Training Report
June 20, 2011 to July 20, 2011
Submitted By: Name: SAILESH KUMAR University Roll No. 0801021083 Branch: Electrical & Electronics Engineering College: United Col lege of Engineering & Research, Naini, Allahabad
In this era of global meltdown we need a great balance between theoretical and practical knowledge. In this respect the vocational training is a great boon for the engineering students. It gives us a great chance to come in line with the actual problems going on in the industries and getting a chance to work with the engineers and learn how to tackle every situation. I am thankful to the staff of the NTPC Limited for their time and effort and their willingness in sharing their valuable experiences. This Training is the result of initiative of Sri S.K. Rohilla, DGM (C & I) for which I am thankful. I am very grateful for the help of Sri T.K Jha, DGM (EMD-I/C) and the maintainers in useful discussions. Sri U. K. Das. Supdt. (EMD) and Sri D. Bhattacharya. Sr. Supdt. (C&I) showed me different ways to approach a research problem and the need to be persistent to accomplish any goal. The great ambience of NTPC Limited has kept me in good spirits. I would like to thank Mr V. Laxman (EMD), Mr P. Singh (EMD), Mr. Ashutosh Gautam (EMD) and Mr. Sujeet Kumar Singh (EMD) without their encouragement and constant guidance I could not have finished this file. They provided me with all the necessary documents at the documentation centre. The documents helped in exploring the ideas, organization, requirements and development of this training program.
The summer training programs are designed to give the practical knowledge of industrial world. Training is usually meant for such vocations where advance theoretical knowledge is to be backed up by practical experience on the job and it is because of this reason that summer training programs are designed. So, that the future manger must be ready to take the future responsibilities. It was exactly in this context that I was privileged enough to join NTPC limited one of the biggest power producing power plant in the world. I achieved lots of experience and confidence over the past four weeks which will help me to take the future responsibility on my shoulder. During this period, I was given to find out the PROCESS OF PRODUCTION OF ELECTRICITY & ITS TRANSMISSION. In the training program I had tried my level best to arrange the work in systematic and chronological way. This endeavor work or industrial vocation had provided me a great knowledge about the process of production of power. Therefore, I hope with all sincerity that this work shall be of definite use to the organization.
Vocational education or vocational education and training prepare trainees for jobs that are based on manual or practical activities, traditionally nonacademic, and totally related to a specific trade, occupation, or vocation. It is sometimes referred to as technical education as the trainee directly develops expertise in a particular group of techniques or technology. In 2006, the language vocational education was updated to career technical education. Vocational education may be classified as teaching procedural knowledge. This can be contrasted with declarative knowledge, as used in education in a usually broader scientific field, which might concentrate on theory and abstract conceptual knowledge, characteristic of tertiary education. Vocational education can be at the secondary or post-secondary level and can interact with the apprenticeship system. Increasingly, vocational education can be recognised in terms of recognition of prior learning and partial academic credit towards tertiary education (e.g., at a university) as credit; however, it is rarely considered in its own form to fall under the traditional definition of higher education. As the labour market becomes more specialized and economies demand higher levels of skill, governments and businesses are increasingly investing in the future of vocational education through publicly funded training organizations and subsidized apprenticeship or traineeship initiatives for businesses. At the post-secondary level vocational education is typically provided by an institute of technology, or by a local community college. Vocational education has diversified over the 20th century and now exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology, funeral services and cosmetics, as well as in the traditional crafts and cottage industries. Vocational training in India is provided on a full time as well as part time basis. Full time programs are generally offered through I.T.I.s industrial training institutes. The nodal agency for grant the recognition to the I.T.I.s is NCVT which is under the Ministry of labour, Government of India. Part time programs are offered through state technical education boards or universities who also offer full-time courses. Vocational training has been successful in India only in industrial training institutes and that too in engineering trades. There are many private institutes in India which offer courses in vocational training and finishing, but most of them have not been recognized by the Government. India is a pioneer in vocational training in Film & Television and Information Technology. Maharashtra State Government also offered vocational Diplomas in various trades.
I SAILESH KUMAR, a bonafide student of from United College of Engineering & Research , Naini Allahabad, hereby declare that the Institutional Training Report submitted in partial United College of Engineering & Research fulfilment of the requirement of the degree of BACLER OF TECHNOLGY University is my original work. This work is not being submitted under any other institution.
DATE: PLACE: NAINI ALLAHABAD SAILESH KUMAR University Roll No.: 0801021083 Branch: Electrical & Electronics Engineering College: United College of Engineering & Research, Naini, Allahabad.
1. Acknowledgement 2. Preface 3. Abstract 4. Declaration 5. Contents 6. List of tables 7. List of figures 8. INRODUCTION 8.1 National Thermal Power Corporation 8.2 Installed Capacity 8.3 NTPC Kahalgaon ( Overview ) 9. NTPC Limited 9.1 9.2 Introduction National Thermal Power Corporation Layout
10. Major Areas in NTPC Kahalgaon 10.1 Coal Handling Plant 10.2 Boiler and its Auxiliaries 10.3 Turbine Auxiliaries 10.4 Generator and its auxiliaries 10.5 Switchyard and Transmission Equipments 11. Transformers 12. Turbine 13. Governor 14. Bibliography
1. An Overview 2. Regional Spread Of Generating Facilities 3. Coal Based Power Stations 4. Gas/Liquid Fuel Based Power Stations 5. Power Plants With Joint Ventures 6. Data Of KhSTPP 7. Electrical Machines Used In CHP 8. Datasheet Of ID Fan 9. Datasheet Of FD Fan 10.Datasheet Of PA Fan 11.Fly Ash Composition(By Weight) 12.Generator Parameters 13.Excitation System Parameters 14.Generator Rating 15.Generator Transformer, GT-(1, 2, 3, 4,) Ratings 16.Generator Transformer, GT-(5) Ratings 17.UST-3A 18.UTA-2A
1. Growth Of NTPC Installed Capacity &Generation 2. NTPCs Share In Total Generation In India 3. Some Of The Major Project In The Northern Region 4. NTPC Ltd., Kahalgaon 5. National Thermal Power Corporation Layout 6. Boiler Auxiliaries (Stage-I & Ii) 7. FD Fan & ID Fan 8. Turbine Auxiliaries 9. Stator Frame Interior 10.Rotor Shaft 11.Generator Hydrogen Cooling Circuit 12.Seal Oil System 13.Static Excitation System 14.Air Blast Circuit Breaker 15.SF6 Circuit Breakers 16.Circuit Isolator 17.Current Transformer 18.Capacitor Voltage Transformer 19.Governor Characteristics 20.Turbine Speed Governing System
NTPC has gone beyond the thermal power generation. It has diversified into hydro power, coal mining, power equipment manufacturing, oil & gas exploration, power trading & distribution. NTPC is now in the entire power value chain and is poised to become an Integrated Power Major. NTPC's share on 31 Mar 2008 in the total installed capacity of the country was 19.1% and it contributed 28.50% of the total power generation of the country during 2007-08. NTPC has set new benchmarks for the power industry both in the area of power plant construction and operations with its experience and expertise in the power sector, NTPC is extending consultancy services to various organisations in the power business. It provides consultancy in the area of power plant constructions and power generation to companies in India and abroad. In November 2004, NTPC came out with its Initial Public Offering (IPO) consisting of 5.25% as fresh issue and 5.25% as offer for sale by Government of India. NTPC thus became a listed company with Government holding 89.5% of the equity share capital and rest held by Institutional Investors and Public. The issue was a resounding success. NTPC is among the largest five companies in India in terms of market capitalization. Recognising its excellent performance and vast potential, Government of the India has identified NTPC as one of the jewels of Public Sector 'Maharatnas'- a potential global giant. Inspired by its glorious past and vibrant present, NTPC is well on its way to realise its vision of being "A world class integrated power major, powering India's growth, with increasing global presence".
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Singrauli Korba Ramagundam Farakka Vindhyachal Rihand Kahalgaon NTCPP Talcher Kaniha Unchahar Talcher Thermal Simhadri Tanda Badarpur Sipat Total (Coal)
Uttar Pradesh Chhattisgarh Andhra Pradesh West Bengal Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Bihar Uttar Pradesh Orissa Uttar Pradesh Orissa Andhra Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Delhi Chhattisgarh
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Gas based
Commissioned Capacity (MW) 413 652 645 817 648 350 430 3,955
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waste land which was unavailable for agriculture. The land was of no use to the local people. In the late fifties, a large scale dam was built in West Bengal on the River Ganges which provided sufficient water for people. Later, rich coal deposits spread over an area of 2200km in the state of Jharkhand were discovered that could be used to generate electricity. The population of Kahalgaon mainly consists of professionals and workers of these large industrial units and businessmen and employees of other organizations dealing with the power or coal industry, in addition to staff members of various government agencies.
3. NTPC Limited:
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NTPC full form is National Thermal Power Corporation. The Place is now known as NTPC Kahalgaon. There is brief detail:-
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A ddress
Approved Capacity Installed Capacity Location W Source ater M Fuel ain Beneficiary States Fuel Requirem ent Source of fuel Total Area Approved Investm ent U Sizes nit U Com issioned nits m
N ational Therm Pow Corporation , Kahalgaon al er 2840 M W 2340 M W Kahalgaon, Bihar River Ganga Coal State &U territories of N W ER,SR, U Pradesh, Bihar nion R, R, ttar 4.1 m illion tonnes per year for Stage I 6.62 m illion tonnes per year for 2nd U of Stage II nit 3.67 m illion tonnes per year for 3rd U of Stage II nit Rajm M ahal, urra, Chuperbita Coal field of Eastern Coal Field Lim ited 3300 Acres Rs. 1715 Crore (Stage I) Rs.6330 Crore ( Stage II) Stage-I: 4*210 M W Stage-II: 3*500 M W U : 200 M M 1992 nit-I w arch U nit-II : 200 M M 1994 W arch U nit-III : 200 M M 1995 W arch U nit-IV200 m N W ovem 1996 ber
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The general layout of thermal power plant consists of mainly four circuits as shown. 1. 2. 3. 4. Coal and Ash circuit Air and Gas circuit Feed Water and Steam circuit Cooling Water circuit
Coal and Ash Circuit: In this circuit, the coal from the storage is fed to the boiler through coal handling equipment for the generation of steam. Ash produced due to combustion of coal is removed to ash storage through ash-handling system. Air and Gas Circuit: Air is supplied to the combustion chamber of the boiler either through forced draught or induced draught fan or by using both. The dust from the air is removed before supplying to the combustion chamber. The exhaust gases carrying sufficient quantity of heat and ash are passed through the air-heater where the exhaust heat of the gases is given to the air and then it is passed through the dust collectors where most of the dust is removed before exhausting the gases to the atmosphere.
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Feed Water and Steam Circuit: The steam generated in the boiler is fed to the steam prime mover to develop the power. The steam coming out of the prime mover is condensed in the condenser and then fed to the boiler with the help of pump. The condensate is heated in the feed-heaters using the steam tapped from different points of the turbine. The feed heaters may be of mixed type or indirect heating type. Some of the steam and water are lost passing through different components of the system; therefore, feed water is supplied from external source to compensate this loss. The feed water supplied from external source to compensate the loss. The feed water supplied from external source is passed through the purifying plant to reduce to reduce dissolve salts to an acceptable level. This purification is necessary to avoid the scaling of the boiler tubes. Purification is done by DM plants. Cooling Water Circuit: The quantity of cooling water required to condense the steam is considerably high and it is taken from a lake, river or sea. At the Kahalgaon thermal power plant it is taken from an artificial lake created near the plant. The water is pumped in by means of pumps and the hot water after condensing the steam is cooled before sending back into the pond. This is a closed system where the water goes to the pond and is re circulated back into the power plant. Generally open systems like rivers are more economical than closed systems.
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Properties of fuel:
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n Flash point- it is a minimum TEMPERATURE AT which the fuel is heated to give off inflammable vapour in sufficient quantity to ignite when brought in contact of flame. n Pour point- it is a minimum Temperature at which oil can handle or can flow easily in pipe line. n Fire point- it is a minimum Temperature of fuel at which it starts burning without external support. n Calorific value- it is a heat energy liberated by complete combustion of unit mass of fuel.
In NTPC KhSTPP (Stage-I and Stage-II) TANGENTIAL FIRING METHOD is used in which from corners tangentially the air and fuel are passed inside furnace region where burning takes place as shown in figure.
Role of Air Heaters To recycle the heat of exit flue gas back in the combustion process Efficient coal combustion and pulverization depends on air heater performance For every 20 deg drop in flue gas exit temperature the boiler efficiency increased by about 1%.
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Coal Mill
A ball mill is a pulveriser that consists of a horizontal rotating cylinder, up to three diameters in length, containing a charge of tumbling or cascading steel balls, pebbles, or rods. A tube mill is a revolving cylinder of up to five diameters in length used for fine pulverization of ore, rock, and other such materials; the material, mixed with water, is fed into the chamber from one end, and passes out the other end as slime.
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Current Power Power factor Efficiency Rotor speed Lubricant Maximum Winding Temperature
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Made by Type of motor used Stator connection Operated at Frequency Voltage Current Power Power factor Efficiency Rotor speed Lubricant Maximum Winding Temperature
BHEL 3 phase Squirrel cage induction motor Y (star) 50 Hz 6600 V 84.5 A 1400 KW 0.87 96.3 1493 rpm Greave servogem-2 48C
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Ash Utilization
Ash utilization is one of the key concerns at NTPC. The Ash Utilization Division, set up in 1991, strives to derive maximum usage from the vast quantities of ash produced at its coal-based stations. The division proactively formulates policy, plans and programme for ash utilization. It further monitors the progress in these areas and works at developing new fields of ash utilization. As the emphasis on gainful utilization of ash grew, the usage over the years also increased. From 0.3 million tonnes in 1991-1992, the level of utilization during 2006-07 stood at over 20.76 million tonnes. NTPC has adopted user friendly policy guidelines on ash utilisation. These include actions identified for: i. Ash Collection & Storage System ii. Facilities & Incentives to users iii. Direct Department Activities iv. Administrative & Financial aspects.
This comprise of
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Condensate pumps 3 per Unit of 50% capacity each located near the condenser Hot well. L.P. Heater Normally 4 in number with no. 1 located at the upper part of the condenser and No. 2,3,and 4 around 4m level. Deaerator one per unit located around 18M level in CD bay.
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Constructional Features
STATOR COMPONENTS 1. Stator frame 2. Stator Core 3. Stator windings 4. Bushings
1. Stator Frame Totally enclosed gas tight fabricated structure made of high quality mild steel. It houses the stator core and Hydrogen coolers. Stator Frame Interior: 1. Frame Housing 2. Clamp 3. Supporting Ring 4. Dovetail Bar 2. Stator Core
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losses Each laminations is made up of cold rolled high quality silicon steel
3. Stator Winding
The stator has a three phase, double layer, short pitched and bar type windings having two parallel paths. Each slot accommodates two bars. Each bar consists of solid as well as hollow conductors with cooling water passing through the hallow space. In the straight slot portion the strands are transposed by 360 0 to reduce the eddy losses. Bar is taped with several layers of thermosetting epoxy mica tape. To prevent corona discharges between insulation and the wall of the slot, the slot portion is coated with semi conducting varnish.
4. Bushings Three phases and six neutral terminals are brought out from the stator frame through bushings which are capable of withstanding high voltage and provided with gas tight joint. The conductor of the bushing is made of high conductivity copper tube on which silver plated terminal plates are brazed at both ends. ROTOR It comprises of the fallowing components Rotor shaft Rotor windings Retaining ring Fans Slip rings
Rotor Shaft
The main constituents are chromium, molybdenum, nickel and vanadium on 2/3 of its circumference approximately, the rotor body is provided with
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Rotor windings
The conductors are made of hard drawn silver bearing copper which exhibits high creep resistance so that coil deformations due to thermal cycling. The individual turns are insulated from each other by layer of glass laminates.
Retaining Ring
The overhang portion of field winding is held by non magnetic steel forging of retaining ring against centrifugal forces. To reduce stray losses, the retaining rings are made of nonmagnetic, steel and cold worked, resulting high mechanical strength.
Rotor Fan
The generator cooling gas is circulated by two single stage axial flow propeller type fans. These Fan hubs are made of alloy steel.
Slip rings
The slip rings consist of helically grooved alloy steel rings shrunk on rotor body shaft and insulated from it. The slip rings are provided with inclined holes for self ventilation.
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GENERATOR PARAMETERS: Generator Volume CO2 required for expelling H2 at standstill CO2 required for expelling H2 under rolling H2 filling quantity at standstill H2 filling quantity under Standstill Nominal pressure of hydrogen Permissible variations Hydrogen purity Purity of H2 (minimum) Maximum temperature of Cold gas Maximum moisture content in generator casing Gas flow per Cooler Heat Load Cooling water flow per cooler Number of H2 coolers Pressure Drop through cooler Minimum Temperature of cooling water to maintain minimum 20 56 cu m 120 cu m 160 cu m 300 cu m 336 cu m 3.0 ksc +/-0.2 ksc 99 % 97% 44 deg c 15 mg/m3 of H2 7.5 m3/sec 528 KW 87.5m3/sec 4 17.5mmwcl 13deg C
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Seal oil supplied to the shaft seals is drained from both air & H2 sides. The air side seal oil is directly returned to SOT via a float valve. The oil drained from H2 side of the shaft seal is discharged into generator prechambers. The prechambers permit the escape of entrained gas bubbles and deforming of the oil. Oil from prechambers flow to IOT & a float valve maintains the oil level in IOT excess oil is returned back to SOST.IOT act as a gas barrier preventing the ingress of H2 to SOT.
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Static excitation system is used in mainly 200MW Generator set. The AC power is trapped off from generator terminal. Stepped down and rectified by fully controlled thyristor bridge and then feed to generator field as excitation power. To control the generator output voltage. A high control speed is achieved by using an inertia free control and power electronics system. Any deviation in generator terminal voltage is sensed by error detector and causes the voltage regulator to advance or retard the firing angle of thyristor there by controlling the field excitation. The Static Excitation System Consists of:
Rectifier Transformer Thyristor Converter Automatic voltage Regulator Field Flashing Circuit Field Breaker and Field Discharge Equipment
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KW Rating Power Factor KVA Rating Stator Voltage Stator Ampere Rotor Voltage Rotor Ampere Rotor Speed Frequency Phase Connection Type Coolant Used Gas Pressure Insulation Class Type Make 500,000 KW 0.85 lagging 588,000 KVA 21,000 V 16,200 A 340 V 4040 A 3000 rpm 50 Hz 3 Y Y ( Star, Star) Water & Hydrogen 4 Bar B TG-HH-0500-2 BHEL- Haridwar
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The high transmission-line voltage is then reduced in those substations located close to the power consuming center. The electrical equipment in such distribution substation is similar to that found in substation associated with generating plant. Substations Equipments:
Transformers Circuit breakers Surge arresters Current Limiting Reactor Isolators Instrument transformers Relay and protection devices
TRANSFORMERS Generator Transformer - (1, 2, 3, 4,) Ratings: Maker Vector group Cooling method KVA rating KV (no load), HV KV (no load), LV Line Ampere, HV Line Ampere, LV Number of phases Frequency Independent volt Top oil temperature rise Mean Windings Temperature Rise BHEL Bhopal YNd11 OFWF 250 400 KV 15.75 KV 360.9 A 9164.6 A 3 50 Hz 14.41 KV 35 Degree C 40 Degree C
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Generator Transformer-(5) Ratings: Maker Vector group Cooling method KVA rating KV (no load), HV KV (no load), LV Line Ampere, HV Line Ampere, LV Number of phases Frequency Independent volt Top oil temperature rise Mean Windings Temperature Rise ABB YNd11 OFAF 250 250 KV 250 KV 343.66 A 9164.28 A 3 50 Hz 14.41 KV 35 Degree C 40 Degree C
UST-3A Maker KVA Rating Voltage at No Load, HV Voltage at No Load, LV Ampere, HV Ampere, LV Number of phases/ Frequency BBL Bombay 1600 6600 V 433 V 140 A 2133 A 3/50 Hz
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UTA-2A Maker: KVA Rating Voltage at No Load, HV Voltage at No Load, LV Ampere, HV Ampere, LV Number of phases Frequency Hackbridge Hewittic and Easun Ltd. 1600 6600 V 433 V 140 A 2133 A 3 50 Hz
A circuit breaker is an automatically-operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. Unlike a fuse, which operates once and then has to be replaced, a circuit breaker can be reset (either manually or automatically) to resume normal operation. Circuit breakers are made in varying sizes, from small devices that protect an individual household appliance up to large switchgear designed to protect high voltage circuits feeding an entire city.
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although some high-voltage circuit breakers are self-contained with current transformers, protection relays, and an internal control power source. Once a fault is detected, contacts within the circuit breaker must open to interrupt the circuit; some mechanically stored energy within the breaker is used to separate the contacts, although some of the energy required may be obtained from the fault current itself. The stored energy may be in the form of springs or compressed air. Small circuit breakers may be manually operated; larger units have solenoids to trip the mechanism, and electric motors to restore energy to the springs. The circuit breaker contacts must carry the load current without excessive heating, and must also withstand the heat of the arc produced when interrupting the circuit. Contacts are made of copper or copper alloys, silver alloys, and other materials. Service life of the contacts is limited by the erosion due to interrupting the arc. Miniature circuit breakers are usually discarded when the contacts are worn, but power circuit breakers and highvoltage circuit breakers have replaceable contacts. When a current is interrupted, an arc is generated - this arc must be contained, cooled, and extinguished in a controlled way, so that the gap between the contacts can again withstand the voltage in the circuit. Different circuit breakers use vacuum, air, insulating gas, or oil as the medium in which the arc forms. Different techniques are used to extinguish the arc including:
Lengthening of the arc Intensive cooling (in jet chambers) Division into partial arcs Zero point quenching Connecting capacitors in parallel with contacts in DC circuits
Finally, once the fault condition has been cleared, the contacts must again be closed to restore power to the interrupted circuit. In NTPC KhSTPP type of High-voltage circuit breakers used are given below:
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Simplicity of the interrupting chamber which does not need an auxiliary breaking chamber Autonomy provided by the puffer technique The possibility to obtain the highest performance, up to 63 kA, with a reduced number of interrupting chambers
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Short break time of 2 to 2.5 cycles High electrical endurance, allowing at least 25 years of operation without reconditioning Possible compact solutions when used for GIS or hybrid switchgear Integrated closing resistors or synchronized operations to reduce switching over-voltages Reliability and availability Low noise levels.
The reduction in the number of interrupting chambers per pole has led to a considerable simplification of circuit breakers as well as the number of parts and seals required. As a direct consequence, the reliability of circuit breakers improved, as verified later on by CIGRE surveys.
Lightning Arrester:
The purpose of lightning arrester is to limit the over voltage that may occur across transformers and other electrical apparatus due either to
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lightning or switching surges. The upper end of the arrester is connected to the line or terminal that has to be protected, while the lower end is solidly connected to ground. Ideally a lightning arrester clips any voltage in excess of a specified maximum, by permitting a large current, if needed be, to be diverted to ground. In this way the arrestor absorbs energy from the incoming surge. So the E-I characteristics of an ideal surge arrester is therefore, a horizontal line whose level corresponds to the maximum permissible surge voltage. In practice, the E-I characteristics slopes upward but is still considered to be reasonably Flat.
Current-Limiting Reactor:
The MV bus in the NTPC KhSTPP usually energized several feeders, which carry power to regional load centers surrounding the substation. If so happens that the output impedance of the MV bus is usually very low. Consequently, If the short circuit should occur on one of the feeders, the resulting short-Circuit current could be disastrous.
Circuit-Isolator provides three-pole, group-operated, visible-air-gap isolation in distribution substations. The Circuit-IsolatorII can be used to interrupt low-level charging currents associated with substation bus work and circuit-breaker bushings, as well as other low-voltage currents commonly present in substations.
for isolating transformers, circuit breakers, and other substation equipment for repair and maintenance. Each disconnect is factory-assembled and adjusted for easy installation. Can be custom engineered for mounting on almost any customer-supplied structure.
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split, an inductive element used to tune the device to the supply frequency and a transformer used to isolate and further step-down the voltage for the instrumentation or protective relay. The device has at least four terminals, a high-voltage terminal for connection to the high voltage signal, a ground terminal and at least one set of secondary terminals for connection to the instrumentation or protective relay. CVTs are typically single-phase devices used for measuring voltages in excess of one hundred kilovolts where the use of voltage transformers would be uneconomical. In practice the first capacitor, C1, is often replaced by a stack of capacitors connected in series. This results in a large voltage drop across the stack of capacitors that replaced the first capacitor and a comparatively small voltage drop across the second capacitor, C2, and hence the secondary terminals.
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There are three turbines for each generator. These are meant to extract maximum heat energy from the steam so as to achieve maximum efficiency. These turbines are named as: a) High pressure turbine (HP Turbine) b) Intermediate pressure turbine (IP Turbine) c) Low pressure turbine (LP Turbine)
Steam comes into the HP turbine from boiler through the main stream line (MSL).the initial temperature and pressure of this steam is 540C and 170 atm respectively. Each turbine consists of several stages and one stage is made up of one rotor blade and one stator blade. For 500 MW, HP turbine consists of 6 stages. Final temperature and pressure after passing through all the stages of HP turbine becomes 345C and 45 atm respectively. Steam comes out of HP turbine and goes back to reheater in boiler through cold reheating line. Steam is then reheated in reheater and is fed to intermediate pressure turbine through hot reheating line (HRH). Initial temperature and pressure of steam in IP turbine is 540C and 40 atm respectively. Steam then passes through various stages and then the used steam is again fed back to boiler at reduced temperature and pressure. Finally steam is fed to the LP turbine and steam is then passed to the condenser where it is converted back to water. At the bottom of the condenser there is a hot well where water collects. There are three condensate extract pumps (CEP) out of which two work at a time and extract the water from the hot well.
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Steam coming out of the various outlets combines at one place in drain cooler where the temperature and pressure of various steams comes to a common level. Now water need to be fed into the boiler but before that it needs some preheating. There are three low pressure heaters (LP Heaters) and two high pressure heaters (HP Heaters) The heating elements in these heaters are steam coming out of various stages of the IP Turbine and LP Turbine. From HP Heater, the water goes to economizer. From economizer heated water goes to the boiler drum. Boiler drum contains water and steam both. Boiler drum is at a height of 90 meter. Steam being lighter collects at the top of the boiler drum and water flows to the bottom ring header. Because of high potential energy, water from boiler drum goes down in the boiler, gets heated, its temperature rises and attains enough kinetic energy to reach back to the boiler drum. Steam from the boiler drum passes through superheater and attains a high temperature of 540C at 170 atm pressure and goes to the HP turbine.
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The widespread use of electric clocks, the need for satisfactory operation of power stations running in parallel and the relation between system frequency and the speed of the motors has led to the requirement of close regulation of power system frequency. Control of system frequency and load depends upon the governors of the prime-movers. Fig.1 shows the basic characteristics of a governor. It is seen that with a given setting there is a definite relationship between turbine speed and the load being carried by the turbine. If the load carried by the turbine increases the speed decreases. In order to keep the speed same the governor setting by changing the spring tension in the fly-ball type of governor will be resorted to and the characteristics of the governor will be indicated by the dotted line. In practice the change in characteristics is obtained by remotely operating the governor control motor from the control room. A turbine can be adjusted to carry any given load at a desired speed. If constant frequency is required the operator can adjust the speed of the turbine by changing the governor characteristics as and when desired.
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3. Hydraulic Amplifier: This consists of the main piston and the pilot valve.
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Low power level pilot valve movement is converted into high power level piston valve movement which is necessary to open or close the steam valve against high pressure steam. 4. Speed changer: The speed changer provides a steady state power output setting for the turbine. The downward movement of the speed changer opens the upper pilot valve so that more steam is admitted to the turbine under steady condition. The reverse happens when the speed changer moves upward.
Boiler is a long column where coal is fired to produce heat and to convert water into superheated steam. In NTPC Kahalgaon, the height of the boiler is 90 meter. In the boiler section there are ten elevations which are meant for coal input. Coal is pulverized in the form of fine powders and fed into the boiler at different elevations. Oil is sprayed in between these elevations to ignite the coal powders and to allow the heat to sustain for the maximum time in the boiler. There are numerous fine tubes inside the boiler through which water flows. This water while flowing through the tubes extracts heat from the boiler and gets converted to steam at suitable temperature and pressure. Maximum temperature is available at the topmost part of the flame. Due to this reason the boiler drum is located at the top (90 meter height).
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1. S. S. Rao, Switchgear and Protection, Khanna Publishers. 2. C.L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power System, New Age International. 3. P.S.Bimbhra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publisher. 4. Husain Ashfaq , Electrical Machines, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
1. Google.co.in 2. Wikipedia.com 3. NTPC.com
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