Research Methodology 1 Mba
Research Methodology 1 Mba
Research Methodology 1 Mba
In research methodology we not only talk of the research methods but also consider the
logic behind the methods explain why we are using a particular method or technique and
why we are not using others Why a research study has been undertaken,
• how the research problem has been defined,
• in what way and why the hypothesis has been formulated,
• what data have been collected
• what particular method has been adopted,
• why particular technique of analysing data has been used etc
• Research methodology is a term that basically means the science of how research is
done scientifically. It is a way to systematically and logically solve a problem, help us
understand the process not just the product of research, and analyzes methods in
addition to the information obtained by them
• Research methods include all those techniques/methods that are adopted for conducting
• research methodology is the way in which research problems are solved systematically.
It is a science of studying how research is conducted scientifically.
Time-Series Research:
A time series design collects data on the same variable at regular intervals (weeks, months,
years, etc.) in the form of aggregate measures of a population.
Measurements are taken on each variable over two or more distinct time periods. This allows
the researcher to measure change in variables over time.
For example, unemployment rates, poverty rates, etc. Time series designs are useful for
establishing a baseline measure, describing changes over time, keeping track of trends, and
forecasting future (short-term) trends. Time series data are nearly always presented in the form
of a chart or graph: The horizontal (or x) axis is divided into time intervals, and the vertical (y)
axis shows the values of the dependent variable as they fluctuate over time.
(b) Panel Study: It is a powerful type of longitudinal research.
A panel is a sample of respondents who have agreed to provide responses over a specified time
In a panel study, the researcher observes exactly the same people, group, or organisation across
time periods.
Panels are also of two types: traditional panels and omnibus panels.
• In case of traditional panels, same questions are asked to the respondents on each panel
measurement. For example, firms are interested in knowing the change in attitude,
opinion, feeling, or emotion of the customers about a particular product over a specific
time interval.
• In the case of omnibus panels, different set of questions are asked to the respondents
on each panel measurement. Hence, different set of information is obtained using
omnibus panels. Use of panels is based on the objective of the research and the nature
of the problem
(c) Cohort Study: A cohort is a group of respondents who experiences the same events
within the same time interval.
• It is similar to the panel study, but rather than observing the exact same people, a
category of people who share a similar life experience in a specified time period is
• In cohort study, the individuals examined over time may not be the same but they should
be representative of a particular group (or cohort) of individuals who have shared a
common experience. For example, cohort analysis used to predict changes in voter
opinions during the polls.
Quantitative v/s Qualitative:
Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to
phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity.
E.g. Studying the number of enquiries received for room bookings through different modes like
internet, emails, calls, letters, or different sources like travel and tours operators, companies
and government organizations etc.
Ex amount of time spent by student to study for exams
Qualitative research, on the other hand, is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, i.e.,
phenomena relating to or involving quality or kind. Deals with subjective data-
Ex why have you not attended the class today- units cannot be assigned
E.g. studying the stress levels and reasons for variable performances of staff in different shifts
in the same department of a hotel. The same individuals may perform differently with the
change of shift timings. It can involve performing research about changing preferences of
customers as per the change of season.
• Another example is attitude or opinion research i.e. a research intended to find out how
people feel or what they think about a particular subject or institution is also qualitative
research. Through behavioral research we can evaluate the diverse factors which
motivate people to behave in a particular manner or which make people like or dislike
a particular thing. It is therefore important that to be relevant in qualitative research in
practice the researcher should seek guidance from qualified individuals from the field
• (i) Historical Research: The name itself indicates the meaning of the research.
• Historical study is a study of past records and data in order to understand the future
trends and development of the organisation or market.
• There is no direct observation.
• The research has to depend on the conclusions or inferences drawn in the past.
• In general, historical research is undertaken to answer questions about causes, effects,
or trends relating to past events that may shed light on present behaviours or practices.
• For example, study of epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata for TV serial or movie
making, biographical research, histories of institutions and organizations etc
Descriptive VS Analytical Research
• Descriptive research
• The purpose of descriptive research is to describe the existing or past state of affairs.
• In social science or business research, descriptive research is termed as Ex post facto
• The main characteristic of this research is that the researcher has not control over the
variables and just describes what has happened or what is happening .
• For example, when an MBA student takes up a descriptive research on departmental
stores in Coimbatore, he or she describes how many departmental stores are functioning
in Coimbatore, where they are located, what types of goods are sold, how many persons
are employed, what are the price structures, how many visit the stores, etc.
• The data may be obtained through surveys and presented in easily understandable
format to have an idea about the state of affairs of departmental stores.
• Descriptive research attempts to answer the questions ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘which’, and
Analytical research
• Also called as diagnostic research, analytical research tries to find why a particular
phenomenon has occurred or it is occurring presently. The questions ‘why’ and ‘how’
are answered in analytical research. Analytical research is always preceded by
descriptive research.
• In the above example of study of departmental stores, the student after describing the
nature of the stores, shall try to reason out why people are visiting a particular store in
large numbers or how it is possible for a particular store to price its goods at a cheaper
• Conceptual v/s Empirical research
• Conceptual research involves the development of new theories, abstract ideas, and
generalized principles.
• Philosophers, intellectuals and thinkers carry out this kind of research.
• On the basis of their conceptual knowledge they build theoretical models. Conceptual
research is an intellectual process to develop and verify knowledge.
Empirical research is based on observation and experimentation.
The information collected in the form of facts develops the conclusions and theories about a
The models, so developed, can again be verified by a replication of data collection. To test a
given hypothesis empirical research is most popular and powerful tool in the modern world.
(ii) Diagnostic Research: It may be said as another name for descriptive research.
This research is conducted to establish whether two or more variables are associated and their
degree of association.
In a diagnostic research, the researcher is trying to evaluate the cause of a specific problem or
This research design is used to understand more in detail the factors that are creating problems
in the company. Diagnostic research design includes three steps viz. the inception of the issue,
diagnosis of the issue and solution for the issue.
• Iii Field Research Field research involves conducting research in actual situations by
collecting data through observation, questionnaire, interview, etc., from real population.
• iv Lab research It is based on experiments conducted in a lab research. Research in
physics is a lab research they are also useful in social research but with limited
applications. The only problem is to create environmental conditions. In management
sciences, small group studies based on random behavior, role plays and role analyses
come under laboratory research are possible.
• V In simulation research, artificial environment is created which is very similar to real
environment .This type of research permits observance of dynamic behaviour of the
item under controlled conditions. real situations. Crisis management in war fields or
plane-crashes is researched employing simulation research.
• (iv) Case-Study Research: This type of research is concerned with exploring and
analysing the life or functioning of a social or economic unit, such as a person, a family,
a community, an institution, a firm or an. Industry. The objective of case study method
is to examine the factors that cause the behavioural patterns of a given unit and its
relationship with the environment. A researcher conducting a study using the case study
method attempts to understand the complexity of factors that are operative within a
social or economic unit as an integrated totality.
• (iv) Evaluation Research: Evaluation research aims at evaluating programme that have
been implemented or actions that have taken in order to get an objective. Evaluation
means some sort of measurement of the end-product and impact of an effort in the light
of the stated goals for which the programmed undertaken. There are so many
programmes in which economic gains are not visible, the evaluation of which calls for
special techniques. There are three types of evaluations made in research namely
concurrent evaluation, periodic evaluation, and terminal evaluation.
• The most widely used classification of measurement scales are: (a) nominal scale; (b)
ordinal scale; (c) interval scale; and (d) ratio scale.
1.Nominal scale male-1 female-2(assigning codes)sem
It is used to classify objects, individuals,groups.
It is a system of assigning number symbols to events in order to label them.
the numbers are just convenient labels for the particular class of events and as such have
no quantitative value.
Nominal scales provide convenient ways of keeping track of people, objects and events
ONE CANNOT USEFULLY AVERAGE the numbers on the back of a group of football
players and come up with a meaningful value. Neither can one USEFULLY COMPARE
THE NUMBERS assigned to one group with the numbers assigned to another
Nominal scale is the least powerful level of measurement.
A nominal scale simply describes differences between things by assigning them to
They are mutually exclusive ( if select one then you cannot select two)
Frequencies % modes
2.Ordinal scale-it allows for labelling(categorization)as in nominal scales but they also allow
for ranking (more advanced than interval) ranks or preferences
• The ordinal scale places events in order, but there is NO ATTEMPT TO MAKE THE
• Rank orders represent ordinal scales
• A student’s rank in his graduation class involves the use of an ordinal scale.
• Ordinal scales only permit the ranking of items from highest to lowest. Ordinal
measures have no absolute values, and the real differences between adjacent ranks may
not be equal. All that can be said is that one person is higher or lower on the scale than
another, but more precise comparisons cannot be made
• Thus, the use of an ordinal scale implies a statement of ‘greater than’ or ‘less than’ (an
equality statement is also acceptable) without our being able to state how much greater
or less. The real difference between ranks 1 and 2 may be more or less than the
difference between ranks 5 and 6
• The numbers of this scale have only a rank meaning
• We donot know their magnitude.(difference how much
• Rate best cities acc to your preferences
• Frequencies median mode
3.Interval scale ( twice as warm) is used to understand the order and differences between
them. difference between the two variables is meaningful.
• Most commonly used in social sciences
• The intervals are adjusted in terms of some rule that has been established as a basis for
making the units equal.
• Interval scales can have an arbitrary zero, but it is not possible to determine for them
what may be called an no absolute zero or the unique origin. lack of a true zero;
• Fahrenheit scale -One can say that an increase in temperature from 30° to 40° involves
the same increase in temperature as an increase from 60° to 70°, but one cannot say that
the temperature of 60° is twice as warm as the temperature of 30° because both numbers
are dependent on the fact that the zero on the scale is set arbitrarily at the temperature
of the freezing point of water. The ratio of the two temperatures, 30° and 60°, means
nothing because zero is an arbitrary point
• Used when variables are subjective- satisfaction,motivation
• 1-strongly disagee 5-strongly agree –hypothetical no not absolute
• Mean sd t test regression correlation
• It shows the difference,order, equality of magnitude of differences in the variable
• More powerful than ordinal and interval scales
• Used when variables are subjective- satisfaction,motivation
• 1-strongly disagee 5-strongly agree –hypothetical no not absolute
• Mean sd t test regression correlation
• It shows the difference,order, equality of magnitude of differences in the variable
• More powerful than ordinal and interval scales
4.Ratio scale -advanced scale relationship between different weights.
• It has the characteristics of all other scales
• Additional-it has absolute meaningful zero point
• Weight height age-if 40 we cannot say its not hypothetical its actual
• Statistics same as interval scale
• Ratio scales have an absolute or true zero of measurement
• With ratio scales involved one can make statements like “Jyoti’s” typing performance
was twice as good as that of “Reetu.” The ratio involved does have significance and
facilitates a kind of comparison which is not possible in case of an interval scale.
• Ratio scale represents the actual amounts of variables
• Multiplication and division can be used with this scale but not with other scales
mentioned above. Geometric and harmonic means can be used as measures of central
tendency and coefficients of variation may also be calculated.
• . For example, a company markets two toothbrushes priced Rs 30 and Rs 15,
respectively. In the ratio scale, the difference between the two prices, that is, Rs 30 −
Rs 15 = Rs 15, can be calculated and is meaningful. With it, we can also say that the
price of the first product, Rs 30, is two times that of the second product.
• The various types of scaling techniques used in research can be classified into two
categories: (a) comparative scales, and (b) Non-comparative scales.
• In comparative scaling, the respondent is asked to compare one object with another.
For example, the researcher can ask the respondents whether they prefer brand A or
brand B of a detergent.
On the other hand, in noncomparative scaling respondents need only evaluate a single object.
Their evaluation is independent of the other object which the researcher is studying.
Respondents using a non-comparative scale employ whatever rating standard seems
appropriate to them. Non-comparative techniques consist of continuous and itemized rating
Comparative Scale
• a) Paired Comparison Scale: This is a comparative scaling technique in which a
respondent is presented with two objects at a time and asked to select one object (rate
between two objects at a time) according to some criterion. The data obtained are
ordinal in nature.
• For example, there are four types of cold drinks - Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, and Limca. The
respondents can prefer Pepsi to Coke or Coke to Sprite, etc. In all we can have the
following six comparisons. Coke–Pepsi Coke–Sprite Coke–Limca Pepsi–Sprite Pepsi–
Limca Sprite–Limca
• N(n-1)/2
A √ in a particular box means that the brand in that column was preferred over the brand in the
corresponding row
Coke was preferred over Sprite, Coke over Limca, in this case the number of times coke
preferred was 2 times. Similarly, Pepsi over Coke, Pepsi over Sprite, Pepsi over Limca, in this
case Pepsi was 3 time preferred. Thus, the number of times a brand was preferred is obtained
by summing the √ s in each column.
b) Rank Order Scale: This is another type of comparative scaling technique in which
respondents are presented with several items simultaneously and asked to rank them in the
order of priority. This is an ordinal scale that describes the favoured and unfavoured objects,
but does not reveal the distance between the objects
Like paired comparison, the rank order scale, is also comparative in nature. The
resultant data in rank order is ordinal data. This method is more realistic in obtaining
the responses and it yields better results when direct comparison are required between
the given objects. The major disadvantage of this technique is that only ordinal data can
be generated.
c) Constant Sum Scale: In this scale, the respondents are asked to allocate a constant sum
of units such as points, rupees, or chips among a set of stimulus objects with respect to
some criterion. For example, you may wish to determine how important the attributes of
price, fragrance, packaging, cleaning power, and lather of a detergent are to consumers.
Respondents might be asked to divide a constant sum to indicate the relative importance of
the attributes using the following format.
d) Q- Sort Scale:
• The objective of the Q-sort scaling technique is to quickly classify a large number of
objects. In this kind of scaling technique, the respondents are presented with a set of
statements, and they classify it on the basis of some predefined number of categories
(piles), usually 11. For example, the respondents are given 70 attitudinal statements
related to their views on ethical marketing practices by the companies presented on
individual cards. The respondents are supposed to categorically place these statement
cards into 11 piles ranging from “most strongly agree” to “least strongly agree.”
Number of cards presented to the respondents should not be less than 60 and should not
be more than 120
Non-Comparative Scales The non-comparative scaling techniques can be further divided
into: (a) Continuous Rating Scale, and (b) Itemised Rating Scale
• a) Continuous Rating Scales It is very simple and highly useful. In continuous rating
scale, the respondent’s rate the objects by placing a mark at the appropriate position on
a continuous line that runs from one extreme of the criterion variable to the other.
Examples of continuous rating scale are given below
b) Itemised Rating Scales Itemised rating scale is a scale having numbers or brief
descriptions associated with each category. The categories are ordered in terms of scale
position and the respondents are required to select one of the limited number of
categories that best describes the product, brand, company, or product attribute being
rated. Itemised rating scales are widely used in marketing research
• The three itemised rating scales, namely (a) Likert scale, (b) Semantic Differential
Scale, and (c) Stapel Scale
• a) Likert Scale: In business research, the Likert scale, developed by Rensis Likert, is
extremely popular for measuring attitudes, because, the method is simple to administer.
With the Likert scale, the respondents indicate their own attitudes by checking how
strongly they agree or disagree with carefully worded statements that range from very
positive to very negative towards the attitudinal object. Respondents generally choose
from five alternatives (say strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree,
strongly disagree)
• b) Semantic Differential Scale: This is a seven point rating scale with end points
associated with bipolar labels (such as good and bad, complex and simple) that have
semantic meaning. The Semantic Differential scale is used for a variety of purposes. It
can be used to find whether a respondent has a positive or negative attitude towards an
object. It has been widely used in comparing brands, products and company images. It
has also been used to develop advertising and promotion strategies and in a new product
development study
• bipolaradjectives
-3 to +3(with zero) or a 1 to 7 scale
c) Staple Scale: The Stapel scale was originally developed to measure the direction and
intensity of an attitude simultaneously. Modern versions of the Stapel scale place a
single adjective as a substitute for the Semantic differential when it is difficult to create
pairs of bipolar adjectives. The modified Stapel scale places a single adjective in the
centre of an even number of numerical values (say, +3, +2, +1, –1, –2, –3). This scale
measures how close to or how distant from the adjective a given stimulus is perceived
to be. The following is an example of a Staple scale
In the above example first the individual respondent’s scores for each phrase that
describes the selected bank are obtained and then the average scores of all 100
respondents for each phrase are plotted graphically. The maximum score possible for
each bank is +32 and the minimum possible score for each brand is –32. In the example,
Bank-X has score +24, and Bank-Y has score +3. From the scale we can identify which
phrase needs improvement for each Bank.
• The advantages and disadvantages of the Stapel scale are very similar to those for the
Semantic differential scale. However, the Stapel scale tends to be easier to construct
and administer, especially over telephone, since the Stapel scale does not call for the
bipolar adjectives as does the Semantic differential scale. However, research on
comparing the Stapel scale with Semantic differential scale suggests that the results of
both the scales are largely the same.
• --------------------------------------------
• Methods of data collection
• The researcher should keep in mind two types of data viz., primary and secondary.
• The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus
happen to be original in character.
• The secondary data, on the other hand, are those which have already been collected by
someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process
• Several methods of collecting primary data
• (i) observation method,
• (ii) interview method,
• (iii) through questionnaires,
• (iv) through schedules,
• A questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or typed in a definite order
on a form or set of forms
• Before using this method, it is always advisable to conduct ‘pilot study’ (Pilot Survey)
for testing the questionnaires
• it should be very carefully constructed. If it is not properly set up, then the survey is
bound to fail.
• Questionnaires use two types of question formats.
• These are open-ended questions and closed-ended questions.
• Open-ended Questions
• Open-ended questions are unstructured questions. The open-ended questions provide a
free-to-answer opportunity to the respondents instead of fixed-response choices. In an
open-ended question, a respondent remains free to provide his or her opinion about any
topic in his or her own words
• the open-ended questions are extremely useful for an exploratory research. In addition,
these questions provide the respondent an opportunity to freely express his or her
feelings and provide an insight into the problem in hand
• Ex What is your favourite advertisement for a soft drink?
• Who is your favourite business figure?
• What do you think is the most important consumer durable product for a household?
• The respondents do not feel comfortable with the open-ended questions as it requires
more effort and time to fill. The open-ended questions are difficult to code and require
a lot of time.
• Closed-ended Questions Closed-ended questions are structured questions
• The closed-ended questions provide response alternative to the respondents instead of
giving them a free-to-express response option. The choice offered to the respondents
can be either in the form of a rating system or a set of response alternatives. These
response alternatives are presented to the respondents and they select the most
appropriate one. The closed-ended questionnaires are generally cheaper, more reliable,
and faster to code, and analyse the collected data
Types of open ended questions
Dichotomous Questions Dichotomous questions have only two response alternatives usually
presenting the two extremes “yes” or “no.”
• The researchers often present a third neutral alternative “don’t know
• Do you have plans to purchase a motorbike as the company has reduced the price and
offered “0% interest scheme”
• Yes ________________ No _________________ Cannot say
• The researchers also ask dichotomous questions to understand the demographic profile
of the respondents.
• 1. Please specify your gender. Male ___________ Female _________
• Will you be purchasing any insurance policy this year? Yes ________ No ________
Cannot say __________
• Multiple-Choice Questions (multichotomous questions)
• While asking multiple-choice questions, the researcher presents various answer
choices to a respondent and the respondent is supposed to select any one from the
• How do you rate the services offered by the bank?
• Excellent ________ Very good _______ Moderate _______ Just right _______ Poor
Constructing a Questionnaire
Section A: General Information
1.1. Demographics:
Age: 15-20 21-25 26-30_ _____
Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female ( )
Income :Less than 5 lakhs 6-10 11-15
How often do you visit ourBank? ( ) First time ( ) Occasionally ( ) Regularly
Section B
Bank Facilities and Environment
Communication and Information
Staff Interaction
Additional Comments:
Thank you for your valuable feedback. Your input will contribute to our ongoing efforts
to enhance customer satisfaction.
Process of assessing the feedback of respondents
1. Define Objectives:
• Clearly outline the objectives of the feedback assessment. Identify specific aspects to
evaluate, such as the, communication, allocation, experience, etc.
2. Develop a Survey Instrument:
• Design a structured questionnaire or survey to collect feedback. Include a mix of
closed-ended questions (using scales) and open-ended questions to capture both
quantitative and qualitative data.
3. Identify Variables:
• Determine Variables that align with the objectives. This could include satisfaction
levels, perceived value, ease of participation, clarity of information, etc.
4. Select the Sample:
• Identify the target audience for the survey. This may include -----
5. Data Collection:
• Distribute the survey to the identified sample through appropriate channels. This could
involve using online survey platforms, emails, or other communication methods.
Ensure confidentiality and anonymity to encourage honest feedback.
6. Analyze Quantitative Data:
• Collate and analyze quantitative data obtained from closed-ended questions. Use
statistical tools to identify trends, patterns, and correlations in the responses.
7. Analyze Qualitative Data:
• Analyze responses from open-ended questions to extract qualitative insights. Look for
recurring themes, sentiments, and specific comments that provide depth to the
quantitative findings.
8. Benchmarking:
• Compare the feedback against industry benchmarks or standards to provide context for
the evaluation. This can highlight areas where a company performed well or needs
improvement relative to industry norms.
9. Report Findings:
• Compile a comprehensive report summarizing the findings, insights, and
recommendations. Present the data in a format that is easily understandable to key
10. Feedback Dissemination:
• Share the feedback findings with relevant stakeholders, including the management
team, board of directors, and any regulatory bodies if necessary.
11. Action Plan:
• Develop an action plan based on the feedback received. Prioritize areas for
improvement and outline steps to address the identified issues.
12. Continuous Monitoring:
• Establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring and feedback. This could involve
periodic surveys, investor forums, or other channels to keep track of ongoing investor