DLL Artsg7-Week1
DLL Artsg7-Week1
DLL Artsg7-Week1
Gateway Drugs
1. Cigarettes Protective and Risk Factors in the Use of Cigarettes and Alcohol
2. Alcohol
(5 mins)
(10 mins)
B. Establishing A Purpose Show a video on the link Ask the students to do
For The Lesson https://www.youtube.co the Activity about the
m/watch?v=XW7J98Ql5b reasons why teenagers
Ask few students smoke.
(volunteers) to share
their insights about the (See attachment 5)
video in class.
(15 mins)
(10 mins)
C. Presenting Examples / Show pictures of Ask the students these
Instances Of The New students who smokes following questions:
Lesson cigarette and drinks What are the reasons
alcohol and the students why teenagers smoke?
will give their reaction. Who do you think
influence them?
Guide Questions: What could be the
1. Based on the pictures, benefits they get from
what are the effects of smoking?
smoking and drinking
alcohol on them?
2. What are their reasons
on using cigarettes and
alcoholic beverages?
(5 mins)
(10 mins)
D. Discussing New Concepts Discuss gateway drugs Discuss reasons why
And Practicing New Skills (cigarette and alcohol). people smoke cigarettes.
#1 Discuss how this gateway
(10 mins)
E. Discussing New Concepts Practice Activity attached Discuss the harmful short- Discusses the dangers
And Practicing New Skills on the 3-Steps on how to and long-term effects of of mainstream, second
#2 ”Say No” on smoking and cigarette smoking on the hand and third hand
drinking alcohol. different parts of the body smoke
(20 mins)
F. Developing Mastery Ask students to make a Analyze the following
(Leads To Formative slogan about Preventing situations given and
Assessment 3) the Usage of Cigarette write your insights on
and Alcoholic Beverages. the said situations.
The teacher will
Evaluate their slogan by assigned each group
using the rubrics to present a short skit
attached. (See base on the given
Attachment 3) situation.
2. If your classmate
offered you a smoke
at a hidden corner
of the school, what
will you say? What
will you do?
3. What if a friend of
yours started to
smoke? How will you
make him/ her quit
early before it is too
(20 mins)
G. Finding Practical Ask students to List Ask the students to
Applications Of The down at least ways on create their own
Concepts And Skills In how to prevent smoking Pledge/Promise of
Daily Living and drinking alcohol that Avoiding Cigarette.
could lead to the use of
more harmful (10 mins)
(5 mins)
H. Making Generalizations Analyze the implications Draw reflections from
And Abstractions About of cigarette smoking and the students on their
The Lesson alcohol use on the realizations/insights
following: self, family, regarding the lesson.
environment, community,
and country. Give emphasis on the
avoidance of smoking
In your activity
sheet/notebook answer (10 mins)
the following:
Could anyone be
harmed if I do it?
Could it get
into trouble?
Would it make
one feel bad if I
do it?
(5 mins)
I. Evaluating Learning Quiz Quiz
(See Attachment 4) (See Attachment 5)
(5 mins) (5 mins)
J. Additional Activities For Planning. Integration
Application And of Health with Physical
Remediation Education. Commit a
day for a Recreation
and Sports Day.
(10 mins)
K. Assignment Analyze the impact of What are the school Write a journal
cigarette smoking in your rules or government explaining how you
community by rules regarding the manage to be smoke-
interviewing your local use of tobacco free. You can use
leaders and community products like pictures, drawings and
members. Prepare your cigarettes? other creative ideas to
guide questions in class. make your journal
Design 1 pack of
cigarette that would
serves as an eye
A. No. of Learners Who
Earned 80% In The
B. No. Of Learners Who
Require Additional For
Remediation Who Scored
Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
Work? No. Of Learners
Who Have Caught Up
With The Lesson.
D. No. Of Learners Who
Continue To Require
E. Which Of My Strategies
Worked Well? Why Did
These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My
Principal Or Supervisor
Helped Me Solved?
G. What Innovation Or
Localized Materials Did I
Use / Discover Which I
Wish To Share With Other