Consti Notes

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chapter t nrRoDUCTION [CONSTITUTIONAL LAW isthe study ofthe maintenance ofthe proper balance between authoty a represented by the tive inherent powers of ‘the stat and liberty 5 guranteed by the Billo Rights. irr to _suppode that this subject suggests the unused excendency of euthorty ‘ver ierty as this might eslin tyranny or the unwatranted pena of bert eversuthorty ae th weuldrzu in anarchy. The ve rae of Constitutional Law so eet an equlium between authority and Iberty fare enacted wth de deference torah. Ris best thatthe student ‘appreciate this tthe threshold, before he enters the ascnating word of “The fudemental powers ofthe Sate are the pce power, the power of ‘eminent domain, andthe power of tanation. Aang the salegunrs inthe Bio Rights are the right to due proces and equl protection, the ‘the accused, These powers and rahscouttrcheck bu are not necessatiy hose to each other. They havea common ajecve!co-enstence, Their timate gals the same: welhordared sity baad on the cab of ‘ahs which, altnough they may not be cura arbitrary, may reverthles be regulate forthe commen good ‘Thi wore lea fat with ech ofthe hres inherent power This fing tha recognition of author ies condon sine avs non rth proper rjyment bey withthe comman weal as theerteron Then wil proceed the ereminaton of the ditfereet provision Article ofthe Constitution, more commeniy known 5 the Blof Rts. Once author i become encroachment an he prin purty of its Seed yaad eon Part ofthe Ween Contion A good written consiaton conte hres extent substantive pats, These tre known athe consinston of bey the consti of government, snd the constutn of sovereignty Te ist consists of series of rescptons setting forth he fundamen cal and pola hs ofthe ctzen nd imposing ton one rowers of gaveremet a9 means fsecurne he ennyment of those righ These ae found principally ride of ou Constusin, and also Iie IW, and The second cons of series of ovine tnng the ogoiztin ofthe is administration and defining the electorate 3 These ae found in tikes Before everything ste, howeuy, shor background study on the bee amendment or rein, and interpretation shall be preserted, The adoption ofthe present Conttution ofthe Phiines in 1987 together Wit the Definition A CONSTITUTION secording to Coley. "that dye les and mains in sccrdance wth wthich the power of sovereignty are habitually eercied"t ‘Tht sefntionncomprenenie enough o cover he unten andthe ppcopite descriptions that avn by istic Mall, who speak of a5 “ve witan instrument enacted by dct action af the people by which he funéamertal ower ofthe government ae ease, bres 2nd tine, and by which these powers are dstreuted among the several department fr their ie nd seul nec forthe nett ofthe body "The purpose ofthe Constitution ito prescribe the permanent framework of rrtem of government, to asian tothe several departments their respectne powers and dite, and to exabieh certain fret had principles fon which government i founded."3 Insuchastuton the writen constton wl become an impede tel rom the hehe fetal rules na lnger conformable fo her needs an aspections Where this happens he people may have oesor {0 vilaon of the provisos ofthe peemanen constr and they Cannot make 2 new constston, theyll have to ake a eolton 12 wih the sal rules on trpcation and contain. Chis mona these Isthe canon thet it shoul be merreted in sucha way a5 to sree to document efor rough thus of eesti Such 5 therecoresf Feshouldbe sessed that when it comes to certain bas dil gh, seh 3 egos Heedom note Constitution at ceaes or ones ‘them. The correct vew is thatthe Coston merely recgniges nd protects thee rts and es rot rng them nt exstence. ‘The Constitution nat “tee of prate rights tnt the fountain of law aor the cpt slate of government 0 the cause Ba the Consequence of personal and pola eedem 4 Supremacy ofthe Constitution “he Constustion the asc and paramount wo whch all other ws us corer and to whieh allperons, acu the Nest oc of the lan mst defer No esate val, heer abl sintertins, fit confit wth the Coston. The Constitution muster remain spree [Amst owt the mandate ofthis I Expediency must ot be led | septs tenth nor greed power ebas srecthude Ri wing, "he Constution must be uphelé as orga i has nat ben change the soverein people ests regard rest n the usurpation ofthe mest of "ihe rss tg out the made or ocedre in trovst bout These are ur inte XV of our Consttton Permanence of the Consttsion (ne ararage ofthe writen, comventonl and rig eonsttution ts permanence ota apecy o eos capris or whims change dca ot by lepiate eed but by passing faces, temporary pasions ot eel infituston ofthe people ith dens or peanatien A onsttation must be fm an immo, Hee mourtan sid the ste tf ters aoc inthe ean amidst the aging ofthe waves" Sach easton snot key tobe ess tampered with su poli ‘pedieny petsonal ambitions ri sdvsed ation or change where the writen constution urble toast tothe ned fr change usted bnew conditions end ceurstances. The bifcdty isl of the change ard thus cause repaabenury tothe publ teres. Isuance ofa search warantorwarantof aes which power may rat be witheraun or rested bythe lasstre. Aimar obsenaton has ben the departments 5 recy comers upan hi by tie Secon 17, Anon lf evecuting rorson is one that emai dormant ules is scovated by leisitive implementation Bo example Arce Seon ‘hich ries that nthe flilent ofthe prime dy of ending the Sta "allatuens may b equies unde conden provided by aw 12, render pesonal itary or ell sence” Sach vequlement cannot be ‘imposed unt and unless he legiltire so wil, tough the passage of2 low specying the conditons Another example ticle econ 3, proving that “Phiipine tieenshp may be stor eeu inthe manner ried bylaw This prowsion doesnot case theo or reovery OF etenship. isthe mplementing saute ht wi Unless he contrary ile intended, he provins ofthe contusion legattedreton to determine when, whether he stl be ete. Thee roisons woul be suordnated tothe lf the lw-mking body, “wich could make them ently meanness by simpy etusing to ass the needed implementing atte Implementation mor honever be imposed 33 duty upon the legate by mandatary ngunge ofthe canst, For enample on Bie X Section 1, ries that “the fst Congress elected under hs Constution shal uithinegheen months fram the tie of he ogee of bth Houses, oss the ogee ats or he autonomous regers Must Mindanao andthe Carls the letra cul ot uy ely Caeaton of he body. While doubtful mandamus would ave been lable apart publ opinion, #anhing ele, compelled ach Assn inthe absence of der honing of cantar tention, the rove the constton soul reparaed ar manastary Other, the fndrentallaw would hare no mere rc and peng hen ast of ‘Srectons wth te govern’ andthe pple woud be ee td “are tere, whenever the language used ith Constuton ‘hints tobe understood as tended tobe poste nd ‘Aig conttuton sone that can be amended ony femal an sal ‘atu process whereas axe canstrion one tat can be changed boris lepton The Consution ofthe Pippine uitn,comentional and ie serial Qualities ofthe Weiten Constitution good weten consttution mut be bose, bit a define "eaust be 020 not ny because provides forte organization of he entire government ae cavers al persons andthings within the teritery of the tte butmoreo because ts supposed to embody the pas, torte! ‘he preset and to arpa the fature. The onstution mst be enmpehensive enought provide for every congenic has ben sald ‘hat the contin “tony the imprisonment the past but the ntoling ofthe itr te which maybe acted thatits 30 the fun the present ‘ne ecient stn n this esis whether the corstution shouldbe ‘sept o¢scrording othe charges ety transpining inthe history of ‘henson shoul the onstuton be ptifed a propresive The ase impede the rogiss ofthe people wth anquated nes gown iefetne ln amaser ae. As eloaverth put use Winslow, "The pla or osopia aphorism fone generations doubted bythe na and lente diary te thd. The rae moves fra constant, nn (fpr importance see the alta case of out the ‘consttution shuld be considered exec rather ban none ‘cui: mandatary rahe than Secon; ane prospective athe than [Asettencrtng provision 2 ue het tse is director ndecty ppliabe witout ned of satutry implementation. Bumps ate the ‘rvsos fund in te Bi Rights, which maybe chs by sree ates ingependemyofor even against esate enactment. Ths, n Colecr of Custos Vlei” te Supreme Court held hat ucees ere ‘ectirom Arle, Secon 2 oF the Canton th auth t9 ‘conduct petminaynvertgeton ta dete mine prababe cause er the “iequtecl regan and whereter te longuge corainsa grant of owas intended 3e3 mandate, nota mere decton Final thou be cbserved that the provisos ofthe constuton sould be iven oly prospect application uss the convayis ety Intended, Were the ul otherwise hts aleay acquited or vested might be unduly dtubed or wahdeawn even inthe absenceot an unmade tenon place ther within the cope ofthe consiton. Change inthe cnstruson may be efected bya mere modietion ints Interpretation ty the courts of je. Whee the prvlon of the ositution are ambguovsly worded perhaps deliberately —udges may ‘eadoutot thon, nhs igh of ahora conden, eanings hat oth airtime wor considered here ‘ne itsrtion ws. People oma decidedin 1924, ur ‘Siareme Cour dered uncnsionl a lw raming matey eave reget femal employees onthe round that timoaed the oblaation of conto A preset, however, seus he imparment louse hasnt ‘undergone any change in anguae sae ten, such ples ae 2 comnonplce, Sxl egiltion hasbeen sustained under the enpende concept ofthe poi owe a2 al itation the freedom a cater ‘here areprovison ofthe Constitution, though which rc not a malleable to al erprettion, what Cooly else “ren res” Because they ‘ceanatbe altered except by formal amendient. Eames re the roves forthe see uaitation of certain fcr ofthat temot ‘fice he conposton fhe Comision on ust, ota another usuaten cant be eGuce increased 2 mere court delson. Amendment meanluclatedor sesame charge ely ditnpushed rom ‘hs, thre mas re arndment of he Coston of 2535 when the term fate ofthe Present of the ilppines was changearom 2 four yeas Bu there was revsion when the Consol Commision of 19 rewrote the Marcos charter an proce what nthe Conston of 2987 Procndue ‘wo saps area inthe amendnantar evo for Const. ‘he fiat the props ante second teat, Layprepona ‘Th ropes mad cher dee bythe Congress or bys constuions eoneniona? ronson ony, th prop! beter made yet eit ann tis cae the vote of at at vee ours ofa te members ofthe ‘pentru fonds an time ta thecaling of conse) avsble to eerst the tsk 08 constitutional coment, which wl have Ioretine opportunity and prenmabl alathereeded xprize 2 ‘The cfr constutona comenton maybe made ete of woes tueston ot ether arnt callthe consol onerion salle thrown by hem tothepecnle themstes, by at les alrite 20 ‘hiss aenatve's plain absurd procedure tat parts the members the Congress autora he nate of pub fade By ellag on her Telos themselves. nef thoy ae sled to “pass the buck sino enue thy are ube are onthe cin the pole expe them 2 role envertin visas he regu dears ofthe goverment ‘Theft ae anounced in oom Jota hale thatthe cnetions enventionssuptene oe the ote departs ofthe goverment becaute the pomersievercies ein the nature sovereign powers Tht ‘Seale the Teo fConerandl Sovereign ‘The seconds announce ia Woods Apel consis the constuonal envetion inert th ote departs he government ince es ‘nea cesion he galture Theta anncucedin Fant uty dels thats longs ete snacanies unfthin the spete of tran the conan aparmants of te aoermen ‘Thethdfthee thors, whch the most ly capa ha een hervedin tha ron ce the cas of abana apes Vio. (2) Rateaton ‘han saty dso tr than ety dos ter te aprotalo such change bythe Cong othe conten coment rer he certs by ‘he Commison on lecsonftheficancyf the peton under Sein ‘Tha eqaemeet for ation sims the people tensehesn he ‘eee sn ta een te coer reper frames of changed epee an proper that approaore ect Proposals amend the Constuton muse ties win reasombe tine ser thy ate ace cava they atone anor preset scan atewhatever the nature ofthe chang contemplated the choice of ‘the method treo sretory yon theese, helt in Dec cnsmiion an Eltors 3 Conaraby ooh ling mnouncedin inborn on lecnons™ the Congess acing asa constuent body, ray wth he encutence of tothe of it members ella consol cove tin in genera tems cay Tere, the same Congest tie 2 lege boy, mays te necesarymelenentinglow proving fee seas thecostuonacomeon, sh he nurber, uaa, ‘nd comport of members Th saute ay be rate io ‘corre ith the ordinary itive poe. ‘third mets of proposal isallomed by Section 2 of Article which ‘Amendments ths Conston moy ews bec propose by the beope rough none woon pein af acco weve per centame the ‘oxo namber of eisered wtf whch every etve ari mustbe "epee by tothe pr centum of he eee tester, HO ‘mendment unde ths section Sl be esthrzed within fe eos fora ‘heaton of is Constation or fener than once eve ees thereat The Congres shal olf the implementation of the ec ofthe rote ‘Th atemoto ue his retin 1987 was srck downby he Supreme Court in Sotigo Commision on eons fork othe eessny Implemertington. The above qote rovison, thet wasnt se ‘es, ai Re, At Ne. 035 rove ors cal inttve ony nd at the ratoalnitaverequted or roposingcnstutons changes. This Getty ended he tempt remove the terms of he resident nd themenber of ones the preset charter Ie shoul ented that ths method apo no amerimets, ot toa revson othe Constution,

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