Math 4 Q4 Week 4 DLL

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School Grade FOUR

Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS

Daily Lesson Log Week/Teaching Date WEEK 4 Quarter FOURTH


I. OBJECTIVES Catch Up Friday
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts of bar graphs and simple experiments.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to create and interpret simple representations of data (tables and bar graphs) and describe outcomes in simple experiments.
C. Learning Competencies Interprets data presented in different Interprets data presented in different Solves routine and non-routine problems Solves routine and non-routine problems
kinds of bar graphs (vertical/horizontal, kinds of bar graphs (vertical/horizontal, using data presented in a single or using data presented in a single or
single/double bars). single/double bars). double-bar graph. double-bar graph.
M4SP-IVg-3.4 M4SP-IVg-3.4 M4SP-IVh-4.4 M4SP-IVh-4.4
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, learners At the end of the lesson, learners At the end of the lesson, learners At the end of the lesson, learners
are expected to: are expected to: are expected to: are expected to:
a. interpret data presented in a a. interpret data presented in a a. solve routine and non-routine a. solve routine and non-routine
single vertical and horizontal bar double vertical and horizontal problems using data presented in problems using data presented in
graphs; bar graphs; a single or double bar graph; a single or double bar graph;
b. read data presented in a bar b. read data presented in a bar b. describe the answer in a b. draw inferences using the bar
graph using the following parts: graph using the following parts: complete sentence with proper graph; and
title, legend, and labels; and title, legend, and labels; and label; and c. observe honestly in
c. perform awareness of one’s c. perform awareness of one’s c. observe honestly in performing the tasks.
responsibility. responsibility. performing the tasks.
Interpreting Data Presented in Interpreting Data Presented in Solving routine and non-routine Solving routine and non-routine
Single Vertical and Horizontal Double Vertical and Horizontal Problems in a Single or Double Problems in a Single or Double
(Subject Matter)
Bar Graphs Bar Graphs Bar Graph Bar Graph
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
pp. 319-330 pp. 319-330 pp. 330-348 pp. 330-348
2. Learner’s Material pages
pp. 246-252 pp. 253-259 pp. 260-262 pp. 260-262
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from SDOIC Mathematics 4 Module SDOIC Mathematics 4 Module SDOIC Mathematics 4 Module SDOIC Mathematics 4 Module
Learning Resource LR portal
Mathematics Q4 Module (Week Mathematics Q4 Module (Week Mathematics Q4 Module (Week Mathematics Q4 Module (Week
1-4) 1-4) 1-4) 1-4)
Mathematics Q4 Module 12 Mathematics Q4 Module 13 DPC Mathematics Q4 Module 14 Mathematics Q4 Module 14
B. Other Learning Resources PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel, PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel, PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel, PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel,
show-me-board with marker and show-me-board with marker and show-me-board with marker and show-me-board with marker and
eraser, Group Activity cards, eraser, Group Activity cards, eraser, Group Activity cards, eraser, Group Activity cards,
models, illustrations, etc. models, illustrations, etc. models, illustrations, cutouts, models, illustrations, etc.
A. Drill/Reviewing previous Direction: Complete the double- Read and solve. Use the double vertical bar graph Using the double vertical bar
Lesson or presenting new bar graph using the given data Ben bought a jumbo bag of below to answer the questions graph, interpret the data by
lesson below. Fruit-O Candy. Before choosing that follow. Write the correct answering the questions that
down, he decided to see how answer on your notebook. follow. Write the correct answer
many pieces of each flavor there Mr. Cruz owns two appliance on the space provided.
were. Use this graph below to stores. He compares the sales at
answer the questions. the two stores and records the
information in a bar graph. Use
the bar graph to answer the

____1. What is the title of the

double vertical bar graph?
A. Favorite Drinks
B. Favorite Juice
C. Favorite Cake
1. How many more flavor of D. Favorite Color
banana than strawberry flavor? 1. Based on the sales of the two ____2. How many drinks are
2. How many pieces of candies stores, in which store has the available?
are there in all? highest total sale of appliances? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
3. What operation did you use to What information do you need to ____3. How many boys like
find the total number of candies? answer the question? mango?
A. gather the data of the two A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9
stores, then find the total sales of ____4. Which drink is the most
each store. liked by the pupils?
B. get the sales of Store A A. Iced Tea B. Mango Juice C.
C. get the sales of Store B Milkshake D. None of the above
D. get the sales of the number of ____5. Which drink is the least
electric fans sold liked by the girls?
2. What are the given facts? A. A. Iced Tea
Sales of Store A B. Mango Juice
B. Sales of Store B C. Milkshake
C. Sales of each store per item D. None of the above
D. sales on the number of
3. What operation will you use to
answer the question?
A. addition B. subtraction
C. multiplication D. division
4. What is the correct answer?
A. store A B. store B
C. store A and B have equal
D. none of the above
5. If the sales of electric fans will
not be included, what store has
the highest sales?
A. store A
B. store B
C. store A and B have equal
D. none of the above
B. Establishing a purpose for the Show the single bar graph. What is your favorite subject? Observe the graph. Look at the graph and tell
lesson Look of this graph. Tell something about it. something about it.

What can you say about the bar

How will you interpret the bar
What are the parts of the bar

C. Presenting examples/ instances Single bar graphs can be vertical The graph below are example of The graph presents Mark’s 1. Ellen opens her bakery 6 days a
of the new lesson or horizontal. Below are double vertical and double grades in different learning area week. The graph shows her sales
examples of vertical and horizontal bar graphs. These bar for the 3rd and 4th quarters. last week. If she wants to close
horizontal bar graphs. They have her bakery either Monday,
graphs have two axes, the
two axes, the horizontal axis and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
the vertical axis. A bar graph is horizontal axis and the vertical Friday, or Saturday, what day
used to compare data from axis. should she close it? Why? Study
different groups or periods. Data the graph.
is a collection of gathered 2.
The graph is about favorite

D. Discussing new concepts and Study the following questions Double horizontal bar graph 1. Use the data presented in the Refer to the graph, if your sister
practicing new skills. #1 about the single bar graph. What is the title of the double graph to solve the problem owns that bakery, what day do
1. What is the title of the bar horizontal bar graph? Book below. you think she prefers to close it?
graph? Our Favorite Games 1. Based on the Mark’s Why? Friday, because in the
2. In the vertical bar graph, what performance during the 3rd graph it has very low sales.
information is placed along the 2. What different groups of data quarter, in which subject did he So, Ellen might close the bakery
horizontal axis? Games are being compared? perform well? What information every Friday, because the graph
3. In the vertical bar graph, what Books and Number of Pupils do you need to answer the shows poor sales on that day.
information is placed along the 3. What book is the most favorite question?
vertical axis? Number of of the students? Here, you need to know Mark’s From your answer you are
Learners English grades in five learning areas making inferences based from
4. In the horizontal bar graphs, during the 3rd quarter. the data in the graph. What graph
4. How many students like Math
what information is placed along Compare three grades, then, find is being used in this data?
the horizontal axis? Number of books? 6 Math books out which grade is the highest. Double Bar Graph
Learners 5. How many more boys than The graph shows that during the
5. In the horizontal bar graphs, girls like Math books? 3rd quarter, Mark performed What is inference? Inference
what information is placed along 6 boys well in Filipino. may be defined as the process of
the vertical axis? Games His grade for that subject was drawing conclusions based on
6. What sport is the favorite of Double vertical bar graph 89. evidence and reasoning.
most learners? Basketball 2. How many points higher was
1. What is the title of double
7. How many learners like Mark’s grade in Araling Making an inference refers to the
softball? 8 learners vertical graph? Panlipunan during the 4th process of taking information
8. What sport is the second Food Choices quarter than the 3rd quarter? from reliable data and use this to
choice? Volleyball 2. What different groups of data To answer this, what information draw a conclusion.
9. How many more learners like are being compared? should you know? A double bar graph is used to
basketball than soccer? 6 more Food and Number of Pupils What operation will you use? display two sets of data on the
learners 3. How many pupils choose In Araling Panlipunan, Mark got same graph. It helps us compare
10. What is the total number of a grade 89 during the 4th quarter more than one kind of
students who like soccer, softball and 85 during the 3 rd quarter. information.
and basketball? 26 learners 15 pupils chose sinigang Then, to solve how many points
4. How many pupils choose higher is grade was during the
menudo? 4th quarter than the 3 rd quarter,
17 pupils chose menudo you less 89 – 85 = 4.
5. How many more boys than So, Mark’s grade in Araling
girls like adobo? Panlipunan during the 4th
quarter was 4 points higher than
2 more boys like adobo
the 3rd quarter.
E. Discussing new concepts and Study the single horizontal and Study the double bar graphs Directions: Use the data in the Use the double vertical graph
practicing new skills #2. vertical bar graphs. Then, answer below. Then, answer the given bar graph to answer the below to answer the questions
the questions that follow. Write questions that follow. Write the questions. Write the answer on that follow. Write the correct
the answer on your answer sheet. answer on your answer sheet. your answer sheet. answer on your notebook. In a
Vertical Bar Graph camp activity, a group of girls
Double Vertical Bar Graph and boys went fishing every day,
Monday through Friday. A bar
graph was made to show the
number of fishes they caught
each day. Use the bar graph to
answer the questions.

1. What is the title of the vertical 1. What is the title of the double 1. What is the graph about?
bar graph? vertical bar graph? 2. What do the numbers in the
2. What information is found in 2. What information is found in left represent? 1. What is the total number of
the vertical and horizontal axis? the vertical axis? horizontal axis? 3. On what day did the highest fishes caught from Monday to
3. Which month has the most 3. How many boys and girls number of pupils go to the Friday of the girl’s team?
sales? choose football? library? 2. What team got the most
4. Which month has the least 4. How many more boys than 4. On what day did the lowest number of fishes caught?
sales? girls like basketball? number of pupils go to the 3. What is the difference
5. How many more pairs of 5. How many more girls than library? between the number of fishes
shoes were sold in March than in boys like volleyball? 5. How many pupils went to the caught by boys and girls team on
January? library on Monday? Tuesday?
6. On what day did 300 pupils go
to the library?
7. How many pupils visited the
library on Tuesday and
8. How many more pupils went
to library on Thursday than on
9. What is the total number of
pupils visited the library in one
10. What is the average number
of pupils who visited the library
for five days?
F. Developing Mastery Horizontal Bar Graph Double Horizontal Bar Graphs Use the information in the bar Use the double-bar graph below to
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3) graph. Answer the questions on answer the questions. Write your
your answer sheet. answer on your notebook or

1. What is the title of the double

horizontal bar graph?
1. Which month has the least 2. What information is found in
number of sales in the second 1. What is the title of double
the horizontal axis?
horizontal bar graph? 1. Which barangay has the
half? 3. How many intermediate 2. In what subject did Ella get greatest number of harvests?
2. How many more shoes were learners like Mathematics the highest grade in two
sold in December than in 2. What was the average harvest
November? subject? quarters? of mangoes of two barangays?
3. How many shoes were sold in 4. How many intermediate 3. In what subject did she get the
3. Which month registered the
August, September, and learners than primary learners lowest grade in the second
highest harvest? Why do you
October? like Mathematics subject? think it had the highest harvest?
4. In what subject did she
4. In which half of the year did 5. What subject is the favorite of perform well?
Mr. Nuguid do better in his the most primary learners? 5. How many points higher was
business? Why do you say so? her grade in Science during the
5. What is the difference second quarter than the first
between the second half graph quarter?
and the first half graph of the 6. By how many points did
Ella’s grade in English decrease
from first quarter to second
7. What was her average grade
during the first quarter?
8. What was her average grade
for the second quarter?
9. What is her average grade for
the two quarters?
10. Between the two quarters,
when did she perform better?
G. Finding practical application of From the given bar graph, The bar graph displays the Read the problem and using the Interpret the given bar graph and
concepts and skills in daily answer the trivia below. temperature in degrees bar graph answer the questions answer the trivia below. Trivia:
living A comic store was tracking Fahrenheit for the third week of that follow. What is the mathematical name
comic books sold. They recorded May for the years 2000 and 2015 for the division sign?
their sales in the bar graph respectively.
below. Use their graph to answer
the questions below. Each
question is represented by letter.
Use this to decode.
Write the letter that corresponds
to your answer in the correct
column. The first one is done for 1. What is the least favorite sport
1. What was the highest recorded
you. of girls?
temperature in the year 2000?
Trivia: Who is the Father of 2. What is the least favorite sport
Math? _________ of boys?
____1. What is asked in the 3. What sport do boys and girls
2. What is the lowest favorite?
temperature recorded for the year problem?
S- How many fewer issues of A. the number of girls who chose 4. What is the second favorite
Batman were sold than issues of 2015? sports of boys?
classic music
Hulk? B. the number of boys who 5. What is the most favorite sport
E- How many more issues of chose rock music of girls?
Spider-Man were sold than 3.What is the average daily C. the kind of music chosen by 6. What sport is the favorite of
issues of Superman? temperature for the week majority of the boys 11 pupils?
D - Which comic series sold the displayed on the bar graph for D. the kind of music chosen by
fewest issues? the year 2000? the girls
E - Which comic series sold the ____2. What is the answer to the
most issues? problem?
M- What is the combined A. Pop Music
number of B. Country Music
X-Men and Hulk issues sold? C. Classic Music
I - What is the difference in the D. Rock Music
number of Superman issues sold
and the number of X-men issues
H - Which comic series sold
exactly 9 issues?
C - Which sold fewer, issues of
Hulk or issues of X-Men?
R - Which comic series sold
more, Spider-Man or Batman?
A - How many issues of
Superman were sold?
H. Making Generalizations and How do we interpret data? I How do we interpret data? I What are the steps in solving How do we solve non-routine
Abstraction about the Lesson. learned in this module how to learned in this module how to word problem? problems using single and
_______________ using _______________ using double bar graphs?
different graphs such as
different graphs such as
_______________, ____________,
____________, and _______________,
__________________. ____________, and
I. Evaluating Learning Use the graph below to answer Interpret the bar graph. Write the Use the graph below to answer Use the vertical bar graph below
the questions that follow. Write correct answer on the space the questions that follow. to answer the questions that
the correct answer on your provided before the number. Mrs. Santos owns bakery stores follow.
notebook. in Pasig and Marikina. She Naiah and Kashayla sells snack
compares the sales of both the items during the 2 days Math
The Grade 4 – Rizal was stores and records the Fair. They recorded the number
preparing for their year end information in a bar graph. What of items they were able to sell in
party. They are to decide on is the combined sales of breads a bar graph. Use the bar graph to
what color of batch T-shirt they in Pasig and Marikina? Use the answer the questions below.
will use. What is the most bar graph and answer the
favorite color of the class? questions.
___1. What is the score of John
in their fraction test with
A. 60 B. 70 C. 80 D. 90 ___2.
Who is the least in the fraction 1. How much was their income
test without preparation? in 2 days in selling hamburger if
____1. What is asked in the A. Carla B. Jetser each hamburger costs P15.00?
1. What is asked in the problem?
C. John D. Peter 2. If each pack of French fries
problem? ___3. Who got the highest score 2. What are the given facts? costs P12.00 how much did they
A. the most favorite color of the in the fraction test with 3. What process/operation are earn in selling French fries in
class preparation? you going to use? Day 1?
B. the least favorite color of the A. Carla B. Darline 4. Write the number sentence 3. How much did they earn in 2
class C. John D. Peter based on the problem? days in selling doughnut if each
C. the number of blue T-shirt ___4. Who got the score of 75 in 5. Write the complete answer doughnut costs P10.00?
D. the number of pink T- shirt the fraction test without 4. How many snack items they
____2. What operation will you preparation? were able to sell in all?
use to get the total number of A. Carla B. Darline 5. What day were they able to
students who chose red and pink C. John D. Peter sell the greatest number of snack
as their favorite colors? ___5. How many pupils were items?
A. division B. multiplication surveyed?
C. subtraction D. addition ____3. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
How many more students chose
red than blue? What is the
number sentence for this
A. 20 + 10 = n
B. 10 + 15 = n
C. 20 – 10 = n
D. 20 - 5 = n
4-5. Use the bar graph below to
answer the questions that follow.

____4. What is the most like

A. Basketball B. Soccer
C. Softball D. Others
____5. How many more students
chose Soccer than Basketball? A.
2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
A. Additional Activities for Use the data in the bar graph to Use the bar graph below to Use the data presented in
Application or Remediation the bar graphs to answer
solve the following problems. answer the questions that follow.
Mara, Clara, Luna and Dana are Write the correct answer on your the questions.
classmates at Maligaya notebook.
Elementary School. They are in
Grade 4. They live near the
school. Before the pandemic,
they just walk going to school. 1. How many students
were enrolled in 2010-
2. Which school year had
the greatest number of
students enrolled?
1. What year registered the 3. How many boys in all
highest harvest? were enrolled in the four
2. What month registered the school years?
1. How much farther does Mara lowest harvest?
walk than Clara? 4. What is the total
3. What was the average harvest
2. How much farther does Dana average enrolment of the
of palay in the year 2019?
walk Luna? girls?
3. If you combine Clara’s and 4. What was the average harvest
Luna’s distance from the school of palay in the year 2020? 5. What is the total
and compare it against the 5. If each cavan of rice costs P average enrolment of the
combine distance walked by 750.00 how much did they earn boys?
Mara and Dana, which combined in the month of January 2019?
distance is farther from the

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
evaluation ___ of Learners who earned 80% above

B. No. of learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
learners who have caught up with the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the
lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require
require remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
worked well? Why did these work? __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration
__Games __Games __Games __Games __Games
__Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation
__Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary
__activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises
__Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion
__Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share

F.What difficulties did I encounter which __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension
my principal or supervisor can help me __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils

G.What innovation or localized materials Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
did I use/discover which I wish to share __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards
with other teachers? __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures
__Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets
__Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module
__Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel
__Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards
__Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation

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