Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Units : 4.0
Schedule : 4 hours per week; TTh 5:30-7:30
Pre-requisitequisite : Sta cs of Rigid Bodies
Grading System:
Seatwork 30%
Quiz 30%
Major Exam 40%
Suggested References:
o Hibbeler, Russel C. Mechanics of Materials, 5th ed. Pren ce Hall, Inc. 2002.
o Higdon, Archie, et al. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies, 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
o McGill, David and Wilton M. King. Engineering Mechanics, An Introduc on to Dynamics, 3rd ed.
PWS Publishing Co., 1995.
Introduc on
The three fundamental areas of engineering mechanics are sta cs, dynamics, and mechanics of materials.
Sta cs and dynamics are devoted primarily to the study of the external effects upon rigid bodies—that is, bodies
for which the change in shape (deforma on) can be neglected. In contrast, mechanics of materials deal with the
internal effects and deforma ons that are caused by the applied loads. Both considera ons are of paramount
importance in design. A machine part or structure must be strong enough to carry the applied load without
breaking and, at the same me, the deforma ons must not be excessive.
The differences between rigid-body mechanics and mechanics of materials can be appreciated if we
consider the bar shown in Fig. 1.1. The force P required to support the load W in the posi on shown can be found
easily from equilibrium analysis. A er we draw the free-body diagram of the bar, summing moments about the pin
at O determines the value of P. In this solu on, we assume that the bar is both rigid (the deforma on of the bar is
neglected) and strong enough to support the load W. In mechanics of materials, the sta cs solu on is extended to
include an analysis of the forces ac ng inside the bar to be certain that the bar will neither break nor deform
Analysis of Internal Forces
The equilibrium analysis of a rigid body is concerned primarily with the calcula on of external reac ons
(forces that act external to a body) and internal reac ons (forces that act at internal connec ons). In mechanics of
materials, we must extend this analysis to determine internal forces—that is, forces that act on cross sec ons that
are internal to the body itself. In addi on, we must inves gate the way these internal forces are distributed within
the body.
If the external forces that hold a body in equilibrium are known, we can compute the internal forces by
straightforward equilibrium analysis. For example, consider the bar in Fig. 1.2 that is loaded by the external forces
F1, F2, F3, and F4. To determine the internal force system acting on the cross section labeled ①, we must first isolate
the segments of the bar lying on either side of section ①. The free-body diagram of the segment to the left of section
① is shown in Fig. 1.3(a). In addition to the external forces F1, F2, and F3, this free-body diagram shows the resultant
force-couple system of the internal forces that are distributed over the cross section: the resultant force R, acting at
the centroid C of the cross section, and CR, the resultant couple1 (we use double-headed arrows to represent couple-
vectors). If the external forces are known, the equilibrium equations 0 and SMC ¼ 0 can be used to compute R and
P : The component of the resultant force that is perpendicular to the cross section, tending to elongate or
shorten the bar, is called the normal force.
V : The component of the resultant force lying in the plane of the cross section, tending to shear (slide) one
segment of the bar relative to the other segment, is called the shear force.
T : The component of the resultant couple that tends to twist (rotate) the bar is called the twisting moment
or torque.
M : The component of the resultant couple that tends to bend the bar is called the bending moment.
1. Knowing that the tension in cable BC is 725N, determine the resultant of the three forces
exerted at point B of beam AB.
2. The towline exerts a force P = 4kN at the end of the 20-m long crane boom. If Ɵ = 30°, determine
the placement of the hook so that this force creates a maximum moment about point O. What is
this moment?
3. Using the same figure, The towline exerts a force of P = 4kN at the end of the 20 – m long crane
boom. If x = 25 m, determine the posi on of the boom so that this force creates a maximum
moment about point O. What is this moment
4. Determine the maximum force P that can be applied to block A without causing either block to
5. Using the method of composite areas, determine the loca on of the centroid of the shaded area
shown in the figure.