Ucsp Week 5
Ucsp Week 5
Ucsp Week 5
II. CONTENT Ethnocentrism and Cultural Biological and cultural evolution: Cultural and sociopolitical Cultural and sociopolitical
Relativism from Homo habilis to Homo evolution: evolution:
sapiens sapiens in the fossil a. Hunting and gathering Agricultural societies and the
record neolithic revolution
Horticultural societies
Integration to Other Subjects Science, Language, Empowerment Technology
A. References Understanding Culture Society Understanding Culture Society Understanding Culture Society Understanding Culture Society
and Politics and Politics and Politics and Politics
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Curriculum Guide MELC Pg. 1 MELC Pg. 1 MELC Pg. 1 MELC Pg. 1
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource Slideshare, Studocu Slideshare, Studocu Slideshare, Studocu Slideshare, Studocu Slideshare,
A. Reviewing previous lesson Prayer< Greetings < Checking of Activity 1 Review Review Teacher will
or presenting the new Attendance prepare
lesson Provocative picture How did the theory of How did the challenges from lesson plan
evolution explain human the environment lead to for the next
biological development? cultural development? week.
What is wrong with this image?
Source: puts/projects.
man-evolution/ape-man/the- Prepare
origin-of-humans/ Instructional
B. Establishing a purpose for 1. Students will pretend that Activity 2 Open discussion Activity 1 Material for
the lesson they are using YOUTUBE (Note: Word Association the next
Integrate Empowerment Video prompt Guide question Supply words associated with Lessons.
Technologies concepts such as Wathc the video ‘What is
How did society revolution to describe define
using social media and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution’
"netiquette") transform through it.
2. Students will be asked to Process question time?
react to the video by going to 1. What is evolution
the "like" lane according to Darwin? Revolution
if they like what they see and to 2. How did the theory of
the "dislike" lane if they do not evolution explain the
like what they see. interconnected of life?
3. The teacher will generate 3. What is natural
insights from selected students selection?
based on which picture got the How did natural selection
most likes. explain the creation of new
*The video may be accessed
through the given link
D. Discussing new concepts Based from the photo from the Discuss the meaning of fossil and Activity 2
and practicing new skills # first activity. Let the students how it is utilized in the study of COLLABORATIVE ACTIVITY
1 define the following concepts human biological evolution.
Challenge and response
(Identify the challenge in the
situation or environment)
(Identify human
inventions/innovation as a
response to the challenge. May
also serve as challenge.)
E. Discussing new concepts Let the students give example of Open discussion Open discussion Activity 4
and practicing new skills # the following”
2 HERITAGE Guide question Guide question Discuss the implications of
Material Non- the Neolithic Revolution to the
Material How did the physical and How did the challenges evolutionary process by using a
biological factors lead to cultural from the environment led to through a cause and effect
development of early homo? cultural development? concept map.
*Discussion of Material and
non-material heritage *Present the rubrics for using
concept map.
F. Developing mastery The Teacher will play a short Activity 5 Open discussion Open discussion
(leads to Formative film about ethnocentrism and
Assessment 3) cultural relativism The teacher INQUIRY-BASED Guide question The discovery of farming
APPROACH As a student, what brought revolutionary
will solicit students' reactions
are the challenges that developments that eventually
about the video. DCAP ACTIVITY you encounter? How do led to the rise of civilization.
you respond to these Analyze the Philippines
Discuss how and why cultural
Deliberate – Concept: Successful challenges? society. Do you think it would
relativism mitigates specie posseses distinct qualities be more economically
ethnocentrism Conceive - List down five
beneficial for an agricultural
characteristics of successful
country to focused on farming?
Act – Brainstorn on the Will it also bring tremendous
applicability of these development in the country?
characteristics at present times
Perceive – Point out specific
instances wherein these
characterictics can be applied at
present times
G. Finding practical Ask the students how are they Guide question 3-2-1 prompt 5 words, 1 sentence
application of concepts going to exhibit cultural
and skills in daily living relativism. How can we trace the Based on the discussion and Give five words to
biological evolution of early to activities, provide: summarize your learnings
modern humans? 3 – descriptions of from discussion. Out of these
hunting and gathering five words, state your
societies learnings in one sentence.
2- development in
horticultural and pastoral
1 – environmental
challenge and response of early
human to the challenge
H. Making generalizations Compare and Contrast 3-2-1 prompt 5 words, 1 sentence KWL completion
and abstractions about the
Based on the discussion and Give five words to Fill in the Learned