Teacher Name Course Date Range Standard(s) Addressed
Teacher Name Course Date Range Standard(s) Addressed
Teacher Name Course Date Range Standard(s) Addressed
1.2Identify the general topic and some basic information in texts that are spoken, written, or
signed in both very familiar and everyday contexts, by recognizing memorized words or
familiar words (interpretive mode).
1.3Present information on very familiar and everyday topics using a variety of practiced or
memorized words through spoken, written or signed language (presentational mode).
Newly revised Colorado Academic Standards for WL can be accessed here: https://www.cde.state.co.us/apps/standards/
Lesson Planning Template
CNavarro, Peer Observer for World Languages
Denver Public Schools
Fall 2018
Matching activity
I.4 Academic Interpretive: Interpretive: Interpretive: Interpretive: Interpretive:
Language Gestures Gestures Gestures Gestures Gestures
What proficiency-level 1-2 word responses to 1-2 word responses to 1-2 word responses to 1-2 word responses to 1-2 word responses to
appropriate language will ss WGCRQ WGCRQ WGCRQ WGCRQ WGCRQ
demonstrate: interpretive, Exit ticket Listening Quiz acting / illustrating read & translate
interpersonal, and
Interpersonal: Interpersonal: Interpersonal: Interpersonal: React / respond
Responses to React / respond React / respond React / respond appropriately to T &
individual PQA & to appropriately to T & appropriately to T & appropriately to T & peers
WGCRQ peers peers peers
Co-create class story Presentational: All ss
Presentational: n/a Presentational: n/a Presentational: n/a write independently in
Presentational: Some Spanish to retell class
ss speak in Spanish as story
class actors in story
I.5 Checks for CFU: CFU: CFU: CFU: CFU:
Understanding & Password Password Password Password Password
Written/ oral warm up Written/ oral warm up Written/ oral warm up Written/ oral warm up Written/ oral warm up
I.7 Feedback Individual and WGCRQ Individual and WGCRQ Individual and WGCRQ Individual and WGCRQ Individual and WGCRQ
How will T CFU of all ss?
What is the optimal S TPR/ Gestures TPR/ Gestures TPR/ Gestures TPR/ Gestures TPR/ Gestures
response? SS using stop sign to SS using stop sign to SS using stop sign to SS using stop sign to SS using stop sign to
What feedback will ss indicate they do NOT indicate they do NOT indicate they do NOT indicate they do NOT indicate they do NOT
receive to know their
understand understand understand understand understand
progress towards the
objective? Exit ticket : Matching Listening Quiz: ss SS act for whole class T circulates as ss read SS write
images of target answer 5 T/F story OR in groups of and translate in ping- independently in
structures to word questions about 3, all ss act out story as pong activity Spanish to retell class
bank of target today’s PQA / mini T tells/ reads it story
structures story OR FB:
SS illustrate story as T closes the loop in FB:
FB: FB: they read OR listen to circling (yes, today is T closes the loop in
T closes the loop in T closes the loop in story Monday; it’s not circling (yes, today is
circling (yes, today is circling (yes, today is Sunday. No the dog is Monday; it’s not
Monday; it’s not Monday; it’s not FB: not running! Sunday. No the dog is
Sunday. No the dog is Sunday. No the dog is T closes the loop in Ridiculous! The dog is not running!
not running! not running! circling (yes, today is sleeping! Correct, Ridiculous! The dog is
Newly revised Colorado Academic Standards for WL can be accessed here: https://www.cde.state.co.us/apps/standards/
Lesson Planning Template
CNavarro, Peer Observer for World Languages
Denver Public Schools
Fall 2018
Ridiculous! The dog is Ridiculous! The dog is Monday; it’s not class!) sleeping! Correct,
sleeping! Correct, sleeping! Correct, Sunday. No the dog is T gives individual and class!)
class!) class!) not running! whole group feedback T collects free writes,
T reviews answers to T reviews answers to Ridiculous! The dog is on accuracy / fluency / evaluates ss progress
matching activity w listening quiz w whole sleeping! Correct, big picture and adjustments to
whole group, as time group, as time allows class!) understanding of the future lessons (what
allows T gives individual and reading and or target have ss acquired?
whole group feedback structures. Which ss need more
on accuracy / fluency / input on this week’s
big picture target structures? As a
understanding of story class, what does this
acting. group need next
AND / OR week?)
T collects illustrations,
evaluates ss progress
and adjustments to
future lessons (what
understanding /
interpretive language
have ss demonstrated?
Which ss need more
input on this week’s
target structures? As a
class, what does this
group need next
I.6 CI jobs: CI jobs: CI jobs: CI jobs: CI jobs:
Differentiation quiz writer, story quiz writer, story quiz writer, story quiz writer, story quiz writer, story
How will the lesson be illustrator, class note illustrator, class note illustrator, class note illustrator, class note illustrator, class note
differentiated for slow taker, “quien means taker, “quien means taker, “quien means taker, “quien means taker, “quien means
processors / quick who”, actors, judge, who”, actors, judge, who”, actors, judge, who”, actors, judge, who”, actors, judge,
“adios ingles”, etc “adios ingles”, etc “adios ingles”, etc “adios ingles”, etc “adios ingles”, etc
Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated Differentiated
individual questions individual questions individual questions individual questions individual questions
for slower / faster for slower / faster for slower / faster for slower / faster for slower / faster
processors: what does processors: what does processors: what does processors: what does processors: what does
Newly revised Colorado Academic Standards for WL can be accessed here: https://www.cde.state.co.us/apps/standards/
Lesson Planning Template
CNavarro, Peer Observer for World Languages
Denver Public Schools
Fall 2018
X mean? How would I X mean? How would I X mean? How would I X mean? How would I X mean? How would I
say Y in Spanish? So say Y in Spanish? So say Y in Spanish? So say Y in Spanish? So say Y in Spanish? So
Bobby just said he is Bobby just said he is Bobby just said he is Bobby just said he is Bobby just said he is
tired, why do you tired, why do you tired, why do you tired, why do you tired, why do you
think that is? think that is? think that is? think that is? think that is?
Supports to ss who Supports to ss who Supports to ss who Supports to ss who Supports to ss who
cannot answer: word cannot answer: word cannot answer: word cannot answer: word cannot answer: word
wall, pause and point, wall, pause and point, wall, pause and point, wall, pause and point, wall, pause and point,
repeat, restate, offer repeat, restate, offer repeat, restate, offer repeat, restate, offer repeat, restate, offer
either or, T asks 1-3 ss either or, T asks 1-3 ss either or, T asks 1-3 ss either or, T asks 1-3 ss either or, T asks 1-3 ss
same / similar same / similar same / similar same / similar same / similar
question then returns question then returns question then returns question then returns question then returns
to S who now has to S who now has to S who now has to S who now has to S who now has
heard peers model, etc heard peers model, etc heard peers model, etc heard peers model, etc heard peers model, etc
I.8 Collaboration SS collaborate to co- SS collaborate to co- SS collaborate to co- SS collaborate to co- SS collaborate to co-
& create gestures, mini- create gestures, mini- create gestures, mini- create gestures, mini- create gestures, mini-
story, to understand story, to understand story, to understand story, to understand story, to understand
Communication peer’s perspectives in peer’s perspectives in peer’s perspectives in peer’s perspectives in peer’s perspectives in
What opportunities for
Collab & Comm are in this PQA. PQA. PQA. PQA. PQA.
lesson? SS communicate with SS communicate with SS communicate with SS communicate with SS communicate with
T and with whole T and with whole T and with whole T and with whole T and with whole
group in CI activities. group in CI activities. group in CI activities. group in CI activities. group in CI activities.
OPTIONAL: ss work w OPTIONAL: ss work w OPTIONAL: ss work w SS work w a peer to OPTIONAL: ss work w
a peer to complete a peer to _________ a peer to complete read and translate in a peer to complete free
matching activity. during mini story story illustration ping-pong reading. write OR to read each
OR ss work in groups other’s free writes and
of 3 to act out story as give a compliment.
T reads/ tells it
Newly revised Colorado Academic Standards for WL can be accessed here: https://www.cde.state.co.us/apps/standards/