World encompassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and traditions.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st Century Philippine Literature from
the regions through an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
A. 21st The 21st The learner Writing a close Writing a close Movie List Picture
Centur learners Century will be able analysis and analysis and Analysis
y will be to critical critical (Learners will
Literary list down the
literatu able to Themes demonstrat interpretation interpretation of
re from understa e of literary and literary texts movies that
they had Critical
the nd and understandi doing an and doing an Reading
region appreciat ng and adaptation of adaptation of watched and
where e the appreciatio these require these require the themes
K and techniques
the elements n of the 21
from the from the learner
school and century learner the the ability to: used in them.) Short Story/
is contexts Philippine ability to: Film Analysis
based of 21
and world
in century literature 1. identify the Constructed
relatio Philippin through a geographic, Response
n to e written linguistic, and 1. identify the K U Representati Graphical
the Literatur close ethnic geographic, on Timeline
literatu e from analysis dimensions of linguistic, and
ethnic Critical Venn Diagram
re of the and Philippine
dimensions of interpretation
other Regions critical literary history
Philippine on selected
regions interpretat from
literary history short story
ion of a precolonial to
from precolonial “One Day on
literary the
to the the Road” or
text in contemporary.
contemporary. the movie
terms of
“Mr. Peabody
form and
and Sherman”
theme, with
of its
Study The Genre The learner differentiate/co U Compare and U Analyzing Communicati
and learner will be able mpare and contrast the on
appreci will be to contrast the various 21st
ation of able to demonstrat various 21st century literary
literary understa e century literary genres and the
texts nd and understandi genres and the ones from the
from appreciat ng and ones from the earlier genres
the e the appreciatio earlier /periods citing
differe elements n of 21st genres/periods their elements, Compare and Dual Coding
nt and Century citing their structures Contrast Matrix
regions contexts Philippine elements,
written of 21st literature structures and
Compare and
in century from the traditions
Write a Contrast Matrix
differe Philippin regions
nt e through:
genres literature
coverin from the
g: regions.
1. a written Infographics
analysis and
on of a
literary text
/major in terms of
genre form and
theme, with
of its
Study The Approa The explain the Discuss how Understan Evaluating Writing a Reasoning The Reading
and learner ches learner literary, different ding critical and Proof and Writing
apprec will be will be biographical, contexts interpretation Connection
iation able to able to linguistic, and enhance the of the book
text’s meaning
of underst demonstra sociocultural “One Day on
and enrich the Reading of the
literar and and te contexts and the Road”
reader’s Text and
y texts apprecia understan discuss how understanding using a
from te the ding and they enhance Sociological
the element appreciatio the text’s approach Comprehensio
differe s and n of 21st meaning and n Questions
nt contexts Century enrich the
region of 21st Philippine read
s century literature Understa
writte Philippi from the nding
n in ne regions
differe literatur through: 1.
nt e from a written
genres the close
coveri regions. analysis
ng: 1. and critical
region interpretat
s in ion of a
Luzon, literary
Visaya text in
s, terms of
Minda form and
nao 2. theme,
major with a
genres description
(poetr of its
y, context
fiction, derived
drama, from
creativ research;
e and 2. an
nonfict adaptation
ion, as of a text
well as into other
hyper creative
poetry forms
, blogs, using
mobile multimedi
phone a
Study The 1.2 The learner Analyze the Understa Understan Analyzing 1. Literary Communicati 1. Story
and learners will be able figures of nding Discuss how ding text or on review
appreci will be Devices to speech and on
ation of able to and demonstrat other literary contexts Story analysis
literary understa Techniq e techniques and enhance the “One Day on
texts nd and ues understandi devices in the text’s meaning the Road”
from appreciat ng and text and enrich the by
2. Literary Temistokles
the e the appreciatio reader’s
understanding text
regions elements n of 21st Adlawan
written and century through
in contexts Philippine appropriate
differe of 21st
Literature multimedia 2.
nt century from the Street life
genres Philippin regions photography
coverin e through: and reflective
g: literature text
1.regio 1. a
ns in written
Visayas close
, analysis and
Mindan critical
ao interpretati
on of a
literary text
in terms of
2.major form and
genres theme, with
(poetry a
fiction, description
drama, of its
creativ context
e derived
nonficti from
on, as research;
well as and
mobile 2. An
phone adaptation
texttula of a text
, chick into other
lit, creative
specula forms using
tive multimedia
Quarter 2
Literary The learner Africa The learner Analyze a literary Understan Writing a close Understandi Applying 1. Pre-assessment:
genres, will be able will be able to work from Africa. ding analysis and critical ng
tradition to demonstrate interpretation of Multiple
s and understand understanding literary texts,
2. Reflection: What
forms and and applying a reading
comes to your
from appreciate appreciation of Interpret a approach, and doing
mind when you
different literary 21st century literary text from an adaptation of
hear Africa? After
national texts in literature of Africa these, require from
knowing its
literature various the world the learner the
and genres through: ability to identify:
, what changed
cultures, across representative texts
in the way you
namely, national Identify and authors from
see the
Asian, literature representative text Africa.
1. A written continent?
Anglo- and from Africa
American cultures close analysis
, and critical
European interpretation
3. Seatwork Essay
, Latin of a literary Identify authors form:
America, text in terms from Africa.
and of form and a. How did the
Africa theme, with a history of
description of Africa affect its
its context literature?
derived from
research. b. What similar
struggles in Africa
and the Philippines
can you think of?
How did these two
places handle
these struggle?
4. Literary
Civilian and
the Soldier
A. Do the
poem reflects a
civil war in a
clear manner?
Why or why not?
B. What literary
techniques does
Soyinka use in the
poem and how do
they enhance the
central message
of the poem?
Performance Task: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has approved your multimedia proposal to feature an adaptation of a
contemporary world literary text. The chosen text should highlight any of the goals in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to create workable
solutions on today’s global issues. As a production manager, you and your team are tasked to produce a creative poster adaptation of your approved
chosen literary text. The output will be evaluated by UNICEF representatives based on the rubric attached.
Prepared: Checked:
Grade:11/12 Semester:
Core Subject Title: 21 Century Literature from the Philippines and the World No. of Hours/Semester: Prerequisites (If needed): None
Core Subject Description: This course aims to engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21 Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
encompassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and traditions.