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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the award of degree
Computer Engineering


1. Lande Sayali Amardeep

2. Raut Shweta Tulshiram
3. Jamadade Pranjali Tukaram
4. Kamble Aishwarya Prashant


Mr. A . S . Bhatlavade



The project report entitled “Mini-calculator.”

Submitted by:

1. Lande sayali Amardeep

2. Raut Shweta Tulshiram
3. Jamadade Pranjali Tukaram
4. Kamble Aishwarya Prashant

Is approved for the Diploma of Engineering in Computer from SVERI’S College of

Engineering (Polytechnic), Pandharpur.

Name of Guide Name of H.O.D

(Mr . A . S . Bhatlavande) (Mr . P . S . Bhandare)
Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering
SVERI’S COE (Poly), Pandharpur. SVERI’S COE (Poly), Pandharpur.

Examiner Principal
(Prof. ) (Prof. Dr. N.D. Misal)
Place: Pandharpur

Annexure II
Evolution sheet for Micro Project
Academic Year: - 2023-24 Name of Faculty: -Mr . A . S . Bhatlvande
Course: - Computer Engineering Course code: - CO4I
Subject: - Software Engineering Subject Code: -22412
Semester:- 4th Scheme: - I
Title of
Project: -
COs addressed by the Micro Project:

CO1 Select suitable software process model for software development.

CO2 Prepare software requirement specification.
Major Learning Outcomes achieved by students by doing the Project:
 Select relevant process model to define activities and related tasks
set for assigned project.
(a)Practical Outcomes:  Prepare use-case and draw use-case diagram using Software
Modeling Tool.
 Prepare SRS Documentation.
 Select the relevant software process model for the given problem
statement with justification.
(b) Unit Outcomes in  Prepare SRS for given problem.
Cognitive domain:  Explain the given characteristic of software testing.
 Apply the RMMM strategy in identified risk for the software
 development problem.

(c) Outcomes in  Follow safety practices.

Affective Domain:  Practice good housekeeping.
 Demonstrate working as a leader/ a team member.

Comments/Suggestions about teamwork/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Marks out Marks out

of 6 for of 4 for
Total marks
Roll No Name of student performan performance in
out of 10
ce in group oral/Presentatio
activity n
11 Lande Sayali Amardeep
23 Raut Shweta Tulshiram
56 Jamadade Pranjali Tukaram
57 Kambale Aishwarya Prashant
Name &
Signature Name: Mr. A . S . Rupnar Signature:
of faculty

I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to my guide,
Mr . A . S . Bhatlvande sir for her constant support, motivation, valuable guidance and immense help
during the entire course of this work. Without her constant encouragement, timely advice and
valuable discussion, it would have been difficult in completing this work. I would also like to
acknowledge Computer Engineering department who provided me the facilities for completion of the
project. We are thankful to her for sharing her experienced in research field with me and providing
constant motivation during entire project work.

Name of Student:-

1. Lande Sayali Amardeep

2. Raut Shweta Tulshiram
3. Jamadade Panjali Tukaram
4. Kamble Aishwarya Prashant

 Instagram

1 Rationale:

This project consist of the in depth knowledge of assembly language programming including
registers, data shifting, procedures, codes etc. As the project mini-calculator was created using
assembly language. It gets the system calculation it on the console screen.

2 Aim/Benefits of the Micro-project:

1. Introduction to 8086 assembly language programming

2. creating a program for displaying addition, Subtraction, multiplication, division

based on system and retrieval procedure.

3 Course Outcomes Achieved:

1. Analyze the functional block of 8086 microprocessor.
2.Write assembly language program for given problem.
3. use instruction for different addressing mode.
4. Develop assembly language program using assembler.

4 Literature Review:
Microprocessor and interfacing consist of programming of system connections and interfacing
microprocessors and their peripheral devices in detail. This chapters over assembly language
programming of 8086 based system. Later portions of the text discuses all aspects of interfacing
including Bus architecture, microcomputer interface with input/output devices and systems A/D and
D/A conversion and operating system.

Instagram is a photo and video sharing social networking service owned by Meta Platforms. Instagram
began development in San Francisco as Burbn, a mobile check-in app created by Kevin Systrom and
Mike Krieger.It allows users to upload media that can be edited with filters, be organized by hashtags,
and be associated with a location via geographical tagging. Posts can be shared publicly or with
preapproved followers. Users can browse other users' content by tags and locations, view trending
content, like photos, and follow other users to add their content to a personal feed. A Meta-operated
image-centric social media platform, it is available on IOS, Android, Windows 10, and the web. Users
can take photos and edit them using built-in filters and other tools, then share them on other social
media platforms like Facebook. It supports 32 language including English, Spanish, French, Korean, and
Originally launched for IOS in October 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Instagram rapidly
gained popularity, with one million registered users in two months, 10 million in a year, and 1 billion
by June 2018. In April 2012, Facebook Inc. acquired the service for approximately US$1 billion in
cash and stock. The Android version of Instagram was released in April 2012, followed by a feature-
limited desktop interface in November 2012, a Fire OS app in June 2014, and an app for Windows 10
in October 2016.So why it uses the incremental model.

 Process Model for Instagram :- Incremental process model

Incremental Model is a process of software development where requirements divided into
multiple standalone modules of the software development cycle. In this model, each module goes
through the requirements, design, implementation and testing phases. Every subsequent release
of the module adds function to the previous release. The process continues until the complete

system achieved.

 The various phases of incremental model are as follows:

1. Requirement analysis: In the first phase of the incremental model, the product analysis expertise
identifies the requirements. And the system functional requirements are understood by the
requirement analysis team. To develop the software under the incremental model, this phase
performs a crucial role.
2. Design & Development: In this phase of the Incremental model of SDLC, the design of the
system functionality and the development method are finished with success. When software develops
new practicality, the incremental model uses style and development phase.
3. Testing: In the incremental model, the testing phase checks the performance of each existing
function as well as additional functionality. In the testing phase, the various methods are used to test
the behaviour of each task.
4. Implementation: Implementation phase enables the coding phase of the development system. It
involves the final coding that design in the designing and development phase and tests the
functionality in the testing phase. After completion of this phase, the number of the product working
is enhanced and upgraded up to the final system product.

 When we use the Incremental Model?

 When the requirements are superior.
 A project has a lengthy development schedule.
 When Software team are not very well skilled or trained.
 When the customer demands a quick release of the product.
 You can develop prioritized requirements first.

 Advantage of Incremental Model

 Errors are easy to be recognized.
 Easier to test and debug
 More flexible.
 Simple to manage risk because it handled during its iteration.
 The Client gets important functionality early.
 Disadvantage of Incremental Model
 Need for good planning
 Total Cost is high.
 Well defined module interfaces are needed.

 Characteristic of instagram:-
 Stories Highlight
 Reels
 Share Stories
 Instagram shops
 Instagram Stories
 Control comments
 Follow hashtags
 Story captions
 Sticker
 Instagram Live

 Instagram Functional Requirements:

User Authentication and Authorization:

o Users should be able to create accounts, log in securely, and manage their profiles.

o Different levels of access (public, private) for user accounts.

Photo and Video Sharing:

o Users can upload and share photos and videos.
o Options to apply filters, edit, and customize media content.

Social Interactions:
o Like, comment, and share features on posts.
o Direct messaging functionality for private conversations.

Explore and Discovery:

o Explore feature to discover new content and accounts.
o Search functionality based on user profiles, hashtags, and locations.

Profile Management:
o Users can edit and customize their profiles.
o View and manage follower/following lists.

o Users receive notifications for likes, comments, and new followers.
o Push notifications for real-time updates.

Stories and Reels:

o Users can create and share ephemeral content through Stories.
o Short-form video content with features similar to Stories (Reels).

IGTV (Instagram TV):

o Long-form video content platform integrated into Instagram.

Shopping Features (for Business Accounts):

o E-commerce integration for business accounts to showcase and sell products.

 Instagram Non-Functional Requirements:


o Fast loading times for images and videos.
o Responsive user interface with smooth scrolling.

o Ability to handle a large user base and increasing amounts of media content.
o Scalable infrastructure to support growth.

Reliability and Availability:

o High availability to ensure the platform is accessible at all times.
o Minimal downtime for maintenance or updates.

o Secure user authentication and data encryption.
o Protection against unauthorized access and data breaches.

o Robust privacy controls for user accounts.
o Compliance with data protection regulations.

o Design considerations for accessibility, ensuring the platform is usable by individuals with

 Software requirement specification:-

1. User-friendly interface: SRS for Instagram should have a clean and intuitive interface to provide
a seamless user experience.

2. Account security: It should have robust security measures in place to protect users' personal
information and prevent hacking or unauthorized access.

3. Privacy settings: Users should be able to control who can see their posts, comments, and direct
messages to ensure their privacy and safety.

4. Customization options: Users should have the ability to customize their profile, notifications, and
preferences to make the app more personalized and enjoyable to use.

5. Content moderation: Instagram should have effective content moderation tools in place to prevent
hate speech, harassment, and other inappropriate content from being shared on the platform.

6. Integration with other platforms: Users should be able to easily share their Instagram posts on
other social media platforms and websites to increase their reach and engagement.

7. Real-time notifications: The SRS should provide users with real-time notifications for new likes,
comments, and messages to keep them engaged and informed.

8. Data privacy: Instagram should comply with data protection laws and regulations to ensure that
users' personal information is kept secure and not shared with third parties without their consent.

 Use-case diagram

 DFD-Diagram

 Test cases:-
Positive Test Cases:

1. Creating a new Instagram account with a valid email address and username.

2. Logging in with correct username and password.

3. Uploading a photo or video successfully.

4. Liking a post or comment.

5. Sending a direct message to a friend.

Negative Test Cases:

1. Creating a new Instagram account with an invalid email address.

2. Logging in with incorrect username or password.

3. Uploading a file type that is not supported by Instagram.

4. Trying to like a post or comment that has been deleted.

5. Sending a direct message to a user who has blocked you.

 There are several types of risks involved in using Instagram:
1. Privacy risk: Users may unknowingly disclose personal information that could be exploited by
hackers or other malicious actors.

2. Security risk: Instagram accounts may be targeted by cybercriminals who attempt to steal sensitive
information or take control of the account.

3. Reputation risk: Inappropriate posts or comments could damage a user's reputation or have negative
consequences on their personal or professional life.

4. Cyberbullying risk: Users may be subjected to harassment, bullying, or other forms of abuse on the

5. Data breach risk: Instagram may experience a data breach that exposes user data to unauthorized

6. Content risk: Users may come across harmful or inappropriate content while using the platform.

7. Financial risk: Scammers may use Instagram to trick users into giving away their money or
sensitive finanacial information.

 RMMM Plan:-
Risk mitigation on Instagram involves identifying potential threats to your account, reputation, or
personal information, and taking proactive steps to prevent or minimize these risks. Some common
risks on Instagram include account hacking, impersonation, online harassment, and privacy breaches.
To mitigate these risks, you can:

1. Enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your account.

2. Use a strong, unique password for your Instagram account and change it regularly.

3. Be cautious of suspicious links, messages, or requests from unknown users.

4. Avoid sharing personal information, such as your home address or phone number, in public posts.

5. Regularly review your privacy settings and adjust them to limit who can see your posts, comments.

6. Report any abusive or harassing behavior to Instagram and block or unfollow offending accounts.

7. Keep your app and device software up to date to protect against security vulnerabilities.

 Monitoring your Instagram account involves regularly checking for any unusual activity, such as
unauthorized logins, sudden spikes in followers or likes, or unexpected changes to your profile. You
can set up notifications for login alerts and review your account activity regularly to spot any red
 Management of your Instagram account includes creating a consistent posting schedule, engaging
with your followers, using relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience, and maintaining a cohesive
aesthetic for your profile. You can also use analytics tools to track your account's performance, such
as engagement rates, follower growth, and popular posts.

 Function point metrices:-

1. Follower Count: This metric measures the total number of followers a profile has on Instagram.
A higher follower count generally indicates a larger reach and influence on the platform.

2. Engagement Rate: Engagement rate measures the level of interaction and engagement that a
profile receives from its followers. It is calculated by dividing the total number of interactions (likes,
comments, shares) by the total number of followers, and multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

3. Reach: Reach refers to the total number of unique accounts that have seen a particular post or
story on Instagram. It is a key metric for measuring the potential exposure of a profile's content.

4. Impressions: Impressions represent the total number of times that a post or story has been
displayed on users' screens, regardless of whether they engaged with it or not.

5. Click-through Rate (CTR): CTR measures the percentage of users who have clicked on a link
included in a post or story. It is a valuable metric for determining the effectiveness of a profile's call-
to-action strategies.

6. Hashtag Performance: Monitoring the performance of hashtags used in posts can provide
valuable insights into the reach and engagement of content. Tracking the number of impressions
and interactions generated by specific hashtags can help optimize future content strategies.

7. Profile Visits: Profile visits measure the number of users who have visited a profile after viewing
a post or story. This metric indicates the level of interest and curiosity that a profile's content has
sparked among viewers.

8. Stories Completion Rate: This metric measures the percentage of users who have watched an
entire Instagram story from start to finish. A high completion rate suggests engaging and captivating
storytelling content.

9. Audience Growth Rate: Audience growth rate calculates the percentage increase in followers
over a specific period. Monitoring this metric can help track the effectiveness of growth strategies
and identify areas for improvement.

 COCOMO model:-
COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) is a software development cost estimation model developed
by Barry Boehm. However, we can use the COCOMO model to estimate the cost and effort required
to develop a software project like Instagram.
To apply the COCOMO model to Instagram, we would need to consider factors such as the size of
the project, the complexity of the features, the experience of the development team, and the
development environment. Based on these factors, we can estimate the cost, schedule, and effort
required to develop Instagram.
It's important to note that COCOMO is just a model and the actual cost and effort required to
develop a project like Instagram may vary based on various factors. However, using the COCOMO
model can provide a starting point for estimating the resources needed for the project.

 CPM:-
The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a project management technique used to identify the sequence of
tasks that are critical to the completion of a project. In the context of Instagram, the CPM could refer
to the strategic planning and scheduling of tasks or activities necessary for successful social media
marketing campaigns on the platform. This method helps in determining the most efficient way to
achieve specific goals and deadlines by identifying the critical tasks that could impact the overall
project timeline. If you need further assistance or clarification on how to apply the CPM to your
Instagram strategy.

7 Actual Resource Used:

Sr.No Name of Recourse Specification Qty Remark 8

Skill Developed/Learning outcome of Micro-Project:
1 Desktop computer RAM-GB 1
OS-Windows 10
2 Software Assembles- 1

1. Logical and Reasoning.

2. Thinking Skill.
3 .Designing Skill.
4 .Imagination Skill.

9 Application of this Micro-Project:

1 . A simple project on system related operation.
2 . Sequel date and time programs in different formats.
3. To save date and time for each transaction and operation.
4. Can be used in Bank management system and Hotel management System etc.
5. It can also be used for schedule or task related operations or clocks etc.

10 Conclusion:
Thus ,By completing this project we have not only understood the assembly language programming
but also different methods of solving a problem. We can understood core of system related
operations, getting value and passing to variable, shifting of data, registering etc.

11 References:


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