Does Youtube Provide Adequate Information About Orthodontic Pain?
Does Youtube Provide Adequate Information About Orthodontic Pain?
Does Youtube Provide Adequate Information About Orthodontic Pain?
Objectives: To evaluate the content and quality of information about orthodontic pain on YouTube.
Regarding the location of pain during orthodontic terms were used to broaden the search results: (1)
treatment, most of the studies suggest that most orthodontic pain and (2) bracket pain.
significant pain occurs in the incisor area, particularly For the YouTube (; Goo-
the lower incisors, both during the initial alignment and gle) video search, no filters or features were applied;
debond.10 It is known that the perceived level of pain videos were only sorted by relevance. ‘‘Incognito
can vary and is influenced by a variety of factors, such mode’’ was set to prevent previous search influence
as clinical, demographic, psychological, and genetic on new results. Search results were limited to the first
factors. However, there are still mixed opinions on 200 videos. Videos titles were reviewed manually, and
which factors have the greatest impact.11 those that were related to orthodontic pain were
By reviewing various studies, it was concluded that included in the further selection.
Table 3. Distribution of YouTube Video Uploaders and Contents in High-Content and Low-Content Video Groups
High-Content Videos, n (%) Low-Content Videos, n (%) Total, N (%)
Dental professionals 3 (13.0) 20 (87.0) 23 (35.4)
Laypeople 6 (14.3) 36 (85.7) 42 (64.6)
Total 9 (13.8) 56 (86.2) 65 (100.0)
Duration of pain 5 (55.6) 16 (28.6) 21 (32.3)
Start and end of pain 6 (66.7) 12 (21.4) 18 (27.7)
Pharmacological pain relief 7 (77.8) 26 (46.4) 33 (50.8)
Instructions for medications, adverse effects 3 (33.3) 7 (12.5) 10 (15.4)
Possible location of pain 2 (22.2) 3 (5.4) 5 (7.7)
Comparing video uploader groups, the laypeople Correlations between the total content score, GQS,
group had a significantly higher mean of video duration VIQI score, and video demographics are shown in
(8.23 minutes), whereas the dental professional group Table 5. Spearman correlation analysis showed a
videos were shorter (3.25 minutes) (P , .001) (Table weak correlation between total content and GQS score
4). In addition, there were differences in the GQS, flow (r ¼ 0.284; P ¼ .022). In addition, the Spearman
of information, information quality, and total VIQI score correlation indicated a strong correlation between GQS
and VIQI scores (r ¼ 0.740; P , .01).
(P ¼ .035, P , .001, P ¼ .008, and P , .001,
respectively) between the groups. The dental profes-
sional group had the highest means, whereas the
laypeople group scored the lowest. Comparing GQS, More patients are relying on social media for
the mean score for the dental professional group was information because of its easy accessibility. Dentists
3.13 (standard deviation [SD], 0.63), whereas the could direct patients to get additional guidance from
laypeople group scored 2.74 (SD, 0.86). The mean social media, but, before that, it is important to
research whether the information given online is
score of the flow of information in the dental profes-
accurate. All 65 videos included in the study were
sional group was 3.61 (SD, 0.78), whereas it was 2.59
viewed by a total of 15.1 million Internet users, which
(SD, 1.01) for the laypeople group. The mean of indicated that orthodontic pain is a topic of high
information quality in the dental professional group was interest.
2.13 (SD, 0.92) and 1.52 (SD, 0.63) in the laypeople The results of this study showed that YouTube is
group. The mean total VIQI score in the dental currently not an adequate source of information for
professional group was 14.26 (SD, 1.68), whereas orthodontic pain. This was consistent with other studies
the laypeople group scored 12.21 (SD, 2.23). that found that videos on YouTube were not sufficient
Table 5. Spearman Correlation Coefficient Scores Between Total Content Score, GQS, VIQI, and YouTube Demographicsa
Total Content GQS Total VIQI
Variable Correlation Coefficient P Value Correlation Coefficient P Value Correlation Coefficient P Value
Total content 1.000 – 0.284 .022* 0.239 .056
GQS 0.284 .022* 1.000 – 0.740 ,.001*
Total VIQI 0.239 .056 0.740 ,.001* 1.000 –
GQS indicates Global Quality Scale; and VIQI, Video Information and Quality Index.
* P value statistically significant if .05.
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was a relatively rarely mentioned topic. 15. Lee SH, Pandya RK, Hussain JS, et al. Perceptions of using
infographics for scientific communication on social media for
The content of YouTube videos related to orthodontic
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pain was insufficient. Most of the videos lacked 45:(2)105–113.
information about orthodontic pain characteristics. 16. Kepios Pte Ltd. DataReportal. Global social media statistics.
Dental professionals’ videos concerning orthodontic Available at:
pain had higher educational and audiovisual quality Accessed February 8, 2022.