Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018: General Chemistry 1A

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Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018

General Chemistry 1A

Semesters 1 and 2

Chemistry Department

This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.



1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ....................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Outcomes ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................. 4
3.1 Lecturer(s) ...................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Department ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 5
4 RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................ 5
4.1 Prescribed books ............................................................................................................................. 5
4.2 Recommended books ....................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ......................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Library services and resources information ......................................................................................... 6
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................. 7
6 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................... 8
7 PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING ................................................ 11
8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................ 11
8.1 Assessment criteria ........................................................................................................................ 11
8.2 Assessment plan ............................................................................................................................ 26
8.3 Assignment numbers ..................................................................................................................... 27
8.3.1 General assignment numbers .......................................................................................................... 27
8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers ........................................................................................................... 27
8.4 Assignment due dates .................................................................................................................... 28
8.5 Submission of assignments ............................................................................................................. 28
8.6 The assignments ............................................................................................................................ 30
8.7 Other assessment methods .............................................................................................................. 84
8.8 The examination............................................................................................................................ 84
9 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 85
10 SOURCES CONSULTED ............................................................................................................ 86
11 IN CLOSING .............................................................................................................................. 86
12 ADDENDUM .............................................................................................................................. 86


Dear Student

Welcome to the subject General Chemistry 1A. I trust that you will find this module both stimulating and
personally enriching.


2.1 Purpose
Students credited with this module can explain and apply general chemistry principles. These principles
include basic atomic theories, the electronic structure of atoms, the periodic table and periodicity, chemical
bonding, behaviour of matter, stoichiometry, acids and bases, types of chemical reactions, concentrations,
kinetics, gases, thermochemistry and chemical equilibrium.

2.2 Outcomes

The Learning Outcomes for General Chemistry are: to understand the molecular nature of all phases of
matter, to understand the various ways of depicting chemical compounds and chemical reactions, to
develop an ability to solve basic quantitative problems regarding the properties of molecules, chemical
equilibria, and chemical kinetics, and to develop the ability to appropriately apply this knowledge to
general scientific problems in various fields of science and engineering.

Upon completion, the student should be able to:

 Explain and apply principles related to the foundations of chemistry, atomic structure and the
periodic table.
 Explain and apply basic principles of Quantum Chemistry and Periodicity.
 Apply chemical bonding and bonding theories.
 Explain acid-base theories, and analyse, compare and balance different types of chemical
 Apply principles of stoichiometry and the mole concept.
 Define and calculate various expressions of concentrations.
 Explain and demonstrate how collision theory and energy considerations affect the rate of
 Explain and apply basic chemical equilibrium concepts
 Apply concepts relating to acid-base equilibrium and perform relevant calculations.
 Apply thermo-chemical principles (temperature, heat and energy) when analysing substances.
 Define and evaluate the gaseous state and the Gas Laws.

3.1 Lecturer(s)
The following lecturer will be responsible for this module.

Mr M G Smith
Unisa Science Campus, Florida
Eureka Building, K-M-007
Tel: (011) 670-9314
E-mail: smithm2@unisa.ac.za

Unisa is dedicated to service. Students are advised to resend their queries to the respective lecturers and
then carbon copy the Chair of Department (mphahmj@unisa.ac.za) on queries that are not addressed by the
lecturers within 3 working days.

3.2 Department
If you have any problem in contacting your lecturer you may contact the secretary on
(011) 670-9318 or (011) 670-9327 and leave a message for the relevant lecturer.

Should you prefer to write to me, the letter should be sent to:
The CHE1501 Lecturer
Department of Chemistry
Private Bag X 6
UNISA (Florida Campus)
Alternatively, you can e-mail the secretary on chemistry@unisa.ac.za.
If you want to contact me via e-mail, please make sure that you give us the module code and your student
number. Lecturers work on a number of modules each, and we many get e-mails to which we must reply:
"Which module are we talking about?" Also make sure that your subject line is descriptive, like "CHE1501
- Query about Assignment 2". If your subject is something like "hello", your message may be viewed as
junk e-mail by the system and deleted before it even gets to us.

All queries that are not of a purely administrative nature but are about the content of this module should be
directed to us.


3.3 University

Communication with the University

If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module, please
consult the publication my Studies @ Unisa that you received with your study material. This booklet
contains information on how to contact the University (e.g. to whom you can write for different
queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the times certain facilities are

Always have your student number at hand when you contact the University.

4.1 Prescribed books


The prescribed book and material that must be purchased for this module is as follows:

Chemistry: The Central Science with Masteringchemistry, 14th Edition

ISBN: Not yet available – will be posted on myUnisa

Authors: Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick

Publisher: Pearson

IMPORTANT!!!: Please ensure that you purchase the book with MasteringChemistry® access, as
this is required to complete your assignments. The same edition is also sold without
MasteringChemistry®, so please be extra careful that you do not purchase the wrong one.

The UNISA chemistry pack can be purchased at the following bookshops:
Van Schaiks, Protea, Juta, Armstrong and on-line at http://www.takealot.com:


The University does not provide copies of this book. Students are expected to obtain their own copies. As
most of the study material for this module is included in this book, it is essential to have access to a copy.

4.2 Recommended books

If you feel that you need an additional textbook to help you understand the work better, a recommended
textbook is:

Chemistry & chemical reactivity : John C. Kotz, Paul M. Treichel, John R. Townsend, David A. Treichel.,
9th edition, Cengage Learning, ISBN: 9781133949640

Note that the recommended book covers the same concepts and topics as the prescribed book, and is not
compulsory. Some students simply prefer a different author’s style to the prescribed book, and some topics
are explained in a different way which may aid your understanding.

4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

There are no electronic reserves for this module.

4.4 Library services and resources information

For brief information, go to www.unisa.ac.za/brochures/studies
For detailed information, go to the Unisa website at http://www.unisa.ac.za/ and click on Library.
For research support and services of personal librarians, go to

The library has compiled a number of library guides:

 finding recommended reading in the print collection and e-reserves –

 requesting material – http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/request/request
 postgraduate information services – http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/request/postgrad
 finding, obtaining and using library resources and tools to assist in doing research –
 how to contact the library/finding us on social media/frequently asked questions –



For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g. student
counselling, tutorial classes, language support), please consult the publication my Studies @ Unisa, which
you received with your study material.

E-Tutors and SFP tutors

Unisa offers free online tutorials (e-tutoring) to students registered for this module.
Shortly after registration closes, you will be allocated to a group of students and assigned an e-tutor who
will be your tutorial facilitator. Thereafter you will receive an sms informing you about your group, the
name of your e-tutor and instructions on how to log onto myUnisa in order to receive further information
on the e-tutoring process.

The online tutorials are conducted by qualified e-tutors who are appointed by Unisa and their services are
offered free of charge. All you need to be able to participate in e-tutoring is a computer with internet
connection. If you live close to a Unisa regional Centre or a Telecentre contracted with Unisa, please feel
free to visit any of these to access the internet. E-tutoring takes place on myUnisa where you are expected
to connect with other students in your allocated group and on the myUnisa discussion forum. It is the role
of the e-tutor to guide you through your study material during this interaction process. For you to get the
most out of online tutoring, you need to participate in the online discussions that the e-tutor will be

You can quickly access resources and information at the University on the internet. The myUnisa system
is Unisa’s online campus that will help you communicate with other students, your lecturers and the
administrative departments of the University.

To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za and then click on
the ‘Login to myUnisa’ link on the right-hand side of the screen. This should take you to the myUnisa
website. You can also go there directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za.Please consult the publication my
Studies @ Unisa which you received with you study material for more information on myUnisa.

The module CHE1501 has an active discussion forum on myUNISA. Many resources are made available
throughout the year, and these are not necessarily posted to students. We have found that students who use
myUNISA regularly for this module perform much better than those who do not.

We recommend that you check in at myUNISA regularly for discussions, announcements and new
resources. myUNISA is where the lecturer talks about the material, drop hints about what is and what is not
important for exam purposes, set additional tasks to set you thinking more deeply about the material – the
sort of thing you would get in class if this was a contact university.

Discussion classes
If discussion classes are arranged for this module, you will receive a separate tutorial letter with the relevant
information soon after registration.

First semester
Assignment 1 is a multiple choice assignment and is based on study units 1-6.
Assignment 2 is a multiple choice assignment and is based on study units 7-11.
Assignment 3 is an online assignment to be done on MasteringChemistry. It contains four interactive tasks
with immediate feedback and hints and is extremely effective in getting students to understand the content
of this module. Task 1 is based on study units 1-2. Task 2 is based on study units 3 and 4. Task 3 is based
in study units 5, 6, 7 and 8. Task 4 is based on study units 9, 10 and 11. I would recommend doing the
MasteringChemistry Tasks simultaneously with assignments 1, 2 and 4, as they cover the same work, but
using a different teaching method. Thus, when you are finished assignments 1, 2 and 4, you should be
finishing assignment 3 on MasteringChemistry around the same time.

Assignment 4 is a self-assessment assignment which covers the longer type questions and explanation type
questions that cannot be easily covered by multiple choice or MasteringChemistry. It does not count
towards your semester mark but the questions covered are vital for your exam preparation, as the longer
questions in the exam will be similar to the type found in this assignment.


Assignment Due date Remarks

Must be in by 19 March in order to gain admission to the
1 19 March
examination. This assignment counts 25% of your semester mark;
in other words, 7.5% of your final mark.

This assignment is not compulsory for exam admission but

2 16 April contributes 25% of your semester mark; in other words, 7.5% of

your final mark.

This assignment is not compulsory for exam admission but

contributes half of your semester mark, in other words, 15% of

3 27 April your final mark, and it contains interactive tutorial questions, which
will be extremely effective in aiding your understanding of the
contents of this module.

Do not submit this assignment!

4 27 April This assignment is not compulsory and does not count towards your
final semester mark. However, it contains extremely important
material and questions which are examinable in the final exam.

Second semester
Assignment 1 is a multiple choice assignment and is based on study units 1-6.
Assignment 2 is a multiple choice assignment and is based on study units 7-11.
Assignment 3 is an online assignment to be done on MasteringChemistry. It contains four interactive tasks
with immediate feedback and hints and is extremely effective in getting students to understand the content
of this module. Task 1 is based on study units 1-2. Task 2 is based on study units 3 and 4. Task 3 is based
in study units 5, 6, 7 and 8. Task 4 is based on study units 9, 10 and 11. I would recommend doing the
MasteringChemistry Tasks simultaneously with assignments 1, 2 and 4, as they cover the same work, but
using a different teaching method. Thus, when you are finished assignments 1, 2 and 4, you should be
finishing assignment 3 on MasteringChemistry around the same time.

Assignment 4 is a self-assessment assignment which covers the longer type questions and explanation type
questions that cannot be easily covered by multiple choice or MasteringChemistry. It does not count
towards your semester mark but the questions covered are vital for your exam preparation, as the longer
questions in the exam will be similar to the type found in this assignment.

Assignment Due date Remarks

Must be in by 20 August in order to gain admission to the
1 20 August
examination. This assignment counts 25% of your semester mark;
in other words, 7.5% of your final mark.

This assignment is not compulsory for exam admission but

contributes 25% of your semester mark; in other words, 7.5% of
2 17 September
your final mark.

This assignment is not compulsory for exam admission but

contributes half of your semester mark, in other words, 15% of
3 01 October your final mark, and it contains interactive tutorial questions, which
will be extremely effective in aiding your understanding of the
contents of this module.

Do not submit this assignment!
4 01 October
This assignment is not compulsory and does not count towards your
final semester mark. However, it contains extremely important
material and questions which are examinable in the final exam.



There are no practicals for this module. The practical component of first-year chemistry is contained in the
module CHE1503.

8.1 Assessment criteria
This section contains important information regarding the CHE1501 syllabus and examination:
The following tutorial letter details the complete syllabus for CHE1501 and what you need to do in order
to ace the examination.

The text book should be your primary study material. The syllabus which must be studied is detailed below.
This tutorial letter will guide you as to what depth you must learn the content in the textbook for the
examination. I have developed a comprehensive checklist for each study below. If you understand all your
assignment questions and answers, and you can say ‘yes’ to, and answer all the questions in the checklists
below (and learn the given equations), and you should be able to get very high marks in the exam.

To prepare for the exam, you should start with the checklists, and then read in the textbook all that is
necessary to answer the questions. i.e. to make sure that you understand the concepts. The tasks that were
set for you on Mastering Chemistry will test how well you understand these concepts.

The study guide is not the primary source of study material. It was written mainly to simplify topics in the
textbooks which students often have trouble understanding. It is therefore not designed to be a repetition of
the textbook and does not cover all the material in the course. The textbook and this tutorial letter should
be your primary guide to your studies, and the study guide should be considered an additional helpful
resource. Topics in the study guide which are not listed in the checklist below will not be directly examined
(although it may be necessary to understand these topics in order to answer questions in other study units).
Use this tutorial letter and the checklist below as the definitive guide as to what is or is not
examinable. If you have trouble with the textbook, then consult the relevant section in the study guide.

I did not give out specific page numbers or textbook sections to study because every student’s chemistry
background may be different, and for a student with little or no knowledge of chemistry, it may be necessary
to read a much larger section of the textbook in order to understand a topic than a student with a solid

Finally, you should continually keep an eye on myUNISA for further study material, especially closer to
exam time, as I may be posting further material, such as a sample examination paper, or a last-minute exam
preparation tutorial letter before the exam.

Study Unit 1 – Review of chemical foundations

Equations you should learn:

ρ = m/V K = °C + 273.15

Can you distinguish between atoms, elements and molecules? Can you explain what is meant by pure
substances, and distinguish between elements, compounds and mixtures?

Do you know the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures?

Do you understand the properties of the three different states of matter (gases, liquids and solids)?
Do you know how to use scientific notation and SI units?
Can you calculate the density of a substance?
Can you explain uncertainty in measurement in terms of accuracy and precision and explain how
significant figures are used to report this uncertainty in calculations?

Do you know understand what is meant by the terms atomic number, mass number, isotope, element and

Can you write nuclide symbols for ions, and determine how many protons, neutrons and electrons are in
any given element, isotope or ion?

Do you understand the concept of average atomic mass and can you calculate average atomic masses and
relative abundance of isotopes?

Can you name and write formulas for simple molecular and ionic compounds?


Study Unit 2 – Quantum mechanics and periodicity

Equations you should learn:


Can you draw the orbital diagram of any given atom and determine the number of paired and unpaired
electrons from the diagram?

Can you write electron configurations for atoms or ions?

Can you determine whether an atom or ion is diamagnetic or paramagnetic?
Do you understand the term ‘isoelectronic’?
Can you classify elements as metals, non-metals or metalloids based on their position on the periodic
table, and explain what is meant by each of these classifications?

Can you predict trends in atomic radii, electronegativity, ionization energy and electron affinity?
Can you distinguish between orbits and orbitals?
Can you name the classes and characteristics of groups on the periodic table (ie. alkali metals, halogens
Can you draw and identify the characteristic shapes for s and p orbitals?
Can you define the quantum numbers and relate them to the position of an electron?
Can you determine if a given set of quantum numbers is valid or not?
Do you know what is meant by valence and core electrons?
Do you know the relationship of valence electrons to the position of the elements in the periodic table?
Do you understand what is meant by effective nuclear charge?

Study Unit 3 – Chemical bonding and bonding theories

Equations you should learn:


Do you know the difference between ionic, polar-covalent, non-polar covalent, coordination (or dative
covalent) bonds and hydrogen bonds? Can you predict when each type will occur in bonding and identify
these bond types in any given molecule?

Do you understand valence electrons and the octet rule and can you determine how many valence
electrons there are in any given molecule?

Can you explain what is meant by electronegativity?

Can you draw the Lewis structure of a given molecule?
Can you determine the formal charge of an atom?
Do you know the basic molecular shapes? Can you use VSEPR theory to predict the molecular geometry
of a molecule?

Can you explain what is meant by bond polarity and dipole moment and identify these in a given

Do you understand the properties of polar and non-polar solvents and the concept of 'like dissolves like.'
Can you predict the products in simple ionic/covalent reactions and write balanced equations for these

Do you understand what is meant by hybrid orbitals, and can you predict the hybridization of the orbitals
in a given molecule?


Study unit 4 – Types of Chemical Reactions

Equations you should learn:


Can you describe the common characteristics of chemical reactions such as combination, combustion,
decomposition, displacement, precipitation, neutralization, acid-base and redox reactions? Given a
reaction, can you determine the type?

Do you know the rules for determining oxidation numbers, and can you apply them to determine the
oxidation number of every atom in an ion or molecule?

Do you understand what is meant by oxidation and reduction?

Can you identify the oxidizing agent and reducing reagent in a redox reaction?
Can you predict the products of oxidation?
Can you balance redox reactions in acidic and basic mediums?
Can you explain what is meant by an endothermic and an exothermic reaction?
Do you know and understand the solubility guidelines for ionic compounds?

Study Unit 5 – Stoichiometry

Equations you should learn:

(number of atoms of that element) × (atomic weight) actual yield
% mass = × 100% Percentage yield = × 100%
(formula weight of compound) theoretical yield

n = m/M

Can you balance a reaction?
Can you calculate the mass percentage of an element in a compound?
Can you interconvert grams, moles and number of molecules using molar masses and Avogadro’s

Do you understand empirical and molecular formulae?

Can you calculate the empirical and molecular formula of a compound from percentage composition and
molecular mass?

Can you determine the limiting reagent of a reaction?

Can you calculate the amount of reactants or products in a reaction?
Do you know the difference between theoretical yield and actual yield, and can you calculate the
percentage yield of a reaction?


Study Unit 6 – Solutions and expressions of concentrations

Equations you should learn:

moles of solute moles of solute 𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑛𝑡

Molarity = Molality = 𝑋component =
Liters of solution kilograms of solvent 𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
n = m/M C1V1 = C2V2


Can you define, calculate and express concentrations in terms of molarity, molality, mole fraction,
percentage composition, ppm and ppb and interconvert between them? Do you know when it is
appropriate to use each term?

Do you understand the difference between molarity and normality?

Do you understand how to carry out a dilution to achieve a desired solution concentration?

Study Unit 7 – Introductory kinetics Rates

Equations you should learn:

E [C]c [D]d
Rate = -∆[A]/∆t k=Ae-Ea/RT lnk =- RTa +lnA Kc = [A]a [B]b

Do you know which factors affect the rate and the rate constant in chemical reactions?
Can you determine the rate of a chemical reaction given times and concentrations?
Can you interpret the rate law and predict changes to the rate if the concentration of the reagents or other
factors are changed?

Do you understand ‘orders’ of reactions?

Can you explain the action of a catalyst and how it affects the rate? Does the concentration of a catalyst
affect the rate?

Can you explain the difference between a heterogeneous and a homogeneous catalyst?
Can you describe the action of an enzyme and how it speeds up a biological reaction?
How does temperature affect the rate of a reaction? Is it different for an endothermic or exothermic

Do you know and understand the Arrhenius equation? Can you determine the activation energy of a
reaction graphically?

Do you understand why rusting occurs and why salt and acid solutions increase the rate of rusting?


Study Unit 8 – Chemical equilibrium

Equations you should learn:

[C]c [D]d
Kc = [A]a [B]b

Do you understand what is meant by chemical equilibrium and how it relates to reaction rates? Can you
derive the equilibrium constant expression from the reaction rates?

Can you write the equilibrium constant expression for any reaction?
Do you understand the significance of the value of the equilibrium constant and how it relates to the
amounts of reactants and products in the equilibrium mixture?

Can you write the equilibrium constant expression for a heterogeneous equilibrium?
Can you calculate Kc from concentration measurements?
Do you understand how changing the concentrations, volume, pressure or temperature of a system at
equilibrium affects the equilibrium position? (Le Chatelier's Principle)

Study unit 9 – Acid-bases equilibria

Equations you should learn:

[H+ ][A- ]
pH = -log[H+] pOH = -log[OH-] Kw = [H+][OH-] = 1.0 x 10-14 Ka = [HA]

[H+ ]equilibrium
Kw = Ka × Kb pKa + pKb = 14 % Ionization = × 100%

Can you define and identify Arrhenius, Brønsted-Lowry and Lewis acids and bases and identify conjugate
acid-base pairs?

Do you understand the autoionization of water and how [H3O+] and [OH-] are related?
Dou you understand the relationships between [H+], [OH-], pH and pOH? If you are given any one of
[H+], [OH-], pH and pOH, can you calculate the other three?

Do you understand the strengths of acids and bases and their conjugates, and are you able to predict how
these will react?

Can you calculate the pH or pOH of a strong acid or base given its concentration?
Can you calculate the percentage ionization of a weak acid or base?
Do you understand the relationship between Ka, Kb and Kw?
Do you understand what a titration and an endpoint mean?
Can you write solubility equilibria equations and calculate the solubility of partially soluble substances?
Can you determine the pH of a weak acid or base using ICE tables?
Can you explain how acid rain is formed, including the relevant chemical equations?


Study Unit 10 – Thermochemistry

Equations you should memorize:

∆H = Hproducts - Hreactants q = c x m x ∆T

Exam Checklist:
Do you understand the concept of enthalpy?
What information is contained in a thermochemical equation?
Do you understand fully the guidelines for using thermochemical equations? Can you apply this reasoning
to calculations?

Can you calculate the heat transferred in a process, given temperature measurements and heat capacities?
Do you know the difference between ‘heat capacity,’ ‘molar heat capacity’ and ‘specific heat capacity’ and
the units for each?

Do you understand ‘exothermic’ and ‘endothermic’ reactions? Would you consider the melting of ice to be
exothermic of endothermic? What is the sign of ∆H?

Study Unit 11 – Gases

Equations you should learn:

PV = nRT V α (1/P) VαT VαN
ρ=(PM)/(RT) Px = Χx(PTotal) PTotal = P1 + P2 + …

Do you know the conditions corresponding to STP?
Can you derive relations between sets of initial and final conditions from the ideal gas law?
Can you convert between atm, Torr, kPa and bar; L, mL and dm3; and °C and K
Can you calculate P, V, n or T using the ideal gas equation? Do you know which units to use in PV=nRT

Do you know which value of R to use?

Can you calculate the partial pressure of a gas, or the total pressure if you are given the partial pressures?
Do you understand how Partial pressures, Daltons’s law and mole fraction are related?
Can you calculate the density or molar mass of a gas?
Do you know what is meant by ideal behaviour? Do you know the difference between ideal and real gases
and under which conditions a gas will imitate ideal behaviour?



Study unit 1: Review of chemical foundations

1.1 Introduction to chemistry
1.2 Classification and properties of matter
1.3 Significant figures and dimensional analysis
1.4 Atomic theory and atomic structure
1.5 Atomic mass
1.6 Introduction to the periodic table
1.7 Chemical compounds: formulae and nomenclature

Study unit 2: Quantum mechanics and periodicity

2.1 A brief introduction to quantum chemistry
2.2 Quantum numbers and atomic orbitals
2.3 Atomic properties and periodic trends
2.4 Electron configuration
2.5 Ions
2.6 Nobel gas core notation
2.7 Subshell energies in a multi-electron atom
2.8 Effective nuclear charge

Study unit 3: Chemical bonding and bonding theories

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Types of bonds
3.3 Bond formation or breakage in chemical reactions
3.4 Bond polarity and the dipole moment
3.5 Lewis dot notation of atoms
3.6 Lewis structures of molecules and ions
3.7 Formal charges
3.8 The Octet rule and exceptions to the Octet rule
3.9 Valence-shell electron-pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory
3.10 Resonance structures and delocalisation of electrons and pi bonds

Study unit 4: Types of chemical reactions

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Balancing chemical equations
4.3 Synthesis (combination)
4.4 Decomposition
4.5 Combustion
4.6 Displacement: single and double
4.7 Precipitation and solubility
4.8 Acid-base neutralisation
4.9 Redox reactions and oxidation numbers

Study unit 5: Stoichiometry
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Chemical equations and stoichiometry
5.3 Percentage composition of an element in a compound
5.4 The mole concept and Avogadro’s number
5.5 The empirical and molecular formulae of compounds
5.6 Limiting reagents and percentage yield

Study unit 6: Solutions and expression of concentrations

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Mass percentage
6.3 Ppm & ppb
6.4 Mole fraction
6.5 Molarity
6.6 Molality
6.7 Normality
6.8 Dilution

Study unit 7: Introductory kinetics

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Collisions
7.3 Factors that affect reaction rates
7.4 Reaction rates
7.5 Rate laws and the rate constant
7.6 Activation energy

Study unit 8: Chemical equilibrium

8.1 Introduction
8.2 The concept of chemical equilibrium
8.3 The equilibrium constant
8.4 Interpreting equilibrium constants
8.5 Heterogeneous equilibria (Kc)
8.6 Le Châtelier’s principle


Study unit 9: Acid-base equilibria

9.1 Introduction
9.2 The proton, the hydronium ion and Kw
9.3 Acid-base theories
9.4 The auto-ionisation of water
9.5 The pH scale
9.6 Strong acids and bases
9.7 Weak acids
9.8 Weak bases
9.9 Relationship between Ka and Kb
9.10 Application of acid-base media in balancing redox reactions
9.11 Acid rain
9.12 Heterogeneous equilibrium: solubility products and Ksp

Study unit 10: Introductory thermochemistry

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Endothermic and exothermic processes
10.3 Enthalpy
10.4 Heat capacity and calorimetry

Study unit 11: Gases

11.1 Introduction
11.2 Fundamental properties of gases
11.3 The gas laws
11.4 The ideal-gas equation
11.5 Gas densities and molar mass
11.6 Gas mixtures and partial pressures

8.2 Assessment plan

Criteria for Marking of Multiple Choice Assignments

Each multiple choice assignment has 50 questions. You will be given 1 mark for each correct answer. If
you leave a question blank, you will be awarded 0 marks for that question. The assignment is marked
negatively, so if you guess and submit incorrect answers, 1 mark will be subtracted for every four wrong

Criteria for Marking of Online Assignments

Assignment 3 will be made up of 4 online tasks (to be done on MasteringChemistry®) which you may
complete in your own time, provided that you have completed all four tasks by the due date. The mark for
assignment 3 will be determined by the marks that you obtained in the online tasks. The contribution of
each task may be weighted, and details will be posted on myUnisa.

Commentaries and feedback on assignments

You will receive the correct answers automatically for multiple-choice questions. Commentaries on
compulsory assignments may be sent to all students registered for this module in a follow-up tutorial letter.
The tutorial letter number will be 201, 202, etc. We strongly suggest that you scan myUnisa weekly for
new tutorial letters.

As soon as you have received the commentaries, please check your answers. The assignments and the
commentaries on these assignments constitute an important part of your learning and should help you to be
better prepared for the examination.


Semester mark
Assignment 1 and assignment 2 each make up 25% of your final semester mark. Assignment 3 contributes
50% to your semester mark. This semester mark will count for 30 % of the final mark for the examination.

Your exam mark counts 70 % of your final mark.

For example, if you submit assignment 1 and get a mark of 70 %, assignment 2 for which you get 54 %,
and assignment 3 for which you get 80%, you will have earned a semester mark of 71 %, calculated as

70 % × 0.25 = 17.5 %
54 % × 0.25 = 13.5 %
80 % × 0.50 = 40.0 %
Total: 71 %
Then let's assume that you write the examination and get 50 %.
Your final mark is calculated as follows
Semester mark: 71 × 30 % = 21 %
Exam mark: 50 × 70 % = 35 %
Final mark: 21 % + 35 % = 56 %

8.3 Assignment numbers

8.3.1 General assignment numbers

There are four assignments for each semester of Module CHE1501.

8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers

In addition to the general assignment number (eg. Assignment 1), assignments each have a unique
assignment number which must be entered on your MCQ (multiple choice questions) answer sheet or on
your assignment cover. Make sure that you use the correct unique number.

8.4 Assignment due dates


Assignment Due date Assignment Due date

1 19 March 1 20 August

2 16 April 2 17 September

3 27 April 3 01 October

4 27 April 4 01 October

IMPORTANT: Semester 1 and Semester 2 have different assignment questions.

Please make sure that you do the assignments for the correct semester.

The closing dates for assignments 1, 2 and 3 are fixed - no extensions can be granted since these
assignments carry a year mark, and the solutions to the assignments are posted immediately after the closing
dates. Assignments reaching us after the closing dates will be awarded 0% which will seriously affect your

8.5 Submission of assignments

Students may submit written assignments and assignments completed on mark-reading sheets either by post
or electronically on myUnisa. Assignments may not be submitted by fax or e-mail.

Posted assignments should be addressed to:

The Registrar
PO Box 392


For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see the brochure my
Studies @ Unisa that you received with your study material.

To submit an assignment via myUnisa:

 Go to myUnisa.Log in with your student number and password.

 Select the module.

 Click on assignments in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

 Click on the assignment number you wish to submit.

 Follow the instructions.

Should you encounter any problems in submitting an assignment on myUnisa, you may phone the following
number: (012) 429-3689 or contact the help line at: myUnisaHelp@unisa.ac.za

Assignments 1 and 2 are multiple choice assignments and should be submitted on myUnisa.

Assignment 3 should be done on MasteringChemistry. Shortly after the due date, the marks will be
automatically transferred to the myUnisa system. Please do not submit anything for assignment 3 on
myUnisa as this will confuse the system and you may end up with your assignment getting cancelled
and receiving a mark of 0%. Your marks on MasteringChemistry are automatically stored after you save
your work. There is no need to submit the assignment after you have completed it.

Assignment 4 is a self-assessment assignment and should not be submitted on myUnisa.

8.6 The assignments



Due dates: Assignment 1: 19 March

Assignment 2: 16 April
Assignment 3: 27 April
Assignment 4: 27 April

 Assignment 1 is a multiple choice assignment that consists of 50 questions, and must be completed
by the due date in order to gain admission to the exam.
 Assignment 2 is multiple choice assignment that consists of 50 questions, and must be completed
by the due date in order to contribute to your semester mark
 Assignment 3 is an online assessment comprised of 4 tasks to be completed on
MasteringChemistry®. Details of this assignment can be found on myUnisa. Assignment 3 requires
the use of a computer and internet access.
 Assignment 4 is a self-assessment assignment. It must not be submitted. This assignment is not
compulsory and does not count towards your final semester mark. However, it contains extremely
important material and questions which are examinable in the final exam.

Assignments 1 and 2 have unique assignment numbers which must be written on your assignment cover
or entered on myUnisa when submitting the assignments. These are tabulated below:


Assignment 1 667821

Assignment 2 761916


Due date: 19 March

Unique Assignment Number: 667821

This assignment must be completed on a mark-reading sheet or electronically on myUnisa.

Assignment 1 is based on Study Units 1-6 of the syllabus.

(1) Copper sulphate can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. It is therefore

[1] a mixture
[2] an element
[3] an atom
[4] a compound
[5] an electron

(2) Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?

[1] soil
[2] cake flour mixed with baking powder
[3] air
[4] pizza
[5] none of the above

(3) The mass of a metal cylinder was determined on an analytical balance to be 50.208 g. The volume
of a cylinder is measured and determined to be 5.6 mL. What is the density of a cylinder,
expressed to the proper number of significant figures?

[1] 0.11 g/mL

[2] 0.11153 g/mL
[3] 8.9657 g/mL
[4] 9.0 g/mL
[5] None of the above

(4) Consider the species 72Zn, 75As and 74Ge. These species have:

[1] the same number of electrons.

[2] the same number of protons.
[3] the same number of neutrons.
[4] the same number of protons and neutrons.
[5] the same mass number.

(5) Which one of the following pairs are isotopes?

[1] O2 and O3
35 37
[2] Cl and Cl
17 17
[3] I2 (g) and I2 (s)
[4] Mg2+ and Ne
[5] F+ and F-

(6) Suppose there is an element consisting of only three naturally occurring isotopes:

% Abundance Mass (amu)

1. 35.39 150.9377
2. 35.25 151.9791
3. 29.36 156.9332

What is the atomic mass of the element?

[1] 151.5 amu

[2] 153.1 amu
[3] 153.34 amu
[4] 153.9 amu
[5] 154.5 amu

(7) A bottle containing a greenish substance was labelled ferric chlorate. The material in this bottle is
made up of

[1] Fe2+ and ClO32- ions

[2] Fe3+ and ClO2- ions
[3] Fe3+ and ClO3- ions
[4] Fe2+ and ClO4- ions
[5] F+ and ClO2- ions


(8) Which of the following orbital diagrams is impossible according to the Pauli Exclusion Principle?

1s 2s 2p
[1]   __ __ _ _
[2]     
[3]   __ __ __
[4]     _
[5]    _ _

(9) Which of the following orbital diagrams represents a paramagnetic atom?

1s 2s 2p
[1]    _  _
[2]   _ _ _
[3]     _
[4] All of the above
[5] None of the above

(10) Which of the following ions are isoelectronic?

[1] Ca+ and S-

[2] Ca+ and Ca2+
[3] Ca2+ and Mg2+
[4] Ca2+ and S2-
[5] Ca2+ and P2-

(11) When combining with nonmetallic atoms, metallic atoms generally will

[1] lose electrons and form positive ions

[2] lose electrons and form negative ions
[3] gain electrons and form positive ions
[4] gain electrons and form negative ions
[5] rust

(12) All of the following properties of the alkaline earth metals increase going down the group except

[1] atomic radius

[2] atomic volume
[3] ionic radius
[4] atomic mass
[5] first ionization energy

(13) All of the following statements about different elements are true except

[1] Gallium is a transition element.

[2] Potassium is an alkali metal.
[3] Magnesium is an alkaline-earth metal.
[4] Iodine is a halogen.
[5] Xenon is a noble gas.

(14) Which atomic orbital is spherical in shape?

[1] 3s
[2] 2p
[3] 4d
[4] 4f
[5] All of the above.

(15) Which statement about the four quantum numbers which describe electrons in atoms is incorrect?

[1] n = principal quantum number, n = 1, 2, 3, ......

[2] l = azimuthal quantum number, l = 1, 2, 3, ... , (n+1)
[3] ml = magnetic quantum number, ml = (-l), .... , 0, .... , (+l)
[4] ms = spin quantum number, ms = +½ or -½
[5] The magnetic quantum number is related to the orientation of atomic orbitals in space.

(16) Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is not allowed?

[1] n = 1, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = + ½
[2] n = 4, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = + ½
[3] n = 2, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = + ½
[4] n = 2, l = 1, ml = 1, ms = - ½
[5] n = 3, l = 3, ml = -3, ms = - ½

(17) The outer electronic configuration ns2np3 corresponds to which one of the following elements in its
ground state?

[1] S
[2] Ca
[3] Cr
[4] Br
[5] As


(18) Which of the following is the best definition of a covalent bond?

[1] electrons simultaneously attracted by more than one nucleus

[2] the overlapping of two electron-filled orbitals having different energies
[3] the overlapping of unoccupied orbitals of two or more atoms
[4] a positive ion attracting negative ions
[5] an interaction between outer electrons

(19) The bonding in HCl is best characterized as:

[1] nonpolar covalent

[2] coordinate covalent
[3] ionic
[4] polar covalent
[5] electrostatic

(20) An example of a compound that contains an atom with an expanded octet of electrons is

[1] KBF4
[2] NH4Br
[3] SeF4
[4] NaIO4
[5] BF3

(21) How many valence electrons are in sulphuric acid?

[1] 12
[2] 20
[3] 24
[4] 28
[5] 32

(22) The following Lewis structure of urea is incomplete because it does not show the lone pairs:



Draw the lone pairs on the diagram. How many lone pairs of electrons should there be in the
Lewis structure?

[1] 2
[2] 3
[3] 4
[4] 5
[5] 8

(23) How many lone pairs of electrons are there in the Lewis structure of XeF4

[1] 2
[2] 4
[3] 6
[4] 12
[5] 14

(24) Draw the Lewis structure of SO3. The formal charge of the O atoms is

[1] +2
[2] +1
[3] 0
[4] -1
[5] -2

(25) In the AB4 molecule there are 2 lone pairs of electrons on the A atom. What is the shape of the

[1] tetrahedral
[2] trigonal pyramidal
[3] bent
[4] square planar
[5] linear


(26) Find a pair that are isoelectronic with one another and hence have the same geometry:

[1] carbonate and phosphate ions

[2] sulphite and chlorate ions
[3] sulphate and sulphite ions
[4] nitrate and chlorate ions
[5] carbonate and chlorate ions

(27) Which of the following has a dipole moment?

[1] IF5
[2] XeF4
[3] SF6
[4] PCl5
[5] CH4

(28) From your knowledge of solubility guidelines, state which of the following compounds will
precipitate in water?

[1] Cobalt (II) hydroxide.

[2] Barium nitrate.
[3] Ammonium phosphate.
[4] Sodium Chloride.
[5] None of the above.

(29) What is the net ionic equation for the acid-base reaction that occurs when acetic acid and potassium
hydroxide solutions are mixed?

[1] H+(aq) + OH-(aq) → H2O(l)

[2] H+(aq) + KOH(s) → K+(aq) + H2O(l)
[3] CH3COOH(aq) + KOH(s) → KCH3COO(aq) + H2O(l)
[4] CH3COO-(aq) + H+(aq) + K+(aq) + OH-(aq) → K+(aq) + CH3COO-(aq) + H2O(l)
[5] CH3COOH(aq) + OH-(aq) → CH3COO-(aq) + H2O(l)

(30) Which of the following species would not function as an oxidizing agent?
[1] MnO4-
[2] Mn2+
[3] H+
[4] S
[5] Br-

(31) What type of reagent is required to convert SO2 to S?
[1] acid
[2] base
[3] reducing agent
[4] oxidizing agent
[5] precipitating agent

(32) Which of the following reactions involves neither oxidation nor reduction?
[1] 2H2O2  2H2O
[2] 2Al + Fe2O3  Al2O3 + 2Fe
[3] NH3 + HCl  NH4Cl
[4] NH4NO3  N2O + 2H2O
[5] All of the above reactions involve both oxidation and reduction.

(33) The oxidation number of the manganese atom in (NH4)2MnO4 is

[1] +1
[2] +2
[3] +4
[4] +6
[5] +7

(34) Melting of an ice cube is an example of

[1] an exothermic reaction

[2] an endothermic reaction
[3] a chemical change
[4] a redox reaction
[5] none of the above

(35) How many moles of hydrogen atoms does one mole of (NH4)2SO4 contain?
[1] 1
[2] 2
[3] 4
[4] 8
[5] 15


(36) How many moles of NH3 are present in 100 g of NH3?

[1] 0.170 mol
[2] 5.87 mol
[3] 17.0 mol
[4] 100 mol
[5] 1703 mol

(37) What is the mass percentage of hydrogen in methane?

[1] 0.062 %
[2] 0.251 %
[3] 6.28 %
[4] 12.6 %
[5] 25.1 %

(38) What is the empirical formula of a compound whose molecular formula is P4O10?
[1] PO
[2] PO2
[3] P2O5
[4] P4O10
[5] P8O20

(39) What is the empirical formula for a compound which contains 0.0130 mol C, 0.390 mol H and 0.065
mol O?
[1] CHO
[2] CH5O2
[3] CH30O5
[4] CH39O6
[5] C2H60O10

(40) What is the empirical formula for a compound that contains 17.34 % hydrogen and 82.66 % carbon
by mass?
[1] CH
[2] CH2
[3] CH3
[4] C2H5
[5] C5 H

Consider the following balanced reaction:
2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
2 moles of Mg and 5 moles of O2 are allowed to react according to the above reaction. Answer questions
41-44 below for this reaction:
(41) Which reagent is the limiting reagent?
[1] Mg
[2] O2
[3] MgO
[4] There is no limiting reagent
[5] Both Mg and O2 are limiting reagents

(42) What is the maximum number of moles of MgO that can be formed?
[1] 1 mol
[2] 2 mol
[3] 5 mol
[4] 40.3 mol
[5] 80.6 mol

(43) How many moles of the excess reagent remain unreacted?

[1] 1 mol
[2] 2 mol
[3] 4 mol
[4] 5 mol
[5] No excess reagent remains unreacted

(44) If the actual mass of MgO produced was 0.5 mol, what is the percentage yield of MgO?
[1] 0.62%
[2] 1.2%
[3] 10%
[4] 25%
[5] 50%

(45) The value of a solution concentration unit that may change with temperature is
[1] molarity.
[2] mole fraction.
[3] molality.
[4] mole percentage.
[5] weight percentage.


A solution is prepared by mixing 25 mL (0.22 mol, 16 g) of pentane (the solute) with 45 mL (0.34 mol, 30
g) of hexane (the solvent). Assuming that the volumes add on mixing, answer questions 46-48 below.

(46) What is the molality of the pentane?

[1] 3.1 mol/kg
[2] 4.8 mol/kg
[3] 7.3 mol/kg
[4] 3.1 mol/L
[5] 7.3 mol/L

(47) What is the molarity of the pentane?

[1] 3.1 mol/kg
[2] 7.3 mol/kg
[3] 3.1 mol/L
[4] 7.3 mol/L
[5] 45.8 mol/L

(48) What is the mole fraction of the pentane?

[1] 0.35
[2] 0.39
[3] 0.64
[4] 39%
[5] 64 %

(49) If I prepare a solution by adding 25 mL of 2.0 M NaOH into a 500 mL volumetric flask, and filling
the flask to the mark with water, what will the final concentration of the solution be?
[1] 0.05 M
[2] 0.1 M
[3] 0.5 M
[4] 2.0 M
[5] 40.0 M

(50) 25.00 cm3 of a 0.7892 mol.dm-3 solution of potassium hydroxide is transferred to an empty 350.00
cm3 volumetric flask. This flask is made up to the mark with distilled water and then shaken well.
The concentration of the potassium hydroxide in this second flask is:

[1] 0.01109 mol.dm-3

[2] 0.05637 mol.dm-3
[3] 0.7892 mol.dm-3
[4] 17.74 mol.dm-3
[5] None of the above.


Due date: 16 April

Unique Assignment Number: 761916

This assignment must be completed on a mark-reading sheet or electronically on myUnisa.

Assignment 1 is based on Study Units 7-11 of the syllabus.

(1) Which of the following statements is false?

[1] A collision between two molecules means a reaction will always occur.
[2] For a reaction to occur, the orientation of the molecules must be right.
[3] If two molecules collide with not enough energy, no reaction will occur.
[4] The reaction rate depends on the frequency of collisions between molecules.
[5] None of the above.

(2) When a catalyst is added to a system at equilibrium, a decrease occurs in the:

[1] activation energy
[2] heat of reaction
[3] potential energy of the reactants
[4] potential energy of the products
[5] All of the above

The experimental rate law for the reaction 2A + B → 3C + D is: Rate = k[A][B]3
Answer questions 3-4 that follow:

(3) What is the overall reaction of this reaction?

[1] 0
[2] 1
[3] 2
[4] 3
[5] 4

(4) If the concentration of B is doubled, what happens to the reaction rate?

[1] The reaction rate remains the same.
[2] The reaction rate is doubled.
[3] The reaction rate is tripled.
[4] The reaction rate will increase by 8 times.
[5] The reaction rate will decrease.


(5) For the reaction: O2 (g) + 2NO (g) ⇆ 2NO2 (g), the observed rate law is: Rate = k[O2][NO]2
What are the units of k for this reaction, assuming time in seconds and concentration in mol/L?
[1] s
[2] L.(mol.s)-1
[3] L2.(mol2.s)-1
[4] mol/L
[5] None of the above

(6) Which of the following statements is false?

[1] Increased temperature will increase the rate of an endothermic reaction, but decrease the
rate of an exothermic reaction.
[2] Enzymes are catalysts in many biochemical reactions.
[3] The rate of a reaction will decrease as the reactants are used up.
[4] A solid which is ground into a fine powder will react faster with a liquid than one large
chunk of the solid.
[5] None of the above.

(7) Which is a property of a reaction that has reached equilibrium?

[1] The amount of products is greater than the amount of reactants.

[2] The amount of products is equal to the amount of reactants.
[3] The rate of the forward reaction is greater than the rate of the reverse reaction.
[4] The rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.
[5] None of the above.

(8) Consider the reaction:

3NO (g) ⇆ N2O (g) + NO2 (g)

What is the expression for Kc for this reaction?

[N2 O][NO2 ]
[1] Kc =

[N2 O][NO2 ]
[2] Kc = [NO]

[N2 O][NO2 ]
[3] Kc =

[4] Kc = [N2 O][NO2 ]

[5] None of the above.

(9) Consider the reaction:

HF (aq) ⇆ H+ (aq) + F- (aq)

If the value of the equilibrium constant is very large, which species will predominate at equilibrium?
[1] HF
[2] H+
[3] F-
[4] Both H+ and F-
[5] All species will have the same concentration.

(10) Consider the reaction:

Ni(CO)4 (g) ⇆ Ni (s) + 4CO (g)

What is the expression for Kc for this reaction?

[1] Kc = [Ni(CO)4 ]

[2] Kc = [Ni(CO)4 ]

[3] Kc = [Ni(CO)4 ]

[4] Kc = [Ni][CO]4

[5] None of the above.

(11) Which of the following will not affect the position of a chemical equilibrium?

[1] Changing the temperature

[2] Adding a catalyst
[3] Changing the volume
[4] Changing the concentration of the products
[5] Changing in pressure


Consider the following exothermic reaction:

2HI (g) ⇆ H2 (g) + I2 (g)

For this reaction, answer questions 12-16 below.

(12) What will happen to the reaction mixture at equilibrium if some H2 (g) is removed?

[1] The equilibrium will shift to the left.

[2] The equilibrium will shift to the right.
[3] There is no effect on the equilibrium.
[4] The reaction will stop.
[5] None of the above.

(13) What will happen to the reaction mixture at equilibrium if the temperature is increased?

[1] The equilibrium will shift to the left.

[2] The equilibrium will shift to the right.
[3] There is no effect on the equilibrium.
[4] The reaction will stop.
[5] None of the above.

(14) What will happen to the reaction mixture at equilibrium if an inert gas is added?

[1] The equilibrium will shift to the left.

[2] The equilibrium will shift to the right.
[3] There is no effect on the equilibrium.
[4] The reaction will stop.
[5] None of the above.

(15) What will happen to the reaction mixture at equilibrium if the volume of the container is increased?

[1] The equilibrium will shift to the left.

[2] The equilibrium will shift to the right.
[3] There is no effect on the equilibrium.
[4] The reaction will stop.
[5] None of the above.

(16) What will happen to the reaction mixture at equilibrium if the pressure is increased?

[1] The equilibrium will shift to the left.

[2] The equilibrium will shift to the right.
[3] There is no effect on the equilibrium.
[4] The reaction will stop.
[5] None of the above.
(17) Which substance can be classified as an Arrhenius acid?

[1] HCl
[2] NaCl
[3] LiOH
[4] KOH
[5] Mg2+

(18) Which of the following is a conjugate acid-base pair?

[1] F- and NaF

[2] CH3COOH and CH3COO-
[3] NH3 and NO3-
[4] Cl2 and Cl-
[5] HCl and HClO4

(19) Which of the following will give an acidic mixture?

[1] Mixing equal volumes of 1.0 M HCl and 1.0 M NaOH

[2] Mixing equal volumes of 1.0 M H2SO4 and 1.0 M NaOH
[3] Mixing equal volumes of 1.0 M NH3 and water
[4] Mixing 1.0 L of 1.0 M HCl with 2.0 L of 1.0 M NaOH
[5] Mixing 1.0 L of 1.0 M H2SO4 with 2.0 L of 1.0 M NaOH

(20) Which of the following is the strongest base?

[1] Cl-
[2] SO42-
[3] F-
[4] NH3
[5] PO43-

(21) Which of the following is a salt?

[1] KOH
[2] KCl
[3] CH3OH
[5] HF

(22) As the hydrogen ion concentration of an aqueous solution increases, what will happen to the
hydroxide ion concentration?

[1] It will decrease.

[2] It will increase.
[3] It will remain the same.
[4] It will shift towards 1 x 10-14 M.
[5] None of the above.


A solution has a pOH of 9.36. For this solution, answer questions 23-26 below.

(23) What is the pH of the solution?

[1] -2.36
[2] -0.97
[3] 4.37 x 10-10
[4] 2.36
[5] 4.64

(24) What is the [H+] of the solution?

[1] -0.67 M
[2] 4.37 x 10-10 M
[3] 2.29 x 10-5 M
[4] 4.37 x 10-4 M
[5] 0.67 M

(25) What is the [OH-] of the solution?

[1] -0.67 M
[2] 4.37 x 10-10 M
[3] 2.29 x 10-5 M
[4] 4.37 x 10-4 M
[5] 0.67 M

(26) Which of the following is true for this solution?

[1] The solution is acidic.

[2] The solution is basic.
[3] The solution is neutral.
[4] [OH-] > [H+].
[5] Both 2 and 4.

(27) What is the pH of a 0.25 M HCl solution?

[1] -1.30
[2] -0.60
[3] 0.60
[4] 1.30
[5] 7.00

(28) What is the pH of a 0.50 mol/L NaOH solution?

[1] -0.30
[2] 0.30
[3] 0.32
[4] 3.16
[5] 13.7

(29) What is the concentration of an aqueous solution of NaOH (a strong base) which has a pH of 11.50?

[1] 3.162 x 10-12 M

[2] 3.162 x 10-3 M
[3] 3.162 x 1011 M
[4] 316.2 M
[5] None of the above

(30) What is the concentration of an aqueous solution of Ca(OH)2 (a strong base) which has a pH of

[1] -1.08 M
[2] 2.244 x 10-3 M
[3] 5.610 x 10-3 M
[4] 1.122 x 10-2 M
[5] 1.08 M

(31) Acetic acid, CH3COOH, is a weak acid. A 1.0 M solution of this acid has a pH of 2.38. What is the
Ka value of this acid?

[1] -4.1
[2] 6.3 x 10-14
[3] 1.7 x 10-5
[4] 4.2 x 10-3
[5] 6.4 x 10-2

(32) Lactic acid has one acidic proton. What is the pH of a 0.10 M solution of this acid?
(Ka = 1.4 x 10-4 for lactic acid.)

[1] 1.6
[2] 2.4
[3] 3.7
[4] 9.1
[5] 12.6


(33) Which of the following is false?

[1] Kw = [OH-][H+]
[2] Kw = Ka x Kb
[3] pKw = pKa + pKb
[4] pKa + pKb = 14
[5] None of the above

(34) Which of the following statements about acid rain is false?

[1] Normal rainwater is usually slightly acidic due to dissolved carbon dioxide.
[2] Acid rain is usually caused by dissolved sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the
[3] Burning coal for fuel is one of the primary causes of acid rain.
[4] Acid rain usually contains sulphuric acid.
[5] None of the above.

(35) What is the solubility of PbI2 in moles per liter? (Ksp = 1.4 x 10-8)

[1] 3.5 x 10-9 mol.L-1

[2] 1.4 x 10-8 mol.L-1
[3] 1.2 x 10-4 mol.L-1
[4] 1.5 x 10-3 mol.L-1
[5] None of the above

(36) Which of the following acids are polyprotic?

[1] H3PO4
[2] HCl
[4] HNO3
[5] BF3

(37) If ΔH = +32 kJ for a certain reaction, which of the following is true for that reaction?
[1] The reaction is exothermic.
[2] The reaction is endothermic.
[3] The reaction cannot occur.
[4] The reaction requires a catalyst to occur.
[5] None of the above.

(38) The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1.00 g of copper 1°C is called its

[1] Enthalpy
[2] Specific heat
[3] Molar heat
[4] Molar heat capacity
[5] Potential energy

(39) The specific heat of nickel is 0.444 J/g.°C. If 85.0 J of heat are added to a 50.0 g piece of nickel at
22°C, what is the final temperature of the nickel?
[1] 18.2 °C
[2] 25.8 °C
[3] 29.1 °C
[4] 31.8 °C
[5] 78.3 °C

(40) Consider the thermochemical equation:

CH4(g) + H2O(g) ⇆ CO(g) + 3H2(g) ΔH = + 879.35 kJ at 750°C

For this equation, which of the following statements is true?

[1] Heat is given off by the system to the surroundings.
[2] The reaction conditions are standard.
[3] ΔH is proportional to the amount of reactants in the balanced equation.
[4] All of the above.
[5] None of the above

(41) Consider the following specific heats of metals:

Metal Specific Heat

Copper 0.385 J/(g.°C)

Cobalt 0.418 J/(g.°C)

Chromium 0.447 J/(g.°C)

Gold 0.129 J/(g.°C)

Silver 0.237 J/(g.°C)

If the same amount of heat is added to 100 g samples of each of the metals which are all at the same
temperature, which metal will reach the highest temperature?
[1] Copper
[2] Cobalt
[3] Gold
[4] Silver
[5] They will all reach the same temperature


(42) When concentrated sulphuric acid is diluted with water, the solution becomes warm. Therefore,

[1] The reaction is exothermic.

[2] The reaction is endothermic
[3] The energy of both the system and the surroundings is decreased
[4] All of the above
[5] None of the above

(43) What is the total number of joules of heat energy absorbed by 15 grams of water when it is heated
from 30 °C to 40 °C? (C(water) = 4.18 J/g.°C)
[1] 10 J
[2] 62 J
[3] 149 J
[4] 627 J
[5] 1327 J

(44) A gas sample occupies a volume of 400 mL at a pressure of 2.00 atm. If the pressure is changed to
20.0 atm while the temperature remains constant, the volume will be

[1] 0.5 mL
[2] 20 mL
[3] 40 mL
[4] 800 mL
[5] 4000 mL

(45) For a gas, which two variables are inversely proportional to each other (if all other conditions
remain constant)?
[1] Pressure and temperature
[2] Pressure and volume
[3] Volume and temperature
[4] Amount (number of moles) and volume
[5] Pressure, temperature and volume

(46) A 3.20 mol sample of a gas occupies a volume of 350 mL at 300.0 K. What is its pressure?
[1] 1.32 atm
[2] 67.0 atm
[3] 184 atm
[4] 225 atm
[5] 312 atm

(47) The density of N2 gas at 0°C and 2.00 atm is

[1] 0.625 g/L

[2] 1.25 g/L
[3] 2.50 g/L
[4] 4.00 g/L
[5] 28 g/L

(48) What is the partial pressure of oxygen in a container that contains 2.0 mol of oxygen, 3.0 mol of
nitrogen, and 1.0 mol of carbon dioxide when the total pressure is 900 Torr?
[1] 100 Torr
[2] 200 Torr
[3] 300 Torr
[4] 400 Torr
[5] None of the above

(49) A flask of 1.00 L contains a mixture of 1.00 g of hydrogen gas and 1.00 g of helium gas at 27°C.
What is the total pressure in the flask?
[1] 6.15 atm
[2] 12.2 atm
[3] 18.4 atm
[4] 22.1 atm
[5] None of the above

(50) The properties of a real gas are most likely to deviate from those properties predicted for an ideal
gas when

[1] the pressure is low

[2] the temperature is high
[3] the pressure is high and the temperature is low
[4] the pressure is low and the temperature is high
[5] it is a diatomic gas


Due date: 27 April

This assignment must be completed online on MasteringChemistry®.

Assignment 3 consists of 4 online tasks which cover the whole syllabus.


You will need two codes to access to MasteringChemistry and to do the assignment. The first code is the
access code, which you got when you bought the textbook, and the second is the course code, which is
given below:

To access MasteringChemistry, you must use the access code that came with the textbook that you

Once you have the access code and have finished registering for MasteringChemistry and already have
access to MasteringChemistry, then, you need to locate the course by entering the course code:


Any changes to the above will be announced on myUnisa, so it is important to check for announcements

Once the due date for assignment 3 has passed, your mark on MasteringChemistry® will be automatically
transferred to the Unisa assignment system.

You may complete the 4 online tasks at your own pace, provided that you have completed all four tasks by
the due date. Your final mark for assignment 3 will be determined by your performance on the four tasks
that you have done on MasteringChemistry®.


 Go to the CHE1501 announcements
 Read the FAQs on myUnisa
 Check the myUnisa Discussion forum

If you have any questions regarding this assignment, please post your questions on the myUnisa
CHE1501 discussion forum in the forum called ASSIGNMENT 2.

(Self – Assessment Assignment)

Recommended Completion date: 27 April

Note: This assignment covers very important material and topics which are examinable in
the final exam.

(1) (a) What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?

(b) Explain the difference between a theory and a scientific law. Which addresses how matter
behaves, and which addresses why it behaves that way?

(2) Write the correct symbol, with both superscript and subscript for each the following:

(a) The isotope of silver that contains 108 neutrons.

(b) The isotope of rubidium with mass number 86.

(c) The isotope of sodium that has an equal number of protons and neutrons.

(3) Why is SnF2 named using a Roman numeral, tin (II) oxide, whereas MgO is named without a
Roman numeral, magnesium oxide?

(4) What is the difference between an orbit in the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom and an orbital in
the quantum mechanical model?

(5) Explain, referring to sodium levels in the body, how drinking too much water can kill you.
Explain how electrolytes in sports drinks solve the problem when consuming large amounts of

(6) Effective nuclear charge generally increases when you move down a column of the periodic table,
whereas the ‘size’ of an orbital increases as the principal quantum number n increases. With
respect to atomic radii, do these trends work together or against each other? Which effect is

(7) Ionizing an H2 molecule to H2+ changes the strength of the bond. Do you expect the H─H bond in
H2+ to be weaker or stronger than the H─H bond in H2?

(8) The rhodopsin molecule is the chemical basis of vision. Briefly explain how the rotation around a
carbon-carbon bond allows us to see.

(9) Write Lewis structures that obey the octet rule for each of the following, and assign oxidation
numbers and formal charges to each atom:

(a) OCS

(b) BrO3-

(c) NF3


(10) (a) Draw the Lewis structure of:

(i) A chlorine atom.

(ii) A fluorine ion.

(iii) A bromine molecule.

(b) Draw the Lewis Structure Phosphoric Acid.

Show how you arrived at your answer.

(11) (a) Explain why BrF4- is square planar, whereas BF4- is tetrahedral.

(b) How would you expect the H―X―H bond angle to vary in the series H2O, H2S and
H2Se? Explain your answer

(12) Is water vapour more or less dense than N2 under the same conditions of temperature and pressure.

(13) Determine the oxidation number of the underlined atom in each of the following species:

(a) Ni(OH)2-
(b) Na2O2
(c) FeCl63-
(d) Br2
(e) BrF4+

(14) Balance the following redox reactions by using the half-reaction method:

(a) BrO3 + Br -  Br2 (acid medium)

(b) MnO4- + S2O32-  SO42- + MnO2 (basic medium)

(15) Rusting occurs faster in salt solution than in pure water.

(a) Write an ion-electron equation for the rusting of iron

(b) Why does rusting occur faster in salt solution than pure water?

(c) Suggest why rusting also occurs faster in acid solution than in pure water

(16) What two ions are central to the Arrhenius definitions of acids and bases?

(17) Given that HClO4 is a strong acid, how would you classify the basicity of ClO4-?

(18) Briefly explain the chemistry behind the formation of smog in urban environments.

(19) (a) Calculate the pH of a 0.100 M aqueous solution of hypochlorous acid, HOCl.
(Ka = 3.5 x 10-8)

(b) Calculate the pH of a 1.0 M solution of methylamine, CH3NH2. (Kb = 4.38 x 10-4)

(c) The Ksp value for copper (II) iodate, Cu(IO3), is Ksp = 1.4 x 10-7 at 25°C. Calculate its
solubility at 25°C.




Due dates: Assignment 1: 20 August

Assignment 2: 17 September

Assignment 3: 01 October

Assignment 4: 01 October

 Assignment 1 is a multiple choice assignment that consists of 50 questions, and must be completed
by the due date in order to gain admission to the exam.
 Assignment 2 is multiple choice assignment that consists of 50 questions, and must be completed
by the due date in order to contribute to your semester mark
 Assignment 3 is an online assessment comprised of 4 tasks to be completed on
MasteringChemistry®. Details of this assignment can be found on myUnisa. Assignment 3 requires
the use of a computer and internet access.
 Assignment 4 is a self-assessment assignment. It must not be submitted. This assignment is not
compulsory and does not count towards your final semester mark. However, it contains extremely
important material and questions which are examinable in the final exam.

Assignments 1 and 2 have unique assignment numbers which must be written on your assignment cover
or entered on myUnisa when submitting the assignments. These are tabulated below:


Assignment 1 874594

Assignment 2 693909


Due date: 20 August

Unique Assignment Number: 874594

This assignment must be completed on a mark-reading sheet or electronically on myUnisa.

Assignment 1 is based on Study Units 1-6 of the syllabus.

(1) Which one of the following statements about mixtures is correct.

[1] The different substances in a mixture are always in a definite proportion to each other.
[2] A mixture is made up of elements that are chemically combined.
[3] It is extremely difficult to separate a mixture into different substances.
[4] A mixture must contain at least two different substances.
[5] A mixture is always homogeneous.

(2) Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

[1] Cola
[2] Brass
[3] Air
[4] Coffee with sugar stirred in
[5] Soil

(3) 5.2 cm3 of a metal is found to weigh 46.6 g on a three decimal balance. What is the density of the
metal, expressed to the proper number of significant figures?

[1] 9 g/cm3
[2] 9.0 g/cm3
[3] 8.96 g/cm3
[4] 0.11 g/cm3
[5] 0.112 g/cm3

75 3−
(4) How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are there in 33𝐴𝑠 ?

[1] protons=33, neutrons=42, electrons=33

[2] protons=42, neutrons=44, electrons=30
[3] protons=75, neutrons=75, electrons=34
[4] protons=45, neutrons=75, electrons=30
[5] protons=33, neutrons=42, electrons=36


(5) The nuclear symbol of a species that is an isotope of F is
[1] F
20 +
[2] Ne
[3] Ne
19 −
[4] F
19 +
[5] F

69 71
(6) Only two gallium isotopes are naturally occurring, Ga (mass = 68.9256 amu) and Ga
(mass = 70.9247 amu). The atomic mass of gallium is 69.72. What percent of the gallium atoms
(% abundance) is the heavier isotope?

[1] 36 %
[2] 38 %
[3] 40 %
[4] 59 %
[5] 61 %

(7) The oxyanions IO2- and ClO4- are respectively called:

[1] Iodide and chlorite ions.

[2] Iodite and perchlorate ions.
[3] Iodate and hypochlorite ions.
[4] Hypoiodite and chloride ions.
[5] None of the above.

(8) Which of the following electron configurations is not possible?

[1] 1s2 2s3 2p3

[2] 1s2 2s2 2p6
[3] 1s2 2s2 2p2
[4] 1s2 2s1
[5] 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

(9) Which of the following orbital diagrams represents a diamagnetic atom?

1s 2s 2p
[1]     
[2]   __ __ __
[3]    _ _
[4] [1] and [2] only
[5] [1], [2] and [3]

(10) Which of the following ions are isoelectronic?

[1] Si3- and S-

[2] Si3- and Si2-
[3] Si3- and P3-
[4] Si3- and Si+
[5] Si3- and S2-

(11) Which set of elements contains a metalloid?

[1] K, Mn, As, Ar

[2] Li, Mg, Ca, Kr
[3] Ba, Ag, Sn, Xe
[4] Fr, F, O, Rn
[5] All of the above

(12) Which statement is wrong?

[1] The atomic weight of carbon is about 12.

[2] The most stable ion of lithium is Li+.
[3] A phosphorus atom is larger than an antimony atom.
[4] The radius of a sodium atom is larger than that of a sodium cation.
[5] Oxygen has a less negative electron affinity than fluorine.

(13) All of the following statements about different elements are true except

[1] Sodium is an alkali metal.

[2] Aluminium is a transition element.
[3] Calcium is an alkaline-earth metal.
[4] Bromine is a halogen.
[5] Neon is a noble gas.


(14) Which atomic orbital is spherical in shape?

[1] 2s
[2] 3p
[3] 3d
[4] 4f
[5] All of the above.

(15) All of the following statements about the quantum numbers are true except

[1] n has integral values from 1 to ∞.

[2] l has values from 1 to ∞.
[3] ml has 2l + 1 possible values
[4] ml has values of –l to +l including zero.
[5] ms has values of +½ and -½.

(16) Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is not allowed?

[1] n = 3, l = 1, ml = -1, ms = + ½
[2] n = 2, l = l, ml = 0, ms = + ½
[3] n = 3, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = + ½
[4] n = 2, l = 2, ml = -1, ms = - ½
[5] n = 2, l = 1, ml = -1, ms = - ½

(17) The outer electronic configuration ns2np4 corresponds to which one of the following elements in
its ground state?

[1] As
[2] Ca
[3] Cr
[4] Br
[5] S

(18) A bond in which an electron pair is equally shared by two atoms is

[1] ionic
[2] polar covalent
[3] nonpolar covalent
[4] coordinate covalent
[5] bipolar

(19) Which of the following compounds contains both ionic and covalent bonds?

[1] ClF
[2] SO2
[3] NaCl
[4] SO3
[5] NaCN

(20) An example of a compound that contains an atom with an expanded octet of electrons is

[1] NaBF4
[2] NH4Cl
[3] SF4
[4] NaClO4
[5] BF3

(21) How many valence electrons are in the sulphite ion?

[1] 8
[2] 24
[3] 26
[4] 30
[5] 32

(22) The following Lewis structure of acetic acid is incomplete because it does not show the lone pairs:




Draw the lone pairs on the diagram. How many lone pairs of electrons should there be in the
Lewis structure?

[1] 2
[2] 3
[3] 4
[4] 5
[5] 8


(23) The central atom in the iodite ion, IO2-, is surrounded by

[1] 1 single bond, 1 double bond and 2 lone pairs of electrons.

[2] 3 bonding pairs and 1 unshared pair of electrons.
[3] 1 bonding pair and 3 unshared pairs of electrons.
[4] 2 double bonds and no unshared pairs of electrons.
[5] 4 bonding pairs and 4 lone pairs of electrons.

(24) Draw the Lewis structure of SO3. The formal charge of S is

[1] +2
[2] +1
[3] 0
[4] -1
[5] -2

(25) The shape of a molecule is square planar. How many lone pairs of electrons are there on the
central atom?

[1] 1
[2] 2
[3] 3
[4] 4
[5] 5

(26) A species that is isoelectronic with the nitrate ion and hence would have the same shape is

[1] sulphur trioxide

[2] sulphite ion
[3] phosphine, PH3
[4] water
[5] chlorite ion

(27) Which of the following has a dipole moment?

[1] SF6
[2] PCl5
[3] BF3
[4] SF4
[5] CCl4

(28) From your knowledge of solubility guidelines, state which of the following compounds will
precipitate in water?

[1] Cobalt (II) hydroxide.

[2] Sodium nitrate.
[3] Ammonium phosphate.
[4] Potassium Chloride.
[5] None of the above.

(29) What is the net ionic equation for the acid-base reaction that occurs when nitric acid is added to
copper(II) hydroxide?

(a) H+(aq) + OH-(aq) → H2O(l)

(b) 2H+(aq) + Cu(OH)2(s) → Cu2+(aq) + 2H2O(l)
(c) 2HNO3(aq) +Cu(OH)2(s) → Cu(NO3)2(s) + 2H2O(l)
(d) 2H+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) + Cu2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) → Cu(NO3)2(s) + 2H2O(l)
(e) 2H+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) + Cu2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) → Cu2+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) + 2H2O(l)

(30) During a certain reaction, element X was converted to X2-. In the reaction, X acts as

[1] the precipitating agent

[2] the acid
[3] the base
[4] the reducing agent
[5] the oxidizing agent

(31) What type of reagent is required to convert N2H4 to N2?

[1] acid
[2] base
[3] reducing agent
[4] oxidizing agent
[5] precipitating agent

(32) Which of the following reactions involves neither oxidation nor reduction?
[1] Cl2 + H2O  HCl + HOCl
[2] 2Na + 2H2O  2NaOH + H2
[3] 3NO2 + H2O  2HNO3 + NO
[4] POCl3 + 3H2O  H3PO4 + 3HCl
[5] 2H2O  2H2 + O2


(33) What is the oxidation number of phosphorus in KH2PO4?

[1] -6
[2] -2
[3] 0
[4] +5
[5] +6

(34) Reactions which cannot occur spontaneously are

[1] exothermic
[2] endothermic
[3] all reactions can occur spontaneously
[4] no reactions can occur spontaneously
[5] both [1] and [2]

(35) Avogadro’s number is 6.02 x 1023. Arrange the following samples in order of increasing number of
carbon atoms:
12g 12C; 1 mol C2H2; 9 x 1023 molecules
[1] 12g 12C < 1 mol C2H2 < 9 x 1023 molecules
[2] 12g 12C < 9 x 1023 molecules < 1 mol C2H2
[3] 1 mol C2H2 < 12g 12C < 9 x 1023 molecules
[4] 1 mol C2H2 < 9 x 1023 molecules < 12g 12C
[5] 9 x 1023 molecules < 12g 12C < 1 mol C2H2

(36) How many moles of hydrogen atoms does one mole of CuSO4·5H2O contain?

[1] 1
[2] 2
[3] 5
[4] 10
[5] 20

(37) How many moles of CH4 are present in 200 g of CH4?

[1] 0.0802 mol

[2] 12.4 mol
[3] 16.0 mol
[4] 100 mol
[5] 3208 mol

(38) Consider the balanced equation:

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⇆ 2NH3 (g)

What is the sum of the stoichiometric coefficients?
[1] 5
[2] 6
[3] 7
[4] 8
[5] 13

(39) What is the mass percentage of hydrogen in ammonia?

[1] 1.01 %
[2] 5.9 %
[3] 16.8 %
[4] 17.0 %
[5] 17.8 %

(40) What is the empirical formula of a compound whose molecular formula is S6O9?

[1] SO
[2] SO1.5
[3] S2O3
[4] S6O9
[5] S12O18

(41) What is the empirical formula for a compound which contains 0.104 mol K, 0.052 mol C and 0.156
mol O?

[1] KCO
[2] KCO2
[3] K2CO3
[4] K4C2O6
[5] K104C52O156

(42) What is the empirical formula for a compound that contains 87.5 % nitrogen and 12.5 % hydrogen
by mass?

[1] N87H12
[2] NH4
[3] NH3
[4] NH2
[5] NH


Consider the following balanced reaction:

2NaOH + CO2 → Na2CO3 + H2O.
3 moles of NaOH and 4 moles of CO2 are allowed to react according to the above reaction. Answer
questions 43-46 below for this reaction:

(43) Which reagent is the limiting reagent?

[1] NaOH
[2] CO2
[3] Na2CO3
[4] There is no limiting reagent
[5] Both NaOH and CO2 are limiting reagents

(44) What is the maximum number of moles of Na2CO3 that can be formed?

[1] 1 mol
[2] 1.5 mol
[3] 2 mol
[4] 4 mol
[5] 6 mol

(45) How many moles of the excess reagent remain unreacted?

[1] 1 mol
[2] 1.5 mol
[2] 2 mol
[4] 2.5 mol
[5] No excess reagent remains unreacted

(46) If the actual mass of Na2CO3 produced was 0.5 mol, what is the percentage yield of Na2CO3?

[1] 0.62%
[2] 25 %
[3] 33.3 %
[4] 50 %
[5] 100 %

A solution is prepared by dissolving 50.0 g (0.297 mol) of cesium chloride (CsCl) in 50.0g (2.77 mol) of
water. The volume of the solution is 63.3 mL. For this solution, answer questions 47-49 below.

(47) What is the molality of the cesium chloride?

[1] 4.71 mol/kg

[2] 5.94 mol/kg
[3] 55.4 mol/kg
[4] 4.71 mol/L
[5] 5.94 mol/L

(48) What is the molarity of the cesium chloride?

[1] 4.71 mol/kg

[2] 5.94 mol/kg
[3] 55.4 mol/kg
[4] 4.71 mol/L
[5] 5.94 mol/L

(49) What is the mole fraction of the cesium chloride?

[1] 0.0968
[2] 0.107
[3] 0.790
[4] 9.68 %
[5] 10.7%

(50) If I prepare a solution by adding 75 mL of 1.25 M HCl into a 250 mL volumetric flask, and filling
the flask to the mark with water, what will the final concentration of the solution be?

[1] 0.10 M
[2] 0.30 M
[3] 0.38 M
[4] 1.3 M
[5] 4.2 M


Due date: 17 September

Unique Assignment Number: 693909

This assignment must be completed on a mark-reading sheet or electronically on myUnisa.

Assignment 1 is based on Study Units 7-11 of the syllabus.

(1) Which statement explains why the speed of some chemical reactions is increased when the surface
area of the reactant is increased?

[1] This change increases the density of the reactant particles.

[2] This change increases the concentration of the reactant.
[3] This change exposes more reactant particles to a possible collision.
[4] This change alters the electrical conductivity of the reactant particles.
[5] None of the above.

(2) The experimental rate law for the reaction A + 2B → 3C + 2D is:

Rate = k[A][B]2
What is the overall order of this reaction?
[1] 0
[2] 1
[3] 2
[4] 3
[5] 4

(3) The experimental rate law for the reaction A + 2B → 3C + 2D is:

Rate = k[A][B]2
If the concentration of B is doubled, what happens to the reaction rate?
[1] The reaction rate remains the same.
[2] The reaction rate is doubled.
[3] The reaction rate is tripled.
[4] The reaction rate will increase by 4 times.
[5] The reaction rate will decrease.

(4) The rate law for a second order reaction can be written as:

Rate = k[A]2.

What are the units of k for a second order reaction, assuming time in seconds and concentration in

[1] s
[2] L.(mol.s)-1
[3] L2.(mol2.s)-1
[4] mol/L
[5] None of the above

(5) Which of the following factors will affect the rate of a reaction?

[1] The physical state of the reactant

[2] The temperature of the reaction
[3] The concentration of the reactants
[4] All of the above
[5] None of the above

(6) Which of the following statements is false?

[1] The minimum amount of energy needed for a reaction to occur is called the activation
[2] The rate of a reaction depends on the magnitude of the activation energy.
[3] A catalyst increases the rate constant in a reaction.
[4] The frequency of collisions is ultimately the only factor which affects the rate of a
[5] None of the above.

(7) Which is a property of a reaction that has reached equilibrium?

[1] The amount of products is greater than the amount of reactants.

[2] The amount of products is equal to the amount of reactants.
[3] The rate of the forward reaction is greater than the rate of the reverse reaction.
[4] The rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.
[5] None of the above.


(8) Consider the reaction: H2 (g) + Br2 (g) ⇆ 2HBr (g)

What is the expression for Kc for this reaction?

[H2 ][Br2 ]
[1] Kc =

[H2 ][Br2 ]
[2] Kc = [HBr]

[3] Kc = [H2 ][Br2 ]

[4] Kc = [H2 ][Br2 ]

[5] Kc = [H2 ][Br2 ]

(9) Consider the reaction: H2 (g) + Br2 (g) ⇆ 2HBr (g)

If the value of the equilibrium constant is very large, which species will predominate at

[1] H2
[2] Br2
[3] HBr
[4] Both H2 and Br2
[5] All species will have the same concentration.

(10) Consider the reaction: Ti (s) + 2Cl2 (g) ⇆ TiCl4 (l)

What is the expression for Kc for this reaction?
[Cl2 ]2
[1] Kc = [TiCl4 ]

[TiCl4 ]
[2] Kc = [Ti][Cl2 ]2

[TiCl4 ]
[3] Kc =
[Cl2 ]2

[TiCl4 ]
[4] Kc = [Cl2 ]

[5] None of the above.

(11) Which of the following will not affect the position of a chemical equilibrium?

[1] Changing the temperature

[2] Adding a catalyst
[3] Changing the volume
[4] Changing the concentration of the products
[5] None of the above

Consider the following exothermic reaction: N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⇆ 2NH3 (g)
For this reaction, answer questions 12-16 below.

(12) What will happen to the reaction mixture at equilibrium if some more N2 (g) is added?

[1] The equilibrium will shift to the left.

[2] The equilibrium will shift to the right.
[3] There is no effect on the equilibrium.
[4] The reaction will stop.
[5] None of the above.

(13) What will happen to the reaction mixture at equilibrium if the temperature is decreased?

[1] The equilibrium will shift to the left.

[2] The equilibrium will shift to the right.
[3] There is no effect on the equilibrium.
[4] The reaction will stop.
[5] None of the above.

(14) What will happen to the reaction mixture at equilibrium if some helium gas is added?

[1] The equilibrium will shift to the left.

[2] The equilibrium will shift to the right.
[3] There is no effect on the equilibrium.
[4] The reaction will stop.
[5] None of the above.

(15) What will happen to the reaction mixture at equilibrium if the volume of the container is increased?

[1] The equilibrium will shift to the left.

[2] The equilibrium will shift to the right.
[3] There is no effect on the equilibrium.
[4] The reaction will stop.
[5] None of the above.

(16) What will happen to the reaction mixture at equilibrium if the pressure is increased?

[1] The equilibrium will shift to the left.

[2] The equilibrium will shift to the right.
[3] There is no effect on the equilibrium.
[4] The reaction will stop.
[5] None of the above.


(17) Which substance can be classified as a Lewis base?

[1] HCl
[2] BF3
[3] Ca2+
[4] HF
[5] NH3

(18) Which of the following is a conjugate acid-base pair?

[1] F- and NaF

[2] H2SO4 and HSO4-
[3] PH3 and PF3
[4] Br2 and Br-
[5] HCl and HClO4

(19) Which of the following will give an acidic mixture?

[1] Mixing equal volumes of 1.0 M HCl and 1.0 M KOH

[2] Mixing equal volumes of 1.0 M H3PO4 and 1.0 M NaOH
[3] Mixing equal volumes of 1.0 M KOH and water
[4] Mixing 1.0 L of 1.0 M HCl with 2.0 L of 1.0 M KOH
[5] Mixing 2.0 L of 1.0 M H2SO4 with 4.0 L of 1.0 M KOH

(20) Which of the following is the strongest acid?

[1] HNO3
[2] HF
[3] H2S
[5] HPO42-

(21) Which of the following is a salt?

[1] KOH
[2] HBr
[3] BF3
[4] NaBr
[5] NH3

(22) As the hydrogen ion concentration of an aqueous solution increases, what will happen to the
hydroxide ion concentration?

[1] It will decrease.

[2] It will increase.
[3] It will remain the same.
[4] It will shift towards 1x 10-14 M.
[5] None of the above.

A solution has a pOH of 3.71. For this solution, answer questions 23-26 below.

(23) What is the pH of the solution?

[1] 3.71 x 10-14

[2] 0.569
[3] 3.29
[4] 10.29
[5] 10.71

(24) What is the [H+] of the solution?

[1] -1.01 M
[2] 5.13 x 10-11 M
[3] 1.95 x 10-4 M
[4] 1.01 M
[5] 1.95 x 1010 M

(25) What is the [OH-] of the solution?

[1] -1.01 M
[2] 5.13 x 10-11 M
[3] 1.95 x 10-4 M
[4] 1.01 M
[5] 5.13 x 103 M

(26) Which of the following is true for this solution?

[1] The solution is acidic.

[2] The solution is basic.
[3] The solution is neutral.
[4] [OH-] > [H+].
[5] Both 2 and 4.

(27) What is the pH of a 1.32 M HNO3 solution?

[1] -0.121
[2] 0.121
[3] 1.32
[4] 7.00
[5] None of the above


(28) What is the pH of a 0.16 mol/L OH- solution?

[1] -0.80
[2] 0.80
[3] 11.16
[4] 13.2
[5] None of the above

(29) What is the concentration of an aqueous solution of NaOH (a strong base) which has a pH of 10.1?

[1] 126 M
[2] 1.26 x 10-3 M
[3] 1.26 x 10-4 M
[4] 7.94 x 10-11 M
[5] None of the above

(30) What is the concentration of an aqueous solution of Ca(OH)2 (a strong base) which has a pH of

[1] 1.08 M
[2] 1.122 x 10-2 M
[3] 5.610 x 10-3 M
[4] 2.244 x 10-3 M
[5] -1.08 M

(31) Lactic acid is a weak acid with one acidic proton. A 0.10 M solution of this acid has a pH of 2.44.
What is the Ka value of this acid?

[1] 275.4
[2] 2.44
[3] 3.6 x 10-3
[4] 1.4 x 10-4
[5] 1.4 x 10-5

(32) Hydroflouric acid, HF, is a weak acid with one acidic proton. What is the pH of a 0.20 M solution
of this acid? (Ka = 6.8 x 10-4 for HF.)

[1] 0.42
[2] 1.9
[3] 2.6
[4] 5.3
[5] 12.1

(33) Which of the following is false?

[1] Kw = [OH-][H+]
[2] Kw = Ka x Kb
[3] pKw = pKa x pKb
[4] pKa + pKb = 14
[5] None of the above

(34) Which of the following statements about acid rain is false?

[1] Normal rainwater is usually slightly acidic due to dissolved carbon dioxide.
[2] Acid rain is usually caused by dissolved sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the
[3] Burning coal for fuel is one of the primary causes of acid rain.
[4] Acid rain usually contains sulphuric acid.
[5] None of the above.

(35) What is the solubility of CaCO3 in moles per liter? (Ksp = 8.7 x 10-9)

[1] 1.3 x 10-4 mol.L-1

[2] 9.3 x 10-5 mol.L-1
[3] 8.7 x 10-9 mol.L-1
[4] 7.6 x 10-17 mol.L-1
[5] None of the above

(36) Which of the following acids are polyprotic?

[1] HI
[2] Mg2+
[3] H2CO3
[4] HNO3
[5] BF3

(37) If ΔH = -512 kJ for a certain reaction, which of the following is true for that reaction?
[1] The reaction is exothermic.
[2] The reaction is endothermic.
[3] The reaction cannot occur.
[4] The reaction requires a catalyst to occur.
[5] None of the above.

(38) The quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of a substance by 1°C is called its:
[1] Heat capacity.
[2] Specific heat.
[3] Enthalpy.
[4] Work.
[5] Potential energy.


(39) What is the specific heat of ethyl alcohol if 700.0 J of heat are required to raise the temperature of
an 80.0 g sample from 30.0°C to 45.0°C?
[1] 0.004 J/(g.°C)
[2] 0.194 J/(g.°C)
[3] 0.292 J/(g.°C)
[4] 0.583 J/(g.°C)
[5] 131 J/(g.°C)

(40) Consider the thermochemical equation:

2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(l) ΔH° = -571.7 kJ

For this equation, which of the following statements is true?

[1] Heat is given off by the system to the surroundings.
[2] The thermochemical equation gives ΔH°, not ΔH. This means that the reaction conditions
are standard.
[3] If liquid oxygen, rather than oxygen gas, reacted with hydrogen, the ΔH value would be
[4] All of the above.
[5] None of the above.

(41) How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 30.0 g of silver from 18.2°C to 35.6°C? The
specific heat of silver is 0.226 J/(g.°C)

[1] 2.31 J
[2] 118 J
[3] 123 J
[4] 241 J
[5] None of the above

(42) Which of the following statements is false?

[1] The reaction vessel cools when an endothermic reaction occurs.

[2] An exothermic reaction is characterized by a negative value of ΔH.
[3] Heat is evolved when an exothermic reaction occurs
[4] An endothermic reaction causes the surroundings to absorb heat.
[5] None of the above

(43) What is the total number of kilojoules of heat energy absorbed by 50 grams of solid iron when it is
heated from 20°C to 700°C? (C(water) = 0.45 J/g°C)
[1] 10 kJ
[2] 15 kJ
[3] 165 kJ
[4] 927 kJ
[5] None of the above

(44) A balloon contains 1.0 L of gas at sea level, where the pressure is 1.0 atm. What will the volume be
when the pressure is 0.80 atm, if the temperature remains constant?
[1] 0.20 L
[2] 0.80 L
[3] 1.0 L
[4] 1.3 L
[5] None of the above

(45) The pressure of 4.0 L of nitrogen in a flexible container is decreased to one third of its original
pressure, and its absolute temperature is decreased by one half. The volume is now
[1] 1.0 L
[2] 4.0 L
[3] 6.0 L
[4] 24 L
[5] None of the above

(46) How many moles of gas are there in a sample occupying 1.74 L at 0.136 atm and 25°C?
[1] 0.00967 mol
[2] 0.0463 mol
[3] 0.0926 mol
[4] 7.36 mol
[5] None of the above

(47) What is the density of CO2 at 25°C and 750 Torr?

[1] 0.472 g/L
[2] 1.78 g/L
[3] 1.82 g/L
[4] 2.12 g/L
[5] None of the above

(48) A flask of 7L contains a mixture of 6g of O2 and 15g of N2 at 30°C.What is the partial pressure of
the oxygen gas?
[1] 0.67 atm
[2] 1.9 atm
[3] 2.59 atm
[4] 22.1 atm
[5] None of the above


(49) A 1.00 L flask contains 2.073 g O2 and 20.13 g N2 at 25.0°C What is the total pressure?

[1] 0.856 atm

[2] 1.09 atm
[3] 19.2 atm
[4] 22.2 atm
[5] None of the above

(50) Under which set of conditions does NH3 (g) best follow the ideal gas law?

[1] High temperature and low pressure

[2] Low temperature and high pressure
[3] High temperature and high pressure
[4] Low temperature and low pressure
[5] In a closed cylinder

Due date: 01 October

This assignment must be completed online on MasteringChemistry®.

Assignment 3 consists of 4 online tasks which cover the whole syllabus.


You will need two codes to access to MasteringChemistry and to do the assignment. The first code is the
access code, which you got when you bought the textbook, and the second is the course code, which is
given below:

To access MasteringChemistry, you must use the access code that came with the textbook that you

Once you have the access code and have finished registering for MasteringChemistry and already have
access to MasteringChemistry, then, you need to locate the course by entering the course code:


Any changes to the above will be announced on myUnisa, so it is important to check for announcements

Once the due date for assignment 3 has passed, your mark on MasteringChemistry® will be automatically
transferred to the Unisa assignment system.

You may complete the 4 online tasks at your own pace, provided that you have completed all four tasks by
the due date. Your final mark for assignment 3 will be determined by your performance on the four tasks
that you have done on MasteringChemistry®.



 Go to the CHE1501 announcements

 Read the FAQs on myUnisa
 Check the myUnisa Discussion forum

If you have any questions regarding this assignment, please post your questions on the myUnisa
CHE1501 discussion forum in the forum called ASSIGNMENT 2.


(Self – Assessment Assignment)

Recommended Completion date: 01 October

Note: This assignment covers very important material and topics which are examinable in
the final exam.

(1) Which of these changes are physical and which are chemical? Explain.
(a) Plants make sugar from carbon dioxide and water.
(b) Water vapour in the air forms frost
(c) A goldsmith melts a nugget of gold and pulls it into a wire.

(2) Bromine is a halogen. Locate this element in the periodic table. What is its symbol? In which
period and in which group is the element located? What is its atomic number? Is it a metal or a

(3) Describe the electron transfers that occur in the formation of magnesium bromide from elemental
magnesium and elemental bromine.

(4) (a) What is a hydrocarbon?

(b) What is meant by the term isomer?
(c) What is a functional group?

(5) Which element forms a 3+ ion that has the electron configuration [Kr]4d6?

(6) Based on differences in electronegativity, how would you characterize the bonding in sulphur
dioxide, SO2? Do you expect the bonds between S and O to be nonpolar, polar covalent or ionic?

(7) Nitroglycerin is a highly explosive chemical which can explode merely by shaking the liquid.
Write the decomposition reaction for the explosion of nitroglycerin. Also explain what Alfred
Nobel did to make this substance safer to form which we now call dynamite.

(8) (a) Draw the Lewis structure of:
(i) A fluorine atom.
(ii) A bromine ion.
(iii) An iodine molecule.

(b) Draw the Lewis Structure of Sulphuric Acid.

Show how you arrived at your answer.

(9) Write Lewis structures that obey the octet rule for each of the following, and assign oxidation
numbers and formal charges to each atom:

(a) SOCl2

(b) HClO2

(c) TeO3

(9) (a) The molecule O=C=S is linear and has a Lewis structure analogous to that of CO 2. Would
you expect this molecule to have a dipole moment?
(b) Use the VSEPR model to predict the molecular geometry for SF4 and IF5.

(10) Antacids are often used to relieve heartburn and promote healing in the treatment of mild ulcers.
Write balanced net ionic equations for the reactions between the HCl(aq) in the stomach and the
following substances used in the various antacids:
(a) Mg(OH)2(s)
(b) CaCO3(s)

(11) Determine the oxidation number of the underlined atom in each of the following species:

(a) CaCl2
(b) Fe(NO3)3
(c) Ni(OH)2-
(d) H2O2
(e) BrF4+


(12) Consider the following redox reaction:

MnO4- + S2O32-  SO42- + MnO2

(a) Identify the reducing agent. Motivate your answer.

(b) Identify the oxidising agent. Motivate your answer.
(c) Balance the redox reaction in basic solution using the half-reaction method.

(13) What happens to the pressure of a gas if you halve the volume while its temperature is held

(14) In the forward reaction of this equilibrium, which substance acts as the Brønsted-Lowry base?

H2S(aq) + CH3NH2(aq)  NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq)

(15) The CH3- ion is the conjugate base of CH4, and CH4 shows no evidence of being an acid in
water. What happens when CH3- is added to water?

(16) Briefly explain the chemistry behind the formation of acid rain.

(17) (a) Formic acid (HCO2H) is secreted by ants. Calculate the pH of a 0.0025 M solution of
formic acid. (Ka = 3.5 x 10-8)
(b) Calculate the pH of a 15.0 M aqueous solution of NH3. (Kb = 1.8 x 10-5)
(c) The Ksp value for lead (II) iodide, PbI2, is Ksp = 1.4 x 10-8 at 25°C. Calculate its solubility

8.7 Other assessment methods
There are no other assessment methods for this module.

8.8 The examination

How the Examination System works
For general examination guidelines and examination preparation guidelines, see the brochure my Studies
@ Unisa which you received with your study material.

Examination admission
Submission of the first assignment before 19 March (Semester 1) or 20 August (Semester 2) will confirm
your registration for that semester and you will be noted as an "active student". (This is so that Unisa will
receive subsidy from the Department of Education for you as a student).

NB: Please note that if you do not submit assignment 1 on time, you will NOT be allowed to write the

There will be NO extensions given and NO exceptions made.

A sub-minimum of 40%
Because you can earn a semester mark which will contribute to the final mark, the university requires that
a sub-minimum of 40% must be achieved in the examination to pass the module.

Examination period
This module is offered in a semester period of fifteen weeks. This means that if you are registered for the
first semester, you will write the examination in May / June 2018 and the supplementary examination will
be written in October / November 2018. If you are registered for the second semester you will write the
examination in October / November 2018 and the supplementary examination will be written in May / June

During the semester, the Examination Section will provide you with information regarding the examination
in general, examination venues, examination dates and examination times. If your final mark (taking the
semester mark into account) is between 40% and 49%, you will be given an opportunity to rewrite the
examination in the next examination period. This examination will count out of 100% and the semester
mark will not be brought into account. However, if you write an aegrotat examination the semester mark
will count towards the final mark.


Duration of the examination

The examination will be of two hours duration.

Previous examination papers

Previous examination papers are available to students. You may check on the myUnisa website where old
examination papers will be loaded. We advise you, however, not to focus on old examination papers only
as the content of modules and therefore examination papers changes from year to year. Solutions will not
be provided for past examination papers.


Question: How do I access MasteringChemistry?

Answer: 1) Go to www.MasteringChemistry.com and click on the button to register as a


2) Firstly, you will need the valid access code that you will receive with your
textbook. Register on MasteringChemistry using your access code.

3) Only after you have registered on MasteringChemistry, you will need the Course ID.
Enter the CourseID. Enter your student number when prompted and you are ready to

Question: What happens if I do not have an access code?

Answer: If you do not have a valid access code, you will not be able to do assignment 3.

The prescribed book and access code are prescribed material and it is expected that you will
obtain them.

If you have a second-hand copy of the textbook or a textbook without MasteringChemistry

access, you can also purchase a valid access code (plus e-book) directly from Pearson by
contacting them at pearson-za.ebooksupport@pearson.com at a much cheaper price than
the hard copy of the textbook.

Question: What happens if I don't do assignment 3?

Answer: Assignment 3 count 15% towards your final mark. If you don't do assignment 3, you will
have a lower semester mark and will have to do well in the exam to pass (at least 55-60
percent for the exam depending on your assignment 1 and 2 marks).

However, the MasteringChemistry assignment is extremely good in teaching the concepts

as it is interactive and provides immediate feedback and tutorials. Our statistics show that
doing the MasteringChemistry assignment drastically improves the pass rate for this module
for those who do it.

Question: Can I reuse my previously used access code?
Answer: Yes, a MasteringChemistry access code can be used for up to three semesters (18 months)
before it expires.

Question: I don't have internet access. What can I do?

Answer: You can access the internet at any of the Unisa regional centers and they will give you free
internet access to do your MasteringChemistry assignment online. Because the format of
assignment 3 is an interactive web based tutorial, it can only be completed online.

Question: Can I do Assignment 3 as a printed assignment?

Answer: No, assignment 3 consists of a number of tasks (mini-assignments) that involve interactive
tutorials. The whole purpose of MasteringChemistry is that the interactive tutorials explain
the concepts you need to learn in a live, interactive way. It is not a standard "Answer the
Questions" type assignment.


Good luck with your studies!

A periodic table is attached on the following page.



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