ChromQuest 4.1 Quick Reference Guide April
ChromQuest 4.1 Quick Reference Guide April
ChromQuest 4.1 Quick Reference Guide April
In the Instrument window, familiarize yourself with the drop-down menus in the Menu bar, the buttons in the Command toolbar, the buttons in the Integration Events toolbar,
and the shortcut menus that are accessed by right-clicking in a window.
√ Tip If you cycle the power to the Surveyor AS, wait until the autosampler completes its initialization process before you open the Instrument window.
Drop-down Chromatogram
Method Menu Window Shortcut
Status Bar
Integration Events Displays the status of the
Toolbar Running Sample
run, as well as instructions
Contains the Integration Events associated with the
buttons. integration buttons.
The method contains the parameters for controlling the modules of your instrument, the parameters for identifying and quantitating your chromatographic peaks, and the
parameters for determining the suitability of your system for a run. Before you can run a preliminary sample, you must create a method that contains your instrument control
parameters. After you run a preliminary sample, you can graphically optimize the integration of the resulting chromatogram(s) and to you can graphically add a Peak Table for
the identification and quantitation of your unknowns to the method.
To enter the Instrument Setup To enter the column parameters: To transfer a method:
parameters: 1. From the menu bar, choose Method > Advanced To transfer a working method from another
To develop a new chromatographic separation, begin by to display the Advanced Method Options window. chromatography data system, enter the method
entering the control parameters for the modules of your 2. Then, click on the Column / Performance tab to parameters as follows:
instrument as follows: display the Column / Performance page. 1. From the menu bar, choose File > Method >
1. From the menu bar, choose File > Method > 3. Enter the following information about your Method Wizard to display the Method Wizard.
New. column: 2. In the Method Wizard,
• Unretained Peak Time (void volume) click on the Create a Method icon .
ChromQuest opens the Instrument Setup window
with the default parameters for the configured • Column Length ChromQuest displays the Instrument Setup
modules. • Particle Diameter window, as well as an additional toolbar at the
2. In the Instrument Setup window: 4. Select the Calculate Performance Parameters for bottom of the Instrument window.
a. Enter the new instrument control parameters for This Channel checkbox. Then, select a Calculation
Method. This Channel refers to the detector. 3. Click on the Next Method Dialog button
each configured module. to move through the sections of the method.
b. In the Aux Traces page, select the pump pressure 5. Save the method.
Enter the appropriate parameters in each
trace if you want to record the backpressure of your dialog box.
system during a run. To add annotations to a trace:
c. In the Baseline Check page, enter the following: After you collect a chromatogram, add annotations that 4. After you have entered the
the length of time for which the baseline must meet will enable you to determine the performance of your contents of your method,
the test criteria, the maximum length of time for chromatographic separation. These parameters typically click on the Save Method As button
checking the baseline, and the test criteria. include capacity factor, resolution, and asymmetry. in the toolbar at the bottom of the Instrument
1. Right-click in the Chromatogram window to access
the shortcut menu.
2. Click on Annotations to display the Trace
Annotation Properties dialog box. In the Available
In the example above, as soon as the baseline meets Annotations box, double-click on each annotation
the test criteria for an interval of 2 min, the run that you want to add to the trace (chromatogram).
√ Tip
begins. If the baseline does not meet the test criteria 3. Click on OK to exit the dialog box.
for 2 min within the maximum test period of 4. Save the method. If the Baseline Check option in the Configuration
10 min, ChromQuest aborts the run or the sequence. Options dialog box is enabled, include at least one
discrete channel in your scan methods.
d. In the Trigger page, select a trigger type.
Typically, the pump and detector are externally
triggered by the autosampler.
3. Save the method by choosing File > Method >
Save AS.
To download the method: To flush the Surveyor AS syringe: To purge the Surveyor LC Pump:
From the menu bar, choose Control > Download 1. Access the Direct Commands in ChromQuest as 1. Open the drain valve by turning the drain valve
Method. follows: From the Instrument Status window, click knob counter-clockwise 180° to the purge position.
on the Surveyor AS tab to display the Surveyor AS The word DRAIN on the knob will be upside
To check the Instrument Status: Instrument Status page. Then, click on down.
Diagnostics .
1. From the menu bar, choose Control >
Instrument Status. ChromQuest displays the Direct Controls page of
2. In the Instrument Status window, confirm that the the Diagnostics dialog box.
Status readout for each of the modules of your 2. From the Direct Commands list box, select Flush 2. Access the Purge group box in ChromQuest as
instrument displays Ready, with the exception of Syringe. Enter the appropriate parameters. Then, follows: From the Instrument Status window, click
the Status readout for the Surveyor LC Pump, click on Submit . on the Surveyor LC Pump tab to open the Surveyor
which displays Pump on, before you start a run. LC Pump page. Then, click on Diagnostics .
To preview the baseline: ChromQuest displays the Operation page, which
contains the Purge group box.
1. Click on the Preview button . 3. In the Purge group box, select a solvent valve and a
ChromQuest begins the baseline preview. purge time. Then, click on Purge .
2. To stop previewing the baseline, click on the 4. After you finish flushing the solvent lines, close the
drain valve by gently turning it clockwise as far as
Stop button . it will go.
After you create a method and prepare your instrument for a run, you are ready to run a sample.
The peak table contains the information required to identify the peaks in the chromatogram(s), as well as the information required to build the calibration curve(s).
The peak table also contains the concentration values of the check standards and the sample spikes. There is one peak table for each detector in your instrument.
For multi-wavelength analyses, use the Analysis Channel column in the peak table to specify the calibration wavelength(s).
Peak Table
By default, the Fit Type
is Point-to-Point and the
Calib Flag is Replace.
To open the Sequence Wizard: To create a sequence from existing 4. Click on Open .
data files: 5. Click on Finish .
From the menu bar in the Instrument Window, choose
1. On the Method page, do the following: 6. Save the sequence.
File > Sequence > Sequence Wizard.
a. Click on and then select a method from a
ChromQuest displays the Method page of the ChromQuest directory.
Sequence Wizard. b. Select the From Existing Data Files √ Tip
To create an acquisition Sequence: option button. Then, click on Next to In the Method page, the values entered in the Amount Values
display the Select Files page. group box affect how ChromQuest reports the concentrations
1. On the Method page, select the For Acquisition
option button. 2. Click on to display the Open Data of the quantitated peaks in your unknowns as shown in the
Files dialog box. Then, open the following equation.
2. Make the appropriate selections and entries in the ChromQuest directory that contains your
Method, Unknowns, Autosampler, Calibration, data files. [Unk]C × Multiplier 1 × Multiplier 2 × Multiplier 3 = [Unk]R
and Reports pages of the Sequence Wizard.
3. Click on the last data file that you want to Sample Amt × Dilutor 1 × Dilutor 2 × Dilutor 3
3. After you complete your entries, click on reprocess, hold down the <Shift> key.
Finish . Then, click on the first data file that you Where
The Sequence window opens. want to reprocess. [Unk] = the concentration of the unknown determined from the
4. Save the Sequence table by choosing File > A list of the selected data files appears in calibration curve
Sequence > Save As from the menu bar. the pane in the order that they will appear [Unk]R = the concentration of the unknown reported by
in the sequence table. ChromQuest
The Sequence Wizard allows you to create a basic Sequence table. Typical modifications to the basic sequence table include the following:
• Adding a Shutdown run type to shut down your instrument at the end of a sequence run
• Adding a Baseline Check run type to perform a baseline check at the beginning of a sequence run
• Adding an Action, such as running a shutdown if a hardware status error occurs
• Changing the Sequence Summary Template if you do not want to use the default template
To edit the sequence: To add a shutdown run type: To change the sequence summary
1. In the last row of the sequence table, double-click template:
Click on the Edit Sequence button to open your in the Run Type column to display the Sample Run
sequence table. The default template (Summary.tpl) reports the
Types dialog box.
concentrations of your named peaks for the first
You can change the run type of any row in the table. 2. Select the Shutdown run type. wavelength in the Channel Selection list box.
The run type options are as follows: 3. In the Method column, click on the green arrow,
and then select a shutdown method. You can access other sequence summary reports from
the template directory as follows:
4. Save the sequence.
To minimize scrolling, you 1. Double-click in the Run Type cell that contains the
can deselect the properties To add a baseline check run type: Begin Summary (SMB) run type.
that you do not need from
the table. The sequence 1. Enter the appropriate baseline check parameters in 2. Click on the Begin Summary check box to display
can contain the following the Instrument Setup section of the method. the contents of the Report Template text box.
properties: 2. In the first row of the sequence table, double-click 3. Click on to select a summary report template
in the Run Type column to display the Sample Run from the following list of templates.
Types dialog box. Vial Summary.tpl
3. Select the Baseline Check run type. Trend.tpl
4. Save the sequence. Summary.tpl
4. Save the sequence.
To add an Action:
√ Tip
1. If you want to perform an action for a run, click on
To create your own sequence summary template:
the blue arrow in the Action column to display the
Action dialog box. Choose File > Advanced Reports > New from the
2. Select the tests that you want to perform. Command menu bar. ChromQuest displays the
3. For each test, select whether ChromQuest performs Template Editor window. Click on a cell in the
spreadsheet. Then, click on either the Table Wizard
the action if the test passes or if the test fails. Then,
select the resulting action. Some actions will button or the Function Wizard button.
require additional parameters.
1. Click on the Sequence Run button to open the Sequence Run dialog box. 1. Click on the Process a Sequence button .
2. Click on to select a sequence file from a ChromQuest directory. 2. Click on to select a sequence file from a ChromQuest directory.
3. Select the All or the Range option button for the Run range. 3. Select the All or the Range option button.
Enter a contiguous range with a dash (1-10). Enter a non-contiguous range with 4. Select a processing mode from the Processing Mode list box.
a comma (1-10,20-30). Use Stored Results shows the original results.
Use Last Results shows the most recent results.
If you selected a section of the sequence before you opened the Sequence Run Reintegrate recalculates the results.
dialog box, notice that ChromQuest has automatically selected the ~ Selection Review Only displays the results on the screen.
option button.
5. Select a type of bracketing from the Bracketing list box.
4. Select a processing mode from the Processing Mode list box.
6. Select the Review Results check box to pause the processing after each data file.
For HPLC systems, select Normal. For systems that contain an HS2000 or an Click on the green up and down arrows× ×Ø
× Ø
Øto move through the rows of the
HS850, select Full Download. sequence.
5. Select a type of bracketing from the 7. To print the custom report for each data file,
Bracketing list box. select ; the Print Method Reports checkbox.
6. To print the custom report for each data file, To print the sequence reports,
select ; the Print Method Reports checkbox. select ; the Print Sequence Reports
To print the sequence reports, checkbox.
such as the Sequence Summary report 8. Click on Start .
and the System Suitability report, 9. Click on the
select ; the Print Sequence Reports Review Peaks Calibration button
checkbox. to review the calibration curve.
7. Click on Start .