Planning A Market Day
Planning A Market Day
Planning A Market Day
Your class is going to hold a market day to raise funds for your school. Compile the
information below so that you can plan your market day.
a) List 10 resources you need, apart from the goods you will be selling. State how you will
get the resources. [10 marks]
b) List ten skills you need. State how you will get the skills. [12 marks]
c) List all the role players you need for your joint venture. State how you will involve the role
players. [8 marks]
Activity 2: Doing market research for your market day (Individual activity)
a) List 20 goods you are planning to sell on your market day. [10 marks]
c) Develop a questionnaire that you can use in a survey to test if your target market will buy
your 20 goods. Your questionnaire should list the goods as well as their prices. Your
questionnaire should use three categories to test whether your target market will buy each of
the goods at your market day.
[5 marks]
d) Explain how you will conduct your survey to obtain the market research results you need.
[4 marks]
Write an essay of about one page about ensuring the sustainability of your business event.
Include a definition of sustainability and explain why it is important that business activities be
sustainable. Follow the guidelines below about writing an essay.
[20 marks]
The first paragraph of an essay consists of the introduction. In the introduction you tell
people what you will be telling them about in the essay. The body of the essay consists of
several paragraphs in which you state the different points you want to convey (each in its
own paragraph). You will state the facts of each point and explain them in the body. The last
part of the essay is the conclusion. In the conclusion you will summarise the supporting
information and show how you reached your conclusion. In short, remember: In the
introduction you tell people what you are going to tell them. In the body, you tell them. Then
in the conclusion, you tell them what you have told them!
Once you have a topic, prepare an outline of ideas to include in your essay.
You will be responsible for supplying facts in your essay, so ensure that your facts are
Use your own words to explain the facts in your essay; don’t just copy them out of the
content you have learned.
Use examples to explain what you mean, if necessary.
Use appropriate terminology and avoid using slang.
Be concise and relevant.
Every paragraph should answer the question asked.
Pay attention to your grammar usage and spelling in the essay.
Introduction: Introduce the main topic and main sections of the essay.
Paragraph 1: Explain what sustainability is.
Paragraph 2: Explain why it is important to run and manage businesses in a sustainable
Paragraph 3: Explain how you would ensure that your business event will be sustainable.
Conclusion: Comment on how the sustainability of your business event will ensure benefits
for your school in the future.
Criteria Marks
Analyse and The learner The learner The learner The learner
organise shows shows very shows shows little skill
information exceptional good skill in satisfactory in analysing
on the skill in analysing and skill in and organising
importance analysing and organising analysing and information.
of organising information. organising The learner
sustainability information. The learner information. included three
of business The learner included at The learner or fewer facts.
events included at least six to included at
[Marks out least eight to seven facts. least four to
of 5] ten facts. five facts.
[5 marks] [4 marks] [3 marks] [1-2 marks]
Inclusion of The learner The learner The learner The learner did
all points included all the included all the included all the not include all
[Marks out points required points required points required the points
of 5] in the essay in the essay in the essay. required in the
and expanded and expanded essay.
on them all. on some of
[5 marks] [4 marks] [3 marks] [1-2 marks]
Content and The content is The content is The essay The essay
structure correct and mostly correct contains a few contains many
[Marks out well structured. and well factual errors factual errors
of 5] structured. but is fairly well and is poorly
structured. structured.
[5 marks] [4 marks] [4 marks] [1-2 marks]
Language Excellent Good Acceptable Little attempt
use in essay language language language to use correct
[Marks out usage with no usage with usage with language or no
of 5] mistakes. Own only a few more than five attempt to use
words used. mistakes mistakes. own words.
(fewer than Some
five). Own sentences are
words mostly copied from
used. the lesson.
[5 marks] [3 marks] [1-2 marks]
[4 marks]
Total mark out of 20:
2. Name two ways to generate ideas that you can think of. [2 marks]
5. Name three things you must keep in mind when you plan a business event. [3 marks]
6. Name five effects good advertising will have on your business. [5 marks]
[Total: 20 marks]
1 30 a) Learners list ten resources and state how they will get hold of these
(for example, they will obtain a sponsor or ask for donations). [½ mark
for each resource + ½ mark each for how they will obtain the
resources = 10 marks]
b) Learners list 10 skills and state where they will get the skills from
(for example, they will recruit someone with the skills to help them or
they will ask someone to teach them). [1 mark for each skill and a
maximum of 2 marks for how they will obtain the skills = 12 marks]
c) Learners list all role players and state how they will be involved
(role players should include at least: Gr 7s, teachers, parents, people
from community). [1 mark for each role player and 1 mark for how
they will be involved to a maximum of 8 marks]
2 20 a) Learners list 20 goods they are going to sell. [½ x 20 = 10 marks]
b) Learners identify and describe the market they are aiming to target.
[1 mark]
c) Learners develop a questionnaire in which they test whether the
target market will buy their product. They should include a list of the
products with their prices. They should include three options for
respondents to choose from: Yes, Maybe and No [5 marks]
d) Learners should include at least four facts to explain how they will
conduct their survey. [4 marks]
3 20 Learners follow the guidelines and write an essay of one page. Mark
the essay according to the assessment rubric.
4 20 1. Skills: Money-handling; organisation; planning; management;
people; leadership and business. (any three)
Characteristics: Initiative; hard-working; high standards;
perseverance; self-disciplined; cool in a crisis; striving for perfection
(any three) [6 marks]
2. Brainstorming; mind-mapping. [2 marks]
3. It means that we make use of resources in such a way that society,
the people and the economies in the society (the businesses) are able
to meet their needs, while preserving the biodiversity and natural
ecosystems. It means that we should plan in such a manner and act
in such a manner that these resources are preserved in the very long
term. [2 marks]
4. A joint venture is an undertaking between two businesses to
complete a project or a range of projects. A joint venture is sought
when one business finds that it does not have the capacity to
Criteria Marks
Collect, The learner The learner The learner The learner
analyse and shows shows very shows shows little skill
organise exceptional good skill in satisfactory in collecting,
information skill in collecting, skill in analysing and
on how collecting, analysing and collecting, organising
financial analysing and organising analysing and information.
statements organising information. organising The learner
help a information. The learner information. included three
business to The learner included at The learner or fewer facts.
make included at least six to included at
decisions least eight to seven facts. least four to
[Marks out ten facts. five facts.
of 5] [5 marks] [4 marks] [3 marks] [1-2 marks]
Inclusion of The learner The learner The learner The learner did
all points included all the included all the included all the not include all
[Marks out points required points required points required the points
of 5] in the essay in the essay in the essay. required in the
and expanded and expanded essay.
on them all. on some of
[5 marks] [4 marks] [3 marks] [1-2 marks]
Content and The content is The content isThe essay The essay
structure correct and mostly correctcontains a few contains many
[Marks out well structured. and well factual errors factual errors
of 5] structured. but is fairly well and is poorly
structured. structured.
[5 marks] [4 marks] [4 marks] [1-2 marks]
Language Excellent Good language Acceptable Little attempt to
use in essay language usage with language use correct
[Marks out usage with no only a few usage with language or no
of 5] mistakes. Own mistakes more than five attempt to use
words used. (fewer than mistakes. own words.
five). Own Some
words mostly sentences are
used. copied from
the lesson.
[5 marks] [3 marks] [1-2 marks]
[4 marks]
Total mark out of 20: