Unit 6

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Opening video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kUE0BZtTRc

1. What is this video about? -> Renewable energy and some factors about it.
So can you let us know what types of renewable energy are mentioned in the video?
-> Solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass
2. According to the video and your knowledge, what are some benefits of renewable energy?
- Combat climate change because it creates no direct greenhouse effect
- Decrease pollution and therefore reduce threats to our health
- Reliable source of power, they will never run out
3. What are some drawbacks of renewable energy?
- It is difficult for renewable energy sources to generate power on the same large scale as
fossil fuels
- Disrupt wildlife and migration patterns
- Power can be intermitten
1. Solar energy
Following question: So can you give us some facts about solar energy according to your
-> Answer: Solar energy is a renewable energy source derived from the sun's radiation. It is the
most abudant energy source on Earth. Solar energy is primarily harvested using photovoltaic
cells, commonly known as solar panels. These panels consist of multiple photovoltaic cells that
convert sunlight directly into electricity.
2. Fossil fuels like coal and oil are formed underground from plant and animal remains millions
of years ago.Renewable energy like solar power and hydropower is produced using the sun,
wind, etc.
Đồng tình: If my energy company were to invest in these sustainable options, I'd consider paying
a higher bill because investing in renewable energy sources like solar or wind energy is crucial
for reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change.
Trung lập: The willingness to pay a higher bill might also depend on the extent of the increase. If
the increase is substantial and significantly impacts household finances, it might pose challenges
for some individuals or families.
4. Relying on energy from other countries can have both benefits and drawbacks:
Benefit: Able to Access to Different Resources. Some countries might have abundant resources
(like oil, natural gas, or hydroelectric power) that other nations lack. Importing energy resources
can fill this gap and provide access to resources otherwise unavailable domestically.
Drawback: Imported energy prices can fluctuate due to global market conditions, geopolitical
factors, or changes in supply and demand. This volatility can impact a country's economy and
energy security.

1. address
Working out meaning of a word from context
When you read a word you do not understand in a text, you could look in a
dictionary, but this will slow your reading process and you may forget the idea of
the passage you are reading. An alternative strategy would be guessing the meaning
of the word from the context, you can figure this out from the words before and
after it.
1. Solar: related to the sun
2. fragile: easily broken, damaged or harmed
3. store: to put or keep things for use in the future
4. geothermal: involving or produced by the heat that is inside the earth
5. wildlife: animals that live independently of people, in natural conditions
6. bury: to put something into the ground
7. bounded by: surrounded or limited by

So, What is alternative energy ?
Alternative energy, or renewable energy, comprises sources like solar, wind, hydro,

geothermal, biomass, and hydrogen. Unlike traditional fossil fuels, these options

offer eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives. Solar energy harnesses the sun's

power, wind energy captures kinetic energy, hydroelectric utilizes moving water,

and geothermal taps into the Earth's heat, all serving as a clean fuel. Embracing

these alternatives is vital for a sustainable energy future

Question 1: Which types of renewable energy could be used as an alternative

to fossil fuels in Hanoi

In Hanoi, various renewable energy sources can serve as alternatives to fossil fuels.

Solar power is highly viable due to the city's ample sunlight, with photovoltaic cells

on rooftops or solar farms. Wind energy can be harnessed from the city's breezy

conditions using wind turbines

Question 2: Nuclear power is sometimes suggested as an alternative to fossil

fuels. what are the problems with using nuclear power

Nuclear power, while low in emissions and high in energy output, presents

challenges such as the risk of accidents, radioactive waste disposal issues, high costs

and high level of scientific expertise required to run the system

Question 3: How will the growing global population affect the type of energy

sources that can be used?

The growing global population will escalate energy demand, urging a shift toward

sustainable sources like renewables to meet increased needs and address

environmental concerns

Question 4: What is more important when considering energy use: cost or

impact on the environment? Why?

In the long term, prioritizing the environment is essential for sustainability and

mitigating climate change.

Reading 2:
2. Urgent
3. alarming
4. adopt
6. diminish
7. vital
8. resistant
9. instigated

What will happen if the world starts to run out of these resources?
2. droughts; problems with growing crops, the death of livestock and other animals
3. less food and fewer habitats for animals; flooding due to excess water run - off
4. food prices would rise and there: could be riots, starvation, and death
5. prices of metals would rise sharply, consumer goods would be more expensive

How can people tackle the problem of resource shortages?

Reduce means to consume and use less. We can reduce our use of electricity, gas, oil,
and chemicals for example. Reuse means to use things again, for example, plastic
bag form the supermarket or plastic containers. Recycle means to collect and treat
garbage in order to produce useful materials. paper, glass, and some metals and
plastics can be recycled

Now, work with a partner and answer these questions.

1. No, it isn’t
2. Some energy sources may not be available to all people in certain places
because of environmental limitations or cost.
3. It is crucial that we “ go green” for the future of the planet by reducing,
reusing, and recycling

Read the article and complete the note of a students

2. Motorized
3. medical, food - storage
4 metals
5. fossil fuels
6. solar, geothermal
7. the planet

Reading 2

Language development
Exercise 4:
1. Diminish
2. Deliver
3. Contest
4. Consult
5. Instigate
6. Utilize
7. Omit
8. secure


Benefits Drawbacks Is it effective for

your country?
What is the impact
of producing it?
Hydrop ● Reliable and - High upfront costs: Hydropower has
ower stable:Hydropower plants can Building hydropower plants been effective in
generate electricity relatively can be expensive, requiring providing energy
consistently, unlike wind or significant upfront security and
solar power, which depend on investment in infrastructure. economic benefits
weather conditions. This for Vietnam, but its
This can make them less
makes hydropower a valuable impacts on the
source of baseload power
attractive compared to other
forms of renewable energy, environment and
● Storage potential: communities cannot
Hydropower plants can particularly in developing
countries. be ignored. Moving
store excess energy by forward, Vietnam
pumping water uphill - Risks of accidents: Dam needs to carefully
during periods of low failures can have consider these
demand and releasing it catastrophic consequences, impacts and focus
back down through causing flooding and loss of on responsible
turbines to generate life. While rare, these development of
electricity during peak accidents highlight the hydropower,
demand. This flexibility potential risks associated prioritizing
helps to balance the grid with large hydropower environmental
and reduce reliance on projects. protection, social
fossil fuels. justice, and
● Economic benefits: - Habitat destruction and sustainable water
Hydropower projects can loss of biodiversity: Dam resource
create jobs, stimulate local construction can flood management.
economies, and provide ecosystems, displacing
revenue for governments. animals and disrupting
They can also attract natural habitats. This can
tourism and recreational lead to the loss of species
activities to the area. and changes in ecosystem

solar - Reduces pollution: Solar - High upfront costs: Solar energy is a

energy energy production doesn't Installing solar panels can promising and
emit greenhouse gases or be expensive, especially for effective option for
other pollutants, contributing larger systems. However, Vietnam to address
to cleaner air and a healthier government incentives and its growing energy
environment. This also helps falling technology costs are needs while
in combating climate change making solar energy more transitioning
and its associated impacts. affordable. towards a more
sustainable future.
- Versatile: Solar energy can - Weather dependent: Solar However, it is
be used for various purposes, energy production depends crucial to consider
including generating on sunlight availability, the potential impacts
electricity for homes, which can be variable and implement
businesses, and communities; depending on weather responsible
powering vehicles and water conditions and location. development
pumps; and heating buildings. This means solar energy practices to
may not always be reliable maximize the
as the sole source of benefits and
electricity. minimize the
drawbacks. By
- Limited energy storage: addressing land use
Storing excess solar energy concerns, ensuring
can be expensive and grid integration,
inefficient, limiting its use managing waste
during periods of low responsibly, and
sunlight. Battery technology involving
is improving, but large- communities,
scale storage solutions are Vietnam can harness
still in development. the potential of solar
energy for a cleaner,
more secure, and
prosperous future.

wind - Abundant: Wind resources - Weather dependent: Wind Wind power

power are widely available across energy production depends presents a promising
the globe, offering potential on wind speed and can be and effective
for diverse locations to variable, leading to solution for Vietnam
generate clean energy. fluctuations in electricity to address its energy
supply. This requires needs and transition
- Cost-effective: Wind energy balancing with other energy towards a
technology has significantly sources or storage solutions. sustainable future.
improved, bringing down the However,
cost of electricity generation. - Visual impact: Wind responsible
In many regions, wind power turbines can be large and development
is now cost-competitive with visible, raising concerns practices are vital to
traditional fossil fuel sources. about their aesthetic impact minimize potential
on landscapes and potential impacts on the
- Low maintenance: Wind disruption of scenic views. environment and
turbines require minimal communities. By
maintenance once installed, - Noise pollution: Wind carefully
making them a cost-effective turbines can generate noise, considering these
option in the long run. although modern factors, Vietnam can
technology has significantly harness the potential
reduced this issue. Strategic of wind power for
siting and noise mitigation clean energy,
measures are crucial to economic growth,
minimize impacts on nearby and a more
communities. sustainable future.
biomass - Carbon-neutral: When - Environmental concerns: Biomass energy can
energy sustainably managed, the Unsustainable biomass be effective for
combustion of biomass practices like deforestation Vietnam, but its
releases the same amount of for fuelwood or large-scale success hinges on
carbon dioxide that the plants monoculture plantations can adopting sustainable
absorbed during their growth, lead to soil degradation, practices,
making it carbon-neutral. biodiversity loss, and prioritizing waste
greenhouse gas emissions. utilization, and
- Waste reduction: Biomass implementing
can utilize waste materials - Competition with food efficient conversion
like agricultural residues, production: Large-scale technologies. By
forestry waste, and municipal biomass production can addressing the
solid waste, reducing their compete with land and challenges and
environmental impact and resources needed for food ensuring responsible
promoting resource crops, potentially leading to development,
efficiency. food insecurity in some Vietnam can unlock
regions. the potential of
biomass energy for a
cleaner, more
secure, and equitable
energy future.

geother - Geothermal energy is a - Location-specific: Geothermal energy

mal continuously replenished Geothermal resources are holds significant
energy resource, deriving heat from concentrated in certain areas potential for
the Earth's core, making it a with high heat flow, Vietnam, offering
sustainable and limiting the potential for clean energy,
environmentally friendly widespread adoption in all economic benefits,
alternative to fossil fuels. regions. and diversification
- Efficient: Geothermal power of the energy mix.
plants can convert heat energy - Technical challenges: However, careful
into electricity with high Drilling deep into the Earth consideration of
efficiency, typically and managing high high upfront costs,
exceeding 80%. This means temperatures and pressures potential
they produce more energy for require specific expertise environmental
the amount of resources used and technology. impacts, and the
compared to other forms of need for specialized
electricity generation. - Limited potential: Not all expertise and
regions have suitable technology is
- Minimal emissions: geological conditions for crucial. By
Geothermal power generation geothermal development, implementing
produces minimal greenhouse restricting its potential as a responsible
gases and other air pollutants, global energy source. development
contributing to cleaner air and practices, addressing
mitigating climate change. community
concerns, and
investing in research
and technology,
Vietnam can harness
the potential of
geothermal energy
for a cleaner, more
secure, and
sustainable energy


Exercise 1 page 139
1 who (Enrico Fermi)
2 whose (people)
3 where (cabinet)
4 when (at night)
5 which (ethanol)

Exercise 2 page 140

1. that ( no commas required)
2. solar power, which is a form of renewable energy, is very popular in southern Spain
3. that (no commas required)
4. that (no commas required)
5. who (no commas required)
6. AI Gore, who is a key supporter of alternative energy, won the global Nobel prize in 2007


Page 140

1. Use the prompts to create sentences.

2. The most serious disadvantage of biomass energy is that it produces greenhouse gases.
3. One other inherent disadvantage of biomass energy is that large areas of land are needed
4. One major advantage of hydropower energy is that energy is stored and can be used when
5. A distinct disadvantage of geothermal energy is that it is only available in certain places.

Page 141

2. Read the paragraph and complete

(1) For example
(2) however
(3) they
(4) in the same way
(5) this

3. Read the sentences and write

Turbines and hydropower plants both change the landscape of an area. Some think that they are important
sources of alternative energy. This is because fossil fuels use has been linked to global warming. Some
people are more concerned about using fossil fuels than other people are. Others, however, think it is
more important to save money than to reduce global warming as alternative energy production facilities
can be expensive to conduct.

Page 142


Introductory paragraph: Vietnam utilizes four main sources of renewable energy: hydroelectricity,
Thesis statement wind power, solar power and biomass. There has been debate over which
type is the most sufficient in our country with the top three contenders being
hydroelectricity, wind power and solar power. I am of the opinion that
hydroelectricity is the most suitable energy source for our nation.

Point 1 (energy type 1): HYDROPOWER

Description Pros:
Advantage(s) Reliable and stable
Disadvantage(s) Storage potential
Economic benefits
High upfront costs
Risks of accidents
Habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity

Point 2 (energy type 2): SOLAR POWER

Description Pros:
Advantage(s) Reduces pollution
Disadvantage(s) Versatile
High upfront costs
Weather dependent
Limited energy storage

Point 3 (energy type 3): WIND POWER

Description Pros:
Advantage(s) Abundant
Disadvantage(s) Cost-effective
Low maintenance
Weather dependent
Visual impact
Noise pollution

Concluding paragraph: All three types of energy have different advantages and disadvantages.
your preferred option However, overall, hydropower is still the renewable energy source that
and why works the best for our country.

3. Write first draft

Vietnam utilizes four main sources of renewable energy: hydro electricity, wind power, solar power and
biomass, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. There have been numerous debates over which
type is the most sufficient in our country with the top two contenders being hydroelectricity and solar
power. I am of the opinion that hydroelectricity is the most suitable energy source for our nation.
Hydro power has been effective in providing energy security and economic benefits for Vietnam. One
major advantage of this type of energy is that it’s reliable and stable. Hydro power plants can generate
electricity relatively consistently, unlike wind or solar power, which depend on weather conditions.
However, a distinct disadvantage of hydroelectricity is the risk of accidents. Dam failures can have
catastrophic consequences, causing flooding and loss of life. Therefore, moving forward, Vietnam needs
to carefully consider these impacts and focus on responsible development of hydro power.
Another promising and effective option for Vietnam to address its growing energy needs is solar energy.
The most obvious advantage of solar power is that it reduces pollution. Solar energy production doesn't
emit greenhouse gases or other pollutants, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment. This
also helps in combating climate change and its associated impacts. Having said that, an inherent
disadvantage of solar power is its limited energy storage. Storing excess solar energy can be expensive
and inefficient, limiting its use during periods of low sunlight. For that reason, it is crucial to implement
responsible development practices to maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks.
In conclusion, with the sprawling river network in our country, it seems like hydropower will continue to
be the most dominant and effective form of alternative energy in Vietnam. It is worth noting, however,
that the combination of all forms of renewable energy source might prove to be the most efficient over
any individual types of energy alone.

4. Revise

Task Checklist

Did you follow the five-paragraph essay structure? X

Did you describe each type of energy (its advantages and disadvantages) sufficiently? V

Did you explain how each type could or could not be used in your country, and what V
the impact would be?

Did you explain which option would work best in your country and why? V

5. Make changes.
6. Edit

Language checklist

Did you use appropriate subject-specific language? V

Did you spell any energy collocations correctly? X

Did you use commas and relative pronouns appropriately in relative clauses? V

Did you use some of the phrases to introduce advantages and disadvantages presented in V
this unit?

Did you use devices to make your writing coherent? V

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