Guide To Professional Registration 23 24
Guide To Professional Registration 23 24
Guide To Professional Registration 23 24
This Guide to Professional Registration provides key information on becoming professionally
registered with the Engineering Council. As well as guidance on the process of becoming
registered, details of all the professional engineering institutions have also been included to help
support you in finding the most relevant ‘professional home’ for your needs.
Becoming professionally registered with the Engineering Council demonstrates a benchmark
of competence and commitment. This allows the public, employers and their clients to have
confidence and trust that registered engineers and technicians have met globally recognised
professional standards.
Those standards, most notably our UK Standard for Engineering Competence and Commitment
(UK-SPEC), continue to recognise the pace of global change and the need for the profession
to maintain relevance in the face of emerging new areas of engineering and technology.
Developing these standards in line with society’s needs is crucial given that the work engineers
and technicians do is essential and often complex. It is vital that registrants not only possess
and maintain the knowledge, skills and commitment required to meet today’s engineering and
technological needs but also those of future generations.
Becoming registered as a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng), Engineering
Technician (EngTech) or Information and Communications Technology Technician (ICTTech)
demonstrates not only competence against an independent standard but also a commitment to
maintaining and enhancing that competence. This commitment, through carrying out Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) and complying with a Code of Conduct, means registrants
are constantly updating their skills and knowledge ready for the evolving challenges we face.
Importantly, it also ensures that our registrants continue to commit to working in an ethical and
sustainable way.
In summary, professional registration, and the protected professional titles that come with it,
identifies an individual as a competent and committed engineering professional.
I hope this guide provides a useful overview of the process of becoming professionally registered
and the institutions that can support achieving such an internationally recognised mark of quality.
Paul Bailey, Chief Executive Officer
About this guide
This guide aims to provide key information about registration with the Engineering Council
and explains the relationship between the many organisations working within the professional
engineering community. More information, including our guidance documents and other Engineering
Council publications, is available on our website
This guide sets out how to become professionally registered, including the relevant Standards, and
provides profiles of the licensed professional engineering institutions and Professional Affiliates, to
support you in finding the most relevant institution for your needs.
Data in this guide was correct (as supplied to the Engineering Council) at the time of publication and
we will endeavour to keep the digital version up to date as we are notified of any changes. The most
up to date version will always be available at
To notify us of any changes needed to this guide, please contact with
an update.
To jump to a specific section, click on (or touch, on touchscreen devices) the relevant text or
page number.
Engineering Council 6
The professional engineering community 10
Professional registration 14
How to become professionally registered 22
The Standards 28
Recognised qualifications 34
Recognition of qualifications and programmes 35
Registration fees 36
International recognition 38
Guidance for professional engineers and technicians 40
Engineering Council
Established in 2002. Earliest forebears: Council of Engineering Institutions (1965) and Engineering
Council UK (2002).
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1981.
As the UK regulatory body for the engineering profession, the Engineering Council sets and
maintains internationally recognised standards of professional competence and ethics. These
are detailed in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC). The
Engineering Council acts as the ‘Council of Engineering Institutions’, impartially representing the
professional engineering community and convening expert opinion about competence, commitment
and professional development.
Mission: To maintain internationally recognised standards of competence and commitment for the
engineering profession, and to license competent institutions to champion the standards for the
deliverance of public benefit.
Vision: That society continues to have confidence and trust in the engineering profession.
Companies House Incorporation number: RC000779
Registered Charity number: 286142
Engineering Council Register
The Engineering Council holds the national Register of over 227,000:
• Engineering Technicians (EngTech)
• Incorporated Engineers (IEng)
• Chartered Engineers (CEng)
• Information and Communications Technology Technicians (ICTTech)
Holders of these titles must be members of a professional engineering institution licensed by
the Engineering Council (these institutions are formally known as Licensees) or, in some cases,
a Professional Affiliate. In order to achieve registered status individuals are assessed by their
institution and found to demonstrate the relevant standard of engineering competence and
commitment. This includes committing to the code of conduct and behaving in an ethical way.
The award and retention of these titles therefore ensures that employers, government and wider
society - both in the UK and overseas - can have confidence in the knowledge, experience and
commitment of engineers and technicians on the Register.
In addition, there are around 7,000 engineers and technicians on the national Register holding
interim registration having registered their intention to work towards one of the professional titles
above. Learn more about interim registration.
International context
The Engineering Council is committed to supporting its professionally registered engineers and
technicians working in the UK and in other countries. The professional titles EngTech, ICTTech,
IEng and CEng are widely recognised around the world. Professional registration, as defined in
UK-SPEC, reflects the requirements of global engineering.
Engineers who have developed their professional engineering competence in countries outside of
the United Kingdom are welcome to join the Engineering Council register, subject to meeting the
assessment criteria.
For further information, please see International recognition (page 38 of this guide) or:
The Engineering Council is governed by a Board of Trustees, who are appointed in accordance
with its Bye-laws. Fifteen are appointed to represent the licensed professional engineering
institutions, and seven are appointed by EngineeringUK to represent industry. Much of the
organisation’s work is undertaken through the assistance of numerous volunteers and also
through committees and panels, which comprise wide industry representation.
The professional
engineering community Engineering Council
the regulatory body for
the UK engineering
Our partners at the heart of the
engineering profession Licensed
Royal Academy of
Engineering (RAEng)
Independent bodies
Advances and
that promote and advance
promotes excellence in
specific engineering
Our partners at the heart of the engineering profession
Fifty new Fellows are elected to RAEng every year and the Academy is:
• A charity: delivering public benefit from engineering excellence and technology innovation.
• National Academy: providing progressive leadership for engineering and technology, and
independent expert advice to government, in the UK and beyond.
• A Fellowship: bringing together an unrivalled community of leading business people,
entrepreneurs, innovators and academics from every part of engineering and technology.
2025 Strategy
The Engineering Council’s Strategy Our four key themes are:
is based around a single overarching • Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)
goal for the end of 2025, highlighting
the Engineering Council’s leadership • Digital Innovation
responsibilities in its regulatory role. • International
• Engineering & Society
Advancing Re
2025 Strategy
Professional registration
Why register?
The post-nominals EngTech, IEng, CEng and ICTTech provide benefits for individuals, including
recognition, career development, earning potential.
Professional registration sets individual engineers and technicians apart from those who are not
registered. Gaining a professional title establishes a person’s proven knowledge, understanding
and competence to a set standard and demonstrates their commitment to developing and
enhancing competence.
• Greater influence within own organisation and industry
• Demonstration of work ethic valued by employers and customers
• Improved career prospects and employability
• International recognition of competence and commitment
• Evidence of expertise and hard work
• Enhanced status leading to higher self-esteem
• Credibility with peers across the profession
• Recognition as authorised countersignatory.
Further benefits for individuals are available at:
Read our case studies of how registration
has benefitted the careers of professional
engineers and technicians across
numerous sectors.
Benefits for employers:
There are many benefits for organisations that employ professionally registered engineers and
technicians, including assurance of quality.
These include:
• Globally accepted assurance that the employee has satisfied a rigorous assessment of their
engineering competence
• Increased technical and managerial credibility
• Confirmation that the engineering credentials being claimed are actually held
• Internationally recognised titles enable greater flexibility in staff mobility
• Positive impact on recruiting and retention, and indication of commitment to staff
• Possible mitigation of potential liabilities if an accident or incident occurs as registrants are
governed by a Code of Professional Conduct
• Knowledge that registered employees have a personal obligation to abide by a code of conduct
• Enhanced company reputation through ethical behaviour
• A means to satisfy requirements of Quality Management Systems eg ISO 9001.
Maintaining registration requires continued membership of a licensed professional engineering
institution, or Professional Affiliate with a registration agreement, and a commitment to CPD. This
means employers can be reassured that registered employees are developing and enhancing
their competence and will be exposed to new developments in their profession.
Further benefits for employers are available at:
Benefits for society:
• Society can have confidence in the work of professionally registered engineers and technicians
whether they operate in the UK or globally
• Assurance of ethical and sustainable behaviour.
The four categories of professional registration: EngTech
Engineering Technicians apply proven techniques and procedures to solve practical engineering
problems. Engineering Technicians are required to apply safe systems of work and are able to
1. Contribution to either the design, development, manufacture commissioning, decommissioning,
operation or maintenance of products, equipment, processes or services
2. Supervisory or technical responsibility
3. Effective interpersonal skills in communicating technical matters
4. Commitment to professional engineering values.
The four categories of professional registration: IEng
Incorporated Engineers maintain and manage applications of current and developing technology,
and may undertake engineering design, development, manufacture, construction and operation.
Incorporated Engineers are able to demonstrate:
1. The theoretical knowledge to solve problems in developed technologies using well proven
analytical techniques
2. Successful application of their knowledge to deliver engineering projects or services using
established technologies and methods
3. Contribution to project and financial planning and management together with some
responsibility for leading and developing other professional staff
4. Effective interpersonal skills in communicating technical matters
5. Commitment to professional engineering values.
Professional registration has benefited me by showing colleagues and clients that I have
the skills and competence expected of someone in my role. It has also widened my professional
social media network and led to me being approached for the role I am currently in.
Shane Finn case study Shane Finn IEng MICE
The four categories of professional registration: CEng
Professional registration has not only improved my employability but has also
changed my relationship with other professionals. I am now able to help others on their path
by encouraging them to achieve their dreams.
Shinu Yohannan case study Shinu Yohannan MEng CSci CEng
The four categories of professional registration: ICTTech
Professional registration broadens the type of work I am eligible to undertake and has
increased my confidence while approaching new tasks.
Katherine Moynihan case study Katherine Moynihan ICTTech MIHE
How to become professionally registered
The first step to registration is membership of one of the professional engineering institutions
licensed to assess candidates, or a Professional Affiliate with the relevant registration agreement.
Licensed professional engineering institutions are listed on pages 46-49 of this guide and on the
Engineering Council website.
The institution will assess the individual’s qualifications, training and experience against UK-
SPEC or ICTTech requirements and advise if anything further is required. Many institutions can
also help with finding a suitable mentor.
The assessment process – known as a Professional Review – starts with a written application
based on the requirements of the institution. A detailed description of the format for this will be
provided by the institution. For EngTech qualifications, depending on the licensed professional
engineering institution, there may be an interview, or it may simply be a one-stage process
assessing an applicant’s submitted written evidence. For CEng and IEng titles the Professional
Review process has two stages: an assessment of written evidence and then an interview.
Once the registration criteria have been met, the institution will submit a registration form to the
Engineering Council on behalf of the candidate.
Professional registration is open to everyone who can:
• Demonstrate both competence to perform professional work to the necessary standards, and
commitment to maintain their competence
• Work within professional codes
• Participate actively within the profession.
Knowledge, understanding and skills form an essential part of competence. This provides the
necessary foundation of underpinning logic and analytical capabilities. Knowledge, understanding
and skills ensure that decisions are based on a full understanding of engineering practices and
standards, rather than relying on instructions.
Formal education is one way of demonstrating the necessary underpinning knowledge and
understanding, but it is not the only way. Many potential registrants have not had formal training
to the required level but are able to demonstrate they have acquired the necessary underpinning
knowledge through substantial work experience. Applicants who have acquired their underpinning
knowledge and understanding through experiential learning or other qualifications can submit the
relevant information to their licensed professional engineering institution for an initial assessment.
Pathways to professional registration
Step 1:
Recognised qualifications Individual assessment
Step 2:
Professional Review of competence and commitment
Applicants are assessed against the UK-SPEC or ICTTech standard
Professional Review Interview (PRI)
All IEng and CEng applicants will be interviewed by a panel of registered engineers
Step 3:
Professional registration
The recommendation from the Professional Review is reviewed by
the PEI’s relevant committee.
Step 1:
Recognised qualifications Individual assessment
For applicants who have achieved the Applicants who do not have the recognised
required learning outcomes through qualifications will instead have an individual
recognised qualifications. Qualifications which assessment of their qualifications and any
provide the required level of knowledge and other relevant learning such as:
understanding include: • formal academic programmes
• EngTech: Level 3 qualification as part of an • in-employment training
approved apprenticeship scheme
• experiential learning
• ICTTech: Level 3 of the Qualifications and
Credit Framework/National Qualifications • self-directed learning
Framework for England and Northern Applicants may also be asked to write
Ireland a technical report or attend a technical
Level 6 of the Scottish Credit and interview.
Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
Level 3 of the Credit and Qualifications The assessment will be carried out by
Framework for Wales. registrants who are also members of the
licensed professional engineering institution.
• IEng: an accredited Bachelors degree The exact process is set out by the institution.
• CEng: an accredited integrated Masters
degree or a combination of accredited
Bachelors and Masters degrees.
Step 2:
Professional Review of competence and commitment
Applicants are assessed against the UK-SPEC or ICTTech standard of competence which sets
the minimum requirements. Licensed professional engineering institutions may add requirements
which relate to their particular engineering discipline.
An expert panel, consisting of registered engineers from the licensed professional engineering
institution, will review an applicant’s portfolio of evidence against the requirements.
This is followed by:
Professional Review Interview (PRI)
All IEng and CEng applicants will be interviewed by a panel of registered engineers who are also
members of the licensed professional engineering institution. EngTech applicants may need to
attend a Professional Review Interview.
The panel will then make a recommendation on whether the applicant meets the requirements for
their chosen registration category.
Step 3:
Professional registration
The recommendation from the Professional Review is reviewed by the licensed professional
engineering institution’s relevant committee. The applicant will achieve professional registration if:
• The expert panel recommends that the applicant has met the requirements
• All are satisfied that all stages of the process have been completed, and
• The licensed professional engineering institution’s relevant committee endorses the
The applicant then becomes a registrant and is able to use the relevant post-nominal. As a
condition of continued registration, the individual commits to:
• Maintain their competence through continuing professional development (CPD) and
membership of their licensed professional engineering institution, and
• Adhere to their licensed professional engineering institution’s Code of Professional Conduct.
If an applicant has been unsuccessful the licensed professional engineering institution will provide
some guidance on what further learning and/or competence development would be beneficial to
achieve registration.
When all the above steps are completed to the satisfaction of the licensed professional
engineering institution’s relevant committee, the applicant achieves professional registration.
They commit to maintain their CPD and membership of their licensed professional engineering
institution and to adhere to its Code of Professional Conduct.
The Standards
The Engineering Council also offers professional registration for engineers and technicians
who work on higher-risk buildings (HRBs). This requires assessment against a new Standard:
The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence and Commitment Contextualised
for Higher-Risk Buildings (UK-SPEC HRB).
UK-SPEC HRB incorporates building safety competence criteria, such as fire safety, structural
safety, and public health. For more information, including those licensed professional
engineering institutions who are able to award professional HRB registration, please visit:
What is competence?
Competence is defined as a professional’s ability to carry out engineering tasks successfully
and safely within their field of practice. This includes having the individual skills, knowledge and
understanding, personal behaviour and approach, to be able to work collaboratively with others to
achieve the intended outcomes.
Competence includes the ability to make professional judgments and an awareness of the limits
of one’s own ability and knowledge in order to seek assistance when required.
What is professional commitment?
Registered engineering professionals are required to demonstrate a personal and professional
commitment to society, to the environment and to their profession. As part of demonstrating
overall competence, it is mandatory to show that they have adopted a set of values and conduct
that maintains and enhances the reputation of the profession. This includes:
• Maintaining public and employee safety
• Undertaking work in a way that protects the environment and contributes to sustainable
• Complying with codes of conduct, codes of practice and the legal and regulatory framework
• Managing, applying and improving safe systems of work
• Carrying out the CPD necessary to maintain and enhance competence in relation to duties and
• Exercising responsibilities in an ethical manner
• Recognising inclusivity and diversity
• Adopting a security-minded approach
• Actively participating within the profession.
Maintaining and enhancing competence
Candidates applying for professional registration must be committed to CPD, which is essential
for maintaining and enhancing the required competence and commitment, as well as for
developing new competences. It underpins the value of the professional titles of EngTech,
ICTTech, IEng and CEng, and enables society to have confidence in the engineering profession.
CPD has several purposes:
• To assure continuing competence in a current job
• To prepare for a different role
• To follow a longer-term career development plan
• To enhance professionalism in a wider context than a specific job role.
Registrants will be required to show evidence that they have taken steps to ensure this
commitment, and that they intend to continue to do so in line with the CPD Code for Registrants.
The licensed professional engineering institutions sample registrants’ CPD records each year and
provide feedback on submitted samples. Submitting a CPD record is mandatory for registered
engineers and technicians.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Code for Registrants
Engineering Technicians, Incorporated Engineers, Chartered Engineers and ICT Technicians
should take all necessary steps to maintain and enhance their competence through CPD. In
particular, they should:
• Take ownership of their learning and development needs and develop a plan to indicate how
they might meet these, in discussion with their employer, as appropriate
• Carry out a variety of development activities, both in accordance with this plan and in response
to other opportunities which might arise
• Record their CPD activities
• Reflect on what they have learned or achieved through their CPD activities and record these
• Evaluate their CPD activities against any objectives they have set and record this evaluation
• Review their learning and development plan regularly, following reflection and assessment of
future needs
• Support the learning and development of others through activities such as mentoring and
sharing professional expertise and knowledge
At Professional Review, all applicants will need to demonstrate how they meet their CPD
obligations and show that they understand that this requires an ongoing commitment.
Find out more, watch the CPD explainer video, and see the CPD Code for Registrants at:
mycareerpath® is an online tool for engineers and technicians to plan, record and evaluate
their professional development (PD). Users can record activities and experience that
contribute to their PD and build up a body of evidence that can be shared with institutions,
employers or colleagues.
mycareerpath® is aligned with UK-SPEC for EngTech, IEng, CEng and the ICTTech Standard.
mycareerpath® is managed by the Engineering Council, and many licensed professional
engineering institutions and Professional Affiliates are currently licensed to offer the system to
their members.
Recognised qualifications
Accreditation of degrees
Accreditation offers a mark of assurance that a degree programme will provide a student with
some or all of the underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills that will set them in good
stead for eventual professional registration.
The Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP) is referred to by the Quality
Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) in the subject benchmark statement for
Degree programmes may be accredited by one or more of the professional engineering
institutions licensed to do so by the Engineering Council. Importantly, engineering employers
as well as academics are involved in the setting of standards, in advising on programme
developments, in reviewing degrees and in the decision-making process about whether to confer
accredited degree status. Accredited status confers market advantage to Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) and provides a structured and rigorous mechanism ensuring the quality and
relevance of degree programmes, and the opportunity for licensed professional engineering
institutions and HEIs to work together for mutual benefit and public good.
Recognition of qualifications and programmes
Registration fees
Details of current registration fees and international registration fees are available at:
How the fees are used
Initially the fees are paid to the licensed professional engineering institution through which the
individual is registered. The institution then passes them on to EngineeringUK, who in turn make
a grant to the Engineering Council to keep the standards under review, operate the Register and
quality assure the licensed professional engineering institutions. The remaining sum is used by
EngineeringUK to promote the engineering profession. This includes producing EngineeringUK’s
research reports and briefings, supporting the Tomorrow’s Engineers programme and The Big
Bang Fair.
Lapsed registration
A registrant may be reinstated to the Register within three years of lapsing, but will be
required to pay an administrative fee. If the registration has lapsed for more than three years,
the individual must reapply to one of the licensed professional engineering institutions and will
be subject to a full professional review. For further details on reinstatements and the process for
readmission to the Register, please contact your institution.
International recognition
Professional registration with the Engineering Council is open to anyone who is able to
demonstrate they have attained the relevant competences, regardless of nationality or location.
The main focus of the organisation’s international activity falls in two areas:
• Ensuring that the standards set in the UK are globally recognised
• Facilitating the international mobility of engineering professionals.
To do this, the Engineering Council works with numerous national, regional and international
engineering organisations on a number of specific mutual recognition agreements and facilitates
compliance with UK legislation that supports the recognition of professional qualifications.
The Engineering Council is a founder member of the International Engineering Alliance (IEA),
an umbrella group that oversees seven international agreements relating to the recognition
of standards for the accreditation of engineering education and professional engineering
competence. This includes acting as the UK signatory to three international education accords in
addition to the membership of three professional competence agreements. These accords and
agreements can streamline the requirements for registration in each of the signatory countries.
Within Europe, the Engineering Council is the UK National Member of ENGINEERS EUROPE,
which aims to facilitate the mutual recognition of engineering qualifications in Europe and to
strengthen the position, role and responsibility of engineers in society. The Engineering Council
is also a founder member of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education
(ENAEE), which promotes mutual recognition of engineering education programmes accredited to
a European framework.
Further information is available on the Engineering Council website at:
The right to practice engineering is regulated differently in different countries, and some areas of
work (usually safety-related) may be restricted to licensed or otherwise approved persons. While
UK professional registration does not automatically meet these requirements in every jurisdiction,
it does represent an internationally-recognised standard of professional competence.
Guidance for professional engineers and technicians
The Engineering Council has produced guidance material for professional engineers and
technicians on their roles and responsibilities in dealing with sustainability, risk, whistleblowing,
ethics and security. This guidance is intended also to be of help to all those working in
engineering. They are all fully compatible with UK-SPEC, and include principles to guide and
motivate. Each publication is available to view and download at:
Ethical principles
The Royal Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Council
have jointly created a Statement of Ethical Principles to guide
engineering practice and behaviour, which includes four fundamental
Security can be defined as the state of relative freedom from threat or harm caused by deliberate,
unwanted, hostile or malicious acts. It operates on a number of levels ranging from national
security issues to countering crime. Guidance on Security sets out six principles to guide
engineers and technicians in identifying, assessing, managing and
communicating issues about security.
Whistleblowing is defined by the UK Whistleblowing
Commission as ‘the raising of a concern, either within the
workplace or externally,
about a danger, risk,
malpractice or wrongdoing which affects others’.
Guidance on Whistleblowing provides support to
engineers and technicians when confronted by a
potential whistleblowing situation. It sets out the
processes that engineers and technicians should follow
in raising such a concern, and where to get advice.
Licensed professional engineering institutions
The Engineering Council’s Royal Charter empowers it to give formal recognition to those
engineering related professional bodies which satisfy criteria set down in its Bye-laws. These
recognised bodies are formally known in the Royal Charter as Licensees.
Whilst there are numerous technical provisions to be assessed, the principal requirements are
that a licensed professional engineering institution is deemed to have sufficient experience,
procedures and resources to undertake the following tasks:
• Assess the competence and commitment of candidates for registration
• Monitor the CPD of registrants
• Monitor the conduct of registrants
Professional engineering institutions may also be licensed to accredit academic programmes
and professional development schemes.
Benefits of membership
There are many benefits of membership with a licensed professional engineering institution,
which may include:
• Recognition of the member’s professional status, which may include post-nominals
• Support and guidance with ongoing professional development, including registration
• Technical regional events, seminars, conferences, webinars often at a special rate
• Monthly journals and other technical publications
• Access to technical libraries
• Careers advice
• Health and legal advice
• Specialist interest groups
• Networking opportunities
• Access to online resources in ‘members only’ areas
• Awards and prizes.
Membership benefits can vary between institutions. For a full list of what each individual licensed
professional engineering institution offers please visit the relevant website.
Please note that all registration numbers on the following pages are correct as at
31 December 2022. They represent fee-paying, final stage registered members only.
Professional engineering institutions licensed to award professional registration
Data in the table is subject to change or addition, please refer to the Engineering Council’s website
for the most up to date information.
Although Professional Affiliates are not granted licences to award professional registration, they
may register their members through an agreement with one of the licensed professional engineering
institutions listed below.
All registration numbers provided are correct as of 31 December 2022.
Institution Assess Candidates for Registration
Accredit / Approve
Accredit / Approve
Qualifications &
EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
Institution Assess Candidates for Registration
Accredit / Approve
Accredit / Approve
Qualifications &
EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Institution of Agricultural Engineers
Institution Assess Candidates for Registration
Accredit / Approve
Accredit / Approve
Qualifications &
EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Institution of Lighting Professionals
Institution Assess Candidates for Registration
Accredit / Approve
Accredit / Approve
Qualifications &
EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Institution of Structural Engineers
Professional engineering institutions - the first step to becoming professionally registered
The first step to becoming professionally registered with the Engineering Council as an EngTech,
IEng, CEng or ICTTech is membership of a licensed professional engineering institution. The
institution will act as the awarding body for your registration.
When choosing which institution to contact it is best to join one closest to the discipline of
engineering you work in, or study. They will be best placed to assess your competence for
professional registration. If you find that there are two or three suitable institutions, you might wish
to join more than one, or contact all those suitable to choose which best meets your needs.
The Chartered Institute for IT (BCS)
Established in 1957. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1984.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 4 165 4,296
British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
First established in 1954 as Society of Non-Destructive Testing.
Incorporated in 1969.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 328 210 178
Chartered Association of Building Engineers
Building Engineers make buildings perform better: more inclusive,
safer for all and sustainable over time.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 2 2 75
Grades of Membership: Student; Technician (Tech CABE); Associate (ACABE); Graduate (Grad
CABE); Chartered Member (MCABE); Chartered Building Engineer (MCABE Chartered Building
Engineer); Chartered Fellow (FCABE Chartered Building Engineer).
Member benefits
Structure: 12 regions in the UK and Ireland. Eight international chapters.
Contact details:
Chief Executive Officer: Dr Gavin Dunn, BSc (Hons) MSc PhD FCABE Chartered Building
Lutyens House, Billing Brook Road, Weston Favell, Northampton NN3 8NW
+44 (0)1604 404 121
Companies House No: RC000867
Hong Kong
Units 502 & 503, Level 5, Everglory Centre, 1B Kimberley Street, Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon Hong Kong
+852 3915 7510
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
First established in 1897 as Institution of Heating and Ventilation Engineers. Merged
with Illuminating Engineering Society in 1976. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1976.
Registration agreements with other institutions: Institute of Refrigeration (IoR).
Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors
Established in 1969. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2009.
Sector: Construction
About: CICES is an international qualifying body dedicated to the regulation, education and
training of surveyors working within civil engineering. It prides itself on its achievement as an
internationally renowned centre of excellence in the art and science of civil engineering surveying
to serve the public and satisfy the needs of the construction industry throughout the world.
Mission: To advance the science and art of civil engineering surveying in all aspects of the
specialisations of geospatial engineering and commercial management within civil engineering for
the benefit of the public, by upholding and advancing the standards of education, competence,
practice and conduct of its members.
Vision: To be recognised as the foremost UK-based professional institution for specialists
employed in geospatial engineering and commercial management in the civil engineering industry.
Members: Members include: civil engineers; surveyors; and individuals interested in the
construction industry.
Approximate number of members: 5,000
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: - 29
Chartered Institution of Highways
& Transportation (CIHT)
Established in 1930. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2009.
Registration agreements with other institutions: Institute of Quarrying (IQ) and the Institute of
Asphalt Technology (IAT).
Chartered Institute of Plumbing and
Heating Engineering (CIPHE)
First established in 1906 as Institute of Plumbers. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2008.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 734 83 29
Chartered Institution of Water and
Environmental Management (CIWEM)
Granted Royal Charter in 1995. First established in 1987, a merger of Institution of Public Health
Engineers, Institution of Water Engineers and Institute of Water Pollution Control.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 14 187 1,219
Energy Institute (EI)
First established in 1926 as the Institute of Fuel.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2003.
Sector: Energy
About: The Energy Institute (EI) is the chartered professional membership body for people who
work across the world of energy, supporting around 20,000 individuals working in or studying
energy and 200 companies worldwide. The EI provides learning and networking opportunities to
support professional development, as well as professional recognition and technical and scientific
knowledge resources on energy in all its forms and applications.
Mission: The EI’s purpose is to create a better energy future for our members and society by
accelerating a just global energy transition to net zero. We do this by:
- Attracting, developing and equipping the diverse future energy workforce
- Informing energy decision-making through convening expertise and advice
- Enabling industry and consumers to make energy lower carbon, safer and more efficient.
Members: Members encompass the full range of energy industry sectors including: oil; gas; solid
fuel; renewables; energy management; and nuclear. EI is uniquely placed to offer a natural home
to those employed in any part of the energy sector and in any role.
Approximate number of members: Around 20,000.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 17 101 1,774
Established in 1994. Incorporated in 1998.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: - 3 54
Institution of Agricultural Engineers
Established in 1938. Incorporated in 1960.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 79 115 166
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
Established in 1818. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1828.
Members: The ICE has a diverse membership advising on engineering policy and delivering
projects around the world. With a quarter of the ICE’s membership working outside the UK,
knowledge and policy exchange and project best practice is disseminated widely and received
back in equal measure. The ICE membership works in multiple sectors and provides exceptional
networking opportunities.
Approximate number of members: 95,000
Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)
Established in 1922. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1957.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 30 41 11,337
Institution of Engineering Designers (IED)
Established in 1945. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2012.
Sector: Engineering design, technological product design and Computer Aided Design (CAD)
About: IED is the only organisation in the UK to represent those working across all fields of
engineering and product design. The IED is the only body able to offer Chartered registration to
professional product designers.
Mission: We work to inspire, develop and promote professionals working in engineering and
product design. Setting standards and competencies for our members who advance and
progress society by providing technical products and solutions.
Vision: To be at the heart of the professional design and technology community.
Members: Membership is open to all those who study, practice, manage or educate in
engineering, technological product design and CAD. Members come from a diverse range of
backgrounds and disciplines, but all have an interest and expertise in design.
Approximate number of members: 5,000
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 62 475 459
The Institution of Engineering
and Technology (IET)
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1921. Formed by a merger in 2006 of the Institution of Electrical
Engineers and the Institution of Incorporated Engineers.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 5,580 8,850 41,093 773
Institute of Explosives Engineers (IExpE)
Established in 1974. Incorporated in 2012.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 49 9 46
Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE)
Established in 1918. Incorporated in 1924.
Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers
Established in 1863 as Institution of Gas Engineers. Incorporated by
Royal Charter in 1929.
Sector: Gas
About: IGEM is the leading chartered membership body for the gas industry; passionately
committed to supporting the professional development of engineering professionals globally and
the production of recognised gas industry standards.
Mission: IGEM is a membership organisation that advances the related sciences and extends
relevant knowledge for the benefit of the global gas industry. Our aims are to promote the
attainment and maintenance of the highest standards of professional competence supporting
personal and professional development. IGEM continually identify and improve gas policy in
co-operation with other stakeholders.
Vision: To be the pre-eminent engineering institution for gas professionals around the world.
Members: Members are professionals based all over the world who work, support or have an
interest in the gas industry, including: construction; design; education and training; extraction;
installation, maintenance and repair; manufacturing; production, transmission and distribution;
regulating; trading; engineering and consulting.
Approximate number of members: 4,000
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 716 366 1,201
Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE)
Established in 1965. Incorporated in 1972.
Registration agreements with other institutions: Association of Cost Engineers (ACostE),
Institute of Traffic Accident Investigations (ITAI) and Institute of Telecommunications Professionals
Institute of Healthcare Engineering and
Estate Management (IHEEM)
Established in 1943 as Institute of Hospital Engineering. Incorporated in 1967.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 82 257 288
Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP)
Established in 1924 as Association of Public Lighting Engineers.
Incorporated in 1928.
Sector: Lighting
About: ILP is the UK and Ireland’s largest and most influential professional lighting association,
dedicated solely to excellence in lighting. Its key purpose is to promote excellence in all forms
of lighting. This includes: interior; exterior; architectural; sports; road; flood; emergency; tunnel;
security; festive lighting; and design and consultancy services. It also has strong links with other
professional UK lighting bodies such as the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD).
Vision: A world illuminated by sustainable lighting solutions that help us to live, work and play
without harming the environment around us.
Members: Members include: lighting designers; consultants; manufacturers; architects and
engineers, covering interior; exterior; sports; road; flood; emergency; tunnel; security and festive
lighting, as well as design and consultancy services.
Approximate number of members: 1,750
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 87 177 94
Institute of Marine Engineering,
Science & Technology (IMarEST)
Established in 1889 as Institute of Marine Engineers.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1993.
Sector: Marine
About: The IMarEST is an international membership body and learned society bringing marine
engineers, scientists and technologists together. The largest marine organisation of its kind,
it spans 128 countries and works to promote the scientific development of marine disciplines,
providing opportunities for the exchange of ideas and practices and upholding the status,
standards and expertise of marine professionals worldwide.
It is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) with consultative status at the UN’s International
Maritime Organisation (IMO), observer status at the Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission, International Hydrographic Organisation, the London Convention/London Protocol
(LC/LP) and Joint Group of Experts on Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection
(GESAMP) and it has special consultative status with Economic and Social Council of the United
Nations (ECOSOC).
Mission: To work with the global marine community to promote the scientific development
of marine engineering, science and technology, providing opportunities for the exchange of
ideas and practices and upholding the status, standards and expertise of marine professionals
Vision: A world where marine resources and activities are sustained, managed and developed for
the benefit of humanity.
Members: Members work in a vast range of professions including: ship design; coast and ocean
mapping and hydrography; construction; maintenance and decommission; defence and naval
engineering; marine renewable energy; offshore oil and gas; marine engineering systems and
equipment; marine safety and security; marine conservation; power and propulsion; marine
biology; climatology and marine meteorology; oceanography; and natural hazards assessment.
Approximate number of members: 20,000
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
Established in 1847. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1930.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 5,143 2,977 40,060
Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC)
Established in 1944. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1975.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 22 210 906
Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE)
Established in 1875. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1923.
Approximate number of members: 10,000
Institute of Acoustics (IOA)
Established in 1974. Incorporated in 1974.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 26 257
The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining
Established in 1869 as Iron and Steel Institute.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1899.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 91 264 4,720
Institute of Physics (IOP)
Established in 1874. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1970.
Sector: Operates across a number of sectors including: nuclear; space; defence; automotive;
consultancy; medical; transport; academia; research; energy; education; and finance
About: The IOP is a leading scientific membership society working to advance physics for the
benefit of all. Alongside professional support for its members, it engages with policymakers and
the public to increase awareness and understanding of the value that physics holds for us all.
Mission: To advance physics for the benefit of all.
Vision: The IOP will be the leading scientific society promoting physics and bringing physicists
Members: The IOP has a diverse membership that ranges from students and apprentices to
qualified professionals in all disciplines of the physics sector to the still interested and involved
retired community.
Approximate number of members: 22,000
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 3 3 688
Institute of Physics and
Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)
First established in 1995 as Institution of Physics in
Engineering Medicine and Biology. Incorporated in 1995.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 15 11 93
Institution of Railway Signal Engineers
Established in 1912.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 130 89 167
Institution of Structural Engineers
Established in 1908. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1934.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 142 746 10,235
Institute of Water
Established in 1945 as Association of Water Distribution Officers.
Incorporated in 1954.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 61 136 131
Nuclear Institute (NI)
Established in 2009, a merger of British Nuclear Energy Society
and Institution of Nuclear Engineers. Incorporated in 2008.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 5 42 223
Grades of Membership: Affiliate; Associate; Member (MNucI); Fellow (FNucI); Honorary Fellow
Specialist interest groups: Numerous regional branch communities and groups including
Young Generation Network (YGN) and technical special interest groups; Digital, Requirements
Management, Security, Project Management, RadWaste and Small Modular Reactors.
Member benefits
Structure: Nine branches in the UK.
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Sarah Beacock FEI
+44 (0)3303 410574
Companies House No: 6574762 Registered Charity number: 1125404
Permanent Way Institution (PWI)
Established in 1884. Incorporated in 1908.
Sector: Rail
About: PWI is a modern professional engineering institution for engineers working in or with the
railway industry. Its main objective is to collect and share technical knowledge and best practice
across the industry. It increases the skills of railway infrastructure engineers, raises standards,
and improves efficiency through its services and close links with the industry.
Mission: To recognise the engineering challenges in railway infrastructure; share knowledge,
solutions and best practice; and foster their adoption worldwide through collaboration, enabling
positive change.
Members: Membership is open to individuals and companies operating in, or with an interest in,
the railway industry. Members work principally in the field of railway infrastructure engineering
and associated disciplines. The PWI welcomes all engineers: those professionally registered or
working towards it, and others working or interested in the sector, who wish to benefit from the
knowledge and support provided by the Institution.
Approximate number of members: 4,500
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 168 31 83
Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)
Established in 1866. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1949.
Registration agreements with other institutions: Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN).
Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA)
Established in 1860. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1910.
Sector: Maritime
About: RINA is a world renowned and highly respected international professional institution and
learned society founded to advance the art and science of ship design.
Mission: To set standards of professional competence and conduct and to encourage and assist
its members to both achieve and maintain those standards.
Vision: To continue to provide a professional qualification which is internationally recognised
as demonstrating the achievement of the highest standards of professional competence and
integrity, or the commitment to achieving those standards at the earliest opportunity.
Members: Members are mainly professional engineers who are involved at all levels in the
design, construction and maintenance of marine vessels and structures.
Approximate number of members: 9,500
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 12 93 2,362
Safety and Reliability Society (SaRS)
Established in 1980 to provide a forum for safety and reliability practitioners.
Registered with Companies House and Charities Commission in 1989.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 2 69
Society of Operations Engineers (SOE)
Established in 2000, a merger between Institute of Road Transport
Engineers (1944), Institute of Plant Engineers (1946) and
Bureau of Engineer Surveyors (1965). Incorporated in 2000.
Registration agreements with other institutions: Institute of Cast Metal Engineers (ICME);
Institute of Concrete Technology (ICT), Institute of Corrosion (ICorr), Institute of Demolition
Engineers (IDE) and Institution of Power Engineers (IPowerE).
The Welding Institute
Established in 1923. Incorporated in 1999.
Licensed to award: EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered members: 747 247 654
Professional Affiliates
Professional Affiliates are engineering institutions closely associated with, but not licensed by, the
Engineering Council. They are an influential group, each of which has furthered the knowledge
and understanding of a particular area or aspect of engineering and technology.
The benefits of affiliation, for which partner organisations pay an annual fee, include the
opportunity to offer professional registration to their members through an agreement with an
existing licensed professional engineering institution. Access to information becomes available for
staff and members via the Engineering Council’s Partner Portal, networks and annual seminars,
plus they have the opportunity to contribute to industry developments. Several Professional
Affiliates have themselves progressed to licensed professional engineering institution status.
Membership benefits are similar to those of the licensed professional engineering institutions, but
please visit the relevant Professional Affiliate’s website for full details.
Please note that all registration numbers on the following pages are correct as at
31 December 2022. They represent fee-paying, final stage registered members only.
Professional Affiliate Registration agreement Registration agreement covers
page with licensed PEI EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Association of Cost Engineers Institute of Highway Engineers
132 (IHE)
Association of Cost Engineers (ACostE)
Established in 1961. Incorporated in 1962.
Association of Polish Engineers
in Great Britain (STP)
Established in 1940. Incorporated in 2008.
Grades of Membership: Honorary Member (HonMSTP), Member (MSTP), Associate Member
(AssocMSTP), Affiliate Member (AffilMSTP), Corporate Member (CorpMSTP).
Specialist interest groups: Numerous, including: mentoring group, promotion of science
and engineering among youths, Building Information Management (BIM), Thursdays4U group
(monthly talks), Technical Academy group organising training and courses.
Member benefits
Structure: One branch covering the UK.
Contact details:
Chair: Dr Marian Zastawny CEng MRAeS MIMechE
POSK 238-246 King Street, London W6 0RF
+44 (0)20 8741 1940
Registered charity number: 1181306
The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI)
Established in 1919. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2006.
Grades of Membership: Student; Affiliate; Practitioner (PCQI); Chartered Quality Professional
Member (CQP MCQI); Chartered Quality Professional Fellow (CQP FCQI).
Special Interest Groups (SIGS): 12
Member benefits
Structure: 27 branches.
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Vince Desmond
Third floor, 90 Chancery Lane, Holborn, London, WC2A 1EU
+44 (0)20 7245 8600
Companies House No: RC000809 Registered Charity number: 259678
Institute of Asphalt Technology (IAT)
Established in 1966. Incorporated 1980.
Agreements to register members: Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT).
The Institute of Automotive
Engineer Assessors (IAEA)
Established in 1932. Incorporated in 1939.
Sector: Automotive
About: IAEA is a professional organisation and a qualifying body for those practising the
profession of an automotive engineer assessor.
Members: Members work in a range of areas including: vehicle damage assessment; accident
reconstruction; mechanical failures; vehicle fire investigations; electrical failures; expert witness;
repairer assessment; car fleet surveys; conciliation; and arbitration.
Approximate number of members: 1,300
Grades of Membership: Affiliate; Associate (AInstAEA); Member (MInstAEA); Fellow (FInstAEA);
and a Retired class for all grades except Affiliate.
Member benefits
Structure: Seven regional groups in the UK and Ireland; one international regional group.
Contact details:
Company Secretary: Alison Cairns
Pennyroyal Court, Station Road, Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 5QY
+44 (0)1296 642 895
Companies House No: 350568 Registered Charity number: 273452
Institute of Cast Metals Engineers (ICME)
First established in 1904 as the British Foundrymen’s Association.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1921.
Agreements to register members: Society of Operations Engineers (SOE).
Institute of Concrete Technology (ICT)
Established in 1972. Incorporated in 1985.
Sector: Construction
About: ICT is the concrete sector’s professional development body, operating internationally.
Formed by those awarded the then new Diploma of Advanced Concrete Technology, it is an
awarding body for specialist qualifications in concrete technology and a facilitator of CPD and
networking opportunities for its members.
Mission: To promote concrete technology as a recognised engineering discipline and advance
the professional status of practising concrete technologists worldwide.
Members: Members include: laboratory technicians; production staff; technical sales
representatives; technical managers; university lecturers; and consultants.
Approximate number of members: 550
Agreements to register members: Society of Operations Engineers (SOE).
Institute of Corrosion (ICorr)
Established in 1959. Incorporated 1976.
Sector: Corrosion
About: ICorr serves the corrosion science, technology and engineering community in the
fight against corrosion. Key to this fight is the establishment and promotion of sound corrosion
management practice, the advancement of cost effective corrosion control measures, and
a sustained effort generally to raise corrosion awareness at all stages of design, fabrication
and operation.
Vision: To be known as the leading source of technical information and training in the field of
corrosion and corrosion prevention.
Members: Members include: pipeline and mechanical engineers; structural and civil engineers;
chemical and marine engineers; metallurgists; cathodic protection specialists; surface treatment
specialists; and technicians.
Approximate number of members: 1,500
Agreements to register members: Society of Operations Engineers (SOE).
Institute of Demolition Engineers (IDE)
Established in 1976. Incorporated 2012.
Sector: Demolition
About: IDE exists to promote and foster the science of demolition engineering. The
main objectives include the promotion of use of more efficient techniques in the industry,
encouragement of safer methods of working, provision of a qualifying body for the industry.
Mission: To promote and foster the science of demolition engineering.
Members: Professional demolition engineers; managers; supervisors; technicians; and students.
Approximate number of members: 415
Agreements to register members: Society of Operations Engineers (SOE).
Institute of Materials Finishing (IMF)
Established in 1925. Incorporated 1951.
Grades of Membership: Student; Affiliate; Associate (AssocIMF); Graduate (GradIMF);
Technician (TechIMF); Member (MIMF); Fellow (FIMF).
Specialist interest groups: Numerous, including: organic finishing group; science committee;
and education and training.
Member benefits
Structure: Three branches in the UK and Ireland.
Contact details:
Office Manager: Helen Wood
New Exeter House, Unit 2, The Courtyard, Coleshill B46 1HQ
+44 (0)121 622 7387
Companies House No: 498619 Registered Charity number: 227068
The Institute of Quarrying (IQ)
Established in 1917.
Agreements to register members: Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT).
Grades of Membership: Student; Associate; Technician (TMIQ); Member (MIQ); Fellow (FIQ);
Honorary Fellow (HonFIQ).
Member benefits
Structure: 13 Local Branches in the UK; branches in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong,
Malaysia and Southern Africa.
Contact details:
Chief Executive Officer: James Thorne BSc PGDip Trp MCMI MIOAM
Institute of Quarrying, National Stone Centre, Porter Lane, Wirksworth, Matlock, Derbyshire,
+44 (0)115 972 9995
Companies House No: 606601 Registered Charity number: 244812
Institute of Refrigeration (IOR)
Established in 1899 as the Cold Storage and Ice Association.
Incorporated in 2016.
Agreements to register members: Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Institute of Telecommunications Professionals
Established in 1906. Incorporated in 2002.
Sector: Telecommunications
About: We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting our members and industry
by harnessing digital skills to build a sustainable industry and workforce for the future. We
provide enhanced learning and knowledge services to fuel the UK telecoms tech sector through
apprenticeships, professional development and career advancement.
We work with:
Employers: to equip and support them with the workforce they need for the future.
Individuals: helping our members to harness digital skills to launch and develop their careers.
Industry: collaborating with regulators, government associations and other leading bodies on
projects relating to the future of the industry, representing the views of our members.
Mission: Supporting our members since 1906, we are on a mission to champion and transform
the UK telecommunications tech sector and the people in it.
Vision: To be recognised as the leading institute addressing the UK technology sector skills gap.
Members: Members range from apprentices and individuals right through to major corporate
Approximate number of members: 4,000
Agreements to register members: Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE).
The Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators
Founded in 1988.
Agreements to register members: Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE).
Institution of Power Engineers (IPowerE)
(Formerly Institution of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers)
Established in 1913. Incorporated in 2010.
Agreements to register members: Society of Operations Engineers (SOE).
International Institute of
Obsolescence Management (IIOM)
Established in 1997 as the Component Obsolescence Group,
Incorporated 2015.
Grades of Membership: Individuals at Affiliate; Associate (AIIOM); Member (MIIOM);
Fellow (FIIOM) grades. Corporate membership is open to companies, academia and government
Specialist interest groups: IIOM is highly active in the areas of through-life engineering
support; through-life process support; supply chain solutions; management of product change
and discontinuations; sustainability; avoidance of counterfeit components and materials; and
legislation restricting the use of hazardous materials such as REACh and RoHS. Members play a
leading role in the development of international standards and accreditation.
Member benefits
Structure: Active Chapters in France, Germany, India, the UK and USA. Further Chapters are
under development in several other territories.
Contact details:
IIOM International Secretariat
Unit 3 Curo Park, Frogmore, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL2 2DD
+44 (0)1727 876029
IIOM International - Companies House No: 05327680
IIOM UK Ltd - Companies House No: 09679717
Established in 1983. Incorporated in 1990.
Grades of Membership: (Company membership only) Entry; Standard; Corporate Select;
Corporate Global; Academic.
Specialist interest groups: Numerous technical working groups, including: analysis
management; dynamics and testing; geotechnics; and simulation data management.
Member benefits
Structure: Nine regional groups worldwide.
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Timothy Morris
PO Box 20342, Hamilton, ML3 3BW
+44 (0)1355 225 688
Companies House No: SC127648
Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN)
Established in 1947. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2007.
Agreements to register members: Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS).
Grades of Membership: Fellow (FRIN); Associate Fellow (AFRIN); Member (MRIN); Associate
Member (AMRIN); Student Affiliate.
Specialist interest groups: Resilient positioning, navigation and timing; cognitive navigation;
maritime navigation; civil aviation navigation; general aviation navigation; animal navigation; small
craft; outdoor adventure navigation.
Member benefits
Structure: Six UK branches; two international branches.
Contact details:
Chief Executive: John Pottle BSc MBA FRIN
1 Kensington Gore, Kensington, London SW7 2AT
+44 (0)203 154 2122
Registered charity number: 1117254
Further information and publications
Engineering Council Standards Engineering Council guidance
• T
he UK Standard for Professional material
Engineering Competence and Commitment • Guidance on Risk:
(UK-SPEC) The Engineering Council revises the
Standards every five years. More information • Guidance on Security:
and downloadable versions are available at:
• Guidance on Sustainability:
ICTTech Standard - sets out the competence
and commitment required for registration as an
ICTTech • Guidance on Whistleblowing:
Accreditation of Higher Education
Programmes (AHEP) - sets out the standard for • Statement of Ethical Principles:
degree accreditation
Approval and Accreditation of Qualification
and Apprenticeships (AAQA) - sets out the Engineering Council news
standard for approval and accreditation of a
wider variety of programmes, including those • Engage digital newsletter:
designed to develop engineering competence
The UK Standard for Professional
• • News:
Engineering Competence and Commitment
Contextualised for Higher-Risk Buildings • Videos:
(UK-SPEC HRB) - sets out the standard for
engineers and technicians who work on higher-
risk buildings. To be published 2023
The Engineering Council on social media
See us on Instagram at
T +44 (0)20 3206 0500