Guta The End

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This is to certify that this senior project entitled “Solution of homogeneous system of
ordinary differential equation with constant coefficient by matrix method

” has been carried out by Guta Atomssa, under my guidance. I recommend this

Senior Project to be submitted for review and defend through an open oral

Name of the Advisor Signature Date

Abiyot Mamo (lecture) ................................ ……………….

Approval sheet for reviewed Senior Project

Name of candidate: Guta atomssa ID No: RMATH 1183/10

College: Natural and Computational Science

Department: Mathematics

Project Title: Solution of homogeneous system of ordinary differential equation with constant
coefficient by matrix method

Date of review ………………………….

1. Comment on open presentation.

2.Suggestion made by the reviewer


3. Final decision by the reviewer


Name of reviewer Signature Date

………………………… ……………………………. …………………………

………………………… ……………………………. …………………………

………………………… ……………………………. …………………………

Department Head’s Name Signature and stamp Date

……………………………. …………………………. …………………………..

First of all, I am grateful to the almighty God who supported me to do this project from the
beginning to the end without looking my badness. Surely, I can say, if it had not been for his
support, I could not have reached to this final goal. Next, I appreciate my sister for she is being
the cause of my success. Also, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my advisor
Mr.Abeywot mamo who helped me to do this project by giving me full information, advice, and
constructive comments, and corrections for my work and; I would like to say thanks for
mathematics staff teachers of Bonga University for they helped me by different materials like
reference books, handouts and notes.

The project work that we have studied here is focused on ordinary differential equation. Some
historical concepts concerning to differential equation are stated in this project. We have also
studied how to solve first order ordinary differential equation. Moreover, the project is aimed on
how to solve first order ordinary differential equation by using method of separation of variable.
To solve the first-order ordinary differential equations, by using method of separation variable,
the given ordinary equation should be separable.

Table of content
Content page

Table of content..........................................................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem...................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives..........................................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General objectives:.....................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives:....................................................................................................................2
1.4 Significance of the project.................................................................................................................2
1.5 Scope of the project...........................................................................................................................2
1.6 Limitation of the project....................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2................................................................................................................................................4
2. Literature Review....................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Initial Value Problems (IVP).............................................................................................................4
2.2 Differential Equation (DE)................................................................................................................4
2.3 Order of differential equation............................................................................................................5
2.4 First order ordinary differential equation...........................................................................................5
2.4. General solution to first order differential equations........................................................................5
2.5 System of linear first order ordinary differential equation...............................................................6
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................7
3. Methodology of study..............................................................................................................................7
3. 1 Period and Study Area......................................................................................................................7
3.2 Source of Information........................................................................................................................7
3.3 Study Design.....................................................................................................................................7
3.4 Ethical Issues.....................................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................................8
4. Result and Discussion..............................................................................................................................8

4.1. Solving linear first order ordinary differential equation using Method of separation............................8
4.2. Differential Equation (DE)...............................................................................................................8
4.2. Order and Degree of Differential Equation.......................................................................................9
4.3. Solving first order ordinary differential equation..............................................................................9
4.4. Separable Equations.........................................................................................................................9
4.2 APPLICATION TO ELECTRIC CIRCUITS..................................................................................13
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................15
5. Conclusion and Recommendation.........................................................................................................15
5.1. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................15
5.2. Recommendation...........................................................................................................................15



1.1. Background
Differential equation is an equation involving independent variable and dependent variable. And
the derivatives or differentials of one dependent variable with respect to one or more independent
variables. It is a mathematical tool invented by Isaac Newton 1676 and Gottfried Leibniz[1993].
Newton Leibniz years, the exact chronological origin and history to the subject of differential
equation is subject for what seems to be a number of reasons; one being secretiveness, two being
private publication issues [private works published only decades latter] and three being the
nature of the battle of mathematical and scientific discovery, which is a type of intellectual
“war”[in worlds of English polymath. Thomas physicist Isaac Newton wrote his then
unpublished].The method of fluxions and infinite series [published in1736] n which the
classified first order differential equation, known to him as fluxional

Equations as the following;


Chapter we will also discuss system of first order ordinary differential equations and there are
many applications that involving finds several unknown functions simultaneously. Those
unknown functions are related by a set of equations that involving the unknown functions and
their first derivatives. Standard form for a first order differential equation.

A system of simultaneous first order ordinary differential equations has the general.

Where each is a function If each is a linear functions of then the system of equation is said to be

Also I have discussed some definitions and its proper examples of separable. Separable is A first
order differential equation .The separable is defined in the following way.

Let be defined for then the separable, defined by the following equation. [2]

1.2 Statement of the problem
Although there are several methods of solving IVP of linear first order ordinary differential
equations, I have tried to solve IVP of linear first order ode by using separation method. The
project was attempted to the following basic questions.

 What is differential equation?

 What is first order ordinary differential equation?
 What is separation method?

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 General objectives:

The general objective of this project is to solve the application of linear first order ordinary
differential equation using separation of variable.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives:

 To solve the linear first order ode by separation method.
 To discuss application of linear first order ordinary differential equation in electrical
 To analyze linear first order ordinary differential equation using separation method.

1.4 Significance of the project

The result of the project will expected to be used.

 It will help mathematics teachers and students as reference material.

 It will be used to Bonga University Mathematics Department students as reference

1.5 Scope of the project

The scope of this particular project is limited to solving the linear first order ordinary differential
equation by separation method and its application in the major focus is on definition, examples,
solving some problems of IVP of linear first order ordinary differential equation by separation

1.6 Limitation of the project
Even though it could more or less be completed there are a lot of problems that would have been
left as barrier affective accomplishment of this project. Those includes:-

 Shortage of internet to search all the information on the given title

 The time given for the whole project accomplishment where so minimum.
 Shortage of learning how the project was written.
 Shortage of references was the other problem.


2. Literature Review

2.1 Initial Value Problems (IVP)

A differential equation along with subsidiary conditions on the unknown function and its
derivatives, all given at the same value of the independent variable, constitutes an initial-value
problem. For a first order differential equation an initial condition consist of the value of
dependent variable given at some value of the independent variable. A Differential Equation
along with an initial condition is called an initial value problem (IVP).A solution to an initial
value problem is a function that satisfies both the differential equation(s) and the initial
condition(s). An initial value problem consists of a differential equation or system of differential
equation, along with a sufficient number of initial conditions to determine the arbitrary constants
in the general solution to the differential equation. When there is more than one initial condition
given, they must all be given at the same value of independent variable. An initial value problem
involving a first order equation consists of a first order differential equation along with initial

2.2 Differential Equation (DE)

An equation containing the derivatives of one or more unknown functions with respect to one or
more independent variables is said to be differential equation (DE). On the other hand an
equation relating an unknown function and one or more of its derivative is called differential

Differential equation is an equation containing some or all of the unknown function, the
independent variable of the unknown function, at least one derivative of the function and one or
more constant. The constants are also called parameters and the function itself is called
theDependent variable. Every differential equation contains at least one derivative of the
unknown function. These derivative could be the first derivative, second derivative, etc. or any
combination of these. [6]

2.3 Order of differential equation
The order of a differential equation is the highest derivative appearing in the equation.

but represents the first derivative of with respect if the independent variable is. it is also first
order differential equation.

Definition: A differential equation is an ordinary differential equation if the unknown function

depends on only one independent variable. [3]

2.4 First order ordinary differential equation

A first order ordinary differential equation is in general can be written in the form of:

a y ' +by=g ( x ) Where a∧b are constant coefficients.

Where is a function defined on some domain. The problem is to find all functions which satisfy
the equation identically on some interval. [1]

2.4. General solution to first order differential equations

When performing anti derivative in calculus, we always have arbitrary constant at the end. For
example, the general power rule

But the students often think of the +C as a meaningless minor technicality. When solving
differential equations the +C is extremely important and cannot be ignored.

Example consider the first ode below

The unknown in this equation is the function. To solve for we can use general principle for
solving algebraic equation. Do the opposite of what is being done to the unknown. In this case,
the derivative is being done to the unknown. The opposite of the derivative is ant derivative, so
we take the ant derivative of both side of the equation.

NOTICE we integrate with respect to because this is the independent variable. This gives the
explicit solution=because this solution involves an arbitrary constant, this solution is called
general solution. We can choose any value of the arbitrary constant and have a solution. For
instance, and Corresponding to and respectively, are all solution of the differential equation

Definition: A general solution of first order differential equation is a solution with one constant
that does not appear in the original differential equation. This is also called a one-parameter
family of solutions. When a particular value of the constant is chosen, we get the particular
solution.Butnot all general solutions involve a constant added to the end. [6]

2.5 System of linear first order ordinary differential equation

A system of simultaneous first order ordinary differential equations has

Where each is a function If each is a linear functions of aspersion. Then the system of equation is
said to be linear.


3. Methodology of study

3. 1 Period and Study Area

The study was conducted in department of Mathematics College of natural sciences Bonga
University and also the time from November, 2019 to June, 2020 in the academic year of

3.2 Source of Information

The source of the study was related documents to the project title (Books, Journals, research
papers, etc.). The data gathering tools in this project was collected from internet, reference and
related books in library and e-library that is secondary data.

3.3 Study Design

The study design for this study was analytical approach.

3.4 Ethical Issues

Before, starting the study a letter of permission or orientation was obtained from Bonga
University, College of natural sciences and department of mathematics. My advisor was also
advised me how I was prepared this study.


4. Result and Discussion

4.1. Solving linear first order ordinary differential equation using Method of

4.2. Differential Equation (DE)

.Definition:-Differential equation is an equation containing the derivatives of one or more dependent
variables, with respect to one or more independent variables. A Differential equation is also the equation
that involves the derivatives of some unknown function.

Differentia equation Based on whether the unknown function depends on a single independent variable or
on several independent variables classified as: -

a) Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)

b) Partial Differential Equation (PDE)

a) Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)

Definition: -Ordinary differential equation (ODE) is an equation involving one dependent variable and its
derivatives with respect to one independent variable.

If an equation contains only ordinary derivatives of one or more dependent variables with respect to a
single independent variable, then it is said to be an ordinary differential equation (ODE).

An ordinary differential equation is said to be order n, if is highest order derivative occurring in the
equation. The most general form of an ordinary differential equation is f (x , y , y ’ , y '' , … y(n) )=0 where
x is independent variable, y is dependent variable. An ordinary differential equation is said to order one, if

f ( x , y , y ' ) =0is the first order derivative occurring in the equation.[10]

Example:- y ' +2 y=0 ,

b) Partial Differential Equation (PDE)

Definition: -Partial differential equation (PDE) is an equation involving partial derivatives of one or more
dependent variables of two or more independent variables. The order of partial deferential equation is the
highest derivative which appears in the deferential equation.

∂ u ∂u
Example: + =0
∂x ∂ y

4.2. Order and Degree of Differential Equation

Definition Order: The order of a differential equation is the order of the highest order derivative involved in
the differential equation.

DefinitionDegree: - The degree of a differential equation is the exponent of the highest order derivative
involved in the differential equation when the differential equation satisfies the following conditions

 All of the derivatives in the equation are free from fractional powers, positive as well as
negative if any.
 There is no involvement of the derivatives in any fraction.
 There shouldn’t be involvement of highest order derivative as a transcendental function,
trigonometric or exponential, etc. The coefficient of any term containing the highest order
derivative should just be a function of x, y, or some lower order derivative.

NOTE:-Degree of the differential equation does not exist when the differential coefficient involving with
exponential functions, logarithmic functions, and trigonometric function. [8]

4.3. Solving first order ordinary differential equation

Here the equation of the first order ordinary equations of + ay=0 which has y=C e x is the
general solution form of first order ordinary equation. One method of solving first order is
separation method.

4.4. Separable Equations

In this section we solve separable first order differential equations, i.e.

Differential equations in the form N ( y ) y ' =M ( x ) x ' . We will give a derivation of the solution
process to this type of differential equation. We’ll also start looking at finding the interval of
validity for the Solution to a differential equation.

A separable differential equation is any differential equation that we can write in the following
form N ( y )dy=M (x )dx … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..(1)
Note that in order for a differential equation to be separable all the y's in the differential equation
must be multiplied by the derivative and all the x's in the differential equation must be on the
other side of the equal sign.
To solve this differential equation we first integrate both sides with respect to x to get,
N ( y )dy=M (x )dx
Now, remember that y is really y (x) and so we can use the following substitution,
u y (x )du y (x )dx
Applying this substitution to the integral we get,
∫ N (u) du ∫ M (x )dx … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …(2)

We obviously can’t separate the derivative like that, but let’s pretend we can for a bit and we’ll
see thatwe arrive at the answer with less work.
Now we integrate both sides of this to get,
∫ N ( y)dy= ∫ M (x)dx … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .(3)


Solve the separable deferential equation by separation of variable of the followingODE.

( 1+ x ) dy – ydx=0


( 1+ x ) dy – ydx=0

( 1+ x ) ydx
⇒ dy− =0
( 1+ x ) y ( 1+ x ) y

1 1
⇒ dy − dx=0 … … … … … by separating like terms
y 1+ x

⇒∫ y dx =∫ 1+ x dx … … … … … … … … … … by integrating both sides

1 1

⇒ln ∣ y ∣=ln∣1+ x ∣+ c
⇒ln ( y ) =ln ( 1+ x )+ c

⇒ y=e(ln (1+ x )+ c)=e ln (1+ x ) e c

⇒ y= (1+ x ) e c

⇒ y =c ( 1+ x ) where c=e

Therefore, y=c ( 1+ x )is the general solution of the given ODE.

Example 2 Solve the initial value Problem for the equation expressed in
differential form

x y dx−¿ )dy =0, given that y (0)=1

2 2


Let us solve it by separation method as following,


x 2 y 2 dx−( 1+ x 2 ) dy=0

Then, when we separate it,

dy x
⇒ = dx
y ( 1+ x 2)

Now we integrate both sides; this implies that

∫ y12 dy =∫ (1+x x2 ) dx

And after the integration have been performed this becomes

=x−Arctanx +c

=−x+ Arctanx−c ………….multiplying both sides by (-1)

⇒ y= Arctanx−x−c is general solution of the given ODE.


where c is arbitrary constant.

This general solution will satisfy the initial condition

y (0) =1

if c=-1, then the required solution will be,

( Arctanx−x+ 1 ) .

Example 3 Solve the following IVP and find the interval of validity of the solution.

y′ = e− y (2x − 4)y (5) = 0


This differential equation is easy enough to separate, so let's do that and then
integrate both sides.
e dy=(2 x−4) dx

∫ e y dy=¿ ∫ ( 2 x−4 ) dx ¿
y 2
e =x −4 x+ c

Applying the initial condition gives

1=25−20+ c c=−4

This then gives an implicit solution of.

y 2
e =x −4 x−4

We can easily find the explicit solution to this differential equation by simply
taking the natural log ofboth sides.

Y ( x )=ln ( x 2−4 x−4 ) is the general solution firs order ODE by separable method


In this topic we considered the simple electric circuit with an electromotive
force (usually a battery or generator) produces a voltage of volts (V) and a current
of amperes (A) at time. The circuit also contains a resistor with a resistance ofohms and an
inductor with an inductance of henries (H).
Ohm’s Law gives the drop in voltage due to the resistor as The voltage drop due tothe inductor is
One of Kirchhoff’s laws says that the sum of the voltage drops isequal to the supplied voltage.
Thus we have
L + RI=E (t)
That is first-order linear differential equation with any time t
EXAMPLE 1 Suppose that in the simple circuit of the resistance is 12Ω and
the inductance is 4 H. If a battery gives a constant voltage of 60 V and the switch is
Closed when t = 0 so the current starts with I(0) = 0 find
(a) I (t)
(a) If we put L=7,R=12 and E(t)=60 in we obtain the initial-value problem
4 +12 I =60 I ( 0 )=0
+3 I =15 I ( 0 )=0
dI = (15−3 I ) dt
=−3 dt … .. since separable variable
I −5
∫ I −5 dI =∫ −3 dt integrating

ln ( I −5 ) =−3 t+ c
ln ( I−5) −3 t +c
e =e
−3 t c
I −5=C e since C=e
I =5+C e
This is the general solution by separable method
Since I (0)=0 we have 5+C=0 so C=−5∧I ( t )=5(1−e−3 t )


5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Conclusion
A Differential equation is an equation containing the derivatives of one or more dependent
variables, with respect to one or more independent variables. A Differential equation is also the
equation that involves the derivatives of some unknown function. The differential equation can
be categories as ordinary and partial differential equation according to whether or not they
contain partial derivatives. Ordinary differential equation (ODE) is an equation involving one
dependent variable and its derivatives with respect to one independent variable. First order
ordinary differential equation has some method to solve by using separation or integrating

The general form of an ordinary differential equation is f (x , y , y ’ , y '' , … y(n) )=0 where x is
independent variable and y is dependent variable. We can write first order ordinary differential
equation as + ay=g(x ) where a is constant coefficient. If g ( x )=0 then, the equation is
homogeneous first order ordinary differential equation; otherwise it is non-homogeneous. The
general solution of first order ordinary differential equation written in the form of, + ay=0
is, y=C e x where c constant parameter. In this project, to solve such like of differential equation
we used method of separation variable. To solve differential equation by separation of variable
the following points should be followed.

 First, we start looking at finding the interval of validity.

 Next, we write in the form of N ( y ) dy=M ( x ) dx .

 At the last we integrate both sides and we solve it.

5.2. Recommendation
In this project work we discussed about first order ordinary differential equation. Also, we have
studied the solution of ordinary differential equation. However, the main focus of the study was
how to solve first order ordinary differential equation by using method of separation of variable.

But variables cannot be separable in all given ordinary differential equations. In this case we
should use other method of solution. Therefore, one who wants to solve first order ordinary
differential equation that is not separable can use other method like integrating factor.

[1] George m. Murphy, ordinary differential equation with applications.

[2] Kreyszig Advanced engineering mathematics (9th edition Wiley, 2005).

[3] N. S. Snider, Fundamentals of Differential Equations, Eighth Edition

[4] Paul Dawkins, Differential Equation

[5]Robert. Martin, J. ordinary differential equation.

[6] Shapely L. Ross, Differential Equations, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons,

[7] William Boyce/ Richard C.Diprima –Elementary Differential Equations and

Boundary Value Problems –Wiley (2002)

[8] (Ince,E.L 1956. Ordinary differential equations. Dover).

[9] (Simmons, George F. 1972 differential equations with applications and

historical notes, New York :Mc Graw Hill LCCN 75173716).

[10] E. Zeidler. Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications I, Fixed-Point

Theorems Springer, NewYork, 1986.
[11] E. Zeidler. Applied functional analysis: applications to mathematical physics.
Springer, New York,1995.
[12] D. Zill and W. Wright. Di_erential equations and boundary value problems.
Brooks/Cole, Boston, 2013.8th edition


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