Water 13 00125 v3
Water 13 00125 v3
Water 13 00125 v3
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods to Address Water
Allocation Problems: A Systematic Review
Sintayehu Legesse Gebre 1,2, * , Dirk Cattrysse 1 and Jos Van Orshoven 3
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Industrial Management, Traffic & Infrastructure,
KU Leuven (University of Leuven), 3001 Leuven, Belgium; dirk.cattrysse@kuleuven.be
2 Department of Natural Resource Management, Jimma University, P.O. Box 307 Jimma, Ethiopia
3 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Division of Forest, Nature and Landscape,
KU Leuven (University of Leuven), 3001 Leuven, Belgium; jos.vanorshoven@kuleuven.be
* Correspondence: sintayehulegesse@gmail.com or sintayehulegesse.gebre@kuleuven.be
Abstract: The water allocation problem is complex and requires a combination of regulations, policies,
and mechanisms to support water management to minimize the risk of shortage among competing
users. This paper compiles the application of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) related to
water allocation. In this regard, this paper aims to identify and to discern the pattern, distribution of
study regions, water problem classifications, and decision techniques application for a specific water
allocation problem. We applied a systematic literature review study from 2000 to 2019 by using four
literature databases (Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct, and Google Scholar). From 109 papers,
49 publications have been identified and information extracted. This study reveals that in the past
two decades the application of MCDM in the area of water allocation has increased particularly after
2014. Around 65% and 12% of study papers were conducted in Asia and Europe, respectively. Water
shortage, water use management, and water quality were consecutively the most top-ranked discussed
water problems. NSGA II (non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm), GA (genetic algorithm), and LP
(linear programming) are the more often applied decision methods to solve water allocation problems.
The key findings of this study provide guidelines for future research studies.
Citation: Gebre, S.L.; Cattrysse, D.;
Van Orshoven, J. Multi-Criteria Keywords: database; MCDM methods; systematic review; water allocation
Decision-Making Methods to
Address Water Allocation Problems:
A Systematic Review. Water 2021, 13,
125. https://doi.org/10.3390/
1. Introduction
Water is an essential resource for the existence of every form of life. It is valuable
Received: 23 November 2020 for maintaining a healthy ecosystem and supporting socio-economic development. The
Accepted: 4 January 2021 availability of water resources varies in physical state, space, and time. Nearly 75% of
Published: 7 January 2021 the earth’s surface is covered by water. However, 97% of the earth’s water is found in
oceans and seas and is saline. The remaining 3% of the water on earth is freshwater. A
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu- large portion (±68.7%) of freshwater is inaccessible to human beings since it is locked up in
tral with regard to jurisdictional clai- glaciers, ice caps, and a permanent snow cover in the polar regions. 30.1% is concentrated
ms in published maps and institutio- as groundwater and 0.9% is surface water (2% rivers, 11% swamps, and 87% lakes) [1,2].
nal affiliations. Overall, more than 99% of water is unfit and unavailable for human consumption and only
0.0067% of the total water on earth is fresh and accessible for human water use. The rest
requires intensive investment to refine for consumption [1]. This shows freshwater is very
important and different water uses should be considered very carefully. At a global level,
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
according to the Cassardo and Jones [1]; FAO [3] report, approximately 70% of water is
This article is an open access article
used for agriculture, mainly in the form of irrigation, 22% for industrial purposes, and 8%
distributed under the terms and con- for domestic purposes and one percent for recreational use.
ditions of the Creative Commons At- Water allocation represents the process of distributing water supplies to fulfill the
tribution (CC BY) license (https:// various requirements of water users. The four questions are: who uses water resources,
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ how, when, and where. Moreover, it determines the allocation of water resources to
4.0/). different purposes in space and time. Water allocation influences the economic, ecological,
problems. MCDM methods can be classified into two broad classes MADM (mul-
Water 2021, 13, 125 ti-attribute decision-making) and MODM (multiple-objective decision-making) [13,14]. 3 of 28
MADM is suitable for selection of a limited number of alternatives and preference rank-
ing. The evaluation is based on predetermined decision alternatives with respect to
weighted attributes (i.e., the decision space is discrete). Alternatives are the different
choicesisordiscrete). Alternatives
preferences are the
available for thedecision-maker.
different choicesThese
or preferences
alternativesavailable for the
are assumed to
decision-maker. These alternatives are assumed to be limited in number or
be limited in number or finite. They are supposed to be screened, prioritized, and finally finite. They
are supposed
ranked to be
or sorted screened,
with respectprioritized,
to the statedand finally
criteria ranked or
decisions or objectives.
sorted with respect to the
stated criteria decisions or objectives.
There are different types of MADM methods (or discrete MCDM) available such as
There arefunction
Value/Utility different(e.g.,
of MADM methods value (or discrete
theory MCDM)
MAVT, available such
multi-attribute as
theory (MAUT), function
simple(e.g., multi-attribute
additive weightingvalue
SAW)theory MAVT,
[15,16], multi-attribute
pairwise comparisonutility
(e.g., the-
ory (MAUT), simple additive weighting SAW) [15,16], pairwise comparison
alytic hierarchy process (AHP),analytic network process ANP) [17,18], distance-based (e.g., analytic
hierarchy processfor
(e.g., technique (AHP),analytic network by
order of preference process ANP)to
similarity [17,18],
ideal distance-based (e.g., tech-
solution (TOPSIS)) [19],
nique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS)) [19],
outranking (e.g., preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation outranking (e.g.,
preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation (PROMETHEE),and
(PROMETHEE),and elimination and choice expressing reality (ELECTREE)) [20–22]. The
elimination and choice expressing reality (ELECTREE)) [20–22]. The MODM method is
MODM method is preferably used for continuous optimization problems where the
preferably used for continuous optimization problems where the number of alternatives is
number of alternatives is infinite, i.e., the decision space is continuous [23]. In general, it
infinite, i.e., the decision space is continuous [23]. In general, it is suitable for the design
is suitable for the design of the best alternative planning decision problems in which al-
of the best alternative planning decision problems in which alternatives are not predeter-
ternatives are not predetermined but instead, a set of objective functions is optimized
mined but instead, a set of objective functions is optimized subject to a set of constraints.
subject to a set of constraints. The MODM methods are further grouped into mathemat-
The MODM methods are further grouped into mathematical programming models and
ical programming models and heuristic algorithms based on computational time and
heuristic algorithms based on computational time and solution. For example, mathematical
solution. For example, mathematical methods include linear programming (LP),
methods include linear programming (LP), non-linear programming, mixed integer linear
non-linear programming, mixed integer linear programming NLP, MILP, goal pro-
programming NLP, MILP, goal programming (GP), compromise programming CP, and
gramming (GP), compromise programming CP, and dynamic programming [24]. Heu-
dynamic programming [24]. Heuristic methods include ones such as simulating annealing
ristic genetic
(SA), methods include ones
algorithm (GA),such as simulating
non-dominated annealing
sorting genetic(SA), genetic
algorithm algorithm
(NSGA), and(GA),
search TS [25–27]sorting
1). algorithm (NSGA), and tabu search TS[25–27] (Figure 1).
3. Materials
3. Materials and
and Methods
In this systematic study,
In this systematic study, allall
thethe most
most acceptable
acceptable literature
literature web web database
database sources
sources were
were used.
used. The characteristic
The characteristic featurefeature
of eachofsource
each source is stated
is clearly clearlyfor
stated forunderstanding
better better under-
(Table 1). (Table 1).
What Is
Type Features Search Results Strength Weakness Publisher Year of Data Availability References
platform with many Ability to analyze
databases of sciences. It Journal Reliable sorting. search results by Poorer
Web of Thomson Reuters/
covers agriculture articles, Searches are author, affiliation, coverage of in- Established 1973 but data
Science Clarivate [28–31]
in the broadest conference reproducible and country, journal/book terdisciplinary contains since 1900
(WoS) Analytics
sense, including proceedings reportable title, and broad journals
veterinary subject categories.
Low coverage
Journal Easy to search journal
Science Science, technology, and Reliable and of interdisci-
articles, articles and provide Elsevier 1997 [32]
Direct (SD) medicine retrievable plinary
and books full-text access
Tools for analyzing
Biomedical sciences,
Journal Reliable sorting. search results by Medium
natural sciences, Launched in 2004 but
articles, Searches are author, affiliation, coverage of in-
Scopus engineering, social Elsevier article indexing coverage [29–31,33]
conference reproducible and country, journal title, terdisciplinary
sciences, arts, and goes back to 1970
proceedings reportable and broad subject journals
Few sorting
Includes all types International and
Search results are options;
Google of documents, e.g., interdisciplinary
All subject areas not reproducible many non- Google Unknown [28,29,34]
Scholar (GS) tutorials, posters, coverage (all types of
and reportable peer-reviewed
presentations documents)
Water 2021, 13, 125 5 of 28
WoS, Scopus, and SD are the most popular scientific literature search database plat-
forms. They contain a systematic search option that can allow backward and forward
search. Further, the databases can easily retrieve a trusted academic journal article. WoS
has in-depth coverage of the database compared to Scopus. WoS compiles its database since
1900, whereas Scopus contains scientific literature from 1970 (Table 1). In general, all the
above databases cover the wide fields of scientific journals and proceedings [35,36]. These
database platforms give more information about the search articles in a more advanced
metric system, and the search is reproducible. However, these databases do not inclusively
contain all scientific literature for a systematic scientific review evaluation. Therefore, we
included the GS database search for our systematic review study because GS adds relevant
articles that are not found in the other databases [37]. GS is often used by researchers due
to its easy access and retrieves any scholarly journal article records from all web sites [38].
The GS tool has a comprehensive approach in coverage of the scientific and scholarly litera-
ture compared to the other database searches [39]. In summary, GS has good coverage of
disciplines and multi-languages, particularly in the field of humanities and social science as
compared to WoS, SD, and Scopus [30,34,40]. Nevertheless, GS searching is challenging as
it lacks the basic functionality of search history, bibliographic metrics, and search interface
strategies. This makes that this search strategy is very laborious and time-consuming [41].
Notwithstanding all its limitations, GS can be used in addition to WoS, SD, and Scopus as a
search database for systematic scientific literature database sources [42]. In conclusion, each
database has its own advantage and disadvantage. Thus, it is advisable to use multiple
databases for adequate and efficient coverage [37]. In this systematic review work, all four
database sources were used in searching research articles using standard string words
on multiple topics under the umbrella of multi-criteria decision-making to solve water
allocation problems (Table 2).
Table 2. Scoping results of selected articles based on the four database sources (From 2000–2019, English language-based literature).
The strings in the case of GS used the same words, but with different word orders to
restrict the search engine. In Table 2, the literature was selected using the stated strings from
each database through screening of the abstracts, keywords, and titles of the research articles.
Eventually, a full-text review has been done to refine the collected articles, and 109 articles were
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 29
archived for further eligibility assessment. The detailed workflow is presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Study flow chart of identification, screening, eligibility, and included articles.
Figure 2. Study flow chart of identification, screening, eligibility, and included articles.
4. Results
In this section, the results of the 49 reviewed publication papers from January 2000
to 2018 are presented. The results are summarized in detail according to: the trend of
publications, study region distribution, water problem classification, use of decision
techniques, and applications in different water allocation problems.
4. Results
In this section, the results of the 49 reviewed publication papers from January 2000
to 2018 are presented. The results are summarized in detail according to: the trend
of publications, study region distribution, water problem classification, use of decision
techniques, and applications in different water allocation problems.
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Figure 3. Distribution
Figure 3. Distributionofofthe
number ofofpublished
published papers
papers based
based on publication
on publication year. year.
limited publications have been reported. The rare use of MCDM applications in these
continents could be due to a lack of expertise, technology, and resources [5]. In the future,
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEERthese
REVIEWgaps could be filled by exporting MCDM techniques to developing 8countries
of 29 for the
implementation of coherent global sustainable water allocation management.
Figure 4. Distribution of publications based on the study region (2000–2018). The color legend
Figure 4. Distribution of publications based on the study region (2000–2018). The color legend shows the range of the
shows the range of the number of publications where the dot legend represents the exact number of
number of publications where the dot
publications. represents the exact number of publications.
Figure 5. Distribution of publications based on aspect. Ec+So (economical and social); Ec+En+Te (economic, environ-
mental, and technical); Ec+En+So+Te (economic, environmental, social, and technical); Ec (economical); En (environ-
mental); Ec+En (economical and environmental).
Figure 5. Distribution of publications based on aspect. Ec+So (economical and social); Ec+En+Te (economic, environ-
Figure 5. Distribution of publications based on aspect. Ec+So (economical and social); Ec+En+Te
mental, and technical); Ec+En+So+Te (economic, environmental, social, and technical); Ec (economical); En (environ-
(economic, environmental,
mental); Ec+En and technical); Ec+En+So+Te (economic, environmental, social, and
(economical and environmental).
technical); Ec (economical); En (environmental); Ec+En (economical and environmental).
Water 2021, 13, 125 9 of 28
Figure 6. Distribution of decision technique type based on publication year. FUZZY = Fuzzy stochastic programming;
Figure 6. Distribution
fuzzy = simplyof decision
fuzzy technique type based on publication year. FUZZY = Fuzzy stochastic programming;
fuzzy = simply fuzzy method.
4.5. Distribution of Publications Based on Water Problem Classifications
Water is of
4.5. Distribution allocated to meet Based
Publications different
Waterusers’ demands.
Problem The water demands arise
to respond to, a certain type of water problem, e.g., water shortage, water quality, water
Water is allocated to problem,
ecosystem/environment meet different
etc. MCDM water users’
is used demands.
to address theseThe water
different demands arise
to respond to,problems.
allocation a certainIntype of water
this study, problem,
all the reviewede.g., water shortage,
publications waterinto
were categorized quality, water
ecosystem/environment problem, etc. MCDM is used to address these different water
allocation problems. In this study, all the reviewed publications were categorized into
seven water problems context-based classification (Figure 7). A detailed explanation of
each water problem classification is presented below.
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 29
seven water problems context-based classification (Figure 7). A detailed explanation of
each water problem classification is presented below.
Water 2021, 13, 125 10 of 28
seven water problems context-based classification (Figure 7). A detailed explanation of
each water problem classification is presented below.
6% 2%
6% 2%
24% 40%
24% 40%
2% 16%
WS WQ WE 16%
24 16 WQ
20 12
number of publications
16 8 WQ
12 4 WE
8 0 WU
Burkina Faso Brazil
South Africa
Greece China
Taiwan Sweden
United States
Burkina Faso
Iran Greece
Sri Lanka
South Korea
United StatesTaiwan
0 WU
South Korea
Figure 8. Distribution of publications based on water problems across the study regions.
Next, 24% (12) of the publications used MCDM to solve water use management prob-
Figure 8. Distribution of publications based on water problems across the study regions.
lems. It is the second hot topic next to the water shortage problem. Some researchers also
indicated that the water crisis in the 21st century is much more of water use management
8. Distribution of publications
a real crisis based on
in water quantity water
and problems
quality [49].across
8 study regions.
indicates, China is the most
studied country with 6 publications. The rest of the papers are reports from Australia
(2 publications) and one paper each from the countries of Brazil, Iran, Nepal, and Sir
Lanka. The reason China becomes the center of water management problem is closely
interlinked with high population growth and density (over 30% growth since 1979 and
Water 2021, 13, 125 11 of 28
the population is close to 1.3 billion), rapid urban expansion, and economic development
(the annual GDP growth rate was 9.8% in the last few years). In addition, China has many
graduate researchers and institutional funding opportunities; these might contribute to
a high number of publications. Recently, unpredictable climate variability has created
and challenged water resources management and planning strategies [50]. According to
Reference [51], water use management is a major problem in Central Asia, this is due to its
complex nature which is affected by different driving forces at different levels. This report
suggests that multi-criteria decision-making will continue to remain an optional technical
tool for water resource management problems in the world and in particular in Asia.
In this review study, the water quality problem was the third most covered topic,
i.e., 16% with eight publications (Figure 7). Europe (Greece, Luxembourg, Spain, and
Sweden) was the most studied region regarding the application of MCDM in the field of
water quality problems. China from Asia, and South Africa from Africa, were among the
countries listed under water quality problems. In general, developed countries are more
likely exposed to water quality problems. As discussed by Martin-Ortega and Berbel [52],
there is a possibility of releasing wastes into rivers. Some of the primary sources of pollution
are urban, industrial wastewater discharge, agricultural waste discharge, excessive erosion,
excessive nutrient waste, and pesticide residue waste runoff from agricultural land. There
might be other sources that contribute to water quality deterioration. Furthermore, the
concentration level of pollutants is expected to increase by 30% in the near future. In Europe,
over the past few decades, nutrient runoff from agricultural areas becomes a problem to
coastal sea environments and estuaries which creates eutrophication. Laamanen et al. [53],
Rabalais et al. [54], and Zmijewski and Wörman [55] used multi-criteria decision in the
Dalälven River (Sweden) to reduce the phosphorous load supplied to downstream aquatic
environments. According to a report by the European Environment Agency: State of
the Environment Report 2015, around half of the European rivers and lakes have been
polluted. For example, the constructed Kiev reservoir in Ukraine has a water quality
problem. There is an accumulation of vast suspended forms of minerals and organic
matter over the reservoir. About 2–3 million tons of major ions, 30–40 thousand nutrients,
and 15 thousand trace elements are accumulated per year [56]. This shows that more
multi-criteria-based water quality research would continue to remain the major potential
topic in Europe. The problem of water quality study has been reported also in China. This
might be due to the economic growth that puts massive pressure on natural resources and
waste productions. Several research studies based on the theory of ECK (Environmental
Kuznets Curve) indicated how economic growth is important to environmental protection.
However, this hypothesis does not work in the case of water pollution in most developed
countries. Rather an economic growth creates pressure on water resource quality [57].
Fourthly, 10% (5) publications have focused on the optimization of water allocation
to satisfy and protect ecosystem demands. It is the top fourth topic covered (Figure 7).
Two publications are reported from China and one paper each from Italy, Taiwan, and the
United States of America. In other words, Asia was the most studied continent. This result
shows that high population growth and economic development rate in Asia has led to more
environmental problems than the rest of the continents. This can create a tremendous extent
of ecological and environmental problems even to the river reaches and affecting the aquatic
ecosystem. In this regard, Asia0 s ecological/environmental management, particularly to
water body conditions, will continue to be an important issue [58,59]. In this study report,
we found only one publication from China that implemented the MCDM method with
reference to water allocation to address flood management problems. With regards to
combined water problems, three publications have applied MCDM methods that focused to
solve both water shortage and quality problems. All three publications are from Asia (China,
Iran, and South Korea). Liu et al. [60] discussed the condition of water problems in China,
by considering combined indicators of water quantity and quality over the Huangqihai
River basin in Inner Mongolia. The report shows the basin has experienced both problems.
However, they stressed that the water quality problem was more serious than the water
Water 2021, 13, 125 12 of 28
quantity problem. With the increase of socio-economic growth, Satoh et al. [61] projected
that by the 2050s, water demand in Asia will be larger than the sum demand of all the other
continents together. In general, in the future, water quantity and quality problems will be an
upfront challenge in Asia’s water resources management. Similarly, only one generic study
employed multi-criteria decision-making to address combined water allocation problems of
water shortage and flood risk minimization (Figure 8). This paper used fictitious data to
run and produce an optimized solution to address multi-objective functions.
4.6. Description of Water Problems and MCDM Methods Application to Solve Water Resource
Allocation Problems
4.6.1. MCDM Methods Application to Solve Water Shortage Problems
Water shortage happens when the demand for water use exceeds the supply of water
resources in a certain geographical location over a certain time span. The concepts of
shortage or scarcity are relative terms. There are quite a number of definitions of water
scarcity or shortage. However, there are a few that stand out as robust and well-constructed.
In this part, it is not our intention to review all those definitions but to provide an overview
of the meaning of what it does refer to. According to FAO [62], it is a concept of describing
the relation between demand for water and its availability. It is obvious also that demand
and availability are comparative. It varies from place to place, seasons, and local climatic
conditions. Water shortage or scarcity is classified into two broad categories i.e., physical
scarcity and economic scarcity. Physical scarcity refers to scarcity in availability due to
a physical shortage of water resources in a given region. Economic scarcity describes
water access due to a lack of adequate infrastructure and institutions to ensure regular
water supply [63]. There have been many strategies developed in order to compact water
shortage by constructing water resources development structures in different parts of the
world. Many researchers have used MCDM in water allocation problems to address the
water shortage. Water shortage is the major water allocation problem. Water scarcity is
the world’s most challenging problem, Mekonnen and Hoekstra [63] stated about 4 billion
people, nearly two-thirds of the world population, experience severe water scarcity at least
one month per year. Which is about 66 percent of the world’s population. Almost half
of those people reside in India and China. This could increase to some 4.8–5.7 billion in
2050 [48]. The water shortage problem will continue to be a great challenge in the future.
Therefore, to address complex multi-objective water shortage problems, it is recommended
to use and apply decision-making methods.
In this section, 16 publications used MODM methods, 2 papers applied MADM, and
one paper employed both methods to solve water shortage problems. From the heuristic
decision methods, NSGA II and GA were predominantly used by 7 publications. The
NSGA II decision method was the most frequently used method. The NSGA II method
was applied by Uen et al. [64] on the pivotal Shihmen Reservoir, Taiwan, to address the
water shortage problem. They reported that short-term reservoir operation outcomes from
the NSGA II methods increased hydropower production but only slightly affected water
supply to the different stakeholders. Actually, their results were based on a short-term
plan. Similarly, Zhang et al. [65] employed the technique on the Dahuofang Reservoir,
Hunhe River, China, to optimize the trade-off changes and to minimize water shortage.
Chu et al. [66] used NSGA II on the inter-basin connected reservoirs called Dahuofang,
Guanyinge, and Shenwo in China. The other type of heuristic method used was GA. This
technique is discussed in four publications. For instance, Xu, Q et al. [67] applied GA to
the Heihe River Basin, China, to reduce the water shortage for the different stakeholders.
Hu et al. [68] implemented GA in the Qujiang River basin China. Lai [69] used GA to solve
the water shortage in China. Fowe et al. [70] applied a GA to address irrigation water
shortage on the Boura reservoir, Burkina Faso.
Like heuristic methods, a number of different types of mathematical models are used
to address water shortage allocation problems. For instance, interactive two-stage fuzzy
stochastic programming (ITFSP) is used by Niu et al. [71] in a case study on the Hetao
irrigation district, one of the largest irrigation districts for food production in China. They
Water 2021, 13, 125 13 of 28
considered irrigation benefits, economic penalty, and irrigation quota as constraints to max-
imize agricultural system benefits through allocating the limited water to three main crops
(i.e., wheat, maize, and oil plant). A dynamic model is implemented by Wang et al. [72]
for optimal water distribution on the Heihe River Basin in the northwest of China and by
Grafton et al. [73] on the Murray River of Australia. They used optimal quotas, drought
status, weather condition, and storage status as criteria to maximize the net present value
of water between extractions and in situ uses. Elmahdi and McFarlane [74] tested an
integrated decision support system (DSS) on the Gnangara Groundwater System (GGS).
That is a large aquifer situated in the southwest region of Western Australia. Their research
employed different models together to maximizing recharge, maximizing biodiversity, max-
imizing short-term economic gains, maximizing food security, maintain zero abstraction for
public water supply by considering quantitative indicators namely environment (e.g., cli-
mate, land uses, land management, status of river gauge or river reach) and socio-economic
factors (e.g., policies). A MILP decision method was used by Roozbahani et al. [75] to solve
transboundary water allocation problems to reduce water shortage to different stakehold-
ers in the Sefidrud Basin, Iran. Later, they extended their work by introducing additional
constraints that maximize the minimum water allocation ratio to the stakeholders [76].
Other types of mathematical models such as rule-based, inexact quadratic programming
(IQP) and multi-objective based sum weighted method were used to solve water shortage
problems by Song et al. [77], Cai et al. [78] and Shang [79], respectively.
In this segment, the multi-attribute decision method was rarely used. Alamanos et al. [80]
employed four types of methods and compared their results, namely, multi-attribute util-
ity theory (MAUT), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), elimination and choice expressing
reality (ELECTRE), and technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution
(TOPSIS). They optimized the water allocation problem of the Lake on Karla Watershed,
located in central Greece. Lee M et al. [81] used a multi-attribute weighted method to
minimize sever water shortage from excessive irrigation use of the Choshui river, Taiwan.
One publication used both multi-attribute and multi-objective methods for feasible actions
(alternatives) that can balance water supply-demand in the semi-arid region of northeast
Brazil, i.e., PROMETHEE V and Integer linear programming (ILP) [82].
optimal water management options that consider the benefits of all stakeholders on a
multi-reservoir water system located on the Jaguaribe River, Brazil. They suggest optimum
water use policies that incorporate economic, ecological, and livelihood dimensions. The
results show an increase in allocated water to different downstream users. A similar
decision technique method is used by Dai et al. [88]. They propose an optimal reservoir
operation on the Three Gorges-Gezhouba cascade reservoirs in China. The proposed water
management option will enable decision-makers to establish suitable reservoir operation
rules. They come to the conclusion that NSGA II is an effective and recommendable method
to optimize especially reservoir operations. The procedure is fast, flexible, and easy to
accelerate sorting processes and compares individuals in a population [89]. The NGSA
II method has an improved computational complexity convergence efficiency and model
robustness [89]. Lewis and Randall [90] applied the technique to manage water for crop
production at the Murrumbidgee irrigation area in Australia. They consider different
constraints (i.e., available water, cultivated area, environmental flow, and groundwater
pumping rate) to maximize net revenue, minimize groundwater pumping, and minimize
variable costs. The result presented optimal water use for different crops under different
scenarios that allocate land for each crop to maintain sustainability. Martin et al. [91]
implemented NGSA II on the Goulburn-Broken River catchment, Victoria, Australia, to
manage water distribution to different users. Yan et al. [92] employed the same method to
identify and assess a robust water allocation plan for future water use of the Pearl River
basin. Furthermore, different types of mathematical models are implemented to solve
water use management problems, e.g., a multi-stage fuzzy stochastic programming (MFSP)
is applied by Li C et al. [93] to solve complex water resource management problems in
the northwest of China. Goal programming is applied by Li Yet al. [94] on the South-to-
North Water Diversion Project in China; LP [95] is employed to analyze the trade-offs in
the water–energy—food nexus in Nepal and compound cloud model (CCM) to solve a
water allocation problem in Nanjing [96]. In addition, a hybrid of TLFWM (mathematical
model) and STLFCWM (mathematical model) is applied by Li M et al. [97] to allocate the
limited water resources to different water users in the Northwest of China. Moreover, the
STLFCWM model has a unique advantage over a TLFWM model since it addresses random
uncertainty in the form of a membership function. The model can provide optimal water
allocation plans under different flow levels. Another paper by Rousta and Araghinejad [98]
used both MODM (Ideal point distance-based methods _TOPSIS) and MADM (SAW)
methods to address water resources management of the Gorganrud River Basin in the
north of Iran. In this part, only a single paper used the multi-attribute AHP technique to
select the best reservoir to achieve sustainable water use for aquaculture development in
Sri Lanka [99].
of influence are largely visible in the case of arid and coastal areas. Negative humans’
activities on top of environmental pollution enact a considerable role in deteriorating the
water quality [102]. Wastes (pollution) from human activities (e.g., domestic, agricultural,
industrial inputs) are the key reason for water quality decline in various parts of the world.
Currently, human activity pollution constitutes a critical threat to water quality. For in-
stance, when wastes from human activities are dumped into water sources (e.g., lakes,
rivers), then water sources are polluted. This means it is contaminated by foreign sub-
stances so-called pollutants. These pollutants change the water use suitability, and it is
harmful to organisms and the environment [103–105]. In general, the water quality status
of a given water resource is assessed by thoroughly measuring and summarizing the data,
then it is reported in the form of a water quality index (WQI). The water quality index
represents a summary tool for reporting evaluated water quality conditions in numeric
expression in an understandable manner to the public and decision-makers [106]. Many
studies have implemented MCDM methods to minimize water quality problems in water
allocation planning by considering conflicting multi-criteria.
With regard to water quality problems, 2 papers applied the MADM and 6 publications
applied the MODM methods. From the MADM method class, both papers used AHP
decision techniques. The AHP used by Martin-Ortega and Berbel [52] had as a target to find
the best criteria (attribute) from the trade-offs between the attributes involved by a number
of respondents. This would help to identify the best environmental benefits in the context
of EU Water Framework Directives to improve the water quality of the Guadalquivir River
which is located in the southern part of Spain. The other study by Li Y et al. [107] adapted
AHP to select the optimum site for industrial wastewater discharge at the Luoyuan Bay
coastal area in Fujian of China. The study aimed to provide alternative sites to minimize the
threats of pollutants coming from industry discharges. With respect to the MODM method
classification, 3 publications employed a heuristic type of decision methods like (e.g., NSGA
II and bee colony) and 3 papers used mathematical models such as LP, inexact two-stage
stochastic programming (ITSP), and a Fuzzy approach. Raei et al. [108] applied NSGA II
on a hypothetical area to design an optimal in situ groundwater bioremediation system.
NSGA was also used by Zmijewski and Wörman [55] to optimize the tradeoff between
hydropower production and reduction of the transport of phosphorus in the reservoir
network of the Dalälven River, Sweden. Another form of heuristic algorithm method called
Multi-Objective Artificial Bee Colony-based optimization approach (MOABC) was applied
to allocate water quality monitoring stations in the Great Fish River, South Africa [109].
They reported, the method performed well under the considered criteria for building
water quality networks along the river basin. In their report, they suggested the MOBAC
algorithm for further use in the field of water quality. This is because, MOABC is based
on the principle of swarm-intelligence, searching the global optimal by escaping from
local optima. It is a very useful method for the exploitation and exploration of these
types of problems. One publication by Karterakis et al. [110] utilized a hybrid method by
combining a mathematical LP and a heuristic method called differential evolution (DE). The
aim of the paper was to develop an optimal groundwater pumping scheme that supplies
adequate freshwater demand in coastal areas of the karstic aquifer in Crere, Greece, without
deteriorating the quality of freshwater due to the seawater intrusion. Regneri et al. [111]
applied fuzzy programming to solve the combined sewer overflow problem to the Haute-
Sûre storage lake in Luxembourg. Furthermore, mathematical models like ITSP (inexact
two-stage stochastic programming) were employed on the Yinema River basin in northeast
China [112]. They reported that optimal water allocation strategies to the four water sectors
would improve the water use and water quality in the Yinema River basin. The study
suggested the ITSP approach as applicable and effective for the management of water
resources and limiting water pollutants. However, this model did not consider decision
risk uncertainties, different water sources, climate change influence on water availability,
and wastewater treatment efficiency.
Water 2021, 13, 125 16 of 28
and economic demands on the Tseng-Wen reservoir, Taiwan. He used the multi-objective
game-theory model (MOGM) and e-constraint methods to analyze the conflicting interac-
tion between economic development and environmental protection. They reported that
MOGM is preferably used for environmental problems because it supports and permits a
more realistic simulation of stakeholders’ preferences. Moreover, the model is suitable for
providing a general planning and policy insight. Whereas, the e-constraint method focuses
on either minimization or maximization of a specific environmental factor/objective of an
optimization problem. Furthermore, sometimes the results of the traditional multi-objective
optimization may not be feasible or socially acceptable. This leads to a failure to implement
the strategy or policy. On the contrary, MOGM is flexible to find politically and socially
acceptable compromises [123]. In general, with MOGM it is easier to incorporate socially
sound choices for policymakers to realize into practice. The other type of mathematical
models, called Feasible search discrete differential dynamic programming (FS-DDDP),
was used to optimize reoperation of multi reservoirs for integrated water management
to address the conflict interaction between water use and environmental deterioration of
Nanpan River, China [124]. The results of the study showed that the model performs well
in the optimal reservoir reoperation problem compared to routine reservoir operations.
They suggested the model can be readily extended and applied to multi-reservoir water
management systems.
water resources planners and decision-makers. Hence, the objectives of flood operation
in the case of multi-reservoir systems are complex, due to conflicting interests among
different objectives. For example, water releases from a reservoir may be required to
maximize hydropower generation, at the same time as releases need to be restricted to
minimize flooding at downstream river reaches. Jia et al. [126] adapted and implemented
the multi-objective best compromise decision model called (MoBCDM) on the Shiguan
River basin (consists of two reservoirs, three flood control points, and two flood routing
river reaches) to improve the optimal flood operation practices of frequently changing the
opening of flood gates in central China. The model is composed of a utility function for a
quantitative preference comparison, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) for assigning
weights, DE for an optimization algorithm, and segmentation and averaging Seg/Ave for a
feasible floodgate operation. They considered four historical flood operations scenarios to
test the model. The results prove, the MoBCDM outperforms well in all reservoir operation
scenarios in reducing peak flow at flood control points when validated to the observed
reservoir rule operation. Moreover, this model has interacting features in considering
decision-makers0 preference information. However, the flexibility and efficiency of the
model have not been tested when the system dimensions size increases like when a number
of reservoir and control points increases. The detailed criteria and objectives list used in
the model analysis are presented in Supplementary Material Table S1.
optimal water management strategies. The other form of multi-attribute decision making
used is modified fuzzy social choice (MFSC). This method was applied by Pourmand and
Mahjouri [132]. The objective of the study was to find a socially optimal scenario for water
allocation and reuse in Tehran, Iran. There has been a growing concern about the increase
of water demand and pollution by wastewater from the agricultural and industrial sectors.
To address the existing water allocation problems, they proposed scenarios for the water
quantity and quality management by considering multi-stakeholders’ conflicting utilities,
negotiation power, degree of importance, and uncertainties. Eventually using the MFSC
method, socially acceptable scenarios were prioritized to address water allocation problems
of Tehran city. In their result analysis, the MFSC method has some advantages like its
flexibility in defining preferences and incorporating imprecise input information using
fuzzy membership functions. The method requires less mathematical calculations. How-
ever, they did not include uncertainties associated with water availability and reclaimed
From the MODM class, LP was applied by Ke et al. [133] to optimize water allocation
in Ordos city, China, by considering water quantity and water quality aspects of the
Ordos river. The quality had been affected by mining industries. The LP method is
used to address water allocation with reference to water quantity and to reclaim polluted
water. They discussed that the dynamic linear optimization model can elaborate and
simultaneously address problems related to water shortage and water quality.
In summary, mathematical programming (LP) was predominantly employed to ad-
dress combined water problems. ELECTRE II and MFSC were preferably used to prioritize
multi-attribute water management alternatives.
extended by considering other additional parameters like identifying new optimal locations
for additional reservoirs.
5. Discussion
Water resources management is absolutely crucial for sustainable natural resource
utilization and protection. Water resource management planning has to safeguard all the
competing water demands and finds the best option to allocate water on an optimum basis
to all demands and uses. The demand for water is rising due to many factors like global
population growth and socio-economic development. These factors create pressure on the
available limited water resources. Besides, global climate change affects water resources too.
These factors make the use and allocation of water very complex and challenging. MCDM
tools have been used to address the conflicting trade-offs in water resource distribution
and management. Such methods are ideal and promising for optimizing water resources
allocation in maximizing all benefits and reducing the risk associated with it. Researchers
in different parts of the world have used MCDM methods to address water allocation
problems. According to our review study, the trend analysis from 2000–2018 shows that the
number of publications significantly increased particularly after 2014. One unanticipated
finding was that there was no publication found between 2000 and 2006. The result of
this study is similar to the result of de Brito and Evers [5], who reviewed the application
of MCDM on flood risk management from 1995–2015. They indicated more publications
were released after 2011 and there were equal to or less than one per year until 2004. Our
results also reflect on those of Archibald and Marshall [6], who reviewed the application of
mathematical programming on water resources management. They found that the number
of publications increased from January 2010 to December 2017. This could be a reflection
of the growing awareness of sustainable water resources management and the need for a
more holistic approach towards complex water problems. This confirms that in the future,
the number of publications will increase. The study of the distribution of publication based
on the study region is useful to show where and how often the application of MCDM is
used across the globe. In this study, at least 2 papers were reported from each continent
and a total of 16 countries were listed. China has the first position; almost half of the
publications originate from there. Similar review results were obtained by Archibald and
Marshall [6] and Bhateria and Jain [101], which proved China is the top-ranked country.
This may be due to the presence of multiple waterways and transboundary rivers that
require the application of multi-objective decision-making tools. In contrast to the previous
reviewers, Hajkowicz [7] reported that the USA and India were the prolific study regions.
However, this study reviewed publications between 1973 and 2005, which is different from
our study period.
An important topic emphasized and analyzed were criteria considered in the applica-
tion of MCDM methods. Almost 50% of the papers considered economic and environmental
factors, while the rest (around 40%) incorporated economic, environmental, and social
aspects. There have been limited review studies that included the topic of these aspects
in their paper. In summary, water resource management planning requires identifying
and selecting appropriate criteria that consider the multifunctionality of water resource
allocation. Hence, a good decision practice should be based on a critical analysis of the
tradeoffs existing in the interaction of water resource management. Water is allocated
to respond to different types of water problems like water shortage, water quality, wa-
ter/environment ecosystem, and flood risk problems. Water shortage is the major problem
reported, subsequently, water use management problem (regulations, policies), water
quality problem, water ecosystem, and flood problem follow. In this review study, we
found less attention was devoted to water allocation in response to flood problems, even if
a flood is one of the worst natural hazards and affects a large portion of population and
wealth. Some publications have also attempted to address simultaneously more than one
water problem at the same time. Very often, water shortage and water quality problems
happen at the same time. Normally, water quantity and quality are inherently related.
Water 2021, 13, 125 21 of 28
More publications are expected in the future to fill and cover this topic. In this study, we
also reviewed publications that have used MCDM to address a combined water allocation
problem of two antagonistic issues, i.e., water shortage and flooding problems at the same
time. This kind of paper-primarily studies the reservoir water allocation problem that can
sustain water supply and at the same time minimizes the overflow of water that could
impact the downstream side. In the case of the geographical distribution of the publication
in the context of water problem classifications, all the publications in all the listed water
problems were concentrated in China. Some water problems were also reported in Iran and
Taiwan. We can conclude that water allocation remains a fundamental problem in Asia.
This might be associated with a combination of rapid population growth, environmental
pollution from big industries, and climate change. The other point observed was that, even
though water allocation is a critical problem in Africa and South America, there have been
limited publications on those continents. Further studies should consider studying the
status and condition of water resource allocation problems in those continents.
A number of multi-criteria decision-making methods were used to deal with different
water allocation problems. For each specific water allocation issue, we found preferable
decision methods that had been applied. For example, the heuristic methods Genetic algo-
rithms (GA and NSGA II) and mathematical programming methods (LP forms like MILP,
ILP) were the more frequently used for water shortage problems. NSGA II is the most com-
monly applied method for water use management problems. NSGA II and AHP methods
are evenly used for water quality issues. GA and NSGA II were frequently implemented
for water ecosystem/environment-related issues. In the case of flood risk problems, we
found only a single publication that adapted the multi-objective best compromise decision
model (MoBCDM). For a combined water problem (flood-water shortage and quality),
there was no single outright decision technique employed. Nevertheless, relatively LP was
slightly more applied compared to other methods.
Overall, this review research study reveals that NSGA II was the most commonly
applied method, and GA and LP follow. In contrast to our conclusion, Archibald and
Marshall [6] in their review study reported that stochastic dynamic programming and
multistage stochastic programming were the frequently used methods. However, their
review was concentrated on the broad aspect of water resource management and the review
time-limited between 2010 and 2017. Another review study by Hajkowicz [7] indicated
fuzzy, compromise programming, AHP, and ELECTRE were the most likely used methods.
The same reason justifies that their review report focused on water resources planning
and management and they used the time period between 1973 and 2005. Bhateria and
Jain [101] discussed in their review that AHP and TOPSIS were the most popular methods.
Their review was only targeted on flood risk management problems from 1995 to 2015.
Our review report is different from the previous reviews in the sense that it specifically
covering on recent publications and narrow context-based on publications dealing with
water allocation problems.
In general, this study identified and demonstrated how decision-making methods are
applied and employed to solve different water allocation problems. The results asserted
and provided detailed information with regards to the application of different MCDM
methods in the field of water allocation. In this paper, only a few studies used hybrid
methods to address water problems. In the future, it is recommended to use a hybrid
decision-making method and simultaneously attempt multiple objectives to solve complex
water resources management and planning problems. In summary, the main intention
of this review analysis was to give an overview and guidelines for researchers to select
the appropriate decision tools to solve water allocation problems, based on repeatability
and uncertainty, we suggested different possible decision methods for each type of water
problems, besides the intention of the study was to show the trend and to provide updated
information with respect to MCDM methods on water allocation problems. The paper
contains intensive information for future researchers to use as a guideline. Furthermore, in
the supplementary material (Table S1), the summary of each reviewed paper was presented
Water 2021, 13, 125 22 of 28
in a structured manner for readers. This table is categorized into different water allocation
problems and contains the description of problem gaps/motivations, objectives, criteria
used, MCDM methods, and decision techniques employed.
6. Conclusions
This study carried out a systematic review of peer-reviewed publications on MCDM
method applications with a focus on water allocation problems. The study used a literature
web-based database source of WoS, Scopus, SD, and GS from January 2000 to December
2018. A total of 109 published articles were screened based on the title, keywords, and
abstract. Forty-nine publication articles were selected and reviewed. Our findings show
that MCDM application in the field of water allocation will continue to increase. More
publications emerged particularly after 2014 as compared to the previous years. Sixteen
countries as a study area applied MCDM methods with reference to water allocations.
Nearly 65% and 12% of applications were conducted in Asia and Europe, respectively.
Virtually, this review study is more a reflection of Asiatic and European water allocation
problems. Note that this result is only based on the study origin and it did not consider
experts0 origin.
MCDM tool has grown as part of operational research. It is a useful method for
making decisions when there exist multiple conflicting criteria. It comprehensively targets
to satisfy and meet multi-complex objectives and constraints. Notably, water allocations
are interconnected with various dimensions like economical, environmental, and social
factors. This study confirms that about 86% of papers considered more than one aspect
of water allocation problems. Less than 10% of papers have considered only a single
dimension. Regarding water problem context classifications, a range of different water
problems were identified. Water shortage, water use management, and water quality were
the most discussed water allocation problems. China is the top-ranked country where all
water allocation problems were conducted. The study result report on the distribution
of water shortage with respect to the study region is in line with the UN world water
data report published in 2020 which classifies China, Burkina Faso, Iran, and Australia are
mentioned in water scarcity areas [138].
Based on review findings, NSGA II is the most frequently used method followed
by GA and linear programming forms. We can conclude MCDM techniques have been
successfully implemented in various ranges of water allocation problems. However, many
of the reviewed articles did not include sensitivity and uncertainties analysis in their
MCDM study results. It is very relevant to identify sources of uncertainties and the way
forward how to minimize them for further practical and operational applications in the field
of water management. Moreover, many of the reviewed researches had not ascertained the
issue of climate change in addressing water allocations.
In summary, this review paper rigorously covered and analyzed the state of the art of
MCDM application in the field of water allocation problems. However, some limitations
ought to be cautioned. Our review paper only focused on English peer-reviewed literature.
Normally, important MCDM-based water allocation literature may be available in other
languages and do not publish in high ranked journals. Even if it quite time-consuming
to translate those literature and searching in databases, such types of literature are very
crucial to grasp and collect relevant information on water allocation problems. Therefore,
future review papers can consider other language-based scholarly articles and contain
broad fields of water resources management problems. The results of this study report
will provide substantial information and serve as a guide for future research on MCDM
methods application to address water allocation problems.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.L.G., D.C., and J.V.O.; methodology, S.L.G., D.C., and
J.V.O.; validation, S.L.G., D.C. and J.V.O.; formal analysis, S.L.G., D.C., and J.V.O.; investigation, S.L.G.;
resources, D.C. and J.V.O.; data curation, S.L.G., D.C., and J.V.O.; writing—original draft preparation,
S.L.G., D.C. and J.V.O.; writing—reviewing and editing, S.L.G., D.C., and J.V.O.; visualization, S.L.G.;
supervision, D.C. and J.V.O. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: This research was performed as part of a PhD study. The study is supported by
Global Mind0 s scholarship. The views expressed in this review study are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Global Minds.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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