Iso 7451 1997
Iso 7451 1997
Iso 7451 1997
Second edition
Reference number
IS0 7451 :I 997(E)
IS0 7451:1997(E)
IS0 (the international Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison
with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard IS0 7451 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 127, Earfh-moving machinery,
Subcommittee SC 1, Test methods relating to machine performance.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 7451:1983), which has been technically revised.
0 IS0 1997
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This International Standard specifies a method for estimating the volume of materials which a hoe-type bucket of an
excavator or backhoe loader can normally contain (see figure 1). The volume assessments are based on the
internal dimensions of the bucket and on the representative volumes at the top of the bucket.
The method employs the technique of dividing the complex shape of the material in the bucket into simplI e geometric
This method of assessment is intended to provide a conventional means of comparing bucket capaciti es. It is not
intended to be used to define true capacities.
ISO 7451:1997
2.2 X dimension: Distance between the cutting edge (or face) of the leading edge and the contact edge of the
horizontal plane on the backsheet (see figures 6 and 7).
2.3 Y dimension: Maximum depth of the indentation, perpendicular to the horizontal plane.
2.4 strike plane: Horizontal plane extending over the width of the bucket from the f ace of the leading edge to the
contact edge between the horizontal plane and the backsheet (see figure 6).
2.5 strike surface: Cylindrical surface of radius R which traverses the edges of the strike plane (face of the
leading edge and contact edge of the backsheet) and which is tangential to a plane parallel to the strike plane and
at a distance Y (see figure 7).
2.6 struck volume, Vs: Volume which lies beneath the strike plane or the strike surface.
2.7 top volume, Vt: Volume of the material with a I:1 inclination which is situated above the strike plane.
2.8 volumetric rating, Vr: Volume determined by the method detailed in this International Standard which provides
a means of comparing the capacities of buckets
IS0 7451: 1997(E) 0 IS0
2.9 Wdimension: Internal width at the centre of gravity of the bucket section in question.
2.10 lA( dimension: The mean between the width of the backsheet level with the edge in contact with the
horizontal plane and the inside width of the leading edge increased by twice the thickness of the sides.
The effect of the volumes of projecting parts such as tooth supports, removable tips, side height extensions, side
cutters, and holes or gussets shall be ignored.
The shielding of the leading edge shall be taken into consideration when calculating the volume of the bucket, taking
into account the true indentation (see figure 3).
The V values of the leading edge shall be taken into consideration for an h value corresponding to the centre of
gravity of the projecting surface (see figure 4), taking into account the true indentation.
The bucket shall be positioned in such a manner that the plane defined by the cutting edge (or face) of the leading
edge and the contact edge of the backsheet is horizontal (see figure 5).
When the ratio x/yis < 12 the strike surface is used. This provides a penalisation of the struck volume so as to take
the indentation into account. Then,
The Y indentation shall not be taken into consideration for the calculation. The width W4 shall be taken into
consideration for the calculation.
@ IS0 IS0 7451 :1997(E)
This is the sum of the volume of the bucket and that of the top:
The volumetric rating shall be expressed, according to preference, in cubic metres or in litres and published as a
rated capacity in accordance with this International Standard.
IS0 745 1:1997(E) 0 IS0
Attachment bracket
Backsheet or beam
Side cutter
Cutting sidewall
Removable tooth~dg e
Figure 2 - Terminology
of bucket components
ISO 7451:1997
Strike plane
I I \I
i 1 I \ ‘1 --- Ic I
/ I /
/ /
/ /
d /
/ /
/ I
/ v
/ Y
I ‘1
Centre of gravity of the hatched surface
Cutting edge or face of the leading edge or shielding of the leading edge
-a 12
Figure 6 - Location of the X dimension
I X2
Figure 7 - Location of the Y dimension
IS0 7451 :1997(E)
Surface S,
strike plane
Figure 8 - Establishment of the Wdimension when -2 12
Strike surface
Figure 9 - Establishment of the ‘w dimension when