Journal Influenza
Journal Influenza
Journal Influenza
Benjamin F. Johnson1,2, Louise E. Wilson3, Joanna Ellis1, Alex J. Elliot4, Wendy S. Barclay2, Richard G. Pebody1, Jim McMenamin3, Douglas M. Fleming4, Maria C. Zambon1*
1 Centre for Infections, Health Protection Agency, London, United Kingdom, 2 Department of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 3 Health Protection Scotland, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4 Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Background: In the northern hemisphere winter of 200304 antigenic variant strains (A/Fujian/411/02 like) of influenza A H3N2 emerged. Circulation of these strains in the UK was accompanied by an unusually high number of laboratory confirmed influenza associated fatalities in children. This study was carried out to better understand risk factors associated with fatal cases of influenza in children. Methodology/Principal Findings: Case histories, autopsy reports and death registration certificates for seventeen fatal cases of laboratory confirmed influenza in children were analyzed. None had a recognized pre-existing risk factor for severe influenza and none had been vaccinated. Three cases had evidence of significant bacterial co-infection. Influenza strains recovered from fatal cases were antigenically similar to those circulating in the community. A comparison of protective antibody titres in age stratified cohort sera taken before and after winter 200304 showed that young children had the highest attack rate during this season (21% difference, 95% confidence interval from 0.09 to 0.33, p = 0.0009). Clinical incidences of influenza-like illness (ILI) in young age groups were shown to be highest only in the years when novel antigenic drift variants emerged. Conclusions/Significance: This work presents a rare insight into fatal influenza H3N2 in healthy children. It confirms that circulating seasonal influenza A H3N2 strains can cause severe disease and death in children in the apparent absence of associated bacterial infection or predisposing risk factors. This adds to the body of evidence demonstrating the burden of severe illness due to seasonal influenza A in childhood.
Citation: Johnson BF, Wilson LE, Ellis J, Elliot AJ, Barclay WS, et al. (2009) Fatal Cases of Influenza A in Childhood. PLoS ONE 4(10): e7671. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0007671 Editor: Adam J. Ratner, Columbia University, United States of America Received June 9, 2009; Accepted October 10, 2009; Published October 30, 2009 Copyright: 2009 Johnson et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Funding: This work was carried out during a public health investigation into pediatric deaths from influenza in children carried out at the HPA and Health Protection Scotland during the winter 20032004. The HPA had no role in additional study design, the decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. Competing Interests: LEW has received an educational travel grant to attend an American Thoracic Society conference from Altana; DMF has received lecture fees and consultancy fees from Roche in relation to influenza epidemiology, therapeutic management and vaccination; WSB has received financial support for research and consultancy undertaken for Sanofi Pasteur and Crucell relating to the development of new influenza vaccines; the Health Protection Agency receives funding from a variety of influenza vaccine manufacturers for research and development carried out in the laboratory of MCZ. All other authors have no competing interests. * E-mail: Current address: Real-time Syndromic Surveillance Team, West Midlands Health Protection Agency, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Influenza A virus is a cause of severe morbidity and mortality worldwide [1,2]. In the developed world, most influenzaassociated deaths occur in the elderly but fatal outcomes occur regularly in young adults and children [3,4]. Human seasonal influenza A viruses evolve rapidly through genetic mutation, allowing them to escape previously acquired immunity [5]. Viral variants that are altered in their antigenic properties emerge frequently, a phenomenon described as antigenic drift, which is particularly marked with human influenza A H3N2. A/Fujian/411/02-like influenza A H3N2, first noted in sporadic cases of returning U.K. travellers in early summer 2003 [6] was antigenically distinguishable from the previously circulating H3N2 drift variant, A/Panama/2007/99 and replaced it to became the only circulating strain in winter season 200304 [7].
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This study investigated fatal cases of influenza H3N2 in children during the emergence of A/Fujian/411/02 in the UK in winter 200304. The goals of the study were: to investigate whether any of the case fatalities had underlying disease or risk factors; to evaluate how laboratory confirmed infections were recorded in death certification; to describe the clinical and pathological findings in relation to circulating virus strains; and to investigate whether the high number of laboratory confirmed fatalities was reflected in measures of morbidity in primary care, age specific attack rates and age specific all-cause mortality. We reviewed the antecedent illness history, underlying risk factors, clinical findings and observed pathology at autopsy. Age-stratified serological data were combined with community based clinical morbidity data to provide an assessment of the overall population immune susceptibility, attack rates and impact of A/Fujian/411/02-like influenza in comparison with other winter seasons in which new H3N2 antigenic variants emerged.
October 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 10 | e7671
Surveillance data, clinical incidence data for influenza-like illness (ILI) and death registration data
The Weekly Returns Service (WRS) of the Royal College of General Practitioners is a clinical information system based upon a network of sentinel general practices located throughout England and Wales [8]. Mean weekly incidence rates per 100,000 population for first and new episodes of ILI (ICD9 487) were calculated for influenza virus active weeks during each winter (weeks 40 to 20) as previously described [8]. Data were aggregated into the age groups; all-age, 04, 514, 1544, 4564 and 65+ years. Surveillance data about circulating influenza viruses in the U.K. is recorded weekly in the HPA National Influenza Report, available online at web/HPAweb&HPAwebStandard/HPAweb_C/1195733836222.
Case No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time between illness onset and death 7 days Sudden Death 34 days 12 7 days 14 days 1 day Sudden Death 4 days Sudden Death Sudden Death 3 days 2 days 3 days 7 days 3 days 1 day
Clinical illness Flu like symptoms for several days with vomiting and diarrhoea. Few hours temperature, vomiting, confusion and rapid collapse. Cerebral oedema CT scan. Vomiting over several days. Rapid collapse and terminal deterioration. Mild respiratory illness. Sudden death. Mild illness. Hypothermia and circulatory collapse, terminal deterioration. Fever, cough and chest infection. Cardiac arrest. Sore throat and temperature. Sudden collapse. No. Ear infection. Fever, cough and cold. Collapse. No. No. Cough for few days. Apnoea. Fever and tachypnoea. Croup like illness 23 days. Flu like illness and lethargy. Mild respiratory illness. Lethargy then haemopytsis. Chest X-ray consolidation High temperature and lethargy.
Post Mortem Findings Congested larynx and trachea. No focal consolidation. Enlarged liver. Patchy intraalveolar haemorrhage. Hypoxia & swollen brain. Norovirus detected. Acute bronchitis and early bronchopneumonia. Intraalveolar haemorrhage. Staphlococcus aureus septicaemia. Diffuse alveolar damage and intraalveolar haemorrhage. Tracheobronchitis. Enterovirus detected Widespread myocarditis. Tracheobronchitis. Pulmonary oedema. Pleural effusion. Pulmonary oedema Bilateral pulmonary & pericardial effusion. Diffuse widespread myocarditis. Starry sky and haemorrhagic lymph nodes with lymphadenopathy. Tracheitis and Epiglottitis. Lung congestion Peribronchial infiltrate. Lymphadenopathy, haemorrhagic spleen. Acute hypoxia/ischaemia in the brain Bronchopneumonia Tracheal ulceration and epiglottitis. Intraalveolar haemorrhage Lung infiltrates. Haemorrhagic spleen Tracheitis. Intrapulmonary haemorrhage. Enlarged, haemorrhagic thymus Tracheitis. Intraalveolar haemorrhage. Unusual laryngeal musculature. Bilateral pleural effusions. Pulmonary oedema. Severe ulcerative tracheitis. Lymphadenopathy Congested lungs. Severe ulcerative tracheitis. Starry sky lymph nodes. Haemorrhagic thymus. Enlarged spleen. Tracheobronchitis. Interstitial haemorrhage. Streptococcus pneumoniae septicaemia. Bronchopneumonia with intraalveolar haemorrhage, necrosis and secondary. Streptococcal pneumonia. Lymphadenopathy Haemorrhagic pneumonia. Brain oedema and lung collapse. Lymphadenopathy and haemorrhagic lymph nodes.
included congestion, intraalveolar haemorrhage, necrosis, diffuse alveolar damage, pulmonary edema, lung infiltrates, pleural effusions, hemorrhagic pneumonia and lung collapse. Extra-pulmonary pathology included two cases (12%) with marked cerebral edema suggestive of hypoxia, sepsis in two cases (12%) due to Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pneumoniae and myocarditis in two cases (12%). Eight cases (47%) showed abnormalities of the lymphoid system, including seven (41%) with enlargement of the lymph nodes (LN), thymus or spleen, six (35%) with hemorrhagic LN, thymus or spleen and two (12%) with starry sky LN indicating an infiltration of macrophages in the lymphoid tissue. No metabolic disorders were recognized ante or post mortem, although one case showed unusual large fiber laryngeal musculature of uncertain significance.
and myocarditis (I40, I514) were identified as contributing causes to death on three certificates. No death certificate indicated any chronic medical conditions known to increase the risk of severe disease from influenza infection.
Death registration
Death registration information was not available for one case. By routine death registration only nine of sixteen fatal cases (56%) were coded with influenza (ICD10 J10J11). Seven of these specifically mentioned influenza A on the death certificate and a further certificate mentioned influenza when text was searched manually. Two (13%) of the deaths were registered as pneumonia (J18); two (13%) as other respiratory disorders (J98); two (13%) were registered as sudden infant death (SIDS) and one as acute myocarditis, without mention of influenza (I40). Septicemia (A41)
Figure 1. Age-distribution of seroconversion to influenza virus in 2003 and 2004. Charts show the proportion of sera from the summers of 2003 (clear bars) and 2004 (filled bars) that gave a HI titre above 1/40 for each age group against A/Wyoming/3/03 (antigenically equivalent to A/Fujian/411/02), together with the 95% confidence interval (error bars). Asterisks denote statistical significance (*p,0?05; **p,0?01). A total of 882 and 799 serum samples were tested for 2003 and 2004 respectively, each in duplicate, together with control ferret sera. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007671.g001
by arrows). All three seasons corresponded to the emergence of significant antigenic drift variants of influenza A H3N2 in 199596 (A/Wuhan/359/95), 199798 (A/Sydney/5/97) and 200304 (A/Fujian/411/02). During this period of time there were no other new H3N2 drift variants which emerged and dominated virus circulation. The mean weekly incidence rates of ILI were compared for different age groups during these influenza seasons, together with 19992000 as an example of a winter season with a dominance of circulating influenza A H3N2 and high population morbidity (Figure 2), but where a new drift variant did not emerge. The emergence of significant antigenic drift variants in 199596, 199798 and 200304 was accompanied by the highest incidences of ILI in those aged 04 years (Figure 3A, B and D). The season 200304 was notable for the fact that population morbidity rates in young children aged 04 were more than twice those of the overall all-age morbidity, indicating substantial disease burden in the young. This is consistent with the serological findings of the highest age specific attack rates having occurred in the youngest age groups during this winter period. In the winter 199900, where a new antigenic drift variant did not emerge, the highest rates of ILI morbidity rates were recorded in the older age groups 4564 and 65 and over (Figure 3C).
Winter 200304 was marked by an unusually high number of severe and fatal cases of influenza in the young, following the emergence of the influenza A H3N2 antigenic drift variant A/ Fujian/411/02 [6]. The cases all occurred in children without known risk factors and for whom no vaccination would be recommended. The greatest susceptibility to the drift variant was in the youngest age group as demonstrated by age specific attack rates estimated serologically. This conclusion correlated with a separate determination of population morbidity recorded in primary care during the peak periods of virus circulation during the 200304 winter period, although there was no increase in all-
Figure 2. Clinical incidence rate of influenza-like illness (ILI) per 100,000 population recorded by the Royal College of General Practitioners Weekly Returns Service. Weekly incidence rate of ILI presented for all-age, 04 and 514 years age groups. Vertical shaded bars represent defined periods of influenza virus circulation derived from laboratory reports.[8] Arrows indicate those years in which a new variant was introduced into the community (1. A/Wuhan/359/95; 2. A/Sydney/5/97; 3. A/Fujian/411/02). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007671.g002
Figure 3. Clinical incidence rate of influenza-like illness (ILI) by age group expressed as a factor of the all-age incidence rate. Mean weekly incidence rates of ILI during influenza virus active weeks were calculated for winters: A) 1995/96 (A/Wuhan/359/95); B) 1997/98 (A/Sydney/5/ 97); C) 1999/00 (no new variant); and D) 2003/04 (A/Fujian/411/02). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007671.g003
cause mortality in children ,14 years that year (HPA unpublished observations). Over a ten year period, years that had the highest population morbidity in the youngest age groups were those that saw the emergence and circulation of novel H3N2 antigenic drift variants. Together, this suggests that the most vulnerable individuals are those with the least immunity to influenza as a result of limited prior exposure to circulating strains, and we suggest that a gradual build up of immunity as a result of exposure correlates with protection in the face of a novel drift variant. Therefore, the emergence of drift variants or pandemic influenza strains will cause higher morbidity and mortality rates in young children due to the lack of cross reactive immunity, either cellular or humoral, raised during a previous natural infection. It is interesting to note that in a recent study of the current outbreak of novel swine-origin influenza A (H1N1), 60% of patients were 18 years of age or younger [13]. The range of clinical complications in UK fatal cases can be grouped into categories including (1) fulminant progression to death after an initially mild illness, (2) invasive bacterial infection, (3) respiratory tract complications and (4) non respiratory complications including myocarditis and encephalopathy. Extrapulmonary complications of myocarditis and encephalopathy were not accompanied by the detection of viral RNA from brain or heart tissue by RT-PCR, although virus was recovered from the nasopharynx. The pathological conclusions rest on histology findings, which suggests that tissue damage may occur through mechanisms other than direct viral replication, as has been previously suggested [14]. The clinical microbiological findings add to the debate about the importance of bacterial co-pathogens in influenza associated fatality. Only three (18%) of the fatal cases showed evidence of significant bacterial co-infection. This is similar to findings from fatal cases in the US 200304 and also to preliminary information from the current outbreak of swine-origin influenza A H1N1,
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where a minority of paediatric hospital admissions had possible or probable bacterial infection [3,15]. This is substantially less than the figures for the 1918 (96%) or 1957 (75%) influenza pandemics [14,16] or during the 200809 influenza season in the USA, where six (66.7%) out of nine reported deaths in children had bacterial coinfections, mainly Staphylococcus aureus [17]. It is possible that treatment with antibiotics in 200304 may have masked the contribution of bacterial pathogens to pathology, or that the post mortem bacteriological findings have been underestimated, although at least half of the fatal cases died without any therapeutics. Disparities in the assessment of contribution played by bacterial co-pathogens may reflect differences between adult and child fatal case series, and may also be due to variations between different strains of influenza. In this case series over 40% of death certificates had no mention of influenza as a direct or indirect cause of death, and in over 70% of cases the diagnosis of influenza was not made until post mortem tissue was examined. The burden of influenza in young children is therefore under recognized, precisely because few influenza infections are recognized clinically [4]. Of the cases reported to HPA and Health Protection Scotland during 20032004, seventeen were laboratory confirmed for A/Fujian/411/02-like influenza. This number is not comprehensive and is likely to underestimate the number of fatal cases that occurred. Recognition of influenza can provide the opportunity for improved infection control, vaccination and antiviral therapy. Use of national mortality registration data to estimate deaths due to influenza in childhood will seriously underestimate the impact of influenza even if all cause mortality is considered. A risk-factor based influenza vaccination program for children would not prevent these fatal cases as the reasons underlying susceptibility to severe disease remain cryptic. Further studies on the outcome of seasonal influenza in children will help us to predict the impact of future epidemics and will assist understandOctober 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 10 | e7671
ing of the outcome of infections in the immune nave host during influenza pandemics.
of the Sero-Epidemiology Unit for provision of samples and technical support; and Joseph Eliahoo, Imperial College London, for statistical advice.
We thank all the hospital staff and other health workers who reported deaths, provided samples or information for this study; the WRS sentinel practices for providing the GP episode data; Ruth Reith, Health Protection Agency, for excellent technical support; Louise Hesketh and Andrew Vyse
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: BFJ JE WSB MZ. Performed the experiments: BFJ LEW AJE RGP. Analyzed the data: BFJ LEW AJE WSB RGP JM DMF MZ. Wrote the paper: BFJ WSB MZ.
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