>Rig>Operator settings>Boom 1.

2. Activate the Cleaning water system function.

NOTE: Never use the drilling lever to open the water valves as the water pump can
! then start and run dry, causing it to break down.

19.2 Drain Water System

High System Pressure
There is a risk of personal injury when working with pressurized systems.
u Do not perform maintenance work while the machine is operating.
u Check that the hydraulic, water, and air systems are depressurized and that the electri-
cal system is de-energized before starting to work on these systems.

If the machine is equipped with a water tank, the tank is drained by opening the tap at the
bottom of the tank.

123 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 19 Freeze Prevention Measures

Drain water system with water hose reel installed

Drain water system without water hose reel installed

Precondition ü One hydraulic pump is ON.

1. Start the control system.

2. Connect air to the drain outlet (A) or water inlet (B) depending on available hose

3. Select Cleaning water system in the Settings menu under the machine tab.
The water valve opens to clean the water system.

NOTE: It is necessary top open from 1 to 4 valves depending on

! the number of booms on the machine.

NOTE: Never use the drilling lever to open the water valves as
! the water pump can then start and run dry, causing it to break

124 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 19 Freeze Prevention Measures

4. Open all drain taps and taps for hose reeling unit, boot-cleaning, and oil cooler one
by one.

5. Blow air until the water stops, and remove the air connection from the water intake.

19.3 Drain Water Pump

High System Pressure
There is a risk of personal injury when working with pressurized systems.
u Do not perform maintenance work while the machine is operating.
u Check that the hydraulic, water, and air systems are depressurized and that the electri-
cal system is de-energized before starting to work on these systems.

1. Open the water pump drain plug (A).

2. When the flow of water stops, close the drain plug.

125 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 19 Freeze Prevention Measures

19.4 Drain Water Mist Pump

1. Connect air to the water inlet (A).

2. Open the front water tap for the water mist pump.

3. Open the drain tap for water before the water mist pump.

4. Blow until no more water appears from the drain line.

5. Close the drain tap.

6. Open the drain tap connected to the water block after the water mist pump.

7. Start the control system.

8. Start one of the hydraulic pumps.

9. Activate the water mist pump ON/OFF function in the Settings menu under the
machine tab.

10. Run the pump until no more water comes out of the drain line.

11. Deactivate the water mist pump ON/OFF function.

12. Close the water mist pump taps.

13. Remove the air connection from the water inlet (A).

126 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 19 Freeze Prevention Measures

19.5 Drain Condensate from Air Tank

Precondition ü Air tank is installed on machines with the hole blowing kit option.
ü The machine is parked on a flat and level surface.

1. Open the drain valve (B) on the air tank (A).

2. Close the drain valve (B) when the flow of water stops.

19.6 Drain Swellex Pump

The Swellex pump is optional equipment.

High Water Pressure
The high water pressure from the pump can cause personal injury.
u Examine and rectify the leaks in high-pressure lines and couplings.
u Set the main circuit breaker to turn off position before working on the pump.
u Make sure that the hydraulic system is depressurized before working on the pump.
u Swellex pump must be activated to check that the water system is depressurized be-
fore working on the pump.

Drain the water system if the ambient air temperature around the pump is below the freez-
ing point to prevent the pump from freezing.
Protect the Swellex pump against frost by storing it in a frost-free environment.

1. Remove the water hoses from the connections on the pump.

2. Connect compressed air to the Swellex pump.

127 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 19 Freeze Prevention Measures

3. Press the Swellex arm trigger (C) for ten seconds to run the pump, and then re-
lease it.

4. Turn off the compressed air and drain the water strainer (B) by the draining valve

128 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 20 Bolting

20 Bolting

This equipment is optional.

20.1 Prepare for Bolting with Swellex

Falling Rocks
When bolts expand, surrounding rock can fall and cause serious injury.
u Scale the rock thoroughly before a bolt is installed.
u Use tube sleeves if the rock has surface cracks.
u Adapt the length of the tube sleeves or the number of the tube sleeves according to the
quality of the rock.

High Water Pressure
The extremely high water pressure form the pump can cause personal injury.
u Rectify leaks in high pressure lines and couplings immediately.

1. Make sure that the equipment is not damaged.

2. Make sure that the water pressure of the pump is set for the bolt type to install the
The pump water pressure can be set at 240 bar (3480.9 psi) or 300 bar (4351.1
A tensile test is recommended when the first bolt is installed.

Bolt Type Water Pressure

Swellex Mn16, Pm16, and Midi Swellex 240 bar (3480.9 psi)

Swellex Mn12, Mn24, Pm12, Pm24, 300 bar (4351.1 psi)

Standard Swellex, and Super Swellex

NOTE: Epiroc disclaims all responsibility if bolts are expanded

! with the incorrect water pressure.

3. Make sure that the hydraulics and water is connected.

129 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 20 Bolting

4. Activate the pumps hydraulic pressure with lever (A).

20.2 Install Bolts with Swellex Arm

Falling Rocks
Falling rocks can cause serious injury.
u Never stand directly below a bolt which is being installed.
u Use the full length of the installation arm to stand under secure rock when the bolt is

1. Make sure that the bolt sleeve is clean and not damaged.
Optional step If a washer is being used, attach it to the bolt before the bolt is inserted into the
Use a tube sleeve if necessary.

Optional step If the bolt is longer than 2 m (78.73 in.), insert the bolt a short way into the hole

2. Insert the bolt into the chuck on the Swellex arm.

3. Make sure that the bolt reaches to the bottom of the chuck.

4. Insert the bolt into the drill hole using the Swellex arm.

130 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 20 Bolting

5. Press the bolt hard against the opening of the drill hole.

6. Press the trigger (A) fully to activate the pump.

NOTE: If trigger (A) is not fully pressed, the three-way valve

! leaks. If the three-way valve leaks, the pressure is not reached.

7. Keep the trigger pressed in until the set pressure for the pressure valve has been
reached and maintained for 6 seconds.

8. Release the trigger and allow the water to flow out of the bolt.

9. Wait a few seconds until the pressure in the bolt has dropped to save the seals.

10. Remove the installation arm from the bolt.

A tensile test is recommended when the first bolt is fitted.

NOTE: The pump must never pump water for longer than 10 min-
! utes at a time. If the pump continues despite releasing the trigger,
there is a leak in the high-pressure line.

131 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 20 Bolting

132 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 21 Safe Bolting System

21 Safe Bolting System

This equipment is optional.

Safe bolting system can be used while working under the unsecured rocks. Safe bolting
system has two applications:
• Changing drill bit and drill rods
• Bolting with split set type rock bolt
Safe bolting system means that there is the option to turn the feed. So that the feed spike
points toward the operator station. Then the drill bit or drill rods can be changed or a rock
bolt can be positioned in the feed without the need to leave the machine.

21.1 Positioning for Safe Bolting System

¡ Follow the positioning instructions to position the machine in safe bolting mode.

Step result è The boom automatically deactivates and a message appears on the display.

21.2 Operating in Safe Bolting System

There are safety functions to prevent the operator from feeding forward the drill bit, drill
rods, or bolt towards the operator station.
When the feeder is in safe bolting mode, the operator can carry out the following:
• Operate boom and feeder
• Operate the rock drill forward and backward with reduced feed speed

Precondition ü Feeder is in safe bolting mode.

¡ Press and hold the boom selection button on the operator panel lefthand keypad to
maneuver the boom and rock drill.

21.3 Operate Safe Bolting System with Drill Stop 2.0 in

Safe Bolting System is a safety function that prevents the operator from feeding forward
the drill bit, drill rods, or bolt towards the operator station.
When the feed is in safe-bolting angle, Safe Bolting System shuts down all boom functions
completely. The boom buttons in the operator panel are deactivated and a warning ap-
pears on the status bar: Feed outside drill area
The operator can override the shut-down in order to move the boom at normal speed and
the rock-drill cradle at reduced speed. Impact, rotation, and drilling function are still dis-
The overriding can be achieved by the Safe Bolting System by keeping the boom activation
button pressed on the operator panel.
The overriding can also achieved by the Drill Stop 2.0 System by turning Drill Stop 2.0 to
Auto mode.

133 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 21 Safe Bolting System

Whenever a person breaches the detection field boundaries, Drill Stop 2.0 Auto disables
boom functions completely.
Bolting mode is activated by checking the box Enable bolt positioning in the RCS.

NOTE: Operator should deactivate boom buttons on operator panel before entering
! safe bolting platform or leaving the cabin.

See Reference Documentation

Drill Stop System with PIR Sensors

21.4 Selecting Alternate Lever Function

The machines have the option to select an alternative for the positioning levers other than
standard. It helps to change two of the lever functions with bolting positioning so that they
change places with each other. The lever functions that this selection applies to are feed
swing, feed rotation, boom extension and parallel holding.
To select and use the bolting positioning alternative for the levers:

1. Go to Settings menu.

2. Select Enable bolting position.

NOTE: The first time this option is chosen, a popup window ap-
! pears on the display, warning the operator that bolting positioning
has been chosen. Press OK to continue.

21.5 Emergency Mode

Risk of Emergency Mode
Safety functions are disengaged in the emergency operations.
Incorrect handling results in a risk of serious or fatal injury.
u Pay attention to the warning.
u Use emergency operation in exceptional cases.
u Rectify the fault causing emergency operation as soon as possible.

NOTE: The emergency operation function is deactivated automatically after a certain

! interval of time.

! NOTE: Emergency mode must be used temporarily.

The safety functions for the safe bolting are disengaged in the emergency mode.

134 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

Boomer M20/M20 S 21 Safe Bolting System

For example: In feed, percussion and rotation can be activated when the feeder is in safe
bolting mode. Therefore, observe extreme caution during emergency operation.
The machine is installed with a sensor to detect when the feeder is positioned to safe bolt-
ing. If the sensor or the cable is broken, the system will not be functional. To complete the
started face drilling:

1. Activate Emergency mode safe bolting in the Settings menu.

All drilling and positioning functions can be used in the emergency mode.

2. To adjust the time, refer control system manual.

135 No: TIS0004346.002 en-US

2023-06-16 | No: TIS0004346.002 en-US


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