Enhancing Residential Security Implementation of A
Enhancing Residential Security Implementation of A
Enhancing Residential Security Implementation of A
1 Introduction
In this era of technological advancements and the increase in the IoT, the need for advanced
interdisciplinary approaches through IoT based solutions to enhance residential safety and
security has taken a significant leap forward. ATFS is an IoT based solution specifically
developed to address residential threats. This Smart system leverages pressure sensors
seamlessly integrated into the flooring or floor mat to identify the intruder’s presence on his
stepping on. The combination of IoT technology with the traditional concept of pressure
sensing forms the ATFS. This system goes existing security systems by not only identifying
intruder presence but also initiating a secure OTP generation process. The utilization of
pressure sensors embedded in the flooring or floor mat is a testament to the system’s
innovative approach to security, as it creates an invisible shield capable of detecting
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01019 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202450701019
2 Existing methods
The following section deals with the signifance of few of the existing approaches.
Advanced Raspberry Pi Surveillance (ARS) system. In the realm of bank security systems,
conducting nighttime surveillance manually poses challenges was presented in [1]. To
address this issue, an Automated Recognition and Surveillance (ARS) system emerges as a
viable alternative, effectively replacing manual observation and promptly alerting security
officials. The versatility of this ARS system extends beyond banks, finding application in
expansive areas such as industries and home security services. Specifically, the application
section outlines a direct use case of the ARS system, focusing on surveillance with automated
IoT based monitoring and control system for home automation was presented in [2]. In
this work, we have implemented a home management and security system using Raspberry
Pi and IoT technology. The system is designed for real-time monitoring of home safety and
remote control of household appliances. It also provides protection against fire accidents by
offering immediate solutions. The versatility of this system makes it applicable in various
settings such as banks, hospitals, labs, etc., effectively reducing the risk of unauthorized
access. In case of theft incidents, evidence can be provided to the security department.
The anti-theft security hidden alert system, which is built upon an IoT framework,
introduces an innovative approach to ATM security. This system integrates cutting-edge
technologies, including a face-recognition camera, infrared (IR) sensors, and a low-cost
portable integrated database server based on the ARM11 computer and Raspberry Pi
operating system for Linux was presented in [3]. In the event of a potential theft, the IR sensor
serves as a key component, detecting vibrations and temperature fluctuations, triggering a
sequence of actions. The ARM11 controller processes real-time data, initiating responses
such as activating door lock modules, releasing gas to incapacitate the robber, and promptly
sending alert messages through a GSM modem to both the local police station and designated
users. This comprehensive technological integration aims to significantly reduce the
occurrence of ATM robberies by implementing a multifaceted security system that
encompasses facial recognition, temperature monitoring, and deterrent measures such as gas
release, along with immediate alert notifications for timely intervention and prevention of
criminal activities.
Raspberry Pi Based Anti-Theft Security System using Home Automation for Multi-
Level The proposed system utilizes IoT technology for both anti-theft security measures and
home automation was presented in [4]. It is applicable in high-security environments where
E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01019 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202450701019
3 Proposed method
E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01019 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202450701019
Arduino Message
Sensors GSM Door
User response
Bluetooth Module
Registered Devices
E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01019 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202450701019
Three modules comprise Input, Data processing & authentication, and Output.
E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01019 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202450701019
E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01019 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202450701019
It stands as a crucial juncture in the work results, emphasizing the system’s integration of
dynamic access control. Homeowners receive the OTP and must enter it correctly within a
stipulated timeframe for door unlocking to occur as depicted in the Figure 5. This phase
reflects a departure from traditional key-based systems, embracing a more intelligent and
responsive approach facilitated by the fusion of IoT technology and automated access
E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01019 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202450701019
The experimental outcomes highlighted the seamless functionality of the OTP generation and
dispatch process. Upon the identification of an intruder, the system efficiently generated an
OTP and promptly transmitted it to the previously registered mobile numbers. The
expeditious OTP generation showcased a low-latency response to potential security threats,
emphasizing the system’s agility in addressing and mitigating risks promptly.
E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01019 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202450701019
The mechanism responsible for triggering alarms exhibited reliability and promptness in its
operation. In scenarios where the OTP was not entered within the prescribed time frame, the
system efficiently activated the alarm message.
The experimental elaborations provided insights into the effectiveness of the user notification
system. Users received timely and pertinent alarm messages in instances of unauthorized
access, furnishing them with immediate awareness of potential security breaches. The
system’s real-time notification capability emerged as a pivotal feature, significantly
contributing to its role in bolstering residential safety and ensuring that occupants are
promptly informed in critical security situations.
• The ATFS utilizes pressure sensors to detect the presence of intruders in the secured area.
• The OTP serves as a robust verification mechanism, adding an extra layer of security to
the system.
• In case the OTP is not entered within 60 seconds, the system triggers an alarm message,
swiftly notifying the user of the potential threat.
• Homeowners can remotely monitor security alerts and OTP dispatches through their
registered mobile devices.
• Users can potentially customize security settings based on their preferences and specific
security requirements.
• The OTP entry requirement minimizes the chances of false alarms, ensuring that alerts
are genuine security concerns.
• The ATFS contributes to an overall enhancement of home safety and security.
E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01019 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202450701019
Future enhancements for the ATFS could involve the integration of advanced
technologies and features to further enhance its capabilities and effectiveness in ensuring
residential safety. Some potential future enhancements could include, (a) Machine learning
algorithms, (b) Integration with smart home devices, and (c) Incorporating Environmental
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