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6 Functions

6.1 Introduction EMA3Z

Functions are mathematical building blocks for designing machines, predicting natural disasters, curing dis-
eases, understanding world economies and for keeping aeroplanes in the air. Functions can take input from
many variables, but always give the same output, unique to that function.

Functions also allow us to visualise relationships in terms of graphs, which are much easier to read and interpret
than lists of numbers.

Figure 6.1: A cricket player facing a delivery. If a cricket player is hit on his batting pads and the umpire thinks that the
ball would have hit the stumps behind him, he is given out LBW (leg before wicket). At professional levels of the game,
sophisticated software is used to determine if the ball will hit the stumps. The software uses functions to predict the flight
of the ball if the cricket players leg had not been in the way.

Some examples of functions include:

• Money as a function of time. You never have more than one amount of money at any time because you
can always add everything to give one total amount. By understanding how your money changes over
time, you can plan to spend your money sensibly. Businesses find it very useful to plot the graph of their
money over time so that they can see when they are spending too much.
• Temperature as a function of various factors. Temperature is a very complicated function because it has
so many inputs, including: the time of day, the season, the amount of clouds in the sky, the strength of
the wind, where you are and many more. But the important thing is that there is only one temperature
output when you measure it in a specific place.
• Location as a function of time. You can never be in two places at the same time. If you were to plot the
graphs of where two people are as a function of time, the place where the lines cross means that the two
people meet each other at that time. This idea is used in logistics, an area of mathematics that tries to
plan where people and items are for businesses.

A function is a mathematical relationship between two variables, where every input variable has one output

Dependent and independent variables EMA42

In functions, the x-variable is known as the input or independent variable, because its value can be chosen
freely. The calculated y-variable is known as the output or dependent variable, because its value depends on
the chosen input value.

146 6.1. Introduction

Set notation EMA43

{x : x ∈ R, x > 0} The set of all x-values such that x is an element of the set of real numbers and
is greater than 0.
{y : y ∈ N, 3 < y ≤ 5} The set of all y-values such that y is a natural number, is greater than 3 and is
less than or equal to 5.
{z : z ∈ Z, z ≤ 100} The set of all z-values such that z is an integer and is less than or equal to 100.

Interval notation EMA44

It is important to note that this notation can only be used to represent an interval of real numbers.

(3; 11) Round brackets indicate that the number is not included. This interval includes all real
numbers greater than but not equal to 3 and less than but not equal to 11.
(−∞; −2) Round brackets are always used for positive and negative infinity. This interval includes
all real numbers less than, but not equal to −2.
[1; 9) A square bracket indicates that the number is included. This interval includes all real
numbers greater than or equal to 1 and less than but not equal to 9.

Function notation EMA45

This is a very useful way to express a function. Another way of writing y = 2x + 1 is f (x) = 2x + 1. We say
“f of x is equal to 2x + 1”. Any letter can be used, for example, g(x), h(x), p(x), etc.

1. Determine the output value:

“Find the value of the function for x = −3” can be written as: “find f (−3)”.
Replace x with −3:

f (−3) = 2(−3) + 1 = −5
∴ f (−3) = −5

This means that when x = −3, the value of the function is −5.
2. Determine the input value:
“Find the value of x that will give a y-value of 27” can be written as: “find x if f (x) = 27”.
We write the following equation and solve for x:

2x + 1 = 27
∴ x =13

This means that when x = 13 the value of the function is 27.

Representations of functions EMA46

Functions can be expressed in many different ways for different purposes.

Chapter 6. Functions 147

1. Words: “The relationship between two variables is such that one is always 5 less than the other.”
2. Mapping diagram: Input: Function: Output:
−3 −8
0 x−5 −5
5 0

3. Table:
Input variable (x) −3 0 5
Output variable (y) −8 −5 0

4. Set of ordered number pairs: (−3; −8), (0; −5), (5; 0)

5. Algebraic formula: f (x) = x − 5
6. Graph: y

(5; 0)
−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5
(0; −5)
(−3; −8)

Domain and range EMA47

The domain of a function is the set of all independent x-values from which the function produces a single
y-value for each x-value.

The range is the set of all dependent y-values which can be obtained using an independent x-value.

Exercise 6 – 1:

1. Write the following in set notation:

a) (−∞; 7] b) [−13; 4) c) (35; ∞) d) [ 34 ; 21) e) [− 12 ; 12 ] f) (− 3; ∞)
2. Write the following in interval notation:
{p : p ∈ R, p ≤ 6}}
a) { b) {k : k ∈ R, −5 < k < 5}
c) x : x ∈ R, x > 51 d) {z : z ∈ R, 21 ≤ x < 41}
3. Complete the following tables and identify the function.
x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 5 10 20

x 1 3 4 6
y 5 5 5 5

148 6.1. Introduction

x 2 8 10 12
y 1 2 3 6

4. Plot the following points on a graph.

x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6

x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 5 9 13 17 21 25

5. Create a table of values from the function given and then plot the function. Your table must have at least
5 ordered pairs.
a) y = 12 x + 2 b) y = x − 3
6. If the functions f (x) = x + 1 ; g(x) = x − 4 ; h(x) = 7 − x2 ; k(x) = 3 are given, find the value of the

a) f (−1) b) g(−7) c) h(3) d) k(100)
e) f (−2) + h(2) f) k(−5) + h(3) g) f (g(1)) h) k(f (6))
7. The cost of petrol and diesel per litre are given by the functions P and D, where:

P = 13,61V D = 12,46V

Use this information to answer the following:

a) Evaluate P (8)
b) Evaluate D(16)
c) How many litres of petrol can you buy with R 300?
d) How many litres of petrol can you buy with R 275?
e) How much more expensive is petrol than diesel? Show you answer as a function.
8. A ball is rolling down a 10 m slope. The graph below shows the relationship between the distance and
the time.



2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Use this information to answer the following:

a) After 6 s how much further does the ball have to roll?
b) What is the range of the function?
c) What is the domain of the function, and what does it represent?

Chapter 6. Functions 149

9. James and Themba both throw a stone from the top of a building into a river. The path travelled by the
stones can be described by quadratic equations. y = − 20
1 2
x + 5 describes the path of the stone thrown
by James and y = − 45 x + 5 describes the path of Themba’s stone.
1 2

y = − 45
1 2
x +5

y = − 20
1 2
x +5


a) What is the height of the building that they stood on?

b) How far did James throw his stone before it hit the river surface?
c) How much farther did Themba throw his stone before it hit the river surface?

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1a. 2FWD 1b. 2FWF 1c. 2FWG 1d. 2FWH 1e. 2FWJ 1f. 2FWK 2a. 2FWM
2b. 2FWN 2c. 2FWP 2d. 2FWQ 3a. 2FWR 3b. 2FWS 3c. 2FWT 4a. 2FWV
4b. 2FWW 5a. 2FWX 5b. 2FWY 6. 2FWZ 7. 2FX2 8. 2FX3 9. 2FX4

6.2 Linear functions EMA48

Functions of the form y = x EMA49

Functions of the form y = mx + c are called straight line functions. In the equation, y = mx + c, m and c are
constants and have different effects on the graph of the function.

Worked example 1: Plotting a straight line graph


y = f (x) = x

Complete the following table for f (x) = x and plot the points on a set of axes.

x −2 −1 0 1 2
f (x) −2

1. Join the points with a straight line.

2. Determine the domain and range.
3. About which line is f symmetrical?
4. Using the graph, determine the value of x for which f (x) = 4. Confirm your answer graphically.
5. Where does the graph cut the axes?

150 6.2. Linear functions


Step 1: Substitute values into the equation

x −2 −1 0 1 2
f (x) −2 −1 0 1 2

Step 2: Plot the points and join with a straight line curve
From the table, we get the following points and the graph: (−2; −2), (−1; −1), (0; 0), (1; 1), (2; 2)

3 f (x) = x

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3



Step 3: Determine the domain and range

Domain: x ∈ R

Range: f (x) ∈ R

Step 4: Determine the value of x for which f (x) = 4

From the graph we see that when f (x) = 4, x = 4. This gives the point (4; 4).

Step 5: Determine the intercept

The function f intercepts the axes at the origin (0; 0).

Functions of the form y = mx + c EMA4B

Investigation: The effects of m and c on a straight line graph

On the same set of axes, plot the following graphs:

1. y = x − 2
2. y = x − 1
3. y = x
4. y = x + 1
5. y = x + 2

Use your results to deduce the effect of different values of c on the graph.

Chapter 6. Functions 151

On the same set of axes, plot the following graphs:

1. y = −2x
2. y = −x
3. y = x
4. y = 2x

Use your results to deduce the effect of different values of m on the graph.

The effect of m

We notice that the value of m affects the slope of the graph. As m increases, the gradient of the graph increases.

If m > 0 then the graph increases from left to right (slopes upwards).

If m < 0 then the graph increases from right to left (slopes downwards). For this reason, m is referred to as the
gradient of a straight-line graph.

The effect of c

We also notice that the value of c affects where the graph cuts the y-axis. For this reason, c is known as the

If c > 0 the graph shifts vertically upwards.

If c < 0 the graph shifts vertically downwards.

m<0 m=0 m>0




Table 6.1: The effect of m and c on a straight line graph.

You can use this Phet simulation to help you see the effects of changing m and c.

152 6.2. Linear functions

Discovering the characteristics EMA4C

The standard form of a straight line graph is the equation y = mx + c.

Domain and range

The domain is {x : x ∈ R} because there is no value of x for which f (x) is undefined.

The range of f (x) = mx + c is also {f (x) : f (x) ∈ R} because f (x) can take on any real value.


The y-intercept:

Every point on the y-axis has an x-coordinate of 0. Therefore to calculate the y-intercept, let x = 0.

For example, the y-intercept of g (x) = x − 1 is given by setting x = 0:

g (x) = x − 1
g (0) = 0 − 1
= −1

This gives the point (0; −1).

The x-intercept:

Every point on the x-axis has a y-coordinate of 0. Therefore to calculate the x-intercept, let y = 0.

For example, the x-intercept of g (x) = x − 1 is given by setting y = 0:

g (x) = x − 1

This gives the point (1; 0).

Sketching graphs of the form y = mx + c EMA4D

In order to sketch graphs of the form, f (x) = mx + c, we need to determine three characteristics:

1. sign of m
2. y-intercept
3. x-intercept

Dual intercept method EMA4F

Only two points are needed to plot a straight line graph. The easiest points to use are the x-intercept and the

Chapter 6. Functions 153

Worked example 2: Sketching a straight line graph using the dual intercept method


Sketch the graph of g(x) = x − 1 using the dual intercept method.


Step 1: Examine the standard form of the equation

m > 0. This means that the graph increases as x increases.

Step 2: Calculate the intercepts

For the y-intercept, let x = 0; therefore g(0) = −1. This gives the point (0; −1).

For the x-intercept, let y = 0; therefore x = 1. This gives the point (1; 0).

Step 3: Plot the points and draw the graph

2 g(x) = x − 1

(1; 0)
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
−1 (0; −1)



Gradient and y-intercept method EMA4G

We can draw a straight line graph of the form y = mx + c using the gradient (m) and the y-intercept (c).

We calculate the y-intercept by letting x = 0. This gives us one point (0; c) for drawing the graph and we use
the gradient to calculate the second point.

The gradient of a line is the measure of steepness. Steepness is determined by the ratio of vertical change to
horizontal change:
change in y vertical change
m= =
change in x horizontal change

For example, y = 32 x − 1, therefore m > 0 and the graph slopes upwards.

change in y 3↑ −3 ↓
m= = =
change in x 2→ −2 ←

154 6.2. Linear functions


3 +2 →
2 (2; 2)
+3 ↑ 1
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
−1 (0; −1)
−3 ↓
(−2; −4) −4
−2 ←

Worked example 3: Sketching a straight line graph using the gradient–intercept method


Sketch the graph of p(x) = 12 x − 3 using the gradient-intercept method.


Step 1: Use the intercept

c = −3, which gives the point (0; −3).

Step 2: Use the gradient

change in y 1↑ −1 ↓
m= = =
change in x 2→ −2 ←

Start at (0; −3). Move 1 unit up and 2 units to the right. This gives the second point (2; −2).

Or start at (0; −3), move 1 unit down and 2 units to the left. This gives the second point (−2; −4).

Step 3: Plot the points and draw the graph


−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6
1↑ (2; 2)
(−2; −4) (0; −3)


Always write the function in the form y = mx + c and take note of m. After plotting the graph, make sure that
the graph increases if m > 0 and that the graph decreases if m < 0.

Chapter 6. Functions 155

Exercise 6 – 2:

1. Determine the x-intercept and the y-intercept of the following equations.

a) y = x − 1 b) y = x + 2 c) y = x − 3
2. In the graph below there is a function with the equation y = mx + c. Determine the values of m (the
gradient of the line) and c (the y-intercept of the line).

2 B
−2 −1 1 2
−1 A

3. The graph below shows a function with the equation y = mx+c. Determine the values of m (the gradient
of the line) and c (the y-intercept of the line).

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4
−1 A

4. List the x and y-intercepts for the following straight line graphs. Indicate whether the graph is increasing
or decreasing:
a) y = x + 1 b) y = x − 1 c) h(x) = 2x + 1 d) y + 3x = 1
e) 3y − 2x = 6 f) k(x) = −3 g) x = 3y h) x2 − y3 = 1
5. State whether the following are true or not.
a) The gradient of 2y = 3x − 1 is 3.
b) The y-intercept of y = x + 4 is 4.
c) The gradient of 2 − y = 2x − 1 is −2.
d) The gradient of y = 21 x − 1 is −1.
e) The y-intercept of 2y = 3x − 6 is 6.
6. Write the following in standard form (y = mx + c):
a) 2y + 3x = 1 b) 3x − y = 5
c) 3y − 4 = x d) y + 2x − 3 = 1
7. Look at the graphs below. Each graph is labelled with a letter. In the questions that follow, match any
given equation with the label of a corresponding graph.

156 6.2. Linear functions




2 C
−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8




−8 F E

a) y = 5 − 2x b) x + 5 c) y = 2x − 6
d) y = −3x e) y = 1 f) y = 12 x
8. For the functions in the diagram below, give the equation of each line:
4 (0; 3)
(−4; 3)

(4; 0)
−4 −2 0 2 4 6
−2 a(x)

(0; −6)

a) a(x) b) b(x) c) c(x) d) d(x)

9. Sketch the following functions on the same set of axes, using the dual intercept method. Clearly indicate
the coordinates of the intercepts with the axes and the point of intersection of the two graphs: x+2y−5 =
0 and 3x − y − 1 = 0.
10. On the same set of axes, draw the graphs of f (x) = 3 − 3x and g(x) = 13 x + 1 using the gradient-intercept

For more exercises, visit and click on ’Practise Maths’.

1a. 2FX5 1b. 2FX6 1c. 2FX7 2. 2FX8 3. 2FX9 4a. 2FXB 4b. 2FXC 4c. 2FXD
4d. 2FXF 4e. 2FXG 4f. 2FXH 4g. 2FXJ 4h. 2FXK 5a. 2FXM 5b. 2FXN 5c. 2FXP
5d. 2FXQ 5e. 2FXR 6a. 2FXS 6b. 2FXT 6c. 2FXV 6d. 2FXW 7. 2FXX 8a. 2FXY
8b. 2FXZ 8c. 2FY2 8d. 2FY3 9. 2FY4 10. 2FY5

Chapter 6. Functions 157

6.3 Quadratic functions EMA4H

Functions of the form y = x2 EMA4J

Functions of the general form y = ax2 + q are called parabolic functions. In the equation y = ax2 + q, a and
q are constants and have different effects on the parabola.

Worked example 4: Plotting a quadratic function


y = f (x) = x2

Complete the following table for f (x) = x2 and plot the points on a system of axes.

x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
f (x) 9

1. Join the points with a smooth curve.

2. The domain of f is x ∈ R. Determine the range.
3. About which line is f symmetrical?
4. Determine the value of x for which f (x) = 6 14 . Confirm your answer graphically.
5. Where does the graph cut the axes?


Step 1: Substitute values into the equation

f (x) = x2
f (−3) = (−3) = 9
f (−2) = (−2) = 4
f (−1) = (−1) = 1
f (0) = (0) = 0
f (1) = (1) = 1
f (2) = (2) = 4
f (3) = (3) = 9

x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
f (x) 9 4 1 0 0 4 9

Step 2: Plot the points and join with a smooth curve

From the table, we get the following points: (−3; 9), (−2; 4), (−1; 1), (0; 0), (1; 1), (2; 4), (3; 9)

158 6.3. Quadratic functions


(−3; 9) 9 (3; 9)
B 6 A
(−2; 4) 4 (2; 4)
(−1; 1) 1 (1; 1)
−4 −3 −2 −1−1 0 1 2 3 4

Step 3: Determine the domain and range

Domain: x ∈ R

From the graph we see that for all values of x, y ≥ 0.

Range: {y : y ∈ R, y ≥ 0}

Step 4: Find the axis of symmetry

f is symmetrical about the y-axis. Therefore the axis of symmetry of f is the line x = 0.

Step 5: Determine the x-value for which f (x) = 6 14

f (x) =
∴ = x2
= ±2

See points A and B on the graph.

Step 6: Determine the intercept

The function f intercepts the axes at the origin (0; 0).

We notice that as the value of x increases from −∞ to 0, f (x) decreases.

At the turning point (0; 0), f (x) = 0.

As the value of x increases from 0 to ∞, f (x) increases.

Chapter 6. Functions 159

Functions of the form y = ax2 + q EMA4K

Investigation: The effects of aand q on a parabola.

Complete the table and plot the following graphs on the same system of axes:

x −2 −1 0 1 2
1. y1 = x2 − 2
2. y2 = x2 − 1 y2
3. y3 = x2 y3
4. y4 = x2 + 1 y4
5. y5 = x2 + 2 y5

Use your results to deduce the effect of q.

Complete the table and plot the following graphs on the same system of axes:
1. y6 = −2x2 x −2 −1 0 1 2
2. y7 = −x2 y6
3. y8 = x2
4. y9 = 2x2 y9

Use your results to deduce the effect of a.

The effect of q

The effect of q is called a vertical shift because all points are moved the same distance in the same direction
(it slides the entire graph up or down).

• For q > 0, the graph of f (x) is shifted vertically upwards by q units. The turning point of f (x) is above
the y-axis.
• For q < 0, the graph of f (x) is shifted vertically downwards by q units. The turning point of f (x) is below
the y-axis.

The effect of a

The sign of a determines the shape of the graph.

• For a > 0, the graph of f (x) is a “smile” and has a minimum turning point at (0; q). The graph of f (x)
is stretched vertically upwards; as a gets larger, the graph gets narrower.
For 0 < a < 1, as a gets closer to 0, the graph of f (x) gets wider.
• For a < 0, the graph of f (x) is a “frown” and has a maximum turning point at (0; q). The graph of f (x)
is stretched vertically downwards; as a gets smaller, the graph gets narrower.
For −1 < a < 0, as a gets closer to 0, the graph of f (x) gets wider.

a > 0 (a positive smile) a < 0 (a negative frown)

160 6.3. Quadratic functions

a<0 a>0




Table 6.2: The effect of a and q on a parabola.

You can use this Phet simulation to help you see the effects of changing a and q for a parabola.

Discovering the characteristics EMA4M

The standard form of the equation of a parabola is y = ax2 + q.

Domain and range

The domain is {x : x ∈ R} because there is no value for which f (x) is undefined.

If a > 0 then we have:

x2 ≥ 0 (Perfect square is always positive)
ax2 ≥ 0 (since a > 0)
ax2 + q ≥ q (add q to both sides)
∴ f (x) ≥ q

Therefore if a > 0, the range is [q; ∞). Similarly, if a < 0 then the range is (−∞; q].

Worked example 5: Domain and range of a parabola


If g(x) = x2 + 2, determine the domain and range of the function.

Chapter 6. Functions 161


Step 1: Determine the domain

The domain is {x : x ∈ R} because there is no value for which g(x) is undefined.

Step 2: Determine the range

The range of g(x) can be calculated as follows:

x2 ≥ 0
x2 + 2 ≥ 2
g(x) ≥ 2

Therefore the range is {g (x) : g (x) ≥ 2}.


The y-intercept:

Every point on the y-axis has an x-coordinate of 0, therefore to calculate the y-intercept let x = 0.

For example, the y-intercept of g(x) = x2 + 2 is given by setting x = 0:

g(x) = x2 + 2
g(0) = 02 + 2

This gives the point (0; 2).

The x-intercepts:

Every point on the x-axis has a y-coordinate of 0, therefore to calculate the x-intercept let y = 0.

For example, the x-intercepts of g(x) = x2 + 2 are given by setting y = 0:

g(x) = x2 + 2
0 = x2 + 2
−2 = x2

There is no real solution, therefore the graph of g(x) = x2 + 2 does not have x-intercepts.
Turning points

The turning point of the function of the form f (x) = ax2 + q is determined by examining the range of the

• If a > 0, the graph of f (x) is a “smile” and has a minimum turning point at (0; q).
• If a < 0, the graph of f (x) is a “frown” and has a maximum turning point at (0; q).

Axes of symmetry

The axis of symmetry for functions of the form f (x) = ax2 + q is the y-axis, which is the line x = 0.

162 6.3. Quadratic functions

Sketching graphs of the form y = ax2 + q EMA4N

In order to sketch graphs of the form f (x) = ax2 + q, we need to determine the following characteristics:
1. sign of a
2. y-intercept
3. x-intercept
4. turning point

Worked example 6: Sketching a parabola


Sketch the graph of y = 2x2 − 4. Mark the intercepts and turning point.


Step 1: Examine the standard form of the equation

We notice that a > 0. Therefore the graph is a “smile” and has a minimum turning point.

Step 2: Calculate the intercepts

For the y-intercept, let x = 0: For the x-intercepts, let y = 0:

y = 2x2 − 4 y = 2x2 − 4
= 2(0) − 4 0 = 2x2 − 4
= −4 x2 = 2

This gives the point (0; −4). ∴x=± 2
√ √
This gives the points (− 2; 0) and ( 2; 0).

Step 3: Determine the turning point

From the standard form of the equation we see that the turning point is (0; −4).

Step 4: Plot the points and sketch the graph y

y = 2x2 − 4

√ 1 √
(− 2; 0) ( 2; 0)
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

(0; −4)

Domain: {x : x ∈ R}

Range: {y : y ≥ −4, y ∈ R}

The axis of symmetry is the line x = 0.

Chapter 6. Functions 163

Worked example 7: Sketching a parabola


Sketch the graph of g(x) = − 12 x2 − 3. Mark the intercepts and the turning point.


Step 1: Examine the standard form of the equation

We notice that a < 0. Therefore the graph is a “frown” and has a maximum turning point.

Step 2: Calculate the intercepts

For the y-intercept, let x = 0:
g(x) = − x2 − 3
1 2
g(0) = − (0) − 3
= −3

This gives the point (0; −3).

For the x-intercepts let y = 0:

0 = − x2 − 3
3 = − x2
−2(3) = x2
−6 = x2

There is no real solution, therefore there are no x-intercepts.

Step 3: Determine the turning point

From the standard form of the equation we see that the turning point is (0; −3).

Step 4: Plot the points and sketch the graph


−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4

(0; −3)



g(x) = − 12 x2 − 3

Domain: x ∈ R. Range: y ∈ (−∞; −3]. The axis of symmetry is the line x = 0.

164 6.3. Quadratic functions

Exercise 6 – 3:

1. The graph below shows a quadratic function with the following form: y = ax2 + q.
Two (points) on the parabola are shown: Point A, the turning point of the parabola, at (0; 4), and Point B
is at 2; 83 . Calculate the values of a and q.

−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5

2. The graph below shows a quadratic function with the following form: y = ax2 + q.
Two points on the parabola are shown: Point A, the turning point of the parabola, at (0; −3), and Point
B is at (2; 5). Calculate the values of a and q.

5 B
−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4
−3 A

3. Given the following equation:

y = 5x2 − 2
a) Calculate the y-coordinate of the y-intercept.
b) Now calculate the x-intercepts. Your answer must be correct to 2 decimal places.
4. Given the following equation:
y = −2x2 + 1
a) Calculate the y-coordinate of the y-intercept.
b) Now calculate the x-intercepts. Your answer must be correct to 2 decimal places.

Chapter 6. Functions 165

5. Given the following graph, identify a function that matches each of the following equations:

f (x)

10 g(x)


−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3




−10 k(x)


a) y = 0,5x2 b) y = x2 c) y = 3x2 d) y = −x2

6. Given the following graph, identify a function that matches each of the following equations:

f (x)

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3


a) y = x2 − 3 b) y = x2 + 1 c) y = x2
7. Two parabolas are drawn: g : y = ax2 + p and h : y = bx2 + q.

166 6.3. Quadratic functions

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