CRM Hand Book Finall
CRM Hand Book Finall
CRM Hand Book Finall
Student Handbook
Academic Year 2020/2021
Student Handbook
Usage Policy
This handbook is provided for information purposes only, and its contents are subjected to
change without notice. The information herein is made available with the understanding
that the University will not be held responsible for its completeness or accuracy. The
University will accept no liability whatsoever for any damage or losses, direct or indirect,
arising from or relating from the use of this handbook.
Published by:
Ocean University of Sri Lanka
Crow Island, Mattakkuliya
Colombo 15
Sri Lanka
Vice Chancellor's Message
To provide innovative solutions for marine, maritime and fisheries sectors
To be the center of excellence in marine and fisheries education in the region
Contact Details
Library +94114346980
1. The Ocean University of Sri Lanka....................................................................................................9
1.1. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 9
1.2. Faculties and Departments........................................................................................... 9
1.3. Department of Coastal and Marine Resources Management.................................. 10
1.3.1. Objectives........................................................................................................ 10
1.3.2. Program outcomes – BSc General...................................................................10
1.3.3. Program outcomes – BSc Honours..................................................................11
1.3.4. Carrier Opportunities.......................................................................................12
1.4. Overview of the CRM department.......................................................................... 12
1.4.1. History............................................................................................................. 12
1.4.2. Academic staff.................................................................................................13
2. Coastal and Marine Resources Management Degree program........................................................ 17
2.1. Structure of the degree programs............................................................................ 17
2.1.1. General degree.................................................................................................17
2.1.2. Honours Degree...............................................................................................17
2.2. Specialize activities in undergraduate program.......................................................17
2.2.1. In- plant training.............................................................................................. 17
2.2.2. Mini Research project......................................................................................18
2.2.3. Research project.............................................................................................. 18
2.3. Examinations and assessments................................................................................ 18
2.4. Credit value of Modules.......................................................................................... 18
2.4.1. Modules........................................................................................................... 19
2.4.2. Registration......................................................................................................19
2.5. Curriculum...............................................................................................................22
2.5.1. Course Designation Systems........................................................................... 25
2.5.2. Degree Completion Period.............................................................................. 25
2.5.3. Incomplete Grade............................................................................................ 25
2.5.4. Failing Examinations.......................................................................................26
2.5.5. Improvement of Grades...................................................................................26
3. Selection for BSc Hons Degree........................................................................................................26
3.1. Awarding of the Degree.......................................................................................... 27
3.2. Calculation of Grade Point Average........................................................................27
3.3. Classes Awards........................................................................................................28
3.4. Effective Date of the Degree................................................................................... 28
3.5. General Information................................................................................................ 29
3.5.1. The Academic Calendar.................................................................................. 29
3.5.2. Admission Criteria...........................................................................................29
3.5.3. Notification of Selection..................................................................................29
3.5.4. Registration in the Program.............................................................................29
3.5.5. Grading System............................................................................................... 29
4. Conditions of Residents................................................................................................................... 30
4.1. Standard of Conduct................................................................................................ 30
4.2. General Conduct......................................................................................................31
4.3. Safety in the Department......................................................................................... 32
5. Getting help and Advice...................................................................................................................32
5.1. Services....................................................................................................................33
5.1.1. Library............................................................................................................. 33
5.2. Student Activities.................................................................................................... 34
5.2.1. Environment Club........................................................................................... 35
1. The Ocean University of Sri Lanka
The Ocean University of Sri Lanka (OCUSL) was established (Act, No. 31of
2014) to repeal the National Institute of Fisheries and Nautical Engineering
Act No. 36 of 1999. The University conducts higher education and vocational
training in marine, maritime and fisheries sectors. The objective of the
University is to conduct academic and professional education and vocational
training activities in fisheries, marine and nautical engineering to fulfil and
develop the needs of the fisheries and allied sectors. Currently, higher
education offers B.Sc. Degree programs in Marine Engineering, Fisheries and
Marine Sciences, Maritime Transportation Management and Logistics,
Coastal and Marine Resources Management, and Oceanography. Study
curriculum consists of theory and mandatory practical sessions which are
conducted with international standards. Vocational education offers NVQ
level diploma and certificate courses in fisheries and marine sector. This
section is more focused on shipboard skill development and provides Diploma
and Certificate courses in National Vocational Qualification (NVQ 3-6) and
upgrade to a degree level academic qualification.
Academic program of the university consists of two faculties, each faculty has
its departments.
1.3. Department of Coastal and Marine Resources
1.3.1. Objectives
The program is aimed at producing learned personnel required for
management of living and nonliving resources in the coastal and marine
environment. It is especially built on the principles and practices of
environment management, biological and ecological conservation, sociology,
legal and political aspects, disaster management and related technologies and
current and emerging issues. The major objectives are;
Graduate will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles of
the nature and dynamics of coastal and marine environment and resources
2. Collect, Analyze and interpret quantitative and qualitative data on
sustainable usage of coastal and marine resources
3. Apply practical knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles
of the Coastal resources management
4. Formulate plans and implement better management practices to ensure
sustainability of the coastal and marine resources
5. Present information, ideas, and concepts efficiently and effectively
6. Exercise personal/team responsibility, and leadership in the professional
environment/work place.
7. Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities as well
as engage in and promote social responsibilities
8. Develop the ability to establish personal and professional goals and
identify appropriate pathways and strategies for future career
work, either as a member or as the leader of a team to manage projects in
multidisciplinary environments.
8. Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities as well as
engage in and promote social responsibilities.
9. Develop the ability to establish personal and professional goals and identify
appropriate pathways and strategies for future career development.
1.4.2. Academic staff
Dean - Faculty of Engineering and Dr. H. B. Jayasiri
Management PhD (India), MSc (Sweden), BSc
Senior Lecturer (Ruhuna)
Tel: +94-717507838
E mail:
Tel: +94-773151496,
E mail:
Tel: +94-718205462
E mail:
Lecturer (Probationary) Ms. Chathurika Zoysa
MSc (Reading, Korea Maritime and
Ocean University, Busan), MSc
(Kelaniya), BSc (OCU)
Tel: +94-779474003
E mail:
Tel: +94775228214,
E mail:
Academic Consultant
Tel: +94-777502197
E mail:
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Mr. S. U. P. Jinadasa
PhD (Reading), MPhil (Open University), MSc (USA), BSc (Peradeniya)
Lecturer (Probationary)
Lecturer (Probationary)
Lecturer (Probationary)
Lecturer (Probationary)
2. Coastal and Marine Resources Management Degree
are dynamic and add value to the company/ institute. In the meantime,
undergraduates will gain the essential exposure to the company cultures and
work ethics.
2.4.1. Modules
The modules offered in a given semester and the number of credits assigned to
each module will be determined by the Faculty. Students will be duly
informed on these details ahead of the commencement of that semester.
2.4.2. Registration
An Academic coordinator will be appointed for each semester from among the
members of the academic staff of the Department.
The student is required to consult and obtain the consent of his/her respective
Academic coordinator prior to applying for registration at the beginning of
each semester.
The student is also required to consult and obtain the Academic coordinator’s
consent prior to obtaining leave from academic activities and changing
academic load.
A student may appeal to the Dean through the Head of the Department, when
not in agreement with the decision of the Academic coordinator.
Once the module registrations are finalized, Students affairs division will send
a printed copy of the module registration details to the department, the list is
available in the department for students to check and confirm for a prescribed
20 Leave from Academic Activities
(a)Leave for Long Duration: A student may apply for this category of leave,
when he/she has to be away from academic work for a longer period due to
medical reasons or circumstances deserving compassionate consideration. The
duration of leave a student could apply under this category is a combination of
full academic semesters and/or terms subject to the maximum limit of two
academic semesters.
Leave for Short Duration: A student may apply for this category of leave,
when he/she has to be away from academic work for a short period for
compelling reasons including but not limited to conferences, competitions,
sports, community services, company start-ups, family commitments, and
medical grounds. Maximum duration a student could obtain under this
category is 16 working days per 16 weeks semester. It is the student’s
responsibility to consult the respective examiners in order to make sure that
the leave obtained does not affect any of his/her Continuous Assessment
Only leave for long duration granted under medical grounds will add-on to the
maximum period for the purpose of awarding classes and the maximum
period for the completion of the Degree. All leave which fall during end-of-
semester/term Written Examinations will be granted according to By-Law No.
03 (By-Law for Conduct of Examinations); and the student shall apply
separately for the same following the guidelines therein.
Level 01 - Semester 01
CRM1012 Information and Communication 2 √ √
CRM1022 Introduction to Marine Biology 2 √ √
CRM1032 Fundamentals of Ecology 2 √ √
CRM1042 Coastal and Marine Geomorphology 2 √ √
CRM1053 Oceanography and Ocean Dynamics 3 √ √
CRM1062 Marine Non-living Resources 2 √ √
CRM1072 Bio-geochemical Cycles 2 √ √
CRM1082 General English 2 √ √
CRM1092 Basic Biology 2 √ √
CRM1102 Basic Chemistry 2 √ √
Total credits 15 6
Level 01 - Semester 02
CRM 2012 Basic Mathematics 2 √ √
CRM 2022 Coastal Ecosystems 2 √ √
CRM 2033 Marine Ecosystems 3 √ √
CRM 2042 Ecology and Management of Coastal 2 √ √
CRM 2052 Surface and Groundwater in the 2 √ √
Coastal Zone
CRM 2062 Marine Meteorology 2 √ √
CRM 2072 Introduction to Natural Resources 2 √ √
CRM 2082 Introduction to Coastal and Marine 2 √ √
CRM 2091 Human Values and Ethics 1 √ √
CRM 2101 Basic Economics 1 √ √
Total credits 15 4
Level 02 - Semester 03
CRM 3012 Introduction to GIS and Remote 2 √ √
Sensing Change and Impacts
CRM 3022 Climate 2 √ √
CRM 3032 Coastal and Marine Disasters, 2 √ √
Preparedness and Management
CRM 3042 Coastal and Marine Pollution 2 √ √
CRM 3052 Ocean Energy 2 √ √
CRM 3062 Fisheries Management 2 √ √
CRM 3072 Coastal and Marine Aquaculture 2 √ √
CRM 3082 Fisheries Post-harvest Technology 2 √ √
Total credits 16
Level 02 - Semester 04
CRM4012 Basic Statistics 2 √ √
CRM4022 Aspects of Coastal Engineering 2 √ √
CRM4032 Marine and Coastal Tourism 2 √ √
CRM4042 Socio-economics and Coastal 2 √ √
CRM4052 Coastal Agriculture 2 √ √
CRM4062 Management of Coastal Water 2 √ √
CRM4072 Marine Products and Biotechnology 2 √ √
Total credits 14
Level 03 - Semester 05
CRM 5012 Maritime Transportation and Port 2 √ √
CRM 5022 Urbanization and Coastal 2 √ √
CRM 5032 Environmental Sociology 2 √ √
CRM 5042 Waste Management 2 √ √
CRM 5052 Law of the Sea and other 2 √ √
CRM 5062 Conventions
Ocean Observation, Prediction and 2 √ √
CRM 5072 Environmental Governance 2 √ √
Total credits 14
Level 03 - Semester 06
CRM 6013 Conservation and Management of 3 √ √
Marine Wildlife
CRM 6023 Environmental Impact Assessment 3 √ √
CRM 6033 Environmental Monitoring and 3 √ √
Sampling Techniques
CRM 6041 Green Economy 1 √ √
CRM 6051 Introduction to Integrated Coastal 1 √ √
Zone Management
CRM 6063 Integrated Coastal Zone Management 3 √ √
CRM 6072 Research Methodology and Scientific 2 √ √
CRM 6083 Mini Research Project onal) √ √
Total credits 16
Level 4 – Semester 07
CRM 7012 Marine Archaeology 2 √
CRM 7022 Remote Sensing and GIS for Coastal 2 √
CRM 7031 Environmental Mediation and 1 √
CRM 7043 Market System Analysis and Value 3 √
Chain Development
CRM 7052 Environment Risk Assessment 2 √
2.5.1. Course Designation Systems
BSc general and honours degree are design to complete in three years
and four years respectively
However, the maximum period allowed for completion of the BSc
(General) degree program is 6 years while for the BSc (Hons) degree
program is 7 years.
This period may extend by the Academic Board on a written request
by a student.
Thus, a student must request for an extension through head of the
The Requests must accompany with sufficient documentary evidence
to support such extension to be considered by the Academic Board.
b) If grade I is given due to the student was unable to sat for the final
examination, he/she may be allowed to sit for the examination and
upgrade at a later stage with the approval of the head of the department.
d) The students who fail to upgrade his/her F grade in three attempts will
lead to automatic dismissal.
Following two criteria are used to select for BSc (Hons) Degree,
Criteria (a) - to be eligible for the honours degree students should have
completed all the credits of the first four (04) semesters of relevant B Sc.
Program with minimum of 2.80 GPA.
Criteria (b) - those who have not completed all the credits of first four
semesters, but have completed a minimum 80% of total credits of the first four
(04) semesters of relevant B. Sc. program with 3.00 GPA are also eligible to
for the honours degree.
The number of students admitted to the honours degree programme will be
limited and decided by the Department of Coastal and Marine Resources
Management depending on the available resources each academic year. The
most eligible candidates will be selected based on their GPA and the
performance in a selection interview. The interview panel is composed of
Dean, Heads of the Departments of the Faculty and two other Academic Staff
members including a senior staff members.
The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) will be calculated at the end of
each semester using the formula given below.
��� ����
���� =
Where �� is the number of credits for the ��ℎ subject in a given semester and
��� is the grade point earned for that module.
Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA)
The Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) will be calculated at the end of the
course using the formula given below.
��. �� ���������
Where ����� is the Semester Grade Point Average calculated for the ��ℎ
3.3.Classes Awards
The effective date of the award of the degree shall be reckoned at the date of
the satisfactory completion of the graduation requirements, as confirmed by
the Academic Council.
3.5.General Information
Table 03: Grading system
4. Conditions of Residents
4.1.Standard of Conduct
The students are expected to behave responsibly by respecting the codes of
academic conduct and the safety of all members of the university community
safeguarding the faculty property adhering to the (By-Law- 02 resident and
discipline) relevant By-Laws of the university. In this respect, they are
expected to act as responsible individuals, to conduct themselves with
honesty and integrity both personally and academically, and should respect
the rights of others.
All forms of academic dishonesty such as misrepresentation in coursework,
cheating, submission of the work of another person, making false statements
to a member of the faculty and alteration or misuse of university documents
are considered serious offences.
Following forms of misconduct are considered serious offences and may be
reported for disciplinary action.
• Student conduct which makes it difficult or impossible to proceed with
scheduled lectures, seminars, discussion group meetings and related
activities, and examinations.
• Students conduct which leads to damage to or theft of University
properties or the personal properties of members of faculty and staff, or
of fellow students. This also include conducts which leads to physical
injury to, or emotional disturbances to the members of the university
• Violations of the rules and regulations of the Government and the
• Safety violations
• Failure to remit, return or submit financial obligations, property or
records of the department, within the time prescribed by the University
4.2.General Conduct
a) Students should be courteous to lecturers at all times. Students shall
not use any discourteous or derogatory vocabulary against a lecturer
or displayed violent behavior.
4.3.Safety in the Department
5.1. Services
Services contribute to the quality of Student’s learning experience and their
academic success. Students are expected to discuss issues or problems of the
academic program with their course coordinators. In addition, they can seek
assistance from the head of department in relation to subject specific or
specialization issues. There is a student affairs branch to supports students
for issues related to enrollments, registrations etc. Common problems to
many students may be best resolved through the batch representatives.
5.1.1. Library
a) The library: provides access to academic staffs and all students of
the university. The library has two branch libraries in Mattakkuliya
and Tangalle premises which serve for different degree programs.
Table 04: Details of the number of books can be borrowed from the
5.2.Student Activities
5.2.1. Environment Club
Environment Club is the main society within the department that consists of
the academic staff and students. Academic staff plays an advisory role within
the society. The goal of the Environment Club is to upgrade student’s life in
the department giving them opportunity to improve their leadership and
interpersonal qualities while taking care of the environmental issues. Apart
Environmental Club represent the department in inter-university, national
and international activities.