Apsc Prelims Ts - 4th Csat (Solution)
Apsc Prelims Ts - 4th Csat (Solution)
Apsc Prelims Ts - 4th Csat (Solution)
Q1. Direction: Read the following passage and ● The third and fourth options are given directly
answer the item that follows. Your answer to this in the passage.
item should be based on the passage only. ● However, these do not summarize the main
Since 1961, human diets across the world have idea of the passage.
become more diverse in the consumption of major ● These are just a small part of the main gist of
commodity staple crops, with a corollary decline in the passage.
consumption of local or regionally important crops, ● The passage talks about the homogeneity of
and thus have become more homogeneous the global food supply and diet.
globally. The differences between the foods eaten Hence, the correct option is (A).
in different countries were reduced by 68%
between 1961 and 2009. The modern "global Q2. Direction: Read the following passage and
standard" diet contains an increasingly large answer the item that follows. Your answer to this
percentage of a relatively small number of major item should be based on the passage only.
staple commodity crops, which have increased The march of civilization has a paralyzing effect on
substantially in the share of the total food energy tribal people. Open a shop - and they will throng to
(calories), protein, fat, and food weight that they buy the gaudiest products of our factories. For the
provide to the world's human population, including tribesman, whose taste in his own sphere is so fine
wheat, rice, sugar, maize, soybean (by +284%), and true, both for design and colour, loses all
palm Oil (by +173%), and sunflower (by +246%). sense of it when coming face to face with what they
Whereas nations used to consume greater so wrongly conceive to be a higher type of culture.
proportions of locally or regionally important crops, We should try to promote and save the Indian
wheat has become a staple in over 97% of Tribal Art. The best things in the Indian arts and
countries, with the other global staples showinq crafts should be introduced in modern society.
similar dominance worldwide. Other crops have Which one of the following statements best reflects
declined sharply over the same period, including the critical message of the passage?
rye, yam, sweet potato (by —45%), cassava (by - A. Tribal Art needs to be commercialized
38%), coconut sorghum (by —52%), and millets B. The essence of tribe culture to be infused with
(by —45%). Such crop diversity change in the time
human diet is associated with mixed effects on C. Tribal Art has its own characteristics
food security, improving under-nutrition in some D. Tribesman has his own affection towards tribe
regions but contributing to the diet- related culture
diseases caused by over-consumption of
macronutrients. Ans: B
Which of the following is the most logical inference
that can be drawn from the above passage? Sol. According to the passage:
A. Global food supply and diet have become more ● The author talks about Tribal Art, how the
homogeneous. changing civilization affects Tribal Art, tries to
B. Homogeneity in global diet has led to an explain the connection between the tribal man
increase in diet- related diseases. and Tribal Art. Again the author is speaking of
C. Earlier nations used to consume greater infusing the tribal culture with modern society.
proportions of locally or regionally important crops. So, we can say that 'The essence of tribe
D. Crop diversity change in the human diet is culture to be infused with time' reflects a proper
associated with mixed effects on food security. message to the audience.
● Option (A) may seem to be correct but the
Ans: A author is not specifying anything about the
commercial aspect Of Tribal Art.
Sol. According to the passage: ● Option (C) reflects about the Tribal Art alone,
● The last line states that overconsumption has which doesn't give a complete picture of the
caused diet-related diseases. passage.
● So, the second option is incorrect.
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Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
● Option (D) is also mentioned in the passage ● The entire passage talks about the increasing
but, it speaks only about the connection importance being given to data integrity.
between the tribe culture and Tribesman. Therefore, the first option is the correct
Hence, the correct option is (B). interpretation of the passage.
● The second, third, and fourth options are not
Q3. Direction: Read the following passage and the statements intended by the passage.
answer the item that follows. Your answer to this ● Mining and product manufacturing has started
item should be based on the passage only. realizing the value of data integrity.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has ● FINRA is trying to develop put data integrity to
created draft guidance on data integrity for the use.
pharmaceutical manufacturers required to adhere ● Cloud Storage Providers have long faced a
to the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Outside challenge in the integrity of data,
the U.S., similar data integrity guidance has been Hence, the correct option is (A).
issued by the United Kingdom (2015), Switzerland
(2016), and Australia. Various standards for the Q4. Direction: Read the following passage and
manufacture of medical devices address data answer the item that follows. Your answer to this
integrity either directly or indirectly, including ISO item should be based on the passage only.
13485, ISO 14155, and ISO 5840. In early 2017, Customer satisfaction has important implications
the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority for the economic performance of firms because it
(FINRA), noting data integrity problems with has the ability to increase customer loyalty and
automated trading and money movement usage behaviour and reduce customer complaints
surveillance systems, stated it would make "the and the likelihood of customer defection. The
development of a data integrity program to monitor implementation of a CRM approach is likely to
the accuracy of the submitted data" a priority. In affect customer satisfaction and customer
early 2018, FINRA said it would expand its knowledge for a variety of different reasons. Firstly,
approach on data integrity to firms' "technology firms can customize their offerings for each
change management policies and procedures" customer. By accumulating information across
and Treasury securities reviews. Other sectors customer interactions and processing this
such as mining and product manufacturing are information to discover hidden patterns, CRM
increasingly focusing on the importance of data applications help firms customize their offerings to
integrity in associated automation and production suit the individual tastes of their customers. This
monitoring assets. Cloud storage providers have customization enhances the perceived quality of
long faced significant challenges ensuring the products and services from a customer's
integrity or provenance of customer data and viewpoint, and because the perceived quality is a
tracking violations. determinant of customer satisfaction, it follows that
Which of the following is the most rational CRM applications indirectly affect customer
inference that can be drawn from the above satisfaction. CRM applications also enable firms to
passage? provide timely, accurate processing of customer
A. Use of data integrity is increasing across several orders and requests and the ongoing management
different industries. of customer accounts. For example, Piccoli and
B. FINRA is implementing data integrity Applegate discuss how Wyndham uses IT tools to
everywhere. deliver a consistent service experience across its
C. Cloud Storage providers do not like to use data various properties to a customer. Both an
integrity. improved ability to customize and reduced
D. Mining and Product manufacturing use data variability of the consumption experience enhance
integrity efficiently. perceived quality, which in turn positively affects
customer satisfaction. Furthermore, CRM
Ans: A applications also help firms manage customer
relationships more effectively across the stages of
Sol. According to the passage: relationship initiation, maintenance, and
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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Which of the following is the most logical and Q6. The average cost of 16 items is Rs. 59. Four
rational inference that can be drawn from the items with an average price of 60 are returned and
above passage? three other items costing Rs. 39, Rs. 49, and Rs.
A. Customer Relationship Management helps a lot 40 are also returned. What is the new average
in increasing customer satisfaction. price?
B. Customer satisfaction has important A. 84
implications on the economic performance of firms. B. 54
C. Customer Relationship Management enhances C. 64
the perceived quality of products and services from D. 44
a customer's viewpoint.
D. Organizations cannot survive without Customer Ans: C
Relationship Management.
Sol. Total cost of 16 items = 16 X 59 = 944
Ans: A = Total items which has returned = 60 X 4 = 240
= Total cost of three other items = 39 + 49 + 40 =
Sol. According to the passage: 128
The first, third, and fourth options are true as they (944−240−128) 576
New average = = = 64
are directly given in the passage. 9 9
● However, it is not what the passage is trying to
convey. ∴ The required result will be = Rs. 64
● The passage cites the ways in which CRM tries Hence, the correct option is (C).
to improve customer satisfaction.
Hence, the correct option is (A). Q7. The average weight of 13 parcels comes out
to be 15 kg. If one parcel goes missing, the
Q5. The marks obtained by a student were entered average weight gets reduced by 1.5 kg, then find
as 78 instead of 68. Due to this, the average marks out the weight of missing parcel.
of the class increased by 0.5 marks. How many A. 33 kgs
students are there in the class? B. 57 kgs
A. 20 C. 53 kgs
B. 30 D. 45 kgs
C. 35
D. 25 Ans: A
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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Ans: A
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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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Ans: D
Sol. Given:
2-digit numbers which have difference between the
original two- digit number and the one obtained Distance between A and B = 40 m + 30 m = 70 m
from reversing the digits equal to 27. B is towards the South West of A.
Let the original number be xy. Therefore, 70 m South East is correct
⟹ Original 2 - digit number = 10x + y
When digits x and y are reversed in position, Q13. A, B and C are three persons standing at
Resulting number after reversing digits 10y + x different positions. The distance between A and B
Difference between the original two-digit number is 60 km. whereas the distance between A and C
and the one obtained from reversing the digits is is 80 km. B is in the West of A and C is in the South
27. of A. What is the distance between B and C?
⟹ 10y + x - (10x + y) = 27 A. 90 km
⟹ 9y - 9x = 27 B. 100 km
⟹y-x=3 C. 110 km
Possible numbers that satisfy above equation are: D. 95 km
63, 52, 30, 41,74, 85 and 96.
∴ There are 7 possible 2-digit numbers Ans: B
Ans: A
The below given diagram shows the directions of
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
The statement emphasises on the health issues of Q18. Direction: Read the following passage and
children due to spending more time on screen answer the item that follows. Your answer to this
because of online classes but nothing is mentioned item should be based on the passages only.
about the children who do not attend online Melting glaciers add to rising sea levels, which in
classes. Thus, conclusion II doesn't follow turn increases coastal erosion and elevates storm
Hence, the correct option is (A). surge as warming air and ocean temperatures
create more frequent and intense coastal storms
Q17. Direction: Read the following information like hurricanes and typhoons. Meltwater from the
carefully and answer the following questions: ice sheets and glaciers flows into the ocean,
A boy starts from point A to east direction and goes causing sea levels to rise. This can lead to
10m to reach point B. From point B he turn to his flooding, habitat destruction, and other problems.
left and goes 15m to reach point C. At point C he Ice reflects the Sun's energy better than land or
turns to his right and goes 10m to reach point D, water. The melting freshwater from glaciers alters
and then he turns to his right and goes 15m to the ocean, not only by directly contributing to the
reach point E. In the last he turns to his left from global sea-level rise, but also because it pushes
point E and goes 8m to reach point F. what is the down the heavier salt water, thereby changing
total distance he travelled in his journey and in what scientists call the THC, or Thermo (heat)
which direction is the point F from the point A? Haline (salt) Circulation, meaning currents in the
A. 58m, West ocean. The ice disappears and the front edge of
B. 48m, West the glacier moves up the valley. Glacial melt
C. 58m, East increases water flow and creates stream valleys
D. 48m, East and rivulets. It also creates glacial lakes, which can
lead to dangerous flash floods, known as mountain
Ans: C tsunamis, if the flow is blocked and natural dams
Sol. From the given information: Which of the following is implied in the passage?
l) Boy goes 10 m. east from point A. then he turns A Melting glacier leads to an increase in the sea
to left from point B and goes 15 m. to reach point level.
C. B. Melting glacier will turn the earth into a desert.
II) Point C he turns to right and goes 10 m. then C. Meltwater from the ice sheets and glaciers flows
from point D he turn to right and goes 15 m. to into the ocean.
reach point E. then From point E he tums left and D. Melting glacier is bad for the environment
goes the 8 m. to reach point F.
So the diagram will be for this: Ans: D
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
Furthermore, broadcast radio advertising often ● In all the instances throughout the passage, the
offers the advantage of being localized and efficacy of radio is being discussed.
inexpensive in comparison With Other mediums Hence, the correct option is (B).
such as television. Thus, radio advertising can be
an effective, low-cost medium through which a Q20. Direction: Read the following passage and
business can reach its target consumer; Studies answer the item that follows. Your answer to this
show that radio ads create emotional reactions in item should be based on the passage only.
listeners. In turn, consumers perceive the ads as Microfabrication is carried out in cleanrooms,
more relevant to them personally, which can lead where the air has been filtered of particle
to increased market awareness and sales for contamination and temperature, humidity,
businesses running ad schedules. Twenty-five vibrations, and electrical disturbances are under
percent of listeners say they're more interested in stringent control. Smoke, dust, bacteria, and cells
a product or business when they hear about it on are micrometres in size, and their presence will
their preferred station. Local DJs create a personal destroy the functionality of a micro fabricated
relationship with their listening audience, and that device. Cleanrooms provide passive cleanliness
audience is more likely to trust what they say and but the wafers are also actively cleaned before
respond to their message. Live endorsements are every critical step. RCA-I clean in ammonia-
growing in popularity, as advertisers seek new peroxide solution removes organic contamination
means to reach consumers and Cut through the and particles; RCA-2 cleaning in hydrogen
surrounding clutter. Studies show that live reads chloride-peroxide mixture removes metallic
have recall and response rates higher than the impurities. Sulfuric acid-peroxide mixture (a.k.a.
typically recorded Spot. Perhaps because of the Piranha) removes organics. Hydrogen fluoride
relationship listeners develop with their favorite removes native oxide from the silicon surface.
station, twenty-six percent of listeners are more These are all wet cleaning steps in solutions. Dry
interested in a product or business when a DJ cleaning methods include oxygen and argon
endorses it. As more advertisers turn to live plasma treatments to remove unwanted surface
endorsements, heavy demand is placed on DJs to layers, or hydrogen bake at elevated temperature
announce them. And, as the number of available to remove native oxide before epitaxy. Pre-gate
DJs shrinks, those that are left are often inundated cleaning is the most critical cleaning step in CMOS
with requests to do endorsements. fabrication: it ensures that the ca. 2 nm thick oxide
Which of the following is the most logical inference of a MOS transistor can be grown in an orderly
that can be drawn from the above passage? fashion.
A. Radio advertising can be an effective, low-cost Oxidation and all high-temperature steps are very
medium through which a business can reach its sensitive to contamination, and cleaning steps
target consumer. must precede high- temperature steps. Surface
B. Efficacy of radio has been observed and self- preparation is just a different viewpoint; all the
explicit almost everywhere. steps are the same as described above: it is about
C. Radio ads create emotional reactions in leaving the wafer surface in a controlled and well-
listeners. known state before you start processing. Wafers
D. Radio can lead to increased market awareness are contaminated by previous process steps (e.g.
and sales for businesses running ad schedules. metals bombarded from chamber walls by
energetic ions during ion implantation), or they
Ans: B may have gathered polymers from wafer boxes,
and this might be different depending on wait time.
Sol. According to the passage: Wafer cleaning and surface preparation work
● The first, third, and fourth options are similarly to the machines in a bowling alley: first
mentioned directly in the passage. they remove all unwanted bits and pieces, and
● However, all these have one thing in common. then they reconstruct the desired pattern so that
● All these are trying to prove the efficacy Of the game can go on.
Which of the following is the most critical inference
that can be drawn from the above passage?
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Sol. According to the passage: Q22. Which among the following is an irrational
● Throughout the passage different ways of number?
ensuring cleanliness have been mentioned. √1296, √576, √1156, √1325
● Thus, it is evident that cleanliness must be a A. √1296
very important part of the manufacture Of
B. √576
● The second option can also be understood C. √1156
from the passage. D. √1325
● However, the second option has been used as
a means to prove the first option. Ans: D
● The third option is totally opposite of what is
implied in the passage. Sol. Given.
● The fourth option is not mentioned anywhere in √1296, √576, √1156, √1325
the passage. The square root of a given number is a rational
Hence, the correct option is (A). number if the number is a perfect square.
A number is an irrational number if it is not a perfect
Q21. Direction: Read the following passage and square. The square root of given numbers:
answer the item that follows. Your answer to this = √1296 = 36
item should be based on the passages only. = √576 = 24
Chlorophyll, the primary pigment used in = √1156 = 34
photosynthesis, reflects green light and absorbs
Among the given numbers, √1325 is not a perfect
red and blue light most strongly. In plants,
photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts, which
contain chlorophyll. These other pigments may √1325 is an irrational number.
help channel light energy to chlorophyll A or Hence, the correct option is (D).
protect the cell from photo-damage. Chlorophyll's
job in a plant is to absorb light— usually sunlight. Q23. Direction: Two statements and two
The energy absorbed from light is transferred to conclusions 1 and 2 are given below. Consider the
two kinds of energy-storing molecules. Through information given in the statement to be true even
photosynthesis, the plant uses the stored energy if it seems to be at variance from commonly known
to convert carbon dioxide (absorbed from the air) facts and decide which of the given conclusions
and water into glucose, a type of sugar. logically and definitively follows the information
Which of the following is implied in the passage? given in the statement.
A. Chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis. Statements:
B. Not all plants possess chlorophyll. All bags are trolleys.
C. Chloroplast contains chlorophyll. All briefcases are trolleys.
D. Chlorophyll's job is to absorb light. Conclusion:
1. All trolleys are bags.
Ans: A 2. Some trolleys are briefcases
A. Both conclusions follow.
B. Only conclusion 2 follows.
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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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C. Only conclusion 1 follows. Q25. In the following question, select the related
D. Neither conclusion 1 nor conclusion 2 follows. letters from the given alternatives.
Ans: B A. FGDS
Sol. C. LNPR
The least possible Venn diagram is: D. VBDS
Ans: C
1. All trolleys are bags → False (As All bags are
2. Some trolleys are briefcases → True (As All The first letter is replaced by its fourth
briefcases are trolleys) predecessor, the second letter is replaced by its
Therefore, only conclusion 2 follows. third predecessor, the third letter by its second
Hence, the correct option is (B). predecessor and the fourth letter by its first
predecessor as per the English alphabetical series
Q24. A bucket of 16 litres capacity is filled to the to form the word on the right of the colon as shown
brim with water. Water from this bucket is to be below.
transferred into smaller utensils. A mug filled to
capacity has to be dipped 50 times to completely
transfer the water in the bucket into the utensils.
What is the capacity of the mug?
A. 250 mL
B. 275 mL
C. 320 mL
D. 225 mL
Ans: C
Sol. Given:
The capacity of the bucket = 16 litres
Total number of times the mug is dipped = 50
The capacity of the bucket = n x Capacity of the
Here, n -- number of times the mug is dipped
1 litre = 1000 millilitre
The capacity of the bucket = n x Capacity of the Therefore, LNPR is the correct answer.
mug Hence, the correct option is (C)
16 litre = 50 x Capacity of the mug
Q26. Find the maximum number of children among
= The capacity of the mug ml = 320 ml whom 429 pencils and 715 pens can be equally
50 distributed.
A. 143
The capacity of the mug is 320 mL B. 100
Hence, the correct option is (C). C. 120
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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
D. 160 Q28. Find the 4th number from the right end in the
given series, after deleting the number succeeding
Ans: A every even number.
74, 25, 87, 13, 56, 9, 12, 75, 31, 59, 42, 55
Sol. A. 31
B. 87
C. 12
D. 56
Ans: C
Sol. Given: 74, 25, 87, 13, 56, 9, 12, 75, 31, 59,
42, 55
The series, after deleting the number succeeding
every even number is as follows.
Left end 74, 87, 13, 56, 12, 31, 59, 42 Right end
The 4th number from the right end is 12.
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Q27. Two statements S1 and S2 are given below
followed by a question: Q29. Two statements S1 and S2 are given below
S1: FOG is written as '265' and DISH is written as followed by a question:
'3184'. S1: The ratio Of the efficiency to complete the work
S2: RAW is written as '709'. of A, B and C is 3 : 4 : 5 respectively.
Question: What is the code for DRAW? S2: Total amount A B and C earned by working
Which one of the following is correct in respect Of together is Rs. 7200.
the Statement and the questions? Question: What is the amount earned by B alone?
A. S1 alone is sufficient to answer the question. Which one of the following is correct in respect of
B. Either S1 or S2 is sufficient to answer the the Statement and the questions?
question. A. S1 and S2 together are sufficient to answer the
C. S1 and S2 together are sufficient to answer the question.
question. B. S2 alone is sufficient to answer the question.
D. S2 alone is sufficient to answer the question. C. S1 alone is sufficient to answer the question.
D. S1 and S2 together are not sufficient to answer
Ans: C the question.
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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Q33. Which of the following statement is correct? ∴ 33 is not the term of the series
Statement 1: The HCF and LCM of numbers Hence, the correct option is (C).
cannot be equal to each other
Statement 2: Remainder is always less than or Q35. In an election, two candidates Rohit and Virat
equal to divisor get some vote. Rohit gets 60% of the vote and wins
A. only 1 the election by 800 votes. How many total votes
B. only2 are polled in the election?
C. Both 1 and 2 A. 4400
D. Neither 1 nor 2 B. 4200
C. 4000
Ans: A D. 40000
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
Q37. Direction: Find the wrong term in the Hence, the correct option is (B).
following series. 12, 14, 18, 26, 46, 74, 138, 266,
522 Q39. The sum of the ages of the mother and her
A. 522 daughter at Present is 50 years. 5 years ago; The
B. 46 mother was 7 times of her daughter. What is the
C. 18 Present age of the mother?
D. 26 A. 50 years
B. 60 years
Ans: B C. 40 years
D. 80 years
Sol. The pattern followed here is:
12 + 2 = 14 Ans: C
14 + 4 = 18
18 + 8 = 26 Sol. Given:
26 + 16 = 42 Sum of the ages of the mother and her daughter
42 + 32 = 74 50 years
74 + 64 = 138 Mother's age 5 years ago = 7 × Daughter age 5
138 + 128 = 266 years ago
266 + 256 = 522 Let the present age of the mother be × year.
Therefore, 46 is the wrong in the series. Daughter's age = (50 - x) year
Hence, the correct option is (B) Mother's age 5 year ago = x - 5
Daughter age 5 years ago = (50 – x - 5)
Q38. The following Questions are based on inter- According to the question,
se ranking between to people or a group of people. Mother's age 5 years ago 7 x Daughter age 5 years
The cricket ball is heavier than the hockey ball and ago
volleyball is lighter than the football. Hockey ball is ⟹ x - 5 = 7 x (45 - x)
heavier than the football and tennis ball. Which of ⟹ x - 5 = 315 – 7x
the following is the heaviest ball? ⟹ 8x = 320
A. Hockey Ball ⟹ x = 40
B. Cricket Ball ∴ The Present age of mother is 40 years.
C. Volley Ball Hence, the correct option is (C).
D. Football
Q40. By Selling 20 Umbrellas for Rs. 2400, A man
Ans: B losses 20%, How many should he sell for Rs. 7200
to gain 20%?
Sol. 1. The cricket ball is heavier than the hockey A. 34
ball and volleyball is lighter than the football. B. 31
Cricket ball > Hockey ball and C. 40
Football > Volleyball D. 42
2. Hockey ball is heavier than the football and
tennis ball. Ans: C
Hockey ball > Football and Hockey ball > tennis
ball Sol.
From statement 1 and 2, we get two possible 24/20 Given:
arrangement: Selling Price of 20 Umbrellas = 2400.
Arrangement I: Cricket ball > Hockey ball > Loss = 20%
Football > Volleyball > Tennis ball Let the number of umbrellas to be sold be x
Arrangement II: Cricket ball > Hockey ball >
Football > Tennis ball > Volleyball Now, the unit SP = 2400/20 = Rs.120
From both the cases, it is clear that Cricket ball is
the heaviest ball. Hence, the unit CP is obtained as:
Therefore, 'Cricket ball is the correct answer.
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
120 = [(100-20)/100] × CP B. Parrots have strong jaws that allow them to snap
⟹ Unit CP = Rs.150 open nutshells to get to the seed that's inside.
Now, for a profit of 20%, the SP of the each C. Most parrots eat a diet that contains nuts,
umbrellas has to be: flowers, fruit, buds, seeds, and insects.
D. Variety can be added to parrot food but one
7200/x = [(100+20)/100] x 150 needs to choose food correctly while feeding
⟹ 7200/x = 180 parrots.
⟹ x = 40
∴ The number of umbrellas to be sold is 40 Ans: D
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
Q43. Direction: Read the following passage and Q44. What will come in place of question mark (?)
answer the item that follows. Your answer to this in the following number series?
item should be based on the passages only. 0, 7, 26, 63, ?
Education is an important aspect of a child's A. 168
upbringing, as it allows children to develop the B. 124
necessary skills they need to progress in the C. 126
modern world. However, labor at an early stage D. 120
prevents children from going to school and
obtaining such abilities. There is a large amount of Ans: B
stress - in most cases – put on these children to
provide for their families since there is normally no Sol. Given:
other mode of income within the household. 0,7, 26, 63,
Additionally, the psychological effects of child labor The given series follows the pattern
are often as critical as the physical effects, which cube of the number subtracts one from it.
can lead to long-lasting traumas. The children who 13 - 1= 0
have suffered horific acts of 23 - 1 = 8 – 1 = 7
violence may grow up to develop mental illnesses 33 - 1 = 27-1 26
such as depression, guilt, anxiety, loss of 43-1 = 64 -1 = 63
confidence, and hopelessness. 53 - 1 = 125 - 1 = 124
Hence, the correct option is (B).
What of the following can be inferred from the
given passage? Q45. Direction: Read the following passage and
A. Child Labour can be eradicated completely by answer the item that follows. Your answer to this
people participation at the ground level. item should be based on the passages only.
B. Child Labour can be prevented by proper
funding of the NGOs working for children welfare. Lying can wear you out emotionally. They keep
C. Mere implementation of Child Labour Laws will you from addressing the real issue. They can take
not eliminate child labour completely. a toll on your friendships. They can lead to anxiety.
D. Child Labour can have many bad effects on the You might start to feel isolated. They can affect
growth and overall development of the child. your sleep. They can create trust issues. Lying can
be cognitively depleting, it can increase the risk
Ans: D that people will be punished, it can threaten
people's self- Worth by preventing them from
Sol. According to the passage: seeing themselves as good people, and it can
● The author lists the bad consequences generally erode trust in society. When we lie, it
which child labour can have on a child. stimulates three main sections of our brains. Lying
● The term NGO finds no mention anywhere activates the frontal lobe for its role in the truth-
in the passage. 5uppressing process, the limbic system due to the
● Therefore, the second option cannot be anxiety that comes with deception, and the
inferred from the passage. temporal lobe because it's responsible for
retrieving memories and creating mental imagery.
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
Which of the following can be inferred from the ● The assumption is a fact that is accepted
passage? without any proof.
A. Telling lies can have a bad effect on the mental ● The author has listed the good and the bad
health. effects of earthquakes.
B. Telling lies can have a bad effect on social well- ● Thus, the author has accepted the
being. occurrence of earthquakes without any
C. Both A and B proof.
D. Neither A nor B ● The first and the third options are implied in
the passage
Ans: C ● Therefore, these cannot be assumptions
● Hence, the correct option is (A).
Sol. According to the passage:
● The author says has listed the various Q47. Direction: Read the following passage and
effects that lying has on mental health. answer the item that follows. Your answer to this
● The author also explains how lying can item should be based on the passages only.
affect one socially.
● Therefore, both the first and the second There is no substitute for hard work and success.
option can be inferred from the passage We must have to practice on that particular thing,
Hence, the correct option is (C). in which we want to succeed. Nobody can perform
well in his/her field if he/she does not practice
Q46. Direction: Read the following passage and regularly. Only continuous practice can help a
answer the item that follows. Your answer to this person to achieve the target. Knowledge is a big
item should be based on the passages only. thing but if the practice is not done, knowledge
cannot take us to our goal. We have to convert our
It affects the mental health and emotional health of knowledge into action which needs regular
people. The environmental effects of it are that practice. If you are not practicing in our field, you
including surface faulting, tectonic uplift and cannot master it. We can learn anything we want
subsidence, tsunamis, soil liquefaction, ground in the world with regular practice.
resonance, landslides and ground failure, either
directly linked to a quake source or provoked by Which of the following can be inferred from the
the ground shaking. Some of the common impacts given passage?
of earthquakes include structural damage to A. There is no substitute for hard work and
buildings, fires, damage to bridges and highways, success.
initiation of slope failures, liquefaction, and B. To Succeed in life in any particular field or
tsunami. Earthquakes are very useful to humans subject, one needs to practice
because they provide a picture of what's going on C. Only continuous practice can help a person to
underground. This can make oil and gas extraction achieve the target
more efficient, and allows scientists to monitor the D. We can learn anything we want in the world with
progress of water during geothermal energy regular practice
Which of the following have been assumed by the Ans: B
author in the given passage?
A. Earthquakes occur at various places on the Sol. According to the passage
Earth. ● Throughout the passage, the author has
B. Earthquakes have good effects. highlighted the importance of practice.
C. Earthquakes have bad effects. ● The author says that though all skills are
D. Both (B) and (C) important, practice is also important.
● The first, third, and fourth options need not
Ans: A be inferred from the passage.
● These are directly given in the passage.
Sol. According to the passage: Hence, the correct option is (B).
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
Q48. Direction: Read the following passage and Plan 3- two successive discount of 20% and 25%
answer the item that follows. Your answer to this Plan 4- two successive discounts of 17%.
item should be based on the passages only. In which Plan the selling price will be the least?
A. Plan 1
The main modern causes of extinction are the loss B. Plan 2
and degradation of habitat (mainly deforestation), C. Plan 3
overexploitation (hunting, overfishing), invasive D. Plan 4
species, climate change, and nitrogen pollution.
Extinction occurs when species are diminished Ans: C
because of environmental forces (habitat
fragmentation, global change, natural disaster, Sol. Let the marked price be Rs. x.
overexploitation of species for human use) or Selling Price = MRP (1- Discount \ %)
because of evolutionary changes in their members Selling Price in Plan 1 = (1 - 0.20) x (1 - 0.13) x
(genetic inbreeding, poor reproduction, decline in 𝓍 = 0.696𝓍
population number’s). Habitat loss, which is the Selling Price in Plan 2= (1 - 0.14) x (1 - 0.21) x
primary cause of species endangerment globally, 𝓍 = 0.6794𝓍
impacts an animal's ability to find food and shelter. Selling Price in Plan 3 = (1 - 0.20) x (1 - 0.25) x
Diseases can decrease the number of animals in a 𝓍 = 0.6𝓍
population that are able to breed. As a result the Sling Price in Plan 4= (1 - 0.17) x (1-0.17) x
replacement rate for the population decreases, 𝓍 = 0.6889𝓍
thereby endangering the species. ∴ The Selling Price will be least under Plan 3
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Which of the following have been assumed by the
author in the given passage? Q50. I am 2-digit number.
A. Loss of habitat many times causes extinction of l am a composite number.
species. I am a multiple of 13.
B. Evolutionary changes also leads to extinction of I am even number.
species I am ……
C. Both (A) and (B) A. 96
D. Many species have undergone extinction. B. 98
C. 78
Ans: D D. 65
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
Q51. A businessman sold an article after allowing Q53. 5 pairs of footwears are to selected out of 4
15% and 10% Successive discounts to a pairs of shoes and 6 pairs of sandals. In how many
customer. If the businessman would have sold the ways this can be done if there should be at least 3
article allowing 25% discount at a time, then: pairs of shoes?
A. the first type of discount is profitable to the A. 44
customer B. 72
B. the second type of discount is profitable to the C. 54
customer D. 66
C. both types of discounts have same effect on the
customer Ans: D
D. None of the above
Sol. Given:
Ans: B 5 pairs of footwear are to select out of 4 pairs of
shoes and 6 pairs of sandals.
Sol. Let x = 15% and y = 10% Basic concept of Permutation and combination.
Net discount = 15 + 10 – (15 × 10/100) % Number of ways to select ' a' out of ' b' = bCa
There are 4 pairs of shoes and 6 pairs of sandals.
⟹ 25 - 1.5 = 23.5% 5 pairs of footwear is to selected such that there
First type of discount = 23.5% should be at least 3 pairs of shoes.
There are 2 possible cases:
Second type of discount = 25% 3 pairs of shoes and 2 pairs of sandals +4 pairs of
So, the second type of discount is profitable to the shoes and pairs of sandals
customer ∴ Total number of ways= *C3 X °C2+ *C4 x °C
Hence, the correct option is (B). ⟹ 4 x 15 + 1x 6
⟹ 66
Q52. Rs. 94000 is divided among A, B and C such Hence, the correct option is (D).
that 20% of A's share = 25% of B's share = 15% of
C's share. What is the share (in Rs.) of C? Q54. Sachin shares 250 gifts in 4 children. The part
A. 23500 of the first child is the same as twice the portion of
B. 29500 the second child, thrice the part of the third child,
C.40000 four times the part of the fourth child. How many
D. 42000 gifts have come in the second child's part?
A. 60
Ans: C B. 30
C. 120
Sol. D. 140
Let C's share be x
B's share = (15/25) × x = 3x/5 Ans: B
A's share = 15/20 × x = 3x/4 Sol. Let number of gifts received by first child be X
Total money = Rs. 94000 ⟹ Number of gifts received by second child =
x + 3x/5 + 3x/4 = 94000
⟹ Number of gifts received by third child =
⟹ x = Rs. 40,000 3
∴ C's share is Rs. 40,000 𝑥
Hence, the correct option is (C). ⟹ Number of gifts received by fourth child =
According to the question
𝑥 𝑥 𝑥
X=+ + + = 250
2 3 4
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
have trouble falling asleep that early, though. It's civilization. A sudden population shift or a shift in
not because they don't want to sleep. It's because demographics may force a civilization's
their rains naturally work on later schedules and infrastructure to break down. Populations may
aren't ready for bed. In those cases, it's called grow, due to migration or a period of unusual
delayed sleep phase syndrome, also known as health. Populations may shrink, due to disease,
"night owl" syndrome. extreme weather, or other environmental factors.
Which of the following has been assumed by the Q62. What are the three patterns in the fall of
author in the passage? civilizations as pointed by historians?
A. Teenagers always sleep late. A. Internal change, external collapse, and
B. Sleeping late is bad for the health. environmental pressure.
C. It is the daily bad habits that make only sleep B. Internal pressure, external change, and
late. environmental collapse.
D. Both B and C C. Internal collapse, external pressure, and
environmental change.
Ans: D D. Internal change, external pressure, and
environmental collapse.
Sol. According to the passage
● An assumption is a statement that must be Ans: D
true, for the given information to be true.
● An assumption can never be logically Sol. According to the passage:
deduced from the given information. ● The given question is a direct question.
● It contains some new information. ● The answer can be found by reading each
● The author suggests improvements in daily line of the passage carefully.
habits to avoid sleeping late. ● The second sentence of the passage gives
● This means that the author by default an answer to the given question.
assumes the daily habits to be one of the ● The only confusion lies in the wordings of
causes of late sleeping. the options.
● The author has listed several methods to ● If we carefully look at all the options, then
overcome the habit of sleeping late. we find that only the fourth option matches
● Thus, it is obvious that the author assumes the passage.
late sleeping to be bad for health. Hence, the correct option is (D).
● The author has not based his entire
passage assuming the first option to be Q63. What is the main context discussed by the
true. author in the passage?
Hence, the correct option is (D). A The author wants to say that civilizations fall
gradually over a period of time.
Ques (62-63): Direction: Read the following B. The author is trying to understand the reasons
passage and answer the item that follows. Your why civilizations fall.
answer to this item should be based on the C. The author is of the view that not all civilizations
passages only. may exist forever
D. The author has claimed the environment to be
Many civilizations have flourished and then failed the major cause of decline of civilization.
or fallen apart. There are many reasons for this,
but many historians point to three patterns in the Ans: B
fall of civilizations: internal change, external
pressure, and environmental collapse. The fall of Sol. According to the passage:
civilizations is never the result of a single event or ● The author is trying to understand the
pattern. Sometimes, civilizations seem to reason why civilizations fall.
"disappear entirely. Population dynamics are the ● The first and the third options mean more
most pervasive forces of intermal change to or less the same.
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
Ans: A
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
Ans: A
Sol. Given:
Consumption of Geyser in Jan = 8,00,000
Consumption of Bulb in Jan = 2,50,000
Difference between consumption of Geyser and
Bulb in Jan = 8,00,000 - 2,50,000
⟹ 5,50,000
⟹ Percentage difference = (5,50,000/2,50,000) x
100 = 220%
∴ Consumption of Geyser is more than the
consumption of bulb in Jan by 220%.
Q70. Which month saw the highest consumption of Ques (72-73): Direction: For the next items,
all items? consider the following data with regard to different
A. Jan types (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) of multivitamin tablets produced
B. Feb in a company (in lakhs).
C. March
D. Jan and March
Ans: C
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
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SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com
4th_CSAT_15th March
Ans: A
A. 28 Sol.
B. 24
C. 20
D. 16
Ans: A
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Email: spmiasacademy@gmail.com