EAW EIS ch13
EAW EIS ch13
EAW EIS ch13
Marine Noise
In-water noise will unavoidably be generated during the development of the proposed port expansion,
and as a consequence of ongoing operations at both the new and existing facilities. Noise sources
include pile driving, dredging activities and general vessel traffic.
Construction and associated activities will result in a temporary increase in noise levels and a change
in the characteristics of ambient background noise. Operation of the expanded EAW will also have an
associated marine noise impact, as maritime traffic will increase. These alterations could potentially
affect transitory and resident marine fauna within the vicinity of these activities.
At this time the actual noise levels likely to be generated from this project, the exact frequency and
duration of noise generating activities, and the time of year these activities are likely to occur, are
unknown. Therefore, representative data from analogous harbour development projects have been
drawn from the available literature.
A detailed review of underwater sound propagation, natural and anthropogenic sources of marine
noise, and the potential vulnerabilities of marine fauna of interest is presented in Appendix K. This
chapter presents a synopsis of the salient issues detailed in that Appendix.
13.1.1 Cetaceans
The most commonly recorded cetacean species in Darwin Harbour are three coastal dolphins—the
Australian snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni), the Indo-Pacific humpback (Sousa chinensis) and the Indo-
Pacific bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus) (Palmer, 2008).
Other cetaceans that have been recorded in Darwin Harbour include the sperm whale (Physeter
macrocephalus), the pygmy sperm whale (Kogia simus) and the humpback whale (Megaptera
novaeangliae). However, recordings of these species are rare and represent vagrant individual
sightings. Occasional pods of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) are known to visit the
harbour but little research has been conducted into their utilisation of the area (Whiting, 2003). The
blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is not known to inhabit Darwin Harbour.
The peak audio-sensitivity of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) is between 10 kHz
and 100 kHz. This is indicative of the other dolphin species which frequent Darwin Harbour, and
collectively these species are considered by Southall et al. (2007) to be ‘mid-frequency cetaceans.
Baleen whales exhibit peak hearing acuity at frequencies lower than that for dolphins, and are referred
to by Southall et al. (2007) as ‘low-frequency cetaceans. Humpback whales, for example, are
predicted to exhibit maximum sensitivity in the range of 2-6 kHz.
13.1.2 Sirenians
Dugongs (Dugong dugon) are known to occur in Darwin Harbour in low numbers. Dugongs have
been recorded in higher densities at Gunn Point and the Vernon Islands, approximately 30-50 km
north-east of the mouth of the harbour. They have also been observed foraging on the rocky reef flats
between Channel Island and the western end of Middle Arm Peninsula.
Little information is available on the auditory systems of sirenians, particularly dugongs. Initial
research results into the auditory physiology and hearing sensitivity have highlighted some significant
anatomical differences between dugongs and other marine mammals (URS, 2003). Their auditory
EAW Expansion Project DEIS
13 Marine Noise
range appears to be most sensitive in the middle frequencies (1-18 kHz) (URS, 2004). Dugong
vocalisations are composed of barks at 0.5-2.2 kHz and higher frequency clicks and chirps at 3-
18 kHz, and their sensitive range of audibility is between 1-18 kHz (Anderson & Barclay, 1995).
There are many anecdotal reports of dugongs avoiding areas with high boat traffic, though very little
research has been undertaken to investigate the sensitivity of dugongs to noise. There are also
anecdotal observations which suggest that dugongs may temporarily move from an area following
explosive blasting.
13.1.3 Turtles
Six species of marine turtles are known to occur in the waters of northern Western Australian and the
NT—the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), flatback turtle (Natator depressus), hawksbill turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricate), loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), leatherback turtle (Dermochelys
coriacea) and the olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). Of these, the green, hawksbill and
flatback turtles use Darwin Harbour regularly, and the olive Ridley and loggerhead turtles are
suspected to be infrequent users. The leatherback turtle is considered to be an oceanic species and
is unlikely to occur in Darwin Harbour (Whiting, 2001).
Very few studies have been conducted on the impact of sound on turtles and their subsequent
behavioural response. Marine turtles do not have an external hearing organ, however, and it is
thought that turtle auditory perception occurs through a combination of bone and water conduction.
Sea turtles have been recorded as demonstrating a startle response to sudden noises (Lenhardt et al.,
1983; McCauley et al., 2000b). Studies have shown that the hearing range for marine turtles is
approximately 100-700 Hz (McCauley, 1994), and maximum sensitivity between 300 and 500 Hz for
green turtles (Ridgeway et al., 1969). Minimal information, however, is available regarding any
reliable threshold level for the onset of behavioural effects.
A study found that a caged green and loggerhead turtle increased their swimming activity noticeably in
response to a 166 dB (re 1 µPa) noise, and above 175 dB (re 1 µPa) their behaviour became erratic.
In the case of pulsed low frequency sound effects on turtle nesting behaviour, nest numbers monitored
on beaches near the Port of Hay Point (Queensland) before, during and after a pile-driving program
lasting several months in 1996-97 were compared. Results showed no significant trend in nest
numbers, indicating that the female turtles had not been particularly sensitive to this pulsed source
(Dames & Moore 2000), but nest numbers were too few to provide a conclusive result.
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13.1.5 Fish
Darwin Harbour waters support a high abundance of both resident benthic and transient pelagic fish
species. A survey within the harbour undertaken by Larson and Williams (1997), documented a total
of 415 species including 31 new records for the NT. Fish are known to inhabit a considerable range of
habitats within the harbour catchment.
Barramundi is a particularly important commercial and recreational species in the NT. Spawning
occurs at river mouths between the months of September and March and eggs and larval fish are
carried by tides into supralittoral swamps at the interface of salt and freshwater, at or near the upper
high tide level. Griffin (2000) indicated that the Darwin Harbour barramundi stock probably spawns in
the vicinity of Lee Point and Shoal Bay as there is very little suitable nursery habitat within Darwin
The variation among fishes in respect to sensitivity to sound is immense, and is in part due to the
diversity of anatomical structures involved in detection (Popper & Fay 1999). Audiograms of fish
species classified as ‘hearing specialists’ show high sensitivity to sound levels as low as
60 dB (re 1 μPa) across a broad frequency range (Blaxter 1980; Nedwell et al. 2004a).
Syngnathid species are ‘hearing generalists’ meaning that they do not have any auditory
specialisations that confer sensitive hearing abilities. For the Syngnathidae the important metric when
determining the susceptibility to physical injury, is its body mass. It is therefore the hatchlings that will
be the most susceptible to physical injury from a pressure wave.
The capacity for hearing in syngnathid is not well understood. The frequency of noise making
suggests that hearing sensitivity is greatest in the higher frequency ranges and, by extension that the
least sensitivity is in the lower frequency range. Therefore is considered that any syngnathids
exposed to noise below 180 dB (re 1 µPa) are unlikely to be significantly affected. In addition to being
‘hearing specialists’ and ‘hearing generalist’, it is now known that fish can also detect particle
displacement (Fay 1988, Smith 2010).
There have been very few studies of the effects of anthropogenic sounds on the behaviour of fishes.
Data are lacking not only on the immediate behavioural effects on fishes close to a source, but also
effects on fishes further from the source.
13.1.6 Invertebrates
There is some evidence that increased background noise (for up to three months) may affect some
invertebrate species. Legardère (1982) demonstrated that sand shrimp (Crangon crangon) exposed
in a sound proof room to noise that was about 30 dB above ambient for three months demonstrated
decreases in both growth rate and reproductive rate. In addition, Legardère and Régnault (1980)
showed changes in the physiology of the same species with increased noise, and that these changes
continued for up to a month following the termination of the signal.
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13 Marine Noise
13.2.1 Overview
The main anthropogenic sources of noise associated with Darwin Harbour and the EAW development
include trading, working and recreational vessels, dredging activities and pile-driving programmes.
This section reviews what is known about these noise sources. A broad overview of representative
sources of anthropogenic noise is presented in Table 13-1.
Table 13-1 Typical Frequency Ranges of Anthropogenic Noise Sources (from data in NRC 2003)
13.2.2 Vessels
Surface shipping remains the most widespread source of low frequency (<1000 Hz) anthropogenic
noise (Popper et al. 1998). Ships generate substantial broadband noise from their propellers, motors,
auxiliary machinery, gear boxes and shafts, plus their hull wake and turbulence. Diesel motors
produce more noise than steam or gas turbines, but most long distance (low frequency) noise is
generated by the ‘hissing’ cavitation of spinning propellers.
The Port of Darwin contains well established trading and recreational facilities that receive a wide
variety of vessels, from small pleasure boats to commercial tankers, and traffic within the port has
been increasing over time. Sound source levels of various vessel types are listed in Table 13-2.
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Table 13-2 Comparison of Sound Source Levels from a Range of Anthropogenic Sound Sources
Peak source level/s
Source frequency or
(re 1 μPa 1 m)
Large tankers and bulk carrier blade and shaft rates* 10-30 Hz 180-186 dB
Container ship blade and shaft rates ** 7-33 Hz 181 dB
Large tanker and bulk carrier cavitation 1000–4000 Hz Not sure
64 m rig supply tender* (broadband) 177 dB
Tug towing barge cavitation noise* 1000-5000 Hz 145-171 dB
20 m fishing vessel* (broadband) 168 dB
25 m SWATH ferry with 2 x inboard diesels 315 Hz 166 dB
13 m catamaran with 2 x inboard diesels* 315/1600 Hz 159/160 dB
Bertram cabin cruiser with 2 inboard diesels* 400 Hz 156 dB
8 m rigid-hulled inflatable boat with 2 x 250 hp outboards 50-300 Hz
177-180 dB
blade and shaft rates*
8 m rigid-hulled inflatable boat with 2 x outboards
1000 – 10 000 Hz
cavitation noise
4.5 m inflatable with 1 x 25 hp outboard* 2000-20 000 Hz 157-159 dB
Cutter-suction dredge (working) 100 Hz tonal 180 dB
Clamshell dredge (working) 250 Hz pulses 150-162 dB
Pile driving operations Low tonal pulses 170-180 dB
Seismic survey 0-1000 Hz 200-232 dB
Drilling 10-4000 Hz 154-170 dB
Supply vessel 1-500 Hz 182 dB
13.2.3 Dredges
Typical dredge noise levels are summarised in Table 13-3. Received sound levels from some large
trailer suction hopper dredges operating in rocky areas have been recorded in excess of
150 dB (re 1 µPa) at 1 km, while large CSDs can emit strong tones from the water pumps that are
audible to 20-30 km ranges (Richardson et al., 1995; Dames & Moore, 1996).
Operating dredges will emit sound at their maximum source levels, which are in the 180 to 190 dB
(re 1µPa) range (Richardson et al. 1995, Simmonds, Dolman & Weilgart 2004). Underwater noise
levels from the self-propelled hopper barges engaged in transferring dredge spoil can be higher than
the noises from the dredge itself, particularly during the loading and dumping operation of rocky
Reported source levels for general marine dredging operations range from 160-180 dB (re 1 µPa at
1 m) for 1/3 octave bands, with peak intensities between 50 and 500 Hz (Greene & Moore, 1995).
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• Noise that induces behavioural changes and responses in marine mammals and turtles.
• Noise that induces behavioural responses by the prey of toothed whales (fish, cephalopods).
• Very intense noise that may cause temporary or possibly permanent loss of hearing sensitivity to
marine mammals via damage to the auditory hair cells (or other tissue trauma via possible
excitatory and organ resonance mechanisms).
To assess the potential scale and likelihood of these effects, ‘safety ranges’ or zones of influence have
been developed for predicting, measuring and managing noise-generating activities, in the same way
that zones of lethality2 have been used for assessing the spatial extent of possible marine animal
injuries from the non-acoustic blast impulses of underwater explosions.
The maximum amplitudes of acoustic waves that do not contain sufficient energy to kill, maim or stun marine mammals or
turtles outright (e.g. Lewis 1996, Richardson et al. 1995, URS 2003).
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Behavioural reactions to sound vary with the species and individuals of interest, including their state of
attention and activity, maturity, experience and parental duty, all of which will alter with season,
location, and time of day. Reactions involving relatively small avoidance responses by individuals are
not biologically significant, whereas those produced in scenarios involving a near permanent sound
source which may displace animals from key feeding or breeding grounds over monthly or seasonal
time scales would impact growth, stress levels, breeding success, survivorship and population
recovery rates.
For any given location and propagation conditions, the range at which the received sound of a source
invokes a behavioural response will depend on the auditory sensitivity of the species of interest, while
the biological significance of this response will vary according to the type of activity being undertaken.
Not all behaviour responses increase risk of harm to individuals, breeding success or population
recovery rates. Some responses may be momentary inconsequential reactions such as the turn of a
head, or have limited duration and lie within the bounds of natural behaviour variations.
Table 13-4 Proposed injury criteria for individual marine mammals exposed to 'discrete' noise events,
either single or multiple exposures within a 24 h period (Southall et al. 2007)
Marine Mammal
Single pulses Multiple pulses Nonpulses
Low-frequency cetaceans
230 dB re: 1 μPa (peak) 230 dB re: 1 μPa (peak) 230 dB re: 1 μPa (peak)
Sound pressure level
(flat) (flat) (flat)
Sound exposure level 198 dB re: 1 μPa2-s (Mlf) 198 dB re: 1 μPa2-s (Mlf) 215 dB re: 1 μPa2-s (Mlf)
Mid-frequency cetaceans
230 dB re: 1 μPa (peak) 230 dB re: 1 μPa (peak) 230 dB re: 1 μPa (peak)
Sound pressure level
(flat) (flat) (flat)
Sound exposure level 198 dB re: 1 μPa2-s (Mmf) 198 dB re: 1 μPa2-s (Mmf) 215 dB re: 1 μPa2-s (Mmf)
High-frequency cetaceans
230 dB re: 1 μPa (peak) 230 dB re: 1 μPa (peak) 230 dB re: 1 μPa (peak)
Sound pressure level
(flat) (flat) (flat)
Sound exposure level 198 dB re: 1 μPa2-s (Mhf) 198 dB re: 1 μPa2-s (Mhf) 215 dB re: 1 μPa2-s (M hf)
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13 Marine Noise
Figure 13-2 Conceptual Model Illustrating How Behavioural Reactions to Noise can have Effects on
Population Parameters Directly and Indirectly
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13 Marine Noise
When evaluating likely impacts, consideration should also be given to differences in local conditions
that may affect sound propagation (e.g. depth, bottom type, size and type of source). The sources of
noise examined include dredging, pile driving, and shipping noise.
13.5 Dredging
Some auditory masking may occur from dredging noise in Darwin Harbour. However, masking will
only occur in the low frequencies (below approximately 5 kHz, with most noise below 1 kHz).
Dredging noise is unlikely to occur at frequencies used by toothed cetaceans in echolocation.
The peak audio-sensitivity of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) is from 10 kHz to
100 kHz (Johnson 1967), compared 160-180 dB at 100 Hz propagated from a dredging barge. Much
of the sound generated by dredging is thus below the audible range of Indo-Pacific bottlenose
dolphins and those audible sounds would be at low intensity compared to their threshold of hearing
(130 dB at 100 Hz).
Therefore, it is unlikely that significant disturbances to spotted bottlenose dolphins would be caused by
underwater noise from dredging activities. It is also noted that recent large scale dredging in Port
Phillip Bay, Victoria, was completed with no unacceptable adverse impacts to this species reported
during environmental monitoring and audits (Port of Melbourne, 2010).
As the majority of dredge-derived noise is below 500 Hz (typically 100-200 Hz), it is likely that dugongs
will not detect most dredging noise. It is therefore unlikely that dredging operations will mask dugong
vocalisations. Sirenians have strong habitat and site association due to the limiting range of their main
food source (seagrasses), however, and have shown a strong preference for sites with low ambient
noise. It is therefore possible that dugongs may show short-term displacement from the close vicinity
of the dredging area, but dugongs potentially have little ability to the majority of dredging noise.
Information from a number of conservative studies indicates that acute damage to fish caused by
sound does not occur at received levels below about 160 dB (re 1 µPa), and only at such relatively low
levels in rare circumstances. Noise levels as high as, or higher than, 160 dB (re 1 µPa) would only be
generated within no more than a few metres or tens of metres of a CSD. This indicates that any
potential for acute damage to fish would only be likely to occur in very close proximity to the cutter
Dredging noise varies through time and periodically dredging ceases whilst the dredger spuds in or
undertakes maintenance and repair. This creates periods of calm and quiet, during which fish can
move through the area undisturbed.
Thresholds above which physical injury to marine mammals could occur are unlikely to be exceeded,
other than in the immediate vicinity of pile-driving activities. Noise levels are likely to remain above
thresholds for behavioural and acoustic disturbance for extended distances from the activity source
(David, 2006).
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13 Marine Noise
Noise levels from percussive piling have their highest energy at lower frequencies from about 20 Hz to
1 kHz, and whilst smaller cetaceans (approximately 3 to 4 m in length) are not known to be highly
sensitive to sounds below 1 kHz, they can hear in some of this range (dolphin peak hearing range
reported to be 8 to 90 kHz).
The reactions from cetaceans and dugongs could range from brief interruption of normal activities to
short- or long-term displacement from noisy areas, and some acoustic masking of vocalisations in the
lower frequencies could occur (David, 2006).
An assessment of the effect of impact pile driving noise on bottlenose dolphins was made by Bailey et
al. (2010), on two wind turbines installed off north-east Scotland. The turbines were in deep (>40 m)
water, potentially affecting a protected population of bottlenose dolphins. Pile driving noise was
measured at a distance of 100 m (maximum broadband peak to peak sound level 205 dB [re 1 µPa])
to 80 km (no longer distinguishable above background noise). These sound levels were related to
noise exposure criteria for marine mammals to assess possible effects. For bottlenose dolphins, it
was discerned that auditory injury would only have occurred within 100 m of the pile driving (Bailey et
al. 2010).
From their review of the available literature, Popper et al. (2006) propose interim criteria for injury to
fish exposed to pile driving activities. Popper et al. (2006) suggest dual criteria, and propose that the
onset of direct physical injury to fish exposed to pile driving would be at a sound exposure level of
187 dB (re 1 µPa2.sec) and a peak sound pressure level of 208 dB (re 1 µPa).
These criteria are in line with the findings of Caltrans (2004) (cited in Popper et al. 2006), which
showed no damage to steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and shiner surfperch3 (Cymatogaster
aggregata) when exposed to sound levels of between 158-182 dB (re 1 µPa2.sec) at distances of 23 m
to 316 m, and peak levels within the same range.
More recently The Agreement in Principle for Interim Criteria for Injury to Fish from Pile Driving
Activities, utilising information in Carlson, Hastings, and Popper (2007), similarly identified sound
pressure levels of 206 dB (re 1 µPa [peak]) and 187 dB (re 1 µPa2.sec) cumulative sound exposure
level (SEL) for all listed fish, except those that are less than 2 grams in weight. In that case the
criterion for the cumulative SEL is 183 dB (re 1 µPa2.sec). The criteria for non-auditory tissue damage
were based on several studies where fish were exposed to relatively high amplitude blasts (peak
pressures of approximately 20 psi or 223 dB [re 1μPa]) (Rodkin, Pommerenck and Reyff, 2010).
Several recent studies that exposed caged fish to pile driving sounds were summarized by Reyff
(2010). When compared to control groups of fish, physical injuries or adverse behavioural responses
from exposed fish were not observed in any of the experiments.
During a study at the Port of Seattle (Fishermen’s Terminal Study 2006-07), juvenile Coho salmon
exposed to maximum peak sound pressure levels of up to 208 dB (re 1 µPa [peak]), an average single
strike SEL of 175 dB (re 1 µPa2.sec), and a cumulative SEL of 207 dB (re 1 µPa2.sec) in one workday
resulting from 1,627 pile strikes. The juveniles survived for the 10-day holding period, revealed no
external or internal injuries related to pile driving sound exposure, and readily consumed hatchery food
during the first and subsequent feeding trials. Subtle behavioural changes of fish were noted in
response to pile strikes. Thus these results and recent studies of fish in cages exposed to pile driving
showed no physical trauma for fish exposed to levels significantly above a cumulative SEL of 187 dB.
Note both these fish are teleost species, as are barramundi, and would be expected to exhibit similar hearing acuity.
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13 Marine Noise
Some auditory masking may occur from dredging noise in Darwin Harbour. However, masking will
only occur in the low frequencies (below approximately 5 kHz, with most noise below 1 kHz) and will
be generally confined to a zone in close proximity to the dredging. Dredging noise is not likely to
occur at the higher frequencies used by toothed cetaceans in echolocation.
The intense pulses of pile driving have been observed to injure swim bladders and sometimes kill
fishes in limited circumstances, and they have the potential to elicit a startle response from cetaceans,
particularly if the hammering operation is commenced without any form of soft-start procedure.
Thresholds above which physical injury to marine mammals could occur are unlikely to be exceeded,
other than in the immediate vicinity of pile-driving activities.
As shipping and vessel noise is a continuous noise source of relatively low intensity, thresholds above
which injury to marine mammal hearing could occur will not be exceeded. Any impacts from vessel
noise will be limited to behavioural disturbance and/or masking of other biologically important sounds.
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13 Marine Noise
A number of measures have been proposed to avoid, reduce or mitigate any potential impacts as a
result of noise-intensive marine activities conducted by DLP within Darwin Harbour. The outcomes of
recent modelling compared to established noise exposure criteria have been used to establish
proposed safety for marine mammals and turtles during piling, dredging and other noise intensive
activities. For sources of generally low acoustic disturbance (e.g. dredging, trenching) a safety range
of 500 m is considered adequate for marine mammals and turtles to avoid the onset of physical injury.
For sources of potentially elevated acoustic disturbance (e.g. pile driving) a safety range of 1000 m is
proposed for marine mammals and turtles to avoid the onset of physical injury. Additional start-up
procedures, observers and training will assist in mitigating any potential impacts as a result of noise-
intensive marine activities.
• From one hour prior to the commencement of any noise-intensive activity, vessel and/or land-
based observers should monitor the exclusion zone to check for the presence of any important
marine fauna species (e.g. dolphins and dugongs).
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13 Marine Noise
• Activities may commence if no important marine fauna have been sighted within the exclusion zone
30 mins prior to the commencement of the activity.
• If any such species are observed within the exclusion zone, noise-intensive activities should not
commence until the animal is observed to leave the exclusion zone, or until 30 mins of
observations have passed since the last sighting and no more important marine fauna have been
• To enhance the effectiveness of surveillance, activities should preferably be commenced in
appropriate sea conditions (e.g. sea state 3 or below) so that observers have a reasonable
probability of sighting important marine fauna (see Section 13.9.4).
• Where practicable, suitably experienced personnel should continuously maintain an adequate look-
out for the presence of important marine fauna within the exclusion zone during noise-intensive
• Prior to the commencement of any noise-intensive activity, a marine fauna exclusion zone
extending 500 m in all directions from the noise source should be established (see indicative
example provided in Figure 13-3).
• From one hour prior to the commencement of any noise-intensive activity, vessel based observers
(or land-based observers if appropriate) should monitor the exclusion zone to check for the
presence of any important marine fauna species. Activities may only commence if no important
marine fauna have been sighted within the exclusion zone 30 mins prior to the commencement of
the activity.
• If any such species are observed within the zone, noise-intensive activities should not commence
until the animal is observed to leave the exclusion zone, or until 30 mins of observations have
passed since the last sighting and no more important marine fauna have been sighted.
• Activities should only be conducted in daylight conditions and preferably with appropriate sea
conditions (e.g. sea state 3 or below) so that observers have a reasonable probability of sighting
any marine fauna incursion into the exclusion zone.
• Suitably experienced personnel should continuously maintain an adequate look-out for the
presence of important marine fauna during noise-intensive activities.
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13 Marine Noise
— If practicable, soft start procedures for pile driving should be used each time pile driving is
commenced for the day, gradually increasing power over a 30 minute period.
• During daylight hours, visual observations should be maintained continuously during soft starts to
identify any marine fauna within the precaution zones.
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13 Marine Noise
• During low visibility, where conditions allow, continuous observations within the marine fauna
exclusion zone to spot important marine fauna should be maintained. If marine fauna are detected,
then the stop work procedures should be implemented.
As the likelihood of encountering marine fauna increases, project managers should consider using
additional observers. This will allow for greater confidence in identifying any important marine fauna
within designated exclusion zones.
13.10 Conclusion
It may be concluded that noise intensive activities at EAW are generally unlikely to trigger any long-
term, persistent, deleterious impact upon marine fauna. This conclusion is founded upon several key
points, namely:
• The relatively low levels of noise expected to be generated and their attenuated propagation
• The temporary nature of the predicted acoustic disturbance
• The absence of any identified critical or important habitat in the subject project area for significant
marine fauna.
It is possible that construction activities, particularly pile driving, will elicit some short-term behavioural
changes in some fauna. These are likely to be confined to startle responses, and possibly also
changes to feeding patterns and temporary avoidance of the project area. None of these are
considered likely to result in long-term harm to either individuals or populations of any of the marine
fauna considered.
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13 Marine Noise
13.11 Commitments
• Prior to the commencement of any marine noise-intensive activity, a marine fauna exclusion zone
extending 500 m in all seaward directions from the noise source would be established.
• Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) would be implemented within the marine fauna exclusion
zone to protect any important marine fauna species from the impacts of marine noise.
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Anderson, P. K. & Barclay, R. M. R., 1995, Acoustic signals of solitary dugongs: physical
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Richardson, C. R. J. Greene, C. I. Malme & Thomson DH.), Pp 101-158, Academic Press, San
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in the Shoal Bay area, in: Draft Public Environmental Report: Howard River (East) Aquaculture
Project, Appendix L.
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W. N. Tavolga), Pp 247–60, Pergamon, Oxford.
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Proceedings of the Sixth International Marine Biological Workshop: The marine flora and fauna
of Darwin Harbour, Northern Territory, Australia’ (Hanley et al. eds), Pp 339- 380, Museum and
Art Gallery of the NT and the Australian Marine Sciences Association, Darwin.
Legardère, J-P., 1982, Effects of noise on growth and reproduction of Crangon crangon in rearing
tanks, Marine Biology 71: 177-185.
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