Pujya Swami Shri Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj
Lec 9 1-2-4 Vidya & Avidya marga are divergent ways P178-186
Avidya alone is the pratibhanda for attainment of Parmatama
1-2-5 Shortsightedness of an Avidyavaan P187-189
1-2-6 Saamparaya is not available for those P190-197
deluded & distracted with wealth etc.
Lec 37 Knowing Atma will liberate one from cycle of death & birth
1-3-16/17 Mahima of Listening ot Nachiketa story P560-572
Lec 41 2-1-7 When true knowledge occurs then my knowledge & I are not
two independant things Until then Sadhana should not be discarded
Aditi Deva is Atma P31-37
Meaning of Aditi
2-1-8 This Agni in the arani is Brahma P38-43
Guru's Pravchan itself is Agni manthan to kindle Jnanagni
Lec 54 2-2-4 Atma is that without which there is nothing in Deha P161-174
What is Jiva & What is Body?
Jiva is Shesha & Parameshwara is Sheshi
Vedantas Siddhanta - Tattva Jnana is independent of Karma,
upasana & Yoga
Vedanta negates itself after having given knowledge of Brahma
Lec 55 2-2-5 Body is sustained not due to Prana but Atma P175-183
Nature of Bija & Jiva
Birth is only because I consider myself Limited
Nature of Prana Dharana
Lec 92 Mortal is he who has not negated kama from swarupa P687-701
Rebirth according to one's desires
All desires are dependent on one's desire for self
Difference between Ajnana & Brama
ChidjadaGranthi is due to to not knowing one's self
Jadatva of Kama is in Sankalpa
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