Trung - TP2 - Lesson Plan
Trung - TP2 - Lesson Plan
Trung - TP2 - Lesson Plan
Lesson Main Aim: By the end of the lesson the students will have developed the sub-skills of listening for gist and specific information in the
context of a monologue in which a person shares about his/her favourite people
Subsidiary Aim(s): By the end of the lesson the students will have developed oral fluency in the context of personal favourite people.
Personal Aims:
● I will make my task setup clear by using succinct ICQs and doing pre-task demonstrations.
● I will respond to Ss’ answer in a more ‘polite’ way by asking ‘Is everybody okay’ if Ss are giving wrong answer.
● I will project my voice by monitoring my breath and speaking louder.
Materials / Resources (ensure all paper materials include copyright references and page numbers):
Logical flow: The lesson plan is well-organized and progresses in a logical sequence.
Detailed procedure: The steps are clear and provide a strong foundation for successful execution.
Varied interaction patterns: The plan incorporates various interaction patterns, promoting active student participation.
Aligned aims: Stage aims are appropriate and directly contribute to the overall lesson objective.
Time management: The allocated time for each stage seems well-balanced.
Action Points:
Refine aims: it's recommended to rephrase the main and subsidiary aims to ensure they are clear, concise, and measurable.
Complete all sections: Starting next week, lesson plans need to include all sections, specifically:
- Language analysis: This section should focus on the MFPA of the key language points targeted in the lesson.
- Anticipated problems and solutions: This section should identify potential challenges students might face during the lesson and
provide solutions to them.
Language Analysis Sheet
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Form Form
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Pronunciation Pronunciation
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Anticipated problems with tasks and learners: Solutions:
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Timing &
Stage name Procedure
Stage Aim Interaction Tutor’s Comments
To set the context for 5 minutes T instructs: “Talk to your partner. Who are 9:00
Lead-in the lesson and to T-S your five favorite people?” Set the context by asking ss who their
generate student favourite people are.
interest / enthusiasm S-S Sts speak; T monitors to pick out ideas to
for the lesson topic elicit in OCFB
Ensure you nominate students.
T-S Feedback: OCFB via nomination. T boards There was some echo at this
any useful vocabulary. stage, ensure you nominate ss.
PTV To help learners 5 minutes T shows a picture of 4 characters in the film 9:16
understand the T-S ‘Journey to the West’ and asks “Do you
listening text know these people?” (Yes - Ss are very Effectively elicited vocabulary items,
familiar to this film.) checked understanding well, drilled as
appropriate chorally and individually.
T provides new word: “They are the main
characters in this film.”
S Do task - Ss listen to check if their ideas 9:18 – played the audio for the ss to
are correct. check their predictions.
Do you think it would’ve been a good
S-S Peer check - Ss check their answers in idea to pre-teach vocabulary before the
pairs. (T monitors closely for answers) prediction or after the gist listening? Did
the ss remember what they had been
Feedback (OCFB) - T elicits the answer via predicting?
nomination (from one of the Ss who has the
T-S correct answer).
TIP: ‘Listen individually’ – can they listen
in pairs or groups?
Encourage ss to peer-check.
Nominate to avoid dominant ss
giving the answers.
Listening 2 To develop the sub- 6 minutes T asks: “After the first listening, what other 9:22
skill of listening for T-S information do you remember about these
specific information five people?” Appropriate task.
Set task - T instructs: “Now, you’re going to TIP: be careful with asking ss to
listen again to find out more information remember information from the audios –
T-S about these five people.” we shouldn’t be testing their memorizing
Do task - Ss listen to fill in the blanks.T sits
down at the front monitoring ss’ progress.
S Good that you allowed ss to go through
Peer check - SS check in pairs. T monitors the task before playing the audio the
to see who has correct answers & who to second time.
S-S nominate in OCFB.
Monitoring – good,
Listening 3 To develop the sub- 6 minutes Set task - T instructs: “Now listen again and 9:30
skill of listening for T-S decide True or False for each statements.
detailed Before you listen, read the statements.” The instruction was imperative and
comprehension T hands out a list of 4 statements - self concise. Just ensure you finish
created. instructing and setting up before your ss
start working on tasks.
S Do task - SS listen and decide T/F. T sits
down at the front monitoring ss’ progress.
Ss were given an opportunity to go
S-S Peer check: SS check in pairs. T through the task before listening again.
monitors to see who has correct answers
& who to nominate in OCFB. Ss checked their answers in pairs.
T-S Feedback (OCFB) - T shows an answer OCFB – good that you encouraged ss
key slide on the WB and then identifies to justify their answers.
any questions where SS have struggled to
find answers. T shows what is said - by
showing short excerpts from the audio-
Communicative To respond to what 3 minutes T instructs: 9:37
Follow-up the students have just - “Now, try to remember the
listened to. T-S discussion at the start of the The task was set well.
lesson. Are your some of your
Personalized task.
favourite people similar to Liz’s?
- If yes, who are they? Is their a TIP: perhaps, give ss a model, e.g., talk
brother? A niece? A friend? An about your favourite people.
actor? A fictional character?”
- If no, who are they?
Ensure there is enough time for
S-S SS talk; T monitors and listens for good the ss to exploit speaking tasks.
T-S ideas to elicit in feedback. OCFB; T elicits
some answers from different SS. TIP: vocabulary could’ve been presented
in a more time-efficient manner – this
would’ve given you more time for the
speaking task.
Speaking To prepare what the 3 minutes T instructs: “You are going to talk about
Preparation students are going to them again. But in this time, you should
say in the final add more information about them.
speaking activity So, think about how you would describe
them. Here are some hints (elicited
from task 2 table.”
Ss talk; T monitors and writes down
good and bad samples of student
output for delayed error correction.