5keplar Laws
5keplar Laws
5keplar Laws
Satellites (spacecraft) orbiting the earth follow the same laws that
govern the motion of the planets around the sun. From early times
much has been learned about planetary motion through careful
Johannes Kepler derived empirically three laws describing
planetary motion. Later Sir Isaac Newton derived Kepler’s laws from
his own laws of mechanics and theory of gravitation.
Kepler’s laws apply quite generally to any two bodies in space
which interact through gravitation. The more massive of the two
bodies is referred to as the primary, the other, the secondary or
Kepler’s second law states that, for equal time intervals, a satellite
will sweep out equal areas in its orbital plane, focused at the
Kepler’s third law states that the square of the periodic time of
orbit is proportional to the cube of the mean distance between the
two bodies.
• The orbital period in seconds is P and the mean distance is
equal to the semimajor axis a.
• The orbital period P is defined as the time, the orbiting body takes to
return to the same reference point in space with respect to the inertial space.
• P can be written as
• where n is the mean motion of the satellite in radians per
• Then or
• For the artificial satellites orbiting the earth, Kepler’s third law can be
written in the form
where n is the mean motion of the satellite in radians per second and
is the earth’s geocentric gravitational constant or Kepler's constant.
Its value is
• This equation applies only to the ideal situation of a satellite orbiting a
perfectly spherical earth of uniform mass, with no perturbing forces acting, such
as atmospheric drag
• The importance of Kepler’s third law is that it shows there
is a fixed relationship between period and semimajor axis. One very
important orbit , known as the geostationary orbit, is determined by
the rotational period of the earth
• another importance of this law is that it is used to find the
period of the orbit of any satellite and is used in GPS receivers to
calculate positions of GPS satellite.
Explain the three features the orbit of a satellite needs to have to be perfectly
• It must be exactly circular (ie e=0)
• it must be at the correct altitude (ie have the correct period)
• it must be in the plane of equator (ie have a zero inclination with respect
to the equator).
If the inclination is note zero and/ or if the eccentricity is not zero, but the
orbital period is correct then the satellite will be in geosynchronous orbit.
Terms used to describe the position of the orbit with respect to the earth.
4. Line of apsides. The line joining the perigee and apogee through
center of the earth.
5. Ascending node. The point where the orbit crosses the equatorial
plane going from south to north.
8. Inclination. The angle between the orbital plane and the earth’s
equatorial plane. It is measured at the ascending node from the
equator to the orbit, going from east to north. The inclination is
shown as i in Fig. 2.3. It will be seen that the greatest latitude, north
or south, reached by the subsatellite path is equal to the inclination.
9. Prograde orbit. An orbit in which the satellite moves in the same
direction as the earth’s rotation, as shown in Fig. 2.4. The prograde
orbit is also known as a direct orbit. The inclination of a prograde
orbit always lies between 0° and 90°.
Most satellites are launched in a prograde orbit because the earth’s
rotational velocity provides part of the orbital velocity with a
consequent saving in launch energy.
10. Retrograde orbit. An orbit in which the satellite moves in a
direction counter to the earth’s rotation, as shown in Fig. 2.4. The
inclination of a retrograde orbit always lies between 90° and 180°
Orbital Elements
Two-line elements
Two line elements contains a great deal of general information
on polar orbiting satellites as well as weather satellites in the
geostationary orbit.
Figure 2.6 shows how to interpret the NASA (National Aeronautics
and Space Administration) two-line elements.
Orbit Perturbations
The keplerian orbit is ideal in the sense that it assumes that the
earth is a uniform spherical mass and that the only force acting is
the centrifugal force resulting from satellite motion balancing the
gravitational pull of the earth.
In practice, other forces which can be significant are
a) asymmetry of earth's gravitational fields( due to
nonsherical earth)
b)the gravitational forces of the sun and the moon
c) solar radiation pressure
• atmospheric drag.
• The units for the rate of rotation of the line of apsides will be
the same as those for n
• When the inclination i is equal to 63.435°, the term within the
parentheses is equal to zero, and hence no rotation takes place.
d) Atmospheric drag
• For near-earth satellites, below about 1000 km, the effects of
atmospheric drag are significant.
• Because the drag is greatest at the perigee, the drag acts to
reduce the velocity at this point, with the result that the satellite
does not reach the same apogee height on successive revolutions.
• The result is that the semimajor axis and the eccentricity are
both reduced.
• Drag does not noticeably change the other orbital parameters,
including perigee height.
• In the program used for generating the orbital elements given
in the NASA bulletins, a pseudo-drag term is generated, which is
equal to one-half the rate of change of mean motion.
• An approximate expression for the change of major axis can be
derived as follows
• The change in mean motion,n is
• where the “0” subscripts denote values at the reference time t0,
• is the first derivative of the mean motion.
• The mean anomaly is also changed, an approximate value for
the change being:
• The changes resulting from the drag term will be significant
only for long time intervals, and for present purposes it will be
Inclined Orbits
• The orbital elements are defined with reference to the plane of
the orbit.
• The position of the plane of the orbit is fixed (or slowly varying)
in space.
• The location of the earth station is usually given in terms of the
local geographic coordinates which rotate with the earth. And the
earth station quantities may be the azimuth and elevation angles
and range.
• In calculations of satellite position and velocity in space,
rectangular coordinate systems are generally used .
• So transformations between coordinate systems are therefore
• Calculation for elliptical inclined orbits:- the first step is to find
the earth station look angles and range
• The look angles for the ground station antenna are the azimuth
and elevation angles required at the antenna so that it points directly
at the satellite.
• Elevation is measured upward from local horizontal plane
• A calendar is a time-keeping device in which the year is divided
into months, weeks, and days.
• Calendar days are units of time based on the earth’s motion
relative to the sun.
• It is more convenient to think of the sun moving relative to the
• But this motion is not uniform, and so a fictitious sun, termed
the mean sun, is introduced.
• The mean sun does move at a uniform speed but requires the
same time as the real sun to complete one orbit of the earth.
• Ie period of mean sun = period of real sun.
• This time being the tropical year.
• A day measured relative to this mean sun is termed a mean
solar day.
• Calendar days are mean solar days.
• A tropical year contains 365.2422 days.
• In order to make the calendar year, also referred to as the civil
year, it is normally divided into 365 days.
• The extra 0.2422 of a day is significant, and for example, after
100 years, there would be a discrepancy of 24 days between the
calendar year and the tropical year.
• Julius Caesar made the first attempt to correct the discrepancy
by introducing the leap year, in which an extra day is added to
February whenever the year number is divisible by 4.
• This gave the Julian calendar, in which the civil year was
365.25 days on average, a reasonable approximation to the tropical
• Again a difference of days per year exists.
• ie On every 400 years we are actually adding an extra 3 days.
• By the year 1582, an appreciable discrepancy once again
existed between the civil and tropical years. Pope Gregory XIII took
matters in hand by abolishing the days October 5 through October
14, 1582, to bring the civil and tropical years into line and by placing
an additional constraint on the leap year in that years ending in two
zeros must be divisible by 400 without remainder to be reckoned as
leap years.
• This dodge was used to miss out 3 days every 400 years.
• To see this, let the year be written as X00 where X stands for
the hundreds. For example, for 1900, X = 19. For X00 to be divisible
by 400, X must be divisible by 4. Now a succession of 400 years can
be written as X+ n, X+ (n+ 1), X + (n + 2), X + (n + 3),X + (n +
4),where n is any integer from 0 to 9. If X+ n is evenly divisible by 4,
then the adjoining three numbers are not, so these three years would
have to be omitted.
• For example let us take X= 20 and n=0; then in the years 2000,
2100,2200, 2300, 2400, 0nly 2000 and 2400 area leap year and the
remaining are not even though it is divisible by 4.
• The resulting calendar is the Gregorian calendar, which is the
one in use today.
Universal time
• Universal time coordinated (UTC) is the time used for all civil
time–keeping purposes.
• And it is the time reference which is broadcast by the National
Bureau of Standards as a standard for setting clocks.
• It is based on an atomic time-frequency standard.
• The fundamental unit for UTC is the mean solar day.
• In terms of “clock time,” the mean solar day is divided into 24 h,
an hour into 60 min, and a minute into 60 s. Thus there are 86,400
“clock seconds” in a mean solar day.
• Satellite-orbit epoch time is given in terms of UTC.
• Universal time is equivalent to Greenwich mean time (GMT),
as well as Zulu (Z) time.
• For computations, UT will be required in two forms: as a
fraction of a day and in degrees.
• Given UT in the normal form of hours, minutes, and seconds, it
is converted to fractional days as
Sidereal time
• Sidereal time is time measured relative to the fixed stars.
= 56.55536 + 3 x 60 + 24 x 60 x 60
= 86,636.55536 mean sidereal seconds
• Therefore,
• Substitute for Tp gives
• Stage 2 : Solve Kepler’s equation.
• Kepler’s equation is formulated as follows
• [.........
• The local mean (solar) time for the satellite is therefore (by substituting
the value of β)
• where Δd is the time in days from the vernal equinox (or line of
Aries , .