Lesson Plan and Tutor Evaluation - TP8 - Pedro Matias
Lesson Plan and Tutor Evaluation - TP8 - Pedro Matias
Lesson Plan and Tutor Evaluation - TP8 - Pedro Matias
of ss:
Comment on the plan
Things that went well Suggestions for future lessons (action points)
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Overall comment:
Materials & teaching aids to be used: student’s book & page numbers, where applicable [include copyright info]
Personal aims- areas in which you are trying to improve as a T Strategies to achieve personal aims
● Lessen TTT. ● Instead of explaining, have many, many checking
questions in its place.
● Better time management for each stage. ● Depiction of an ideal time where I should be ending off a
stage and starting another.
● Better clarification of language. ● Go over aspects of pronunciation like stress and linking
words when necessary.
Language Analysis
Meaning, Form & Pronunciation Possible problems with M,F,P Solutions- include timelines, CCQs, etc.
Meaning: Once upon a time Ss might not understand this CCQ:
refers to the past tense.
Used at the beginning of children's “Is this sentence in the past or present?”
stories to mean "a long time ago". Answer: Past
“So, will you be writing an academic text or
a fable?”
Answer: A fable