Grade 9 Tissues
Grade 9 Tissues
Grade 9 Tissues
10.The tissue which is responsibile for growth of girth in stem and root
Q2 State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1) Perikaryon is the nucleus of a nerve cell.
2) Muscles of the iris of the eye are of voluntary type.
3) Dendrons bundled together form a nerve.
4) The nature of matrix differs according to the function of the tissues.
5) Fats are stored below the skin and in between the internal organs.
6) Epithelial tissues have intercellular spaces between them.
7) Cells of striated muscles are multinucleate and unbranched.
8) Phloem cells carry manufactured food from leaves to other parts.
9) Veins of leaves have both xylem and phloem.
10)The older xylem tissue does not participate in transport.
Q6 Identify the type of tissue in the following: skin, bark of tree, bone, lining of
kidney tubule, vascular bundle.
Q8 What is the difference between the nervous tissue and the nervous system.
Q13. Name two simple permanent tissues which have living cells. Write two
distinguishing features of each. Mention their location and functions.
Q14. (i) Epithelial tissue is a protective tissue. Give three points in favour of this