11 - Vol 2 Phy Matric

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R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed.,
Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 1
7. Define Gravitational potential energy. object to hold it at rest or at constant velocity
UNIT - 6 Gravitation
 The Gravitational potential energy of a system of relative to the earth. (W = N = mg)
1. What is called Geo-stationary theory? two masses 𝑚1 and 𝑚2 separated by a distance 16. Write a note on weightlessness?
 Ptolemy proposed Geo-stationary theory. “r” as the amount of work done to bring the  When the downward acceleration of the object is
 According to this theory, the Earth is at the mass 𝑚2 from infinity to a distance “r” assuming equal to the acceleration due to gravity of Earth,
centre of the universe and all celestial objects 𝑚1 to be fixed in its position. then the object is appears to be weightless. This
including the Sun, the Moon and other planets  Its unit is joule (J) is called state of weightlessness.
orbits the Earth 8. Define Gravitational potential. 17. The astronauts in space ships experience
2. What is Heliocentric theory?  The gravitational potential at a distance “r” due weightlessness. Why?
 Copernicus proposed Heliocentric theory. to a mass is defined as the amount of work  The Satellites that orbit very close to Earth
 According to this theory, Sun was considered to required to bring unit mass from infinity to the experience only gravitational force and the
be at the centre of the solar system and all distance “r” and it is denoted as V(r) astronauts inside the satellite also experience the
planets including the Earth orbited the Sun in  It is a scalar and its unit is J kg-1 same gravitational force.
circular orbits. 9. Define acceleration due to gravity.  Because of this, they cannot exert any force on
3. State Kepler’ s laws of planetary motion.  The acceleration experienced by the object near the floor of the satellite and therefore the floor of
1) Law of orbit : the surface of the Earth due to its gravity is called the satellite also cannot exert any normal force
 Each planets moves around the Sun in an acceleration due to gravity. It is denoted by “g” on the astronaut.
elliptical orbit with the Sun one of the foci.  Its value is, 𝒈 = 𝟗. 𝟖 𝒎 𝒔−𝟐  Thus the astronauts inside a satellite are in the
2) Law of Area : 10. Define escape speed. state of weightlessness.
 The line joining the Sun to a planet (radial  The escape speed is defined as the minimum 18. What is called “retrograde motion” of planets.
vector) sweeps equal areas in equal intervals speed required by an object to escape Earth’s  When the motion of the planets are observed in
of time. gravitational field. (𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒄 = 𝟐 𝒈 𝑹𝒆 ) the night sky by naked eyes over a period of a
3) Law of periods : 11. Define orbital velocity of a satellite. few months, it can be seen that the planets move
 The square of the time period to revolution  The minimum velocity required to place or eastwards and reverse their motion for a while
of a planet around the Sun in its elliptical maintain a satellite in a given orbit is called and return to eastward motion again. This is
orbit is directly proportional to the cube of orbital velocity. called “retrograde motion” of planets.
the semi-major axis of the ellipse. (𝑇 2 ∝ 𝑎3 ) 12. Why is the energy of a satellite (or other planet) 19. How geocentric theory is replaced by heliocentric
4. State Newton’s Universal law of gravitation. is negative? theory using the idea of retrograde motion of
 According to Newton’s law of gravitation, every planets?
 The negative sign in the total energy implies that
particle in universe attracts every other particles the satellite is bound to the Earth and it cannot  It is observed that, the visible planets move
with a force which is directly proportional to the escape from the Earth eastwards and reverse their motion for a while
product of their masses and inversely 13. What are geostationary satellites? and return to eastward motion again. This is
proportional to the square of the distance called “retrograde motion” of planets.
 The telecommunication satellites which placed at
between them. a height of 36000 km above the equatorial region  To explain this retrograde motion, Ptolemy in his
5. Define Gravitational field strength or intensity. of earth surface and appear to be stationary geocentric model introduce a concept that while
 Gravitational field intensity at a point is defined when seen from earth are called geostationary the planet orbited the Earth, it also underwent
as the force experienced by a unit mass placed at satellite. another circular motion termed as “epicycle”
that point. 14. What are polar satellites?  But this model became more and more complex
 Its unit is 𝑵 𝑪−𝟏  The satellite which placed at a distance of as every planet was found to undergo retrograde
6. Define universal Gravitational constant. 500 km to 800 km from the surface of the Earth motion.
 It is defined as the gravitational force of orbits the Earth from north pole to south pole is  Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model to
attraction between two particle of mass 1 kg called polar satellite. explain this problem in a simple manner.
separated by a distance of 1 m 15. Define weight. According to heliocentric model, Sun is at the
 𝑮 = 𝟔. 𝟔𝟕 𝑿 𝟏𝟎−𝟏𝟏 𝑵 𝒎𝟐 𝑪−𝟐  The weight (W) of an object is defined as the centre and all the planets orbited the Sun.
 Its dimension is M-1L3T-2 downward force whose magnitude is equal to
that of upward force that must be applied to the
Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 2
 The retrograde motion of planets with respect to 25. If Kepler’s third law was 𝒓𝟑 𝑻𝟑 = 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒏𝒕 instead 28. If a comet suddenly hit the Moon and imparts
Earth is because of the relative motion of the 𝒓𝟑
of 𝟑 = 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 (i) what would be the new law energy, which is more than the total energy of the
planets with respect to Earth. 𝑻 Moon, what will happen?
20. Why is there no lunar eclipse and solar eclipse of gravitation? (ii) Would it still be an inverse  If it is happens, Moon could replaced by comet in
every month? square law? (iii) How would the gravitational orbiting Earth, by the principle of elastic collision
force change with distance? (iv) In this new law of in Space.
 If the orbits of the Moon and Earth lie on the
gravitation, will Neptune experience greater 29. If the Earth’s Pull on the Moon suddenly
same plane during full Moon of every month, we
gravitational force or lesser gravitational force disappears. what will happens to the Moon?
observe lunar eclipse and during new Moon, we
when compared to the Earth?
observe solar eclipse.  If the Earth gravitational pull on the Moon
(i) The new law of gravitation,
 But Moon’s orbit is tilted 5 with respect to suddenly disappears, the Moon will travel along
𝐺𝑀𝑚 1
Earth’s orbit. Due to this 5 tilt, only during 𝐹 = 8 ; 𝐺 = 4 𝜋2 𝑘3 the tangent of the orbit.
certain periods of the year, the Sun, Earth and 𝑇3 30. If the Earth has no tilt, what happens to the
Moon align in straight line leading to either lunar (ii) No. It will not be a inverse square law seasons of the Earth?
eclipse or solar eclipse depending on the (iii) Gravitational force does not depends on distance  If the Earth has no tilt, there is no seasons.
alignment. (iv) Due to this new inverse square law, both  Also the duration of day and night will be equal
21. Why do we have seasons on Earth? Neptune and Earth experience same gravitational throughout the year.
 The season’s in the Earth arise due to the force 31. A student was asked a question why are there are
rotation of Earth around the Sun with 23.5 tilt. summer and winter for us? He replied as since
 Due to this 23.5 tilt, when the northern part of Earth is orbiting in an elliptical orbit, when the
Earth is farther to Sun, the southern part is Earth is very far away from the Sun (aphelion)
nearer to the Sun. 26. In the following, what are the quantities which there will be winter, when the Earth is nearer to
 So when it is summer in the northern that are conserved? the Sun (perihelion) there will be summer. Is this
hemisphere, the southern hemisphere a) Linear momentum of planet answer is correct? If not, what is the correct
experience winter. b) Angular momentum of planet explanation for the occurrence of summer and
22. How will you prove that Earth itself is spinning? c) Total energy of planet winter?
 The Earth spinning motion can be proved by d) Potential energy of a planet  The answer is not correct.
observing star’s position over a night. a) In an elliptical orbit, since linear velocity changes,  Because the occurrence of summer and winter is
 Due to this Earth’s spinning motion, the stars in then linear momentum of a planet is not conserved. due to Earth’s 23.5 tilt.
sky appear to move in circular motion about the b) But angular velocity will not changed. (i.e) constant  Due to this tilt, one hemisphere nearer to the Sun
pole star. in its orbital motion So angular momentum of planet gets summer and another one has winter.
23. Why the Pole stars are appears to be stationary? is conserved. 32. The following photographs are taken from the
 Pole star is a star located exactly above the c) The sum of potential and kinetic energy of a planet is recent lunar eclipse, which occurred on January
Earth’s axis of rotation, hence it appears to be constant. So total energy of the planet is conserved. 31, 2018. Is it possible to prove that Earth is a
stationary. d) In elliptical orbit, the distance of the planet from the sphere from these photographs?
sum continuously varied. So the potential energy of  We observe lunar eclipse, when Sun, Earth and
 The star Polaris is our pole star.
the planet also changed (not conserved) Moon aligns in straight line.
24. Can angular momentum of planet change? Justify
27. The work done by Sun on Earth in one year will  During lunar eclipse, we observe the shadow of
your answer?
be zero, non-zero, positive or negative? Earth on the Moon.
 The torque acting on the planet due to attractive
 The centripetal force due to Sun on Earth and the  It seems outline of the shadow is curved one and
force of Sun is zero.
direction of displacement of Earth is always hence we prove Earth surface is curved and it
 Since torque is the rate of change of angular
perpendicular throughout the orbital motion. would be a sphere.
momentum, we have
 Hence the work done by the Sun on Earth in one
𝑑𝐿 year or at any interval of time will always be
𝜏= =0 𝑜𝑟 𝐿 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
𝑑𝑡 Zero.
 Hence angular momentum of planet about Sun
will not change.

Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 3
UNIT - 7 PROPERTIES OF MATER  Strain measures the degree of deformation. 18. Define Rigidity modulus.
 It has no unit and it is dimensionless quantity  It is defined as the ratio of shearing stress to the
1. What is called deforming force? 10. Define longitudinal strain. Give its types. shearing strain and it is denoted by “𝜂𝑅 ”
 The force which changes the shape or size of a  It is defined as the ratio of increase in length to 19. Define compressibility.
body is called deforming force the original length and it is denoted by “l”  The reciprocal of bulk modulus is called
2. Define elasticity.  It divided in to two types namely, compressibility.
 If a body regain it shape and size after the 1) Tensile strain  It is defined as the fractional change in volume
removal of deforming force, it is said to be elastic 2) Compressive strain per unit increase in pressure and it is denoted as
and the property is called elasticity. 11. Define shearing strain. “C”
(e.g.) Rubber, metals, steel ropes  When a tangential force is applied to a body 20. What is the importance of Young’s modulus.
3. What is called restoring force? which is in translational and rotational  Lesser the strain, larger the Young’s modulus.
 When a body is subjected to a deforming force, equilibrium, it undergoes a shearing angle.  So Young’s modulus measures the resistance of
an internal force is developed which tends to  The angle of shear is measured as shearing strain solid to a change in its length.
restore the body to its initial condition. That and it is denoted by “s” 21. What is the importance of Bulk modulus.
force is called restoring force. 12. Define bulk strain.  Bulk modulus measures the resistance of solids
4. Define plasticity.  It is defined as the ratio of change in volume to to change in their volume.
 If a body does not regain its shape and size after the original volume and it is denoted as “v”  That is if bulk modulus is small, then the body is
removal of deforming force, it is said to be plastic 13. Define elastic limit. easily compressed.
body and the property is called plasticity.  The maximum stress within which the body 22. What is the importance of Rigidity modulus.
(e.g.) Glass regains its original size and shape after the  Rigidity modulus is inversely proportional to the
5. Define stress. removal of deforming force is called the elastic angle of shear, which implies that a material can
 The restoring force per unit area is called stress limit. be easily twisted if it has small value of rigidity
and it is denoted by “” 14. State Hooke’s law. modulus.
 Its S.I unit is N m-2 (or) pascal and its dimension  Hooke’s law states that, within elastic limit the 23. Define Poisson’s ratio.
is [ML-1 T-2] stress is directly proportional to the strain. (i.e.)  When we stretch a rubber band in one direction
6. Define longitudinal stress. stress  strain (elongation). it becomes thinner in perpendicular
 The normal restoring force per unit area is called 15. Define modulus of elasticity. direction (contraction)
longitudinal stress (or) normal stress and it is  When deformation is very small, the ratio of  The ratio of relative contraction (lateral strain)
denoted by “n” stress to the strain is a constant which is called to the relative elongation (lateral stress) is called
 It is divided in to two types, namely modulus of elasticity. Poisson’s ratio and it is denoted by “”
1) Tensile stress  Its S.I unit is N m-2 (or) pascal and its dimension 24. A spring balance shows wrong readings after
2) Compressive stress is [ML-1 T-2] using for a long time. Why?
7. Define shearing stress.  It is classified as three types. They are,  When a spring balance is used for long time, the
 The tangential restoring force per unit area is 1) Young’s modulus (Y) spring in that balance undergoes elastic fatigue
called shearing stress (or) tangential stress and it 2) Bulk modulus (K) and begins to loses its elastic property.
is denoted by “t” 3) Rigidity modulus (𝜂𝑅 )  So it does not regains its original dimension
8. Define bulk stress. 16. Define Young’s modulus. (length). Because of this, it shows wrong
 When a body is acted by a normal force  It is defined as the ratio of tensile stress (or) readings.
everywhere, then the force per unit area is called compressive stress to the tensile strain (or) 25. What is the effect of temperature on elastic
bulk stress or volume stress and it is denoted by compressive strain and it is denoted by “Y” property?
“v” 17. Define Bulk modulus.  If temperature of the body increases, it elastic
 It is defined as the ratio of volume stress property (i.e.) modulus of elasticity decreases.
 It is same as the pressure.
(pressure) to the volume strain and it is denoted 26. Give the applications of elasticity.
9. Define strain.
by “K”  The elastic behavior of a material is one of the
 Strain is defined as the ratio of change in size to
important mechanical property which play a
the original size and it is denoted by “”
very vital role in every day life.
Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 4
 The elastic behavior of material decides the  The upward force exerted by a displaced fluid 𝝆𝒗𝑫
𝑹𝒄 =
structural design of the column and beams of a that opposed the weight of an immersed object in 𝜼
building. a fluid is called up thrust or buoyant force and where, 𝝆 −→ density of fluid
 The bending of beams is a major concern over the phenomenon is called buoyancy. 𝑫 −→ diameter of the pipe
the stability of the buildings or bridges. 35. State Archimedes principle. 𝒗 −→ velocity of the fluid
 By knowing the modulus of elasticity, we can  It states that when a body is partially or wholly 𝜼 −→ coefficient of viscosity of the fluid
select a suitable materials for designing heavy immersed in a fluid. it experiences an upward  Reynolds number is a dimensionless number
duty machines and construction of buildings. thrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced which decides whether the flow of a fluid
27. Which one is more elastic? Rubber or Steel? by it and its up thrust acts through the centre of through a cylindrical pipe is streamlined or
 The object which has higher Young’s modulus is gravity of the liquid displaced. turbulent.
more elastic. 36. State laws of floatation. S.No Reynolds number Nature of flow
 If equal stress is applied to both steel and rubber,  It states that a body will float in a liquid if the 1 𝑹𝒄 < 1000 streamline
the steel produces less strain. So Young’s weight of the liquid displaced by the immersed 2 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 < 𝑹𝒄 < 2000 unsteady
modulus is higher for steel than rubber. part of the body equals the weight of the body. 3 𝑹 𝒄 > 2000 turbulent
 Thus Steel is more elastic than rubber. 37. Define viscosity. 42. Define critical velocity of flow.
28. What is called fluids.  It is defined as the property of a fluid to oppose  The flow of fluid is streamlined up to a certain
 Fluids is a substance which begins to flow when the relative motion between its layers. velocity called critical velocity.
an external force is applied on it. 38. Define coefficient of viscosity.  This means a steady flow can be achieved at low
 Liquids and gases are commonly called as fluids.  Coefficient of viscosity is defined as the viscous flow speeds below the critical speed.
29. Define pressure of fluids. force acting tangentially between two layers of 43. Define terminal velocity.
 The normal force acting per unit area is called unit area of cross section which has unit velocity  The maximum constant velocity acquired by a
pressure. It is a scalar quantity. gradient. It is denoted by “” body while falling freely through a viscous
 Its S.I unit is N m-2 (or) pa and its dimension is  Its S.I unit is 𝑵 𝒔 𝒎−𝟐 and its dimension is medium is called the terminal velocity (𝑣𝑡 )
[ M L-1 T-2 ] 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟏 44. Write the Stoke’s formula for viscous force.
30. Define atmospheric pressure. 39. Define streamline flow.  According to Stoke’s law, the viscous force acting
 It is defined as the pressure exerted by the  When a liquid flows such that each particle of the on a sphere moving in a fluid is ,
atmosphere at sea level. Its unit is atm liquid passing through a point moves along the 𝑭= 𝟔𝝅𝜼𝒓𝒗
 𝟏 𝒂𝒕𝒎 = 𝟏. 𝟎𝟏𝟓 𝑿 𝟏𝟎𝟓 𝑵 𝒎−𝟐 𝒐𝒓 𝒑𝒂 same path with the same velocity as its Here, 𝒓 −→ radius of the sphere
31. Define density of fluids. predecessor then the flow of liquid is said to be 𝒗 −→ velocity of the sphere
 Mass per unit volume is called density. streamline flow or steady flow or laminar flow. 𝜼 −→ coefficient of viscosity of the fluid
 It is a positive scalar quantity. 40. Define turbulent flow. 45. Distinguish between cohesive force and adhesive
 Its S.I unit is kg m-3 and dimension is [ M L-3 ]  When the speed of the moving fluid exceeds the force.
32. Define Relative density (specific gravity) critical speed, the motion becomes turbulent. Cohesive force Adhesive force
 It is defined as the ratio of the density of a  In this case, the velocity changes both in 1) The force between 1) When the liquid is in
substance to the density of water at 4C magnitude and direction from particle to particle the like molecules contact with a solid,
 It is a dimensionless positive scalar quantity. and hence the individual particle do not move in which holds the the molecules of the
33. State Pascal’s law in fluids. a streamline path. Hence the path taken by the liquid together is solid and liquid will
 Pascal law states that if the pressure in a liquid is particle in turbulent flow becomes erratic and called cohesive force experience an
changed particular point, the change is whirlpool - like circles called eddy current or attractive force which
transmitted to the entire liquid without being eddies. is called adhesive
diminished in magnitude. 41. Define Reynolds number. Give its importance. force
34. Define buoyancy.  Osborne Reynolds formulated an equation to find 2) (e.g.) force between 2) (e.g.) force between
 When a body is partially or fully immersed in a out the nature of flow of fluid, whether it is water molecules force between water
fluid, it displaces a certain amount of fluid which streamline or turbulent. That is called Reynolds molecules and glass
exerts an upward force on the body. number and denoted by “RC” rod

Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 5
46. Define sphere of influence. contact between the water and the painted  This pressure difference creates an up thrust and
 The distance through which the influence of the surface during rainfall. hence the roof alone blown off.
molecular forces can be felt in all directions 52. Define capillarity. 57. What is the principle involved in the Aerofoil lift.
constitute a range (10-9 m) and is called sphere of  When a capillary tube is dipped vertically in  The wings of an airplane are so designed that its
influence. water, the level of water in the tube will rise. upper surface is more curved than the lower
47. Give the applications of viscosity.  On the other hand, when it dipped in mercury, surface and the front edge is broader than the
 To select suitable lubricant for heavy machinery the level of mercury in the tube will fall. real edge.
parts.  The rise or fall of liquid in a narrow tube is called  As the aircraft moves, the air moves faster above
 Highly viscous oils are used as brake oil in capillarity. the aerofoil than at the bottom.
hydraulic brakes. 53. Give the practical applications of capillarity.  According to Bernoulli’s principle, the pressure
 Blood circulation through arteries and veins  Oil rises in the cotton within the earthen lamp of air below is greater than above, which creates
depends upon the viscosity of fluids.  Sap rises from the roots of a plant to its leaves an up thrust called the dynamic lift to the
 Millikan used the knowledge of viscosity of oil to and branches. aircraft.
determine charge of electron.  Absorption of ink by a blotting paper. 58. Write a note on Bunsen burner.
48. Give some examples for surface tension.  Draining of tear fluid constantly from eye  In this device, the gas comes out of the nozzle
 Water bugs and water striders walk on the  Cotton dresses are preferred in summer, because with high velocity, hence the pressure in the
surface of water due to the surface tension of it has fine pores which act as capillaries for sweat. stem decreases.
water. 54. Give the applications of surface tension.  So outside air reaches into the burner through an
 The hairs of the painting brush cling together  Mosquitoes lay their eggs on the surface of air vent and the mixture of air and gas gives a
when taken out of water because of surface stagnant water. When oil is poured on the blue flame.
tension of water. surface, the surface tension of water reduces 59. What is called Venturimeter?
 When a greased steel needle is gently place over which breaks the elastic film and eggs are killed  The device used to measure the rate of flow
the water surface, it will float due to the surface by drowning. (volume flow per second) of the incompressible
tension of water.  When detergents are added to hot water while fluid through a pipe is called venturimeter.
49. Define surface tension. washing clothes, the surface tension of water  It works on the principle of Bernoulli’s theorem.
 The surface tension (T) of a liquid is defined as reduces and the dirt get removed. 60. Two streamlines cannot cross each other. Why?
the energy per unit area of the surface of a  A fabric can be made water proof, by adding  If two streamlines cross each other, the particles
liquid. [ T = ] suitable water proof material (wax). This of liquid at the point of intersection will have two
increases angle of contact. different directions of flow, which will destroy
 Its S.I unit is 𝑵 𝒎−𝟏 and its dimension is 𝑀 𝑇 −2
55. State Bernoulli’s theorem. the steady nature of the liquid flow.
50. Define angle of contact.
 According to Bernoulli’s theorem, the sum of 61. What happens to the pressure inside a soap
 The angle between the tangent to the liquid
pressure energy, kinetic energy and potential bubble when air is blown into it?
surface at the point of contact and the solid
energy per unit mass of an incompressible, non-  When air is blown in to the soap bubble, the
surface inside the liquid is known as the angle of
viscous fluid in a streamlined flow remains a radius of the bubble is increased.
contact () between the solid and the liquid.
constant.  So that the excess pressure inside it decreases.
 For wetting agents (water - plastic interface), 𝑷 𝟏 𝟐 62. A drop of oil placed on the surface of water
angle of contact will be acute. + 𝒗 + 𝒈 𝒉 = 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕
𝝆 𝟐 spreads out. But a drop of water place on oil
 For non wetting surface (water - leaf interface), contracts to a spherical shape. Why?
56. Why the roof of hut or house is blown off during
angle of contact will be obtuse.
wind storm?  A drop of oil placed on the surface of water
51. Give the practical application of angle of contact.
 In olden days, the roofs of huts or houses were spreads because the force of adhesion between
 Soaps and detergents are wetting agents. When water and oil molecules dominates the cohesive
designed with a slope.
the added to water, they try to minimize the force of oil molecules.
angle of contact and penetrate well in the cloths  During cyclonic condition, the roof is blown off
without damaging the other parts of the house.  But drop of water placed on the surface of oil
and remove the dirt.
 According to Bernoulli’s principle the high wind contracts to a spherical shape because, the
 When water proof paints are coated on the outer cohesive force of water molecules dominates the
side of the building, it will enhance the angle of blowing over the roof creates a low pressure and
under the roof the pressure is greater. adhesive force between water and oil molecules.
Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 6
UNIT - 8 HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS 6. State Boyle’s law.
 When the gas is kept at constant temperature,
63. Why coffee runs up into a sugar lump (a small 1. What is meant by heat? the pressure of the gas is inversely proportional
cube of sugar) when one corner of the sugar lump 𝟏
 When an object at higher temperature is placed to the volume ( 𝑷 ∝ )
is held in the liquid? in contact with another object at lower
7. State Charles law.
 Due to capillarity action of the liquid, the coffee temperature, there will be a spontaneous flow of
 When the gas is kept at constant pressure, the
runs up into the pores of sugar lump. energy from the object at higher temperature to
volume of the gas is directly proportional to
64. Why two holes are made to empty an oil tin? one at lower temperature.
absolute temperature 𝑽 ∝ 𝑻 )
 When oil comes out from a hole of an oil tin,  This energy in transit is called heat.
8. Define a mole.
pressure inside it decreased than the 2. An object has more heat or less heat. Is this
 One mole of any substance is the amount of that
atmospheric pressure. statement is correct or not?
substance which contains Avogadro’s number
 So the surrounding air rushes in to the oil tin  His statement is meaningless. Because heat is not
𝑁𝐴 = 6.626 𝑋1023 𝑚𝑜𝑙 −1 of atoms or molecules
through the same hole which prevents the oil to a quantity but it is an energy in transit.
9. Define Avogadro’s number.
come out.  In other word, heat is the energy in transit but
 The Avogadro’s number is defined as the number
 Hence two holes are made to empty the oil tin. not energy stored in the body.
of carbon atoms contained in exactly 12 g of C12
65. We can cut vegetables easily with a sharp knife as 3. What is meant by work? Explain with example.
𝑁𝐴 = 6.626 𝑋1023 𝑚𝑜𝑙 −1
compared to a blunt knife. Why?  Like heat, work is not a quantity but energy in 10. Define heat capacity.
 The contact area of vegetable with sharp knife is transit.
 Heat capacity of a substance is defined as the
less than the blunt knife.  For example, when we rub our hands against amount of heat energy required to raise the
 So the stress produced on the vegetables by the each other, work has done and the temperature
temperature of a substance by 1 K or 1 C
sharp knife is higher than the blunt knife. of the hand increases due to this work.
 The S.I unit of heat capacity is 𝐽 𝐾 −1
 Thus the vegetables can be cut easily with sharp  Now if we place our hands on the chin, its
11. Define Specific heat capacity.
knife. temperature increases, because heat is transfer
 Specific Heat capacity of a substance is defined as
66. Why the passengers are advised to remove the from our hand to chin.
the amount of heat energy required to raise the
ink from their pens while going up in an  Thus temperature of the system increases either
temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1 K or 1 C
aeroplane? by doing work on the system or heat energy
 The S.I unit of heat capacity is 𝐽 𝐾𝑔−1 𝐾 −1
 We know that atmospheric pressure decreases transfer to the system.
12. Water is used as coolant in nuclear reactor. Why?
with altitude. 4. Explain the concept of temperature.
 Water has the highest value of specific heat
 When an aeroplane ascends, due to the decrease  Temperature is the degree of hotness or coolness
capacity (𝒔 = 4186 𝐽 𝐾𝑔−1 𝐾 −1 ). Hence increase
of pressure the ink from the pen will leak out. of a body.
 So the passengers are adviced to remove the ink  Hot body has high temperature. Hence in temperature of water will be slow
from their pens while going up in the aeroplane. temperature determines the direction of heat  So Water is used as a coolant in power stations
67. We use straw to suck soft drinks. Why? flow when two bodies are in thermal contact. and reactors.
 When we suck the soft drinks through the straw,  The S.I unit of temperature is Kelvin (K) and 13. Define molar specific heat capacity.
the pressure inside the straw becomes less than temperature is measured using thermometer.  Molar specific heat capacity is defined as heat
the atmospheric pressure. 5. Give the various system of units for measuring energy required to increase the temperature of
 Due to the pressure difference, the soft drink temperature. one mole of substance by 1 K or 1 C
rises in the straw.  The S.I. unit of temperature is Kelvin (K)  The S.I unit of molar specific heat capacity is
 In practice Celsius (C), Fahrenheit (F) units are 𝐽 𝑚𝑜𝑙−1 𝐾 −1
also used for measuring temperature. 14. What is called thermal expansion?
 Following relation is used to convert  Thermal expansion is the tendency of matter to
temperature from one scale to other scale. change in shape, area, and volume due to a
℉ − 𝟑𝟐 change in temperature.
𝐂 = 𝐊 − 𝟐𝟕𝟑. 𝟏𝟓 =
𝟏. 𝟖

Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 7
15. Give the relation between linear expansion, area 23. State Prevost theory of heat exchange.  The humans evolved under the Sun by receiving
expansion and volume expansion.  Prevost theory states that all bodies emit thermal its radiations. So the human eye is sensitive only
 Linear expansion ; = 𝛼𝐿 ∆𝑇 radiation at all temperatures above absolute zero in the visible part of the spectrum.
∆𝐴 ∆𝐿 irrespective of the nature of the surroundings. 28. What are the types of thermodynamic system.
 Area expansion ; = 𝛼𝐴 ∆𝑇 = 2 𝛼𝐿 ∆𝑇 = 2  (i.e.) all bodies radiates energy, but hot bodies 1) Open system :
 Volume expansion;
= 𝛼𝑉 ∆𝑇 = 3 𝛼𝐿 ∆𝑇 = 3
∆𝐿 radiates more heat than cooler bodies.  It can exchange both matter and energy with
𝑉 𝐿𝑂 24. State Stefan Boltzmann law . the environment
 Hence the relation is,  Stefan Boltzmann law states that, the total  (e.g.) Water boiled in open vessel
𝜶 𝑳 ∶ 𝜶𝑨 ∶ 𝜶𝑽 = 𝜶𝑳 ∶ 𝟐 𝜶𝑳 ∶ 𝟑 𝜶𝑳 = 1 : 2 : 3 amount of heat radiated per second per unit area 2) Closed system :
16. Define Latent heat capacity. Give its unit. of a black body is directly proportional to the  It can exchange energy but not matter with
 Latent heat capacity (L) of a substance is defined fourth power of its absolute temperature. the environment.
as the amount of heat energy required to change 𝑬 ∝ 𝑻𝟒 𝑜𝑟 𝑬 = 𝝇 𝑻𝟒  (e.g.) Water boiled in closed vessel
the state of a unit mass of the material.  where 𝜍 = 5.67 𝑋 10 W m−2 K −4 −→ Stefan
3) Isolated system :
 The S.I. unit of latent heat capacity is J kg-1 constant  It can exchange neither energy nor matter
17. Define Latent heat of fusion. 25. Define emissivity of surface. with the environment
 The latent heat for a solid - liquid state change is  Emissivity (e) is defined as the ratio of the  (e.g.) Boiled water in thermos flask
called the latent heat of fusion (Lf) energy radiated from a material’s surface to that 29. Define thermodynamic variables. Give its types.
18. Define Latent heat of vaporization. radiated from a perfectly black body at the same  In thermodynamics, the state of a
 The latent heat for a liquid - gas state change is temperature and wavelength. thermodynamic system is represented by a set of
called the latent heat of vaporization (Lv) 26. State Wien’s displacement law. variables called thermodynamic variables.
19. Define Latent heat of sublimation.  Wien’s law states that, the wavelength of  The values of these variables completely describe
 The latent heat for a solid - gas state change is maximum intensity of emission of a black body the equilibrium state of a thermodynamic
called the latent heat of sublimation (Ls) radiation 𝜆𝑚 is inversely proportional to the system.
20. Define triple point. absolute temperature (T) of the black body. (e.g.) Pressure, temperature, volume, internal
 The triple point of a substance is the temperature 𝟏 𝒃 energy etc.,
and pressure at which the three phases (gas, 𝝀𝒎 ∝ 𝑜𝑟 𝝀𝒎 =
𝑻 𝑻  There are two types of thermodynamic variables.
liquid and solid) of that substance coexist in  Where, 𝑏 = 2.898 𝑋 10−3 m K −→ Wien’s 1. Extensive variables : It depends on the size
thermodynamic equilibrium. constant or mass of the system.
 The triple point of water is at 273.1 K and a  If temperature increases, the maximum intensity (e.g.) Volume, total mass, entropy, internal
partial vapour pressure of 611.657 Pa wavelength displaces towards lower wavelength energy, heat capacity
21. State Newton’s law of cooling. (higher frequency) of electromagnetic spectrum. 2. Intensive variables : It do not depends on the
 Newton’s law of cooling states that the rate of Hence the name displacement law. size or mass of the system.
loss of heat of a body is directly proportional to 27. Why our eye is sensitive to only visible (e.g.) Temperature, pressure, specific heat
the difference in the temperature between that wavelength (in the range 400 nm - 700 nm) capacity, density,
body and its surroundings.  According to Wien’s law, 30. What are called process variables?
22. Define coefficient of thermal conductivity. 𝒃  Heat and work are not state variables and they
 The quantity of heat transferred through a unit 𝝀𝒎 = − − − − − − − (𝟏)
𝑻 are called process variables.
length of a material in a direction normal to unit  Consider the Sun as a black body. Its surface 31. Define equation of state. Give example.
surface area due to a unit temperature difference temperature is about 5700 K. Then,  The equation which connects the state variables
under steady state conditions is known as 2.898 𝑋 10−3 in a specific manner is called equation of state.
thermal conductivity of a material. 𝝀𝒎 = ≈ 𝟓𝟎𝟖 𝒏𝒎
5700  (e.g.) Ideal gas equation : 𝑷 𝑽 = 𝑵 𝒌 𝑻
 The S.I.unit of thermal conductivity is J s-1 m-1 K-1  Since the Sun’s temperature is around 5700 K,
(or) W m-1 K-1 the spectrum of radiations emitted by the Sun lie
between 400 nm to 700 nm which is the visible
part of the spectrum.

Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 8
32. State zeroth law of thermodynamics. Give its 36. Did Joule converted mechanical energy to heat floor and carper are at the same room
application. energy? Explain. temperature. It is because the tiled floor
 The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if  Before Joule, heat was considered as a kind of transfers the heat energy to your skin at higher
two systems “A” and “B” are in thermal fluid called caloric and heat was treated as a rate than the carpet.
equilibrium with a third system “C” then “A” and quantity. (i.e.) hot object contains more caloric 41. Define quasi - static process.
“B” are in thermal equilibrium with each other. fluid and the cold object contains less caloric  A quasi-static process is an infinitely slow
Application of zeroth law of thermodynamics : fluid. process in which the system changes its variable
 Zeroth law enables us to determine the  But after Joule’s experiment results, we (P, V, T) so slowly such that it remains in thermal,
temperature. understand that heat is not a quantity but it is mechanical and chemical equilibrium with its
 For example, when a thermometer is kept in and energy in transit. surroundings throughout.
contact with a human body, it reaches thermal  So the word “mechanical equivalent of heat is  By this infinite slow variation, the system is
equilibrium with the body and hence the wrong terminology”, because mechanical energy always almost close to equilibrium state.
temperature of the thermometer will be same as is a quantity. 42. What is called PV diagram?
the human body, so that we find the body  So the correct word is “Joule’s mechanical  PV diagram is a graph between pressure P and
temperature. equivalent of internal energy”. volume V of the system.
33. What is called internal energy.  Thus Joule convert mechanical energy in to  PV diagram is used to calculate the amount of
 The energy due to molecular motion including internal energy. work done by the gas during expansion or on the
translational, rotational and vibrational motion is 37. State first law of thermodynamics. gas during compression.
called internal kinetic energy (𝐸𝐾 )  First law of thermodynamics states that ‘change  In PV diagram, the area under the PV diagram
 The energy due to molecular interaction is called in internal energy (∆𝑈) of the system is equal to will give the work done during expansion or
internal potential energy (𝐸𝑝 ) heat supplied to the system (Q) minus the work compression.
 Hence the sum of the internal kinetic and done by the system (W) on the surroundings’. 43. Define Specificheat capacity at constant pressure.
potential energies of all the molecules of the  That is, ∆𝑼 = 𝑸 − 𝑾  The amount of heat energy required to raise the
system with respect to the center of mass of the  This law is the statement of law of conservation temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1 K or 1C
system is called the internal energy (U) of a of energy. by keeping the pressure constant is called
thermodynamic system. (i.e.) 𝑼 = 𝑬𝑲 + 𝑬𝑷 38. How the internal energy of a thermodynamic specific heat capacity at constant pressure (SP)
 Internal energy is a state variable which system can be changed? 44. Define Specific heat capacity at constant volume.
depends only on the initial and final states of the Heat flows into the system Internal energy increases  The amount of heat energy required to raise the
thermodynamic system. Heat flows out of the system Internal energy decreases temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1 K or 1C
34. Are internal energy and heat energy are the Work is done on the system Internal energy increases by keeping the volume constant is called specific
same? Explain. Work is done by the system Internal energy decreases heat capacity at constant volume (SV)
 No. The internal energy and heat energy are not 39. Give the sign convention for Q and W. 45. Explain why the specific heat capacity at constant
same. System gains heat Q is positive pressure is greater than the specific heat capacity
 Because, Internal energy is a extensive variable System loses heat Q is negative at constant volume?
which depends on the size or mass of the system. Work done on the system W is negative  If the pressure is kept constant, part of the given
That is any object will have either larger or Work done by the system W is positive heat energy is used for doing work (expansion)
smaller internal energy. 40. Can we use our sensory organ (by touching) to and the remaining part is used to increase the
 But Heat is not a state variable and it is a process determine the temperature of an object? internal energy of the gas.
variable. That is heat is the energy in transit but  When we touch on object, our skin measures the  If the volume is kept constant, then the given
not energy stored in the body rate of heat energy transfer, but not the actual heat is used to increase only the internal energy.
35. Define one calorie (1 cal) temperature of the object. No work is done by the gas.
 The heat energy required to raise the  For example, when we stand bare feet with one  It implies that to increase the temperature of the
temperature of 1 gram of water by 1C is defined foot on the carpet and the other on the tiled floor, gas at constant volume requires less heat than
as 1 calorie (1 cal) our foot on the tiled floor feels cooler than the increasing the temperature of the gas at constant
 1 cal = 4.186 J foot on the carpet even though both the tiled pressure. Hence SP > SV

Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 9
46. Define molar specific heat capacity at constant 53. What is called reversible process? 60. Define second law of thermodynamics on the basis
pressure.  A thermodynamic process can be considered of entropy.
 The amount of heat energy required to raise the reversible only if it possible to retrace the path in  For all the processes that occur in nature
temperature of 1 mole of a substance by 1 K or the opposite direction in such a way that the (irreversible process) the entropy always
1C by keeping the pressure constant is called system and surroundings pass through the same increases.
molar specific heat capacity at constant pressure states as in the initial, direct process.  For reversible process entropy will not change.
(CP) (e.g.) A quasi-static isothermal expansion of gas,  Entropy determines the direction in which natural
47. Define molar Specific heat capacity at constant slow compression and expansion of the spring. process should occur.
volume. 54. What is called irreversible process? 61. What is called Carnot engine.
 The amount of heat energy required to raise the  The process occurs in only one direction is called  A reversible heat engine operating in a cycle
temperature of 1 mole of a substance by 1 K or irreversible process. between two temperatures in a particular way is
1C by keeping the volume constant is called  All natural process are irreversible . called a Carnot engine.
molar specific heat capacity at constant volume  Irreversible process cannot be plotted in a PV 62. State Carnot’s theorem.
(CV) diagram.  Between two constant temperatures reservoirs,
48. Define isothermal process. 55. What are the conditions for reversible process? only Carnot engine can have maximum efficiency.
 The process in which the temperature remains  The process should proceed at an extremely slow All real heat engines will have efficiency less than
constant, but the pressure and volume of a rate. the Carnot engine.
thermodynamic system will change is called  The system should remain in mechanical. 63. Define Coefficient of performance (COP).
isothermal process. thermal and chemical equilibrium state at all the  Coefficient of performance (COP) is defined as the
 The equation of state for isothermal process is times with the surroundings during the process. ratio of heat extracted from the cold body (sink) to
P V = constant  No dissipative forces such as friction, viscosity, the external work done (W) by the compressor
49. Define adiabatic process. electrical resistance should be present. 𝑸𝑳
𝑪𝑶𝑷 = 𝜷 =
 The process in which no heat flows into or out of 56. State Clausius form of second law of 𝑾
the system is called adiabatic process. thermodynamics.  It is the measure of efficiency of refrigerator.
 But the pressure, volume and temperature of the  Heat always flows from hotter object to colder 64. Can the given heat energy be completely converted
system may change in an adiabatic process. object spontaneously. This is known as the to work in a cyclic process? If not when can the
 The equation of state for adiabatic process is Clausius form of second law of thermodynamics. heat can completely converted to work?
𝑷 𝑽𝜸 = 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 57. What is called heat engine?  No. In cyclic process, the given heat energy is not
50. Define isobaric process.  Heat engine is a device which takes heat as input completely converted to work. Because Second
 The thermodynamic process which occurs at and converts this heat in to work by undergoing a law of thermodynamics implies that “in cyclic
constant pressure is called isobaric process. cyclic process. process only a portion of the heat absorbed is
 The equation of state for isobaric process is 58. State Kelvin - Plank statement of second law of converted in to work”.
𝝁𝑹 thermodynamics.  But in an isothermal process, the given heat is
𝑽= 𝑻 = 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝑻 completely converted in to work.
𝑷  It is impossible to construct a heat engine that
51. Define isochoric process. operates in a cycle, whose sole effect is to convert 65. Why does heat flow from a hot object to a cold
 The thermodynamic process which occurs at the heat completely in to work. object?
constant volume is called isochoric process.  It implies that no heat engine in the universe can  Because entropy increases when heat flows from
 The equation of state for isochoric process is have 100% efficiency. hot object to cold object.
𝝁𝑹 59. Define entropy.  If heat were to flow from a cold to a hot object,
𝑷= 𝑻 = 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝑻 𝑄 entropy will decrease leading to violation of
𝑽  The quantity is called entropy. It is a very
𝑇 second law of thermodynamics.
52. Define cyclic process.
important thermodynamic property of a system.
 The thermodynamic process in which the system
 Entropy is also called ‘measure of disorder’
returns to its initial state after undergoing a
series of changes is called cyclic process.  All natural process occur such that the disorder
should always increases.
 Since the system returns to its initial state, the
change in internal energy is zero.
Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 10
66. If the piston of a container is pushed fast inward. 70. Define coefficient of linear expansion. Give its unit.
Will the ideal gas equation be valid in the  The coefficient of linear expansion is defined as
intermediate stage? If not why? the fractional change in length per small change in 1. What is the microscopic origin of pressure?
 No. Ideal gas equation is not valid for this case. temperature.  As the molecules of the gas are in random motion,
 Because Ideal gas equation is only valid for ∆𝑳 they collides with each other and also with the
𝜶𝑳 =
equilibrium state. 𝐿𝑂 ∆𝑻 walls of the container.
 When the piston is pushed fast inward, it goes to  Its unit is  C-1 (or) K-1  During each collision, they impart certain
non - equilibrium state, in which we cannot 71. Define coefficient of area expansion. Give its unit. momentum on the wall and hence the walls
determine pressure, temperature or internal  The coefficient of area expansion is defined as the experience a continuous force.
energy by using ideal gas equation. fractional change in area per small change in  The force experienced per unit area of the walls of
67. All reversible processes are quasi-static, but all temperature. the container determines the pressure exerted by
quasi-static processes need not to be reversible. ∆𝑨 the gas.
Explain with example. 𝜶𝑨 = 2. What is the microscopic origin of temperature?
 When we push the piston very slowly (i.e.)  Its unit is  C-1 (or) K-1  Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness.
quasi-static process, due to the friction between 72. Define coefficient of volume expansion. Give its  But according to kinetic theory, the temperature
the cylinder wall and the piston some amount of unit. of a gas is a measure of the average translational
energy is lost to the surroundings, which cannot  The coefficient of volume expansion is defined as kinetic energy per molecule of the gas.
be retrieved back. the fractional change in volume per small change  The average kinetic energy of the molecule is
 Though it is quasi-static process, it is not in temperature. directly proportional to absolute temperature of
reversible. ∆𝑽 the gas.
68. During the day, sun rays warm up the land more 𝜶𝑽 = 3. Define root mean square speed.
quickly than the sea water, but during the night  Its unit is  C-1 (or) K-1  Root mean square speed is defined as the square
time it is vice versa. Why? root of the mean of the square of speeds of all
 Land has less specific heat capacity than water. molecules.
 During the day, the air above the land becomes
3𝑘𝑇 𝑘𝑇
less dense due to expansion and rises. At the same 𝑣𝑟𝑚𝑠 = 𝑣2 = = 1.732
time the air above the sea flows to land and it is 𝑚 𝑚
called ‘sea breeze’. 4. What are the information obtained from the
 During the night, the air molecules above the sea equation of root mean square speed (𝒗𝒓𝒎𝒔 )
are warmer than the air molecules above the land.  RMS speed is directly proportional to square root
So the cooler air molecules from the land replace of the temperature and inversely proportional of
the air molecules above the sea. It is called mass of the molecule.
‘land breeze’.  At a given temperature, the lighter molecules
69. How does the water kept in an earthen pot become move faster than the heavier molecules.
cool during summer? Does the earthen pot act as a  Increasing the temperature will increase the
refrigerator? RMS speed of the molecules.
 Cooling of water in a pot happens due to 5. Why the Moon has no atmosphere?
evaporation of water molecules through the pores  The escape speed of gases on the surface of Moon
of the pot by taking heat energy from the water is much less than the root mean square speeds of
inside the pot. gases due to low gravity.
 No. The pot does not act as a refrigerator. Because  Due to this all the gases escape from the surface of
cyclic process is necessary for heat engine or the Moon.
refrigerator. In earthen pot, the cooling process is 6. Why there is no hydrogen in Earth’s atmosphere?
not due to any cyclic process.  As the root mean square speed of hydrogen is
much less than that of nitrogen, it easily escapes
from the earth’s atmosphere.
Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 11
7. Define mean or average speed. 2) If the system has “q” number of constraints, then  Between two successive collisions, a molecule
 The mean speed or average speed is defined as the the degrees of freedom is ; 𝒇 = 𝟑 𝑵 − 𝒒 moves along a straight path with uniform
mean or average of all the speeds of molecules. 11. Give the degrees of freedom for mono atomic velocity.
molecule.  The average distance travelled by the molecule
8𝑅𝑇 8𝑘𝑇 𝑘𝑇 Low High
𝑣= = = 1.60 Type of molecule between collision is called mean free path ()
𝜋𝑀 𝜋𝑚 𝑚 temperature temperature 16. What are the factors affecting the mean free path?
8. Define most probable speed . Mono Traslational 3 3  Mean free path increases with increasing
 Most probable speed is defined as the speed atomic Rotational 0 0 temperature. 𝜆 ∝ 𝑇
acquired by most of the molecules of the gas. (He, Ne, Ar) Vibrational 0 0  Mean free path increases with decreasing
Total Degrees of freedom f =3 f =3 pressure and diameter of the gas molecule
2𝑅𝑇 2𝑘𝑇 𝑘𝑇
𝑣𝑀𝑃 = = = 1.414 12. Give the degrees of freedom for Diatomic 1
𝑀 𝑚 𝑚 molecule. 𝜆 ∝ 𝑃𝑑
9. Compare RMS speed, mean speed and most probable Low High 17. Why odor from an open perfume bottle takes
Type of molecule temperature temperature
speed. some time to reach us even if we are closer to the
 The root mean square speed is Traslational 3 3 room?
Rotational 2 2  The time delay is because the odor of the
3𝑅𝑇 3𝑘𝑇 𝑘𝑇 (H2, N2, O2 )
𝑣𝑟𝑚𝑠 = = = 1.732 Vibrational 0 2 molecules cannot travel straight to us as it
𝑀 𝑚 𝑚 Total Degrees of freedom f =5 f =7 undergoes a lot of collisions with the nearby air
 The Average or Mean speed is 13. Give the degrees of freedom for Triatomic molecules and moves in a zigzag path.
molecule. 18. Increase the temperature of diatomic gas
8𝑅𝑇 8𝑘𝑇 𝑘𝑇
𝑣= = = 1.60 Low High molecules by 1C require more heat energy than
𝜋𝑀 𝜋𝑚 𝑚 Type of molecule temperature temperature mono atomic molecules. Why?
 The Most probable speed is Linear Traslational 3 3  For mono atomic molecules,
Tri atomic Rotational 2 2 𝟓 𝟑
2𝑅𝑇 2𝑘𝑇 𝑘𝑇 (CO2) Vibrational 0 2 𝑪𝑷 = 𝑹 & 𝑪𝑽 = 𝑹
𝑣𝑀𝑃 = = = 1.414 𝟐 𝟐
𝑀 𝑚 𝑚 Total Degrees of freedom f =5 f =7  For diatomic molecules,
𝟖 Non - Linear Traslational 3 3 𝟕 𝟓
 Hence, 𝒗𝒓𝒎𝒔 ∶ 𝒗 ∶ 𝒗𝑴𝑷 = 𝟑 ∶ ∶ 𝟐 𝑪𝑷 = 𝑹 & 𝑪𝑽 = 𝑹
𝝅 Tri atomic Rotational 3 3 𝟐 𝟐
𝒐𝒓 𝒗𝒓𝒎𝒔 ∶ 𝒗 ∶ 𝒗𝑴𝑷 = 𝟏. 𝟕𝟑𝟐 ∶ 𝟏. 𝟔𝟎 ∶ 𝟏. 𝟒𝟏𝟒 (H2O, SO2) Vibrational 0 0  Thus 𝑪𝑷 and 𝑪𝑽 are higher for diatomic
10. What is degree of freedom? Give examples Total Degrees of freedom f =6 f =6 molecules than the mono atomic molecules.
 The minimum number of independent coordinates 19. Why the smell of hot sizzling food reaches several
14. State law of equipartition of energy.
to specify the position and configuration of a meter away than smell of cold food?
 According to kinetic theory, the average kinetic
thermodynamic system in space is called the  Because mean free path increases with
energy of system of molecules in thermal
degree of freedom of the system. equilibrium at temperature “T” is uniformly increasing temperature (𝜆 ∝ 𝑇)
Examples for degree of freedom : distributed by to all degrees of freedom (′𝑥′ or ′𝑦′  As the temperature increases, the average speed
 A free particle moving along x - axis (one or ′𝑧′ directions of motion). of each molecule will increase.
dimension) needs only one coordinate to specify it  So that each degree of freedom will get 20. Define Brownian motion.
completely. So it has one degree of freedom. 1  Robert Brown reported that grains of pollen
 A particle moving over a plane (two dimension)
𝑘 𝑇 " of energy. This is called law of suspended in a liquid moves randomly from one
has two degree of freedom. equipartition of energy. place to other.
 A particle moving in space (three dimension) has 15. What is mean free path?  The random (zigzag path) motion of pollen
three degree of freedom.  According to kinetic theory, the molecules of a suspended in a liquid is called Brownian motion.
Note : gas are in random motion and they collide with 21. What is the reason for Brownian motion?
1) If we have N number of gas molecules in the each other.  According to kinetic theory, any particle
container, then the total number of degrees of suspended in a liquid or gas is continuously
freedom is ; 𝒇 = 𝟑 𝑵 bombarded from all the directions so that the
Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 12
mean free path is almost negligible. This leads to UNIT - 10 0SCILLATIONS 6. What is the importance of Force - Displacement
the Brownian motion. graph?
22. What are the factors affecting the Brownian 1. Differentiate periodic and non - periodic motion.  The graph between cause (force) and effect
motion? Periodic motion Non -periodic motion (displacement) is a straight line passing through
 Brownian motion increases with increasing 1) Any motion which 1) Any motion which second and fourth quadrant.
temperature. repeats itself in a fixed does not repeat itself 1
 The slope of this graph gives from which
 Brownian motion decreases with bigger particle time interval is known after a regular 𝑘
size, high viscosity of the liquid (or) gas. as periodic motion interval of time is value of force constant “k” can be calculated.
23. State Boyle’s law. known as non - 7. Define displacement of the vibrating particle.
 When temperature remains constant, the periodic motion  The distance travelled by the vibrating particle at
pressure of a given gas is inversely proportional 2) (e.g.) the revolution of 2) (e.g.) Occurrence of any instant of time from its mean position is
to its volume. This is Boyle’s law the earth around the Earth quake, eruption known as displacement.
24. State Charles’ law. Sun, waxing and of volcano etc., 𝒚 = 𝑨 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝝎𝒕
 For a fixed pressure, the volume of the gas is waning of Moon, hands 8. Define amplitude of the vibrating particle.
proportional to internal energy of the gas or in pendulum clock,  The maximum displacement from the mean
average kinetic energy of the gas and the average swing of a cradle etc., position is known as amplitude (A) of the
kinetic energy is directly proportional to 2. Define oscillatory motion. vibrating particle.
absolute temperature. This is Charles’ law.  When an object or a particle moves back and 9. Define velocity.
25. State Avogadro’s law forth repeatedly for some duration of time its  Velocity is defined as rate of change of
 This law states that at constant temperature and motion is said to be oscillatory or vibratory displacement.
pressure, equal volumes of all gases contain the motion. 𝒅𝒚
𝒗= = 𝝎 𝑨 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝝎𝒕 = 𝝎 𝑨𝟐 − 𝒚𝟐
same number of molecules.  (e.g.) Heart beat, Pendulum clock, swinging 𝒅𝒕
motion of the wings of an insect. 10. Define acceleration.
3. All the oscillatory motions are periodic, whereas  Acceleration is defined as rate of change of
all periodic motions need not be oscillatory. velocity.
Explain. 𝒅𝒗
𝒂= = − 𝝎𝟐 𝑨 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝝎𝒕 = − 𝝎𝟐 𝒚
 The oscillatory motion of simple pendulum, heart 𝒅𝒕
beat, etc., are periodic motion. 11. Define time period.
 But the periodic motions like motion of Earth  The time period (T) is defined as the time taken
around the Sun, waxing - waning of Moon etc., do by a particle to complete one oscillation.
not have to and fro motion (i.e.) oscillatory 𝑻=
motion. 𝝎
12. Define frequency.
4. Define simple harmonic motion (SHM).
 The number of oscillation produced by the
 SHM is a special type of oscillatory motion in
particle per second is called frequency (f).
which the acceleration or force on the particle is 𝟏
directly proportional to its displacement from a 𝒇=
fixed point and is always directed towards that 𝑻
 Its S.I. unit is s-1 or hertz (Hz)
fixed point
13. Define angular frequency. Give its unit.
(or)  The number of cycles or revolutions per second
 The SHM can also be defined as the motion of the is called angular frequency (𝜔)
projection of a particle on any diameter of a 𝟐𝝅
circle of reference. 𝝎= =𝟐𝝅𝒇
5. Define force constant.  Its S.I. unit is rad s-1
 Force constant is defined as force per unit length.
 Its unit is N m-1

Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 13
14. Define phase. Give its unit. 19. If the spring is cut in to two pieces, what is the spring Example :
 The phase () of a vibrating particle at any constant of that two species?  The oscillations of pendulum in the clock
instant completely specifies the state of the  The spring constant is inversely proportional to getting energy from a battery
particle. (i.e.) the position and direction of 1  The vibrations of tuning fork getting energy
the length of the spring. (i.e.) 𝑘 ∝
motion of the particle at that instant. 𝑙 from external power supply
𝝋 = 𝝎𝒕 + 𝝋𝒐  If 𝑙1 and 𝑙2 be length of the two pieces 23. What is forced oscillation? Give example.
 Its S.I. unit is radian (rad) respectively, then 𝑙1 = 𝑛 𝑙2  Any oscillator driven by an external periodic
15. What is epoch.  So the spring constant of first length is, source to overcome the damping is called forced
 The phase of the vibrating particle at time t = 0 𝒌 (𝒏 + 𝟏) oscillator.
𝒌𝟏 =
is called epoch or initial phase (𝝋𝒐 ). 𝒏  In this type, the body initially execute oscillations
 Its S.I. unit is radian (rad)  The spring constant of second length is, with its natural frequency and due to the
16. What is phase difference? 𝒌𝟐 = 𝒌 (𝒏 + 𝟏) presence of external periodic force the body later
 Let two particles executing harmonic motions 20. What is free oscillation? Give the example. oscillates with the frequency of the applied
and their equations are,  When the oscillator is allowed to oscillate about periodic force.
𝑦1 = 𝐴 sin 𝜔𝑡 + 𝜑1 & 𝑦2 = 𝐴 sin 𝜔𝑡 + 𝜑2 its mean position, it oscillate with its natural  Such oscillations are known as forced
 Then the phase difference is given by, frequency. Such oscillations are called free oscillations.
∆𝜑 = 𝜔𝑡 + 𝜑2 − 𝜔𝑡 + 𝜑1 = 𝝋𝟐 − 𝝋𝟏 oscillation or free vibration. Example :
17. Compare the simple harmonic motion and Example :  Sound boards of stringed instruments
angular harmonic motion.  Vibration of tuning fork 24. What is resonance? Give example and uses
Simple harmonic motion Angular harmonic motion  Vibration of stretched string  When the frequency of external periodic force
1) It is measured in terms 1. It is measured in terms  Oscillations of simple pendulum matches with the natural frequency of the
of linear displacement of angular displacement  Oscillations of spring-mass system vibrating body, then the body begins to vibrate
𝑟 𝜃 21. What is damped oscillations. Give example with maximum amplitude.
2) Linear Acceleration of 2. Angular acceleration of  If an oscillator moves in a resistive medium, its  Such a phenomenon is known as resonance and
the particle is the particle is amplitude goes on decreasing and the energy of the corresponding vibrations are known as
𝒂=−𝝎 𝒓 𝟐 𝟐 the oscillator decreases gradually indicating the resonance vibrations.
𝜶= −𝝎 𝜽
3) Force, 𝑭 = 𝒎 𝒂 loss of energy and hence the oscillation is not Example :
3. Torque, 𝝉 = 𝑰 𝜶
4) Restoring force, sustained.  The breaking of glass due to sound
4. Restoring torque,
 This energy lost is absorbed by the surrounding Uses :
𝑭 = −𝒌 𝒓 𝝉= −𝜿 𝜽 medium.  The concept of resonance is used in Tuning
5) Angular frequency, 5. Angular frequency,  This type of oscillation is called damped of channel in a radio or TV circuits
𝒌 𝒌 oscillation and the damping force (resistive force)  In Sonometer, using resonance the frequency
𝝎= 𝝎= is proportional to the velocity.
𝐦 𝐈 of tuning fork can be determined
Example : 25. Soldiers are not allowed to march on a hanging
18. What is flexibility constant or compliance? Give  Oscillations of the pendulum in air or oil filled
its unit. bridge. Why?
container.  This is to avoid resonant vibration of the bridge.
 The reciprocal of stiffness constant (k) is called  Electromagnetic oscillations in a tank circuit
flexibility constant or compliance.  When the soldiers march on the bridge, their
 Oscillations in a dead beat and ballistic stepping frequency may match the natural
 Its unit is N m -1
galvanometers. frequency of the bridge.
 The net compliance, if “n” springs are connected 22. What is maintained oscillation? Give example.
𝒏  If it happens, the bridge will vibrate with larger
 By supplying energy from an external source to amplitude due to resonance.
𝒊 𝒊𝒏 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 ∶ 𝑪𝒔 = 𝑪𝒊
the damped oscillator, the amplitude of the  This may collapse the bridge.
𝒏 oscillation can be made constant.
𝟏 𝟏  Such oscillations are known as maintained
𝒊𝒊 𝒊𝒏 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒍 ∶ =
𝑪𝒑 𝑪𝒊 oscillations.

Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 14
UNIT - 11 WAVES For longitudinal waves. the distance between 15. Give the velocity of transverse waves in stretched
two neighbouring compressions or rarefactions string.
1. Define wave or wave motion. is known as the wavelength ().  The velocity of transverse waves in stretched
 The disturbance which carries energy and  The S.I. unit of wavelength is metre (m) string is given by,
momentum from one point in space to another 7. Define time period. 𝑇
point in space without the transfer of the  Time period (T) is defined as the time taken by 𝑣=
medium is known as a wave. 𝜇
one wave to cross a point.
2. What are the properties of wave motion.  The S.I. unit of time period is second (s)  The velocity of the string is,
 For the propagation of wave, the medium must 8. Define frequency. 1) directly proportional to the square root of
possess both inertia and elasticity.  Frequency ()is defined as number of waves tension force (T)
 In the given medium, the velocity of a wave is a crossing a point per second. 2) inversely proportional to the square root of
constant. But the constituent particles in that  The S.I unit of frequency is hertz (Hz) linear mass density ()
medium move with different velocities at 9. Obtain the relation between frequency and 3) Independent of the shape of the waves
different positions. Velocity is maximum at their wavelength. 16. Give the velocity of longitudinal waves in an
mean position and zero at extreme positions.  Frequency is inversely proportional to elastic medium.
 Waves undergo reflections, refraction, wavelength. (i.e.)  The velocity of longitudinal waves in elastic
interference, diffraction and polarization. 𝑓 ∝
𝑜𝑟 𝑓  = constant medium is given by,
3. What are the types of wave motion? Give 
 Using dimensional analysis, the constant can be 𝐸
example. 𝑣=
1) Mechanical wave : determined as follows. 𝜌
 Waves which require a medium for  The dimension of “f” = 𝑇 −1  The velocity in elastic medium is,
propagation are known as mechanical waves. The dimension of “” = [L] 1) directly proportional to the modulus of
(e.g.) sound waves, ripples formed on the  Then the dimension of "𝑓 " = 𝐿 𝑇 −1 = 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑦 elasticity (E) of the medium
surface of water, etc.,  Therefore 𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒚 ; 𝒗 = 𝒇  2) density (𝜌) of the medium
2) Non mechanical wave : 10. Define angular frequency. 17. How does the pressure affect the velocity of
 Waves which do not require a medium for  The number of cycles or revolutions per second sound in air?
propagation are known as non mechanical is called angular frequency ()  For a fixed temperature, when the pressure
waves.  Its S.I unit is radian per second (rad/s) varies, correspondingly density also varies, such
(e.g.) light (electromagnetic wave) 11. Define wave number. that the
becomes constant.
4. What is transverse wave?  The number of cycles (or) waves per unit 𝝆

 In transverse wave motion, the constituents of distance is called wave number (k = 2/)  Hence the speed of the sound in independent of
the medium oscillate or vibrate about their mean  Its S.I unit is radian per metre (rad/m) pressure for a fixed temperature.
positions in a direction perpendicular to the 12. Define wave velocity. 18. How does the temperature affect the velocity of
direction of propagation of wave.  Wave velocity (or) phase velocity is the distance sound in air?
(e.g.) light (electromagnetic wave) travelled by a wave in one second and it is given  The speed of sound varies directly to the square
5. What is longitudinal wave? by 𝒗 = 𝒇  root of temperature in Kelvin (𝒗 ∝ 𝑻)
 In longitudinal wave motion, the constituents of 13. Define wave vector.  When the temperature increased, the molecule
the medium oscillate or vibrate about their mean  The wave vector ( 𝑘 ) is a vector which points the will vibrate faster due to gain in thermal energy
positions in a direction parallel to the direction of direction of wave propagation. and hence speed of sound increased.
propagation of wave.  It s magnitude is equal to wave number 19. How does the density affect the velocity of sound
(e.g.) sound waves propagating in air 14. Give the relation between velocity (𝒗), angular in air?
6. Define wavelength. velocity (𝝎) and wave number (k)  The velocity of sound in a gas is inversely
 For transverse waves, the distance between two  The wave velocity or phase velocity is given by, proportional to the square root of the density of
neighbouring crests or troughs is known as the 1
𝟐𝝅𝒇 𝟐𝝅𝒇 𝝎 the gas 𝑣= .
wavelength (). 𝒗= 𝒇 = = = 𝜌
𝟐𝝅 𝟐 𝝅/  𝒌

Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 15
20. How does the humidity affect the velocity of 26. Define Supersonic speed. 34. Give the relation between phase difference and
sound in air?  An object moving with a speed greater than the path difference.
 When humidity increases, the density of air speed of sound is said to move with a supersonic  For wavelength(path) “” the equivalent phase is
decreases. speed. “2”. Then for unit path. the equivalent phase is
 Since speed of sound in air is inversely 27. Define Mach number. 2𝜋/𝜆
proportional to the square root of density, the  It is the ratio of the velocity of source to the  Hence,
speed of sound increased with rise in humidity. velocity of sound. 𝟐𝝅
𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 = 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
21. How does the wind affect the velocity of sound? 28. What is progressive wave (or) travelling wave? 𝝀
 In the direction along the wind blowing, the  If a wave that propagates in a medium is 𝟐𝝅
speed of sound increases where as in the continuous then it is known as progressive wave 𝚫𝝋 = 𝚫𝒓
direction opposite to wind blowing , the speed of or travelling wave. 35. What are called beats?
sound decreases. 29. Define linear waves and non-linear waves.  When two or more waves superimpose each
22. What is reflection of sound? State the laws of  Waves whose amplitude is much smaller than other with slightly different frequencies, then a
reflection of sound waves. their wavelength which obey the principle of sound of periodically varying amplitude (waxing
 If the incident medium is highly dense, the sound superposition are called linear waves. and waning) at a point is observed. This
can be completely bounce back to the original  If the amplitude of the wave is not small then phenomenon is known as beats.
medium and this phenomenon is called reflection. they are called non-linear waves. These violate  The number amplitude maxima per second is
Laws of reflection of sound waves: the linear superposition principle. (e.g.) Laser called beat frequency (n) and it is equal to
 The angle of incidence of sound waves is equal to 30. Define principle of superposition. difference of frequencies of superimposing
angle of reflection.  When two or more waves in a medium waves. (i.e.) 𝒏 = 𝒇𝟏 − 𝒇𝟐
 When the sound wave is reflected by a surface, superpose, their total displacement is the vector 36. What are called stationary waves?
then the incident wave, reflected wave and the sum of the individual displacements. This is  When two waves of same amplitude, same
normal at the point of incidence all lie in the same called principle of superposition. frequency and same velocity superimpose in
plane. 31. Define interference. opposite direction, a pattern of wave is formed
23. Define specular reflection.  Interference is a phenomenon in which two which are known as standing waves or stationary
 When sound reflects from a harder flat surface, waves superimpose in same direction to form a waves.
then it is called as specular reflection. resultant wave of greater, lower or the same 37. Give the properties of stationary waves.
 It is observed only when the wavelength of the amplitude  Stationary waves are formed between two rigid
source is smaller than dimensions of the 32. What is called constructive interference? boundaries. This means the wave does not move
reflecting surface as well as smaller than the  When crest of one wave overlap with crest of forward or backward in a medium and it remains
surface irregularities. another wave (i.e.) waves superimpose in phase steady at its place. Therefore they are called
24. Define echo. then their amplitudes will add up and hence the standing or stationary waves.
 An echo is a repetition of sound produced by the resultant wave has a larger amplitude than the  Certain points in the wave have maximum
reflection of sound waves from a wall, mountain individual waves which produces maximum amplitude called as anti-nodes and at certain
or other obstructing surfaces. intensity. This phenomenon is called points the amplitude is minimum or zero called
 The minimum distance from a sound reflecting constructive interference Imax = 𝐀𝟏 + 𝐴2 𝟐 . as nodes.
wall to hear an echo at 20 C is 17.2 m 33. What is called destructive interference?  The distance between two consecutive nodes or
25. Define reverberation and reverberation time.  When crest of one wave overlap with trough of 𝝀
antinodes is
 In a closed room the sound is repeatedly another wave (i.e.) waves superimpose out of 𝟐
reflected from the walls and it is even heard long phase then their amplitudes cancel each other  The distance between a node and its
hence the resultant amplitude is nearly zero 𝝀
after the sound source ceases to function. neighbouring anti-node is
which produces minimum intensity. This 𝟒
 The residual sound remaining in an enclosure
phenomenon is called destructive interference  The transfer of energy along the standing wave is
and the phenomenon of multiple reflection of
Imin = 𝐀𝟏 − 𝐴2 𝟐 . zero.
sound is called reverberation.
 The duration for which the sound persists is
called reverberation time.
Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 16
38. Define intensity of sound.  If natural frequencies are written as integral 48. Why is the roar of our national animal different
 The average sound energy emitted or multiple of fundamental frequencies, then the from the sound of a mosquito?
transmitted per second is called sound power. frequencies are called harmonics.  Roaring of our national animal (Lion) produces a
 The intensity of sound is defined as the sound  The frequencies higher than fundamental sound of low frequency and high intensity (or)
power transmitted per unit area taken normal to frequencies are called overtones. loudness whereas mosquito produces sound of
the propagation of the sound wave. 45. Write a note on SONAR. high frequency and low intensity or loudness.
 Its S.I unit is 𝑾 𝒎−𝟐  SONAR is an abbreviation for SOund NAvigation  So that their sounds different.
39. Define inverse square law of sound intensity. and Ranging. 49. A sound source and listener are both stationary
 For a particular source, the sound intensity is  SONAR systems make use of reflections of sound and a strong wind is blowing. Is there a Doppler
inversely proportional to the square of the waves in water to locate the positions or motion Effect?
distance from the source. This is known as of an object.  Yes. There is a Doppler Effect.
inverse square law of sound intensity.  Similarly dolphins and bats use the SONAR  Because, Doppler effect happens not only due to
40. Define loudness of sound. principle to find their way in the darkness. relative motion of source and observer, but also
 The loudness of sound is defined as the degree of 46. Give the classification of sound waves. due to relative motion of the medium.
sensation of sound produced in the ear or the 1) Infrasonic waves : 50. In an empty room why is it that a tone sounds
perception of sound by the listener.  Sound waves having frequencies below louder than in the room having things like
41. State Weber-Fechner’s law. 20 Hz are called infrasonic. furniture etc?
 Weber-Fechner law gives the relation between  Human being cannot hear these frequencies,  In the empty room, sound energy is less
loudness and intensity of sound. but Snakes can hear these frequencies absorbed and well reflected by the wall whereas
This law states that loudness (L) is proportional to (e.g.) Seismic waves in the furnished room, sound energy is more
the logarithm of the actual intensity (I) measured 2) Sonic or Audible waves : absorbed by the things.
with an accurate non - human instrument. (i.e.)  Sound waves having frequencies between  Therefore tone sound is louder in the empty
𝑳 ∝ 𝒍𝒏 𝑰 𝒐𝒓 𝑳 = 𝒌 𝒍𝒏 𝑰 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz) are called room than in the furnished room.
42. Define Doppler Effect. audible waves. 51. How do animals sense impending danger of
 When the source and the observer are in relative  Human being can hear these frequencies hurricane?
motion with respect to each other and to the 3) Ultrasonic waves :  Animal’s ears are very sensitive to low
medium in which sound propagates, the  Sound waves having frequencies greater frequencies. So they easily sense low frequencies
frequency of the sound wave observed is than 20 kHz are known as ultrasonic waves. produced by hurricane and prevent themselves.
different from the frequency of the source. This  Human beings cannot hear these 52. Is it possible to realize whether a vessel kept
phenomenon is called Doppler Effect. frequencies, but Bats can produce and hear under the tap is about to fill with water?
 The frequency perceived by the observer is these frequencies.  Yes. Here the vessel acts as a closed organ pipe.
known as apparent frequency.  When the vessel is about to fill with water,
43. Give the applications of Doppler Effect. decrease of vibrating air column changes the
 Doppler effect is very much useful in astronomy. frequency of sound. Thus we can realize the
 By determining the Doppler shift of light coming 47. Why it is that transverse waves cannot be sound of fill.
from distant star or galaxies, it is possible to produced in a gas? Can the transverse waves can
determine the velocities at which distant object be produced in solids and liquids?
move towards or away from Earth.  Transverse waves are produced only in rigid
 If the spectral line of the star are found to shift medium like solid medium.
towards the red end of the spectrum (red shift)  Liquid and gases medium are non - rigid medium,
then the star is receding away from the Earth and and hence transverse waves are not produce in
if shifted towards blue end of the spectrum (blue that medium.
shift) then the star is approaching Earth.  Since Liquid surfaces behaves like a stretched
44. Define harmonics and overtones. membrane like rigid medium, transverse waves
 The lowest natural frequency is called the can produce on the surface of liquid.
fundamental frequency.
Victory R. SARAVANAN. M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed., PG ASST (PHYSICS). GBHSS, PARANGIPETTAI – 608 502 Page 17

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