Positional Accuracy Testing of Google Earth: January 2013

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Positional Accuracy Testing of Google Earth

Article · January 2013

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4 authors, including:

Nagi Zomrawi
Sudan University of Science and Technology (Sudan) + Albaha University (KSA)


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Positional Accuracy Testing of Google Earth

Dr. Nagi Zomrawi Mohammed1, Ahmed Ghazi2 and Hussam Eldin Mustafa3
Sudan University of Science and Technology (sust.edu)
nagizomrawi@sustech.edu, 1nagizomrawi@yahoo.com

Abstract– Google Earth provides an open source, easy to (GPS) and remote sensing satellite imagery. Each of theses
access and cost free image data that support map interest methods is of a known positional accuracy.
community. Therefore, depending of this community on The positional accuracy generally includes:
Google Earth, grows up day by day. More than simply  Horizontal accuracy that evaluate the measured (X,Y)
providing locational information, Google Earth allows planimetric coordinates of the points relative to the true
users to add their own content such as photos or coordinates, and
descriptions of areas or landmarks. They can also  Vertical accuracy that evaluate the measured height (h)
extrapolate information from the satellite imagery of the points relative to the true heights.
obtained by digitizing areas of interest and exporting them
for use elsewhere. As such, the application has found a II. GOOGLE EARTH
strong following not only in explorers and navigators but
also in classrooms all over the world. However, this Is a virtual globe, map and geographical information
popularity of Google Earth is not an indication of its program that was originally called Earth Viewer 3D, and was
accuracy. The aim of this research is to estimate the created by Keyhole, Inc, a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Google Earth horizontal and vertical accuracy in funded company acquired by Google in 2004. It maps the
Khartoum State so as to evaluate this free source of data. Earth by the superimposition of images obtained from satellite
This was carried out by comparing Google Earth imagery, aerial photography and GIS 3D globe. Google Earth
measured coordinates of points with geodetic Global uses digital elevation model (DEM) data collected by NASA's
Positional System (GPS) receiver coordinates over sample Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The internal
of 16 check points located in Khartoum State. Since GPS coordinate system of Google Earth is geographic coordinates
provide accurate measurement of coordinates on the same (latitude/longitude) on the World Geodetic System of 1984
ellipsoid as Google Earth, it was used to check the (WGS84) datum i.e., the same datum that used by GPS.
accuracy of Google Earth. Root Mean Square Error Google Earth shows the earth as it looks from an elevated
(RMSE) was computed for horizontal coordinates and was platform such as an airplane or orbiting satellite. The
found to be 1.59m. For height measurement RMSE was projection used to achieve this effect is called the General
computed to be 1.7m. For the research purposes and to Perspective. This is similar to the Orthographic projection.
pursue the changes occurred while Google Earth images Most of the high resolution imagery in Google Earth Maps is
updated, it was noted that the positional accuracy was the Digital Globe Quickbird which is roughly 65cm pan-
changed and improved, but the elevation is still as it were sharpened (65 cm panchromatic at nadir and 2.62 m
before update. multispectral at nadir). Google is actively replacing this base
imagery with 2.5 m SPOT Image imagery and several higher
Keywords– Google Earth, GPS, Projection, Datum and resolution datasets.
Positional Accuracy Some population centers are also covered by aircraft
imagery (orthophotography) with several pixels per meter.
Google Earth file format is Keyhole Markup Language
I. INTRODUCTION (KML) which is a file format for modeling and storing
geographic features such as points, lines, images, polygons,

S ince it was released in June 2005, Google Earth has

enjoyed ever increasing popularity as the go-to application
for map lovers, navigators and armchair explorers. Free
and models for display in Google Earth, Google maps or other
applications. It can use KML to share places and information
with other users of these applications. For its reference
for download and installation on every computer system – PC, system, KML uses 3D geographic coordinates; longitude,
Mac and Linux. Via satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D latitude and altitude, in that order, the longitude, latitude
buildings and other locational data. Google aims to provide components are as defined by the World Geodetic System of
viewers with “a more realistic view of the world”. 1984 (WGS84). The vertical component (altitude) is
Beside Google Earth, map data and positional measurement measured from the WGS84 EGM96 Geoid vertical datum.
can be obtained using different methods such as conventional
or modern land survey methods, Global positional System

[ISSN: 2045-7057] www.ijmse.org 6


III. MAP PROJECTION sufficiently refined that the change between successive ITRF
epochs is in the order of a couple of centimeters only. These
A map projection is a way to represent the curved surface coordinates are derived from geodetic observations such as
of the Earth on the flat surface of a map. A good globe can GPS, Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), and
provide the most accurate representation of the earth. Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR).
However, a globe isn't practical for many of the functions for Although the name WGS84 has remained the same, it has
which it requires maps. Map projections allow users to been enhanced on several occasions to a point where it is now
represent some or the earth’s entire surface, at a wide variety very closely aligned to ITRF. The origin of the WGS84
of scales, on a flat, easily transportable surface, such as a framework is also the earth’s centre of mass.
sheet of paper. Map projections also apply to digital map data, The reference ellipsoid used with WGS84 is essentially the
which can be presented on a computer screen. same as the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80) and
There is three main type of surfaces that globe can be ellipsoid used with ITRF. WGS84 reference ellipsoid
projected on. These include: parameters are:
i). Azimuthal (projection into a plane) - Equatorial axis = 6378173.00 m.
ii). Conical and - Polar axis = 6356 752.3142 m.
- Inverse flattening (1/f) = 298.257 223 563 m.
iii). Cylindrical
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) is a ‘pseudo V. MEASUREMENT AND RESULTS
cylindrical’ conformal projection (it preserves shape). The
UTM system divides the earth into 60 zones each 6 degrees of In order to evaluate the positional accuracy of Google
longitude wide. These zones define the reference point for Earth, number of sixteen points was selected in Khartoum
UTM grid coordinates within the zone. UTM zones extend town. These points were then observed using Trimble 1800
from latitude of 80° S to 84° N. In the Polar Regions the surveying GPS receiver applying Real Time Kinematic
Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grid system is used. (RTK) technique. In which the base station was located in
UTM zones are numbered 1 through 60, starting at the Khartoum air port at fixed control point and the rover was
International Date Line, longitude 180°, and proceeding east. used to observe the required points. Figure 1 shows part of
Zone 1 extends from 180° W to 174° W and is centered on Google Earth image demonstrating the study area and points
177° W. distribution.
Each UTM zone is divided into horizontal bands spanning 8
degrees of latitude. These bands are lettered, south to north,
beginning at 80° S with the letter C and ending with the letter
X at 84° N. The letters I and O are skipped to avoid confusion
with the numbers one and zero. The bands lettered X spans
12° of latitude Where, Sudan falls in zone 36N.
Scale factor is the ratio of any two corresponding lengths
measured between two points (i.e. projected and actual
length). In UTM the default scale factor value is (o.9996) m.
Practically, for each region of the earth there is a suitable
map projection (i.e., in the poles the adopted projection is the
UPS system), in the same manner, for each country there is a
suitable datum, which is a reference for position on the
surface of the earth.
Figure 1: Distribution of the selected points over the study area

In surveying, a datum is a reference system for computing

or correlating the results of surveys. There are two principal
types of datum; vertical and horizontal:
 A vertical datum is a level surface to which heights are
 The horizontal datum is used as a reference for
The World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) is the geodetic
reference system used by GPS. WGS84 was developed for the
United States Defense Mapping Agency (DMA), now called
NIMA (National Imagery and Mapping and Agency).
The International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) which
is an international coordinate framework having the earth’s
center of mass as its origin. ITRF is computed annually from
a global network of accurate coordinates and is now Figure 2: A sample of observed points

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Figure 2 shows an enlarged image demonstrating sample of Table 3: Google Earth measured coordinates in October 2012
observed points.
Results of GPS observations were tabulated as shown in Measured coordinates
Table 1 hereunder. X(m) Y(m) H(m)
1 447283.39 1720556.17 380
2 447639.00 1723462.30 381
Table 1: GPS observed coordinates
3 447831.44 1725290.90 384
4 449809.02 1719955.97 384
Observed coordinates
point 5 450021.05 1725642.97 384
X (m) Y(m) H(m)
6 450254.60 1724237.00 384
1 447285.46 1720556.50 381.98
2 447640.33 1723463.06 381.43 7 450890.51 1722484.21 383
3 447832.56 1725289.75 380.97 8 452120.81 1720294.14 383
4 449810.47 1719955.92 383.40 9 452151.87 1725765.58 382
5 450022.15 1725641.94 381.29 10 452616.75 1724872.72 380
6 450253.05 1724235.07 383.33 11 452906.07 1722494.09 382
7 450891.91 1722483.98 383.64 12 454500.28 1722715.58 385
8 452122.27 1720294.16 385.23 13 454614.85 1726038.29 382
9 452155.23 1725766.07 382.96 14 454802.30 1720767.46 386
10 452618.83 1724872.69 383.79 15 455010.48 1724513.75 384
11 452907.50 1722494.06 383.94 16 455025.16 1724515.12 384
12 454501.44 1722715.48 384.19
13 454616.56 1726038.41 382.56
14 454803.59 1720767.42 385.14
15 455012.05 1724513.72 384.58 Differences between actual observed GPS coordinates of
16 455026.51 1724515.18 384.20 points and the two sets of Google Earth measured coordinates
were computed as listed below in Table 4:

In September 2012 Google Earth was used to measure the Table 4: Differences between actual and Google Earth observed coordinates
location of the sixteen study points. Results of Google Earth in September and October 2012
measurement was found to be as listed in Table 2:
Differences in coordinates
Point September October
Table 2: Google Earth measured coordinates in September 2012
∆X(m) ∆Y(m) ∆X(m) ∆Y(m)
Measured coordinates 1 0.54 2.5 -2.07 -0.33
Point 2 -0.33 2.94 -1.33 -0.76
X(m) Y(m) H(m)
3 0.44 4.25 -1.12 1.15
1 447286 1720559 380
4 2.53 2.08 -1.45 0.05
2 447640 1723466 381
5 2.85 3.06 -1.1 1.03
3 447833 1725294 384
6 2.95 1.93 1.55 1.93
4 449813 1719958 384
7 3.09 3.02 -1.4 0.23
5 450025 1725645 384
8 2.73 1.84 -1.46 -0.02
6 450256 1724237 384
9 0.77 2.93 -3.36 -0.49
7 450895 1722487 383
10 2.17 2.31 -2.08 0.03
8 452125 1720296 383
11 2.5 1.94 -1.43 0.03
9 452156 1725769 382
12 2.56 2.52 -1.16 0.1
10 452621 1724875 380
13 3.44 2.59 -1.71 -0.12
11 452910 1722496 382
14 3.41 2.58 -1.29 0.04
12 454504 1722718 385
15 2.95 2.28 -1.57 0.03
13 454620 1726041 382
16 2.49 2.82 -1.35 -0.06
14 454807 1720770 386
RMSE 2.47 2.66 1.68 0.67
15 455015 1724516 384
16 455029 1724518 384 RMSEXY 3.63 1.80

In October 2012, a new Google Earth set of positional Computing the Root Mean square (RMSE) - as an accuracy
measurement was carried out. Result of this measurement is indicator - for planimetric coordinates (X, Y) it was found to
listed in Table 3: be 3.63m in September 2012, while it was computed to be
1.80m in October.
It can be noted that the accuracy of Google Earth was
changed from September to October but, fortunately enhanced

[ISSN: 2045-7057] www.ijmse.org 8


to provide better accuracy. This may be caused by updating  Moreover, height information can be extracted from
Google Earth images with a new better resolution one. On the Google Earth was estimated with 1.73m accuracy. This
other hand, no change was noted in the heights derived from accuracy enables specialists to have topographic
Google Earth on both measurement of September and information and assist to produce contour maps with
October. 1:50,000 scale and smaller.
Google Earth measured heights were also tested by  Google Earth represents a powerful and attractive source
comparing actual heights observed by GPS and those of positional data that can be used for investigation and
measured in Google Earth after updating in October 2012. preliminary studies with suitable accuracy and low cost.
Differences in heights were computed to be as listed in
Table 5:
Table 5: Difference between actual and Google Earth measured heights [1]. Geo-community (2012), Conversion of Shapefile to KML, An
overview of tools available, http:// spatialnews. geocomm.
GPS Google
point ΔH(m) com / articles/ overviewofkmlconversionprograms/
Heights (m) Heights (m) [2]. David potere. (2008), Horizontal Positional Accuracy of
1 381.987 380 3.92 Google Earth’s High-Resolution Imagery Archive,
2 381.438 381 0.18 Office of Population Research, Princeton University.
3 380.976 384 9.18 Sensors, 7973-7981; DOI: 10.3390/s8127973
4 383.403 384 0.36 [3]. David potere. (2008), Horizontal Positional Accuracy of
5 381.299 384 7.34 Google Earth’s High-Resolution Imagery Archive. Office of
6 383.334 384 0.44 Population Research, Princeton University. Sensors, 7973-
7 383.643 383 0.40 7981; DOI: 10.3390/s8127973
8 385.236 383 4.97 [4]. Details about universal coordinates system (2012), MapTools
9 382.967 382 0.92 1755 La Honda Rd. #95.WEB. http:// www. map tools. com/
10 383.796 380 14.36 UsingUTM/ UTMdetails.html
11 383.945 382 3.76 [5]. ESRI, GIS overview. 2012.http:// www. esri. com/ what-is-gis/
12 384.199 385 0.65 overview# overview_panel
13 382.568 382 0.31 [6]. GPS Accuracy (2012), iGage mapping corporation http://
385.148 386 0.73 www. igage. com/ mp/ GPS Accuracy.
[7]. Google earth support. http:// support. google. com/ earth/ bin/
15 384.581 384 0.33
answer.py? hl= en& answer =
16 384.204 384 0.04
RMSEH 1.73m [8]. How accurate is a garmin GPS (2012), Bluepeak. < http://
www. bluepeak.net/ blog/ how-accurate-is-a-garmin-gps/.
[9]. Kazimierz BECEK and KHAIRUNNISA Ibrahim, Brunei
From results of Table 5, it can be note that Google Earth Darussalam. (2012), On the Positional Accuracy of the Google
provides elevations with accuracy of approximately of 1.73m Earth Imagery, Marrakech, Morocco.
as a result of computing RMSE for height. [10]. National atlas of the United States,
<http://www.nationalatlas.gov/articles/mapping/a _projections.
[11]. "National atlas of the united
VI. CONCLUSION a_projections.
[12]. Projected CRS used in Sudan GeoRepository (2012),
Availability of data that make users in different disciplines http://georepository.com/ crs_29636/ Sudan-UTM-zone-36N.
use Google Earth in positional data extraction encourage [13]. Tooling University, TOOLINGU (2012) http:// www.
specialists to carry out researches in order to test and evaluate toolingu.com/ definition- 350115- 5909 -linearity.
positional Google Earth extracted data. [14]. "What is the difference between WGS84 and GDA94 (2001) -
From the measurements carried out in year 2012 and results Inter- governmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping.
obtained above, it can be concluded with:
 Google Earth positional accuracy is not fixed but varies
from time to another. This may be referred to the process
of updating Google Earth by replacing the original
images by a better resolution images.
 In spite of changing the positional accuracy positively to
be better, but the negative change may be expected.
 Reliability of Google Earth extracted positional data can
be supported by making some sort of field check.
 Horizontal accuracy of Google Earth in Khartoum area
(Sudan) is about 1.80m. This accuracy can successfully
be used to derive planmetric maps with medium and
small scales.

[ISSN: 2045-7057] www.ijmse.org 9

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