UNIT 1 Review English 3
UNIT 1 Review English 3
UNIT 1 Review English 3
Unit 1 | Reading
Read the text. Match the health problems to the home remedies. One health problem is
not mentioned.
Home remedies
Many people around the world use home remedies based on fruit, vegetables, and herbs for
common illnesses. Your doctor's advice is very important, but some of these home remedies
may help, too. In our modern society, obesity is a common problem. For many people,
regular exercise is the best remedy. Eating less and eating cabbage can help, too! This simple
vegetable contains a chemical called tartaric acid. Tartaric acid stops sugar and other
carbohydrates in the body from becoming fat. For one month, try a delicious cabbage salad
once a day and you'll see the results.
Apples are an excellent remedy for depression. This fruit has vitamin B, phosphorus, and
potassium, which help to reduce anxiety. So, if you want to be happy, eat one chopped apple
with milk and honey for breakfast and another apple after lunch.
Herbs are always important in home remedies. Try mint tea with lemon juice for indigestion,
before and after meals. Not many people think of grapes as a health food, but there's some
evidence that grapes help your throat and lungs become strong. When you have a cough,
drink a cup of grape juice three times a day.
Unit 1 | Listening
1 English ID 2nd edition Level 2 Richmond, 2020
ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 2
Listen to the speakers. Choose the correct option.
a 31 years old
b 21 years old
c 23 years old
a Because he is married.
b Because he is tired after work.
c Because he sometimes works at night.
3 My wife ___________________ like this rose perfume. She hates the smell of roses.
a 'll probably
b probably will
c probably'll
a won't
b will
c 'll
a will
b won’t
c 'll
a will to
b won't to
c 'll
a you'll
b you will
c will you
1 He's got a fever. He should to stay in bed.
1 ca___________________r
2 fit___________________s
3 he___________________h
4 cul___________________e
5 e___________________on
1 This shirt feels bland.
a sounds
b smells
c feels
a rotten
b bland
c delicious
a awesome
b smoky
c rough
4 The music here is too ... . I can't hear what you're saying.
a quiet
b sweet
c loud
a feels
Score __________________