General Paper U-2
General Paper U-2
General Paper U-2
Experimental research is research conducted with a scientific approach using two sets of
variables. The first set acts as a constant, which we use to measure the differences of the
second set. Quantitative research methods, for example, are experimental.
If we don’t have enough data to support our decisions, we must first determine the facts.
Experimental research gathers the data necessary to help us make better decisions.
Any research conducted under scientifically acceptable conditions uses experimental methods.
The success of experimental studies hinges on researchers confirming the change of a variable
Research ethics is a set of conduct norms applied in science. These principles cover the full
scope of research, starting from experiments with humans and animals through to
misconduct, fraud and plagiarism. The general principles of contemporary research ethics
involve objectivity, integrity, respect for intellectual property, confidentiality, responsible
monitoring, social responsibility, non-discrimination, competence, legality, animal care and
human subjects protection.
The field of biomedical research is a major concern for research ethics. Contemporary research
ethics strives for ethical treatment of human subjects of biomedical and social science
research as well as ethical standards in the research into human reproduction, which includes
stem cells. Ethical rules protect laboratory, livestock and wild animals involved in research.
International concerns extend to environmental risks caused by research and safety of
shipping of hazardous research materials.
The Hippocratic Oath, which dates back to 5th century BCE, is an early example of ethics in the
medical profession. Through the oath, medical professionals pledge not to do harm. Research
ethics went a long way until it acquired its contemporary shape. Until the 20th century, ethical
norms of conduct in science were rather fragmented and without a clear focus.
Research ethics became an important issue in the 20th century when science had already
developed significantly, but some considered that the harm which research was causing was
threatening to outweigh its benefits. The Pure Food and Drug Act passed in 1906 in the United
States was the first law in the country to regulate human subject research. The adoption of the
act was necessitated by a number of abusive human subject experiments. The law did not put
an end to scandals, including syphilis experiments and radiation experiments.
One of the notorious cases of abusive research in the United States was the Tuskegee Syphilis
Study (1932-1972). The project was implemented by the U.S. Public Health Service.
Researchers carried out a study of 600 African-American men, infecting 400 of them and
testing them for a period of 40 years. The participants in the project were refused treatment.
The project was terminated only after it acquired a high profile and provoked strong criticisms.
In response to the Tuskegee case, the United States passed the National Research Act in 1974,
which set up the National Research Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects in
Biomedical Research. The Commission's task was to define the major underlying ethical
principles in research.
The information on radiation experiments in the United States also provoked a strong
response. During World War II and in the 1950s, the U.S. authorities conducted research on
the effects of radiation on hospital patients, pregnant women and mentally disabled children.
The experiments were meant to enable the authorities to introduce safety standards for work
at atomic bomb facilities. It was only in the late 20th century that the government provided
financial compensation to the victims of human radiation experiments.
The international efforts to introduce research ethics standards on a global level became more
focused after World War II. Research ethics drew the attention of the international community
with the disclosure of the atrocities of German doctors conducted in concentration camps
during the war. In 1946, a U.S. military tribunal charged 23 German physicians and
administrators with war crimes and crimes against humanity. These doctors had conducted
medical experiments which claimed numerous lives and caused permanent disabilities to
many. The trial inspired the adoption of the Nuremberg Code in 1948, which was the first
official international document to promote ethics in research and lay a strong emphasis on the
informed consent of participants in experiments. The Code reads: "The voluntary consent of
the human participant is absolutely essential."
In 1964, the World Medical Association adopted the Declaration of Helsinki, which introduced
ethical guidelines for biomedical research. It focused on the transparency of results from
laboratory and animal experiments, the mandatory informed consent of research participants,
the qualification of researchers and the ratio of risks and benefits in research. Another
international player in the field of research ethics is the United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Research Organization (UNESCO), whose efforts to promote international reflection on
ethics in life sciences dates back to the 1970s. UNESCO works in two main areas — bioethics
and ethics of science and technology.
Research ethics provides guidelines for the responsible conduct of research. In addition, it
educates and monitors scientists conducting research to ensure a high ethical standard. The
following is a general summary of some ethical principles:
Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. Do not
fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data.
Strive to avoid bias in experimental design, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review,
personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, and other aspects of research.
Answer: D Answer: B
Answer: B Answer: A
Answer: A Answer: D
Answer: B Answer: A
28- ……… is used to obtain the freest 32- On which of the following, scientific
opinion of the respondent, by asking knowledge mostly relies?
general A. Logical understanding
question before a specific question. B. Identification of events
A. Research technique C. Prior knowledge
B. Qualitative technique D. All of the given options
C. Funnel technique
D. Quantitative technique Answer: A
Answer: B Answer: D
35- All of the following are true statements 39- Which of the following is not the source
about action research, EXCEPT; for getting information for exploratory
A. Data are systematically analyzed research?
B. Data are collected systematically A. Content analysis
C. Results are generalizable B. Survey
D. Results are used to improve practice C. Case study
D. Pilot study
Answer: C
Answer: A
36-Which of the following is characteristic
of action research? 40- Which of the following is the main
A. Variables are tightly controlled quality of a good theory?
B. Results are generalizable A. A theory that has survived attempts at
C. Data are usually qualitative falsification
D. Results demonstrate cause-and-effect B. A theory that is proven to be right
relationships C. A theory that has been disproved
D. A theory that has been falsified
Answer: C
Answer: A
37-If a researcher is studying the effect of
using laptops in his classroom to ascertain 41- A variable that is presumed to cause a
their change in another variable is known as:
merit and worth; he is likely conducting A. Discontinuous variable
which of the following types of research? B. Dependent variable
A. Experimental C. Independent variable
B. Applied D. Intervening variable
C. Basic
D. Evaluation Answer: C
42- Which of the following is the opposite 46-“There is no relationship between higher
of a variable? motivation level and higher efficiency” is an
A. An extraneous variable example of which type of hypothesis?
B. A dependent variable A. Alternative
C. A data set B. Null
D. A constant C. Co relational
D. Research
Answer: D
Answer: B
43- Which of the following is not a concept?
A. Leadership 47- Which of the following is not a role of
B. Total Quality Management hypothesis?
C. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) A. Guides the direction of the study
D. Human Resource Management B. Determine feasibility of conducting the
Answer: C C. Identifies relevant and irrelevant facts
D. Provides framework for organizing the
44- Which of the following can best be conclusions
described as a categorical variable?
A. Age Answer: B
B. Annual income
C. Grade point average 48-Hypothesis test may also be called as:
D. Religion A. Informal test
Research Method (STA 630) Success B. Significance test
Objectives C. Moderating test
D. T-test
Answer: D
Answer: B
45-“Income distribution of employees” in a
specific organization is an example of which 49-Which type of review compares how
of different theories address an issue?
following type of variable? A. Context review
A. Discontinuous variable B. Integrated review
B. Continuous variable C. Theoretical review
C. Dependent variable D. Methodological review
D. Independent variable
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: 2
Answer: 4
Answer: A Answer: A
76.……… is used to obtain the freest opinion 80. In an experimental research study, the
of the respondent, by asking general primary goal is to isolate and identify the
question before a specific question. effect produced by the ____.
a. Research technique 1. Dependent variable
b. Qualitative technique 2. Extraneous variable
c. Funnel technique 3. Independent variable
d. Quantitative technique 4. Confounding variable
Answer: A Answer: A
77. In ……… the interviewer and members 81. A measure is reliable if it provides
jointly control the pace and direction of the consistent ___________. Research Method
interview. (STA 630) Success Objectives
1. Hypothesis
2. Results 1. Reliability
3. Procedure 2. Replicability
4. Sensitivity 3. Scaling
4. Validity
Answer: 2
Answer: 4
82. The interview in which questions are
already prepared is called ________. 86. A researcher is interested in studying
1. Telephonic interview why the “new math” of the 1960s failed.
2. Personal interview She interviews several teachers who used
3. Unstructured interview the new math during the 1960s. These
4. Structured interview teachers are considered as:
1. Primary sources
Answer: 4 2. Secondary Sources
3. External critics
83. The numerical description that describe 4. Internal critics
sample may be expected to differ from
those that describe population because of Answer: 1
random fluctuations inherent in sampling
process. 87. Which of the following is NOT true
1. Sampling design about stratified random sampling?
2. Non-probability sampling 1. It involves a random selection process
3. Sampling error from identified subgroups
4. Probability sampling 2. Proportions of groups in the sample must
Answer: 3 always match their population
84. In ______________ , each population 3. Disproportional stratified random
element has a known and equal chance of sampling is especially helpful for getting
selection. large
1. Purposive sampling enough subgroup samples when subgroup
comparisons are to be done
2. Quota sampling
4. Proportional stratified random sampling
3. Stratified sampling
yields a representative sample
4. Simple random sampling
Answer: 2
Answer: 4
Answer: 4 Answer: B
89. Rationalism is the application of which 93. All of the following are true statements
of the following? about action research, EXCEPT;
A. Logic and arguments A. Data are systematically analyzed
B. Research solution B. Data are collected systematically
C. Reasoning C. Results are generalizable
D. Previous findings D. Results are used to improve practice
Answer: A Answer: C
90. On which of the following, scientific 94. Which of the following is characteristic
knowledge mostly relies? of action research?
A. Logical understanding A. Variables are tightly controlled
B. Identification of events B. Results are generalizable
Research Method (STA 630) Success C. Data are usually qualitative
Objectives D. Results demonstrate cause-and-effect
C. Prior knowledge relationship
D. All of the given options
Answer: C
Answer: A
95. If a researcher is studying the effect of
91. Which of the following refers to using laptops in his classroom to ascertain
research supported by measurable their merit and worth, he is likely
evidence? conducting which of the following types of
A. Opinion research?
B. Empiricism A. Experimental
C. Speculation B. Applied
D. Rationalism C. Basic
D. Evaluation
Answer: V
Answer: D
92. Research method is applicable in all of
the following fields, Except: 96. Exploratory research addresses which of
A. Health care the following types of question?
A. If
B. How B. Dependent variable
C. Why C. Independent variable
D. What D. Intervening variable
Answer: D Answer: C
97. Which of the following is not the source 102. Which of the following is the opposite
for getting information for exploratory of a variable?
research? A. An extraneous variable
A. Content analysis B. A dependent variable
B. Survey C. A data set
C. Case study D. A constant
D. Pilot study
Answer: D
Answer: A 103. Which of the following can best be
described as a categorical variable?
98. Which of the following is the main A. Age
quality of a good theory? B. Annual income
A. A theory that has survived attempts at C. Grade point average
falsification D. Religion
B. A theory that is proven to be right
C. A theory that has been disproved Answer: D
D. A theory that has been falsified
104. “Income distribution of employees” in
Answer: A a specific organization is an example of
which of following type of variable?
100. Which of the following is not a A. Discontinuous variable
concept? B. Continuous variable
A. Leadership C. Dependent variable
B. Total Quality Management D. Independent variable
C. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
D. Human Resource Management Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: C Answer: D
124. Which one of the following sampling 128.Which one of the following is not a
type is used in Response analysis survey characteristic of scientific method?
(RAS)? a. Deterministic
A. Simple random sampling b. Rationalism
B. Cluster sampling c. Empirical
C. Quota sampling d. Abstraction
D. Stratified sampling
Answer: D
Answer: D
129. In a study of concept learning in first-
125. Which one of the following could be graders, all of the following should happen,
helpful for minimizing the bias in this case except;
study? ► To help make the experience enjoyable,
A. Cognitive research children should be given substantial
B. Focus group incentives to participate.
C. Pretest Interview ► The children should be asked if they
D. Response analysis survey want to participate.
Answer: D Answer: D
144. Which of the following is NOT an 147. Critical decision area in questionnaire
example of a problem with using survey construction is which of the following?
research to investigate behaviour? ► Question content
► Respondents tend to answer by giving ► Question wording
the most socially desirable answer. ► Response strategy
► Respondents may inadvertently omit key ► All of the given options
terms in the question.
► Respondents may not give an honest Answer: D
reply to what they see as a threatening
148. The most critical area of an article to
► Respondents may be unwilling to reveal read is;
information as they believe they are likely
► Introduction
to be identified.
► Abstract
► Results section
Answer: D
► Limitations
Answer: B Answer: C
Answer: C Answer: D
228. The two levels of sampling used by 232. Apart from people, what else can
Savage et al. (2005) for the Manchester purposive sampling be used for?
study were: a) Documents
a) Random and purposive b) Timing of events
b) Convenience and snowball c) Context
c) Statistical and non-statistical d) All of the above
d) Contexts and participants
Answer: D
Answer: D
233. What can be generalized from a
229. Which of the following is not a type of purposive sample?
purposive sampling? a) That the findings are true for broadly
a) Probability sampling similar cases
b) Deviant case sampling b) That the findings are true for the entire
c) Theoretical sampling population
d) Snowball sampling c) That the opposite is true for people who
are the opposite of those in the sample
Answer: A d) That purposive sampling is better than
probability sampling
230. The minimum sample size for
qualitative interviewing is: Answer: A
a) 30
b) 31 234. Which of the following is a problem
associated with survey research?
c) 60
a) The problem of objectivity
d) It's hard to say
b) The problem of "going native"
c) The problem of omission
Answer: D
d) The problem of robustness
Answer: C
263- A literature review requires
A. Planning
267- Preliminary data collection is a part of
B. Good & clear writing
C. Lot of rewriting
A. Descriptive research
D. All of the above
B. Exploratory research
C. Applied research
Answer: D
D. Explanatory research
Answer: A
265- A theoretical framework
A. Elaborates the r/s among the variables
269- After identifying the important
B. Explains the logic underlying these r/s
variables and establishing the logical
C. Describes the nature and direction of the
reasoning in
theoretical framework, the next step in the
D. All of the above
research process is
A. To conduct surveys
Answer: D
B. To generate the hypothesis
C. To focus group discussions
266- Which of the following statement is
D. To use experiments in an investigation
not true?
d. Survey design
Answer: B
Answer: B
270- The appropriate analytical technique is
determined by 274. Question that consists of two or more
A. The research design questions joined together is
B. Nature of the data collected called a:
C. Nature of the hypothesis a. Double barreled question
D. Both A & B b. General question
E. Personal interviews c. Accurate question
d. Confusing question
Answer: B
Answer: A
271. WATS lines provided by long distance
telephone service at fixed rates. 275. The number of questionnaires
In this regard, WATS is the abbreviation of: returned or completed divided by the total
a. West Africa Theological Seminary number of eligible people who were
b. Washtenaw Area Transportation Study contacted or asked to participate in the
c. Wide Area Telecommunications Service survey is called the:
d. World Air Transport Statistics a. Response rate
b. Participation rate
Answer: C c. Inflation rate
d. None of the given options
272. A list of questions which is handed
over to the respondent, who reads Answer: A
the questions and records the answers
himself is known as the: 276. To obtain the freest opinion of the
a. Interview schedule respondent, when we ask general
b. Questionnaire question before a specific question then
c. Interview guide this procedure is called as the:
d. All of the given options a. Research technique
b. Qualitative technique
Answer: B c. Funnel technique
d. Quantitative technique
273. One of the most critical stages in the
survey research process is: Answer: C
a. Research design
b. Questionnaire design 277. A small scale trial run of a particular
c. Interview design component is known as:
a. Pilot testing
b. Pre-testing c. Arithmetic mean, median, mode
c. Lab experiments d. Standard deviation, internal validity,
d. Both A & B mode
Answer: D Answer: A
278. Field testing of the questionnaire 282. In lab experiment the effect of
shows that: Variables is controlled to evaluate the
a. Respondents are willing to co-operate causal relationship.
b. Respondents are not willing to co- a. Extraneous
operate b. Moderate
c. Respondents do not like any participation c. Intervening
d. All of the given options d. All of the above
Answer: A Answer: B
279. Which of the following is the weakest 283. Internal validity refers to .
experimental design? a. Researcher’s degree of confidence.
a. One group pretest-posttest design b. Generalizability
b. Quasi- experimental design c. Operationalization
c. Two group posttest only design d. All of the above
d. Ex post facto design
Answer: D
Answer: A
284. The most powerful research tool is a
280. How many times the students appear (an)
in the research class is the example of a.clinical study.
_________. b.experiment.
a. Intensity c.survey.
b. Space d.correlational study.
c. Frequency
d. Direction ANSWER: B
295. What is the variable called that a 299. What is a common way of controlling
researcher manipulates in an experiment? extraneous variables in an experiment?
(A) Dependent variable (A) Random assignment
(B) Independent variable (B) Double-blind procedure
(C) Extraneous variable (C) Single-blind procedure
(D) None of the above (D) Using animal subjects
300. When doing research involving 303. Which of the following is not a
deception with human subjects, researchers criterion for the statement of a good
have an obligation to do which of the research problem?
following? (A) Expression of relationship
(A) Tell subjects the truth about the study’s between/among variables.
purpose and methods after the study is (B) Clarity and unambiguousness.
completed (C) Possibility of empirical testing.
(B) Prevent mental and physical harm to (D) Possibility of use of statistical analysis.
(C) Let subjects withdraw from the study at ANSWER: D
any time if they don’t want to keep
304. Which of the following variables is
(D) All of the above
(A) Attitude towards school
(B) Family size in a locality
(C) Marital status of College students
301. Which of the following variances is not
(D) Religious affiliation of workers.
controlled or manipulated in a research
(A) Variance of independent variable. ANSWER: A
(B) Variance of dependent variable.
305. Read the following statements about a
(C) Variance of extraneous variables.
laboratory experiment.
(D) Error variance.
I. It has relatively complete control of
extraneous variables.
II. Its results are applicable to real life
302. Assertion (A): Longer tests are more
reliable than shorter ones. Which of the following is correct?
Reason (R): Each item adds to test (A) Both I and II are correct.
(B) I is incorrect, but II is correct.
Which of the following is correct?
(C) Neither of I and II is correct.
(D) I is correct, but II is incorrect.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) Only (A) is correct.
(C) Only (R) is correct.
306. Which of the following is not correctly
(D) None of the (A) and (R) is correct.
(A) Achievement Test – Content validity
(B) Aptitude Test – Predictive validity ANSWER: B
(C) Reasoning Test – Content validity
(D) Personality test – Concurrent validity 309. Which of the following is a measure of
ANSWER: C (A) Mode
(B) Mean
307. Read the following two lists of items: (C) Percentile
List – I List – II (D) Standard Deviation
a. Historical Research 1. Current status
b. Action Research 2. Control of ANSWER: C
c. Survey Research 3. Natural setting
d. Experimental Research 4. Local 310. An investigator wants to study the
problem vocational aspirations of visually challenged
5. Past oriented children in a wide geographical area. He
should select his sample by using
Which of the following matching is correct? (A) Sample Random sampling
a b c d (B) Stratified sampling
(A) 3 4 1 2 (C) Purposive sampling
(B) 5 4 1 2 (D) Convenient sampling
(C) 4 3 2 5
(D) 1 2 3 4 ANSWER: C
338. The variance reflecting a systematic 342. Match the Measurement Scales in List
difference between groups of measures is – I which can be used with appropriate
termed as Statistics in List – II:
(A) Total Variance
List – I List – II
(B) Error Variance
a. Nominal Scales i. Geometric Mean
(C) Experimental Variance
b. Ordinal Scales ii. Frequency
(D) Within Groups Variance
c. Interval Scales iii. Median & Rank
a b c d 346. Pre-test-post-test randomized
(A) iv iii ii i matching control group design is an
(B) i iii ii iv example of
(C) ii iii iv i (A) True experimental design
(D) i iv iii ii (B) Pre- experimental design
(C) Quasi-experimental design
ANSWER: C (D) Post-facto experimental design
ANSWER: B Answer: C
Answer: A
368. Which of the following factors does
not affect internal validity of an
experimental design? 371. The type of grading that asserts fixed
(A) Statistical regression proportion of learners at different grade
points is known as
(B) Maturation of subjects
(A) Direct grading
(C) Pre-testing
(B) Indirect grading
(D) Noise during experiment
(C) Relative grading
(D) Absolute grading
Answer: D
Answer: C
369. A researcher compared the mean IQ
scores of randomly selected government
and private school students and arrived at 372. _______ refers to inferring about the
conclusion that private school curriculum whole population based on the
has significant positive effect on intelligence observations made on a small part.
of students as compared to that of the
government school. This study can be (A) Deductive inference
categorized as (B) Inductive inference
(A) Experimental (C) Pseudo-inference
(D) Objective inference
(B) Ex-post facto
(C) Historical
Answer: B
(D) Case study
Answer: D Answer: D
Answer: B Answer: B
391. Which is the highest level of concept 395. Internal criticism is done
formation? (A) To verify the accuracy of the source.
(A) Formal level (B) To verify the authenticity of the source.
(B) Sensory level (C) Both of these
(C) Concrete level (D) None of these
(D) None of these
Answer: A
Answer: B Answer: 3
400. The process of educational research 403. Ethical norms in research do not
involves the following steps: involve guidelines for:
(1) Collection of data (1) Thesis format
(2) Statement of objectives (2) Copyright
(3) Selecting the problem (3) Patenting policy
(4) Method/Procedure (4) Data sharing policies
(5) Analysis and Interpretation of data
(6) Reporting the results Answer: 1
Which of the following sequence is correct?
(A) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6 404. A researcher intends to explore the
effect of possible factors for the
(B) 1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 4
organization of effective mid-day meal
(C) 3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5 interventions. Which research method will
(D) 3, 2, 5, 1, 6, 4 be most appropriate for this study?
(1) Historical method
Answer: A (2) Descriptive survey method
(3) Experimental method
401. Which of the following statements is (4) Ex-post-facto method
not true in the context of participatory
Answer: 4
(1) It recognizes knowledge as power.
(2) It emphasises on people as experts.
405. Which of the following is an initial
(3) It is a collective process of enquiry.
mandatory requirement for pursuing
(4) Its sole purpose is production of research?
(1) Developing a research design
(2) Formulating a research question
Answer: 4
(3) Deciding about the data analysis
(4) Formulating a research hypothesis
423. The problem of ‘research ethics’ is 427: A researcher divides the populations
concerned with which aspect of research into PG, graduates and 10 + 2 students and
activities? using the random digit table he selects
(1) Following the prescribed format of a some of them from each. This is technically
thesis called
(2) Data analysis through qualitative or A. stratified sampling
quantitative techniques B. stratified random sampling
(3) Defining the population of research C. representative sampling