Chapter2NIEL JOHN-WPS Office
Chapter2NIEL JOHN-WPS Office
Chapter2NIEL JOHN-WPS Office
Y/s: BSSW 2A
Dogs can't be moral agents. Dogs are not morally responsible and thus their behavior doesn't of
itself warrant praise or blame. A moral agent is being who is capable of those actions that have
moral quality and which can be properly denominated good or evil in a moral sense. (Edwards,
1754)Only a moral agent is capable of human acts. That's why morality is for persons.
Robots also can't be moral agents. Because robots dont have morality sense. Its only made by
human for its capable purpose only. They can only make morally charged decisions and actions
as a result of what they were programmed to do by human.
The reasons why can't dog and a robot be a moral agents are they don't moral senses unlike
human. They doesn't have the capacity to conform to moral standards. They also don't have a
knowledge about good and evil sense. And most of all They are not capable of human act.
A moral agent is capable of those actions that have moral quality and which can be properly
denominated good or evil in a moral sense. Only a moral agent is capable of human acts. That's
why morality is for human persons. The agent has the capacity to conform to some of the
external requirements of morality.
From the innermost core of your being, whom have you chosen - God (goodness) or not God (the
evil). How true have you been to your fundamental option? Is your life one of communion with
God or one of isolation?
Even though I always commit sin, I always see God as the good one and asked for forgiveness.
As I believe in his teaching, about heaven and hell. And as a moral person I choose goodness to
be accepted by God to heaven if time comes.
My life are one communion with God, as I believe in God goodness always happen in my life
and always guides me to do the right thing.
1. Share an experience that shaped your values and moral formation. It may be a conversation
that determined your career, an event that changed the course of your life or anything else that
you believe has determined what you have become.
The moment I experience that shape my values and moral formation are the time I
became a part in our youths programs in our barangay. I learned a lot of things about soviety
meet other people befriend with them and know them better. I learned that some of my fellow
youths are also student like me and also struggling about thier studying but also working hard
even though of lack of requirements. Thier also some who stop studying and choose to work for
them to help thier family. This moment made me realize that I need to help this people I want
to be friends with them and share them my experience and I also want to hear about them so
we can help each other.
What you shared is called defining moment in one's life. What is meant by defining moment?
Defining a moment is a moment where you can get a greatest lessons and change your
perspectives in life. A moment where you can be moral and improve your moral character as a
person. One of your experience that made you what you are now.
What was a defining moment in your life? What do you do to form your moral character?
The defining moment in my life is the moment I met God. To form my moral character I always
remember the to do the goodness. As a human being I know what is good to bad. Also to
inhance my moral standard I follow the commandments of God.
Answer this question:
What makes you come to school everyday? Check that those which applies /apply to you
a )Among the reasons given, agree as partners on the best reason for coming to school everyday
and why.
For me the best reason for coming to school are that I want to be a professional someday and I
am afraid to be dropped and fail today. I believe this to are the best reason because first of all
the main reason I studying is to be professional and have a better work to help my family and in
order to do that I must not fail and dropped my study.
b.)What are very adequate reasons? What are not very adequate reasons?
A very adequate reasons are reasons that clearly set out the factual and legal issues for
determination, the conclusions on those issues and the thought process that has been applied
in reaching those conclusions. A not very adequate reasons are reasons that are not clearly set
out in contrary to an adequate reasons.
Based on Williams Kay's and Kohlberg's stages of moral development point, in which stage are
1. Are you doing for genuine conscience formation to reach post conventional level of moral
development, the full internalization of universal ethical principles?
I consider myself in conventional level stage three. My sense of morality is tied to personal and
societal relationships as I continue to accept the rules of authority figures, but this is now due
to my belief that this is necessary to ensure positive relationships in society. due to their belief
that this is necessary to ensure positive relationships and societal order. Adherence to rules and
conventions is somewhat rigid during these stages and a rule's appropriateness or fairness is
seldom questioned.
2. What are you doing for genuine conscience formation to reach post conventional level of
moral development, the full internalization of universal ethical principles?
For genuine conscience formation to reach post conventional level of moral development, the
full internalization of universal ethiccal principles Conscience formation begins with the deep-
seated decision to seek moral truth. One adopts, as a way of life, the habit of seeking out
answers to questions about right and wrong, persevering in that quest until one arrives at a
state of moral certainty, after having made the most reasonable effort possible to arrive at
those answers. As one's consciousness widens, the moral parameters or standards of one's
decision making widens, one's moral conscience widens, one matures.