Durable Bridges Using GFRP
Durable Bridges Using GFRP
Durable Bridges Using GFRP
Project Title
Durable Bridges Using Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Hybrid Reinforced Concrete
University of Utah
Principal Investigators
Chris P. Pantelides, Ph.D., P.E., S.E
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Utah
Phone: (801) 585-3991
Email: c.pantelides@utah.edu
ORCID: 0000-0003-3309-3488
Research Needs
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites have been studied and applied to reinforced
concrete (RC) structures that require strengthening or seismic rehabilitation. Structural
strengthening and seismic rehabilitation utilize externally bonded FRP laminates as an
alternative compared to conventional techniques such as steel plates or section enlargement.
Such activities have initiated an increasing trend for overcoming the detrimental effects of steel
reinforcement corrosion in RC structures, particularly columns and cap beams in bridges.
Capacity degradation of RC components occurs in harsh weather conditions when initially
corroded steel reinforcement expands, which causes subsequent strength losses through cracking
and spalling of concrete. A high cost of rehabilitation and disruption occurs because of closures,
for extending the lifespan of bridges. Experiments prove that externally wrapped carbon FRP
layers may reduce corrosion rates, but the corrosion process is not completely prevented, leading
to a loss in ultimate axial capacity of columns (Bae and Belabri, 2009; Pantelides et al. 2013).
Glass FRP (GFRP) reinforced concrete columns are investigated in this proposal to resolve these
concerns. The proposed merit is replacing steel reinforcement in a concrete column by GFRP
longitudinal bars and spirals to utilize the non-corrosive properties of GFRP materials. In
addition to corrosive resistance, GFRP bars and spirals perform as well as steel reinforcement in
tension. Alkali reaction of GFRP bars is not an issue when guidelines such as the American
Concrete Institute ACI 440 (2015) and Canadian Standards Association (2012) are followed.
Economical and performance impacts of structures would be enhanced with a proactive
alternative of applying corrosion-free reinforcement in new columns experiencing severe
exposure to harsh weather, imperfection of construction, as well as time degradation of structural
materials. With a relatively new mindset in areas of high seismic activity, bridges are designed to
limit residual displacements after large earthquakes. Permanent drift requirements have been
changed to no more than 1% by the Japan Road Association in 2002, after the Kobe earthquake,
as a new design criterion for the Japanese bridge design standard (Japan Rail Association 2002).
One effective solution to this challenge is to use self-centering systems by un-bonded post-
tensioning tendons. Based on the advantages of FRP materials, Carbon FRP (CFRP) post-
tensioning rods will be used to bring the column back to the original position.
Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) has been implemented in bridge construction thanks to
significant advantages for commuters in urban areas. Precast columns with post-tensioning
systems capable of self-centering after earthquakes will be developed in this research. Rocking
damage-resistant end joints made with Polyurethane (PU) will be used in plastic hinge regions to
sustain significant deformation/rotation with minimal damage. PU materials are one of the most
adaptable plastic-based materials because of their mechanical properties (Nikoukalam and
Sideris 2017). The material is versatile and is widely applied in industrial and commercial
products because of its ability to be molded into various shapes and sizes.
Research Objectives
The proposal addresses inspection, evaluation, and design of bridges to promote longevity and
cost-effective maintenance. The performance of self-centering columns for ABC in high seismic
zones will be studied. Four column-to-footing specimens will be tested. The proposed hybrid
systems consist of two cast-in-place (CIP) columns: one with two layers of all-GFRP
longitudinal bars and spirals, and one with an inner layer of conventional steel longitudinal bars
and a GFRP spiral, and an outer layer of longitudinal GFRP bars and spirals. The innermost layer
of longitudinal steel bars is effectively protected by the surrounding longitudinal GFRP bars and
spirals from corrosion and aging degradation (Pantelides et al. 2013). In addition, two precast
post-tensioning columns with PU resilient end joints will be investigated with the same hybrid
reinforcement. Galvanized ducts filled with ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) will be
utilized to connect the precast concrete segments. Large inelastic deformations/rotations will be
sustained due to gap opening at the rocking planes without concrete crashing in the plastic hinge
regions. Post-tensioning accommodating self-centering is designed with high-strength CFRP
Research Methods
The proposed research will evaluate the seismic performance of bridge columns constructed with
ABC methods under simulated earthquake loads. The research will be performed by conducting
experiments of prototype bridge columns constructed using hybrid reinforcement including steel
and GFRP bars and GFRP spirals, post-tensioned CFRP tendons, and PU end joints. Analytical
models will be developed for implementing these systems using OpenSees (McKenna et al.
2000). The methods of analysis will include static pushover and nonlinear dynamic analysis
under scaled earthquakes.
Expected Outcomes
The proposal will provide an effective approach for constructing new bridge columns using ABC
in high seismic zones. The combination of CFRP composite post-tensioning with PU rocking end
joints and hybrid reinforcement consisting of conventional steel and GFRP bars and spirals will
be investigated. Analytical models will be developed in OpenSees (McKenna et al. 2000) with
design recommendations for implementing the proposed research. The expected outcome of the
study is bridge columns with low damage after large earthquake events.
The proposal addresses longevity and cost-effective bridge maintenance. Glass Fiber Reinforced
Polymer (GFRP) materials do not corrode. This is also the case for hybrid columns made of
GFRP and stainless-steel bars. The objective of this project is to investigate a practical and
innovative method to create new reinforced concrete columns composed of non-corrosive
reinforcement which will create a bridge inventory that is more resilient and durable. Three types
of columns will be considered: (a) columns reinforced with only GFRP bars, (b) hybrid columns
reinforced with stainless steel longitudinal bars with GFRP hoops, or (c) hybrid columns
reinforced with a combination of stainless steel and GFRP longitudinal bars with GFRP hoops.
The capacity of short and slender columns under loads will be determined through large-scale
experiments. Analytical efforts will include development of column interaction diagrams, load-
deflection curves, and behavior under cyclic loads.” Since the research on hybrid GFRP and
stainless-steel reinforcement of RC columns has been carried out in another investigation
(Wright 2019), the present proposal will address the hybrid reinforcement composed of carbon
steel bars and GFRP bars and spirals only.
Education Benefits
At least two university students will be involved in the project. One PhD student will be involved
in the experimental and analytical portion of the work. One undergraduate student will be funded
from the Office of Undergraduate Research Opportunities program at the University of Utah.
The technology transfer activity will involve high school students through an Annual Exploring
Engineering Camp, during which small-scale models will be built to show details of the bridge
columns. In addition, small-scale models will be constructed by students during a mini-
engineering day. The P.I. will make a presentation at the annual UDOT Engineering Conference
and at other national conferences including the Annual AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and
Structures Meetings and the Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting.
Technology Transfer
The main objective of this research is to create an alternative for accelerated construction of
bridges in seismic regions using self-centering in terms of post-tensioning of columns of a bridge
bent. In addition, the columns will be protected against corrosion. There is a need for developing
such innovative technology and the proposal addresses that need. The resulting technology will
produce bridges that are seismically resilient, sustainable, economical, and long lasting. If
successful, the research should be further developed, through commercialization and practical
applications by DOTs. It is expected that coastal areas and areas with severe corrosion problems
will benefit the most. Technology transfer of this research will improve efficiency, seismic
safety, and cost effectiveness by eliminating corrosion from occurring. The work will be
presented at conferences such as the Transportation Research Board Meeting and leading
journals such as the Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE. In addition, a webinar will be
arranged through the Mountain Plains Consortium and a presentation will be made at the Utah
Department of Transportation Annual Conference. In addition, technology transfer will occur
through workshops, web pages, social media, and seminars.
Work Plan
The proposed study will consist of the following tasks:
1 1
126" 126"
1 1
#4 GFRP @ 2"
6 #6 GFRP
6 #6 GFRP
Figure 1a. CIP Column with All GFRP
1 1
126" 126"
1 1
#4 GFRP @ 2"
6 #6 GFRP
6 #6 STEEL
Figure 1b. CIP Column with Hybrid Reinforcement
1 1
126" 126"
2 2
6 #6 GFRP 6 #6 GFRP
16" 16"
6 #6 GFRP 6 #6 GFRP
16" 16"
Figure 2a. Precast Column with All GFRP
1 1
126" 126"
2 2
6 #6 GFRP 6 #6 GFRP
16" 16"
6 #6 STEEL 6 #6 STEEL
16" 16"
Figure 2b. Precast Column with Hybrid Reinforcement
Task 3. Analysis and seismic design of bridge bent – 3 months
In this task, a numerical model will be created to assist in the development of a design method for
implementing the proposed bridge columns. The model will be calibrated with the results of the
test presented in Task 2. Two types of analysis will be performed: (1) static cyclic analysis to find
the capacity of the system, and (2) nonlinear time-history dynamic analysis to find the level of
demand on the bridge columns. This will provide information on capacity-demand relationships
for the column alternatives, and will reveal more insight into the overall behavior of the bridge
columns under various input ground motions.
Project Cost
Total Project Costs: $178,218
MPC Funds Requested: $ 74,173
Matching Funds: $104,045
Source of Matching Funds: Owens Corning and Corebrace LLC
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 374. (2013). “Guide for Testing Reinforced
Concrete Structural Elements Under Slowly Applied Simulated Seismic Loads.” ACI 374,
Farmington Hills, MI.
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 440. (2015). “Guide for the design and
construction of structural concrete reinforced with FRP bars.” ACI 440.1R-15, Farmington
Hills, MI.
Bae, S. W., and Belarbi, A. (2009). “Effects of corrosion of steel reinforcement on RC columns
wrapped with FRP sheets.” J. Perform. Constr. Fac., 23(1), 20–31.
Canadian Standards Association (2012). “Design and construction of building structures with
fibre-reinforced polymers.” S806-12, Standards Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Japan Road Association (2002). “Design Specifications of Highway Bridges. Part V: Seismic
Design.” Japan.
McKenna, F., Fenves, G., and Scott, M. (2000). “Open System for Earthquake Engineering
Simulation (OpenSees).” Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA. (http://opensees.berkeley.edu).
Nikoukalam, M.T., and Sideris, P. (2017). “Resilient Bridge Rocking Columns with
Polyurethane Damage-Resistant End Segments and Replaceable Energy-Dissipating
Links.” J. Bridge Eng., 22(10): 04017064.
Pantelides, C.P., Gibbons, M.E., and Reaveley, L.D. (2013). “Axial load behavior of concrete
columns confined with GFRP spirals.” J. Composites for Construction, ASCE, 17(3), 305-
Tavassoli, A., Liu, J., and Sheikh, S. (2015). “Glass fiber-reinforced polymer-reinforced circular
columns under simulated seismic loads.” ACI Structural J., 112(1), 103–114.
Wright, J.W. 2019. “A comparison of corrosion resistant reinforcement in a highly corrosive
environment.” MSc thesis, Dpeartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University
of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 121 pages.