4 Weeks / 30 Hours
Offline / Classroom
Internship & Training Program
Delhi-NCR | Lucknow | Bhubaneswar | Bhopal | Varanasi
Official Partner
FF-113, Express Greens Plaza, Sector 1
Vaishali, Ghaziabad (Delhi NCR), Uttar Pradesh -201010
P: +91 9773976977 | E: info@eisystems.in | W: www.eisystems.in
Internship & Training Program
About EISystems
EISystems Technologies is a leading Indian technology identity with operations in 16 states and union
territories of India. EISystems (We call it EISys) offers trainings in Machine Learning, Internet of
things, Deep Learning, Computer Forensics, Automobiles, Robotics and Socialmedia related solutions
for enterprises and student community. Our online edtech domain "Robokwik"have been in among
top self learning products provider brands in India. We have trained about 70000 students and
impacted around 2 lakhs students through our various outreach initiatives since our founding.
Our Clientale
Some of the colleges where we had already felt our presence are given below:-
Official Partner
FF-113, Express Greens Plaza, Sector 1
Vaishali, Ghaziabad (Delhi NCR), Uttar Pradesh -201010
P: +91 9773976977 | E: info@eisystems.in | W: www.eisystems.in
Internship & Training Program
Participants from 1st year/ 2nd year / 3rd year / 4th year of CSE/IT/ECE/EEE/EN branch will get more
benefited after joining this program.
Training Deliverables
Every participant will get all under mentioned deliverables
1. 30 hours classroom training by specialized trainer.
2. Certificate of Internship with project mentioning on it.
3. EISystems Access ID Card & Stylish Storage Folder
4. Notepad & Pen
Official Partner
FF-113, Express Greens Plaza, Sector 1
Vaishali, Ghaziabad (Delhi NCR), Uttar Pradesh -201010
P: +91 9773976977 | E: info@eisystems.in | W: www.eisystems.in
Internship & Training Program
Course & Content
All of the sessions will be practical oriented, so it will be really great if participant(s) can look on the
syllabus which we are going to cover during training days.
Session 1
Embedded Systems
Introduction of Embedded Systems
Why do we need Embedded Systems?
Microcontroller Vs Microcontroller
Session 2
Embedded C Programming
Introduction to Embedded C
Basic Introduction of C
If, If Else, For and While
Bitwise operators and logical operators
Array and String
Session 3
Working with Arduino
Introduction to Arduino
Architecture of Arduino
Digital Input and Output Pins
Interfacing Output Devices with Arduino
Interfacing Input Devices With Arduino
Introduction of Serial Communication
Controlling Devices using Computer & Android Mobile Phone
Session 4
Basic Electronics
Electronics vs Electrical
Voltage ,Current ,Resistance and Capacitance
Digital Logic and TTL Logic
Introduction to Multimeter
Power Supplies (Electrical and Batteries)
Various type of Diodes and its application
Application of BJP
Switches usingn pn and pnp
Application of Logic Gate
Official Partner
FF-113, Express Greens Plaza, Sector 1
Vaishali, Ghaziabad (Delhi NCR), Uttar Pradesh -201010
P: +91 9773976977 | E: info@eisystems.in | W: www.eisystems.in
Internship & Training Program
Session 5
Introduction of Various Type of Sensor/Motor
IR Sensor
Temperature Sensor,
Ultrasonic Sensor
PIR Sensor
DHT11 Sensor
LDR Sensor
Touch Sensor
Water Lever Indicator
Color Sensor
Smoke Sensor
Types of Motors
DC Motors
Stepper Motors
Servo Motors
Session 6
Interfacing I/O Devices
Digital Sensors
Analog Sensors
Servo Motors
Other type of Motors (AC, DC, Stepper)
Motor Driver - IC L293D
Controlling direction of rotation of motor
Session 7
LCD & its interfacing
Introduction to LCD
Types of LCD
Display Character and String on LCD
Display digit on LCD
Moving Pattern on LCD
Creating Simple Animation on LCD.
Printing symbols on LCD
Printing Hindi Character
Official Partner
FF-113, Express Greens Plaza, Sector 1
Vaishali, Ghaziabad (Delhi NCR), Uttar Pradesh -201010
P: +91 9773976977 | E: info@eisystems.in | W: www.eisystems.in
Internship & Training Program
Session 8
Introduction of Serial Communication
Intro to Serial Communication.
RS-232 Protocol.
Programming of Serial Communication
Controlling Device using Serial Communication.
Interfacing Bluetooth
Controlling Devices using laptop and Mobile phone
Session 9
Introduction of Relay
Introduction of Relay
Working of Relay
Interfacing Relay with Arduino
Controlling home appliances using Arduino and Relay
Session 10
Introduction of IoT
Why do we need IoT?
Role of IoT In Various Field
Application of IOT
Future Scope of IOT
Architecture Of IOT
Session 10
Introduction of NodeMCU
Architecture of NodeMCU
Interfacing I/O Devices with NodeMCU
Connecting nodemcu with wifigatway.
Server - Client Configuration.
Official Partner
FF-113, Express Greens Plaza, Sector 1
Vaishali, Ghaziabad (Delhi NCR), Uttar Pradesh -201010
P: +91 9773976977 | E: info@eisystems.in | W: www.eisystems.in
Internship & Training Program
Practical/ Hands on Session
Black Line Follower Robot
White Line Follower Robot
Color Line Follower Robot
Edge Avoider Robot
Wall Follower Robot
Sound Operated Robot
Clap on Stop- Clap on Start Robot
Obstacle Detector Robot
High Temperature Alarm
Password Controlled Application
Mobile Controlled AC Device
Visitor Counter
Controlling Home Appliance using Android Phone
Voice Control Home Automation
Motion detector using PIR Sensor
Collecting sensor data on Thingspeak Cloud
Controlling devices using Webpage
Collecting sensor data on Thingspeak Cloud
Sending Data from NodeMCU to webpage
Distance Measurement System
Official Partner
FF-113, Express Greens Plaza, Sector 1
Vaishali, Ghaziabad (Delhi NCR), Uttar Pradesh -201010
P: +91 9773976977 | E: info@eisystems.in | W: www.eisystems.in
Internship & Training Program
A session doesn’t necessarily depict the day count or the day on which it is going to be covered, we may cover more than or l esser than one
session in a day and even alter/amend the schedule by rearranging of session(s) by removing/adding anything from/to overall course, the
course structure may differ center wise, Also this is to notify that Eisystems Technologies is nowhere specifying that center in Varanasi will be
IIT (BHU) Varanasi campus, our center in Varanasi is different. Fees once paid will not be refunded, Please check our refund policy given on
website before proceeding for payment. It is important to note that IIT (BHU) Varanasi or any of its body is not charging anything for this
training program and whatever amount which you will be paying will either go to Eisystems Technologies or its associates or both.
COVID-19 Policy
No amount will be refunded in case of non conduction of program due to government guidelines for COVID-19 prevention and instead
remaining / all sessions will be conducted online through mentor led training however we will also give flexibility to students/ attendee to
continue the remaining session when things normalize at other center.
Official Partner
FF-113, Express Greens Plaza, Sector 1
Vaishali, Ghaziabad (Delhi NCR), Uttar Pradesh -201010
P: +91 9773976977 | E: info@eisystems.in | W: www.eisystems.in