A Trick and Think Approach To A Second Order Circuit Lab

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Paper ID #12870

A ”Trick and Think” Approach to a Second-Order Circuit Lab

Dr. Ilan Gravé, Elizabethtown College
Ilan Gravé received B.Sc. in Physics and Electrical Engineering and M.Sc. in Physics from Tel-Aviv
University in Israel, and a PhD in Applied Physics from Caltech, in Pasadena, California (1993). In
the past he has lead high-tech R&D avionics projects at the Israeli Aircraft Industries; has been a se-
nior researcher and adviser at the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, in the Ministry of Post and Communications
in Rome, Italy; and has been on the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Univer-
sity of Pittsburgh. He is currently an Associate Professor of Physics and Engineering at Elizabethtown
College in Pennsylvania. He has on his record numerous publications in a number of fields in Applied
Physics and Engineering, including superconductivity, semiconductor quantum devices, nonlinear optics,
semiconductor lasers, infrared detectors and signal processing of medical signals.
Dr. Tomas Estrada, Elizabethtown College
Dr. Tomas Estrada is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering and Physics at Elizabeth-
town College, in Elizabethtown, PA. He received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Universidad
de Costa Rica in 2002 and his M.S. and Ph.D. (both in Electrical Engineering) from the University of
Notre Dame in 2005 and 2009, respectively. His research interests include control systems, engineering
education, technology-related entrepreneurship, and sustainable engineering applications.

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c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015

A “Trick and Think” Approach to a Second-Order Circuit Lab

As instructors, we always look to engage students in a way that keeps them alert, stimulates their
attention and interest, and adds some elements or insights to their skills. This is important in a
first circuit lab course [1], where students are struggling with many obstacles, such as
understanding and performing correct circuit analysis, building the circuit on a breadboard,
simulating it with appropriate software, and measuring relevant circuit parameters.
One demanding task in a first circuit analysis lab course is the study of second-order circuits [2-6].
The analysis of an RLC circuit, involving second order differential equations and different
regimes with under-damped or over-damped solutions is very demanding to sophomores, and the
subtleties of understanding and then designing circuit performances as needed by tuning values
of the different components in the circuit might be lost or overlooked.

In this paper we present one way to make a second-order circuit lab more lively, interesting and
stimulating. In what might be called a “trick and think” approach, the students are provided with
a pre-lab task to theoretically calculate and simulate the behavior of an RLC circuit. More
specifically, the students are provided with a lab handout that includes the following guidelines
for prelab calculations/simulations and for lab measurements:

1. In the lab you will build the circuit shown below using the solderless breadboards, resistors,
jumper wires, and DC power supply.

Figure 1: The RLC circuit considered

2. In the prelab, calculate the voltage across the capacitor and the current through the inductor,
showing all of your work. Estimate the nature of the response and all the parameters of the
transient response.

3. Simulate the circuit with PSpice.

4. Using the oscilloscope and the trigger single function measure and record the transient
phenomenon of voltage build-up across the capacitor. Be sure to include a printout of the data
captured from the scope in your laboratory notebook. Use cursors and scope measurements
and displays to experimentally extract all relevant parameters.

5. Compare your experimental results with your calculations and discuss errors or discrepancies.

Most students performing these tasks for the prelab come with an analytic solution that matches
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their PSpice simulation; both indicate that the system response is heavily underdamped. Shown
below in Figures 2a and 2b is, for example, such a PSpice simulation for the RLC circuit in
Figure 1.

Figure 2a: PSpice simulation for the circuit in Figure 1, showing a heavily underdamped
response for the voltage on the capacitor from 0 to 500 milliseconds.

Figure 2b: Details of the heavily underdamped response obtained by expanding the time axis in
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Figure 2a and showing the first 5 milliseconds of the response.

To their surprise, upon monitoring the circuit response by measurement of the voltage on the
capacitor, the result does not much their prelab calculations and/or simulations. The response
appears overdamped. Figure 3 shows the response as captured on the scope by measuring the
voltage across the capacitor.

Figure 3: The obviously overdamped response of the RLC circuit shown in Figure 1 as measured
and captured on the oscilloscope in the lab.

Most lab teams are puzzled and usually their first step is to review their analytical solutions as
well as their simulation files. Next, upon confirming their original results, they discuss them with
other lab groups. Upon noting similar contrast between calculations/simulations and
measurements they refer their puzzlement to the instructor.

At this time we elicit a class discussion asking for ideas what can be the cause of the mismatch
between theoretical/simulation results and measured ones.

Usually the first suggestions from the students address possible tolerance of the RLC
components since all elements are usually specified within a 5% tolerance. We then proceed to
make a precise measurements of the value of each component and run solutions and simulations
with the corrected values; this however does not change the general outlook of a very heavily
underdamped calculated/simulated response.

At this stage the instructor usually suggests to review some theoretical understanding and
consider the role of the resistor and its damping effect in both parallel and serial RLC circuits.
This triggers some thoughts and discussions and the students realize that for a parallel circuit, a
“large” resistor brings the circuit behavior close to an ideal LC circuit, so one should expect the
response to be heavily underdamped. (“Large” resistor with respect to relevant impedences of the
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storage elements will result in little current flowing through the parallel resistive branch, so that
little energy will be dissipated at each cycle.) A serial RLC circuit is another story, and even a
moderate resistance will be felt much more significantly in the energy balance of every cycle of
the eventual damped oscillations. At this point some bright student sometimes jumps in with a
suggestion in the right direction, stating that perhaps we have neglected something in describing
the real circuit layout – maybe the resistance of the connecting wires and/or the internal
resistance of the voltage source? (In fact the connections are made with long wires set on
purpose to carry a resistive loads around 0.5 to 1 Ohms, and some fractions of Ohms up to a
possible few Ohms are added by the internal resistance of the power source.) In any case, we
eventually suggest the lab groups to consider simulating the following circuit in Figure 4, where
a second resistance is added, thus mixing the parallel nature of the original RLC circuit with a
serial resistive addition[7].

1 2 1 2
U1 22uH

1n R1

C1 3.9k

Figure 4: The RLC circuit with the added serial resistor R1 is initially set to 1 nano-ohm to
mimic the circuit with parallel only nature, and is later varied to try and match the measured
response. (Notice the relabeling of resistors R1 and R2 with respect to Figure 1.)

The students go back to calculate and simulate the RLC circuit with the addition of the serial
resistance R1, while varying its value from basically zero (at 1 nano-ohm) to fractions of Ohms,
a few Ohms and tens of Ohms.

Figure 4 displays results of some of these PSpice simulations, for different values of the serial
resistor, now labeled R1. A simulation with the value of R1= 1nano- (as laid out in Figure 4)
basically recovers the heavily underdamped response shown in the simulation of the purely
parallel RLC circuit in Figure 2, and is not repeated in the the displays of Figure 4. Instead
simulated responses with (a) R1=0.1, R1=0.5, R1=1, and R1=3 reveal the sensitivity of the
mixed RLC circuit to the serial resistance in transiting from an underdamped to an overdamped
response as R1 is increased.
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(a) (b)

(b) (d)

Figure 5: PSpice simulations for the circuit of Figure 4 with R2=3.9K, L1=22C1=47F,
and varying R1 to: (a) R1=0.1; (b) R1=0.5; (c) R1=1; (d) R1=3.

At this stage usually the lab students are elated in having solved the “puzzle” of the contrast
between theoretical or simulated calculations and the actual circuit response as measured in the
lab. This is also usually the time when suggestions, comments and relevant interesting questions
start to freely flow from different students in a spontaneous braistorming sessions.

“Wow! Can we actually find the serial resitance in the circuit –coming from wires and internal
resistance of the voltage source- by matching the measured response to the best fitting simulated
response when varying R1?” ( And later on they do that in their comprehensive lab report. The
total series resistance is slightly different for each lab team due to small differences in wires and
power supply resistances, but they usually fall between 1 to 3 Ohms.)

“Can we do anything in order to observe an underdamped response in our RLC circuit, since
those hidden serial resistance are there and cannot be taken away?” (Now some of the students
usually find the answer: “Maybe we can change the values of the capacitor or the inductor?”)
We take advantage of that burst of creativity and good thinking by asking all groups to simulate
and measure the response of the circuit with different values of the storage elements. For
example, replacing the original 47 F capacitor with a 0.1 F element, and keeping R1=
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3typical of the serial hidden resistances, yields an underdamped response, shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Simulation of the RLC circuit with R1=3, R2=3.9K, L1=22H, C1=0.1F.
A similar fitting response was also directly measured.

From here this lab usually moves to conclusion with a discussion of the expected magnitude and
rate of damping, and the students try to refer the damping to the ratio of the energy dissipated at
every cycle (mostly related to the value of R1) to the energy stored in the system (mostly
dependent on the magnitudes of C and L.) This analysis and the connected calculations are then
performed and expanded in the final report to be submitted one week after completion of the lab

Students usually significantly benefit from this interactive “trick and think” approach, and their
understanding of different details and subtleties of RLC circuits is greatly enhanced.

While it is usually difficult to evaluate and assess the contribution of a single lab exercise to the
development and/or enhancement of different skills for the students, in this particular case we
can offer some considerations and even report some loosely acquired quantitative estimates.
This is due to two principal reasons: first, we have been teaching this circuits lab for many years
at our institution, and during many yearly offerings we have tried different approaches, including
the one described above in this paper. An alternate approach was sometimes used, where the
measured circuit was chosen with component values far away from the sensitive edge of critical
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damping. In this alternate circuit the hidden resistances would not significantly influence the
response and the students would calculate and simulate the circuit in the prelab, and then
measure essentially the same response during lab time. Second, this lab is part of a Circuit
Analyis course, and homework exercises are assigned once or twice per week on the relevant
topics learned in the course. A couple of homework assignments on RLC circuits are usually
assigned immediately after the material is covered in class and also after the lab is performed. As
such the instructors could evaluate the students’ solutions to those homework problems, and
assess and compare their performances in different years characterized by different lab handouts.

To be more specific, the assessment was obtained by including in one of the weekly homework
assignments two questions carefully crafted to test the students’ skills in both solving a complex
RLC problem and designing a circuit to comply with performance specification. This homework
was always assigned after the students had completed the associated RLC lab, including a final
written analysis and report. The class grade average on these two specific questions was used as
an estimator of the students’ improved skills in understanding and designing RLC circuits.
Overall one could note an improvement between 15% and 25% percent in the overall grades in
these RLC homework assignments for the years when the “trick and think” approach was used,
as contrasted with years when the same lab was performed with component values far from the
critical transition, and, as a consequence, the students were not exposed to the subtleties of the
circuit and to the discovery process of the hidden parameters, as described above.

In summary, we do believe that this approach helps in catching the students’ interest and
motivation during this RLC lab exercise, resulting in a better understanding and mastering of the
topics considered; and also in a better understanding of what should be the interplay between
theoretical preparation and practical alert and focus for possible additional hidden considerations
during experimental work and measurements.


While we developed this “trick and think” approach independently over many years in teaching
the Circuit Analysis course and lab, we would like to acknowledge a comment by one of the
reviewers who pointed out that a similar exercise – featuring a hypothetical interactive exchange
between a professor and a student[8] – can be found in the text book “Engineering Circuit
Analysis” by Hayt and Kemmerly, McGraw-Hill publishers, since the third edition (1978.) We
have used three or four texbooks for these courses over the years, but had never been exposed to
Hayt and Kemmerly. (We found out that the original authors have deceased, and a third author,
Steven Durbin has joined the care and renewal of this textbook . The 2012 eight edition still
includes the mentioned exercise as an exchange between a professor and a student.) We are
grateful to the reviewer, as this lead us to discover this excellent textbook, especially admirable
in treating the chapters analyzing RLC circuits. The exercise mentioned therein addresses a
measurement of the frequency response of an RLC circuit and the inconsistent results for the
resonant frequency and Q-factor measurements with respect to theoretical predictions, as some
hidden circuit features are not considered at first. The “trick and think” approach described
above in this contribution addresses measurements in the time domain, where perhaps the
disparity between underdamped and overdamped response offers a more dramatic and immediate
visual effect.
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[1] “Confidence-Building in a Circuits Course,” by Ilan Gravé, in Proceedings of the ASEE 2005 Conference in
Portland, OR, June 2005.
[2] “Study of the phase relationships in resonant R C L circuits using a dual-trace oscilloscope,” by Zdenek Hurych
in Am. J. Phys. 43, 1011 (1975.)
[3] ”Electronic device of didactic and electrometric interest for the study of RL C circuits,” by Angel L. Pérez
Rodríguez, Juan José Peña Bernal and Benito Mahedero Balsera in Am. J. Phys. 47, 178 (1979.)
[4] “On the use of local fitting techniques for the analysis of physical dynamic systems,” by A Page, P Candelas and
F Belmar in Eur. J. Phys. 27 273 (2006.)
[5] “An Introduction to Electric Circuits,” by James A. Svoboda, Richard C. Dorf, Wiley, 9th edition (2014.)
[6] “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,” by Charles K. Alexander and Matthew N. O. Sadiku, McGraw Hill, 5th
edition (2013.)
[7] See, for example, chapter 7 in “Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis” by Irwin and Nelms, John Wiley and Sons,
10th edition (2011,) for a detailed solution of this circuit.
[8] “Engineering Circuit Analysis” by Hayt and Kemmerly, McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition (1978,) pages 468-470,
exchange between a student named Pat and a professor, Dr. Noe; and/or “Engineering Circuit Analysis” by Hayt,
Kemmerly and Durbin, McGraw-Hill, 8th edition (2012,) pages 642-643, exchange between a student named Sean
and a professor, Dr. Abel.

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