36 Profile Roles
36 Profile Roles
36 Profile Roles
Cover/Mau Cattaneo
Transcribed/Paddy Dreffin Balentine
Proofing/Carol Freedman
Layout/Becky Markley
The Rave BodyGraph™ and Rave Mandala™ are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Corporation.
The 12 Collectiv
Collective e Roles ................................
...... 1
Six Specific Role Gates ........................
... 1
th th
The Collective Role Gates: 7 and 13 Gates ..........................
Sun/Earth: Being — Nodes: Seeing .........................
Externalizing and Internalizing Roles ....................................
The Physical Face: Our Role Masks .........................
The Collective .........................
The 7 Gate: The Role of Self Sel f in
i n Interaction with the Other ........................
Internalization: 13.1 – The Empath ...............................
The Passenger Needs to Understand How They are Fixed Fi xed ..............
Externalization Themes ........................
The 1 Line: The Authoritarian ..................................
The 2 Line: The Democrat.........................
The 3 Line: The Anarchist .........................
Internalization: The 13 Gate – Taking in of the Other ...........................
...... 10
The 3 Line: The Pessimist.........................
........ 10
Multi-Dimensional Roles/Shifting Masks .........................
... 11
Recognizing and Seeing the Shifting in the Other .........................
... 12
Autism and the Difficulty to Read Facial Signs..........................
....... 12
The 2 Line: The Bigot ...........................
........... 13
The 3 Line: The Pessimist......................
............ 13
The Upper Trigram ..............................
............... 14
The 4 Line: The Abdicator .........................
........ 14
The 5 Line: The General ..........................
......... 15
Collective Roles Need to be Recognized ....................................
..... 16
Personality is the Dilemma ........................
.......... 17
The 4 Line: The Fatigued.........................
.......... 17
The 5 Line: The Savior ..........................
........... 18
The Magnetic Monopole ..........................
........... 19
The 6 Line: Key to Our Mutative Process of Our Time..................................
Time.................................. 19
Post-Kiron Beings.................................
............... 20
The Three-Part 6 Line Process........................
... 21
We‘re Not in a Saturn Cycle Anymore ..........................
..... 22
Off-The-Roof Externalization and Internalization ..........................
... 22
Ra explains the six specific role gates that are a binary process we all go through, as
well as all of the other 30 roles, 12 per circuit.
Everything that I‘m going to do in this series is really about giving you a way to look
at the fact that you
you are nothing but roles.
roles. It‘s something fascinating
fascinating to consider.
And it‘s not just about you having a Personality profile and you‘ve got a 1 st line. We
have a way of interpreting
interpreting that. We talk about the investigator
investigator or the introspective-
ness. But that 1 line has a very important connection and it is in Design what we
call ‗genetic continuity.‘ That is, that all 1st lines have a fundamental relationship to
that all
each other. What can can be said ofof one 1 st line, wherever it may be, is really an
attribute that can be added to whatever the focus is of a particular 1 st line someplace
The other thing is that within the bodygraph there are six specific role gates. They
are role gates about a binary process
process that we all go through. That is, we have inter-
nalization roles and we have externalization roles, and we have them in three differ-
ent ways. We have certain roles thatthat we take on when we areare in the collective and
when we have collective
collective pursuits. And there are certain roles that we take
take on —and
when I say ―take on ,‖ they are natural for us when we are in the process of self -
empowerment. And we have specific
specific roles that we take on
on when we are connected
to the tribe. How different you
you are when you
you are having a get-together
get-together with family
or with tribe, however you want to interpret that, in which you have a certain kind of
inherent supportive role that you take on and how different that is when you are in
the collective and it‘s a totally di fferent situation.
As a matter of fact, even more interesting than that, in a way the serendipity of this,
is that tomorrow we enter into the Left Angle Cross of Masks. It‘s something really
to understand about
about humans and their
their faces. It is their faces that
that reveal more than
anything else their role. If you go back
back into the history of theater, you go back
back into
ancient times, particularly with the beginning of formulized theater in the Mediterra-
It‘s an extraordinary
extraordinary thing about our faces.
faces. And it‘s something really
really to grasp about
these six different
different role aspects
aspects that we all
all have and live out. This is what
what I truly
want to get across.
across. In order for you to really understand,
understand, as an example your
your Per-
sonality profile, because this is really where this leads you, the line of your
Sun/Earth, is to give you an opportunity that when we say this represents approx-
imately 70% of your programming, the neutrino information that we receive from
the Sun, that the line that is there in the Personality configuration doesn‘t simply
represent one aspect of being, one aspect of the nature of being.
When we look at the Personality side, at being able to have a framework to look at
somebody, we looklook at their being and their seeing. That is, the Sun/Earth
Sun/Earth and the
Nodes. This being that
that you see in your profile is made up of
of six components.
components. These
are the components that we‘re going to be looking at in terms of these role gates.
In other words, we have tribal roles and we have individual roles and we have collec-
tive roles, regardless
regardless of whether or not we have a lot of
of this or that. We have recep-
tivity to everything and we live in a conditioned world.
The moment that you enter into a tribal supportive environment, it automatically
brings out that aspect of your profile and the way in which it deals with being in that
environment and the role that it takes on, the face that it takes on, because it really
takes on a face. It‘s actually quite something.
Here you can see in the graphing that we have the 7 (see next page) , so everything
that‘s over here on this side is related to the 7 th gate, and everything on the right-
hand side is the 13th gate. You can see
see that the keynote
keynote that is going to be the ge-
neralized keynote that we‘re going to be looking at throughout this process, whether
it‘s collective, individual, or tribal is that we have externalizing roles and we have
internalizing roles, and they‘re very di fferent.
That moment where you‘re caught by yourself and somebody walks into the room
and they look at you and they say, ―What‘s going on,‖ it‘s because they see some-
thing in that face
face of yours.
yours. But that‘s not an external
external face. It‘s not a face you would
naturally show them if you were externalizing your personality,
personality, you wouldn‘t. They
caught you unaware; and they caught you with an internalized face, in that sense.
I‘m connecting it to the physical face because it‘s very important because those are
our role masks.
masks. Everybody‘s face
face changes depending on whether are in a co l-
whether they are
lective situation, an individual situation or a tribal situation. All the work that
that I do on
expanding the understanding of the Personality is to bring everybody the opportunity
to see the mapping of the
t he way in which they operate.
When you see what the archetype is, in other words, every human being is predis-
posed to differentiate, this is the great law that Human Design presents as a science.
In other words, we are all born with both a physical and personality potential to dif-
ferentiate and differentiation is the ultimate goal, to express the purpose of our uni-
So often you hear this said so much about the relationship of adults with their par-
ents. How they would
would finally like to be able to talk to them,
them, or treat them,
them, or what-
ever the case may
may be, or be treated in such a way.
way. And the moment they get into
that environment
environment they just take on that
that role, it is natural. The tribal role
role is quite
something. It connects
connects viscerally into the vehicle. All of these do; it‘s chemistry
after all.
all. We‘re talking about a chemical process. And the way
way in which
which the nerves
operate and the way in which the facial muscles operate all of this is a c hemistry and
it is responding to the environment.
It‘s one of
of the most fascinating things about your body, your vehicle. Is that
through the vehicle‘s Nodes from the Design side we can see that your body has a
predisposition to align
align itself to an environment that nurtures
nurtures its difference.
difference. Part of
what is your difference is seeing clearly that you cannot have the same role, that
variation on whatever
whatever your theme is, for all those processes.
processes. You cannot havehave the
same role as
as mother as
as you do asas lover. You cannot.
The moment that you do, the moment you descend into the conditioning of that, and
we will see that like anything else because of the nature of conditioning you can be
pulled away from, or conditioned to believe that your role in this thing or that thing
should be different.
different. And that somehow
somehow there should be a unified mask that you
present to the outside world,
world, and there isn‘t. It‘s part
part of our magic,
magic, after all. And
it‘s part of the beauty and the complexity of what it is that we are.
The Collective
What is important about that is when you‘re looking at your profile , one of the as-
pects that you‘re looking at is what the social
social dynamic of you as a being is. What is
that social dynamic?
dynamic? And you‘re only going to find thatthat in the resonance
resonance from the
collective role gates as they apply to your particular line in your profile. When we‘re
talking about your social ro les, we‘re talking about two kinds of social roles: The
Externalizing role and the Internalizing. Again, we‘re going to be working withwith this
basic division.
The 7th Gate: The Role of Self in Interaction with the Other
Let‘s think about the gates for a m oment. The 7th gate is the role of the self in inte-
raction with the other.
other. Everything about the
the nature of logic is that logic is all about
looking forward. It is always
about tomorrow. It is always
about the next year and the next
thing. It is always about this
movement into the future. And
everything about the logic, collec-
tive is this externalizing of interac-
tion. And it is this externalizing of
interaction to be of influence ulti-
mately. And to be of influence in
terms of being able to share what
is the right pattern to follow.
So, I‘m not somebody who is just going to go out and externalize simply to have
influence. That‘s not who I can can‘t be going out there tr ying
can be. In other words, I can‘t
to influence all the time.
time. I can only get to that
that point when there is a real need for
that. In other words,
words, that‘s an aspect
aspect of the way in which I deal with the outside
world, the way
way in which I approach
approach the outside world. frankly, it‘s t he only
world. And quite frankly,
way that I can genuinely influence the outside world.
But it also means that the only way that your being can influence others, externaliz-
ing, sharing with them
them is when you share
share as the authority. That doesn‘t mean
mean that
you receive them as
as the authority. Of course, this gets
gets to be the real
real problem that
So you end up with somebody who is just an A uthoritarian, they‘re a sexual Authori-
tarian, they‘re a nurturing Authoritarian, they‘re a self -projected Authoritarian, they
carry their authority into everything.
everything. This is where they end up with dilemmas, it
becomes very confusing.
confusing. They‘re ignoring what is correct for them in another
another aspect
of their interaction with others.
If you look at somebody who has a 1 st line Personality you see yes, in externalization
they need to be an authority. This is the only way
way they will have influence,
influence, which
means that they don‘t have what it takes to be that authority , then they‘re not going
to be of influence.
But when you go over to the Internalization side, the taking in —and again, this is all
taking place within the
the social dynamic.
dynamic. Because it‘s taking place within the social
dynamic, the externalizing is the way in which one shares the potential to influence
the other and the way
way in which one is open to the potential
potential influence of the other.
other. It
is just a basic pole-to- pole; it‘s a field of energy going back and forth.
When you go over to the 1 st line of the internalization of the 13th gate, the Fellowship
of Man, the gate of secrets and all of these things you get the Empath , and how
different the Empath is from the Authoritarian.
Authoritarian. This is quite different.
different. This is simply
openness; whereas,
whereas, the Authoritarian
Authoritarian is just simply
simply closed. Yet, this is the same
I‘m in the deepest period of teaching that I‘ve ever had. As I go deeper and deeper
and deeper, I‘m constantly pulled back to the miracle of the surface because it‘s the
surface that
that does everything.
everything. I can tell
tell you about all the various
various Externalization,
Internalization aspects of your roles, but it doesn‘ t mean that intellectually that al-
lows you to turn the knowledge into power and that somehow you‘re going to be
able to control that you handle your role correctly regardless of the circumstances
because it doesn‘t work that way.
It goes back
back to the basics. It goes back
back to the surface. It goes back to Strategy and
Authority and something
something else. It is this beginning of
of the work of the passenger to
bring the passenger to awakenness that the passenger needs to watch and needs to
understand the way
way in which they are fixed in how they operate.
operate. How it is locked in
because it is a formula and it is chemistry. And to be able to see that it‘s not about
why do you keep your mouth shut when you‘re listening to somebody and you really
want to tell them that they‘ve got it wrong, when in fact when you‘re going out the
door it‘s very easy for you to be that Authoritarian. They‘re different things. They‘re
different aspects
aspects of the totality that ultimately
ultimately is your being.
being. We are very,
very, very
complex creatures in that way.
Externalization Themes
Ok, let‘s take a look at the Externalization themes. We begin with the 1st line and we
begin with the Authoritarian.
Authoritarian. Think about the lower trigram because you can can see
that there is this obvious divide
that is here. The lower trigram is
self-absorbed. It‘s not like they‘re
supposed to be out there sharing
all the time. As a matter
matter of fact,
they don‘t necessarily share u n-
less, 1st line, they get to a point
where they‘re finally comfortable
with the foundation that they have
secured; or 2 nd line, that they get
drawn into a situation where they
have to know what‘s goi ng on in
order to give authority over to
somebody else, the typical demo-
crat. And the 3rd line, somebody
bumps into you and in the 2nd line
sense somebody gives you the
If you look at the 2nd line you have the Democrat. I don‘t want to confuse this in a
sense with democracy
democracy because it will be a problem. The Democrat is a way of say-
bother me, you look after it.‖ All 2nd lines are like that —don‘t bother me,
ing, ―Don‘t bother
you look after it. You really have to call them; they have
have to get the call in order
order for
them to actually want to get involved.
But you can see, for example, the 3 rd line, the Anarchist. The Anarchist
Anarchist is something
that you don‘t want to awaken all that often as an ext ernalizing role, because of
what is it going to do; it‘s going to tear things down. And it‘s going to say, ―This
pattern doesn‘t work,‖ and it put everybody back into a tizzy about what the pattern
is going to be.
The thing that‘s important is to underst and that these terms in this lower trigram
context only apply to an aspect of your being when that being is Externalization.
You‘re not an Anarchist when it comes to the way you take things in. That‘s not
taking things in, you‘re going to be a Pessimist.
what the role is about. When you‘re taking
It‘s very different. Yes, there are we‘re talking about 3 rd line conti-
are linking themes, we‘re
nuity, but it‘s not the same.
same. We take on different roles
roles depending on the situation.
If we go over to the right hand side, take the example of the P essimist. Let‘s say
that you‘ve got a 3 rd line Personality and somebody comes over to talk to you and
they‘re telling you about how they just got an exciting new job and they‘re all
cranked up and way of taking that in is to be pess i-
and they‘re all excited. Your natural way
mistic. It‘s your natural way to take it in. Inside, whether
whether you articulate it or not,
that‘s another story, as you take that in , there‘s a basic pessimism about whethe r
that person can actually fulfill the possibility of that and there is a doubtfulness that
moves into it.
From my perspective
perspective as a passenger
passenger I already assume
assume that I am in a movie.
movie. I al-
ready assume that I have been given a character and the character has a role.
What‘s interesting is that it‘s not a one -dimensional role.
role. It‘s so interesting for all of
us to get, that it‘s not a one -dimensional role. than that. It is a mul-
role. It‘s much more than
ti-dimensional role.
role. We are
are highly specialized
specialized in the way in which we operate in
different situations with different beings
bei ngs under different circumstances.
Think about how unpleasant it is, I don‘t know if that‘s a common experience, ma ybe
that‘s just my individuality, but those kinds of situations where a friend of yours and
a family member, those forces are brought together with you at the same time.
There is a real confusion of the way in which you speak, the way in which you look.
If you could see the face, you would see that the face is under enormous pressure to
the point that it can
can end up twitching
twitching because it‘s very different. We go through
these incredible role shifts and all of us are deeply familiar with it because all of us
are semi-professional face readers. We do it all the time. We look at somebody‘s
face and we read it or we try to read it. Many people are very good at reading
reading it;
many people are very good at displaying it.i t.
To really understand
understand that it‘s not about
about that there‘s only one; this
this is the thing. Yes,
you‘re going to have those situations where somebody, for example, is a Sphinx,
they‘re going to have a Sun/Earth 7/13, you‘re going to have people who are very,
very focused in a certain aspect of their role. But for most of us that‘s not the case.
For most of us we have a balance, a mix inside of us of these six different roles that
make up our being, and how important
important it is for us to exalt in their difference.
difference. It‘s
difficult to get there, because it demands that you
you are correct
correct in your nature. Be-
cause there is no other way really to control
control that because it‘s so easy,
easy, there are so
many tendencies within us —open centers, not-self strategies that will say, ―Why
don‘t you stay with being the Authoritarian, it works. ‖ Try that in bed. It doesn‘t
Then you end up in situations where you try to spend your whole life living out the
role that you get out of the 59th gate only to discover that it doesn‘t work f or you in
any of those other
other aspects. The beauty is to surrender to the multi-dimensionality of
what we are and for you to recognize it, for you to begin to see the shifting, and to
begin to see the shifting in the other.
other. We do have the capacity to actually
actually see in
another person‘s face
face the shifting of the role. You can
can see it. You simply have to
know the face.
It leads one to speculate on the fact that because of the way in which the Rave is
going to operate as a Penta that they probably will have a very flat facial expression,
which may add to dilemmas for them when they start coming into the world as being
diagnosed as having real problems because they are not going to have this externa-
lized nuance in the face, the face muscles will be very flat.
So, it‘s just interesting to speculate how d ifferent they will be and how difficult it will
be for us to read them. In the same way way that it‘s like trying to read the expression
on your dog‘s
dog‘s face. It‘s a kind of
of guessing game, because it doesn‘t really work.
We‘re not trained
trained for that. When I say ―trained‖ just the way we we are genetically
determined in that sense.
So, one of the things I really want you to watch is in the beings around you, the ones
where you know their design and you know their profile, watch their faces, begin to
pay attention to the fact that you‘re being given a window to the various aspects of
their roles and you‘re
you‘re going to be able
able to see them through that analysis.
analysis. In other
Ok, let‘s take the example of the 2 nd line of the 13, the Internalization.
Internalization. Taking
somebody in through a barrier system, because that is what the B igot is. It‘s also
interesting, for example, that limit-
ing who will access you doesn‘t
mean you‘re a Bigot in terms of the
way you
you Externalize. As a matter of
fact, you Externalize as a Democrat.
The very person that you would not
take in is the same person that you
could actually give outer authority
to. And that‘s really something to
think about.
But it doesn‘t mean because you get a phone call from somebody and you imm e-
diately have the reaction of, ―Oh, God, I don‘t want to see them,‖ doesn‘t mean that
when you‘re out in the world and you bump into them that it can‘t be a pleasant
experience. In other words, it‘s very different.
different. But taking them in, you don‘t
don‘t want
to take in the deep impact that can have on you. All 2 nd line beings are very
that they can
open to being impacted. They‘re very open to being called to what can be a drive for
the rest of their life, and they need to be very clear there are those barriers in place.
But again, it doesn‘t mean the barriers have to be someplace else. There is no bar-
rier, in that sense, in the 2 nd line of Externalization. There isn‘t. There is simply a
way to avoid by saying, ―All right, I voted for you, you go do it
i t and leave me alone.‖
When we come to the 3 rd line and we come to the Pessimist, again, the 3 rd line is not
everything is ok. For the 3rd line it can never be this way.
allowed to ever think that everything
And there is nothing more important to them when they are taking in the outside
world than to take
take in the outside world
world with a deep pessimism.
pessimism. This is in their na-
ture, and it‘s essential for them.
The other thing is that this pessimism is one of the healthiest things for a 3 rd line
being. It is healthier than just about that the 3rd line being possesses as its
about anything that
attribute in its nature. The reason for that is that if the pessimism is exalted, if it‘s
simply surrendered to and accepted in terms of the way in which one takes in the
outside world, then it doesn‘t set one up for a fall in the disappointment that love
doesn‘t work or careers
careers don‘t work or this doesn‘t work or that
that doesn‘t work. There
is this very clear, ―Yeah, well, I didn‘t think it was going to work,‖ and it‘s not about,
―I have a problem.‖ It is simply about being pessimistic about life‘s possibilities.
Being pessimistic about life‘s possibilities is the way in which the 3 rd line being takes
the other in. This is not about externalizing.
When we move upward and we move into the upper trigram we really change the
feel entirely, because the upper trigram is the transpersonal, it‘s all about the tran s-
personal. Here you‘re dealing with the most
most transpersonal of circuitry
circuitry in dealing with
the collective, this essential need to socially share with others, to share the past, to
share the possibilities
possibilities of the future. And here you have transpersonal
transpersonal lines in this
most transpersonal
transpersonal of environment. Here on the left-hand side in the externalization
of this, so that you can imagine that 4 th, 5th and 6th themes strongly go out.
The 4 Line: The Abdicator
Yet, when you look at the 4 th line and you see the Abdicator you can see right away
there is a limitation on the way
way in which that can
can externalized. The limitation is the
4 line is always about networking. Fourth line externalization
externalization is about networking.
But simply being able to go out and network doesn‘t mean you get the votes, doesn‘t
mean you have the support.
Of course, this is always the dilemma for the 4 th line being. They invest
invest a great
great deal
in the network and they equate the network with support, whi ch is tribal and doesn‘t
work. The network
network is simply feeding on what
what is the collective, sharing
sharing process.
process. But
it doesn‘t mean that everybody in the network is willing to accept your externalized
influence. You can see that built into the 4th line is the withdrawal mechanism.
Here we have the Abdicator. So, what the Abdicator really means in this context
context is
that when somebody who has a 4 line Personality, when they feel like they‘re
standing alone in an argument and there are two, three or four other people who are
on the other side, this is where the Abdicator gives in. There are extreme
extreme situations
have the Mo r-
where they won‘t, like the 4/1. There are certain 4/1‘s that you can have
But, as a general case when you‘re looking at 4 th line Externalization you can see
that you don‘t try to influence unless you have the support
support already. Of course, that‘s
really the key. You can see the change
change in their face when somebody
somebody who is in their
network who they
they assume is ready to be influenced doesn‘t
doesn‘t get influenced. You can
see the change right away.
In dealing with the 5th line we‘re dealing with the General. The 5th line is about pa-
ranoia and suspicion.
suspicion. It is about the practical.
practical. So, you
you do not again
again have this
enormous readiness
readiness to externalize.
externalize. Again, you can see something that is very, very
obvious about these
these two roles gates. keys, because we will see that
gates. It‘s one of the keys,
role gates operate differently when they have different sources of power, or they
have no sources of power.
The thing to see about the 7 th and 13 th gates that when they do have their harmonic
connection on the other side of the channel and the definition is there, that you have
what is in fact a projected ele-
ment. And a projected element
that is non-energetic.
Despite the fact that these are the collective roles and they are the most social and
they‘re the ones that are here to share, these roles don‘t necessarily jump out all the
time. They need to be recognized.
recognized. And it is this recognition that is so important.
Your role will never be recognized if your face doesn‘t naturally
naturally display it. That‘s
really something to think about.
I‘m a parent so I have this deeply in my psyche, this kind of thing where I‘m a n-
noyed at one of my kids and I‘m a 5/1, I‘ve authority in my nature and I want to
express that authority. But if I threaten
threaten them they kn
kn ow that I‘m not going to follow
through with
with it because
because that‘s
that‘s just not me. It‘s in my face.
face. They know;
know; they just
Yet, that face that you put out to the world, all you‘re looking for is recognition and
out of that recognition,
recognition, power. This is one of the things that is part
part of the projecting
process. I love the way the Gods play the game,game, ―The large print giveth and small
print taketh away.‖ You get a little of this and
and you get a little of
of that. But, these can
end up appearing
appearing to be very, very empty roles.
roles. The Authoritarian that
that is trying to
act out the authoritarianism and it can end up being just a very, very empty role.
So, if we‘re looking at the General then we‘re dealing with a role in which once in
awhile, depending on the situation, there is this possibility to externalize that Gener-
al‘s role, but not all the time. And it takes recognition. They are going to have to be
asked, they‘re going to have to be told, there are people that are going to need
them, and they‘re going to have to be within their social environment, those forces
that are going to ask for their services. It‘s not like they‘re just going to push it out.
So, when it comes to really understanding ―what do I do with all of this,‖ aside from
the fact that it‘s interesting , as all analytic
analytic or structural
structural knowledge is. What it should
remind you of is how important it is to stay within your own experiment and look out
the windows with the eyes
eyes of a passenger that is waiting
waiting to see these things. And to
see that in yourself, and to see the way in which your roles shift.
One of the things that you can be certain of is that the more aware you are of this
drama—it‘s a wonderful drama, we are characters in a play and it‘s a deligh t when
you can
can live it out
out as yourself. To see just how complex it is. I always was fasci-
nated by portraiture; this is an incredible thing to be able to paint another human
being‘s face. I‘ve had
had the privilege of
of knowing
knowing good artists who paint faces.
faces. It‘s
amazing what one tiny little brush stroke,
stroke, just slightly
slightly off, will do to a face.
face. It‘s
amazing. And to capture
capture one of these masks, painters do it all the
the time. This is our
I‘ve gone through that, I‘ve had my picture taken a lot in this life of mine. It‘s al-
ways amazing to look at the mask and to see what is being displayed on the outside.
We never see ourselves. And this is the way for the passenger to really begin to
understand how we display ourselves
ourselves as a creature.
creature. I tell you, the deepest impact
that we have, because of the Ajna center and its dominance in terms of Homo sa-
piens, on the other is visual.
visual. It‘s what they see in our face.
the 13th gate is an anchor for us in many ways because it anchors the whole expe-
riential process and ultimately leads to the possibility that we can understand where
we‘ve come from.
But when we‘re dealing with this as an Internalizing role theme, the Fatigue is some-
thing that is always
always there. There is an exhaustion
exhaustion that comes with always being
available in a network, it‘s just natural. of people is something that is
natural. Getting tired of
very, very interesting.
interesting. One of my main themes is thatthat we basically have
have a predispo-
sition to differentiate. Yet, that predisposition
predisposition is conditioned into homogenization, so
we end up being homogenized.
So, one of the things that is inherent in the fatigue is this homogenized world that
one has to deal with. And you can see the difference there between the way way the 4
operates and the 5 because the line of the savior is an interesting
interesting one. It is about
finding roles for people. That‘s what
what that line is about.
about. It‘s about
about the ability to find a
role for anyone. The savior, in the most mystical sense,
sense, is there to align you to your
But nonetheless, this is truly about the way in which they are going to take the other
in. And again, the fact that you can
can be open to taking in the other and
and helping them
define their role doesn‘t mean that that‘s what you should be externalizing, because
if you just go out and externalize it and run around saying you‘re the savior nobody
is going to pay any attention
attention to you. You only become
become the Savior because youyou have
that ability, it is inherent in you in those moments, and it‘s in a typical 5 line theme
that you can find some
some kind of practical direction.
direction. Again, we‘re dealing
dealing with gates
that are themes of direction.
The other thing is you can never separate the G Center from the Magnetic Monopole
because this is its house. The Monopole is truly
truly a magical
magical element in the story
story of
life. It‘s the Monopole that holds us together illusion of our separateness, and
together in the illusion
it‘s the Monopole
Monopole that moves us along in our geometry. So, you have
have these two
great right angle crosses in the G Center, crosses in which all four arms are in the G
Center, the Sphinx
Sphinx and the Vessel,
Vessel, that represent
represent these themes.
themes. That is, the theme
of love, the holding of us together and pulling others towards us, and the theme of
direction, this movement in space.
Of course, you can see here that when we‘re dealing with the 7 and the 13, because
of this very relationship to this direction, that they are part of this process of aligning
us to directions. So, the 13 takes
takes in this experiential other
other who tells its things and
has the ability to align it to a direction, moving in a direction that is correct for it.
It‘s all fractals and ge ometry. There is, for each of us, only one direction. There is
one line for
for us in space. The moment that that you‘re operating
operating correctly,
correctly, you are
aligned specifically to that
that geometry. So, one of the things that‘s
that‘s interesting about
the savior is this ability to help people to align
ali gn themselves to a role.
This is the forking of the paths; this is about the fertile splitting of the way in which
we‘re moving forward. Tha t is, the continuation to the close of the present human
line and the opening of the Rave
Rave mutation line after 2027. So, we have a greatgreat deal
of mutation that is inherent in the collective role, particularly through the 13 th gate.
To really see that everything about the 6 th line is that the 6 th line is our guide to
what‘s coming. We have been living in a 1 st line era since the beginning of the
1960‘s. This 1st line era will come to an end, we‘re on the Cross of Planning and
we‘re in the 1 st line, this is a retrograde process, because it‘s the precession of the
equinox, we‘re moving towards the 55 th gate and we‘re moving towards the 6 th line,
because again, it‘s a retrograde movement.
Everything about the advent of the nine-centered being in 1781, all of this has been
guided by the mutation or the mutative potential that‘s inherent in all 6th line pro-
files. So, the moment that you‘re looking at a 6 th line profile, you‘re not looking at
simply one theme of externalization or internalization in the example of these collec-
tive roles, or any of the others, for that matter. But you‘re l ooking at this movement
that they go through. In many ways, 6th line beings have the most confused roles.
Post-Kiron Beings
It‘s interesting; it‘s my generation so I have a lot of people in my life who are post -
watch their faces, that is, the 6th line beings, because that‘s the secret.
Kiron. I watch
There is a lot of confusion
confusion in their roles; it‘s only natural,
natural, after all. When you look at
the externalization and you see in the first 28 years that the externalizing theme of
the anarchist, once in awhile trying to externalize influence and in fact externalizing
a negative. In other words,
words, at least the way
way it will be perceived,
perceived, externalizing what
doesn‘t work and that kind of thing, and then ending up at their Saturn return su d-
denly shifting into the coolness
coolness of the administrator.
administrator. As an externalizing
externalizing force there
is nothing cooler than this administer, and a very different way to go out into the
world. As the matter of fact, this is the most
most transpersonal
transpersonal of the external collective
lines, this 6 line of the 7.
In other words, this is where you would actually see an enormous effort to be able to
externalize influence. But, it‘s externalized in a very cool way, it‘s not externalized
as the boss, the A uthoritarian, it‘s not the General, it‘s the Administrator. It has a
different quality to it entirely, has a quality that‘s inherent in the themes of trust and
When you look at the three parts of the 6 th line process, for me when I look at it I
think of the first 28 years as not being born yet.
yet. What I mean by that is that
that it‘s sort
of like the kangaroo baby, the joey —it crawls out of the uterus as a sort of tiny little
almost worm-like
worm-like thing. Then it crawls
crawls into the pouch of the mother and it grows
inside of that pouch and then eventually, the third stage, it enters into the world on
its own. Similar with the metamorphosis
metamorphosis that takes place in a butterfly.
butterfly. It‘s very
much the way that I look at 6th line beings.
It‘s clear to me that their first 28 years are formative in the sense that they are pr e-
they‘re not 6th line until they get to
paring them for their birth. Because, in fact, they‘re
Saturn return. It‘s one of the things to r eally think about, in terms of 6 th line
their Saturn
beings. They don‘t really become, they don‘t begin to connect— as a matter of fact,
it‘s not like it happens on a dime that the moment that you hit your Saturn as a 6 th
line being you suddenly connect to your 6 th line process because it is very much a
developmental process.
I know a lot of young people who meet their Saturn and it takes them years, 33, 34,
35 years old, before they can finally let go, if at all, it depends on the power of the
not-self, to let go of the early 3rd line density,
density, because after all, it is so dense. Any-
one who is a 6 line being knows that, what kind of density they go through in their
life experience in that process.
One of the essential things for me to get across is this understanding of this meta-
morphic process that 6 th line beings go through,
through, and that there is dilemma. There is
no book written on ―off the roof.‖ If you look at all 6 th lines, it doesn‘t matter where
you look; you see 6 th lines in their binary.
binary. And you see this binary, it‘s everywhere.
And yet, that‘s a binary of
of starting the process and going on the roof.
roof. Up until 1781
you stayed on the roof, as a 6 line being. You didn‘t come
come off the roof.
roof. This is part
of the mutative process.
The book is not written on it what th at is. That‘s the book book that will be written
through the experiential process of 6 line beings as they continue to go through this
mutation; the ones
ones that survive
survive it and the ones that can
can articulate it. Slowly, but
surely because it is our way, we
we will collect that information. A good 13 will do that
and externalize it.
You can see that when you‘re looking at the 6 here and you‘re looking at the Exter-
nalizing theme of the Administrator, that‘s really spe aking to the roof.
roof. This is a roof
phase. In the same way that the Internalizing
Internalizing phase to move from, and imagine
how difficult it is what the difference is in the mask of the Pessimist and the Optimist
in dealing with the other. It is seriously schizophrenic to go from one to the other
unless one sees it as a developmental, natural progression and that one forgives the
first Saturn cycle
cycle of what it is. It is the little joey in the pouch and it cannot
cannot be held
responsible at that point. It just can‘t.
And yet, what is the off-the-roof Externalization and the off-the-roof Internalization?
It is the quantum of these things, whatever most exci t-
whatever that may be. It‘s one of the most
ing things about 6 line process.
process. We‘re fortunate in Human Design to have many, many,
many fine Human Design thinkers who are 6 line beings. They‘re the ones that are
going to let us know.
know. They‘re certainly
certainly going to let me know, I certainly don‘t know
and I‘m a good old 5/1, I‘ll stay there .
But it‘s interesting because it‘s not somethi ng that can be written. There is, as yet,
no language for it other than what can be shared from that perspective of the 6 th line
beings who are post-Kiron and who are observing the way in which they externalize
and the way in which they internalize because it is not going to follow this pattern.
And if it is following that pattern,
pattern, then something isn‘t quite right.
right. And it makes the
understanding of the 6 th line more difficult; yet, at the same time, at least for me,
I have an assumption because the mutation is pointed towards the Rave that the
quantum here
here is the synthesis
synthesis of the collective roles. It is a synthesis
synthesis of it. It is
some kind of way in which these collective roles find a harmony because it is diffi-
cult, if you look at them and I have for a very long time, there is no real synthesis.
There is simply a line of continuity in the way in which they resonate to each other.
But for the 6th line being, there‘s something else, whatever
whatever that may be. I will leave
that for the future and we will see.
So, here we have the collective roles. And in those collective roles we have
have aspects
of the way in which we deal with the social collective, how we take the collective
how we move in the outside world. Obviously, that‘s an impo r-
outside world in and how
tant aspect of our
our lives. But, it doesn‘t make
make up the whole story of
of the way in which
the complexity, our
our roles come together as our being. That is, next Sunday we will
have the individual roles and
and we will see the face of self-empowerment. Then we will
look at the tribal roles and we will
wi ll see our sexual faces and our nurturing faces.
And ultimately, get to a point where we see the beauty of our malleability, how we
are designed to be perfect in the way in which our roles interact regardless of the
environment of the circumstances.
circumstances. Like chameleons, in a way, this natural gift. It‘s
a natural gift; it is the predisposition.
predisposition. We are predisposed
predisposed to differentiate and be
unique, and in our uniqueness display our perfection. That perfection is something
that is evidenced in our faces, in the roles that we have in the situations of our life.
In other words, an overall way of not only looking at the generalized quality of what
that particular theme is, but also understanding that it applies to different aspects of
our life in different
different ways. And allows us, in a sense,
sense, to really understand
understand what the
right role is for us in different situations. It is one thing to talk about roles within
within the
collective, but it‘s another
another thing entirely to talk about
about it in terms of the individual.
individual. I
might add the same thing when we talk
tal k about the tribe.
Something to really to grasp about the 10 th gate is that it has an enormous impact
on our lives because it is directly connected as a role gate to something that is simp-
ly basic and fundamental.
fundamental. That is, it is connected
connected to our potential of survival,
survival, or to
When you‘re looking at the 1 st gate and the 10 th gate, you‘re looking at the possibil i-
ty of three different individual circuits that operate in the bodygraph. It‘s really
something to keep in mind about the disproportionate amount of individual as a po-
tential that is there in every
every human being. If it were not for that
that dominance of indi-
viduality within the construct of the bodygraph itself, we would not be able to expe-
rience the evolutionary phenomena
phenomena that we‘ve been through.
through. That is, we would lack
mutative potential.
So, everything about individuality, in that sense, when you see it in the context of
your profile, that what you‘re looking a t is the potential within you to be both crea-
tive, to have let‘s call it access to magic, or in fact, be very uncomfortable, to be
stuck with the melancholic, to be stuck with what is the unfortunate consequences
that comes to anyone that doesn‘t operate c orrectly.
But when you‘re looking at the 10, you‘re looking at two things. You‘re looking at
the identity at the heart of integration, and the integration channels truly represent
our individual potential to survive and to survive with creative potential in the now.
The 10th gate is also part
part of the centering circuit. the 10th gate, it
circuit. So, in looking at the
takes on a very interesting role in all of our lives, because in a way it defines what
our behavioral potential is.
Though most of us are familiar with the 10 th gate in the sense of these keynotes,
very few people really understand the relationship that is there between the 1 st gate
and the 10th gate. Not only that, when I look at the Rave I‘Ching, and it‘s been a
long time since that original Rave I‘Ching was written, it was in 1989 in a little town
outside of Frankfurt,
Frankfurt, and I had
had no resources.
resources. I wasn‘t even that familiar with the
I‘Ching in the sense that the only I‘Ching that I had eve r met had been in German.
My German certainly wasn‘t
wasn‘t good enough to digest Wilhelm‘s I‘Ching. I basically
simply understood the mathematical construct.
What was so interesting for me in that process because the Rave I‘Ching was written
over I think a 25
25 or 30-day period.
period. I had a régime
régime in which I would sit down with
my old typewriter and I would punch in the hexagram and I would wait and see what
would happen.
happen. I started with the 1st hexagram.
started with hexagram. Until this day
day when I look at the
Rave I‘Ching it‘s so ob vious to me that it was the first one, because in many ways it
is the most cryptic of
of all. I think it‘s deeply cryptic, as
as a matter of fact.
What I hope to be able to do today is really elaborate on the 1 st gate in its relation-
ship to the 10 th gate. I will go through
through these archetypes that we have in the 10th
archetypes that
gate, these behavioral
behavioral models that we have. But it‘s really something to see the way
in which this is divided. We have
have two basic themes
themes here. We have an Externaliza-
tion theme and we have an Internalization theme.
The Internalization
But externalizing
externalizing it? It is really something
something very, very different. And it‘s one of the
things about getting stuck with looking at your profile and seeing, for example, that
ok, you‘re a 1 st line Personality.
Personality. All right, that means that you‘re the Investigator.
But when you think about the Investigator and you think about their potential to be
able to establish that proper foundation, if you don‘t have what the Externalization
demands then it‘s not going to ha p-
pen. And if you look at the Externa-
lization, if you look here, and again
we‘re just talking about the 1 st hexa-
gram, 1st gate, 1st line, if you look at
the theme of this 1st line, it is timing.
This is the thing that really makes the difference between ultimately the 10 and the
1. If you look at the 10, it‘s not interested in the world. It is absorbed
absorbed in its own
potential for correct behavior
behavior or not. This is the gate of self-
self- love or not. It‘s all
about the self.
self. And it is deeply,
deeply, deeply absorbed in its very survival
survival selfishness.
When you talk about integration, integration people don‘t really recognize that others
have needs because they don‘t
don‘t really pay attention
attention to the other.
other. It‘s not natural.
They‘re caught up in their survival mode. And their survival mode means everything
for them. It‘s their perfected awakening in th e
perfected form; it‘s their conviction; it‘s their awakening
But the moment that you move over to the 1 st gate, yes it is individual, but it‘s part
of the individual circuit.
circuit. The individual circuit
circuit is not closed off from the world at all.
As a matter of fact,
fact, it is a medium for bringing mutation
mutation into the world. And bringing
mutation into the world is perhaps all to do. So, this 1st
perhaps the most difficult thing of all
gate actually lays out a methodology, if you will, in how mutation can be brought
into the world.
world. Everything about harmonic of the 1st gate—the 8th gate—is all
about the harmonic
about being able to integrate into the world around you, being able to offer your
creative model to others, this so-called Creative Role Model that‘s there in the 1/8.
When you‘re dealing with strictly integration there is no capacity strictly in integr a-
through the potential of the 1st gate
tion to be able to transform the other. It is only through
that there is this possibility to transform the other, to mutate the other, to impact
the other. Think about the crisis
crisis of individuality, because the crisis of individuality is
the dilemma that is here, this dilemma is uncertainty.
uncertainty. All individuals live with the
uncertainty principle.
When you think about collective roles, they are rarely uncertain.
uncertain. They can be con-
fused, but they are rarely
rarely uncertain. They have a pattern
pattern that they can move to the
future, they have experience
experience that they can
can gauge from the past.
past. So, when you ask
them to make a decision, that decision is rooted in what is a certainty, their certain-
ty, based on either the pattern moving into the future or the experience of the past.
But when you ask an individual to do something or they want something or whatever
the case may be, the chances are they have no idea. They‘re mutative. They ope r-
ate in a pulse. So, they know and they don‘t know. They know and they don‘t
know. And they know and they don‘t
don‘t know. And they know and
and they don‘t know.
Uncertainty is something that is always
always there until mutation
mutation takes place. This uncer-
tainty cannot be overcome by the mind. The not-self mind is not going to overcome
uncertainty, it‘s going to take advantage of uncertainty to drive you into decision
making that takes you away from your nature.
The uncertainty in the individual is something that if you don‘t operate correctly, this
is the one thing that gets in the way.
way. For example, the Investigator
Investigator,, the Investigator
they‘ve dug into it. They‘re good at studying. They have
has looked into something, they‘ve
a real gift of being able to penetrate information.
information. And they finally come up with their
foundation. But they‘re uncertain
uncertain about what to do with it. And they‘re uncertain
when to do anything about it, because the uncertainty is simply built in.
And in that very uncertainty lies the click, the switch that turns the energy of crea-
tive exploration into the energy of melancholy and the fears begin to come to the
surface again. don‘t know when the timing is right, the not-self
again. That fear when you don‘t
you‘re really not cer-
mind will get into all kinds of things. It will say, ―Well, maybe you‘re
But the fact of the matter is that the greatest problem for the individual is not know-
ing how to externalize
externalize their individuality.
individuality. If you‘re operating
operating correctly it begins
begins to
fall into place. And basically what
what this guide is all about is to give you a sense
sense of
that potential within you and to see something that regardless of what line you are —
1 to 6—that there is a very special capacity, tool, aspect that‘s necessary for you in
order to successfully externalize.
It‘s like anything else that the passenger conscious ness takes in. When the passen-
ger understands
understands the pattern, the pattern begins to emerge. It all begins with oper-
ating correctly because
because there is no other way. If you‘re not operating
operating according to
your Strategy and Authority , you‘re not going to be able to externalize the mutation,
externalize the magic. You won‘t
won‘t be able
able to do that. You won‘t
won‘t be able to get that
creativity out.
The whole dilemma for the individual is that despite the fact that the 10 th gate says,
―Look, the only
onl y thing that‘s important is i mpor-
i s that I survive. The only thing that‘s impo
tant is that I‘m
I‘m alive.‖ And of course,
course, for the individual
individual that is not even
even half the
story. Yes, survival is obviously deeply important. But individuals are not here
simply to survive,
survive, they are here to mutate. Without the mutation we do not have
transformation. Without the mutation
mutation we have no evolution. Without the mutation
we have no creative spark; it‘s not there.
It‘s not enough that you have all of these individuals walking around with their ind i-
vidual roles within themselves, but it‘s their capacity to be able to externalize it; this
is what makes the difference. It will also make it so much easier for the individual to
be able to find its place within the community. Individuality is always
always the outsider.
It‘s born to be an outsider.
Individual Chemistry
In understanding that it‘s a chemistry, one of the dilemmas that consciousness has is
personalization, personalizing the
the chemistry. Personalizing the chemistry and look-
ing for a reason
reason that you can attach to.
to. This is the great
great difficulty that individuals
have. It‘s the same in many respects in a different way, but similar to what em o-
tional beings go through.
through. The wave
wave is moving. Of course, if you wake up in the
morning and you‘re at the high end of your wave and you feel absolutely terrific, it‘s
really insane to try
try to figure out why or to make up a reason.
reason. ―I feel terrific today
because, because, because,
because, because.‖
because.‖ And there is no ―because.‖ It‘s chemistry.
So, when you‘re an individual and you‘re moody, what happens is that you get up in
the morning and you‘re not in a great mood and you walk out of your space and you
meet somebody, and of course they can feel it and see it, because it‘s obvious, it‘s a
chemistry. They look at that and they
they look at you and they say, ―What‘s the mat-
ter?‖ I hate
hate these people, they‘re
they‘re such
such a pain. What do you mean,
mean, ―What‘s
―What‘s the
matter?‖ But this is their question. And you say, ―Nothing,‖ because
because it‘s nothing.
There‘s nothing the matter. If I wake up in a good mood or a bad bad mood, there‘s
nothing the matter, it just happens to be
b e the chemistry.
Every single day on this plane there are tens and tens and tens of millions of people
that yell at each other for no reason whatsoever. But they‘ve made u p a reason;
they‘ve attached
attached it to the other person.
person. Then there is this dilemma
dilemma of uncertainty.
It‘s just uncertainty. ―I don‘t
don‘t know.‖
know.‖ And this ―I don‘t know‖ drives other
other people
crazy. ―What do you mean you don‘t know? Do you love me?‖ ―I don‘t know.‖
―What do you mean you don‘t know, how can you not know?‖ Well, individuals can
be like that. It‘s the way that they are.
So this Timing for the Investigator, this is something very special. All Investigators
have a special timing in their lives. And everything that they‘re
they‘re going to look
look into to
But if you‘ve reached that foundation and you start getti ng nervous about ―How am I
going to get this out? How am I going to get a return
return on my investment? How am I
going to do this?‖ It never works. ―I‘ve got to get this out today; I‘ve got to let
them know.‖ It doesn‘t work;
work; it just doesn‘t
doesn‘t work.
Remember, everything
everything about the individual is about mutating the
the other. The only
way that they‘re going to be able to mutate the other is that they give the other
access to what it is that
that they have
have investigated. But this is lower trigram.
trigram. These are
not beings
beings that are naturally good
good with
with others. This is not a social capacity.
capacity. It‘s
very self-absorbed.
If you have a 1 st line Personality and you‘re operating correctly, the Timing will come
naturally if your mind doesn‘t get in the way and start ge tting nervous. This is the
dilemma. It‘s not like it‘s so difficult for the Investigator to have the right timing , it‘s
all part of the same package.
package. You operate correctly, those things will operate
operate cor-
rectly. But there is a gap. There‘s always a gap between the internalizing process
and its maturation and the ability to be able to externalize. And it‘s in that gap,
which is about time, that the dilemmas arise in the mind, the uncertainty becoming a
problem in the mind. Of course, that uncertainty is going to feed on whatever the
not-self is. So you have somebody with an undefined
undefined ego, you really
really have a prob-
lem. They‘re going to be uncertain,
uncertain, they‘re going to think they‘re
they‘re not strong enough,
―I‘d better go out and push this thing right now and shove it down this person‘s
throat right now.‖
now.‖ Then of course,
course, you end up with
with the backlash that comes with
So, we have a basic foundation here of simply recognizing that in operating correctly
with the externalization
externalization that is right for
for you, that potential
potential is there. But if your mind
gets in the way, all of
of it is lost. And I mean
mean that; it is simply lost. For the individual
the not-self mind is so dangerous. It‘s notnot good for anyone, obviously. But for h u-
anyone, obviously.
manity to have its deepest creative potential aborted daily, and it happens all the
time, humanity is in no way as creative
creative as it is capable of. It‘s just an obvious that
one can see when one just looks at the dynamics.
With the 2nd line, the Internalization is the Hermit and the Hermit is about the gift.
That is, the 2 nd line represents the fact that there is something special within the 2 nd
line being. There is a gift there.
there. We could
could call
call it a talent, a special capacity. And
that capacity is something that in
many ways is mostly dormant. That
is, the kernel of it, the seed of it, is
present in the Hermit. But in orderorder
for it to blossom, it has to be called
You can see that in the Martian d eterminant of the line because it‘s about desires
and passions, self-expression limited by desires and passions . And it is this balance
that the Hermit needs, this balance between the pleasure of externalizing, because
that pleasure in externalizing is a key for
f or them.
Beauty, how wonderful it is to be called out to your potential. And we have to see
something. If there is no pleasure, this is deeply disturbing
disturbing for the Hermit. Remem-
ber, when I think about these themes, one of my favorite reference points is look at
every design and
and think about because that‘s the secret. I n the first seven
about the child, because
years of our lives we are deeply, deeply conditioned.
conditioned. You can understand
understand a human
being best by understanding
understanding how they were conditioned as a child.
child. That hermit child
is going to be called out over and over again by its parents, wanting that child to be
involved in this thing or that thing. Ride a horse,
horse, play tennis, whatever
whatever the case
may be, do better in school, called out to all kinds of things.
In most cases there is absolutely no pleasure in that for the 2 nd line being, and if
there is no pleasure there is discomfort, there is melancholy and there is only the
desire to return to the protection, the quietness of their cave, and they‘re uncertain.
This is an uncertainty principle.
principle. When somebody says to a Hermit, calls
calls out a Her-
mit, there is an uncertainty in them. And that uncertainly
uncertainly can only be overcome
overcome by
If you‘ve got a Generator Hermit and you call them out and they go, ―aha,‖ then
everything is ok.
ok. But it has to be according
according to correctness.
correctness. And you can
can understand
that the vast majority of Hermit children —I had a standing joke, it‘s still a standing
joke—beware if you have a 2/4 child because they may never leave home.home. That‘s a
not-self joke. Because what happens
happens to the young hermit is that they are
are constantly
disappointed in externalization.
externalization. They‘re told
told that they could
could be great
great at something
and it turns out, because they don‘t enter into it correctly, that they‘re not good at it
at all, and all they want to do is crawl back into their hermit‘s cave and avoid it all.
And they crawl
crawl back and they carry
carry that sadness inside of them. Here was the ex-
pectation of the other and here they are as the disappointment, and as a child that‘s
The 2 has within it this incredible need to express itself. This is the irony, and it‘s
truly an irony.
irony. When you look at at the various lines,
lines, the only line that stresses self-
expression in The Creative is the 2 nd line. The irony is, here is this Hermit and there
is this enormous pressure in them to express themselves, get their thing out, get
that particular gift
gift of theirs, that particular talent of theirs, to get
get that out. Not only
that, but that gift and talent is not just a gift and talent, it‘s a mutative gift and tal-
ent that has a potential to transform
transform others.
others. And there is this deep need for self-
expression. But it requires the right call,
call, because if there isn‘t the right call, there‘s
no beauty, there is no pleasure, there‘s no correct values, there is no correct ideals,
it‘s just not there.
Internalization and externalization operate just fine when you‘re correct, but there‘s
always this gap
gap in between where the mind can step back in. And because of the
moodiness and the potential of the uncertainty and the melancholy in an individual it
brings all of these psychological dilemmas that can get in the way of fulfilling the
potential of the externalization.
Everything about the Martyr, the 3 rd line, is about understanding that it is their gift,
their great gift to discover what doesn‘t work and they discover it personally.
They‘re self -absorbed, they‘re lower trigram.
trigram. They discover
discover it themselves. But what
the 3 line individual discovers can be of enormous value to all of humanity, and I‘m
not exaggerating. Their ability to discover what‘s wrong, and out of that what‘s
You can tell how sick, in a way, the planet is, is that the planet is only interested in
things that work. It‘s so disproportionate.
disproportionate. So you
you have
have all
all these people promising
you that things work.
work. And when they don‘t w
ork, it‘s so rare that
that there‘s anybody
who stands up and screams, ―This
thing doesn‘t work, don‘t do this.‖
This is the great 3 rd line gift. And the
3rd line in its thematic connection to
the anarchist is here to tear down
what doesn‘t work.
On the other side, not simply a deep need for self-expression, a profound self-
expression, but the energy for it. But there is always
always something that the Martyr has
to accept. It doesn‘t matter how clear, how aware their perception of what doesn‘t
work, they‘re going to have to pay a price
price always. It‘s the dilemma of of the 3 rd line
being. There is a Price to be Paid. It‘s why they‘re Martyrs. But it is one thing to be
a Martyr that is correct, and it‘s another thing to be a not -self Martyr. When you‘re a
not-self Martyr is there ever a P rice you‘re going to pay and you‘re not going to like
The thing that the Martyr has to understand is that when it is operating correctly, it
will not be punished materially.
materially. When it‘s not operating
operating correctly, this price is a
material one. You invest in the wrong
wrong thing and it cost you
you a fortune.
fortune. There are all
kinds of things that can arise out of this. The price has to be paid. Nobody is ready
or willing to pay a price unless it‘s correct. you think about the n a-
correct. After all, when you
ture of the Martyr, because it‘s something to grasp, this is the Martyr with the poten-
tial as an enduring example whose behavior is ultimately enshrined, behavior that is
ultimately challenged
challenged by others. It attracts attention.
Martyrs, when they Externalize, they get all this attention; they get all this buzz
around them. That‘s the Price they have
have to pay. And for an indivi dual, that‘s quite a
price. The closest individuality
individuality comes to being
being able to integrate with
with the larger world
is in only two channels, the 8/1
8/1 and the 12/22. The 12/22 is the purest social chan-
nel of the individual, but it has a deep closed off-ness as well. But the 8/1? The 8/1
is always ready to offer its individuality as a model for others, its deepest goal within
the individual circuit.
So, the Martyr has a deep, deep need to externalize for the benefit of others; the
enduring example, for the benefit of others.
others. But oh, the price you pay when
when you go
from your individual inspiration and creativity to having to sell it and back it up and
work with others who have to be transformed
transformed by it. It‘s quite something to get
get to
that point.
When we move upward and we go to the 4 th line, obviously we are moving from the
lower trigram to the upper trigram.
trigram. Again, we have a very, very different process.
The dilemmas that are here, that is, Timing, Beauty and Price, this Externalization
that is part of the aspect of a lower trigram profile; the lower trigram has no gift for
externalization. Truly, it doesn‘t. It
doesn‘t have transpersonal skills. So
the dilemmas that are here that we
have been discussing, they‘re difficult
simply because there is no natural
gift inherent in these themes to ex-
This is the key for the Opportunist because the O pportunist doesn‘t even get its po-
tential in life until it has built a proper network; everything about the Opportunist is
about who they know. you‘re a 4 th line being and you know three people, then
know. So if you‘re
you‘re limited to three
three potential opportunities. If you know 100 people you have
have a
potential of 100 opportunities.
opportunities. Everything about the opportunist is numbers.
numbers. Oppor-
tunists are here to develop their
their networks. It is a key for them.
What‘s interesting about this whole 4 th line is that you can only develop your influ-
ence alone. The moment that
that you step out of that, it‘s lost. So, this is a very, very
lonely process.
process. Most people think of 4‘s as very social and con con nected to a lot of
people. Yes, on the surface it does appear
appear to be that way. But in fact, the moment
that somebody else is trying to help them with maintaining their network, everything
taking advice on how they should m aintain their
falls apart. The moment they‘re taking
network to get the best opportunities
opportunities from them, it brings
brings problems. The tension
that they deal with is trying to have the appearance of socialness, while at the same
time being separate
separate from it. And that‘s quite something.
You get to see how 4‘s get pulled into their own
own networks. And when they get pulled
into their own networks, they lose all their power. All of this is about operating cor-
rectly and not allowing your mind to mess things up, because if you operate correct-
ly, the tension is a natural
natural one and it‘s necessary.
necessary. It‘s what‘s going
going to bring all of
those potential possibilities
possibilities to the fore.
fore. But the mind, while it‘s waiting for results
from its investment,
investment, the mind can drive you mad. It can convince
convince you that it‘s all
just stupid. It can send you into a melancholic depression; it can bring you to a
point of closing down the very network that is the very potential for you in this life.
Yet, the thing that‘s so interesting about the power of the Heretic in terms of Exter-
nalization is that it‘s all about Stamina. Now, tell me about that. I teach day and
night, it seems.
seems. Stamina is really something. because I have a 5 th line
something. I say that because
Personality. Stamina is something that is extraordinary as a tool for the Heretic. It
really is the only way that they can externalize; they just have to keep on keeping at
The tendency of the 5, as an individual, they take on the collective quality which is
the General, which is you only
only come out when it‘s necessary.
necessary. Yet, nobody sees that
at the individual internal level, the
General off on the farm away from its
it s
responsibilities is deeply involved in
its process. It‘s just not public at
that point. It is this stamina, to stay
with it, that is at the key for the
These examinations of the roles this way, please remember you‘re bringing this back
to your profile and see
see that this is an aspect
aspect of you. It‘s an aspect
aspect of how you bring
you. The 10th gate is the core your uniqueness, in
out in this life what is uniquely you.
that sense.
sense. It represents
represents this larger model. And obviously there are
are many nuances
to that. I don‘t want to get into that,
that, we‘re just talking about larger themes.
But if you‘re an individual, that‘s not what it‘s about. The individual creative impera-
tive is to put mutation out in the world;
world; otherwise, everything is just stuck. So,
there are all kinds of people—you do a reading for somebody and you look at their
profile, you‘ll see that the general theme of whatever their I nternalization here is, it‘s
there. But they‘re not Externalizing that uniqueness firstly and fore mostly because
they‘re not operating correctly, so there is no chance in that sense for who they rea l-
ly are to come out.
The moment that your mind is controlling all of decision making, there is no way for
you to display your difference. And the display of difference is not a vanity. It‘s not
a provocation. It is your destiny. That‘s the thing. One of the dilemmas that I see
in profiles is that the Externalization process here in the individual aspect of your
profile, this is the thing that‘s most deeply lacking in the way in which human beings
operate. This is the part of you that is so deeply
deeply layered over by the homogenization
of conditioning. So that you‘re the martyr and
and you see what‘s
what‘s wrong, but you
you don‘t
want to pay the price. It‘s just not worth it. ―I‘ll hold inside
i nside of me what I know is
wrong. Let them go, these fools. If I tell
tell them that they‘re crazy they‘ll just beat
me up. So I‘m not going to do that.‖ There are so many human beings who do not,
cannot, will
will not, externalize what don‘t Externalize your
what is their true nature. If you don‘t
true nature, you don‘t fulfill your potential.
Now, I can understand the resistance when you‘re dealing with the lower trigram,
because externalization is always difficul t for the lower trigram. Always. It‘s why
operating out of Strategy and Authority is the only thing that will bring that out, will
bring out that Timing, that Pleasure, the Price that is acceptable.
acceptable. But when
when you‘re
looking at the upper trigram, here is where so much of what is possible for humanity
is simply not there because it is not externalized.
It‘s so important to see that externalization is there naturally when you‘re correct.
But we live on a plane of incorrectness;
incorrectness; we live on a plane of the not-self. So, all of
this wonderful potential doesn‘t get out, and when it doesn‘t get out it turns on those
who don‘t get it out. It‘s the not -self pain and the not-self pain at the individual
level to end up living a life of depression and uncertainty about your own capacities,
about who you are,
are, and simply going along for
for the ride until you‘re dead.
dead. Not much
of a story.
It‘s like thinking about the 10th gate and looking at the 6 th line of the 10th gate. Be-
cause, after all, the 10 th gate is very, very important in the way in which we under-
stand the generalized purpose
purpose of a human being. It gives us these fundamental
themes that we use in the description of every profile. They are are derived directly
from this role gate. Then you come to this this gate and you come to the 6 line and you
see that it‘s a binary. It‘s just a basic binary. On one side you have the constant
example, and on the other side you have the hypocrite. It stops there and there‘s
nothing else.
It‘s only now that we‘re beginning to see the results of that; we‘re beginning to see
lives that don‘t end
end until you‘re in your
your 100‘s. We‘re beginning to see
see the extension
of our physical well-being late into our life providing us with the capacity to be able
to flower at a much later age.
But you can also see the confusion that it has brought. The Uranian age is an age
where until the mid-life you‘re really
really not ready
ready for the world. You‘re not mature yet.
The old Saturnian maturity
maturity at 15 is over. It takes us approximately
approximately 40 years just to
gain our footing.
footing. Once we gain
gain our footing it takes
takes another dozen
dozen years, approx-
imately, in order for us to begin to develop our
our potential. And then our Kiron phase
where we can flower.
For the Role Model in this new era it‘s about being seen. This is the thing for them.
And understand the relationship
relationship that the Role Model
Model has with the Martyr. Obviously,
we have not simply a harmony here, but it ‘s deeper tha n that because of the 3 rd line
phase that the 6 th line being goes through. The confusion that arises for most Role
Models is that they see ‗being seen‘ as Paying a Price, and it‘s not.
Of course, for the development of humanity, for our future we need 6 th line Role
Models to be visible, you need to see them. you‘re a Role Model, if you‘re a
them. And if you‘re
6th line being and you‘re post -Kiron and you‘re not available for others to see you as
a Role Model and you can do so without feeling uncomfortable, boy are you ever in
the right place because that‘s what it‘s about.
It is an enormous
enormous process. When you think about phase for a 6 th line being,
about the roof phase
it‘s like a desert island.
island. If you live on a desert
desert island for 20 years
years it‘s not an
an easy
thing to then walk into a local supermarket
supermarket somewhere. It‘s not easy
easy at all.
all. It‘s not
easy to come back coming off the roof is all about, co m-
back into the world. That‘s what coming
ing back into the world and being
bei ng seen.
There is always
always going to be in the individual
individual process these mutative gaps. It‘s not
like the Role Model who, the moment that they have their Kiron return is ready to
jump out into the world. It‘s just means that the mutative clock is working. And at
some point, given that they‘re correct, it will be natural for them to step out and be
seen. But there‘s always this Timing process.
process. There‘s always this gap in between
these processes, between the Internalizing process and the Externalizing process.
If you are individual —if you have individual definition—the uncertainty is accen-
tuated. The potential
potential for the melancholic
melancholic reaction is accentuated.
accentuated. The potential
potential to
feel uncomfortable with the process is accentuated because you begin to doubt in it.
You begin to wonder whether
whether it‘s going to happen or not. And of course,
course, this is
when you can be led astray
astray by the mind. This is when the mind can step
step in and say,
―Look, let‘s make a decision mentally and let‘s decide to do this and that.‖ And of
course, the whole game is lost.
Everything is about accepting that we‘re not in charge. That is, not who we think we
are. Who we think we are is not in charge. Who we think we are are is a passenger.
It‘s just looking out the windows. If you‘re operating
operating correctly, this theme in your
profile is going to be something comes alive. It‘s very important not simply to
something that comes
live out the internalization, but to be able to make that contribution, and to make
that mutative contribution
contribution to the world around you.
you. To be able to externalize what
what is
your uniqueness.
If you can‘t externalize your profile there is no purpose for you to fulfill; recognize
that. It is the externalization
externalization of it that is the completion of its process. The beauty
and the potential that is there for anyone who lives out their uniqueness is to be able
to demonstrate it, and not to fall back into the expectation and determination of
others. To be your ownown authority, to be correct in your
your own authority
authority and to act
correctly in the way in which you externalize who you are.
Oh, I remember
remember some wonderful
wonderful Generator stories. When I first started to teach
about type and all of these things, Generators who would insist on only responding
and only responding
responding through sounds, what
what kind of flack they got from others. It
made them uncomfortable.
uncomfortable. And it made them uncomfortable not
not because of what
what it
was, in fact; what it wasn‘t is what made them uncomfortable. It was different, it
wasn‘t like them.
them. It wasn‘t following
following the same rules.
Today with the Earth in the 59 th gate we couldn‘t ask for a better day to get into
genetic roles. I think it‘s very important
important to keep in mind that what
what we‘re looking at
is the variations of themes
themes that exist in your profile.
profile. So, we have looked
looked at the indi-
vidual way in which it operates through our profile and the collective operating
through the profile.
profile. We have seen that
that the individual and the collective
collective roles gates
are all part of the G Center. And represent identities, in a way, the way
way in which the
role is dressed.
But today we have something very different. That is, we enter into Sacral
Sacral land.
Whenever we enter into the world of the Sacral, we enter into the most powerful
engine that we have.
have. It really is the engine of life. In many
many ways,
ways, the thematic
roles that are here in the Sacral Center dominate in terms of the way in which the
profile operates.
The 59 Gate: Genetic Imperative to Reproduce/To Take
The 27th Gate: Genetic Imperative to Give Our Energy to Others/To Give
In continuing with the way in which the information is structured, again you can see
that it is divided up into two basic groupings. That is, on the right-hand side you see
the Internalization and on the left-hand sideside you see the Externalization. When
we‘re looking at the Internalization we‘re looking at the 59 th gate.
gate. In looking at
at the
59 gate we‘re looking at the genetic imperative reproduce. It‘s the genetic im-
imperative to reproduce.
perative to bond and fertile. When we‘re looking at the 27th gate it is a genetic
and be fertile.
imperative for us to extend our energy beyond ourselves and give it to others.
Of course, it becomes
becomes very distorting in the way
way in which these
these roles operate.
operate. In
other words,
words, you don‘t
don‘t take from somebody who is just like you.
you. You take from
somebody who is not
not like you. And you don‘t give to somebody
somebody who‘s just like you.
You are designed to give to those who are not like you, which can be quite confus-
ing. The moment that we deal with with the themes of conditioning, obviously
obviously the not-
self realm of this planet is nothing but conditioning, you can see that human beings
take in what is conditioning
conditioning and they give out conditioning.
conditioning. This is the way
way in which
the not-self functions.
In looking at these themes, it‘s very important to keep in mind that these are deeply
powerful in the way can be interpreted into our profile. It‘s particular ly
way in which they can
significant for anyone, and of course we‘re going to have about 68% of the popul a-
tion that is defined sacrally.
sacrally. For those beings that are Generators or Manifesting
Generators, these themes tend to dominate even more so in the way in which
they‘re represented within the general profile itself.
For those of who are not Generators, and I include myself as a Manifestor, Manifes-
tors and Projectors and Reflectors, this is a much more balanced aspect in terms of
the way it‘s integrated into the profile as a w hole. Obviously, if you are a Generator
and you have these specific gates, or you have definition through these channels,
then it can become a significant aspect of the way in which you operate on the out-
This business of taking and giving is one of the most fundamental things about our
nature. These roles dominate in the way in which allall human beings deal with each
other. It basically
basically creates the nature of the world that we live in. Those that are
deeply uncomfortable with the taking or being taken, and those that are deeply un-
comfortable with the giving or the lack of giving or the way it‘s received, and so forth
and so on, this is the given and take of life, all of that is here in these particular
Let‘s begin by looking at the Internalization, the 59th gate, is all about the taking in.
Understand what
what I mean by that. We have roles that are built into us genetically.
Given that these are genetic roles, we are designed in one way or another to attract
If we begin with the 1 st line—and again, something to keep in mind because it‘s del i-
cious, I was running through some of these before, for example, ignore the externa-
lized side for a second and just look at the internalization and think about it in terms
of profile. For example,
example, let‘s start with
with the 1/3. you‘re the 1/3 , you‘re a Penetrat-
1/3. If you‘re
ing Adventurer. That‘s quite differ-
ent than being an Investigative
Martyr. In other words, the mo-
ment a 1/3 being has been turned
on, attracted to somebody, whatev-
er the case may be, the moment
that they‘re going to have to deal
with the other, this is the theme
that is going to arise to the surface,
this Penetrating Adventurer.
When you‘re looking at the profiles of people around you and people that you‘re
interested in, whatever the case may be, when you‘re looking at the profiles of
clients, it is something really to keep in mind that these various keynotes that we
have been looking at over the last three weeks become enormously helpful in giving
you a holistic picture of the way in
i n which the profile operates.
The other thing to keep in mind before I go into any detail in this is the obvious, and
I repeat the obvious over and over again because it is the very truth of Human De-
sign. It is Strategy and Authority
Authority that aligns
aligns you to what is your correct role. The
pathway to the fulfillment of purpose is through the perfection
perfection of your role. To be
aligned to these aspects isn‘t about you mentally recognizing tha t this is not what
you‘ve been living out and you‘re going to change it all, because from the mental
plane there is really nothing you
you can do about it. It really is a mechanical thing.
And particularly when you‘re dealing with tribal roles, they are deep ly, deeply genet-
ic, they‘re buried deep inside.
Let‘s begin with number 1, the Penetrator. I had a nickname for this line for many,
many years;
years; I called it the caveman/cavewoman.
caveman/cavewoman. You‘re dealing withwith a lower tr i-
gram theme. You‘re dealing with self- absorption; you‘re dealing with looking inward.
Always remember that when you
have a 1st, 2nd or 3rd line in a gate
that it‘s very absorbed in the gate
process, but is rather ignorant of
the fact that there is a channel that
they‘re a part of. And that
that at some
point or another there is something
at the other end of the channel that
can stimulate them, impact them,
bump into them, whatever the case
may be.
The Penetrator goes deeper into the other than anyone else, and deeper into the
other in order to see that there is some solidity
solidity in the other. And they can only take
once they have penetrated.
penetrated. They cannot
cannot take without
without penetration.
penetration. They cannot
cannot just
blindly take somebody in, because the moment they blindly take somebody in
they‘re going to pay a real price f or that.
that. Because the dilemma for them is that
they‘re not very
very good at ending what they
they start. They‘re not good
good at it at all. There
is a deep part of them that simply assumes that they just need to continue to do
their investigation because
because they can‘t
can‘t really be certain that it‘s not good. It can be
an agonizing process for them.
When we go to the 2nd line we have a shift. We have the Loner. Remember that
these are genetic
genetic strategies. None of these aspects
aspects are there to not get intimacy
important to see tha t. These are
and not find or take intimacy. It‘s very important are very, very
different genetic techniques for getting the other. If you look at the 59.2 it‘s the line
of Shyness. The moment that you readread that out to somebody
somebody they assume that that
the shyness has to do with all kinds of things that are tot ally removed from what it‘s
there for.
It‘s a trap. All of these things are traps. If there is a Penetrator that‘s examining
are traps.
you, the worse
worse thing you can
can do is say to them, ―What
―What are you doing?‖ The thing
about the Loner is that this has a very, very specific pull for those that are right for
them. Within the genetic context
context there is always
always somebody that that is correct for
for you.
The Loner is the one that says, ―Don‘t bother me, don‘t bother me, you can‘t touch
me, you near me.‖ We all know people like that where there is this
you can‘t come near
sheen of ―Don‘t bother
bother because it‘s never going to work.‖ And yet, there is always
somebody who knows how to break down that barrier, and that‘s what the Loner is
trying to attract.
Understand that it doesn‘t matter who you are taking into your life, and it doesn‘t
matter whether it‘s the opposite sex or the same sex, the genes don‘t notice, by the
way, they don‘t care. The formula
formula remains
remains the same. The formula
formula is that you‘re
taking in a possibility that is different enough so that there can be an interesting
genetic combination as the result.
result. And whether that is a friendship
friendship in which your
friend is very different from you and it‘s stimulating, or whether it a sexual bond with
somebody that ultimately is reproductive, for the genes it‘s all the same thing.
In other words, whenever you‘re making a real connection with another person it‘s
always sexual. It doesn‘t
doesn‘t mean
mean that it comes
comes out
out that
that way.
way. In other
other words,
words, it
doesn‘t mean that any bond is going to product sexual
sexual activity. But to understand it
from the genes point of view, that‘s all they‘re interested in is the reproduction of
something that is rooted
rooted in difference so they can
can keep the gene pool healthy. And
it doesn‘t matter to them what‘s happening on the surface in terms of whether it‘s
same mechanism at work.
this or that. It‘s just the same
The 3rd line is the Adventurer. The 3rd line carries a burden, it really carries a bur-
den. Within the mating sense,
sense, and just to keep it within that perspective
perspective for a mo-
ment, they‘re not interested in taking the person next door, if you know what I
Of course, we all know that the 3 rd line carries the theme of Bonds Made and Broken,
and it‘s not surprising that given that they are the adventurer that they often blund-
er, they often make mistakes, and those mistakes are the genes favo rite gift. It‘s
my standing joke of the white European woman going to Jamaica and having a one-
night stand and getting pregnant. This is classic 3rd line adventure and the genes
love it. It‘s very cruel in that sense
sense because from the holistic point of view from the
being it can turn out to be quite a turmoil and difficult, and all of these other things.
In other words, driven into the genetic imperative that they cannot take what‘s bas i-
cally available, that they can only take what is really different from them, that this is
going to be the driving force. As it turns out, eventually that is really not going to be
for them. And so often these relationships are when that 6th line
are extremely difficult when
being goes up on to the roof and starts entering into their 6 line process.
When we‘re dealing with the 4 th line we‘re dealing with the theme of the Companion.
Now, I‘ve talked a lot over the years in the various sexual courses that I have given
that it can often be very difficult for 4 th line teenagers,
teenagers, as an example. You can
can be
friends with the boy or girl that you‘re really excited about and would really like to
have as your lover, and rather than
that you are simply their confidante.
You‘re simply somebody that‘s there
for them to talk to. It was my
standing joke that the 4th line being
and their friend on one of those
nights when nothing is going on and
they‘re together all of a sudden
something can happen. There is a
line that can be crossed.
When we‘re dealing with the 4th line we are dealing with the theme of voyeurism.
We are dealing with this theme of the companion that can stand back and hear the
stories. Boy or girl, you end up hearing things
things that as a companion
companion normally
normally is
saved for same-sexed friends. The kind of of things that girls
girls tell girls and boys tell
boys, when you‘re a Companion, you get this voyeuristic opportunity to get the other
of this ongoing finding out and waiting. They are, after
side of the story. It‘s part of
all, opportunist. They are going to wait for that moment wherewhere friendship can
can be-
come a deeper physical intimacy.
It also means that for them without the Companionship there is no way of knowing
whether or not
not that being can be correct
correct for them at a deeper intimacy. Remember
that these are genetic strategies. They‘re perfect within themselves. Each and
every one of us has a predisposition to differentiate. And one of the deepest aspects
of the representation of our differentiation is there i n the profile.
So, when you‘re a 2/4, a 4/6, whatever the combination happens to be, the fact of
the matter is that
that without that opening friendship,
friendship, this is what
what you take first. You
take them in as a friend. This is the hook. And without that,that, well, there will be no
opportunity; there will classic lines to 4th
will be no place to go beyond that. One of my classic
The 5 Line: The Seducer
As we move up, we get to the 5 th line, and when we get to the 5 th line we get to the
line of Seduction
Seduction and we get to the Seducer.
Seducer. Seduction often has a bad name. And
being a 5th line being I have to defend seduction, at least I hope so because it feels
ok to me. One has no choice in this
life. You are what you‘re given
genetically. Seduction is the calling
out of intimacy from the other.
You can see what the problem is, is that if you‘re not operating correctly they bac k-
fire on you. They just do. And they can end up bringing a great
great deal of
of discomfort
into your life. It‘s very,
very, very easy to be conditioned away
away from
from your nature. It‘s
very easy—the 2 line Loner who has all these friends who constantly want to drag
them out—―You‘re going to be an old maid and you‘re going to die in your bed.
Come on, we‘ll take you
you out. You need to meet more people.‖ It goes on all the
Of course, Seducers learn very quickly, because as 5 th line beings they get the initial
positive projection, but so quickly that positive projection turns into, ―Don‘t try to
seduce me,‖ it immediately gets into all kinds of dilemmas because it‘s simply not
the right being
being that you‘re
you‘re with in the first
first place. You can‘t
can‘t control that. You can‘t
control that from the mental plane.
I‘m always amazed at watching my seduction machine at work, because it‘s never up
to me, my passenger.
passenger. It‘s never been up to my passenger. I‘ve had a long track
record and it‘s really
really funny to just watch what
what happens. It‘s a natural phenomenon.
natural way of bringing things out. And when somebody says to me how i m-
It‘s a natural
portant friendship is in a relationship it‘s like my 1 st line sort of harmonically can sort
of grasp that, but that‘s not my nature.
The funniest line for me is the 6 th. I do have a lot of fun with the
the 6‘s in my life. The
6 line is the D reamer. Isn‘t that nice,
sort of? This Dreamer
Dreamer is always
always dream-
ing of the perfect, the incredible, the
soul mate, the miracle relationship, the
ultimate relationship. It‘s such a thing.
It‘s something to understand about the
6th line is that faster than anybody else
they discover that the dream is really a
Think about
about them for a moment. When
you‘re dealing with a 6 th line being, if
you meet them in their first 30 years
they‘re living out the Adventurer. Nine
times out of ten, it doesn‘t work. So
you get all these early divorces, or
these early split ups, you usually end
up with single parents, this kind of
thing. Then they
they go up on the roof and
they start dreaming. It is like, ―Ah, it could
could be this, it could be that.‖ They end up
actually moving further and further and further away from true intimacy.
inti macy.
So we have all of these very, very interesting profile themes that are there in terms
of the way in which wewe take in the other for
for their support. Think about that as well.
This is part of
of the design of being caught
caught up in a binary world. We do need the oth-
er. Humanity is built on this premise. So, it‘s an essential
essential ingredient
ingredient in our lives
that not only do we have the other, but that we are capable of bringing the correct
other into our lives.
From the very beginning when I first entered into this whole process, one of my
deepest concerns was that I was introducing the knowledge to people who were not-
self, that it was going to take at l east seven years for some of them to be able to get
out of that and begin to really see what is possible in this life in terms of relation-
ships. How incredible
incredible relationships can be.
As an integrative individual
individual I was born to be a loner.
loner. Yet, at the same time it‘s so
obvious to me that relationships are something that are so extraordinary and i t takes
a long time in one‘s process to get to that point where one is able, out of correc t-
mutually beneficial. It‘s one of t he
ness, simply to take in the other in a way that is mutually
most interesting things about
about the support mechanism that
that underlines this. Is that in
taking somebody in we are triggering a mechanism that demands that they support
us and we support them. It‘s a mechanism.
If you‘re not entering into relationships correctly, if you‘re not bringing the right
beings into your life, this whole bargain breaks down and somebody ends up suffer-
ing. Often the byproduct
byproduct of it is that there is a new life that comes
comes into the world,
and comes into a world that can be in disarray. These themes are are enormously im-
portant for us in our lives, being able to be correct in our relationship with the other.
And being able to fulfill our potential by being correct in the way in which we enter
into relationships with the other.
The most important relationships in your lives now are not all these people that you
have known for all these years. Not friends, family, children,
children, lovers, whatever the
case may be. But the great adventure
adventure for all of you is every new relationship
relationship that
emerges in your life are the ones that you can truly enter into according to your
nature. And you can begin to discover
discover the difference. It‘s very difficult to see that
and it‘s very difficult to live out the purity of what you are when you‘re dealing with
forces ar ound you who are not aware, when you‘re dealing with forces around you
that are not-self.
But those occasions when you can meet somebody new and in entering into your
relationship the way you should be operating, and entering into that bond correctly
you will see right away that it‘s these themes that will emerge and they will be co r-
rect. And if the other being is there for you, they will be deeply
deeply attracted to what
your role is, because
because they‘ve been waiting for it. After all, everybody that
that you meet
in your life is on your fractal, everybody. And it‘s a matter in terms
terms of who is going
to be at the concretized level the intimate ones with you, this is a discernment selec-
tion process that is rooted in your operating correctly as yourself.
Of course,
course, this is the story. We are
not here simply to take in. The
tribe is the two Sacral gates of the
defense circuit. And at its most
mundane level, the 59 side is the
reproductive engine, and the 27
side is the nurturing engine. But
that‘s very mecha nism
very basic. It is a mecha
that is built in so that we will nur-
ture our young and they will be able
to survive and grow old enough to be able to reproduce themselves, and you have
the continuation of the genetic pool. But it‘s also much
much larger than that
that in terms of a
role. It is the general theme of the way in which you will
will offer of yourself to the
other, to any other in that sense.
The 1 Line: The Selfish
Again we‘re beginning with the lower trigram and when we start with the lower tr i-
gram you can see that the 1 st line is the line of
of the Selfish.
Selfish. Now, of course, that
sounds terrible. This is supposed to be about Giving. Here we immediately start off off
with selfishness.
selfishness. And not only that, but the foundation of giving
giving is being selfish.
So, this 1st line theme here in the profile, if the 1 st line is not operating correctly, if
the being is not operating correctly, they have very little that they can offer the oth-
er. And if they have very little they can offer the other, no matter how successful
they are in penetrating, their relationships are simply not going to last, because
ultimately they have
have to transcend
transcend that
that theme. It‘s built into the lines, it‘s there. The
moment that they are secure, the moment that they really have, that‘s the moment
they can begin to give.
When we get to the 2 nd line we get to the Giver. I think that this is one
one of those
things going through all of these roles is also a way of enriching one‘s understanding
of lines themes. The 2nd line is often in many ways misunderstood because of its
barriers. Yet, the thing that‘s so extraordinary ab out the 2nd line is that nobody in
this life is ready to give you more.
more. As a matter of fact, in terms
terms of the not-self they
will give to a point that they can no longer
longer support themselves.
themselves. They give you the
shirt off their back, they give you
you everything. It can become a disease. It can be-
come an enormous problem for them.
There is a deep, deep generosity that is there within the 2 nd line. It has
has to be called
generous for everyone. As a matter of fact, the 2 line being
out, obviously. It isn‘t generous
can be incredibly generous to someone one moment and totally cold and un-giving to
somebody else in the next moment
moment because they are beings that that have barriers. But
if you are somebody who has correctly been able to move through that barrier,
you‘re meeting a f ount of nourishment.
Think about the 27 from the point of view that I‘m not just talking about nouris h-
ment that is about sustenance or about caring for somebody, because those are
themes that are
are there.
there. But it‘s also
about the nourishment of some-
body‘s intelligence, the nourishment
of their intellectual growth, the nou-
rishment of their awareness. There
are many, many kinds of giving that
is there in the 2nd lines.
Of course, ultimately they get to a point where it can be deeply, deeply depressing
for them. And so deeply uncomfortable
uncomfortable and the barriers come up and
and that‘s the end
of the story.
story. These are roles
roles that can be deeply impacted by
by error in life, the not
operating correctly.
correctly. Then you end
end up with a totally
totally misguided understanding of the
potential of your relationship with the other.
By the way, when it‘s incorrect, these are the parents that think their child is a g e-
nius and they drive that child with all kinds of support that eventually creates noth-
ing more than a neurotic being.
being. There are all kinds of perversions
perversions that come
come with
any of these roles on the Externalization side not operating correctly.
On the Internalization side, there is the underlying sexual dynamic that gives it a
different quality. But in Externalization, it can
can be such
such a handicap to be not-self and
to be caught up in the dysfunctional
dysfunctional part of these
these themes. Not simply that you‘re
obsessed with getting as
as much as you can
can and having as much
much as you can.
can. But that
the obsession is then passed to those that are in your life, moving them forward —
you be as good as…‖—and it goes on and on and on.
―why can‘t you
When I look out at the world around me —and I‘ve been doing relationship charts for
nearly 20 years—it‘s astonishing how unhealthy
unhealthy most relationships
relationships are.
are. It is very,
very difficult to have a clean relationship unless you have two bei ngs that are operat-
ing correctly.
correctly. Here it cannot be a one-way street. It‘s better to bebe alone.
alone. It cannot
be a one-way street.
If you‘re not operating correctly and your partner is not operating correctly , then you
end up with all of the dilemmas that are there that are part of the script of dysfunc-
tional relationships that just splatter the planet. How important it is to be correct
and more so the more radical you can be in terms of reestablishing correct relation-
ships in your life. This is a key. Not simply accepting
accepting that the old relationships
relationships that
hang around you still that there‘s nothing that can be done with them.
Every single being who has embraced Human Design at one level or another, even at
the most selfish level,
level, needs to try to bring awareness
awareness into the life of the other. And
not just for them, but for you, so that you can begin to have, and enjoy relationships
that are truly fulfilling.
The other thing, it gets rid of all the bullshit. It gets rid of all the pretense; it gets
rid of all the false conditioned things.
things. These people
people that always want to give and
aren‘t givers. These people that w
ant to push you
you and drive you
you and support you
who aren‘t. That isn‘t are. All these people who say, ―I can‘ t help you
isn‘t who they are.
We come to the upper trigram of externalization and we come to the 4 th line theme
of the Magnanimous. Boy, that
that sounds good; that s ounds really good doesn‘t it?
We‘re dealing with upper trigram and in dealing with upper trigram there is a natural
transpersonal capacity.
capacity. Not only is
there a natural transpersonal capac-
ity, but Externalization in the 27 th
gate is as transpersonal as you can
possibly be. In other words, it is
the epitome of transpersonal-ness.
It can be wonderful,
wonderful, after all. When it is correct it is something
something that can be deeply
generous and cancan layout the possibilities of opportunity
opportunity for others. However, in the
always seems like a sham. That is, the not-self 4th line being gives you
not-self. it always
the impression that they can be very generous, gives you the impression that they
can help you, because after all you‘re on their network, but in fact they can studiou s-
ly ignore you and
and not give you the support.
support. While they maintain you you in the network,
you‘re still caught in the possibility that you may be able to get their support.
The 4th line is about influencing those that they know, and this is how they fulfill their
potential. So, the magnanimous, well, I‘d like to see a lot more awake 4 th line be-
ings and we will see a much grander
grander and more generous
generous spirit, in that sense. We do
not have a generous spirit on this planet.
It is one of the deep mystical potentials that the ultimate network includes all of us.
The generosity is something that is a potential that should be available for support
for all. But we‘ve got three billion people that go to bed hungry that
that earn less than a
euro a day. It is absolutely incredible
incredible the lack of opportunity and generosity
generosity that is
there in the world. This is a deficiency in terms
terms of the awakeness
awakeness or the potential
awakeness of the 4 th line.
When we get to the 5 we get to the E xecutor. To me it‘s one of those very, very
ironic, and of course the 30.5, the line of I rony, it‘s very much
much an ironic line. Unde r-
neath the seducer who can only seduce to get you in is somebody who is ready to
take complete responsibility
responsibility for your life. And this is what the Executor
Executor is all about.
This is the capacity to take charge and to look after the concerns and the needs of
when it‘s not operating correctly, all 5th lines attract suspicion. The
others. But when
Executor that wants to look after you, there is a suspicion that they want to do that
these things. Everybody assumes there is a reaso n-
for some reason. It‘s like all of these
ing behind these kinds
kinds of patterns. There isn‘t. It‘s just a genetic construct. It‘s not
like they‘re working it out, it‘s not like they‘ve got an underlying plan that they‘re
working with, they
they don‘t. They don‘t know why they‘re doing that.
You can see that this is the harmony to the G iver. This is not the same thing. It‘s
not this natural generosity
generosity that literally will share
share their dinner with you. The Execu-
tor will not share
share their dinner with
with you. But they will do the very best they can to
make sure that you have dinner, wherever you may be, whatever your relationship is
to them. They will take
take that responsibility.
responsibility. Not from their own plate, by the way.
The giver will say, ―You want some of my food?‖ The executor will feel responsibility
to do the best they can to call in the resources, that‘s what they‘re good at, to get
access to things that will make it possible for others to be able to have the things
they need in support.
But of course,
course, there is always the suspicion. The moment that the 5 th line being
doesn‘t provide
provide in this way,
way, then everyone
everyone turns against
against them immediately. ―You
should have looked after that. You should have taken
taken care of that. It ‘s your fault.‖
I guess in many ways the most interesting for me is this combination between the
Internalized Dreamer
Dreamer and the Externalized
Externalized Realist. I think this is a wonderful
wonderful com-
ment on the nature of a 6 th line being, that in terms of Externalization and support,
they are designed to be deeply Realistic about who deserves the support.
Again, remember that the 6 th line being is going to go through a Driven stage.
They‘re going to go through this driven stage which is very, ve ry different because in
the driven stage there is no realism.
realism. There is simply the drive that the impossible
can be done, that you can support
others to the point that they can
rise up and they can be stars, and
all of those things. Particularly in
terms of relationships, working on
somebody and trying to mold them
so that you finally get the reasona-
ble relationship you hope you could
This Realism is something that touches them very, very deeply when they‘re correct.
A deep recognition of what can be supported, who can be supported and who cannot
be supported despite the dreams.
dreams. The dream is always there—―Wouldn‘t it be won-
derful if…‖ this is the Role Model, after
after all. This is the natural
natural leader—―Wouldn‘t it be
wonderful if…‖
These things are so profound in our lives —to really grasp that, to really understand
that. For the last several months, particularly on the radio, I‘ve been talking so
much about that experiment and that‘s wonderful. O b-
that it‘s great that you‘re in your experiment
viously, that is a transforming
transforming process for you.
you. But you‘re not alone; you‘re not in a
vacuum. You cannot
cannot escape the world that is around you.
you. This world that‘s around
you is where
where you meet this world,
world, you meet it with
with this. It‘s where you meet the
outsider. It‘s where
where you meet
meet that other.
In your relationship with the other is the whole potential of whether or not you truly
are going to be
be able to live this
this life correctly. about just you. If you were in
correctly. It‘s not about
a cave all
all by yourself, you‘re going to spend the rest
rest of your life there, good. You
are going to be it; you‘re going to be aware, you‘re going to be awake, it‘s going to
be wonderful as long as you maintain the experiment, you go beyond the seven
years, this is wonderful.
wonderful. So all of you that don‘t want to risk the chance that you‘re
going to lose the magic, go find yourself a post-Kiron cave. But that isn‘t the way
it‘s going to play out. You know
know that.
I know the negative side of being an Executor who is S elfish, a 5/1 because I‘m a
5/1. I know
know the negative side of being a Seducing Penetrator. I really know the
negative; been there,
there, done that, saw it. Saw all the wounds,
wounds, saw all the stuff
stuff that
went with it. And it didn‘t change
change because
because I wanted
wanted to change. And it didn‘t change
because I had some great notion about how I could do it or I had some master that
was going to teach
teach me, it didn‘t happen that way.
way. It just happened.
All of a sudden after years and years of living according to what is correct for me,
these are the things that emerged as aspects of my nature. Now, I‘m non -Sacral
my nature.
being with a totally Sacral. It‘s one of the dominant themes for me in the way
totally open Sacral.
in which my role comes out.
out. The individual aspects
aspects of role are much more dominant
in my profile because individual. But the fact is, that for all of us to under-
because I‘m so individual.
stand something very, very basic, is that to be correct in this life, to live out your
role correctly, it means
means you also have to take and give correctly.
correctly. This is the story.
There is this deep, deep beauty, for me anyway it is a beauty, it is something that is
esthetic, is that when you get to this place where how you take the other in and how
you can be of service to the other is nothing more than being oneself. It‘s natural.
there is no dilemma mentally about if this is right or should I
And it‘s correct. And there
do it differently or why
why am I like this or all
all of these things. It‘s not about wanting to
be something else.
else. It‘s not about
about being under pressure by others to give up what
one is.
I remember in my post-Human Design life —I only have one motor and it‘s the ego
and I‘m a single definition— I heard so many people wrap on my ego, until I got to a
point where it would
would really make me angry.
angry. Yet, at the same time, feeling like, is
there something wrong, is the re something wrong with me that I‘ve got this strong
―I?‖ And all these years since the knowledge has been
been part of my life I love my ―I,‖ I
have no other choice.
choice. It is my nature to be an ego being. It is simply what
what it is. As
long as I‘m correct , everything is fine and I don‘t care anymore about this person or
that person thinking that
that there is a dilemma because
because of my ego. They‘re obviously
not people for me.
And always this vision of mine that the children of this generation, our children and
the next generation and so forth, it‘ll become easier and easier to raise human b e-
ings as themselves so that they give and take naturally. That it is correct
correct for them.
If you‘re taking correctly you will only take from those that are correct for you to
take. And if you‘re giving correctly you
you will only give to those who are
are correct for
you to give to. And the whole
whole thing works.
Most of the time it‘s just nonsense, mental trips. It has nothing to do with
nonsense, it‘s just mental
who they really
really are and who
who really belongs in their life. I am absolutely astonished
at who is in my life, because it‘s clear to me that my mind never would have selected
them. And how muchmuch I would have missed, truly how much I would would have missed
because of the conditioned
conditioned prejudices of
of my mind. In trusting my Spleen,
Spleen, regardless
of how often I‘ve
I‘ve been surprised been disappointed. Tr u-
surprised at what it does, I‘ve never been
surprised, but I‘ve never been disap-
ly, I have never been disappointed. I‘ve been surprised,
pointed. It‘s quite remarkable.
So, to add to all of the other reasons to honor your Strategy and your Authority, this
one, this is a great reason.
reason. Find grace in your life. Here is a place
place of deep
deep grace, to
be able to take and to be able to give, not according to anyone else‘s standards or
moralities, but to be able to take
take and give correctly as yourself. And in return
return to
receive what is correct for you, and to be taken in by those that are correct for you.
This is the real magic, and this is where the real transformation of what Human De-
sign can do for humanity. This is where
where it can
can be most
most deeply evidenced.
evidenced. Not in the
individuals who wander around correct within their nature alone, and in many ways
under pressure
pressure because of the world around
around them. But the potential that comes
when there is more than one, when there are many that can meet each other with
this grace.
grace. It‘s a beautiful thing.
~ The end of The 36 Roles: Genetic Continuity and the Mastery of Lines ~