Online Education Assessing Teachers Notes 548528
Online Education Assessing Teachers Notes 548528
Online Education Assessing Teachers Notes 548528
Lesson aim: 2. Put learners in pairs and have them discuss their
• To encourage learners to self-assess answers and their thoughts.
their language learning progress
and processes
3. Conduct feedback with the whole class, asking
• To help learners understand the criteria
they have to meet and their ability to meet learners to volunteer any interesting thoughts
these criteria and discussions that they would like to share with
• To help learners to reflect on language the class.
learning goals and their needs and lacks
Item 8: Level descriptors
Skills: Speaking, writing
4. Tell learners to think about their answers to items 1, 6
Materials needed: Needs Analysis; Printout of
and 7 as they answer item 8. Hand out the level
level descriptors e.g. CEFR self-assessment
grid which can be found at: descriptors. Have learners read the level descriptors and find ‘can do’ statements that apply to what they
framework-reference-languages/table-2-cefr-3.3- can already do. They should also find statements that
common-reference-levels-self-assessment-grid describe what they can’t do yet.
(Note: if teaching low-level learners, teachers
might consider printing out level descriptors in the 5. Get learners to discuss their findings in pairs or small
learners’ first language) groups. They should discuss what they can do now
and can’t do yet.
1. Tell learners that you would like them to think 6. Have learners do item 9 of the Needs Analysis.
about their progress in learning English. Hand Tell learners to reflect on what they’ve discussed
out the Needs Analysis and ask them to complete and write down three goals that they’d like to achieve
items 1 to 7. Give learners 10–15 minutes. Feel free this month/term. They can share their goals with
to help learners with any unknown language. partners, small groups, or the whole class.
This Needs Analysis helps learners to reflect on their 7. Have learners write their goals down. If you’d like
own learning journeys and raises awareness of the learners to be more publically accountable for the
different areas that impact on their relationship with achievement of those goals, have them first write
Teacher ’s notes
English and with their own learning. It also helps their goals down and then display them. This can be
you to better understand your learners and provides either physically on a slip of paper which goes on
useful information that can help you plan and deliver the classroom wall or on a shared platform or online
your courses in ways that are relevant and motivating space. When they feel they’ve achieved their goal,
to your learners. they can mark that goal as complete.
Item 1 promotes self-awareness of skills. 8. Collect each learner’s needs analysis to help in your
Item 2 promotes self-awareness of progress. course planning.
Item 3 promotes self-awareness of the use of
learning strategies.
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