VSP - G1x00 - F1500 - v80-06-02 - Hardware Guide - MK-92RD8007-19

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Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000,

G1500, and Virtual Storage Platform F1500


Hardware Guide
This document provides information about the system hardware components, mechanical, and
environmental specifications for the VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems.

February 2018
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Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide ii

Preface..................................................................................................... 9
Safety and environmental information................................................................. 9
Intended audience............................................................................................... 9
Product version....................................................................................................9
Release notes....................................................................................................10
Changes in this revision.....................................................................................10
Related documents............................................................................................10
Document conventions...................................................................................... 10
Conventions for storage capacity values........................................................... 12
Accessing product documentation.....................................................................13
Getting help........................................................................................................13

Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 overview......... 14

System overview................................................................................................14
Features....................................................................................................... 14
High performance....................................................................................15
Flexible connectivity................................................................................17
High reliability..........................................................................................18
High flexibility.......................................................................................... 18
Nondisruptive service and upgrades.......................................................20
High temperature mode ......................................................................... 20
Economical and quiet..............................................................................22

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview................................. 23

Storage system configurations and model list................................................... 23
System controller chassis.................................................................................. 33

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 3
Front-end directors.............................................................................................36
Supported connectors and protocols............................................................38
Flexible front-end director installation...........................................................41
Supported speeds and cable lengths........................................................... 44
Back-end director...............................................................................................45
Flexible back-end director installation.......................................................... 46
Drive chassis......................................................................................................46
Cache memory...................................................................................................51
Memory operation.........................................................................................53
Data protection............................................................................................. 53
Cache capacity.............................................................................................53
Shared memory............................................................................................54
Cache flash memory..........................................................................................58
Cache flash memory operation.................................................................... 58
Cache flash memory capacity...................................................................... 58

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture....................................................... 60

System architecture overview............................................................................ 60
VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 RAID implementation.................... 61
Array groups and RAID levels...................................................................... 61
RAID 1.....................................................................................................61
RAID 5.....................................................................................................63
RAID 6.....................................................................................................65
LDEV striping across array groups...............................................................66
Control unit images, logical volume images, and logical units...........................68
CU images....................................................................................................68
Logical volume images.................................................................................69
Logical units..................................................................................................69
Mainframe operations........................................................................................ 69
Mainframe compatibility and functionality.....................................................69
Mainframe operating system support........................................................... 70
Mainframe configuration...............................................................................70
Open-systems operations..................................................................................71

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 4
Open-systems compatibility and functionality.............................................. 71
Open-systems host platform support............................................................72
System configuration....................................................................................72
Host modes and host mode options.................................................................. 73
Device Manager - Storage Navigator program.................................................. 73

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications......................................... 75

Customer responsibilities............................................................................. 75
Hitachi Vantara responsibilities.....................................................................76
Site preparation checklist...................................................................................76
General site requirements..................................................................................79
Equipment clearances..................................................................................79
Equipment weight.........................................................................................79
System storage requirements.......................................................................80
Power connection.........................................................................................80
Data center requirements.................................................................................. 81
Operational requirements.................................................................................. 82
Third-party rack support for VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500
storage systems.................................................................................................83
Service clearance, floor cutout, and floor load rating.........................................83
Single-rack configuration..............................................................................83
Two-rack, single-controller configuration...................................................... 85
Two-rack, dual-controller configuration........................................................ 87
Three-rack, single-controller configuration................................................... 89
Three-rack, dual-controller configuration......................................................91
Four-rack configuration - two controllers (center).........................................93
Four-rack configuration - two controllers (left).............................................. 95
Five-rack configuration................................................................................. 97
Six-rack configuration...................................................................................99
Seven-rack configuration............................................................................101

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 5
Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines...........................................104
Port configurations...........................................................................................104
Power connection diagrams............................................................................ 105
UPS power connection...............................................................................107
Data connection diagrams............................................................................... 108
Extended cable connections............................................................................ 112

Chapter 6: Turning power on and off to the storage systems........ 119

Power control panel......................................................................................... 119
System idle mode............................................................................................ 121
Normal power on/off procedures......................................................................121
Power on procedures................................................................................. 122
Power off procedures................................................................................. 122
Emergency power off/on procedures............................................................... 123
Turning off power to the storage system during an emergency................. 123
Turning on power to the storage system after an emergency shutdown....124

Chapter 7: VSP G1x00 and F1x00 batteries......................................125

Battery backup operations............................................................................... 125
Cache backup batteries................................................................................... 126
Battery life........................................................................................................127
Storing the system........................................................................................... 127

Chapter 8: Troubleshooting the storage system............................. 128

Getting help......................................................................................................128
Solving problems............................................................................................. 128
Service information messages.........................................................................129

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 6
Appendix A: Storage system specifications.................................... 131

Appendix B: Mechanical specifications............................................139

Appendix C: Electrical specifications............................................... 140

Appendix D: Environmental specifications...................................... 143

Appendix E: Component power consumption, heat output, and


Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2

Rack .....................................................................................................153
Americas single-phase PDU 1P30A-8C13-3C19UL.P.................................... 153
Americas single-phase PDU 1P30A-15C13-3C19UL.P.................................. 154
Americas three-phase PDU 3P30A-8C13-3C19UL.P......................................154
Americas three-phase PDU 3P30A-15C13-3C19UL.P....................................155
Americas three-phase PDU 3P30A-24C13-6C19UL.P....................................156
APAC and EMEA single-phase PDU 1P32A-9C13-3C19CE.P....................... 157
APAC and EMEA single-phase PDU 1P32A-18C13-3C19CE.P..................... 158
APAC and EMEA three-phase PDU 3P16A-9C13-3C19CE.P.........................159
APAC and EMEA three-phase PDU 3P16A-15C13-3C19CE.P.......................160
APAC and EMEA three-phase PDU 3P32A-24C13-6C19CE.P.......................161

Appendix G: Safety requirements..................................................... 163

General safety guidelines................................................................................ 163
Work safety guidelines.....................................................................................164
Warning about moving parts............................................................................ 164
Electrical safety guidelines.............................................................................. 165

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications............................................ 166

Regulatory compliance.................................................................................... 166
US FCC Notice................................................................................................ 169
Electronic emissions testing....................................................................... 169
European Declaration of Conformity................................................................169
Notice of export controls.................................................................................. 170
China RoHS................................................................................................170

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 7
Hazardous and toxic substances.....................................................................170
Disposal........................................................................................................... 171
Recycling......................................................................................................... 171
Electronic emissions certificates...................................................................... 171
FIPS 140-2 Consolidated Validation Certificate............................................... 175

Glossary........................................................................................... 176

Index................................................................................................. 184

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 8
This guide provides technical information about the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform
G1x00 and Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform F1500 storage systems.
Read this guide carefully to learn more about the storage systems and keep a copy to
reference any information about the products.

Safety and environmental information

Caution: Before operating or working on the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform

G1x00, and the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform F1500 storage systems, read
the safety and environmental information in Safety requirements (on
page 163) and Regulatory Compliance (on page 166) .

Intended audience
This document is intended for system administrators, Hitachi Vantara representatives,
and authorized service providers who install, configure, and operate VSP G1000, VSP
G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems.
Readers of this document should be familiar with the following:
■ Data processing and RAID storage systems and their basic functions.
■ The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems and the Product Overview.
■ The Storage Navigator software.
■ The concepts and functionality of storage provisioning operations in the use of Hitachi
Dynamic Provisioning, Hitachi Dynamic Tiering software, and Hitachi Data Retention

Product version
This document revision applies to storage system microcode version 80-06-02 or later.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 9
Release notes

Release notes
Read the release notes before installing and using this product. They may contain
requirements or restrictions that are not fully described in this document or updates or
corrections to this document. Release notes are available on Hitachi Vantara Support
Connect: https://knowledge.hitachivantara.com/Documents.

Changes in this revision

■ Added support for new 2.4 TB 10K RPM HDD on VSP G1500.

■ Updated maximum storage system data capacity.

Related documents
The following documents are referenced in this guide or contain more information about
the features described in this document.
Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1x00, and Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform F1500
■ Product Overview, MK-92RD8051
■ System Administrator Guide, MK-92RD8016
■ Provisioning Guide for Mainframe Systems, MK-92RD8013
■ Provisioning Guide for Open Systems, MK-92RD8014
■ Hitachi Universal V2 Rack Reference Guide, MK-94HM8035
■ Mainframe Host Attachment and Operations Guide, MK-96RD645
■ Open-Systems Host Attachment Guide, MK-90RD7037
■ Hitachi SNMP Agent User Guide, MK-92RD8015
For a list of all documents related to the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1x00 and
Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform F1500 storage systems, see the Product Overview.

Document conventions
This document uses the following typographic conventions:

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 10
Document conventions

Convention Description

Bold ■ Indicates text in a window, including window titles, menus,

menu options, buttons, fields, and labels. Example:
Click OK.
■ Indicates emphasized words in list items.

Italic ■ Indicates a document title or emphasized words in text.

■ Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text
provided by the user or for output by the system. Example:

pairdisplay -g group

(For exceptions to this convention for variables, see the entry for
angle brackets.)

Monospace Indicates text that is displayed on screen or entered by the user.

Example: pairdisplay -g oradb

< > angle Indicates variables in the following scenarios:

brackets ■ Variables are not clearly separated from the surrounding text or
from other variables. Example:


■ Variables in headings.

[ ] square Indicates optional values. Example: [ a | b ] indicates that you can

brackets choose a, b, or nothing.

{ } braces Indicates required or expected values. Example: { a | b } indicates

that you must choose either a or b.

| vertical bar Indicates that you have a choice between two or more options or
arguments. Examples:
[ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a, b, or nothing.
{ a | b } indicates that you must choose either a or b.

This document uses the following icons to draw attention to information:

Icon Label Description

Note Calls attention to important or additional information.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 11
Conventions for storage capacity values

Icon Label Description

Tip Provides helpful information, guidelines, or suggestions for

performing tasks more effectively.

Caution Warns the user of adverse conditions and/or consequences

(for example, disruptive operations, data loss, or a system

WARNING Warns the user of a hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Conventions for storage capacity values

Physical storage capacity values (for example, disk drive capacity) are calculated based
on the following values:

Physical capacity unit Value

1 kilobyte (KB) 1,000 (103) bytes

1 megabyte (MB) 1,000 KB or 1,0002 bytes

1 gigabyte (GB) 1,000 MB or 1,0003 bytes

1 terabyte (TB) 1,000 GB or 1,0004 bytes

1 petabyte (PB) 1,000 TB or 1,0005 bytes

1 exabyte (EB) 1,000 PB or 1,0006 bytes

Logical capacity values (for example, logical device capacity, cache memory capacity) are
calculated based on the following values:

Logical capacity unit Value

1 block 512 bytes

1 cylinder Mainframe: 870 KB

■ OPEN-V: 960 KB
■ Others: 720 KB

1 KB 1,024 (210) bytes

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 12
Accessing product documentation

Logical capacity unit Value

1 MB 1,024 KB or 1,0242 bytes

1 GB 1,024 MB or 1,0243 bytes

1 TB 1,024 GB or 1,0244 bytes

1 PB 1,024 TB or 1,0245 bytes

1 EB 1,024 PB or 1,0246 bytes

Accessing product documentation

Product user documentation is available on Hitachi Vantara Support Connect: https://
knowledge.hitachivantara.com/Documents. Check this site for the most current
documentation, including important updates that may have been made after the release
of the product.

Getting help
Hitachi Vantara Support Connect is the destination for technical support of products and
solutions sold by Hitachi Vantara. To contact technical support, log on to Hitachi Vantara
Support Connect for contact information: https://support.hitachivantara.com/en_us/
Hitachi Vantara Community is a global online community for Hitachi Vantara customers,
partners, independent software vendors, employees, and prospects. It is the destination
to get answers, discover insights, and make connections. Join the conversation today!
Go to community.hitachivantara.com, register, and complete your profile.

Please send us your comments on this document to
doc.comments@hitachivantara.com. Include the document title and number, including
the revision level (for example, -07), and refer to specific sections and paragraphs
whenever possible. All comments become the property of Hitachi Vantara Corporation.
Thank you!

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 13
Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP
F1500 overview
The following describes the hardware components of the VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and
VSP F1500 storage systems.

System overview
The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 are high-capacity, high-performance, unified
block and file enterprise storage systems that offer a wide range of storage and data
services, software, logical partitioning, and unified data replication across heterogeneous
storage systems.

The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems include state-of-the art
advances in hardware technology that improve reliability, serviceability, and accessibility
to drives and other components when maintenance is required.
■ VSP F1500 all-flash array is configured exclusively with the latest generation of flash
module drives (FMDs) to provide performance optimized for intense I/O operations.
Designed for flash-first, high-performance workloads and leveraging Hitachi's SVOS-
based deduplication and compression, VSP F1500 offers up to five times greater ROI
with unified support for SAN, NAS, and mainframe workloads.
● Accelerated flash architecture delivers consistent, low-latency IOPS at scale.
● Adaptive flash management distributes writes and rebalances load over time.
● Hitachi FMDs deliver enterprise performance with superior functionality and
greater cost value.
■ The VSP G1500 and VSP F1500 are equipped with new virtual storage directors (VSD).
The VSD uses the latest generation of Intel Xenon 2.3-GHz 8-core microprocessor to
efficiently manage the front-end directors, back-end directors, PCI Express interface,
local memory, and communication between the service processor.

■ Hitachi Accelerated Flash FMD DC2 storage offers a patented data-center-class design
and rack-optimized form factor that delivers more than 8 PB per system. The FMD
DC2 supports a sustained performance of 100,000 8K I/O per second, per device, with
low and consistent response time.

Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 14
High performance

■ The latest 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch 6 Gbps SAS drives support lower power consumption
and higher density per rack with up to 2,304 drives in six 19-inch standard racks. For
more information about drive specifications, see Storage system specifications (on
page 131) . For information about Hitachi racks, refer to the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack
Reference Guide.
■ Hitachi NAS Platform hardware-accelerated network protocols support up to 2 Gbps
throughput for sequential workloads and up to 1.2 million NFS operations per
■ Efficient caching makes up to 2 TB global cache dynamically accessible by all
connected hosts and Hitachi NAS Platform nodes.
■ The HNAS file module provides primary data deduplication using hardware-based
SHA-256 calculation engines. This module achieves up to 90% capacity savings while
maintaining high performance.
■ When each controller is housed in a separate rack, the two controller racks can be
placed up to 100 meters apart. In addition, the drive racks attached to a controller
rack can be placed up to 100 meters from the controller rack. This enables maximum
flexibility to optimize data center space usage and provides ease of access for
operation and maintenance. See the detailed description of this feature and the cable
diagrams in Long cable connections (on page 112) .
■ Expandable cache memory (up to 2 TB per 2-controller system).
■ Nondisruptive migration is available as a service from Hitachi Vantara representatives
as well as by purchasing an optional software license for customer implementation.
Best practice is to use the nondisruptive migration planning service offered by Hitachi
Vantara Global Solution Services (GSS). See Nondisruptive service and upgrades (on
page 20) .
■ High temperature mode is a licensed feature that allows the storage system to
operate at either standard temperature (60.8°F to 89.6°F / 16°C to 32°C) or higher
temperatures (60.8°F to 104°F / 16°C to 40°C) in a data center, saving energy and
cooling costs. See high temperature mode (on page 20) .

High performance
Hitachi Vantara offers the highest performance storage systems for the enterprise-class
segment. The high-performance storage system enables consolidation and real-time
applications, a wide range of storage and data services, software, logical partitioning,
along with simplified and unified data replication across heterogeneous storage systems.
Its large-scale, enterprise class virtualization layer, combined with Hitachi Dynamic
Tiering and thin provisioning software, allows you to consolidate internal and external
storage into one pool.
The storage system includes several features that improve system performance:
■ Hitachi Accelerated Flash module drives that support ultra-high I/O rates and ultra-
low latency.
■ Solid-state drives with high-speed response.

Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 15

■ Device Manager - Storage Navigator and Hitachi Storage Advisor provide integrated
data and storage management to ensure high-speed data transfer between the back-
end directors and small form-factor (SFF) or large form-factor (LFF) drives at 6 Gbps
using a SAS interface.
■ Ability to scale and upgrade system performance.
■ Compression functionality reduces the size of stored data by encoding without
reducing the amount of data.
■ Deduplication functionality deletes the duplicated data while keeping the data in a
single location when the same data is written to different addresses within the same
■ Disk drives operating at 7,200, 10,000, or 15,000 RPM.

The storage systems offer an entirely new type of scalable and adaptable integrated
active-active architecture that supports integrated management. Hitachi storage systems
can be configured in numerous ways to meet performance and storage requirements.

Scalable system performance

System performance can be optimized according to the needs of the user and can be
easily upgraded (in small or large increments) as storage needs increase. The following
table shows the supported configurations.
Table 1 System performance configurations

Number of VSD pairs /

Number of
controllers CPU cores1 Cache size2

1 min = 1 (16 cores) min = 64 GB3

max = 4 (64 cores) max = 1 TB

2 min = 2 (32 cores) min = 64 GB per system (32 GB per

max = 8 (128 cores)
max = 2 TB

1. A VSD pair consists of two VSD blades. Each VSD contains one 8-core processor.
2. Cache memory modules can be either 16 GB or 32 GB, but only one memory module
size can be used in a system.
3. HDS minimum cache per system is 64 GB whether the system contains one or two

Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 16
Flexible connectivity

Scalable storage capacity

■ The minimum configuration is a single rack with one controller chassis in a diskless
■ A small system can be a single rack with one controller chassis and up to two drive
chassis or flash drive chassis.
■ A mid-sized system can be three racks with one controller chassis and a maximum of
eight combined LFF or SFF drive chassis and up to two flash module drive (FMD)
■ For combined block and file storage systems, the maximum configuration depends
on how many HNAS servers and switches are installed. Consult your authorized
representative for examples of available configurations.
■ Maximum storage capacity:
● The storage systems can be configured up to 65,280 logical volumes.
● Configurable up to 2,304 SFF disk drives with a maximum physical disk capacity of
approximately of 3.9 PB per storage system, or up to 1,152 LFF disk drives with a
maximum physical disk capacity of approximately 6.8 PB per storage system.
● A drive intermix configuration can be configured up to 576 flash module drives
with a maximum physical capacity of 8.0 PB per storage system.

Flexible connectivity
The storage system supports connectivity to mainframe hosts through FICON front-end
directors and to open servers via Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and Fibre Channel over Ethernet
(FCoE) front-end directors. The storage system can be configured with a combination of
all of these front-end directors to support both mainframe hosts and open servers
For details about host connectivity and OS support, see https://support.hds.com/en_us/

Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 17
High reliability

High reliability
The storage system includes the following features to enhance reliability:
■ Multiple RAID configurations: The system supports RAID 6 (6D+2P and 14D+2P),
RAID 5 (3D+1P and 7D+1P), and RAID 1 (2D+2D and 4D+4D).
■ Duplicate hardware: Every module in the controller chassis and drive chassis is
configured in redundant pairs so that if any module fails, the redundant module takes
over until the failed component is replaced. The redundant hardware includes power
supplies, VSD pairs, cache path controllers, front-end directors, back-end directors,
and drives. If one of these hardware components fails, the storage system continues
normal operation with zero data loss.
■ Protection from power failures: The storage systems have dual-power feeds. In the
event of a partial power loss on one of the feeds, the system operates normally on
the alternate feed until full power is restored. In the event of a full power loss, the
cache backup modules maintain the availability of the cache contents for 32 minutes
while the system copies the system configuration information and all data in the
cache to a cache flash drive (SSD).

High flexibility
The storage systems are available in several configurations, from a small single rack,
diskless system to a large six-rack system that includes two controller chassis, up to
2,304 SFF drives, up to 1,152 LFF drives, up to 384 SSDs (per controller in a standard
performance back-end configuration) or 1,152 SSDs (per controller in a high-
performance back-end configuration), up to 576 flash module drives, and a total of 2 TB
cache. The systems can be easily reconfigured for more storage capacity.
The storage systems support block-only, file-only, and unified (block and file)
configurations in open and mainframe environments. Unified systems contain Hitachi
Network Attached Storage servers and switches in addition to the block controller and
storage drives.

Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 18
High flexibility

Typical system configurations

The storage systems can be configured to a meet a variety of storage needs, with the
following typical configurations based on customer use-cases:
■ Tiered storage: A storage system configured for tiered storage consists of multiple
drive types, including high-performance flash module drives for fast data access,
medium performance and capacity drives for most storage needs, and maximum
capacity drives for data warehousing, all in one system. A tiered storage system can
be configured with FMDs (flash module drives), SSDs (solid state drives), SAS drives
(SFF or LFF), and high-capacity LFF drives. Software applications such as Dynamic
Tiering allocate data to the appropriate drives based on frequency of access.
■ Maximum performance: A storage system configured with only flash module drives
delivers maximum performance. This two-controller system can contain 12 FMD
chassis with a total of 576 FMDs. This system is designed for an online retail site
where customers expect fast access to multiple images, or a hospital medical imaging
system where physicians need immediate access to 3D CAT or MRI images.
■ Maximum storage capacity: A storage system containing 12 LFF chassis with a total
of 1152 LFF drives provides the maximum storage capacity. This system configuration
with less priority for high-speed access is ideally suited for use as a data warehouse
for medical or insurance records.

Software applications
The storage systems provide the foundation for matching application requirements to
different classes of storage and delivering critical services, including:
■ Business continuity services
■ Content management services (search, indexing)
■ Thin provisioning
■ Dynamic Tiering
■ High availability
■ Security services
■ I/O load balancing
■ Data classification
■ File management services

Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 19
Nondisruptive service and upgrades

Nondisruptive service and upgrades

The storage systems are designed specifically to avoid any interruptions during normal
operations while servicing or upgrading the system components.
■ Main components can be “hot-swapped” (added, removed, or replaced without
disruption) during normal operation. These include every module in the controller
chassis and the drive chassis, such as power supplies, virtual storage directors, front-
end directors, and back-end directors, cache and cache backup modules, SVPs, and
■ A service processor (SVP) mounted in the controller chassis monitors the operating
condition of the storage system. Connecting the SVP with a service center allows
authorized service personnel to manage the system remotely.
■ An online, nondisruptive upgrade of the Storage Virtualization Operating Systems
(SVOS) can run during normal operation without shutting down or restarting the
storage system.
■ Optional Migration Enablement Service (includes pilot migration) is available to jump-
start self-service migration. For complex, large-scale, heterogeneous, and remote
replication data center environments, nondisruptive migration service from Hitachi
Global Solution Services (GSS) is required. Contact your HDS authorized sales or
service representative for more information.

High temperature mode

High temperature mode is a feature that allows the storage system to operate at
standard temperature (60.8°F to 89.6°F / 16°C to 32°C) or higher temperatures (60.8°F to
104°F / 16°C to 40°C), saving energy and cooling costs. Temperature sensors at the air
inlets in the primary microprocessor blades measure the ambient air temperature.

High temperature mode window

High temperature mode is set through the Edit High Temperature Mode window in the
Device Manager - Storage Navigator GUI. The window also displays alerts when the
ambient air temperature exceeds the preset limits.
■ In standard temperature mode, a temperature alert (SIM) appears when the
temperature in the storage system exceeds 89.6°F / 32°C.
■ In high temperature mode, the temperature alert (SIM) appears when the
temperature in the storage system exceeds 104°F / 40°C.

System life
The lifetime of the system is five years when operating in the standard temperature
mode. This lifetime is reduced when operating the system in high temperature mode,
even if you change the system to standard temperature mode later.

Cache flash memory battery life

When high temperature mode is enabled, the cache flash memory battery life is reduced
to two-thirds of the battery life when high temperature mode is enabled.

Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 20
High temperature mode

Example 1: A new cache flash memory battery has three years of usable life when
operated in a standard temperature environment. If you enable high temperature mode
when the battery is new, the battery life will be reduced to two years.
Example 2: The storage system is used for two years at normal temperature mode. The
cache battery has one year of usable life remaining at that time. If you enable high
temperature mode, the life of the battery is reduced to eight months.

Cache flash memory battery date

When high temperature mode is enabled, the battery replacement notice displays one
year earlier than when high temperature mode is disabled.
After high temperature mode is enabled, the date of the battery replacement notice
cannot be changed back to normal, even if high temperature mode is disabled. When
high temperature mode is enabled, a confirmation message appears.

Caution: Important information about using high temperature mode.

See the System Administrator Guide for additional information.
■ Notify Technical Support: Before enabling high temperature mode,
contact Hitachi Vantara Support at https://support.hds.com/en_us/contact-
us.html for updates or additional information besides the following notes.
■ Guidelines for operating with flash module drives in high
temperature mode:
● Do not enable high temperature mode if the system contains flash
module drives (FMDs) from an earlier generation (prior to Hitachi
Accelerated Flash FMD DC2 drives). The early generation FMDs cannot
operate in high temperature mode. Only enable high temperature
mode with Hitachi Accelerated Flash FMD DC2 drives.
● Do not enable high temperature mode if the system contains a
combination of early and current generation FMDs.
■ Operating altitude: Because thinner air does not provide sufficient
cooling, do not enable high temperature mode if the system is located
above 4920 ft / 1,500 m above sea level. A storage system can operate up
to 9842 ft / 3,000 m above sea level in standard temperature mode.
■ System noise: When the storage system is used in a high temperature
environment near 104°F / 40°C, the fans operate at high speed, increasing
system noise. See Environmental specifications (on page 143) for detailed

Temperature measurement
Ambient air temperature is measured by a sensor in the cooling air inlet on each module
in the primary VSD pair on each controller.

Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 21
Economical and quiet

Economical and quiet

The storage systems qualify as ENERGY STAR products and meet specifications for data
center storage. For more information, visit http://www.energystar.gov/productfinder/

Chapter 1: VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 22
Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview
The VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500 storage systems can be configured with one or two
controller chassis and up to twelve drive chassis that contain the drives. A controller
chassis contains the control logic, processors, memory, and interfaces to the drive
chassis and the host servers. A drive chassis contains drives, power supplies, and the
interface circuitry that connects it to the controller.
The controller rack contains the controller chassis and up to two drive chassis. Additional
racks can contain an intermix of 16U SFF or LFF drive chassis and/or 8U flash drive
chassis as well as one or two Hitachi NAS (HNAS) file system servers. When the
controllers of a two-controller system are housed in separate racks, the two controller
racks can be placed up to 100 meters apart. In addition, the drive racks attached to a
controller rack can be placed up to 100 meters from the controller rack.
VSP G1x00 support three types of drives: SFF hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid-state
drives (SSDs), LFF HDDs and SSDs, and flash module drives (FMDs), including the second-
generation FMD DC2 drives. The drives are mounted in a chassis that is specific to each
drive type. VSP G1x00 also support a diskless configuration (no drive chassis, all external
The VSP F1500 all-flash array is equipped with advanced high-density FMDs, providing up
to 4M IOPS and 40 PB of capacity for multi-workload consolidation.

Storage system configurations and model list

The following section describes the storage system configurations, models, and

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 23
Storage system configurations and model list

Figure 1 Storage system components overview

The illustration shown is only an example. The storage system provides
flexibility for placing the controller and drive chassis within the racks. For
more information about system configurations, contact your sales account

Item Description

1 10U controller chassis

2 (Optional) maximum of twelve 8U, FMD chassis

3 16U SFF or LFF drive chassis

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 24
Storage system configurations and model list

Item Description

4 8U space

Table 2 Supported block module components

Maximum chassis / drives per system

Single-controller Two-controller
Chassis Description system system

Controller 10U x 1 controller 1 2

SFF 16U x 192 2.5-inch HDDs 6 / 1,152 12 / 2,304

LFF 16U x 96 3.5-inch HDDs 6 / 576 12 / 1152

FMD 8U x 48 FMDs 6 / 288 12 / 576

SFF / LFF SSDs 1921 3841

1,1522 2,3042
1Maximum number in a standard performance configuration.
2Maximum number in a high-performance configuration.

Table 3 Supported minimum configuration options

Number of VSD pairs 1 2 or 3 4 5 6 or 7 8

No. of controller 1 1 1 2 2 2

Min cache memory 64 64 64 64 128 128


Cache backup kit 1 1 1 1 2 2

Front-end directors 1 1 1 1 1 1

Back-end directors 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of racks 1 1 1 11 11 11

Drive chassis Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

1Assumes both controllers are housed in a single rack. Two separate racks are required
if the controllers are separately housed.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 25
Storage system configurations and model list

Model number list

The list provides the parts description number for each storage system model.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 26
Storage system configurations and model list

Table 4 Model number list

Model Number

VSP G1500
(Upgrade from
VSP G1000 to
Component VSP G1000 G1500) VSP G1500 VSP F1500

Primary DKC-810I- DKC-810I- DKC-810I-CBXE DKC-810I-CBXE

Controller CBXA/ CBXA/
Chassis DKC-810I- DKC-810I-



Controller DKC-F810I-BCH DKC-F810I-BCH DKC-F810I-BCH DKC-F810I-BCH

Chassis Bezel

Badge for bezel 5557156-001 N/A 5562191-001 5562488-001

DKC Power DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


DKC Power DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


DKC Power DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


LFF Drive DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- N/A


SFF Drive DKC-F810I-SBX/ DKC-F810I-SBX/ DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Chassis DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- SBXC SBXC

Drive Chassis DKC-F810I-BUH DKC-F810I-BUH DKC-F810I-BUH DKC-F810I-BUH


DKU Power DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


DKU Power DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


DKU Power DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-



Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 27
Storage system configurations and model list

Model Number

VSP G1500
(Upgrade from
VSP G1000 to
Component VSP G1000 G1500) VSP G1500 VSP F1500



FBX Power DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


FBX Power DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


FBX Power DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


Additional DKC-F810I-SVP/ DKC-F810I-SVP/ DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Service DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- SVPC SVPC
Processor SVPC SVPC

Additional Hub DKC-F810I-HUB DKC-F810I-HUB DKC-F810I-HUB DKC-F810I-HUB

Intercontroller DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Connecting Kit MOD5 MOD5 MOD5 MOD5

Intercontroller DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Connecting MFC5 MFC5 MFC5 MFC5

Intercontroller DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Connecting Kit MOD30 MOD30 MOD30 MOD30

Intercontroller DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Connecting MFC30 MFC30 MFC30 MFC30

Intercontroller DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Connecting Kit MOD1J MOD1J MOD1J MOD1J

Intercontroller DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Connecting MFC1J MFC1J MFC1J MFC1J

Device DKC-F810I-CC1 DKC-F810I-CC1 DKC-F810I-CC1 DKC-F810I-CC1

Interface Cable

Device DKC-F810I-CC2 DKC-F810I-CC2 DKC-F810I-CC2 DKC-F810I-CC2

Interface Cable

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 28
Storage system configurations and model list

Model Number

VSP G1500
(Upgrade from
VSP G1000 to
Component VSP G1000 G1500) VSP G1500 VSP F1500

Device DKC-F810I-CC4 DKC-F810I-CC4 DKC-F810I-CC4 DKC-F810I-CC4

Interface Cable

Device DKC-F810I-FC5 DKC-F810I-FC5 DKC-F810I-FC5 DKC-F810I-FC5

Interface Cable

Device DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Interface Cable FC30 FC30 FC30 FC30

Device DKC-F810I-FC1J DKC-F810I-FC1J DKC-F810I-FC1J DKC-F810I-FC1J

Interface Cable

iSCSI 8-port DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

10G Host F810I-8IS10 F810I-8IS10 F810I-8IS10 F810I-8IS10

Fibre Channel DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

16-port 8G F810I-16FC8 F810I-16FC8 F810I-16FC8 F810I-16FC8
Host Adapter

Fibre Channel DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

8-port 16G F810I-8FC16 F810I-8FC16 F810I-8FC16 F810I-8FC16
Host Adapter

Fibre Channel DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

16-port 16G F810I-16FC16 F810I-16FC16 F810I-16FC16 F810I-16FC16
Host Adapter

Mainframe DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

Fibre 16-port F810I-16MS8 F810I-16MS8 F810I-16MS8 F810I-16MS8
8G Host
Adapter for

Mainframe DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

Fibre 16-port F810I-16ML8 F810I-16ML8 F810I-16ML8 F810I-16ML8
8G Host
Adapter for

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 29
Storage system configurations and model list

Model Number

VSP G1500
(Upgrade from
VSP G1000 to
Component VSP G1000 G1500) VSP G1500 VSP F1500

Mainframe DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

Fibre 16-port F810I-16MS16 F810I-16MS16 F810I-16MS16 F810I-16MS16
16G Host
Adapter for

Mainframe DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

Fibre 16-port F810I-16ML16 F810I-16ML16 F810I-16ML16 F810I-16ML16
16G Host
Adapter for

FCOE 16-port DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

Host Adapter F810I-16FE10 F810I-16FE10 F810I-16FE10 F810I-16FE10

Additional DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


Cache Memory DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

(16 GB) CM16G CM16G CM16G CM16G

Cache Memory DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

(32 GB) CM32G CM32G CM32G CM32G

Cache Backup DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Small Memory

Cache Backup DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Large Memory

Cache Flash DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Memory (128 BMM128 BMM128 BMM128 BMM128

Cache Flash DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-

Memory (256 BMM256 BMM256 BMM256 BMM256

Disk Adapter DKC-F810I-SCA DKC-F810I-SCA DKC-F810I-SCA DKC-F810I-SCA

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 30
Storage system configurations and model list

Model Number

VSP G1500
(Upgrade from
VSP G1000 to
Component VSP G1000 G1500) VSP G1500 VSP F1500

Encryption Disk DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


FIPS140-2 Level DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I- DKC-F810I-


Additional DKC-F810I-MP N/A N/A N/A


MP2 Upgrade N/A DKC-F810I- N/A N/A


Additional N/A DKC-F810I-MP2 DKC-F810I-MP2 DKC-F810I-MP2

Blades 2

Hard disk drives


disk drive 15k F810I-300KCM F810I-300KCM F810I-300KCMC

F810I-300KCMC F810I-300KCMC


disk drive 15k F810I-600KGM F810I-600KGM F810I-600KGM


disk drive 10k F810I-600JCM F810I-600JCM F810I-600JCMC

F810I-600JCMC F810I-600JCMC

600-GB LFF disk DKC- DKC- DKC- N/A

drive 10k F810I-600J5M F810I-600J5M F810I-600J5MC

F810I-600J5MC F810I-600J5MC


disk drive 10k F810I-900JCM F810I-900JCM F810I-900JCMC

F810I-900JCMC F810I-900JCMC

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 31
Storage system configurations and model list

Model Number

VSP G1500
(Upgrade from
VSP G1000 to
Component VSP G1000 G1500) VSP G1500 VSP F1500

1.2-TB SFF disk DKC- DKC- DKC- N/A

drive 10k F810I-1R2JCM F810I-1R2JCM F810I-1R2JCMC


1.8-TB SFF disk DKC- DKC- DKC- N/A

drive 10k F810I-1R8JGM F810I-1R8JGM F810I-1R8JGM

2.4-TB SFF disk N/A DKC- DKC- N/A

drive 10K F810I-2R4JGM F810I-2R4JGM

4-TB LFF disk DKC- DKC- DKC- N/A

drive 7.2k F810I-4R0H3M F810I-4R0H3M F810I-4R0H3M
F810I-4R0H3M F810I-4R0H3M

6-TB LFF disk DKC- DKC- DKC- N/A

drive 7.2k F810I-6R0H9M F810I-6R0H9M F810I-6R0H9M

10-TB LFF disk N/A DKC- DKC- N/A

drive 7.2k F810I-10RH9M F810I-10RH9M

Solid-state drives


SFF SSD F810I-400MCM F810I-400MCM F810I-400MCM


LFF SSD F810I-400M5M F810I-400M5M F810I-400M5M


SFF SSD F810I-800MCM F810I-800MCM F810I-800MCM


SFF SSD F810I-960MGM F810I-960MGM F810I-960MGM F810I-960MGM


SSD F810I-1R9MGM F810I-1R9MGM F810I-1R9MGM F810I-1R9MGM


SSD F810I-3R8MGM F810I-3R8MGM F810I-3R8MGM F810I-3R8MGM

Flash module drives

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 32
System controller chassis

Model Number

VSP G1500
(Upgrade from
VSP G1000 to
Component VSP G1000 G1500) VSP G1500 VSP F1500

1.75-TB flash DKC- DKC- N/A N/A

module drive F810I-1R6FM F810I-1R6FM


F810I-1R6FN F810I-1R6FN F810I-1R6FN F810I-1R6FN

3.5-TB flash DKC- DKC- N/A N/A

module drive F810I-3R2FM F810I-3R2FM


F810I-3R2FN F810I-3R2FN F810I-3R2FN F810I-3R2FN

7-TB flash DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

module drive F810I-6R4FN F810I-6R4FN F810I-6R4FN F810I-6R4FN
F810I-7R0FP F810I-7R0FP F810I-7R0FP F810I-7R0FP

14-TB flash DKC- DKC- DKC- DKC-

module drive F810I-14RFP F810I-14RFP F810I-14RFP F810I-14RFP

System controller chassis

The following figures show the front and rear views of a system controller chassis, and
the following tables list the description of the components.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 33
System controller chassis

Figure 2 Controller, front view

Table 5 Controller components, front view

Item Name Min Max Description

1 Control 1 1 See Power control panel (on page 119) .


2 Cache 2 4 Backup memory modules are installed in pairs and referred to

Backup as a backup memory kit. Each module contains two batteries
Module and either a 128-GB SSD (small kit) or a 256-GB SSD (large kit).
If the power fails, the cache is protected from data loss by the
backup batteries and the cache flash memory (SSD). The
batteries keep the cache active up to 32 minutes while the data
is copied to the SSD.

3 ■ Virtual 2 (1 8 (4 A VSD may contain either an Intel Xeon 2.1GHz or 2.3GHz 8-core
storag pair) pairs) microprocessor. The VSDs must be installed in pairs and the
e VSDs control the front-end directors, back-end directors, PCI
direct Express interface, local memory, and communication to the SVP.
or The VSDs are independent of the front-end directors and back-
(2.1- end directors, and can be shared across them.

■ Virtual

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 34
System controller chassis

Item Name Min Max Description

4 Cooling 5 5 The five intake fans on the front of the controller pull air into the
fan controller and distribute it across the controller components.

5 Cache 1 4 The CPA uses the built-in switch to connect the VSDs to the
Path front-end directors, back-end directors, and the cache backup
Control memory. It distributes data (data routing function) and sends
Adapter hot-line signals to the VSD. The shared memory is located on the
(CPA) first CPA cache board in each cluster in the primary controller.

Figure 3 Controller, rear view

Table 6 Controller components, rear view

Item Name Min Max Description

1 Power 2 4 200-240 VAC input. Provides power to the controller

supply chassis in a redundant configuration. Each power
supply contains two cooling fans to ensure constant
cooling if one fan fails.

2 Service 1 2 A custom PC monitoring and controlling the storage

processor system. It contains the Device Manager - Storage
(SVP) Navigator software, which configures and monitors
the system. Connecting the SVP to a service center
enables the storage system to be remotely monitored
and maintained by the support team.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 35
Front-end directors

Item Name Min Max Description

3 Service 0 1 This space can be empty or can contain either a

processor second SVP or a hub. When a second SVP is installed,
(SVP) the primary SVP is the active SVP, and the secondary
SVP is the hot idle SVP with active Windows. A hub
or Hub
facilitates the transfer of information from the VSD
pairs to the primary SVP.

4 Back-end 0 if 4 Connects the HDDs, SSDs, and FMDs. It controls the

director diskless data transfer between the drives and the cache.
2 with VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 support two
drives types of back-end directors:
director ■ Standard back-end director
■ Encrypting back-end director1
Important: Each back-end director and front-end
director consists of a set of two of blades. See Flexible
front-end director installation (on page 41) for

5 Front-end 1 2 to 5 with A front-end director (FED) provide ports that support

director drives connectivity to the open and mainframe systems
(host I/O belonging to the customer. In addition, some of the
module) 6 if diskless FEDs support virtualization of externally attached
system storage, remote replication between VSP G1000, VSP
G1500, and VSP F1500 and other storage systems,
including communication between two Hitachi
storage systems in a global active device cluster. See
Front-end directors (on page 36) for details.

6 Cooling 5 5 The exhaust fans on the rear of the controller pull hot
fan air away from the components and push it out the
(exhaust) back of the rack.

7 FED or 0 4 The slots on the controller support both front-end

VSD slot directors and VSDs. Both FEDs and VSDs must be
installed in pairs.

1. Achieved FIPS 140-2 Level 1 certification.

Front-end directors
A front-end director (FED) is a pair of blades installed in the controller.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 36
Front-end directors

The front-end director connects the storage system to the host servers, processes
channel commands from hosts, manages host access to the cache, and controls the
transfer of data between the hosts and the controller cache.
The following FEDs are available:
■ Fibre Channel
■ FICON (shortwave and longwave)
■ Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
The Fibre Channel FED can be configured with either shortwave or longwave host
connectors. The FICON is configured with either longwave or shortwave connectors that
match the wavelength of the mainframe ports.
The following figure shows the port LEDs of a FED, and the following table lists the
description of the port LEDs.

Figure 4 Front-end director blade, Fibre Channel and iSCSI

Item Name Color Description

1 Blade Dark (off) OFF: Power is not supplied to the system. The system is not
Status operational.
Red (on)
ON: Board failure. The blade can be replaced while the system is

2 Power Dark (off) OFF: Power is not supplied to the system or, if power is supplied to
supply the system, power supply in this blade is operational.
Amber (on)
ON: Power supply failure, abnormal voltage in power supply.

3 Port Dark (off) OFF: If system power is off, the port is not ready.
Green (on) OFF: If system power is on, the port is ready.
ON: Link is active.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 37
Supported connectors and protocols

Item Name Color Description

4 Link Dark (off) OFF: No link activity, for three possible reasons: power is off,
Activity initialization is not completed, and if system is operational, the port
Green (on)
is not being accessed.
iSCSI) ON (steady): Link is available and initialization is complete, but
connection to the host has not been established.
Blinking: When the port is being accessed and data is being
transferred between the host and the cache.

3 Port Dark (off) OFF: If system power is off, the port is not ready.
Green (on) ON: Link is available and initialization is complete, but connection
(FICON) to the host has not been established.
ON: Link is active.

4 Link Dark (off) OFF: No link activity because either power is off, initialization is not
Activity complete, or, if the system is operational, the port is not being
Amber (on)
ON (fast blink): When the port is being accessed and data is being
transferred between the host and the cache.

Supported connectors and protocols

A variety of FED options are available for installation in the controller chassis. The
maximum number of ports configurable in a two controller system by FED type are as
■ 96 iSCSI ports (10 Gbps, 8-port)
■ 192 Fibre Channel ports (16 Gbps, 16-port)
■ 192 Fibre Channel ports (8 Gbps, 16-port)
■ 96 Fibre Channel ports (16 Gbps, 8-port)
■ 176 FICON ports (16 Gbps, 16-port) available in longwave and shortwave versions
■ 176 FICON ports (8 Gbps, 16-port) available in longwave and shortwave versions
■ 192 FCoE ports (10 Gbps, 16-port)

Note: A storage system can be configured with a mixture of FED pairs thus
providing a variety of port types.

See Site preparation (on page 75) for information about port configurations.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 38
Supported connectors and protocols

Fibre Channel host connectors

The Fibre Channel FED uses a host connector which is an LC-type optical transceiver that
converts electrical signals from the FED to light pulses that are supported by the fiber
optic cables. Host connectors are either shortwave or longwave. Fibre Channel FEDs are
configured with shortwave host connectors by default. Longwave host connectors are
available and can be substituted as needed.
The following figure shows the SFP transceiver of a host connector.

Item Description

1 - Host connector lock lever Black lever = shortwave

Blue lever = longwave

Fibre Channel, iSCSI and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) FEDs support open system
hosts while FICON FEDs support mainframe systems.
The following tables lists the supported FEDs and protocols.

FED System Ports Mode Description

8-port, 10- Open 8 Target and Contains two 4-port

Gbps iSCSI Initiator1 front-end modules. Each
(4 per
port contains a short
wavelength (multi-
mode) host connector.

16-port, 16- Open 16 Target and Contains two 8-port

Gbps Fibre Initiator1 front-end modules. Each
(8 per
Channel, port contains an LC-type
shortwave and short wavelength,
longwave multimode host
adapter connector. These are
installed by default.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 39
Supported connectors and protocols

FED System Ports Mode Description

A long wavelength host
connector (-1PL8) for
single mode can be used
instead of the short
wavelength host

16-port, 8- Open 16 Target and Contains two 8-port

Gbps Fibre Initiator1 front-end modules. Each
(8 per
Channel, port contains an LC-type
shortwave and short wavelength, multi-
longwave mode host connector.
adapter These are installed by
A long wavelength host
connector (-1PL8) for
single mode may be
used instead of the
short wavelength host

8-port, 16- Open 8 Target and Contains two 4-port

Gbps Fibre Initiator1 front-end modules. Each
(4 per
Channel, port contains an LC-type
shortwave and short wavelength, multi-
longwave mode host connector.
adapter These are installed by
A long wavelength host
connector (-1PL16) for
single mode may be
used instead of the
short wavelength host

16-port, 8- Mainfra 16 Target Contains two 8-port

Gbps FICON me front-end modules. Each
(8 per
shortwave port contains a short
adapter wavelength (multi-
mode) host connector.

16-port, 8- Mainfra 16 Target Contains two 8-port

Gbps FICON me front-end modules. Each
(8 per
longwave port contains an LC-type
adapter long wavelength (multi-
mode) host connector.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 40
Flexible front-end director installation

FED System Ports Mode Description

16-port, 16- Mainfra 16 Target Contains two 8-port

Gbps FICON me front-end modules. Each
(8 per
shortwave port contains a short
adapter wavelength (multi-
mode) host connector.

16-port, 16- Mainfra 16 Target Contains two 8-port

Gbps FICON me front-end modules. Each
(8 per
longwave port contains an LC-type
adapter long wavelength (multi-
mode) host connector.

16-port, 10- Open 16 Target and Contains two 8-port

Gbps Fibre Initiator1 front-end modules. Each
(8 per
Channel over port contains a short
Ethernet (FCoE) wavelength (multi-
mode) host connector.

1. Supports remote replication, including TrueCopy , global-active device, Hitachi
Universal Replicator, and Hitachi Universal Volume Manager.

Flexible front-end director installation

The maximum number of FEDs that can be installed in the controller depends on the
number of VSD pairs and back-end directors (BED) that are also installed.
As shown in the following figure, the controller is built with 12 I/O slots, eight of which
are dual-purpose. This provides a wide range of configuration flexibility.

Note: Each front-end director and back-end director consists of a set of two
blades, as indicated by the numbers in the figure. A VSD pair, however, uses a
single slot, but is sold and installed in pairs.

The following list describes the purpose of the slots.

■ Eight of the 12 I/O slots support different types of devices.
■ Slots 1C/2C and 1D/2D are reserved for the first two front-end directors.
■ Slots 1E/2E and 1F/2F support the installation of either front-end directors or VSDs.
■ Slots 1A/2A and 1B/2B support the installation of either back-end directors or VSDs.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 41
Flexible front-end director installation

The following table shows the order of front-end director (FED) installation. If the storage
system includes internal drives, the controller requires a minimum of a single pair of
back-end directors and can be configured to support up to two back-end director pairs. A
storage system that does not include any internal drives is referred to as a diskless
configuration. The term standard describes a controller configured with a single back-
end director, while high performance describes a controller configured with two back-end
director pairss.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 42
Flexible front-end director installation

Table 7 VSP G1000 FED installation order

Installation slot location

Installatio Diskless model Standard model model
n order
(see the DKC810I- DKC- DKC810I- DKC- DKC810I- DKC-
previous CBXA/ F810I- CBXA/ F810I- CBXA/ F810I-

1 1PC/2PC 1PJ/2PJ 1PC/2PC 1PJ/2PJ 1PC/2PC 1PJ/2PJ

(CHA0) (CHA6) (CHA0) (CHA6) (CHA0) (CHA6)

2 1PD/2PD 1PK/2PK 1PD/2PD 1PK/2PK 1PD/2PD 1PK/2PK

(CHA1) (CHA7) (CHA1) (CHA7) (CHA1) (CHA7)

3 1PE/2PE 1PL/2PL 1PE/2PE 1PL/2PL 1PE/2PE 1PL/2PL

(CHA2/ (CHA8/ (CHA2/ (CHA8/ (CHA2/ (CHA8/

4 1PF/2PF 1PM/2PM 1PF/2PF 1PM/2PM 1PF/2PF 1PM/2PM

(CHA3/ (CHA9/ (CHA3/ (CHA9/ (CHA3/ (CHA9/

5 1PB/2PB 1PH/2PH 1PB/2PB 1PH/2PH — —

(DKA1/ (DKA3/ (DKA1/ (DKA3/
CHA4) CHA10) CHA4) CHA10)

6 1PA/2PA 1PG/2PG — 1PG/2PG — —

(DKA0/ (DKA2/ (DKA2/
CHA5) CHA11) CHA11)

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 43
Supported speeds and cable lengths

Table 8 VSP G1500 and VSP F1500 FED installation order

Installation slot location

Installatio High-performance
n order Diskless model Standard model model
(see the
previous DKC810I- DKC810I- DKC810I- DKC810I- DKC810I- DKC810I-

1 1PC/2PC 1PJ/2PJ 1PC/2PC 1PJ/2PJ 1PC/2PC 1PJ/2PJ

(CHA0) (CHA6) (CHA0) (CHA6) (CHA0) (CHA6)

2 1PD/2PD 1PK/2PK 1PD/2PD 1PK/2PK 1PD/2PD 1PK/2PK

(CHA1) (CHA7) (CHA1) (CHA7) (CHA1) (CHA7)

3 1PE/2PE 1PL/2PL 1PE/2PE 1PL/2PL 1PE/2PE 1PL/2PL

(CHA2/ (CHA8/ (CHA2/ (CHA8/ (CHA2/ (CHA8/

4 1PF/2PF 1PM/2PM 1PF/2PF 1PM/2PM 1PF/2PF 1PM/2PM

(CHA3/ (CHA9/ (CHA3/ (CHA9/ (CHA3/ (CHA9/

5 1PB/2PB 1PH/2PH 1PB/2PB 1PH/2PH — —

(DKA1/ (DKA3/ (DKA1/ (DKA3/
CHA4) CHA10) CHA4) CHA10)

6 1PA/2PA 1PG/2PG — 1PG/2PG — —

(DKA0/ (DKA2/ (DKA2/
CHA5) CHA11) CHA11)

Supported speeds and cable lengths

The Fibre Channel FEDs can be configured with either shortwave or longwave host
connectors that match the cables connecting it to the host systems.
The following table lists the Fibre Channel cable length requirements for the front-end
directors for the storage system.
Table 9 Maximum cable length (shortwave)

OM2 cable (50/125

Data OM3 cable (50/125 μm OM4 cable (50/125 μm
transfer laser optimized, laser optimized,
rate multi-mode fiber) multimode fiber) multimode fiber)

MBps feet / meters feet / meters feet / meters

200 984.3 / 300 1640.4 / 500 N/A

400 492.1 / 150 1246.7 / 380 1312.4 / 400

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 44
Back-end director

OM2 cable (50/125

Data OM3 cable (50/125 μm OM4 cable (50/125 μm
transfer laser optimized, laser optimized,
rate multi-mode fiber) multimode fiber) multimode fiber)

MBps feet / meters feet / meters feet / meters

800 164 / 50 492.1 / 150 623.4 / 190

1600 118 / 35 328 / 100 410.1 / 125

Table 10 Maximum cable length (longwave)

Data transfer rate ( MBps) OM3 cable length (km)

200, 400, 800, 1600 10

Back-end director
A back-end director (BED) is a pair of blades installed into the controller chassis and it
controls the data transfer between the cache memory and internal drives of the storage
Hitachi offers the following BEDs:
■ Standard back-end director
■ Encrypting back-end director
The standard back-end director blades are each equipped with four 6-Gbps SAS ports
and do not support encryption.
The encrypting back-end director (EBED) blades each provide four 6-Gbps SAS ports.
When writing data to the internal drives of the system, the EBED encrypts the data. The
encrypted data-at-rest is unencrypted by the EBED as it is read from the drive. The EBED
is certified as FIPS 140-2 Level 2 compliant to meet the strict security standards of
customers managing storage systems. A Hitachi Encryption License Key must be installed
during installation in order to enable the encryption functionality of the EBED and an
additional license key known as FIPS 140-2 Level 2 License Key must be installed for
operating in compliance with the FIPS 140-2 Level 2 specification. For more information
about the encrypting back-end directors and implementing a storage system with FIPS
140-2 Level 2 compliance, contact a Hitachi Vantara representative.
For more information about FIPS 140-2 criteria and certificate for VSP G1x00, see the
following websites:
■ FIPS 140-2: http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/standards.html
■ FIPS 140-2 Level 2 certificate #2727 for the VSP G1x00: http://csrc.nist.gov/

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 45
Flexible back-end director installation

The hardware components used in the standard back-end director blades are different
from the encrypting back-end director blades. A BED pair may not consist of one
standard and one encrypting blade.

Flexible back-end director installation

Use the following guideline when installing standard and encrypting back-end directors
A maximum of two BEDs can be installed in both the primary controller chassis and
secondary controller chassis for a total of four BEDs per system. Only one type of BEDs
can be installed into a system. The standard and encrypting back-end directors cannot be
mixed in the storage system. The maximum number of BED pairs that can be installed
into a controller chassis will depend on the number of FEDs that will also be installed
into the controller chassis.
A system without internal drives (also known as a diskless configuration) does not require
the installation BEDs. However, the system must include one or more FED pairs to
provide ports to connect to externally attached storage as well as to host systems.
For more information about configuration rules for FEDs and BEDs, see Flexible front-
end director installation (on page 41) .

Drive chassis
The VSP G1x00 support three different drive chassis. The VSP F1500 only supports the
FMD chassis. All components in the drive chassis are configured with redundant pairs to
prevent system failure. While the storage system is in operation, all components in the
drive chassis can be added or replaced. For detailed information about the drives in each
chassis, see Storage system specifications (on page 131) .

Maximum number of chassis /

drives per system

Drive trays / Single Dual controller

Drive Drives per controller (3 (6 racks)
chassis Description tray racks)

SFF A 16U group of eight 2U Eight 2U 6 / 1,152 hard 12 / 2,304

drive trays. Each holds up trays, up to drives drives
to 24 vertically positioned 24 drives
Up to 192 Up to 384
2.5-inch HDD and SSD each
drives, for a total of 192 SFF
drives per chassis. See Up to 1,152 Up to 2,304
Figure 29 SAS connection SSDs2 SSDs2
diagram of Rack-00
(SFF/LFF standard model)
(on page 109) .

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 46
Drive chassis

Maximum number of chassis /

drives per system

Drive trays / Single Dual controller

Drive Drives per controller (3 (6 racks)
chassis Description tray racks)

LFF A 16U group of eight 2U Eight 2U 6 / 576 hard 12 / 1,152

drive trays. Each holds up trays, up to drives
Up to 384
to 12 horizontally 12 drives
Up to 192 SSDs1
positioned 3.5-inch drives, each
for a total of 96 LFF drives Up to 2,304
per chassis. See Figure 29 Up to 1,152 SSDs2
SAS connection diagram of SSDs2
Rack-00 (SFF/LFF standard
model) (on page 109) .

FMD An 8U group of four 2U Four 2U 6 / 288 12 / 576

drive trays. Each holds up trays, up to
to 12 horizontally 12 drives
positioned drives, for a each
total of 48 FMDs per
chassis. See Figure 31 SAS
connection diagram of
Rack-00 (FBX standard
model) (on page 111) .
1Maximum number in a standard performance configuration.
2Maximum number in a high-performance configuration.

The following illustrations show the front and rear panels of the three types of 2U drive
trays, and the following tables describe the connectors and LEDs.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 47
Drive chassis

Figure 5 SFF 2U drive tray diagram and front view

Figure 6 LFF 2U drive tray, front view

Item Name Color Description

1 POWER Green OFF: Power is not supplied to the system.

ON: Power is supplied to the system.

READY Green OFF: System is not operational.

ON: Normal operation. Storage system is operational. Fast blink -
internal processing. Storage system is operational. Slow blink - offline
download processing completed (maintenance).

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 48
Drive chassis

Item Name Color Description

LOCATE Orange OFF: Normal operation

ON: Nonfatal error. Storage system can remain operating.
Contact technical support. See Getting help (on page 128) in the
preface of this manual.

2 ALM Red OFF: Normal operation

ON: Fatal error. Contact technical support. See Getting help (on
page 128) in the preface of this manual.

3 ACT Green OFF: Drive is not being accessed.

Blinking: Drive is being accessed.

Figure 7 2U SFF and LFF drive tray, rear view

Item Name Color Description

1 POWER LED Green OFF: No power is supplied to the system.

ON: Power is supplied to the system.

READY LED Green ON: Normal operation. Storage system is operational.

Fast blink: Internal processing. Storage system is operational.
Slow blink: Offline download processing completed

LOCATE LED Orange ON: Nonfatal error. Storage system can continue operating.
Contact technical support. See Getting Help in the preface of
this manual.

2 ENC IN LED Green ON: Port is connected to an OUT port in the controller. This can
be directly or via another drive box with daisy chained cables.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 49
Drive chassis

Item Name Color Description

3 ENC IN - Connects the drives to the ENC OUT port in the control chassis
connector either directly or via another drive box with daisy chained

4 ENC OUT - Connects the drives to the ENC IN port in the control chassis
connector either directly, or via another drive box with daisy chained

5 ENC OUT LED Green ON: Indicates that the port is connected to an IN port in the
controller. This can be performed directly or indirectly, as
previously described.

6 Console port - RJ-45 connector (not used)

7 Power Supply - Converts 200 VAC to the DC voltages used by the drives and the
ENC adapters.

8 RDY (Ready) Green OFF: No power is supplied to the system or the power supply
LED has failed.
ON: The power supply is operating normally.

9 AC IN LED Green ON: AC input is normal.

10 ALM (Alarm) Red Power supply has failed. Contact technical support. See Getting
LED Help in the preface of this manual.

11 AC Socket - For IEC60320-C14 plug: 200 - 240 VAC +8% - 6% 50/60 Hz

Figure 8 FMD drive tray

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 50
Cache memory

Item Description

1 Flash module Active LED - Lights when the flash module is activated - Blinks
at drive access.

2 Flash module Alarm LED - Lights when the flash module has an error and
should be replaced.

3 SAS / ENC Module Power LED

4 SAS / ENC Module Alarm LED - Indicates fatal error condition.

5 SAS / ENC standard IN connector

6 SAS / ENC high performance IN connector

7 ENC adapter - Connects the flash modules to the BEDs in the controller
through ENC cables.

8 SAS / ENC standard OUT connector

9 SAS / ENC high performance OUT connector

10 Power cord receptacle

11 Power Supply - 220 VAC input, draws approximately 265 watts.

12 Power Supply Ready 1 LED - Lights when 12 VDC power #1 is ready.

13 Power Supply Ready 2 LED - Lights when 12 VDC power #2 is ready.

14 Power Supply alarm LED - Lights when power supply has an error.

Cache memory
The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems can be configured with 64
GB to 1 TB of cache memory per controller. The cache memory is installed in one or two
cache path control adapters (CPA). A CPA feature consists of a pair of redundant blades
that are installed and work together to provide cache and shared memory for the
system. The following figure shows two CPAs (2-3, and 1-4).
Cache memory modules (DIMMs) are available in either 16 GB or 32 GB sizes. The
minimum memory required per controller is 64 GB, either two 16 GB DIMMs or one 32
GB DIMM must be installed in each CPA blade. The memory modules in a system must
all be the same size.
The following table shows minimum and maximum cache capacities per controller. The
figures are doubled for a two-controller system.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 51
Cache memory

Table 11 Cache capacities per controller

Maximum cache capacity configurable

based on the number of cache path
control adapter pairs included:

2 cache path
control adapter
1 cache path pairs (one included
# of controller control adapter pair with controller and
chassis Capacity of cache (included with an additional
configuration memory module controller) feature added)

VSP G1000, VSP 16 GB 256 GB 512 GB

G1500, and VSP
F1500 including a 32 GB 512 GB 1024 GB
Primary controller
chassis only

VSP G1000, VSP 16 GB 512 GB 1024 GB

G1500, and VSP
F1500 including 32 GB 1024 GB 2048 GB
both a Primary and
controller chassis

1. One DIMM minimum, eight DIMMs maximum per board. Two blades/boards per
CPA. One or two CPAs installed per controller.
2. HDS minimum cache per system is 64 GB whether configured with one or two

Item Description Item Description

2 and 3 Main (required) cache path 1 and 4 Optional cache path control adapters
control adapters

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 52
Memory operation

Item Description Item Description

1 and 2 Cluster 1 3 and 4 Cluster 0

Memory operation
The controller places all read and write data into the cache. The amount of fast-write
data in cache is dynamically managed by the cache control algorithms to provide an
optimum amount of read and write cache, depending on the workload read and write
I/O characteristics.

Data protection
The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems protect the loss of data or
configuration information stored in the cache when electrical power fails. The cache is
kept active for up to 32 minutes by the cache backup batteries while the system
configuration and data are copied to the cache flash memory in the cache backup
modules. For more information, see Cache flash memory (on page 58) and Battery
backup operations (on page 125) .

Cache capacity
The recommended amount of cache to install is determined by the RAID level, the
number of drives installed in the system, and whether Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning
(HDP), Hitachi Dynamic Tiering (HDT), Dynamic Cache Residency (DCR), and Universal
Volume Manager (UVM) are applied. The recommended data cache capacity per Cache
Logical Partition (CLPR) = (CLPR capacity) - (DCR Extent setting capacity per CLPR). When
CLPR is not applied to DP/DT/DCR, install the recommended data cache capacity shown
in the following table.
To configure a system for maximum performance, contact your authorized Hitachi
Vantara representative. See Getting Help in the preface of this manual.
Table 12 Recommended data cache capacity when DP, DT, DCR, and UVM are not
being used

Total logical capacity of external volumes Recommended data cache capacity per
+ internal volumes per CLPR CLPR

Less than 2,900 GB 15 GB or more

Less than 2,900 GB 15 GB or more

2,900 GB or more 16 GB or more

11,500 GB or more 22 GB or more

14,400 GB or more 24 GB or more

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 53
Shared memory

Total logical capacity of external volumes Recommended data cache capacity per
+ internal volumes per CLPR CLPR

100,000 GB or more 30 GB or more

128,000 GB or more 32 GB or more

182,000 GB or more 40 GB or more

218,000 GB or more 48 GB or more

254,000 GB or more 56 GB or more

290,000 GB or more 64 GB or more

326,000 GB or more 72 GB or more

Shared memory
Shared memory holds storage system configuration information and it resides in the
cache. The capacity of the shared memory + the capacity of the cache memory = the
total capacity of the cache memory needed by the storage system.
The capacity overheads associated with the capacity saving function (data deduction)
include capacity consumed by metadata and capacity consumed by garbage (invalid)
data. For more information, see the Provisioning Guide for Open Systems. The
recommendation is to use 0.2% of active data size as cache size (200 GB of cache for
every 100 TB of pool capacity to be reduced).
The following table shows the shared memory capacity needed depending on the kind of
software applications installed in the system.

Determining factor of SM capacity

Software 1 extension
Number of SM
control exten iSC capacit
unit NDM FC TPF GAD AF sion 1 2 3 SI DC y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — — — — — — — — — 16 GB


1-64 (16k Apply Appl — Appl — — — — — — — 24 GB

LDEV) y y

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 54
Shared memory

Determining factor of SM capacity

Software 1 extension
Number of SM
control exten iSC capacit
unit NDM FC TPF GAD AF sion 1 2 3 SI DC y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — — Appl — — — — — — 24 GB

LDEV) y y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — — — — App — — — — 24 GB

LDEV) y ly

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl — — Apply — — — App Appl 24 GB

LDEV) y y ly y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — Appl Appl — — — — — — 32 GB

LDEV) y y y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — Appl — — App — — — — 32 GB

LDEV) y y ly

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — — Appl — App — — — — 32 GB

LDEV) y y ly

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl Appl — Apply — — — App Appl 32 GB

LDEV) y y y ly y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl — Appl Apply — — — App Appl 32 GB

LDEV) y y y ly y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl — Apply App — — App Appl 32 GB

LDEV) y y ly ly y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — Appl Appl — App — — — — 40 GB

LDEV) y y y ly

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — — — — App Appl — — — 40 GB

LDEV) y ly y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl Appl Appl Apply — — — App Appl 40 GB
LDEV) y y y y ly y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl — Appl Apply App — — App Appl 40 GB
LDEV) y y y ly ly y

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 55
Shared memory

Determining factor of SM capacity

Software 1 extension
Number of SM
control exten iSC capacit
unit NDM FC TPF GAD AF sion 1 2 3 SI DC y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl Appl — Apply App — — App Appl 40 GB
LDEV) y y y ly ly y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — Appl — — App Appl — — — 48 GB

LDEV) y y ly y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — — Appl — App Appl — — — 48 GB

LDEV) y y ly y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl Appl Appl Apply App — — App Appl 48 GB
LDEV) y y y y ly ly y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl — — Apply App Appl — App Appl 48 GB
LDEV) y y ly y ly y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — Appl Appl — App Appl — — — 56 GB

LDEV) y y y ly y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — — — — App Appl App — — 56 GB

LDEV) y ly y ly

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl Appl — Apply App Appl — App Appl 56 GB
LDEV) y y y ly y ly y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl — Appl Apply App Appl — App Appl 56 GB
LDEV) y y y ly y ly y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — Appl — — App Appl App — — 64 GB

LDEV) y y ly y ly

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — — Appl — App Appl App — — 64 GB

LDEV) y y ly y ly

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl — — Apply App Appl App App Appl 64 GB
LDEV) y y ly y ly ly y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl Appl Appl Apply App Appl — App Appl 64 GB
LDEV) y y y y ly y ly y

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 56
Shared memory

Determining factor of SM capacity

Software 1 extension
Number of SM
control exten iSC capacit
unit NDM FC TPF GAD AF sion 1 2 3 SI DC y

1-64 (16k Apply Appl — Appl Appl — App Appl App — — 72 GB

LDEV) y y y ly y ly

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl Appl — Apply App Appl App App Appl 72 GB
LDEV) y y y ly y ly ly y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl — Appl Apply App Appl App App Appl 72 GB
LDEV) y y y ly y ly ly y

1-255 (64k Apply Appl Appl Appl Appl Apply App Appl App App Appl 80 GB
LDEV) y y y y ly y ly ly y

1. Software includes the following applications:

■ DC: Deduplication and Compression
■ FC: Compatible FlashCopy V2
■ GAD: global-active device
■ HDP: Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning
■ HDT: Hitachi Dynamic Tiering
■ NDM: nondisruptive migration
■ SI: ShadowImage
■ TC: TrueCopy
■ TI: Thin ImageVolume Migration V2
■ SM: Shared memory
■ TPF: Transaction Processing Facility
■ UR: Universal Replicator
■ VM: Volume Migration V2

2. The required cache memory capacity is determined by the storage capacity and the number
of Processor Blades.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 57
Cache flash memory

Cache flash memory

The cache flash memory (CFM) is contained in the cache backup modules in the
controller, along with the cache backup batteries. Similar to the cache memory, a CFM
feature consists of a pair for redundancy purposes. The CFM backup the cache in case of
power or component failure. The following figure shows two CPAs (2-3 and 1-4).

Cache flash memory operation

Each CFM blade connects directly to its corresponding CPA blade and backs up the data
in that CPA blade if power fails. When data that is not stored on disk is written to the
cache, it is written to one blade of the CPA and mirrored to the other. If one CFM fails, or
one phase of the power fails, the other CFM backs up the mirrored data from its
corresponding CPA blade, and no data is lost. In the unlikely event where a CFM has
failed and a full power failure occurs, the other CFM backs up the mirrored data from the
CPA without any loss of data.

Cache flash memory capacity

The recommended size of the installed cache flash memory depends on the size of the
cache memory, and is automatically selected when defining the configuration for the
The following table shows CFM capacities per controller with both small and large cache
memory backup assemblies.

Number of CFM
Number of features (pairs of Memory module
controllers boxes) size CFM size1

1 1 CFM 128 GB 256 GB

2 boxes / SSDs 256 GB 512 GB

2 CFMs 128 GB 512 GB

4 boxes / SSDs 256 GB 1 TB

2 1 CFM 128 GB 512 GB

2 boxes / SSDs 256 GB 1 TB

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 58
Cache flash memory capacity

Number of CFM
Number of features (pairs of Memory module
controllers boxes) size CFM size1

2 CFMs 128 GB 1 TB
4 boxes / SSDs 256 GB 2 TB

1. SDD sizes must be the same in all CFM. Cache must be distributed evenly across
CFMs and controllers.

Note: The small CFM SSDs (128 GB) can be installed in the large cache
backup, allowing for easier and less expensive upgrades.

Chapter 2: Storage system hardware overview

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 59
Chapter 3: Hardware architecture
The basic system architecture of a VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 single
controller is includes virtual storage directors (microprocessors) are shared across the
cache, front-end directors (host adapters), and back-end directors (disk adapters),
providing processing power where and when it is needed, without latency or
This architecture significantly increases the I/O throughput, up to three times the speed
of the VSP system. The system provides a highly granular upgrade path, allowing the
addition of drives to the drive chassis, and components such as virtual storage directors
to the controller chassis as storage needs increase.

System architecture overview

The overview describes the architecture of the storage system.

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 60
VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 RAID implementation

VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 RAID implementation

The benefits of RAID technology are low cost, high reliability, and high I/O performance
of data storage devices. To gain these benefits, this storage system supports RAID levels
1, 5 and 6.

Array groups and RAID levels

An array group (also called parity group) is the basic unit of storage capacity for the
storage system. In RAID 1, an array group is a set of four physical drives where one drive
is installed in the same location in each of four contiguous disk trays in the same drive
chassis. The following figure shows part of an SFF drive chassis where two RAID 1 array
groups are set up. RAID 1 is shown by yellow rectangles. The RAID 2 is shown by the red

Figure 9 RAID group example

The storage system supports the following RAID levels: RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 6. When
configured in four-drive RAID 5 parity groups (3D+1P), 75% of the raw capacity is
available to store user data, and 25% of the raw capacity is used for parity data.

The following two figures illustrate the RAID 1 configurations. The tables following the
figures describe each configuration.

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 61

Item Description

Description Mirror disks (duplicated writes). Two disk drives, plus primary and
secondary disk drives, compose a RAID pair (mirroring pair) and the
identical data is written to the primary and secondary disk drives. The
data is distributed on the two RAID pairs.

Advantage RAID 1 is highly usable and reliable because of the duplicated data. It
has higher performance than ordinary RAID 1 (when it consists of two
disk drives) because it consists of the two RAID pairs.

Disadvantage Requires disk capacity twice as large as the user data.

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 62

Item Description

Description Mirror disks (duplicated writing). The two parity groups of RAID 1(2D
+2D) are concatenated and data is distributed on them. In the each
RAID pair, data is written in duplicate.

Advantage This configuration is highly usable and reliable because of the

duplicated data. It has higher performance than the 2D+2D
configuration because it consists of the four RAID pairs.

Disadvantage Requires disk capacity twice as large as the user data.

A RAID 5 array group consists of four or eight drives (3D+1P) or (7D+1P). The data is
written across the four drives or eight drives in a stripe that has three or seven data
chunks and one parity chunk. Each chunk contains either eight logical tracks (mainframe)
or 768 logical blocks (open). This RAID 5 implementation minimizes the write penalty
incurred by standard RAID 5 implementations by keeping write data in cache until the
entire stripe can be built, and then writing the entire data stripe to the drives. The 7D+1P
RAID 5 configuration increases usable capacity and improves performance.
The following two figures illustrate the RAID 5 configurations. The tables following the
figures describes each configuration.

Note: RAID 5 contains two configurations: 3D+1P configuration (four disk

drives) and 7D+1P configuration (eight disk drives). The following diagram
shows the 3D+1P configuration. In the 7D+1P configuration, data is arranged
in the same way.

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 63

Item Description

Description Data is written to multiple disks successively in units of block (or

blocks). Parity data is generated from data of multiple blocks and
written to disk.

Advantage RAID 5 supports transaction operations that mainly use small size
random access because each disk can receive I/O instructions
independently. It can provide high reliability and usability at a
comparatively low cost by virtue of the parity data.

Disadvantage Write penalty of RAID 5 is larger than that of RAID 1 because pre-
update data and pre-update parity data must be read internally as the
parity data is updated when data is updated.

Item Description

Description Two or four parity groups (eight drives) are concatenated. The data is
distributed and arranged in 16 drives or 32 drives.

Advantage If a RAID 5 (3D+1P) parity group becomes a performance bottleneck,

you might improve performance through the added drives in a RAID 5
(7D+1P) configuration.

Disadvantage The impact when two drives are blocked is significant because twice
or four times the numbers of LDEVs are arranged in the parity group
when compared with RAID 5 (3D+1P). However, the chance that the
read of the single block in the parity group cannot be performed due
to failure is the same as that of RAID 5 (3D+1P).

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 64

Figure 10 Sample RAID 5 3D + 1P Layout (Data Plus Parity Stripe) (on page 65) shows
RAID 5 data stripes mapped across four physical drives. Data and parity are striped
across each drive in the array group. The logical devices (LDEVs) are dispersed evenly in
the array group, so that the performance of each LDEV within the array group is the
same. This figure also shows the parity chunks that are the Exclusive OR (XOR) of the
data chunks. The parity chunks and data chunks rotate after each stripe. The total data
in each stripe is 2304 blocks (768 blocks per chunk) for Open-systems data. Each of these
array groups can be configured as either 3390-x or OPEN-x logical devices. All LDEVs in
the array group must be the same format (3390-x or OPEN-x). For Open systems, each
LDEV is mapped to a SCSI address, so that it has a track identifier (TID) and logical unit
number (LUN).

Figure 10 Sample RAID 5 3D + 1P Layout (Data Plus Parity Stripe)

A RAID 6 array group consists of eight drives (6D+2P). The data is written across the eight
drives in a stripe that has six data chunks and two parity chunks. Each chunk contains
768 logical blocks.
In RAID 6, data can be assured when up to two drives in an array group fail. Therefore,
RAID 6 is the most reliable of the RAID levels.
The following figure illustrates the RAID 6 configuration and the table describes the

Note: RAID 6 contains two configurations: 6D+2P (8 disk drives) and 14D+2P
(16 disk drives). The following diagram shows the 6D+2P configuration.

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 65
LDEV striping across array groups

Item Description

Description Data blocks are scattered to multiple disks in the same way as RAID 5
and two parity disks, P and Q, are set in each row. Therefore, data can
be assured even when failures occur in up to two disk drives in a
parity group.

Advantage RAID 6 is much more reliable than RAID 1 and RAID 5 because it can
restore data even when failures occur in up to two disks in a parity

Disadvantage The parity data P and Q must be updated when data is updated, RAID
6 imposes a write heavier than that on RAID 5. Performance of the
random writing is lower than RAID 5 when the number of drives
makes a bottleneck.

LDEV striping across array groups

In addition to the conventional concatenation of RAID 1 array groups (4D+4D), the
storage system supports LDEV striping across multiple RAID 5 array groups for improved
logical unit performance in open-system environments. The advantages of LDEV striping
■ Improved performance, especially of an individual logical unit, due to an increase in
the number of drives that constitute an array group.
■ Superior workload distribution: If the workload of one array group is higher than
another array group, you can distribute the workload by combining the array groups,
thereby reducing the total workload concentrated on each specific array group.

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 66
LDEV striping across array groups

The supported LDEV striping configurations are:

■ LDEV striping across two RAID5 (7D+1P) array groups. The maximum number of
LDEVs in this configuration is 1000. See the following figure.
■ LDEV striping across four RAID5 (7D+1P) array groups. The maximum number of
LDEVs in this configuration is 2000. See Figure 12 LDEV Striping Across four RAID5 (7D
+1P) Array Groups (on page 68) .

Figure 11 LDEV Striping Across two RAID5 (7D+1P) Array Groups

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 67
Control unit images, logical volume images, and logical units

Figure 12 LDEV Striping Across four RAID5 (7D+1P) Array Groups

All drives and device emulation types are supported for LDEV striping. LDEV striping can
be used with all storage system data management functions.

Control unit images, logical volume images, and logical units

This section provides information about control unit images (CU), logical volume images
(LVI), and logical units (LU).

CU images
The storage system is configured with one control unit image for each 256 devices (one
SSID per 64 LDEVs or 256 LDEVs) and supports a maximum of 255 CU images in the
primary logical disk controller (LDKC).
The storage system supports the control unit (CU) emulation type 2107.
The mainframe data management features of the storage system can restrict CU image

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 68
Logical volume images

For more information on CU image support, see the Mainframe Host Attachment and
Operations Guide, or contact your Hitachi Vantara account team.

Logical volume images

The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems support the following
Mainframe LVI types:
■ 3390-3
■ 3390-3R
■ 3390-9
■ 3390-L
■ 3390-M

Note: The 3390-3 and 3390-3R LVIs cannot be intermixed in the same storage

The LVI configuration of the storage system depends on the RAID implementation and
physical data drive capacities. To access the LDEVs, combine the logical disk controller
number (00), CU number (00-FE), and device number (00-FF). All control unit images can
support an installed LVI range of 00 to FF.
For maximum flexibility in LVI configuration, the storage system provides the Virtual LVI
feature. Using Virtual LVI, users can configure multiple LVIs under a single LDEV. For
further information on Virtual LVI, see the Provisioning Guide for Mainframe Systems.

Logical units
The storage system is configured with OPEN-V logical unit types. The OPEN-V logical unit
size can vary from 48.1 MB to 4 TB. For information about other logical unit types, for
example, OPEN-9, contact Hitachi Vantara support.
For maximum flexibility in LU configuration, the storage system provides the Virtual LUN
feature. Using Virtual LUN, users can configure multiple LUs under a single LDEV. For
further information on Virtual LUN, see the Provisioning Guide for Open Systems.

Mainframe operations
This section provides high-level descriptions of mainframe compatibility, support, and

Mainframe compatibility and functionality

In addition to full System Managed Storage (SMS) compatibility, the storage system
provides the following functions and support in a Mainframe environment:
■ Sequential data striping
■ Cache fast write (CFW) and DASD fast write (DFW)

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 69
Mainframe operating system support

■ Enhanced dynamic cache management

■ Extended count key data (ECKD) commands
■ Multiple Allegiance
■ Concurrent Copy (CC)
■ Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC)
■ FlashCopy
■ Parallel Access Volume (PAV)
■ Hyper Parallel Access Volume (HPAV)
■ Priority I/O queuing
® ® ® ®
■ Red Hat Linux for IBM S/390 and IBM zSeries
® ® ® ®
■ SUSE Linux for IBM S/390 and IBM zSeries
™ ®
■ zHyperWrite for DB2 (for details, see Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500,
F1500 Hitachi TrueCopy for Mainframe User Guide)
■ zHPF Extended Distance II (VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 microcode
80-05-0x or later)
■ FICON Dynamic Routing
■ FICON Forward Error Correction (VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 microcode
80-05-0x or later)

Mainframe operating system support

The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems support most major IBM
mainframe operating systems. For more information about supported operating
systems, see the mainframe support matrix on https://support.hds.com/en_us/

Mainframe configuration
After a storage system installation is complete, users can configure the storage system
for Mainframe operations.

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 70
Open-systems operations

See the following user documents for information and instructions about configuring
your storage system for Mainframe operations:
■ The Mainframe Host Attachment and Operations Guide, describes and provides
instructions related to configuring the storage system for Mainframe operations,
including FICON attachment, hardware definition, cache operations, and device
For detailed information about FICON connectivity, FICON or Open intermix
configurations, and supported HBAs, switches, and directors for VSP G1000, VSP
G1500, and VSP F1500, contact customer support.
■ The System Administrator Guide provides instructions for installing, configuring, and
using Device Manager - Storage Navigator to perform resource and data management
operations on the storage systems.
■ The Provisioning Guide for Mainframe Systems provide instructions for converting single
volumes (LVIs) into multiple smaller volumes to improve data access performance.

Open-systems operations
This section provides high-level descriptions of open-systems compatibility, support, and
configuration for storage systems.

Open-systems compatibility and functionality

The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems support many features and
functions for the open-systems environment, including:
■ Compatibility with most iSCSI adapters, Fibre Channel host bus adapters (HBAs), and
Fibre Channel-over-Ethernet (FCoE) converged network adapters (CNAs)
■ Multi-initiator I/O configurations with multiple host systems attached to the same
Fibre Channel interface
■ Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) topology, supported on ports up to 8 Gbps
■ Fibre Channel fabric topology using direct attach point-to-point connections,
supported on ports up to 16 Gbps

Note: When using 16-Gbps FC front-end director in an FC-AL topology, the

transmission speed is limited to 8 Gbps.
■ Command tag queuing
■ Industry-standard failover and logical volume management software
■ SNMP remote storage system management
The global cache feature in VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 enables any port to
have access to any logical unit in the storage system. Each logical unit can be assigned to
multiple ports to provide I/O path failover and load balancing (with the appropriate
middleware support, such as Hitachi Global Link Manager) without sacrificing cache

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 71
Open-systems host platform support

Users should plan for path failover (alternate pathing) to ensure the highest data
availability. The logical units can be mapped for access from multiple ports or multiple
target IDs. The number of connected hosts is limited only by the number of Fibre
Channel ports installed and the requirement for alternate pathing within each host. If
possible, the primary path and alternate paths should be attached to different channel

Open-systems host platform support

The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems support most major open-
® ®
system operating systems, including Windows , Solaris, IBM AIX , Linux, HP-UX, and
VMware. For complete information about supported operating systems, visit https://
For a complete list of the storage system user guides, including the Open-Systems Host
Attachment Guide, see the Product Overview.

System configuration
After physical installation of the storage system is complete, users can configure the
storage system for open-systems operations.
Refer to the following documents for information and instructions about configuring
your storage system for open-systems operations:
■ The host attachment guide provides information and instructions to configure the
storage system and data storage devices for attachment to the open-systems hosts.

Note: The storage system queue depth and other parameters are
adjustable. See the Open-Systems Host Attachment Guide for queue depth
and other requirements.
■ The System Administrator Guide provides instructions for installing, configuring, and
using Device Manager - Storage Navigator to perform resource and data management
operations on the storage system.
■ The Provisioning Guide for Open Systems describes and provides instructions for
configuring the storage system for host operations, including FC port configuration,
LUN mapping, host groups, host modes and host mode options, and LUN security.
Each Fibre Channel port on the storage system provides addressing capabilities for up
to 2,048 LUNs across as many as 255 host groups, each with its own LUN 0, host
mode, and host mode options. Multiple host groups are supported using LUN
■ The Hitachi SNMP Agent User Guide describes the SNMP API interface for the storage
systems and provides instructions for configuring and performing SNMP operations.
■ The Provisioning Guide for Open Systems provides instructions for configuring multiple
custom volumes (logical units) under single LDEVs on the VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and
VSP F1500.

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 72
Host modes and host mode options

Host modes and host mode options

The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems connect multiple server
hosts of different platforms to each of its ports.
When your system is configured, the hosts connected to each port are grouped by host
group or by target. For example, if Solaris and Windows hosts are connected to separate
iSCSI or Fibre Channel or ports, or through a switch to a single iSCSI or Fibre Channel
port, a host group is created for the Solaris hosts and another host group is created for
the Windows hosts. The appropriate host mode and host mode options are assigned to
each host group. The host modes and host mode options enhance compatibility with
supported platforms and environments.
The host groups, host modes, and host mode options are configured by using Device
Manager - Storage Navigator. For more information about host groups, host modes, and
host mode options, see the System Administrator Guide.

Device Manager - Storage Navigator program

The Device Manager - Storage Navigator is the GUI that accesses the features in the
The GUI is also used to set up and monitor the storage system. It can be installed on a
PC, laptop, or workstation. It communicates via a LAN to the SVP in the storage system.
The SVP obtains storage system configuration and status information and sends user-
initiated commands to the storage system. The Device Manager - Storage Navigator
displays detailed storage system information and allows users to configure and perform
storage operations on the system.
Device Manager - Storage Navigator is a Java applet program that can run on any
machine that supports a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). A PC hosting the Device Manager -
Storage Navigator software is called a remote console. Each time a remote console
accesses and logs on to the SVP, the Device Manager - Storage Navigator applet is
downloaded from the SVP to the remote console. The following figure shows the remote
console and SVP configuration for Device Manager - Storage Navigator.
For more information about Device Manager - Storage Navigator, see the System
Administrator Guide.

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 73
Device Manager - Storage Navigator program

Figure 13 Device Manager - Storage Navigator and SVP Configuration

Chapter 3: Hardware architecture

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 74
Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications
The following guidelines for installing VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage
systems provide site and system requirements, and specifications.

Note: For more information about installation requirements and system

configurations, contact customer support.

The responsibilities for site planning and preparation are shared by the system users
and Hitachi Vantara support. The required installation planning tasks must be scheduled
and completed to ensure a successful and efficient installation of the storage system.

Note: The storage system must be installed by trained Hitachi Vantara

personnel or trained authorized service providers. The storage system is not
a customer-installable product.

Customer responsibilities
You are responsible for completing the following tasks and preparing your site for
installation of the storage system.
■ Understand the applicable safety requirements associated with installing a storage
■ Understand the installation requirements for the storage system. You can use the
information in this manual to determine the specific requirements for your
installation. As needed, review the Product Overview to familiarize yourself with the
components, features, and functions of the storage system.
■ Verify the installation site meets all installation requirements. A checklist is included in
this section to help you with this task.
■ Meet electrical power prerequisites and provide electrical hardware, including cables,
connectors and receptacles for connecting the storage system to site power.
■ As needed, work with Hitachi Vantara support to create an installation plan. Make
sure to allow enough time to complete any changes to the plan, so your site is ready
when the equipment arrives.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 75
Hitachi Vantara responsibilities

Hitachi Vantara responsibilities

Hitachi Vantara support is responsible for completing the following tasks:
■ Provide proper assistance during the installation planning process for your specific
site and operational configuration.
■ Coordinate Hitachi Vantara resources to ensure a successful installation and
configuration of the storage system.

Site preparation checklist

The following checklist can help you ensure that your site meets all requirements to
install a storage system. You can make copies of this checklist for each installation you
perform and check each step after it has been performed. Completing this checklist can
help ensure smooth and efficient installation of a storage system.

Definition of terms
The hardware delivered to the customer site that includes the storage system
components. The system can be installed in a Hitachi rack when delivered or
assembled on site. The delivered equipment can include only the system
components if the customer supplies a standard 19-inch rack. Rack specifications
are contained in the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack Reference Guide.

The specific location in the data center (area or footprint on the floor) where the
storage system is installed.

User information











Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 76
Site preparation checklist

User information

Hitachi Vantara Information










Preinstallation checklist Yes No

Safety requirements
See Safety requirements (on page 163) .

Does the data center provide appropriate fire protection for the
storage systems?

Is the data center free of hazards such as cables that obstruct access
to the equipment?

Delivery Requirements
See General site requirements (on page 79) .

Is the receiving area adequate for equipment delivery, unloading,

and unpacking?

Are all doors, hallways, elevators, and ramps wide enough and high
enough to allow the equipment to be moved from the receiving area
to the installation area?

Can the floors, elevators, and ramps support the weight of the
equipment? See General site requirements (on page 79) .

Storage Requirements
See System storage requirements (on page 80) .

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 77
Site preparation checklist

Preinstallation checklist Yes No

If the equipment will be stored after delivery and prior to installation,

does the storage location meet the environmental requirements for
storing the storage system?

Facilities Requirements
See Data center requirements (on page 81) .

Does the data center have a raised floor?

Does the location meet the requirements for service clearance and
cable routing (for example, floor cutouts)? See Equipment clearances
(on page 79) .

Does the installation site meet the floor load rating requirements?

Power Requirements
See Electrical specifications (on page 140) .

Does the data center meet the AC input power requirements? See
Power connection (on page 80) and Electrical specifications (on
page 140) .

Does the data center meet the circuit breaker and plug
requirements? See Data center requirements (on page 81) .

Is the customer-supplied hardware such as connectors, receptacles,

and cables ready for the installation?

Environmental Requirements
See Environmental specifications (on page 143) .

Does the data center meet the following operational environmental

requirements for the storage system?




Air flow

Does the data center provide adequate protection for a storage

system from the following?

Electrostatic discharge

Electrical/radio frequency

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 78
General site requirements

Preinstallation checklist Yes No

Dust, pollution, and

particulate contamination

Does the data center provide adequate acoustic insulation to

operate the storage system?

Operational Requirements
See Operational requirements (on page 82) .

Does the data center provide a LAN for Device Manager - Storage

Does the location meet the cable length requirements for the front-
end directors?

Does the location meet the requirements for attaching external


General site requirements

The customer site must accommodate the delivery and movement of the equipment
from the receiving dock to the installation location in the data center.

Equipment clearances

Receiving area
The receiving dock, storage area, and receiving area must be large enough to allow
movement of and access to crated or packed equipment.

Other areas
The hallways, doorways, ramps and elevators must be wide enough to allow a single
unpacked rack to be moved to the installation location. If there is insufficient space for
unpacking, the storage systems are typically unpacked in the receiving area and the
individual racks with pre-installed equipment are rolled into the data center. For
information about rack dimensions, refer to the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack Reference Guide.

Equipment weight
The floors, elevators, and ramps must be able to support the weight of the delivered
equipment as it is moved to the installation location. Spreader plates can be a
prerequisite for distributing the load and protecting the floor as the equipment is moved
from the receiving area to the installation location. Consult the system bill of materials to
establish the approximate weight of the equipment. See the next paragraph for
information about calculating the exact weight of the equipment.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 79
System storage requirements

The weight for a fully configured 2-controller, 6-rack storage system can reach 6,146
pounds / 2,917 kilograms. The exact weight of the equipment depends on the storage
system configuration. The following table provides weights of typical system

The data in the following table was taken from measurements of a system in
a controlled environment.
To calculate the power draw, current draw, and heat output of a specific
system, see Component weight_ heat_ airflow_ and power consumption (on
page 146) or (easier) use the weight and power calculator at the following
URL: http://www.hds.com/go/weight-and-power-calculator.
Contact technical support if you need assistance using this tool.

System storage requirements

If the equipment must be stored after delivery and prior to installation, the storage
location must meet the storage environmental requirements for the storage system. See
Environmental specifications (on page 143) for more details.

The site and site equipment must meet the following grounding requirements:
■ An insulated grounding conductor that is identical in size and insulation material and
thickness to the grounded and ungrounded branch-circuit supply conductors. It must
be green, with or without yellow stripes, and must be installed as a part of the branch
circuit that supplies the unit or system.
■ Connect the grounding conductor to earth ground at the service equipment or other
acceptable building earth ground. For a high rise steel-frame structure, this can be the
steel frame.
■ The receptacles in the vicinity of the unit or system must include a ground
connection. The grounding conductors serving these receptacles must be connected
to earth ground at the service equipment or other acceptable building earth ground.

Power connection
The AC power input for the storage system has a duplex PDU structure that allows the
rack-installed equipment to remain powered on if power is removed from one of the two
power distribution panels (PDP).
For more information, see Electrical specifications (on page 140) and Power distribution
units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (on page 153) .

Note: Site power can be connected to the PDUs at either the top or bottom of
the racks.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 80
Data center requirements

PDU plugs, circuit breakers, and receptacles

The PDU plugs must be appropriate for the power sources at the installation sites. The
following table lists the plugs on the end of the PDU power cords. The power distribution
panel at the installation site must have receptacles that match these plugs.

Required number of plugs in each PDU per chassis:

■ Controller chassis: 4
■ Drive chassis:
● SFF: 16
● LFF: 16
● FMD: 8
Required number of PDUs per rack:
■ Controller rack:
● Single phase: 4
● Three phase: 2
■ Drive rack:
● Single phase: 4
● Three phase: 2

Data center requirements

The data center must meet the following requirements. Detailed mechanical, electrical,
and environmental requirements are listed in the following table.
Table 13 Data center requirements

Item Description

General The data center must provide appropriate power, air

conditioning, cabling, and fire protection.

Temperature The data center must maintain ambient temperature from 50ºF
(10ºC) to 95ºF (35ºC).

Humidity The data center must maintain ambient humidity from 20% to
80%, noncondensing.

ESD The data center must provide adequate protection from

electrostatic discharge (ESD).

Electrical The data center must provide adequate protection from

interference electrical/radio frequency interference.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 81
Operational requirements

Item Description

Contamination The data center must provide adequate protection from dust,
pollution, and particulate contamination.

Acoustics The data center must provide adequate acoustic insulation for
operating the system.

User-supplied Includes cables, connectors, and power receptacles that must

hardware be available and ready when the system is installed.

User-supplied Includes operating systems, supported by the storage system.

software on the host and system management console.

Operational requirements
The operational requirements for the storage system include:
■ LAN for Device Manager - Storage Navigator
Device Manager - Storage Navigator communicates with the storage system over a
LAN to obtain system configuration and status information and send user commands
to the storage system. Device Manager - Storage Navigator is an integrated interface
for all resource manager components.
■ Cable length for front-end directors
The following table lists the cable length requirements for the front-end directors in
the storage system.
Table 14 Maximum cable length (shortwave)

OM3 (50/125 f/m laser OM4 (50/125 f/m laser

OM2 (50/125 f/m
DataTrans optimized multi-mode optimized multi-mode
ferRate multi-mode fiber) fiber) fiber)

MBps feet / meters feet / meters feet / meters

200 984.3 / 300 1640.4 / 500 N/A

400 492.1 / 150 1246.7 / 380 1312.4 / 400

800 164 / 50 492.1 / 150 623.4 / 190

1600 118 / 36 328 / 100 410.1 / 125

■ External data storage

If you plan to attach external storage to the storage system, make sure to include the
appropriate power and space requirements before attaching the external storage.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 82
Third-party rack support for VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems

Third-party rack support for VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP
F1500 storage systems
You must obtain permission to install VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage
systems into a third-party rack.
Contact your Hitachi Vantara account team or customer support for more information.

Service clearance, floor cutout, and floor load rating

This section describes the service clearance requirements for the storage system, based
on the clearance and required floor cutouts for cabling.
■ Make sure that the service clearance for maintenance is available.
■ Do not use the clearance space for storage
■ The floor cutout area and dimensions correspond to 19-inch rack specifications
■ Hitachi Vantara recommends that you install a grid panel (air vent in floor) at least 450
x 450 mm on the front side of the rack.
■ The floor must have a load rating as shown in the following table.
Table 15 Floor load rating

Minimum Capacity Maximum Capacity

Per square foot 62.5 lb (28.5 kg) 146 lb (66.25 kg)

Per square meter 660 lbs (300 Kg) 1,540 lb (700 Kg)

Note: For safe and efficient maintenance operations, clearances should be

made as large as possible. Actual clearances for installation should be
determined after consulting with the site/facilities manager, as the clearances
can vary, depending on building conditions.

Single-rack configuration
The following figure shows the service clearances for a single-rack configuration.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 83
Single-rack configuration

Service clearances for a one-rack, single-controller system

Table 16 Floor load rating and required clearances for a single-rack configuration

Required clearance (a+b) m

Floor load
rating (kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

Over 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

600 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

500 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 .1 0 0 0 0

450 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0

400 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1

350 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 84
Two-rack, single-controller configuration

Required clearance (a+b) m

Floor load
rating (kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

300 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5

1. Actual clearances for installation should be determined after consulting with the
construction specialist responsible for installations in the building. Clearances can
vary depending on the size/layout of the system and building conditions.
2. When various configurations of storage systems are arranged in a row, clearance
values based on the largest storage system configuration should be used.
3. For easier maintenance operations, make clearance (c) as large as possible.

Two-rack, single-controller configuration

The following figure shows the service clearances for a two-rack configuration.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 85
Two-rack, single-controller configuration

Figure 14 Service clearances for a two-rack, one-controller system

Table 17 Floor load rating and required clearances for a two-rack configuration

Floor load Required clearance (a+b) m

rating (kg/m2) c= -0.3 c20 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

Over 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

600 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

500 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 0 0

450 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 86
Two-rack, dual-controller configuration

Floor load Required clearance (a+b) m

rating (kg/m2) c= -0.3 c20 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

400 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.

350 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.3

300 2.2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8

1. Actual clearances for installation should be determined after consulting with the
construction specialist responsible for installations in the building. Clearances can
vary depending on the size/layout of the system and building conditions.
2. When various configurations of storage systems are arranged in a row, clearance
values based on the largest storage system configuration should be used.
3. For easier maintenance operations, make clearance (c) as large as possible.

Two-rack, dual-controller configuration

The following figure shows the service clearances for a two-rack configuration with two

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 87
Two-rack, dual-controller configuration

Figure 15 Service clearances for a two-rack, dual-controller system

Table 18 Floor load rating and required clearances for a two-rack configuration

Floor load Required clearance (a+b) m

rating (kg/m2) c= -0.3 c20 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

Over 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

600 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

500 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0

450 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 88
Three-rack, single-controller configuration

Floor load Required clearance (a+b) m

rating (kg/m2) c= -0.3 c20 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

400 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2

350 1.8 1.4 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.5

300 2.6 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.0 1.0

1. Actual clearances for installation should be determined after consulting with the
construction specialist responsible for installations in the building. Clearances can
vary depending on the size/layout of the system and building conditions.
2. When various configurations of storage systems are arranged in a row, clearance
values based on the largest storage system configuration should be used.
3. For easier maintenance operations, make clearance (c) as large as possible.

Three-rack, single-controller configuration

The following figure shows the service clearances for a three-rack configuration with one

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 89
Three-rack, single-controller configuration

Figure 16 Service clearances for a three-rack, single-controller system

Table 19 Floor load rating and required clearances for a three-rack, single-
controller configuration

Required clearance (a+b) m

Floor load
rating (kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

Over 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

500 0.5 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 0 0

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 90
Three-rack, dual-controller configuration

Required clearance (a+b) m

Floor load
rating (kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

450 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 0 0

400 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0

350 2.0 1.6 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.4

300 3.1 2.6 2.2 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.0

1. Actual clearances for installation should be determined after consulting with the
construction specialist responsible for installations in the building. Clearances can
vary depending on the size/layout of the system and building conditions.
2. When various configurations of storage systems are arranged in a row, clearance
values based on the largest storage system configuration should be used.
3. For easier maintenance operations, make clearance (c) as large as possible.

Three-rack, dual-controller configuration

The following figure shows the service clearances for a three-rack configuration with two

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 91
Three-rack, dual-controller configuration

Figure 17 Service clearances for a three-rack, dual-controller system

Table 20 Floor load rating and required clearances for a three-rack, dual-controller

Floor Load Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

Over 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

600 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

500 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 0

450 1.1 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 0

400 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.1

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 92
Four-rack configuration - two controllers (center)

Floor Load Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

350 2.3 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.5

300 3.5 2.9 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.2

1. Actual clearances for installation should be determined after consulting with the
construction specialist responsible for installations in the building. Clearances can
vary depending on the size/layout of the system and building conditions.
2. When various configurations of storage systems are arranged in a row, clearance
values based on the largest storage system configuration should be used.
3. For easier maintenance operations, make clearance (c) as large as possible.

Four-rack configuration - two controllers (center)

The following figure shows the service clearances for a four-rack, two-controller
configuration, with the controllers in the center two racks.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 93
Four-rack configuration - two controllers (center)

Figure 18 Service clearances for a four-rack, two-controller system

Table 21 Floor load rating and required clearances for a four-rack, two-controller

Floor Load Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

Over 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

600 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

500 0.8 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 0 0

450 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 0

400 1.9 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1

350 2.9 2.3 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.9 0.6

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 94
Four-rack configuration - two controllers (left)

Floor Load Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

300 4.4 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.5

1. Actual clearances for installation should be determined after consulting with the
construction specialist responsible for installations in the building. Clearances can
vary depending on the size/layout of the system and building conditions.
2. When various configurations of storage systems are arranged in a row, clearance
values based on the largest storage system configuration should be used.
3. For easier maintenance operations, make clearance (c) as large as possible.

Four-rack configuration - two controllers (left)

The following figure shows the service clearances for a four-rack, two-controller
configuration, with the controllers in the left two racks.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 95
Four-rack configuration - two controllers (left)

Figure 19 Service clearances for a four-rack, two-controller system

Table 22 Floor load rating and required clearances for a four-rack, two-controller

Floor Load Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

Over 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

600 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

500 0.8 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 0 0

450 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 0

400 1.9 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 96
Five-rack configuration

Floor Load Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

350 2.9 2.3 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.9 0.6

300 4.4 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.5

1. Actual clearances for installation should be determined after consulting with the
construction specialist responsible for installations in the building. Clearances can
vary depending on the size/layout of the system and building conditions.
2. When various configurations of storage systems are arranged in a row, clearance
values based on the largest storage system configuration should be used.
3. For easier maintenance operations, make clearance (c) as large as possible.

Five-rack configuration
The following figure shows the service clearances for a five-rack configuration.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 97
Five-rack configuration

Figure 20 Service clearances for a five-rack system

Table 23 Floor load rating and required clearances for a five-rack configuration

Floor Load Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

Over 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 98
Six-rack configuration

Floor Load Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

500 0.8 0.3 0.1 0 0 0 0 0

450 1.4 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.1 0 0 0

400 2.2 1.6 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 0

350 3.3 2.6 2.2 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.6

300 5.2 4.2 3.7 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.2 1.6

1. Actual clearances for installation should be determined after consulting with the
construction specialist responsible for installations in the building. Clearances can
vary depending on the size/layout of the system and building conditions.
2. When various configurations of storage systems are arranged in a row, clearance
values based on the largest storage system configuration should be used.
3. For easier maintenance operations, make clearance (c) as large as possible.

Six-rack configuration
The following figure shows the service clearances for a six-rack configuration.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 99
Six-rack configuration

Figure 21 Service clearances for a six-rack system

Table 24 Floor load rating and required clearances for a six-rack configuration

Floor Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

Over 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 100
Seven-rack configuration

Floor Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

500 1.0 0.4 0.1 0 0 0 0 0

450 1.7 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.2 0 0 0

400 2.6 1.9 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.3 0

350 4.0 3.1 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.2 0.7

300 6.2 5.1 4.4 3.9 3.4 3.0 2.6 2.0

1. Actual clearances for installation should be determined after consulting with the
construction specialist responsible for installations in the building. Clearances can
vary depending on the size/layout of the system and building conditions.
2. When various configurations of storage systems are arranged in a row, clearance
values based on the largest storage system configuration should be used.
3. For easier maintenance operations, make clearance (c) as large as possible.

Seven-rack configuration

The following figure shows the service clearances for a seven-rack configuration.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 101
Seven-rack configuration

Figure 22 Service clearances for a seven-rack system

Table 25 Floor load rating and required clearances for a seven-rack configuration

Floor Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

Over 700 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

600 1.1 0.6 0.3 0.1 0 0 0 0

500 2.1 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.2 0

450 2.9 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.7 0.4

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 102
Seven-rack configuration

Floor Required Clearance (a+b) m

(kg/m2) c= -0.3 c=0 c=0.2 c=0.4 c=0.6 c=0.8 c=1.0 c=1.4

400 4.0 3,2 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.0

350 5.6 4.6 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.7 2.4 1.9

300 8.0 6.7 6.0 5.4 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.3

1. Actual clearances for installation should be determined after consulting with the
construction specialist responsible for installations in the building. Clearances can
vary depending on the size/layout of the system and building conditions.
2. When various configurations of storage systems are arranged in a row, clearance
values based on the largest storage system configuration should be used.
3. For easier maintenance operations, make clearance (c) as large as possible.

Chapter 4: Site preparation specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 103
Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines
Observe the following guidelines when configuring host port connections and connecting
power or data cables to VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems.

Port configurations
The following figures show the front-end director port configurations.

Figure 23 Front-end director 16-port configuration

Figure 24 Front-end director 8-port configuration

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 104
Power connection diagrams

Power connection diagrams

The following figures show how to connect the power distribution units to the power
distribution panels. When connected as shown, the system operates normally if either
AC inputs fails. In the following figures, redundancy is provided through separate PDUs.
These figures assume the separate power distribution units are attached to independent

Figure 25 Direct power connection

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 105
Power connection diagrams

Figure 26 Power connection via UPS

Caution: When installing a system, do not cross-connect the AC cables as

shown in the previous illustration. Otherwise, a system failure can occur when
either AC input is interrupted.

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 106
UPS power connection

Figure 27 PDP breaker connections for the controller rack, three-phase

UPS power connection

The following figure shows how to connect the PDUs to the PDP when an uninterruptible
power supply is used.

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 107
Data connection diagrams

Figure 28 Breaker configurations when using a UPS

Data connection diagrams

This section provides basic cabling diagrams for connecting ENC (data and control)
cables between the control chassis and the drive chassis in the block module, and
between the controller and HNAS storage in the file module.
The following illustrations show how to connect the drive chassis to the controller.

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 108
Data connection diagrams

Figure 29 SAS connection diagram of Rack-00 (SFF/LFF standard model)

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 109
Data connection diagrams

Figure 30 SAS connection diagram of Rack-00 (SFF/LFF high-performance


Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 110
Data connection diagrams

Figure 31 SAS connection diagram of Rack-00 (FBX standard model)

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 111
Extended cable connections

Figure 32 SAS connection diagram of Rack-00 (FBX high-performance model)

Extended cable connections

By default, all storage systems installed in Hitachi Vantara racks are physically connected
to each other. Two side panels are included to cover the sides of the outermost racks
(see the following figure). To provide greater flexibility with the placement of the racks
within a data center, there are multiple options for implementing separated rack
configurations to meet the requirements of the customer. The following sections provide
information about the available options and associated configuration rules. For more
information about rack configuration and extended cabling options, contact a Hitachi
Vantara representative.

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 112
Extended cable connections

The following figure shows a default rack placement.

Figure 33 Example of a default rack placement

Separated controller configuration

When designing a two controller VSP G1000 or VSP G1500 system, the default system
configuration includes a primary and secondary controller chassis and each controller
chassis is installed in a separate rack. This specific layout is referred to as a Twin
Controller configuration and the racks are connected to each other.
For flexibility in placing the system in a data center, the rack containing the primary
controller can be separated from the rack containing the secondary controller. The cable
length options to connect the two controllers are 5 meters (standard length), 30 meters,
and 100 meters. To avoid single points of failure, data and power cables can be
connected to the controllers in a redundant configuration. Redundant configurations
require that all cables to be the same length.
The following figure shows a two controller configuration with extended cabling between
the racks containing the two controllers.

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 113
Extended cable connections

Figure 34 Example of a separated controller configuration

As shown in the configuration, in addition to the standard 5 meter connection, there are
two optional features that can be ordered to enable the separation of the racks
containing the two controllers in a dual controller storage system. Using the inter-
controller connecting kit (DKC-F810I-MOD30) depends on whether the 30 or 100 meter
cables are required.
The interconnect kit includes three different cable types of the required length (30 or 100
meter) and two Modcon packages (one package for each controller). Depending on
whether both the basic and optional cache platform board features (cache path control
adapter) are in installed, an addition of eight MFC optical cables may also be required
along with the cables included with the interconnecting kit. The following cables are used
for interconnecting various components in the primary controller to the equivalent
component in the secondary controller:
■ 8 x MFC or 16 x MFC Optical Cables (light blue)
■ 2 x Modcon Optical Cables (green)
■ 1 x LAN cable (light grey)

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 114
Extended cable connections

When a customer adopts diverse routing of host cables within their data center for
resiliency and redundancy reasons, it is possible to follow the same approach for the
different cables used to separate the two controller racks. Where redundant routing is
required, all of the CL1 interconnect cables along with one of the Modcon interconnect
cables should be laid through one cable route and all of the CL2 interconnect cables,
including the other Modcon cable, should be directed through an alternate cable route.
The single LAN cable can be laid through either route direction. The only supported
extended cable options are those specified by Hitachi. The intermixing of 30 meter and
100 meter cables in a single configuration is not permitted. Choosing the proper
interconnection kit or cable length is determined by the longest cable route. When using
extended cables between controllers, Hitachi recommends taking precautionary steps
such as routing the cables through the cable trays in order to protect the cables from any
accidental physical damage.
Separation of drive-only racks
A system can also be designed to separate a rack that includes a combination of
controllers and drive chassis from multiple racks containing only drive chassis.
The following figure shows a single-controller configuration with extended cabling
between rack R0 (containing the primary controller and two drive chassis) and R1 rack
(containing two drive chassis). In addition, the extended cabling between drive chassis-
only R1 rack and R2 rack. Extending the cabling between racks in a Twin Configuration is
also supported.
To avoid I/O latency issues, the sum of the length of all cables (controller-to-drive chassis
cable and drive chassis-to-drive chassis cables) cannot exceed 125 meters.
The following example shows a configuration of a controller controlling a maximum of
six drive chassis.

Figure 35 Example of a separation of drive-only racks

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 115
Extended cable connections

There are three optional cable kits available to provide the separation of drive-only racks
from either the control rack or adjacent drive-only rack.
Each kit contains eight optical cables in either 5, 30, or 100 meter lengths and provides
enough cables to support the SAS paths from one backend module feature or pair of
disk boards. The number of drive rack interconnection kits required for a specific
configuration depends on various factors including the number of installed backend
modules and racks being separated in the configuration.

The figure illustrates a single controller installed with both the basic and optional
backend modules in a high performance, all-flash configuration using FMDs. The
example uses the extended cable kit to separate the controller rack from the second
drive rack. In this supported configuration, only the cables in the controller interconnect
kit are provided by Hitachi.
When a customer adopts diverse routing of host cables within their data center for
resiliency and redundancy reasons, it is possible to follow the same approach for the
cables that are used to separate the two racks. Where redundant routing is required, all
of the cables extending the SAS paths from any backend modules in CL1 should be laid
through one cable route and all cables extending the SAS paths from any backend
modules in CL2 should be directed through an alternate route. The cables connecting
any two racks must be the same length so choosing the proper cable kit is determined by
the longest cable route between the two racks. When using extended cables between
racks, Hitachi recommends taking precautionary steps such as routing the cables
through the cable trays in order to protect the cables from any accidental physical
Separated controller and drive-only rack configuration
A separated controller and drive-only rack configuration separates the rack with the
controllers from a rack containing only drive chassis. This particular configuration
combines both options described in the previous two examples.
The following figure shows a Twin controller configuration with extended SAS optical
cabling between R0 rack (containing the primary controller) and R1 rack (containing two
drive chassis), as well as between L0 rack (containing the secondary controller) and L1
rack (containing two drive chassis).

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 116
Extended cable connections

Although not shown in the following figure, the configuration can include an R2 rack
directly connected to, or separated from the R1 rack. Similarly, the configuration can
include an L2 rack directly connected to, or separated from the L1 rack. To avoid I/O
latency issues, the sum of the length of all cables (controller-to-drive chassis cable and
drive chassis-to-drive chassis cables) cannot exceed 125 meters.

Figure 36 Example of a separated controller and drive-only rack configuration

Separated racks in a dual controller configuration

A dual controller configuration contains two controllers installed into a single rack. The
dual controller configuration can include up to two flash memory drive chassis in the
same rack and separate racks containing only drive chassis.
The following figure shows a dual controller configuration with extended SAS optical
cables connecting between rack R0 (containing both primary and secondary controllers)
and rack R1 (containing two drive chassis) and rack L0 (containing three drive chassis). To
avoid any I/O latency issues the sum of the length of all cables (controller-to-drive
chassis cable and drive chassis-to-drive chassis cable) cannot exceed 125 meters.

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 117
Extended cable connections

Figure 37 Example of a separated racks in a dual controller configuration

Additional guidelines
■ You can implement extended cabling with a system installed in customer-supplied
racks only if the racks meet HDS specifications and are approved by the HDS
Customer Sales and Support (CSS) organization.
■ The high temperature mode option can be implemented on VSP G1x00 systems using
extended cabling.
■ The minimum microcode requirements to support extended cabling includes:
● VSP G1000: V02 (microcode 80-02-01-00/01), released in October 2014, must be
installed to support the SAS optical cables
● VSP G1500: SVOS 7.0 (microcode 80-05-01-00/00), released in October 2016, must
be installed to support the SAS optical cables
● To maintain proper functioning of storage system, continue to keep the storage
system microcode level current to ensure code enhancements and fixes. If the
storage system is using an earlier version of microcode, contact an authorized
service provider for assistance with planning, ordering, and installing a more
current microcode version.
■ Consult a Hitachi Vantara representative for more information about system
configurations and available extended cabling options.

Chapter 5: Cable connection guidelines

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 118
Chapter 6: Turning power on and off to the
storage systems
The following describes the prerequisites and procedures for turning the power on and
off to the VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems during normal
operating conditions or a power failure.

Power control panel

The power control panel is located in the top left corner of the controller. It is covered by
a 2U-high bezel that can be removed separately from the 8U bezel that covers the rest of
the controller.
The following illustration shows the switches and indicators on the control panel. The
following table lists the components and LED descriptions. All LEDs are shown ON to
demonstrate the LED color.

Figure 38 Storage system power control panel

Table 26 Storage system power controls and status indicators

Item Description


■ Set to ENABLE to allow remote maintenance.
■ Set to DISABLE to prevent remote maintenance.

2 ENABLE switch: Used to enable the PS ON/PS OFF switch. See Power on procedures (on
page 122) .

Chapter 6: Turning power on and off to the storage systems

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 119
Power control panel

Item Description

3 POWER switch: Turn system power on or off. See Power on procedures (on page 122) .

4 READY LED: Indicates the operational status of the system

■ Off: When the channel interface is not operational.
■ Green: When the I/O operation on the channel interface is enabled.

■ Off: When the system is off or when the system is on and operational without failures .
■ Red: When the SVP detects a component failure or other failure condition in the system.

■ Off: When power is off, or when a system-generated message is not in the queue, and
the SVP has not failed.
■ Amber: On when a system information message (SIM) is generated by either cluster and
sent to Device Manager - Storage Navigator and to the users that are set up in Device
Manager - Storage Navigator to receive them.
■ Blinking: When an SVP failure has occurred in a single SVP configuration, or if both SVPs
have failed in a dual SVP configuration. Does not blink if only one SVP in a dual SVP
configuration fails.

7 PROCESSING LED: Indicates the status of remote processing

■ Off: When power is off or when remote maintenance is not taking place.
■ Amber: On when remote maintenance is taking place.

8 BS-ON LED: Indicates the status of the AC power to the system (basic supply)
■ Off: When AC power is applied to the system from the PDUs.
■ Amber: On when AC power is applied to the system from the PDUs. The fans are

9 PS-ON LED: Indicates the status of the DC power to the system

■ Off: When AC power is not applied to the system and when AC power is applied to the
system, and the system is in idle mode.
■ Green: When power is on, DC power is applied to the system, and the system is running.

Chapter 6: Turning power on and off to the storage systems

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 120
System idle mode

System idle mode

When the storage system power cables are plugged into the PDUs and the PDU breakers
are on, the storage system is in idle (basic supply only) mode. When the storage system
is in idle mode:
■ The amber Basic Supply (BS) LED on the control panel is on. AC power is applied to
the power supplies.
■ The green READY LED is off. The controller and drive chassis are not operational.
■ The fans in both the controller and drive chassis are running.
■ The cache backup batteries are being charged.
■ The storage system consumes significantly less power than it does in operating mode.
For example, a storage system that draws 100 amps while operating draws only 40 to
60 amps in idle mode, depending on the number of drives in the system. The more
drives, the more power is saved. See Table 27 Maximum idle power per chassis (on
page 121) and Table 32 Dimension specifications (on page 139) .
To put the storage system into idle mode from the OFF condition:
1. Ensure power is available to the AC input boxes and PDUs in all racks.
2. Turn on all PDU power switches and circuit breakers.
To put the storage system into idle mode from a power on condition, perform the steps
in Power off procedures (on page 122) .
To shut down the storage system, perform the power off procedures, and then turn off
all PDU circuit breakers.

Warning: Verify the storage system is turned off normally and in idle mode
before turning off the PDU circuit breakers. Otherwise, turning off the PDU
circuit breakers can leave the storage system in an abnormal condition.

Table 27 Maximum idle power per chassis

Chassis Maximum idle power (VA)

Controller Chassis 0 or 1 500

SFF Drive Chassis 1,120

LFF Drive Chassis 720

FMD Drive Chassis 1,280

Normal power on/off procedures

This section provides general information about turning on and turning off the power to
the storage system. If further assistance is required, contact customer support.

Chapter 6: Turning power on and off to the storage systems

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 121
Power on procedures

Power on procedures

Before you begin

■ Confirm the storage system is in idle mode. See System idle mode (on page 121) .

Note: The control panel includes a safety feature to prevent the storage
system power from being turned on or off accidentally. The PS ON/OFF switch
does not work unless the ENABLE switch is moved to and held in ENABLE
while the power switch is moved to ON or OFF.

Perform the procedure to turn on the storage system. If applicable, see Power control
panel (on page 119) .

1. On the control panel, check the amber BS LED and make sure it is lit. It indicates
that the storage system is in idle mode.
2. In the PS area on the control panel, move the ENABLE switch to the ENABLE position
and hold it there. While holding the switch in the ENABLE position, move the PS
ON/OFF switch to ON. Then release both switches.
3. Wait for the storage system to complete its power-on self-test and start processes.
Depending on the storage system configuration, this can take several minutes.
The storage system does not go to the READY state until the cache backup batteries
are charged to at least 50%. The process can take 90 minutes if the batteries are
completely discharged. The storage system generates a SIM that provides the status
of the battery charge. See Cache backup batteries (on page 126) for information
about the batteries.
4. When the system self-test is complete and all components are operating normally,
the green READY LED turns ON and the storage system is ready for use.
If the ALARM LED is also ON, or if the READY LED is not ON after 20 minutes, contact
customer support for assistance.

Power off procedures

Before you begin

■ Confirm all maintenance and software-specific shutdown procedures have been
■ Verify all I/O activity to the storage system has stopped. You can vary paths offline
and shut down the attached hosts.
■ Follow this procedure exactly when powering off the storage system.

Chapter 6: Turning power on and off to the storage systems

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 122
Emergency power off/on procedures

Caution: Except in an emergency, do not turn off the PDU breakers before
turning off the power to the system. The system reacts as a power failure
occurred and uses the cache backup batteries to keep the cache active until
the data in the cache is transferred to the cache backup flash memory. When
the cache backup batteries discharge power, the power-on time can be
prolonged by the amount of charge remaining in the batteries. Fully
discharged batteries take 90 minutes to charge.

Note: The control panel includes a safety feature to prevent the storage
system power from being turned on or off accidentally. The PS power ON/OFF
switch does not work unless the ENABLE switch is moved to and held in
ENABLE while the power switch is moved to ON or OFF.

1. In the PS area on the control panel, move the ENABLE switch to the ENABLED and
hold it there. While holding the switch in ENABLED, move the PS ON/OFF switch to
OFF. Then release both switches.
2. Wait for the storage system to complete its shutdown routines. Depending on the
storage system configuration and certain MODE settings, you can wait 20 minutes
for the storage system to copy data from the cache to the cache flash drives and for
the disk drives to spin down.
If the READY and PS LEDs do not turn OFF after 20 minutes, contact customer
support for assistance.

Emergency power off/on procedures

The following describes how to shut off the system during an emergency situation and
turning on power to the storage system after an emergency shutdown.

Turning off power to the storage system during an emergency

The storage system does not have an emergency power off switch. Use the following
procedure to turn off the system during an emergency.

Note: When turning off the storage system, first turn off the PDUs connecting
to the controllers and then turn off the PDUs connecting to the drive trays.

1. Open the back doors of both racks that contain control units.
2. Turn off the circuit breakers in the following order:
a. Turn off the circuit breakers in both lower PDUs in both racks.
b. Turn off the circuit breakers in both upper PDUs in both racks with control

3. Open the back doors of all racks containing only drive units and, in any order, turn
off the circuit breakers to all the PDUs.

Chapter 6: Turning power on and off to the storage systems

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 123
Turning on power to the storage system after an emergency shutdown

Turning on power to the storage system after an emergency

To turn the power on to the storage system after an emergency shutdown, use the
following instructions.

Note: When turning on the storage system, first turn on the PDUs connecting
to the drive trays and then turn on the PDUs connecting to the controllers.

1. In all system racks, turn on the circuit breakers in the PDUs supplying electrical
power to the drive units.
2. In both controller racks, turn on the circuit breakers in the PDUs supplying electrical
power to the controllers.
3. Turn on power to the system. For more information, see Normal power On/Off
procedures (on page 121) .

Chapter 6: Turning power on and off to the storage systems

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 124
Chapter 7: VSP G1x00 and F1x00 batteries
The batteries temporarily provide the storage system with power to maintain its caching
operation during a power failure event. The following information describes the battery
life expectancy, battery operation, and cache backup process. Also, some specific
guidelines are provided for storing the system during an extended period of time non-

Battery backup operations

The storage system is designed to retain data and configuration information when the
power fails. The battery system can provide sufficient power with fully charged batteries
to completely back up all data in the cache if two consecutive power failures occur. If the
batteries do not contain enough charge to provide sufficient time to back up the cache
when a power failure occurs, the cache operates in write-through mode and writes
directly to the drives to prevent slow data throughput via the cache. When the battery
charge is 50% or more, the cache write through mode is turned off and the system
operates normally.
If a power failure occurs and continues for up to 20 milliseconds, the storage system
continues normal operation. If the power failure exceeds 20 milliseconds, the storage
system uses power from the batteries to keep the cache active while the system copies
the storage system configuration and cached data to the cache flash memory in the
cache backup modules. The process continues up to 32 minutes. The cache flash drives
do not require power to retain the data.
The following illustration shows the timing if a power failure occurs.

Item Description

1 Power failure occurs.

Chapter 7: VSP G1x00 and F1x00 batteries

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 125
Cache backup batteries

Item Description

2 The storage system continues to operate for 20 milliseconds and

detects the power failure.

3 The cache memory data and storage system configuration are backed
up to the cache flash memory in the cache backup assemblies. If power
is restored during the backup, the backup stops unless the backup
battery capacities are used less than 50%. In case, the system operates
in write-through mode until the batteries are charged enough for a full

4 Data is stored in the cache flash memory until power is restored, and
then it is written to the drives.

Cache backup batteries

If a power failure occurs, nickel-hydride batteries keep the cache memory active while
the entire storage system configuration and data in the cache are copied to the flash
memory in the cache backup modules. The batteries are located in the cache backup
modules. They are fully charged at the distribution center where the storage system is
assembled and tested. During shipment, the batteries are disconnected automatically to
prevent any discharging during shipping and storage until the system is installed. During
installation, they are reconnected. The following figure provides an overview of the cache
backup battery.

Note: The storage system generates a SIM when the cache backup batteries
are not connected.

Chapter 7: VSP G1x00 and F1x00 batteries

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 126
Battery life

Battery life
The batteries have a lifespan of three years and hold a charge for a specific amount time
when disconnected. When the batteries are connected and power is on, the batteries are
continuously charging. The process occurs during both normal system operation and
while the system is in idle mode.
When the batteries are connected and the power is off, the batteries slowly discharge its
power. The batteries have a charge of less than 50% after two weeks without power.
When the batteries are fully discharged, the batteries must be connected to power for
three hours to fully recharge.

Note: The storage system generates a SIM when the cache backup batteries
are not charged to at least 50%. The LEDs on the front panel of the cache
backup kits also show the status of the batteries.

Storing the system

While connected, the cache backup batteries completely discharge in two to three weeks
without power. If you are not using the storage system for two weeks or more, contact
customer support to move the batteries to an active storage system, or set the storage
system to idle mode for at least 3 hours once every two weeks.
If you store the system for more than two weeks without disconnecting the cache
backup batteries, the batteries need to charge for at least 90 minutes when you restart
the system before the cache can be protected. To prevent the batteries from discharging
during long-term storage, contact technical support and request a disconnection of the
battery jumpers on the cache boards.

Chapter 7: VSP G1x00 and F1x00 batteries

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 127
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting the storage system
Maintaining a properly functioning VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage
system includes having the proper knowledge of troubleshooting issues when they occur
and access to help with more technically complicated matters.

Getting help
If you continue experience technical difficulties after troubleshooting the storage system,
contact Hitachi Vantara Support at https://support.hds.com/en_us/contact-us.html.

Solving problems
The following table lists possible error conditions and recommends actions to resolve
each condition for VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems.
If you cannot resolve an error condition, contact your Hitachi Vantara representative or
contact customer support for assistance.
Table 28 Troubleshooting errors

Error condition Recommended action

Error message Determine the type of error (refer to the SIM codes section). If
displayed possible, fix the cause of the error. If you cannot correct the
error condition, contact customer support for assistance.

General power Turn off all PDU switches and breakers. After the facility power is
failure fully restored, turn on the switches and breakers and power on
the system.
See Turning power on and off to the storage systems (on
page 119) for instructions about turning on the power to the
storage system. If necessary, contact customer support for

Fence message is Determine whether there is a failed storage path. If a failed

displayed on the storage path occurred, toggle the RESTART switch and retry the
console operation. If the fence message displays again, contact customer
support for assistance.

Chapter 8: Troubleshooting the storage system

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 128
Service information messages

Error condition Recommended action

READY LED does Contact customer support for assistance.

not go on, or there
WARNING: Do not open the storage system control frame/
is no power
controller or touch any controls.

ALARM LED is on If there is a temperature problem in the area, turn the power off
to the storage system, lower the room temperature to the
specified operating range, and then turn on the power to the
storage system. If necessary, contact customer support for
assistance with turning on the power to the storage system. If
the area temperature is not the cause of the alarm, contact
customer support for assistance.

Service information messages

The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems generate service information
messages (SIM) to identify normal operations. For example, TrueCopy pair status change,
as well as service requirements and errors or failures. For assistance with SIMs, contact
customer support.
SIMs can be generated by the front-end directors, back-end directors, and the SVP. All
SIMs generated by the storage system are stored on the SVP for use by Hitachi Vantara
personnel, displayed by the Device Manager - Storage Navigator software, and reported
over SNMP to the open-systems host. The SIM display on Storage Navigator enables
users to remotely view the SIMs reported by the attached storage systems. Each time a
SIM is generated, the amber Message LED on the control panel turns on. The Hi-Track
remote maintenance API also reports all SIMs to the support center.
SIMs are classified in four severity levels: service, moderate, serious, and acute. The
service and moderate SIMs (lowest severity) do not require immediate attention and are
addressed during routine maintenance. The serious and acute SIMs (highest severity) are
reported to the host system once every eight hours.

Note: If a serious-level or high-level SIM is reported, contact the support

center immediately to ensure the problem is being addressed.

The following figure illustrates a typical 32-byte SIM from the storage system. The SIMs
are displayed by reference code (RC) and severity. The six-digit RC comprises bytes 22,
23, and 13, identifies the possible error and determines the severity. The SIM type,
located in byte 28, indicates which component experienced the error.

Chapter 8: Troubleshooting the storage system

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 129
Service information messages

Figure 39 Service information message

Chapter 8: Troubleshooting the storage system

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 130
Appendix A: Storage system specifications
The following table lists the technical specifications of the VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and
VSP F1500 storage systems.

Note: The current and power specifications of the storage system in the
following tables were measured in a controlled environment. To calculate the
power and current draw, and heat output of a specific system, see
Component power consumption, heat output, and airflow (on page 146) or
use the weight and power calculator at the following URL: http://
If you need assistance using this tool, contact Hitachi Vantara Support at

Table 29 VSP G1x00 System Specifications

Item Specification

System Number of Minimum 4 (disk-in model) / 0 (diskless

disk drives model)
Maximum 2,304 (SFF HDD) / 1,152 (LFF

Maximum number of flash drives 384 (Standard performance

(SSD) configuration)6
2,304 (High-performance

Maximum number of flash module 576

drives (FMD)

RAID level RAID 6 / RAID 5 / RAID 1

RAID group RAID 6 6D+2P, 14D+2P

RAID 5 3D+1P, 7D+1P

RAID 1 2D+2D, 4D+4D

Maximum number of spare drives 961

Maximum number of volumes 65,280

Maximum storage system capacity 5,312 TB (using 2.4-TB, SFF

(physical capacity) HDD)

Appendix A: Storage system specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 131
Item Specification
11,278 TB (using 10-TB, LFF
8,106 TB (using 14-TB FMD)

Internal path Architecture Hierarchical Star Net

Maximum Data path 768 GBps

Control path 128 GBps

Memory Cache memory capacity 32 GB to 2,048 GB

Cache flash memory capacity 256 GB to 2,048 GB

Device Controller/drive chassis interface SAS/Dual Port

Data transfer rate Maximum 6 Gbps

Maximum number of drives per SAS 288

(Under the SFF HDD standard

Maximum number of disk adapters 4

Channel Support Mainframe 2/4/8 Gbps Fibre Channel:

interface channel type 16MS8/16ML8
4/8/16 Gbps Fibre Channel:

Open systems 2/4/8 Gbps Fibre Channel Short

Wavelength2: 16FC8
4/8/16 Gbps Fibre Channel
Short Wavelength3:
10 Gbps iSCSI/FCoE Short
Wavelength: 16FE10/8IS10

Data transfer Mainframe Fibre 200/400/800/1600 MBps

rate Channel

Fibre Channel 200/400/800/1600 MBps

iSCSI/FCoE 10 Gbps

Maximum number of channel 12


Power AC Input Single phase 60Hz : 200 V to 240 V

Appendix A: Storage system specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 132
Item Specification
50Hz : 200 V to 240 V

Acoustic Level Operating CBXA/CBXAC/CBXB/ 58dB (24°C or less), 60dB

4 CBXE/CBXF (32°C), 70dB (40°C)

SBX/SBXC/UBX/ 61dB (24°C or less), 64dB

UBXC/FBX (32°C), 70dB (40°C) 7

Standby5 CBXA/CBXAC/CBXB/ 58dB (24°C or less), 60dB

CBXE/CBXF (32°C), 70dB (40°C)

SBX/SBXC/UBX/ 61dB (24°C or less), 64dB

UBXC/FBX (32°C), 70dB (40°C) 7

Dimension WxDxH Single rack 610 x 1,115 x 2,006

Six racks 3,610 x 1,115 x 2,006

Non-stop Control PCB Support

Cache memory module Support

Cache flash memory Support

Power supply, fan Support

Microcode Support

Drive (HDD, SSD, FMD) Support

1 Available as spare drive or data disks.
2 The port can be changed to long wavelength by replacing the SFP transceiver of the
fibre port on the CHB to the DKC-F810I-1PL8.
3 The port can be changed to long wavelength by replacing the SFP transceiver of the
fibre port on the CHB to the DKC-F810I-1PL16.
4 Measurement Condition: The point 1 m far from floor and surface of the product.
5 Even if storage system is in a power-off state, the cooling fan continues to spin in a
standby mode.
6 Does not include the spare drive.
7 The DKC-F810I-1R6FM/3R2FM and DKC-F710I-1R6FM/3R2FM cannot be used at 40°C.

Appendix A: Storage system specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 133
Table 30 VSP F1500 system specifications

Item Specification

System Number of Minimum 4

flash modules
drives (FMD) Maximum 576

Maximum number of flash drives 384 (Standard performance

(SSD) configuration)6
2,304 (High-performance

RAID level RAID 6/RAID 5 /RAID 1

RAID group RAID 6 6D+2P, 14D+2P

RAID 5 3D+1P, 7D+1P6

RAID 1 2D+2D, 4D+4D

Maximum number of spare drives 961

Maximum number of volumes 65,280

Maximum storage system capacity 8,106 TB 8,711 TB

(physical capacity) (using 14-TB (using 3.8-TB

Internal path Architecture Hierarchical Star Net

Maximum Data path 768 GBps

Control path 128 GBps

Memory Cache memory capacity 32 GB to 2,048 GB

Cache flash memory capacity 256 GB to 2,048 GB

Device Controller/drive chassis interface SAS/Dual Port

Data transfer rate Maximum 6 Gbps

Maximum number of drive per SAS 72

(Under the FMD standard model)

Maximum number of disk adapters 4

Channel Support Mainframe 2/4/8 Gbps Fibre Channel:

interface channel type 16MS8/16ML8
4/8/16 Gbps Fibre Channel:

Appendix A: Storage system specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 134
Item Specification

Open systems 2/4/8 Gbps Fibre Channel Short

Wavelength2: 16FC8
4/8/16 Gbps Fibre Channel
Short Wavelength3:
10 Gbps iSCSI/FCoE Short
Wavelength: 16FE10/8IS10

Data transfer Mainframe Fibre 200/400/800/1600 MBps

rate Channel

Fibre Channel 200/400/800/1600 MBps

iSCSI/FCoE 10 Gbps

Maximum number of channel 12


Power AC Input Single phase 60Hz : 200 V to 240 V

50Hz : 200 V to 240 V

Acoustic Level Operating CBXE/CBXF 58dB (24°C or less), 60dB

4 (32°C), 70dB (40°C)

SBXC/FBX 61dB (24°C or less), 64dB

(32°C), 70dB (40°C)

Standby5 CBXE/CBXF 58dB (24°C or less), 60dB

(32°C), 70dB (40°C)

SBXC/FBX 61dB (24°C or less), 64dB

(32°C), 70dB (40°C)

Dimension WxDxH Single rack 610 x 1,115 x 2,006

Six racks 3,610 x 1,115 x 2,006

Non-stop Control PCB Support

Cache memory module Support

Cache flash memory Support

Power supply, fan Support

Microcode Support

Drive (SSD, FMD) Support

1 Available as spare or data disks.

Appendix A: Storage system specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 135
Item Specification
2 The port can be changed to long wavelength by replacing the SFP transceiver of the
fibre port on the CHB to the DKC-F810I-1PL8.
3 The port can be changed to long wavelength by replacing the SFP transceiver of the
fibre port on the CHB to the DKC-F810I-1PL16.
4 Measurement Condition: The point 1 m far from floor and surface of the product.
5 Even if storage system is in a power-off state, the cooling fan continues to rotate in a
standby mode.
6 For VSP F1500 with FMDs installed, a minimum of 8 FMDs (min. capacity of 49 TB) are
required for this specific configuration.
7 Does not include the spare drive.

Table 31 Drive specifications and guidelines

Transfer rate
Type Size (inches)1 Capacity Speed (RPM) (Gbps)

HDD (SAS) 3.5 4.0 TB, 6.0 TB6 7,200 -

600 GB 10,000 -

2.5 300 GB, 600 GB 15,000 -

2.5 600 GB, 900 GB, 1.2 TB, 10,000 -

1.8 TB, 2.4 TB

SSD (MLC SAS) 2 2.5 400 GB, 800 GB, 960 - 6

GB, 1.9 TB, 3.8 TB

3.5 400 GB - 6

Flash Module - 1.75 TB, 3.5 TB, 7 TB, 14 - 6


Drive installation guidelines

■ A minimum of 4 drives must be installed for VSP G1x00. For VSP F1500, a minimum of 8 drives
must be installed.
■ Drives must be added in groups of 4, 8, or 16 when creating RAID groups, unless they are spare

Appendix A: Storage system specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 136
Transfer rate
Type Size (inches)1 Capacity Speed (RPM) (Gbps)
■ Use the same generation drive type and capacity size when configuring RAID setting.
■ Add or replace a drive with another drive of the same generation.
■ The spare drives associated with an array group consisting of first generation Flash Module
Drives (FMD) must also be a first generation FMD. The spare drives must have the same or
larger capacity as the FMD drives in the array group.
■ The spare drives associated with an array group consisting of Flash Module Drive (FMD) DC2
drives must also be an FMD DC2 of the same generation. The spare drives must have the
same or larger capacity as the FMD DC2 drives in the array groups.
Follow the listed examples:
● Array group consisting of 1.6 TB FMD requires the same generation 1.6 TB FMD drive as a
● Array group consisting of 3.2 TB FMD requires the same generation 3.2 TB FMD drive as a
● Array group consisting of 1.6 TB FMD DC2 requires the same generation 1.6 TB FMD DC2
drive as a spare.
● Array group consisting of 3.2 TB FMD DC2 requires the same generation 3.2 TB FMD DC2
drive as a spare.
● Array group consisting of 6.4 TB FMD DC2 requires the same generation 6.4 TB FMD DC2
drive as a spare.

Maximum number of drives

Drive type Drive chassis Max per drive chassis Max per 2-controller system

HDD, 2.5 SFF 192 2,304

HDD, 3.5 LFF 96 1.152

FMD, 5.253 FMD 48 576

SSD, 2.5 SFF 192 (Standard 384 (Standard performance

performance configuration)4
2,304 (High-performance
1,152 (High- configuration)4

Spare drives5 - 48 96

1. The LFF drive chassis uses 3.5-inch drives. The SFF drive chassis uses 2.5-inch drives.

Appendix A: Storage system specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 137
Transfer rate
Type Size (inches)1 Capacity Speed (RPM) (Gbps)
2. SFF SSD drives can be mounted in one SFF drive chassis or distributed among all of the SFF
drive chassis in the storage system.
3. Guidelines for operating with flash module drives in high temperature mode:
■ Do not enable high temperature mode if the system contains FMDs from an earlier
generation (prior to Hitachi Accelerated Flash FMD DC2 drives). The early generation FMDs
cannot operate in high temperature mode. Only enable high temperature mode with
Hitachi Accelerated Flash FMD DC2 drives.
■ Do not enable high temperature mode if the system contains a mixture of early and
current generation FMDs.

4. Recommended maximum number.

5. Recommended number of spare drives: 1 spare HDD per set of 32 HDDs and 1 spare SSD per
set of 32 SSDs.
6. Recommended number of spare drives for 6-TB LFF drive only: one spare drive per set of 16.

Appendix A: Storage system specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 138
Appendix B: Mechanical specifications
The following tables list the dimensions and weight specifications of the VSP G1000, VSP
G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems in a single-rack, single-controller, and dual-
controller configurations.
Table 32 Dimension specifications

Single controller controller
Dimension Single rack (3 racks) (6 racks)

Width (inches/mm) 21.6/600 70.9/1,800 141.7/3,600

Depth (inches/mm) 47.2/1,200 47.2/1,200 47.2/1,200

Height (inches/mm) 79.1/2,010 79.1/2,010 79.1/2,010

Table 33 Weight specifications

Single controller controller
System weight Single rack (3 racks) (6 racks)

(lbs/kg) Diskless - -
1 controller: 638/290
2 controllers: 983/446

Maximum (lbs/kg) 1,301/591 3,214/1,461 6,418/2,917

384 SFF drives 1,152 SFF drives 2,304 SFF

Maximum (lbs/kg) 1,268/578 3,181/1,446 6,362/2,892

(includes 192 LFF drives) (includes 576 LFF (includes
drives) 1,152 LFF

Appendix B: Mechanical specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 139
Appendix C: Electrical specifications
The VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage system PDUs support both single-
phase or three-phase AC power. The system components use single phase 220 VAC.
Table 34 Input power specifications

Inrush Current

Input Steady Leakag 1st (0-p)

Input Power to Current Current e 1st (0- 2nd (0- Time
Item PDUs 1 2 Current p) p) (-25%)

DKC PS Single phase, 7.18A 3.59A 0.28mA 20A 15A 80ms

UBX PS 2 pole + ground 2.07A 1.04A 1.75mA 25A 20A 150ms

AC 200 V -8%
SBX PS 2.61A 1.31A 1.75mA 25A 20A 150ms
min to
FBX PS AC 240 V +6% 2.83A 1.42A 2.8mA 20A 10A 80ms

1. The maximum current in case AC input is not a redundant configuration (in case
of 184 V [200 V - 8%]).
2. The maximum current in case AC input is a redundant configuration (in case of
184 V [200 V - 8%]).
3. 110/120 VAC system is not supported.

Power Supply Locations

The following figure shows the locations of the power supplies in a controller chassis,
LFF/SFF drive chassis, and FMD chassis.

Appendix C: Electrical specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 140
Note: Depending on the configuration, the storage system can draw
considerably less power than the rating of the PDU plugs. Use the weight and
power calculator to determine the power draw for a specific system. See
Component power consumption, heat output, and airflow (on page 146) or
use the Weight and Power Calculator to calculate the power draw, current
draw, and heat output of a specific system at the following URL:

Table 35 PDU plugs, circuit breakers, and receptacles

/ Max Max No. of
Phas Voltage Current CB per
e Location PDU Plug Rating Rating PDU Breaker Rating

Singl America NEMA L6 30P 208 VAC 30A 2 16A, 20 A trip

e2 s twistlock UL489
2 pole, 3 wire
A + B + gnd

EMEA, IEC 309, blue 230 VAC / 32A 2 16A, 20 A trip

2 pole, 3 wire 250 VAC
3294-51 A + B + gnd

Appendix C: Electrical specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 141
/ Max Max No. of
Phas Voltage Current CB per
e Location PDU Plug Rating Rating PDU Breaker Rating

Thre America NEMA L15 30P 208 VAC / 30A per 3 15A 2 pole
e3 s phase UL489
3 pole, 4 wire 240 VAC
13800F1 A+B+C+
0 gnd

EMEA, IEC 309, red 400 VAC 32A per 3 16A 2 pole
APAC phase UL489
4 pole, 5 wire
3694-50 A+B+C+
Neut + gnd

1The numbers in this table were taken from the PDU manufacturer’s specifications. For
information about PDUs, see Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (on
page 153) .
2Americas: Single phase, 30 Amp PDU, (12) IEC C13. EMEA/APAC: Single phase, 32 Amp
PDU, (12) IEC C13; (2) IEC C19 .
3Americas: Method three phase, 30 Amp PDU, (24) IEC C13; (6) IEC C19. EMEA/APAC:
Minkels three phase, 32 Amp PDU, (24) IEC C13; (6) IEC C19.

Appendix C: Electrical specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 142
Appendix D: Environmental specifications
The following table lists the specifications of the environmental conditions for the VSP
G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems. The differences between standard
and high temperature modes are indicated when applicable.
Table 36 Environmental specifications


Item Operating1 Not operating2 Shipping and storage3

Standard temperature 60.8 to 89.6/16 to 32 -14 to 109.4/-10 to 43 -13 to 140/-25 to 60

mode (ºF/ºC)
-14 to 95/-10 to 3510

High temperature 60.8 to 104/16 to 40 -14 to 109.4/-10 to 43 -13 to 140/-25 to 60

mode (ºF/ºC)

Relative Humidity (%)4 20 to 80 8 to 90 5 to 95

Max. Wet Bulb (ºF/ºC) 78.8/26 80.6/27 84.2/29

Temperature deviation 50/10 50/10 68/20

per hour (ºF/ºC)

Gaseous G1 classification levels


Altitude -200 ft./-60 m to -

Standard temperature 9842 ft./3,000 m

Altitude -200 ft./-60 m to -

High temperature 4920 ft./1,500 m

Vibration5 5 Hz to 10 Hz: 0.25 mm 5 Hz to 10 Hz: 2.5 mm Sine Vibration: 4.9

m/s2, 5 min., at the
10 Hz to 300 Hz: 0.49 10 Hz to 70 Hz: 4.9
resonant frequency
m/s2 m/s2
with the highest
70 Hz to 99 Hz: 0.05 displacement found
mm between 3 Hz and 100
99 Hz to 300 Hz: 9.8

Appendix D: Environmental specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 143

Item Operating1 Not operating2 Shipping and storage3

Random Vibration:
0.147 m/s2, 3, 30 min, 5
Hz to 100Hz7

Shock No impact 78.4m/s2 (8.0G) 15ms Horizontal: Incline

Impact 1.22 m/s8

Vertical: Rotational
Edge 0.15m9

Dust Less than 0.15 mg per - -

cubic meter of air

1. Environmental specification for operation should be met before the storage system is
powered on. Maximum temperature of 90°F/32°C at air system air inlet should be strictly met.
2. Unless otherwise specified, the non-operating condition includes both packing and unpacking
3. The system and components are packed in factory packing for shipping and storing.
4. No condensation in and around the drives should be observed under any conditions.
5. Vibration specifications are applied to all three axes.
6. See ASTM D999-01, Standard Test Methods for Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers.
7. See ASTM D4728-01 Standard Test Methods for Random Vibration Testing of Shipping
8. See ASTM D5277-92 Standard Test Methods for Performing Programmed Horizontal Impacts
Using an Inclined Impact Tester.
9. See ASTM D6055-96 Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Handling of Unitized Loads and
Large Shipping Cases and Crates.
10. Applies only when flash module drives are installed.
11. See ANSI/ISA-71.04-2013 Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control
Systems: Airborne Contaminants.

The following table lists the maximum acoustic emission values [loudness in dB(A)] for
the VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 storage systems in standard and high
temperature modes.

Appendix D: Environmental specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 144
Table 37 Acoustic emission levels

Controller chassis

Temperature (ºF /
Item ºC) Fan speed (RPM) Noise level (dB)

Standard 60.8 to 77/16 to 25 4200 57.4

temperature mode
77 to 89.6/25 to 32 4700 59.5

High temperature 89.6 to 104/32 to 40 7400 69.3

mode (ºF/ºC)

Appendix D: Environmental specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 145
Appendix E: Component power consumption,
heat output, and airflow
The following table provides power consumption, heat output, and airflow specifications
of the individual VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 system components.

Weight n Airflow
Component model Heat
Component number (lb/kg) (VA) output (m3/min)

Primary controller DKC-810I-CBXA 312/142 5081 4831 16.7


Secondary controller DKC-F810I-CBXB 308/140 4351 4131 16.7


SFF drive chassis DKC-F810I-SBX 315/143 6741 6401 9.4 (32°C)

DKC-F810I-SBXC4 11.4

LFF drive chassis DKC-F810I-UBX 299/136 6741 6401 6.2 (32°C)

Appendix E: Component power consumption, heat output, and airflow

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 146
Weight n Airflow
Component model Heat
Component number (lb/kg) (VA) output (m3/min)
DKC-F810I-UBXC4 8.3 (40°C)

FMD drive chassis DKC-F810I-FBX 169/77 6401 6001 8.4

Service processor DKC-F810I-SVP 8.8/4.0 75 Included in

controller chassis
Hub DKC-F810I-HUB 5.1/2.3 10

Virtual storage director DKC-F810I-MP 2.7 179

pair (processor blades)


Cache path control DKC-F810I-CPEX 6.2/2.8 80


Cache module (16 GB) DKC-F810I-CM16G 0.05/0.02 4


Cache module (32 GB) DKC-F810I-CM32G 0.12/0.05 7


Small memory backup DKC-F810I-BKMS 4.2/1.9 402


Large memory backup DKC-F810I-BKML 4/1.8 502


Cache flash memory DKC-F810I-BMM128 0.18/0.08 43

(SSD) (128 GB)

Cache flash memory DKC-F810I-BMM256 0.15/0.07 43

(SSD) (256 GB)

300 GB, 15 krpm SAS DKC-F810I-300KCM 0.66/0.3 8.63 Included in drive

SFF disk drive chassis specs

600 GB, 15 krpm SAS DKC-F810I-600KGM4 0.66/0.3 8.53

SFF disk drive

600 GB, 10 krpm SAS DKC-F810I-600JCM 0.66/0.3 8.03

SFF disk drive

900 GB, 10 krpm SAS DKC-F810I-900JCM 0.66/0.3 9.03

SFF disk drive

Appendix E: Component power consumption, heat output, and airflow

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 147
Weight n Airflow
Component model Heat
Component number (lb/kg) (VA) output (m3/min)

1.2 TB, 10 krpm SAS DKC-F810I-1R2JCM 0.66/0.3 8.73

SFF disk drive

1.8 TB, 10 krpm SFF DKC-F810I-1R8JGM4 0.66/0.3 8.53

2.4 TB, 10 krpm SFF DKC-F810I-2R4JGM 0.3 9.43

4 TB, 7.2 krpm SAS LFF DKC-F810I-4R0H3M 0.83/0.83 14.83

disk drive

600 GB, 10 krpm disk DKC-F810I-600J5M 0.66/0.3 14.83

drive in LFF canister

6 TB, 7.2 krpm SAS LFF DKC-F810I-6R0H9M4 1.9/0.86 14.83

disk drive

400 GB, LFF SSD DKC-F810I-400M5M 1.8/0.8 7.13

400 GB, SFF MLC SSD DKC-F810I-400MCM 0.29/0.13 6.73

800 GB, SFF MLC SSD DKC-F810I-800MCM 0.29/0.13 6.73

960 GB, SFF, SSD DKC-F810I-960MGM 0.51/0.23 7.13

1.9 TB, SFF, SSD DKC-F810I-1R9MGM 0.51/0.23 7.13

3.8 TB, SFF, SSD DKC-F810I-3R8MGM 0.51/0.23 7.13

Hitachi Accelerated DKC-F810I-1R6FM 3.08/1.4 18.03

Flash 1.75 TB FMD

Hitachi Accelerated DKC-F810I-3R2FM 3.08/1.4 19.03

Flash 3.5 TB FMD

Hitachi Accelerated DKC-F810I-1R6FN 3.08/1.4 26.03 25.03

Flash 1.75 TB FMD DC2

Hitachi Accelerated DKC-F810I-3R2FN 3.08/1.4 26.03 25.03

Flash 3.5 TB FMD DC2

Hitachi Accelerated DKC-F810I-6R4FN 3.08/1.4 26.03 25.03

Flash 7 TB FMD DC2

Hitachi Accelerated DKC-F810I-7R0FP 3.08/1.4 26.03 25.03

Flash 7 TB FMD DC2

Appendix E: Component power consumption, heat output, and airflow

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 148
Weight n Airflow
Component model Heat
Component number (lb/kg) (VA) output (m3/min)

Hitachi Accelerated DKC-F810I-14RFP 3.08/1.4 26.03 25.03

Flash 14 TB FMD DC2

Back-end director (disk DKC-F810I-SCA 4.2/1.9 105 100 —


Encrypting back-end DKC-F810I-ESCA 3.3/2.0 110 105 —


iSCSI 8-port 10G front- DKC-F810I-8IS10 4.1/1.9 126 120 —

end director

Fibre Channel 16-port DKC-F810I-16FC16 4.6/2.1 179 170 —

16G front-end director

Fibre Channel 16-port DKC-F810I-16FC8 3.3/2.0 116 110 —

8G front-end director

Fibre Channel 8-port DKC-F810I-8FC16 5.3/2.4 116 110 —

16G front-end director

Fibre Channel over DKC-F810I-16FE10 4.8/2.1 179 170 —

Ethernet (FCoE) front-
end director

Mainframe Fibre DKC-F810I-16MS8 5.3/2.4 126 120 —

Channel 16-port 8G
front-end director for

Mainframe Fibre DKC-F810I-16MS16 5.3/2.4 137 130 —

Channel 16-port 16G
front-end director for

Mainframe Fibre DKC-F810I-16ML8 5.3/2.4 126 120 —

Channel 16-port 8G
front-end director for

Mainframe Fibre DKC-F810I-16ML16 5.3/2.4 137 130 —

Channel 16-port 16G
front-end director for

SFP for 8 Gbps DKC-F810I-1PL8 0.044/0.0 — — —

Longwave 2

Appendix E: Component power consumption, heat output, and airflow

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 149
Weight n Airflow
Component model Heat
Component number (lb/kg) (VA) output (m3/min)

SFP for 8 Gbps DKC-F810I-1PS8 0.044/0.0 — — —

Shortwave 2

SFP for 16 Gbps DKC-F810I-1PL16 0.044/0.0 — — —

Longwave 2

SFP for 16 Gbps DKC-F810I-1PS16 0.044/0.0 — — —

Shortwave 2

PDU 30A, single phase PDU-121112F10 9.9/4.5 — — —


PDU 32 A, single phase A3CR-123294-51 5.73/2.6 — — —


PDU 30A, three phase PDU-32C13800F10 18/8.0 — — —


PDU 32A, three phase A3CK-243694-50 11/5.2 — — —


Controller chassis DKC-F810I-BCH 8.2/3.7 — — —


Drive chassis bezel DKC-F810I-BUH 8.2/5.3 — — —

Flash module chassis DKC-F810I-BFH 6.2/2.8 — — —


Hitachi Universal V2 A3BF-600-1200-V2 222/101 — — —


Controller Rail Kit A34V-700-800-CBX 7.4/3.4 — — —

Corner Guide Rail Kit A3BF-HK-GL-740-1 4.4/2 — — —


Corner Guide Rail Kit A3BF-HK-GL-740-1 4.4/2 — — —


Front Door A3BF-DR-R800 50.6/23 — — —

Left side panel with A3BF-Z-PAN-BR-L 39.6/18 — — —

Hitachi branding

Right side panel with A3BF-Z-PAN-BR-R 39.6/18 — — —

Hitachi branding

Appendix E: Component power consumption, heat output, and airflow

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 150
Weight n Airflow
Component model Heat
Component number (lb/kg) (VA) output (m3/min)

Universal Rail Kit A34V-600-850-UNI 6.2/2.8 —

Power Cord Kit, CBX DKC-F810I-PLUC 9.9/4.5 — — —

chassis, USA

Power Cord Kit, SFF / DKC-F810I-PHUC 9.9/4.5 — — —

LFF drive chassis, USA

Power Cord Kit, FMD DKC-F810I-PFUC 4.4/2.0 — — —

drive chassis, USA

Power Cord Kit, DKC-F810I-PLEC 2/0.7 — — —

controller chassis, EU

Power Cord Kit, SFF/LFF DKC-F810I-PHEC 6.8/3.1 — — —

drive chassis, EU

Power Cord Kit, FMD DKC-F810I-PFEC 3.1/1.4 — — —

drive chassis, EU

Power Cord Kit, DKC-F810I-PLCC 1.5/0.7 — — —

controller chassis,

Power Cord Kit, SFF/LFF DKC-F810I-PHCC 6.6/3.0 — — —

drive chassis, China

Power Cord Kit, FMD DKC-F810I-PFCC 2.9/1.3 — — —

drive chassis, China

Inter-Controller DKC-F810I-MOD5 4.4/2.0 1 — —

Connecting Kit, 5 m

Inter-Controller DKC-F810I-MOD30 7.7/3.5 1 — —

Connecting Kit, 30 m

Inter-Controller DKC-F810I-MOD1J 17.2/7.8 1 — —

Connecting Kit

Inter-Controller DKC-F810I-MFC5 1.75/0.8 — — —

Connecting Kit

Inter-Controller DKC-F810I-MFC30 5.1/2.3 — — —

Connecting Kit

Inter-Controller DKC-F810I-MFC1J 14.3/6.5 — — —

Connecting Kit

Appendix E: Component power consumption, heat output, and airflow

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 151
Weight n Airflow
Component model Heat
Component number (lb/kg) (VA) output (m3/min)

Device Interface Cable DKC-F810I-CC1 2.4/1.1 — — —

(ENC), 1 m

Device Interface Cable DKC-F810I-CC2 3.75/1.7 — — —

(ENC), 2 m

Device Interface Cable DKC-F810I-CC4 6.4/2.9 — — —

(ENC), 4 m

Device Interface Cable DKC-F810I-FC5 2.4/1.1 — — —

(ENC), 5 m

Device Interface Cable DKC-F810I-FC30 6.6/3.0 — — —

(ENC), 30 m

Device Interface Cable DKC-F810I-FC1J 18/8.2 — — —

(ENC), 100 m

1. Maximum values with all fans spinning at maximum speed.
2. Power is consumed during the battery back-up time only. The idle power is included in
3. Actual values at a typical I/O condition. (Random read and write, 50 IOPS for HDD, 2500 IOPS
for SSD/FMD, data length of 8 Kbytes) These values can increase for future compatible drives.
4. The component does not contain BNST.

5. Actual values at a typical I/O condition. (Random read and write, 50 IOPS for HDD, 2500 IOPS
for SSD/FMD, data length of 8 Kbytes)
These values can increase for future compatible drives.

Appendix E: Component power consumption, heat output, and airflow

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 152
Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi
Universal V2 Rack
The Hitachi Universal V2 Rack is equipped with specific power distribution units (PDU) for
Americas, APAC, and EMEA regions. The PDUs can provide electrical power to the storage
system in a single-phase or three-phase configuration.

■ Before installing third-party devices into the rack, check the electrical
current draw of each device. Verify the electrical specifications and
allowable current load on each PDU before plugging the device into the
■ Balance the electrical current load between available PDUs.

Americas single-phase PDU 1P30A-8C13-3C19UL.P

The following figure and table describes the specifications of the PDU.

Figure 40 Americas PDU for the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (Single-phase PDU

Part Number Region Phase Description

1P30A-8C13-3C19U Americas Single ■ 208V, 30A (24A

L.P rated) 60Hz
■ 8 IEC C13 + 3 IEC
C19 sockets
■ NEMA L6-30P
input power plug
■ 4.5 m (14.76
feet) cable

Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 153
Americas single-phase PDU 1P30A-15C13-3C19UL.P

Americas single-phase PDU 1P30A-15C13-3C19UL.P

The following figure and table describes the specifications of the PDU.

Figure 41 Americas PDU for the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (Single-phase PDU

Part Number Region Phase Description

1P30A-15C13-3C19 Americas Single ■ 208V, 30A (24A

UL.P rated) 60Hz
■ 15 IEC C13 + 3
IEC C19 sockets
■ NEMA L6-30P
input power plug
■ 4.5 m (14.76
feet) cable

Americas three-phase PDU 3P30A-8C13-3C19UL.P

The following figure and table describes the specifications of the PDU.

Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 154
Americas three-phase PDU 3P30A-15C13-3C19UL.P

Figure 42 Americas PDU for the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (Three-phase PDU

Part Number Region Phase Description

3P30A-8C13-3C19U Americas Three ■ 208V 3P, 30A

L.P (24A rated) 60Hz
■ 8 IEC C13 + 3 IEC
C19 sockets
■ NEMA L15-30P
input power plug
■ 4.5 m (14.76
feet) cable

Americas three-phase PDU 3P30A-15C13-3C19UL.P

The following figure and table describes the specifications of the PDU.

Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 155
Americas three-phase PDU 3P30A-24C13-6C19UL.P

Figure 43 Americas PDU for the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (Three-phase PDU

Part Number Region Phase Description

3P30A-15C13-3C19 Americas Three ■ 208V 3P, 30A

UL.P (24A rated) 60Hz
■ 15 IEC C13 + 3
IEC C19 sockets
■ NEMA L15-30P
input power plug
■ 4.5 m (14.76
feet) cable

Americas three-phase PDU 3P30A-24C13-6C19UL.P

The following figure and table describes the specifications of the PDU.

Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 156
APAC and EMEA single-phase PDU 1P32A-9C13-3C19CE.P

Figure 44 Americas PDU for the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (Three-phase PDU

Part Number Region Phase Description

3P30A-24C13-6C19 Americas Three ■ 208V 3P, 30A

UL.P (24A rated) 60Hz
■ 24 IEC C13 + 6
IEC C19 sockets
■ NEMA L15-30P
input power plug
■ 4.5 m (14.76
feet) cable

APAC and EMEA single-phase PDU 1P32A-9C13-3C19CE.P

The following figure and table describes the specifications of the PDU.

Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 157
APAC and EMEA single-phase PDU 1P32A-18C13-3C19CE.P

Figure 45 APAC and EMEA PDU for the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (Single-phase

Part Number Region Phase Description

1P32A-9C13-3C19C APAC and EMEA Single ■ 230V max. 32A

E.P 50Hz / 60Hz
■ 9 IEC C13 + 3 IEC
C19 sockets
■ IEC309 Blue 2P +
E input power
■ 4.5 m (14.76
feet) cable

APAC and EMEA single-phase PDU 1P32A-18C13-3C19CE.P

The following figure and table describes the specifications of the PDU.

Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 158
APAC and EMEA three-phase PDU 3P16A-9C13-3C19CE.P

Figure 46 APAC and EMEA PDU for the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (Single-phase

Part Number Region Phase Description

1P32A-18C13-3C19 APAC and EMEA Single ■ 230V max. 32A

CE.P 50Hz / 60Hz
■ 18 IEC C13 + 3
IEC C19 sockets
■ IEC309 Blue 2P +
E input power
■ 4.5 m (14.76
feet) cable

APAC and EMEA three-phase PDU 3P16A-9C13-3C19CE.P

The following figure and table describes the specifications of the PDU.

Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 159
APAC and EMEA three-phase PDU 3P16A-15C13-3C19CE.P

Figure 47 APAC and EMEA PDU for the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (Three-phase

Part Number Region Phase Description

3P16A-9C13-3C19C APAC and EMEA Three ■ 400V max. 3x

E.P 16A 50Hz / 60Hz
■ 9 IEC C13 + 3 IEC
C19 sockets
■ IEC309 Red 3P +
N + E input
power plug
■ 4.5 m (14.76
feet) cable

APAC and EMEA three-phase PDU 3P16A-15C13-3C19CE.P

The following figure and table describes the specifications of the PDU.

Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 160
APAC and EMEA three-phase PDU 3P32A-24C13-6C19CE.P

Figure 48 APAC and EMEA PDU for the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (Three-phase

Part Number Region Phase Description

3P16A-15C13-3C19 APAC and EMEA Three ■ 400V max. 3x

CE.P 16A 50Hz / 60Hz
■ 15 IEC C13 + 3
IEC C19 sockets
■ IEC309 Red 3P +
N + E input
power plug
■ 4.5 m (14.76
feet) cable

APAC and EMEA three-phase PDU 3P32A-24C13-6C19CE.P

The following figure and table describes the specifications of the PDU.

Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 161
APAC and EMEA three-phase PDU 3P32A-24C13-6C19CE.P

Figure 49 APAC and EMEA PDU for the Hitachi Universal V2 Rack (Three-phase

Part Number Region Phase Description

3P32A-24C13-6C19 APAC and EMEA Three ■ 400V max. 3x

CE.P 32A 50Hz / 60Hz
■ 24 IEC C13 + 6
IEC C19 sockets
■ IEC309 Red 3P +
N + E input
power plug
■ 4.5 m (14.76
feet) cable

Appendix F: Power distribution units for Hitachi Universal V2 Rack

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 162
Appendix G: Safety requirements
Install Hitachi Vantara equipment in accordance with the local safety codes and
regulations that apply to the facility. This chapter describes additional safety information
that can apply to your facility. Read and follow the safety guidelines in this chapter
before installing the equipment.

General safety guidelines

Observe the following general site guidelines:
■ General requirements: The data center must comply with all applicable safety
regulations, standards, and requirements for installing and operating industrial
computer equipment similar to a storage system.
■ Fire protection: The data center must have an operational fire protection system
appropriate for use with computer and electrical equipment.
■ Hazards: The data center must be free of hazards (for example, cables on the floor
that can block access or cause people to trip).
■ Equipment modifications: Do not make mechanical or electrical modifications to the
equipment. Hitachi Vantara is not responsible for regulatory compliance of a modified
Hitachi Vantara product.
■ Earthquake safety: To minimize personal injury in the event of an earthquake,
securely fasten the control and drive chassis to a rigid structure extending from the
floor to the ceiling or from the walls of the room in which the system is located.
■ Cabling: Do not block walkways when routing cables. Do not place heavy materials on
cables. Do not place cables near any possible source of heat.
■ Warning and safety labels: Safety warnings, cautions, and instructions in various
languages are attached to the storage system components. The safety warnings
provide guidelines to follow when working with any equipment. Before working on
the storage system, read all safety and warning labels attached to it. If the labels
become dirty, damaged, unreadable, or peel off, contact the Hitachi Vantara support
■ Authorized personnel: Allow only qualified and authorized personnel (for example, a
certified electrician) to perform hazardous tasks.

Appendix G: Safety requirements

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 163
Work safety guidelines

Work safety guidelines

Observe the following site guidelines:
■ Do not wear loose clothing that could get caught in the equipment or mounting
hardware. Fasten your tie or scarf and roll up your sleeves.
■ Wear safety glasses when working under conditions that are hazardous to your eyes.
■ Do not perform any action that creates a potential hazard to people or makes the
equipment or rack unsafe.
■ Keep walkways clear of tools, power cables, and parts to prevent them from being
stepped on or causing people to trip and fall over them.
■ Do not work on the equipment or disconnect cables during a thunderstorm, when
wearing a wool sweater or other heavy wool clothing, or when power is applied.
■ Keep floors dry to prevent slips and falls.
■ Do not use ungrounded power cables.
■ Keep the area clear and dust-free during and after installation.
■ Do not block or cover equipment openings. Ensure that all equipment has adequate
airflow. Failure to follow these guidelines can cause overheating and affect the system
■ If you notice unusual heat generation, odors, or smoke emission, shut off the power
feed to the equipment and contact a maintenance engineer. Leaving such conditions
unattended can result in hazardous physical conditions and equipment failure.
■ The rack is equipped with casters so that it can be moved short distances to position
it for final installation. Use enough personnel (minimum of two) when moving a rack,
especially on sloping loading docks and ramps to a raised computer room floor. Move
the cabinet slowly and deliberately, and make sure that the floor is free from foreign
objects and cables that the cabinet could roll over.

Warning: To avoid injury, wear protective footwear when moving equipment.

Warning about moving parts

Even though customers do not install or maintain equipment, these guidelines are
provided to prevent possible injury when working with authorized service personnel.
Observe the following warning related to moving parts:
■ Tuck in any loose clothing so that it cannot be caught by a moving or rotating part
such as a fan.
■ Tie up long hair.
■ Unless otherwise specifically instructed, do not supply power to any device that
contains rotating or moving parts that are not correctly covered.

Appendix G: Safety requirements

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 164
Electrical safety guidelines

Electrical safety guidelines

Even though customers do not install or maintain equipment, these guidelines are
provided to prevent possible injury when working with authorized service personnel in
the area where equipment is installed. Observe the following electrical safety guidelines:
■ Disconnect all power before installation, deinstallation, or moving equipment.
■ Ensure that the voltage and frequency of your power source match the voltage and
frequency required by the system.
■ All equipment should be properly grounded for proper operation and safety. To
reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to equipment, follow proper grounding

Preventing electric shock

■ Before starting work, note where the emergency power-off switches are located, and
be sure you know how to operate them.
■ Before starting work, be sure there are no potential electric hazards in the
maintenance area such as insufficient grounding or a wet floor.

Appendix G: Safety requirements

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 165
Appendix H: Regulatory specifications
This appendix provides regulatory information for VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500
storage systems and includes tables with explanations of regulatory requirement
statements from various countries.

Regulatory compliance
This equipment has been tested and is certified to meet the following certifications.
Table 38 VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 certifications

Mark on the
Standard Specification product Country

Electronic emission FCC Part 15 Subpart Yes (FCC) U.S.A

control B Class A

Electronic emission FCC Part 15 Subpart Yes (UL) Japan

control B Class A:2010,
Class A
ICES-003 Issue 4
Class A

Safety certification TUV Safety Report Yes (TUV) EU, North America
Certification, FCC
Verification Report

Electronic emission TUV Safety Report, Yes (CE Mark) European Union
certifications EMC Report, TUV GS
License, EMC
Certificate, CE Mark

Electronic emission CB Report and Yes (TUV) Worldwide

control Certificate

Electronic emission Test Report for C- Yes Australia and New

control Tick Approval Zealand

VCCI Registration VCCI Class A Yes (VCCI) Japan

for Product and

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 166
Regulatory compliance

Mark on the
Standard Specification product Country

Safety certification GOST Certificate for Yes (GOST) Russia

Product and

Electronic emission BSMI Approval for Yes (BSMI) Taiwan

control Product and

Electronic emission RRL Approval and Yes (RRL) Korea

control KTL Safety Approval

Safety certification IRAM Approval Yes Argentina

Electronic emission CCC Approval for Yes (IRAM) China

control Switching Power

Table 39 VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 certifications by region

icatio Regul
n Region atory Standard Certificate No. and Report No.

Safet Worldwid CB IEC60950-1:2005+A1 Certificate JPTUV-053187-M2

y e Numbers

Report Numbers 12030097


Photo 12030097

North cTUVu UL60950-1:2007 Test Report No. USA-JT 12030098

America s
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. Certificate CU72133020
60950-1-07+A1 Numbers

European TUV +A11+A1+A12 Certificate S1-50266086

Union Numbers

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 167
Regulatory compliance

icatio Regul
n Region atory Standard Certificate No. and Report No.

Argentina IRAM IEC60950-1:2005+A1 Certificate RA3385104E,204E,205E


Safet Russia EAC TP TC 004/2011 Certificate RA3283003E

y Numbers
TP TC 020/2011 RU C-JP.AR46.B.60400
RU C-JP.AR46.B.60634

North FCC FCC Part15 Subpart B Test Report No. 10033930S-C

America Class A
EICES-003 Issue:2012
Class A

European EN EEN55022:2010 Certificate No. CJ50268193

EEN55024:2010 Test Report 12030583-001
EEN61000-3-2:2006 12030583-003
+A1+A2 12030583-004

EMC Australia C-Tick AS/NZS CISPR Test Report 10033930S-B

and New RCM 22:2009+A1 Class A Numbers

Taiwan BSMI CNS13429¥CNS14336 Declaration of Declaration of

-1 Conformity Conformity

South KCC KN22KN24 Certificate No. MSIP-REM-HTB-DKC810


Region Regula Standard Model Certificate No.


Safet China CCC GB4943-2011GB9254 SBX/ 2011010907455767

y -2008GB17625.1-200 UBX_SWPSTDPS-6

FBX_SWPSPPD600 2012010907575263

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 168
US FCC Notice

US FCC Notice
FCC Notice
Federal Communications Commission
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area
is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case users will be required to correct the
interference at their own expense.

Electronic emissions testing

EMI testing was conducted with shielded cables. To comply with the FCC regulations, you
must use shielded cables with your installation.
The EMI tests were performed with the following configurations:
Copies of the Underwriters Laboratories EMI compliance certificates are located at the
end of this chapter.
If trouble occurs in another configuration, a user may be requested to take appropriate
preventive measures.

European Declaration of Conformity

Warning This equipment complies with the requirements relating to

electromagnetic compatibility, EN 55022 class A for ITE, the essential
protection requirement of Council Directive 89/336/EEC on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility.


Maschinen lärm informations verordnung 3. GSGV, 18.01.1991: Der "höchste"
Schalldruckpegel beträt 70 db (A) oder weniger gemäß ISO 7779

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 169
Notice of export controls

Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product

may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take
adequate measures.

Warning: Dies ist ein Produkt der Klasse A. In nichtgewerblichen

Umgebungen können von dem Gerät Funkstörungen ausgehen, zu deren
Beseitigung vom Benutzer geeignete Maßnahmen zu ergreifen sind.

Notice of export controls

Export of technical data contained in this document may require an export license from
the United States government and/or the government of Japan. Contact the Hitachi Legal
Department for any export compliance questions.

China RoHS

This symbol displays requirements for controlling pollution caused by

electronic information products.

Hazardous and toxic substances

Table 40 Hazardous and toxic substances

Toxic and hazardous substances and elements

Unit Lead Mercur Cadmiu Hexavalent Polybrominate Polybrominate

(PB) y (Hg) m (Cd) Chronium d biphenyls d diphenyl
(Cr (VI)) (PBB) ethers (PBDE)

Controlle X O O O O O
r chassis

Drive X O O O O O

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 170

Toxic and hazardous substances and elements

The Symbol O indicates that this toxic or hazardous substances contained in all of the
homogeneous materials used for this part is below this limit requirement in SJ/T
The symbol X indicates that this toxic or hazardous substances contained in at least
one of the homogeneous materials used for this part is above the limit requirement in
SJ/T 11363-2006.


Note: This symbol on the product or on its packaging means that your
electrical and electronic equipment should be disposed at the end of
life separately from household wastes. There are separate collection
systems for recycling EU and many cities in the USA. For more
information, contact the local authority or the dealer where you
purchased the product.


The cache backup battery unit includes a nickel-hydride battery. A

nickel-hydride battery should be recycled when it is no longer usable.
When you replace the battery unit, do not dispose of the old one in the
trash. Recycle the battery instead. The mark posted on the battery unit
is a three-arrow mark that means a recyclable part.

Electronic emissions certificates

Copies of the Underwriters Laboratories EMI compliance certificates are located on the
following pages. If necessary, contact customer support for detailed information.

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 171
Electronic emissions certificates

Figure 50 UL EMI compliance certificate (1 of 3)

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 172
Electronic emissions certificates

Figure 51 Test certificate (2 of 3)

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 173
Electronic emissions certificates

Figure 52 Test certificate (3 of 3)

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 174
FIPS 140-2 Consolidated Validation Certificate

FIPS 140-2 Consolidated Validation Certificate

The encrypting back-end director received FIPS 140-2 certification from the National
Institute of Standards and Technology. For more information about security and
encryption, contact your Hitachi Vantara sales representative.

Appendix H: Regulatory specifications

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 175
10 Gb
10 gigabit Ethernet computer networking standard, with a nominal data rate of 10 Gbps, 10
times as fast as gigabit ethernet.
arbitrated loop (AL)
Arbitrated loop, also known as FC-AL, is a Fibre Channel topology in which devices are
connected in a one-way loop fashion in a ring topology. Up to 127 devices may be attached in
the loop, but only two can communicate at the same time. Arbitrated loop is an alternative to
Fibre Channel switches.
array group
A set of drives in a storage system that have the same capacity and are treated as one RAID
unit. An array group contains user data and parity information, which ensures user data
integrity in the event of a disk drive failure in the array group.
bits per second. The standard measure of data transmission speeds.
A set of RAM (Random Access Memory) modules used to store data temporarily.
The amount of data storage space available on a physical storage device, generally measured
in bytes (MB, GB, TB, and so on).
See Command Control Interface.
challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP)
An authentication technique for confirming the identity of one computer to another.
Described in RFC 1994.
See challenge handshake authentication protocol.
command line interface
Multiple storage servers working together to respond to multiple read and write requests.
cluster capacity
The total amount of disk space in a cluster, excluding the space required for system overhead
and the operating system. Cluster capacity is the amount of space available for all archive
data, including original file data, metadata, and redundant data.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 176
Command Control Interface (CCI)
Software used to control volume replication functionality (such as TrueCopy or ShadowImage)
by means of commands issued from a host to a storage system. A command device must be
set up in the storage system to enable the storage system to receive commands from CCI.
In an open system, Replication Manager uses the CCI configuration definition files to modify
copy pair configurations and to acquire configuration information. Copy pair modification
processing, such as splitting and resynchronizing copy pairs, is executed on the storage
system via CCI.
command device
A dedicated logical volume used to interface with the storage system. Can be shared by
several hosts.
controller box
The enclosure that contains the storage system controller. For some models, disk drives may
be included as well. Controller boxes come in 2U and 3U versions.
■ CBL: AC-powered 3U controller box.
■ CBLE: AC-powered 2U controller box with support for encryption.
■ CBLD: DC-powered 3U controller box.
■ CBLE: 3U controller box that supports encryption.
■ CBSL controller box: A 3U controller box that can contain a maximum of 12 3.5-inch
■ CBSS controller box: A 2U controller box that can contain a maximum of 24 2.5-inch
■ CBXSL controller box: A 3U controller box that can contain a maximum of 12 3.5-inch
■ CBXSS controller box: A 2U controller box that can contain a maximum of 24 2.-5 inch
See cyclic redundancy check.
cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
An error-correcting code designed to detect accidental changes to raw computer data.
differential management-logical unit

disaster recovery
A set of procedures to recover critical application data and processing after a disaster or other
failure. Disaster recovery processes include fallover and fallback procedures.
See differential management-logical unit.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 177
drive box
Chassis for mounting drives that connect to the controller box.
■ Drive boxes with AC power supply:
● DBS, DBL, DBF: Drive box (2U)
● DBX: Drive box (4U)
● DBW: Drive box (5U)
■ Drive boxes with DC power supply:
● DBSD: Drive box (2U)
● DBLD: Drive box (2U)
drive I/O module
I/O module for the controller box that has drive interfaces.
The transmission of data in either one or two directions. Duplex modes are full-duplex and
half-duplex. Full-duplex is the simultaneous transmission of data in two directions. For
example, a telephone is a full-duplex device, because both parties can talk at once. In
contrast, a walkie-talkie is a half-duplex device because only one party can transmit at a time.
A computer networking technology for local-area networks.
A contiguous area of storage in a computer file system that is reserved for writing or storing a
Hardware that connects workstations and servers to storage devices in a storage-area
network (SAN)N. The SAN fabric enables any server to any storage device connectivity through
the use of fibre channel switching technology.
The process of restoring a system, component, or service in a state of failover back to its
original state (before failure).
Automatic switching to a redundant or standby computer server, system, hardware
component, or network upon the failure or abnormal termination of the previously active
application, server, system, hardware component, or network. Failover and switchover are
essentially the same operation, except that failover is automatic and usually operates without
warning, while switchover requires human intervention.
fault tolerance
A system with the ability to continue operating, possibly at a reduced level, rather than failing
completely, when some part of the system fails.
Fibre Channel

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 178
See arbitrated loop.
Fibre Channel over Ethernet. An encapsulation of Fibre Channel frames over Ethernet
networks. This allows Fibre Channel to use 10-gigabit Ethernet networks (or higher speeds)
while preserving the Fibre Channel protocol.
Fibre Channel (FC)
A technology for transmitting data between computer devices at a data rate of up to 4 Gbps. It
is especially suited for attaching computer servers to shared storage devices and for
interconnecting storage controllers and drives.
Software embedded into a storage device. It may also be referred to as microcode.
flash module (FMD)
A high speed data storage device that includes a custom flash controller and several flash
memory sub-modules on a single PCB.
Transmission of data in two directions simultaneously. For example, a telephone is a full-
duplex device because both parties can talk at the same time.
Gigabit per second.
gigabit ethernet
A version of ethernet that supports data transfer speeds of 1 gigabit per second. The cables
and equipment are very similar to previous ethernet standards.
graphical user interface
High availability.
Transmission of data in just one direction at a time. For example, a walkie-talkie is a half-
duplex device because only one party can talk at a time.
See host bus adapter.
One or more host bus adapter (HBA) world wide names (WWN).

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 179
host bus adapter (HBA)
One or more dedicated adapter cards that are installed in a host, have unique WWN
addresses, and provide Fibre Channel I/O connectivity to storage systems, typically through
Fibre Channel switches. Unlike general-purpose Ethernet adapters, which handle a multitude
of network protocols, host bus adapters are dedicated to high-speed block transfers for
optimized I/O performance.
host I/O module
I/O module for the controller box . The host I/O module provides interface functions for the
I/O card
The I/O card (ENC) is installed in a DBX. It provides interface functions for the controller box or
drive box.
I/O module
The I/O module (ENC) is installed in a DBS/DBSD/DBL/DBLD/DBF/DBW. It provides interface
functions for the controller box or drive box.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. A non-profit professional association best
known for developing standards for the computer and electronics industry. In particular, the
IEEE 802 standards for local-area networks are widely followed.
I/Os per second
Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
iSCSI initiator
iSCSI-specific software installed on the host server that controls communications between the
host server and the storage system.
Internet Storage Naming Service. An automated discovery, management, and configuration
tool used by some iSCSI devices. iSNS eliminates the need to manually configure each
individual storage system with a specific list of initiators and target IP addresses. Instead, iSNS
automatically discovers, manages, and configures all iSCSI devices in your environment.
See local area network.
In UNIX computing, the system load is a measure of the amount of work that a computer
system is doing.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 180
local area network (LAN)
A computer network that spans a relatively small geographic area, such as a single building or
group of buildings.
Describes a user's view of the way data or systems are organized. The opposite of logical is
physical, which refers to the real organization of a system. A logical description of a file that it
is a quantity of data collected together in one place. The file appears this way to users.
Physically, the elements of the file could live in segments across a disk.
The lowest-level instructions directly controlling a microprocessor. Microcode is generally
hardwired and cannot be modified. It is also referred to as firmware embedded in a storage
Microsoft Cluster Server
A clustering technology that supports clustering of two NT servers to provide a single fault-
tolerant server.
Two logical volumes in a replication relationship in which one volume contains original data to
be copied and the other volume contains the copy of the original data. The copy operations
can be synchronous or asynchronous, and the pair volumes can be located in the same
storage system (in-system replication) or in different storage systems (remote replication).
pair status
Indicates the condition of a copy pair. A pair must have a specific status for specific
operations. When a pair operation completes, the status of the pair changes to a different
status determined by the type of operation.
In computers, parity refers to a technique of checking whether data has been lost or written
over when it is moved from one place in storage to another or when transmitted between
Parity computations are used in RAID drive arrays for fault tolerance by calculating the data in
two drives and storing the results on a third. The parity is computed by XOR'ing a bit from
drive 1 with a bit from drive 2 and storing the result on drive 3. After a failed drive is replaced,
the RAID controller rebuilds the lost data from the other two drives. RAID systems often have
a "hot" spare drive ready and waiting to replace a drive that fails.
parity group
See RAID group.
A topology where two points communicate.
An access point in a device where a link attaches.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 181
primary site
The physical location of a storage system that contains original data to be replicated and that
is connected to one or more storage systems at a remote or secondary site via remote copy
connections. A primary site can also be called a “main site” or “local site”.
The term "primary site" is also used for host failover operations. In that case, the primary site
is the location of the host on which the production applications are running, and the
secondary site is the location of the host on which the backup applications that run when the
applications at the primary site have failed.
redundant array of independent disks
A collection of two or more disk drives that presents the image of a single logical disk drive to
the system. Part of the physical storage capacity is used to store redundant information about
user data stored on the remainder of the storage capacity. In the event of a single device
failure, the data can be read or regenerated from the other disk drives.
RAID employs the technique of disk striping, which involves partitioning each drive's storage
space into units ranging from a sector (512 bytes) up to several megabytes. The stripes of all
the disks are interleaved and addressed in order.
RAID group
A redundant array of inexpensive drives (RAID) that have the same capacity and are treated as
one group for data storage and recovery. A RAID group contains both user data and parity
information, which allows the user data to be accessed in the event that one or more of the
drives within the RAID group are not available. The RAID level of a RAID group determines the
number of data drives and parity drives and how the data is "striped" across the drives. For
RAID1, user data is duplicated within the RAID group, so there is no parity data for RAID1 RAID
A RAID group can also be called an array group or a parity group.
remote path
A route connecting identical ports on the local storage system and the remote storage system.
Two remote paths must be set up for each storage system (one path for each of the two
controllers built in the storage system).
See storage area network.
See Serial Attached SCSI.
SAS cable
Cable for connecting a controller box and drive box.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
A common protocol for managing the security of message transmission over the Internet.
Two SSL-enabled peers use their private and public keys to establish a secure communication
session, with each peer encrypting transmitted data with a randomly generated and agreed-
upon symmetric key.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 182
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)
A replacement for Fibre Channel drives in high-performance applications. See also SCSI.
A term used to denote a copy of the data and data-file organization on a node in a disk file
system. A snapshot is a replica of the data as it existed at a particular point in time.
See Storage Navigator Modular 2.
storage area network (SAN)
A network of shared storage devices that contain disks for storing data.
Storage Navigator Modular 2
A multi-featured scalable storage management application that is used to configure and
manage the storage functions of Hitachi storage systems.
A way of writing data across drive spindles.
The receiving end of an iSCSI conversation, typically a device such as a disk drive.
Uniform Resource Locator
world wide name
A unique identifier that identifies a particular fibre channel target.
A logical separation of traffic between host and resources. By breaking up into zones,
processing activity is distributed evenly.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 183
A conditions 128
configuration 104, 112
connection 105, 107
system 60
connector 38
authorized service provider 75
control panel 119
controller 60
B controller chassis 23, 60, 108, 112
back-end director 45, 60
backup 58 D
backup battery 126
data 108
battery 127
diagram 105
battery backup 125
battery life 125
drive chassis 23, 112
BED 45, 46, 60
drive chassis components 46
breaker configuration 107
drive tray 108

cable connection 104, 108
electrical specifications 140
cache 58, 60, 125, 126
emergency 123, 124
cache flash memory 58
cache memory 51
clearances 79
cache path control adapter 51
equipment weight 79
certificate 175
export controls 170
certification 175
extended cable connection 112
compliance 166
Europe 169
Japan 170 FED 60
US FCC 169 Fibre Channel 36, 38
CFM 58 Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) 36, 38
CHA 36 FICON 36, 38
channel adapter 36, 38, 104 FIPS 140-2 175
chassis flexible back-end director 46
drive 46 front-end director 36, 38, 60, 104
checklist 76
circuit breaker 123, 124 G
equipment 79 guidelines
components access by authorized personnel 163
drive chassis 46 cabling 163
earthquake safety 163

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 184
guidelines (continued) power distribution unit (continued)
electrical safety 165 specifications (continued)
equipment modifications 163 Americas (continued)
fire protection 163 single-phase 153, 154
hazards 163 three-phase 154–156
loose clothing 164 APAC and EMEA
moving equipment 164 single-phase 157, 158
operating in storms 164 three-phase 159–161
power cables 164 power failure 125
safety glasses 164 preparation 75
walkways and floors 164 prerequisite 119
warning and safety labels 163 problems 128
work safety 164 procedure 119
H power off 122
power on 122
hardware 60
protocol 38
host 36, 38
host connectivity 17
host modes 71, 73
rack 112
I RAID groups 61
RAID implementation 61
installation 46, 75
requirement 119
iSCSI 36, 38
airflow 146
L cable length 44, 82
life 127 circuit breakers 80
logical units 68, 69 data center 81
longwave 36, 38 delivery 76
facilities 76
general 163
grounding 80
mainframe 69, 70 installation 75
microprocessor 60 LAN 82
operational 76, 82
O plugs 80
power 76
operating systems 17
power connection 80
safety 75, 76, 163
battery backup 125
service clearance 83
site 79
P storage 76, 80
part 164 responsibilities
PDU 60, 121, 123, 124 support team 76
port 104 user 75
power 105, 107, 119, 123, 124 responsibility 75
power distribution unit
overview 153 S
safety 164
SAS 108

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 185
shortwave 36, 38
site planning 75
Solve 128
cable length 131
drive 131
environmental 143
heat output 146
load rating 83
mechanical 131, 139
storage area network 38
storage system 23, 75, 119, 127, 128
power 122
system idle mode 121
system reliability 23

technological advances 23
third-party racks
VSP F1500 83
VSP G1000 83
VSP G1500 83
troubleshoot 128
turn 119
turn off 123
turn on 123, 124

UPS 107
user 75

virtual storage director 60
VSP F1500 61
VSP G1000 61
VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and VSP F1500 131, 139, 140
VSP G1500 61

warning 164

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000, G1500, and VSP F1500 Hardware Guide 186
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