Math 4 Q4 Week 3 DLL

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School Grade FOUR

Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS

Daily Lesson Log Week/Teaching Date WEEK 3 Quarter FOURTH


I. OBJECTIVES Catch Up Friday
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept of time, perimeter, area, and volume.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts of bar graphs and simple experiments.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply the concepts of time, perimeter, area, and volume to mathematical problems and real-life situations.
The learner is able to create and interpret simple representations of data (tables and bar graphs) and describe outcomes in simple experiments.
C. Learning Competencies Solves routine and non-routine problems Solves routine and non-routine problems Collects data on two variables using any Organizes data in tabular form and
involving the volume of a rectangular involving the volume of a rectangular source. presents them in a single/double
prism. prism. M4SP-IVg-1.4 horizontal or vertical bar graph.
M4ME-IVf-65 M4ME-IVf-65 MELC 59 M4SP-IVg-2.4
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, learners are At the end of the lesson, learners are At the end of the lesson, learners are At the end of the lesson, learners are
expected to: expected to: expected to: expected to:
a. solve routine and non-routine problems a. solve routine and non-routine problems a. collect data on two variables using any a. organize data in tabular form and
involving volume of a rectangular prism; involving volume of a rectangular prism; source; present them in a horizontal or vertical
b. write the formula in finding the b. write the formula in finding the b. analyze the given data of two bar graphs;
volume of a rectangular prism; and volume of a rectangular prism; and variables; and b. analyze the data in a horizontal and
c. practice accuracy and perseverance in c. practice accuracy and perseverance in c. show accuracy in collecting data. vertical bar graphs; and
solving problems. solving problems. c. show accuracy in organizing the data.
Solving Routine and Non-routine Solving Routine and Non-routine Collecting Data on Two Variables Using Organizing Data in Tabular Form and
II. CONTENT Problems Involving Volume of a Problems Involving Volume of a any Source Presenting in a Vertical or Horizontal Bar
(Subject Matter) Rectangular Prism Rectangular Prism Graph
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
pp. 285-290 pp. 285-290
2. Learner’s Material pages
pp. 237-240 pp.237-240
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from SDOIC Mathematics 4 Module SDOIC Mathematics 4 Module SDOIC Mathematics 4 Module SDOIC Mathematics 4 Module
Learning Resource LR portal Mathematics Q4 Module (Week 1-4) Mathematics Q4 Module (Week 1-4) Mathematics Q4 Module (Week 1-4) Mathematics Q4 Module (Week 1-4)
Mathematics Q4 Module 8 and 9 DPC Mathematics Q4 Module 8 and 9 DPC Mathematics Q4 Module 10 DPC Mathematics Q4 Module 11 DPC

B. Other Learning Resources PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel, show-me- PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel, show-me- PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel, show-me- PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel, show-me-
board with marker and eraser, Group board with marker and eraser, Group board with marker and eraser, Group board with marker and eraser, Group
Activity cards, models, illustrations, etc. Activity cards, models, illustrations, etc. Activity cards, models, illustrations, Activity cards, models, illustrations, etc.
cutouts, etc.

A. Drill/Reviewing previous Solve the following. Solve for the volume. Write your answer Read the problem below and write the Organize the correct data on the table.
Lesson or presenting new on your notebook. letter of the correct answer in your Show your answer using a bar.
A jewelry box is 12 cm long, 6 cm wide,
and 10 cm high. What is its volume?
1. What is asked in the problem?
A. the volume of the sand
B. the volume of the jewelry box
C. the volume of the box
D. all of the above
2. What is the number sentence to solve
the problem?
A. 12 x 6 + 10 = N
B. 12 x 6 x 10 = N
C. 12 – 6 + 10 = N
D. 12 + 6 – 10 = N
3. What is the answer?
A. 82 cm3
B. 16 cm3
3. L = 14cm, w= 10 cm, h = 18cm C. 720 cm3
4. L= 5.5cm, w= 6cm, h = 10 cm D. 8 cm3
1. Thirteen pupils chose apple as their
5. V= 480 cu. cm, w= 6cm, h= 8cm, h=? 4. What is the volume of the shoebox that
favorite fruit.
measures 26 cm long, 13 cm wide, and 15
2. There are nine (9) pupils like grapes.
cm high?
3. Ten pupils like orange.
A. 5 070 cm3
4. The least liked is pearl that was chosen
B. 390 cm3
by 7 pupils.
C. 54 cm3
5. Mango was chosen by 11 pupils.
D. 728 cm3
5. A dump truck is 8m long, 6m wide and
2m high. How many cubic meters of
gravel and sand can it carry?
A. 268 m3
B. 16 m3
C. 862 m3
D. 96 m3
B. Establishing a purpose for the What do you see in the picture? Do we have a cabinet inside the What is your favorite color? Why? What could we do with these old
lesson classroom? Measure the length, width, newspapers?
and height.

Do we have plant boxes at school? Where

do you find them?
Possible answer.

C. Presenting examples/ instances Present these problems. A cabinet measures 70cm long, 40cm Read and understand. What is a bar graph? Let’s find out in this
of the new lesson A. Mang Ambo made a plant box in his wide and 170cm high. What is the Clarissa makes a survey form to know lesson.
garden. The plant box measures 20 dm volume? what her classmate’s favorite colors are. Five teams of a Grade 4 class collected
long, 5 dm high and 10 dm wide. How She makes a tally chart to present her old newspaper for recycling. The record
many cubic decimeters of soil does the data. shows their collection.
plant box hold?
B. A wooden cube has a volume of 1000 Rizal – 60 kg
cubic meters. How many 8 cubic meters Luna – 60 kg
cubes can you cut from it? Aguinaldo – 85 kg
Bonifacio – 73 kg
Mabini – 72 kg
 The given data can be organized in a
table as shown below:

D. Discussing new concepts and In problem A we need to use the 4 step Solution: Use the 4-step plan in solving Let’s answer the following questions.  The set of data can be presented in a
practicing new skills. #1 plan in solving the problem, understand, the problem. Understand: 1. How many pupils like yellow? Eight vertical and horizontal bar graph to show
plan, solve and check and lookback • Know what is asked. The volume of the pupils like yellow comparison among the collections.
Understand: 2. How many pupils like blue? Ten pupils Vertical Bar Graph
Know what is asked – The cubic like blue.
decimeters of soil the plant box can hold. • Know the given facts. l = 70cm, w = 3. Which color is the most favorite? Blue
Know the given facts: l= 20dm, w=10 40cm, h = 170cm Plan: is the most favorite color of her
dm, h= 5dm • Determine the operation or formula to classmates.
Plan be used: Multiplication 4. Which color is the least favorite?
Determine the operation or formula to Solve: Green is the least favorite color.
use: • Know how the solution is done. V = l x 5. How many pupils took part in the
V= l x w x h survey?
w x h = 70cm x 40cm x 170cm V = 476
Solve There are 35 pupils who took part in the
Show how the solution is done. 000cm survey. Horizontal Bar Graph
V=lxwxh Check and Look Back: • You can use  Survey questionnaires or survey forms
= 20 dm x 10 dm x 5 dm calculator to check your work. and interview can be used to collect data
= 1 000 cubic dm • State the complete answer. or information.
Check and lookback  Tables, tally charts, or frequency tables
You can use calculator to check your may be used to organize or display data.
work.  Tallies are counted to find the total
numbers of times a number occurs.  It is easy to see from the length of the
Problem B: bars that Aguinaldo team collected the
Solution: 1 000 cubic cm. ÷ 8 cubic cm. greatest amount of old newspaper.
Answer: 125 pieces

E. Discussing new concepts and Solve the following problems. Solve the following problems. Then Present the set of data in a table or chart. Make a bar graph for the following data.
practicing new skills #2. 1.A rectangular box has dimensions 10 answer the questions that follow on your 1. Luna asked her 15 classmates about A cartoon network company took a
cm by 5cm by 3cm. What is its volume? answer sheet. their favorite dinner. The data was shown survey on cartoon characters which was
What is asked? 1. The Grade IV-Molave planted okra in below. the customer’s favorite.
What are given? a rectangular plant box. It is measured
What formula are you going to use? 8m long, 3m wide and 2m high. How
Show your solution much soil is needed to fill the plant box?
What is the answer? a) What is asked in the problem?
b) What facts are given?
2. A rectangular prism has a volume of c) How will you solve the problem?
300 cubic cm. If its length is 15cm and its d) What is the mathematical sentence?
width is 5cm, what is its height? e) What is the answer?
2. A stock room is 7m long, 4m wide and
5m high. How much space can the stock
room hold?
a) What is asked in the problem?
b) What facts are given?
c) How will you solve the problem?
d) What is the mathematical sentence?
e) What is the answer?
3. A cabinet in a kitchen is 100cm by
30cm by 60cm. Find the volume of the
a. What is asked for in the problem?
b. What facts are given?
c. What is the formula to solve the
problem? Answer the following questions.
d. What is the number sentence? 1. What data was shown in the table?
e. What is the complete answer? 2. How many menus are in the list?
3. How many children took part in the
F. Developing Mastery Solve the following problems, for routine A. Use any strategy to solve each The pictures show the animals and the Complete the double- bar graph for the
problems, use the 4 step plan in problem problem on your answer sheet. number of children that chose them. Fill given data. Follow the given colors for the
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3)
solving. 1. A rectangular storage bin for grains is in the table below then do what is asked. boys and girls.
1.Sanita has a sewing box which
45 meters long, 25 meters wide and 55
measures 6cm long, 8cm wide and 10cm
thick. What is its volume? meters high. How many cubic meters of
2. Lota has a small box which measures palay can it hold?
8cm, 7cm and 2cm. Find its volume. 2. An aquarium is 55cm long, 30cm wide
3. The volume of a rectangular prism is and 40cm high. How many cubic
240 cubic cm. Its length is 10 cm and its centimeters of water will it contain when
height is 6cm. How wide is it? completely full?
3. Each tokwa is 6cm long, 5cm wide,
and 3cm thick. How many pieces of the
tokwa can be placed in a container with
interior dimension of 30cm long by 15cm
by 20cm?
1. How many children like dogs the
B. Choose the letter of the correct answer most?
from column B. 2. Which animal is the least favorite?
Jack filled a rectangular container with 3. How many children chose rabbit as
water. If the container measures 15cm by their favorite pet?
13cm by 16cm, how many cubic meters 4. Do more children like birds than cats?
does it hold? 5. How many children were interviewed?

G. Finding practical application of Solve the following problems, use the 4- Solve the following problems. Study the given tables. Use them to Match column A with column B. Write
concepts and skills in daily step plan in problem solving for numbers 1. Naya has a small gift box which answer the questions. the letter of the correct answer.
1 and 2. measures 12 m, 8cm and 5cm. What is its
1. A rectangular block of wood is 25 cm volume?
long, 15 cm wide and 10 cm thick. What 2. Father dug a pit which measures 130
is its volume? cm long, 100 cm wide and 15 cm thick.
2. A shoe box measures 9.5cm by 6cm by Find its volume.
7cm. What is its volume? 3. Kash has a make-up box which
3. A rectangular prism has a volume of measures 6 cm long, 9 cm wide and 12
525 cubic cm. If its height is 7cm and its cm high. What is its volume?
width is 5cm, what is its length? 4. What is the volume of a shoe box with
a measurement of 10 cm by 6cm by 3
5. The volume of a rectangular prism is
240 cm3. Its length is 4cm and its height
is 6 cm. How wide it is?
1.How many children are in each section?
2. In what section do more children like
3.Which snack got the least votes in both
4.Which section gave the same number of
votes to two snacks?
5. How many children in Section B like
sandwiches more than pansit?

H. Making Generalizations and What are the steps in solving routine What is the importance of collecting  How do we organize data in a tabular
How do you solve problems involving a data? Arrange the jumbled words. form?
Abstraction about the Lesson. problem? A.____________________
cube or a rectangular prism?
B.____________________  What are the steps in constructing a bar
What are the steps in solving word
C.____________________ graph?
The four-step method to solve the D.____________________
problem. How do we solve non-routine problem?
Know what is asked
Identify the relevant facts
Plan – Choose the operation or the
formula to use
Solve – Perform the strategy
Check- Verify if the answer is correct,
state the complete answer

Non routine problems can be solved

without using a standard procedure. They
can be solved by drawing a picture, using
a number line, acting out, making a table
and others

I. Evaluating Learning Solve the following problems. Read each problem carefully then choose Answer the questions and write the Follow the given instructions. Do the
the letter of the correct answer. correct answer. activity on a piece of paper.
1. A swimming pool is 12 m long, 6m Dexter will make a toy box. Find the Leigh and Cheryl surveyed 20 pupils 1. Use the given template and construct a
wide and 4.5m deep. What is the volume? volume of the toy box if it is 100cm high about their favorite fruit drinks. To keep bar graph.
What is asked? 50cm wide and 70 cm long. track of their gathered data, they made a 2. Put the title.
What are given? 1. What is asked for in the problem? tally chart. 3. Label your graph.
What formula to use? A. the volume of the jewelry box 4. Organize the data on your graph.
Solve: Show your solution B. the volume of the toy
What is the answer? C. the volume of the toy box
D. the volume if the shoe box. 1. How many pupils like mango juice?
2. A rectangular container measures 30 2. What are given facts? A. 7
cm. long, 20cm wide and 15cm high. Can A. l= 70 cm, w= 50 cm, h= 100 cm B. 8
it hold 8 000 cubic cm. of sugar? Why? B. l= 70 cm, h=100 cm C. 9
What is asked? C. b=100 cm, h= 100 cm D. 10
What are given? D. b1=70 cm, b2=100 cm, h=50 cm 2. How many more pupils like buko juice
What formula to use? 3. What is the complete answer? than iced tea?
Solve: Show your solution A. 3 500 000 cm3 A. 10
What is the answer? B. 350 000 cm3 B. 8
C. 3 500 cm3 C. 7
D. 350 𝑐m2 D. 5
4. A match box is 6 cm by 4cm by 3cm. 3. How many pupils like buko juice?
What is its volume? A. 8
A. 10 cm3 B. 9
B. 13 cm3 C. 10
C. 27 cm3 D. 11
D. 72 cm3 4. What is the total frequency?
5. What is the volume of the rectangular A. 20
solid if it is 7 cm long, 4 cm wide and 9 B. 30
cm in height? C. 40
A. 225 cm3 D. 50
B. 252 cm3 5. What is the most favorite drink of the
C. 525 cm3 pupils?
D. 552 cm2 A. Orange Juice
B. Mango Juice
C. Buko Juice
D. Iced Tea
A. Additional Activities for Solve the following problem. Draw a bar graph to represent Josef’s Create a horizontal bar graph with the
Application or Remediation information. Remember to include the given data below. Write the answer on
Sondra has a box measuring 25cm long, title and the labels of the graph. your answer sheet.
20cm wide and 10.5cm high. Find its
volume. Josef collected data in his class. He
What is asked? discovered that there are some children
What are given? who do their tasks with the right hand
What formula to use? and others with the left hand. Josef
Solve: Show your solution recorded the following information.
What is the answer?
Check your answer.

2. How many boxes with dimensions 2

cm by 2cm by 2cm can fit in a 10 cm by
8cm by 6cm?


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
evaluation ___ of Learners who earned 80% above

B. No. of learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
learners who have caught up with the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the
lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require
require remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
worked well? Why did these work? __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration
__Games __Games __Games __Games __Games
__Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation
__Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary
__activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises
__Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion
__Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share

F.What difficulties did I encounter which __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension
my principal or supervisor can help me __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils

G.What innovation or localized materials Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
did I use/discover which I wish to share __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards
with other teachers? __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures
__Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets
__Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module
__Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel
__Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards
__Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation

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