FBR Value Karachi-2022

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Government of Pakistan

Revenue Division
Federal Board of Revenue
Islamabad, the 2nd March, 2022

(Income Tax)

S.R.O. 345(I)/2022.- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 68 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (XLIX of
2001) and in supersession of its Notification No. S.R.O. 1551(I)/2021, dated the 1 December, 2021, Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to
determine the following fair market value of immoveable properties as specified in columns (2) to (9) of the Table below, in respect of catagories of
areas of Karachi as specified in column (1) thereof, namely:-

Category Residential open plot Residential Built up property Commercial Amenity
Commercial Industrial Industrial Built Flats/apartmen
per square yard per square yard Built up plot per
open plot per open plot per up property ts per square
property per square
square yard square yard per square foot foot
square yard yard
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
A-I 73,125 81,000 180,000 103,500 - - 7,313 37,375
I+ - - 160,000 80,000 -- - - -
I 45,000 56,250 123,750 73,125 12,124 3,105 6,188 23,000
II 22,800 30,800 106,875 56,250 13,824 3,336 3,375 10,925
III 12,000 16,875 46,000 28,800 6,000 3,336 2,138 5,750
IV 9,563 11,250 38,250 16,875 - - 1,688 4,888
V 6,000 7,800 10,140 11,375 - - 944 1,680
VI 1,665 4,995 3,600 5,994 - - 605 840
VII 35,520 44,400 127,650 61,050 - - 7,770 17,920
VIII 9,990 15,540 48,000 49,248 - - 3,330 5,040
IX 11,000 13,200 52,000 33000 - - 2,750 6,000
X 12,320 14,300 60,500 36,300 - - 3,220 7,000
(i) Values in the above Table are in rupees;
(ii) Value is per square yard of the covered area of ground floor plus covered area for the additional floors;
(iii) Commercial property built up value is per square yard of the covered area of the ground floor plus covered area of the additional floors, if any;
(iv) Built up industrial property value is per square yard of the entire plot area plus covered area of the plot per square foot;
(v) Value in respect of a residential building consisting of more than one storey shall be increased by 25% for each additional story i.e. value of each
storey other than ground floor shall be calculated @25% of the value of the ground floor;
(vi) A property which does not appear to fall in any of the categories shown in the Appendix below shall be deemed to fall in the adjacent lowest
category of the Appendix;
(vii) Whether the land has been granted for more than one purpose viz. residential, commercial and industrial, the valuation in such a case shall be the
mean/average prescribed rate;
(viii) A flat means the covered residential tenement having separate property nit number/sub-property unit number;
(ix) In residential, multi storey building, additional storey shall be charged if it consists of bed room and bath room;
(x) The rates for basements of built in commercial property in categories I,II,II and IV shall be Rs. 13,500 per square yard; and
(xi) High Rises at Serial Number No. 44 of Appendix means a building with Storeys above ground plus five.
(xii) The value of residential built up property(including basement and first floor) is allowed to be reduced according to the following criteria:-

Percentage Reduction in
Sr.No Age of Built up Structure

No reduction allowed
1 Upto 5 Years
2 5 to 10 Years
3 10 to 15 Years
4 15 to 20 Years

5 More than 20 Years Value equal to open plot

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(xiii) The value of built up property (Flats and Apartments) is allowed to be reduced according to the following criteria:-

Percentage Reduction in
Sr.No Age of Built up Structure
1 Upto 5 Years No reduction allowed
2 5 to 10 Years 10%
3 10 to 20 Years 20%
4 20 to 30 Years 30%
5 More than 30 Years 50%

(xiv) The value of commercial built up property is allowed to be reduced according to the following criteria:-

Percentage Reduction in
Sr.No Age of Built up Structure
1 Upto 10 Years No reduction allowed
2 10-15 Years 5%
3 15 to 20 Years 8%
5 More than 20 Years 10%
(xv) The value of Commercial Plots of Defence Housing Authority facing Khayaban is increased by 10%;
(xvi) The value of commercial built up excluding ground floor is reduced by 25%;
(xvii) The value of Residential Plots (Defence Housing Authority) of following categories may be decreased by 25%:-

1 Nala facing plot

2 Commercial facing plot
3 School facing,mosque facing plot/Graveyard facing plot.
4 Rear plot (Back Side plot)/Triangle plot
*Rear plot is the one lying behind the front portion only connected with separate narrow corridor and not visible from road.
(xviii) Area-wise categories are in the following Appendix:-


Residential Commercial Industrial

S.No. Area Flats Category
Category Category Category

1 Abdullah Haroon Road 1 A-I I I

2 Air force Officers Cooperative Housing Society at Scheme-33 I I II I
3 Akhtar Colony III III Il III
4 Al-Falah Cooperative Housing Society III 11 II III
5 Al-Hilal Cooperative Housing Society 1 1 I I
6 Ali Basti V V Il V
7 Aminabad Ill III II III
8 Area Facing Drig Colony(PIA green Col) IV IV II IV
9 ArtilaryMaidan Quarters 1 1 I 1
10 Ashraf Nagar IV IV II IV
11 Askari I,II,III,IV,V A-I A-I - -
12 AzamBasti III III lI 111
13 Baba Bhit Island IV IV II lV
Bahria Town Karachi superhighway (excluding precinct 1,2,5,8,19
14 X X X X
and Jinnah Commercial & Midway Commercial (A&B)
Bahria Town Karachi superhighway Jinnah Commercial & Midway - I - II
15 Commercial (A&B)
16 Bahria Town Karachi superhighway precinct 1,2,5,8,19 I I II II
17 Bakshan Village 1V IV II IV
18 Baldia Town VI VI II Vl
19 Baloch Colony I II III II III
20 Bandar Quarters 1 I I 1
21 Bath Island A-I II A-I A-I
22 Bath Island Facing Khayaban E Iqbal Road A-I A-I A-I A-I
23 Behar Colony Clayton Road III III II Ill
24 Bhori Bazar III A-I I III
25 Bhutta Village V V II V

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26 Bin Qasim (Pipri Excluding Gulshan-e-hadeed) V V I V
27 Bombay Bazar I A-I I I
28 Buffer Zone III I I III
29 Burns Road I l I I
30 Cattle Colony V V III V
31 Chandni Chowk KDA Scheme-7 III
32 Chandio Village PS Defence IV IV II iv
33 Chanesar Goth V V II V
34 Civil Lines A-I A-I II A-I
35 Clifton Bock-I I A-I II I
Clifton Quarters Excluding Shireen Jinnah Colony and Clifton
36 A-I A-I II A-I
Comisioner Society and humayun street(DHA phase VII extension
& VIIIextension)
Commercial plots facing on Jinnah Avenue Scheme-33, (Sector-40)
38 - I - II

39 Daraklishan Cooperative Housing Society III II II III

40 Darussalam and Lucknow Cooperative Society. I I II III
41 Darussalam and Lucknow Cooperative Society. I I II III
42 Defence Housing Authority Phase I, II, III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII A-I I+ I II
Defence Housing Authority Phase VII Extension, Phase VIII
43 A-I I I II
Extension (excluding commissioner society and humayun street)
44 Defence Housing Authority High Rises - - - A-I
45 Defence Officers Housing Scheme, Malir A-I A-I A-I I
46 Deh Drig IV IV II IV
47 Deh Khata IV IV II IV
48 Dehli Colony III III II III
49 Dehli Mercantile A-I A-I I I
50 DehThanno V V II V
51 Depot Line L l I I
52 DHA Phase-IX DHA City (excluding sector 1 & 3) V V - V
53 DHA Phase-IX DHA City Sector 1 & 3 IX IV - IX
54 Dhoragi Cooperative Housing Society A-I A-I I A-I
55 Doda Village V V II V
56 Drig Cantonment III III II III
57 Ejaz Colony III III II lII
58 Fatima Jinnah Colony L l L I
59 Federal B Area (Block-1,2,3,7,8,9,14,15,16,17,18 & 19) III III III III
60 Federal B Area (Block-4,5,6,10,11,12 & 13) II II II II
61 Firdous Colony II 11 I 111
62 Frere Quarters A-1 A-1 1 A-1
63 Future Colony V V 11 V
64 G. Allan road I I I I
65 Garden East Quarters A-I I I A-I
66 Garden West Quarters I I I I
General Society/Defence Officers Housing Socity near Stadium
67 A-I A-I II A-I
Road, Karachi
68 Ghulam Hussain Qasin Quakers I I I I
69 Gizri Village IV lV II IV
70 Government Approved Katchi Abadies VI VI II VI
71 GulBai V V I V
72 Gulistan-e-Jauhar (Block-2,3,14,15,&16) I I I II
73 Gulistan-e-Jauhar (excluding block-2,3,14, 15 &16) II II II III
74 Gulnar Cooperative Housing Society I I I II
75 Gulshan-e- Faisal I I I I
76 Gulshan-e-Hadeed IV IV I IV
77 Gulshan-e-Iqbal Block (4,6,7) I I I I
78 Gulshan-e-Iqbal Block-17 A-I A-I I A-I
79 Gulshan-e-Iqbal Excluding Block (4,6,7&17) II II I III
80 Gulshan-e-Jamal Project-II II II I III
81 Gulshan-e-Maymar (excluding sector W, Y & Z) IV IV III IV
82 Gulshan-e-Maymar (Sector 51/52) II II III III
83 Gulshan-e-Maymar (Sector W, X & Z) II II III III

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84 Haji Mureed Goth V V II V
85 HarchaiidraiVishandas Quarters II II I II1
86 HasratMohani Colony IV IV II IV
87 Hawks Bay V V II V
88 Hyderabad Colony III III II III
89 I.I. Chundrigar Road I A-I I I
90 Iqbal Colony III III II III
91 Ishaqabad IV IV II IV
92 Jacobline (Inluding Lines Area) II II I II
93 Jamoria Colony III III II III
94 Jamshed Quarters I I I I
95 Joria Bazar II A-I I I
96 Junna Market I I I I
97 K.B.R. V V II V
98 K.D.A. Officers Housing Society A-I A-I I A-I
99 K.D.A. Scheme No.1 & 1A A-I A-I I A-I
100 Kagzi Bazar I I I I
101 Karachi Administrative Cooperative Housing Society A-I I I A-I
102 Karachi Cooperative Housing Society A-I I I A-I
103 KausarNiazi Colony V V II V
104 Khaliquzaman Colony III III II III
105 Khanto Colony V V II V
106 Khokhrapar V V II V
107 Khudadad Colony III III II III
108 Kiamari IV IV II IV
109 Kolachi Co-operative Housing Society I I III I
110 KorangiInsustrial Area II II II II
111 Korani Township V V II V
112 Laiqabad V V II V
113 LandhiInsustrial Area III III II III
114 Landi Township KDA IV IV II IV
115 Lawrance Quarters II II I II
116 Lea Quarter III III II III
117 Liaqatabad IV IV II IV
118 Liquat Ashraf Colony VI IV II VI
119 llanchor Quarters 11 11 I 11
120 Lyari Quarters V V II V
121 M.A Jinnah Road I I I I
122 Mahajir Colony VI VI II VI
123 Mahmoodabad III III II IV
124 Malir Cantonment III III III IV
125 Malir City V V II V
126 Manghopir Road & Adjacent Locality VI VI II VI
127 Manora IV IV II IV
128 Maripure IV IV II IV
129 Market Quarters I I I I
130 Marriot Road II A-I I I
131 Metrovil 2 Corridor Area III III II III
132 Metrovil I IV IV II IV
133 Metrovil II & III KDA V V II V
134 Model Colony III III III III
135 Modern Colony III III II III
136 MolJee Street I I I I
137 Muhammad Ali Cooperative Housing Society A-I A-I I A-I
138 Muslim Colony II II I II
139 Muslim Leage Quarter III III III III
140 Mustafa Abad V V II V
141 Nafisabad III III II III
142 Nasim Colony V V II V
143 National Cemetn Employees Cooperativ II II I II
144 Navel Colony IV II II IV
145 Nazimabad II II I II
146 Neelum Colony III III II III

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147 Nepiar Quarter II I II II
148 Nevel Colony IV II II IV
149 New Challi 1 A-I I I
150 New Golimar V V II V
151 NORE-II A-I A-I - A-I
152 North Karachi (All sectors except 1 to 6) III III II III
153 North Karachi Industrial Area (Sector-12) V IV II IV
154 North Karachi Industrial Area (Sector-12) V IV II IV
155 North Karachi (sector 1 to 6) IV IV II IV
156 North Nazimabad (Block-B & F) I I I I
157 North Nazimabad (excluding Block-B & F) II II II II
158 Nusrat Bhutto Colony V V II V
159 Old Frere Street I I I I
160 Old Golimar V V II V
161 Old Town Quarters I I I I
162 Orangabad Quarters IV IV II IV
163 Orangi Town V V II V
165 P.S. Mahmoodabad I I I
166 Pak Colony III III II III
167 Pakistan Employees Cooperative Housing Society A-I A-I I A-I
Pakistan Railway Employees Coop Housing Society, Project 2A-1, VI VI - VI
168 Depot Hill Station
169 Paposh Nagar Quarters IV IV II IV
170 Paria Street I I I I
171 Parsi Colony (Silence Towers) I I II I
172 Pasban Muhallah V V II V
173 Peerabad V V II V
174 Port Qasim V IV II IV
175 Preedy Quarters I I I I
176 Qaidabad V V II V
177 Qasba Colony V V II V
178 Qasimabad IV IV II IV
179 Queens Road Quarters I A-I I I
180 R.A. Lines I I I I
181 Rafa e Aam Cooperative Housing Society III III II III
182 Railway Quarters I A-I I I
183 Ram Bagh Quarters I I I I
184 Ram Sawami Quarters 11 11 I 11
185 Rizvia Colony II 11 I II
186 Sadar Bazar Quarters 1 l I l
187 Saeedabad IV IV 11 lV
188 Saleh Mohammad Street Housing Society I A-I I I
189 Sands Pit V V 1I V
190 Sarafa Bazaar I A-I I A-I
191 Saudabad IV IV II IV
192 Scheme-33 (excluding Metroville-III) IV IV II IV
193 Shah Faisal Colony V V II V
194 Shah Faisal Town III III II III
195 Shah Latif Town Scheme-25 KDA VI VI II VI
196 Shahrah e Iraq I 1 1 I
197 Shahrah-e-Faisal I A-I I 1
198 Shahrah-e-Liaquat (Frere Road) I I I I
199 Shanti Nagar V V II V
200 Shershah Colony & Village V V 11 V
201 Shireen Jinnah Colony VIII VII I VIII VIII
202 Sindhi Muslim Cooperative HousingSociety A-1 1 I A-I
203 Siraj Quarters I A-I I I
204 SITE II Superhighway V IV II IV
205 SITE Industrial Area - - I -
206 Soldier Bazar Quarters II lI I 11
207 South Napier Road 1 1 I I
208 Surjani Town KDA Scheme-41 VI VI III VI

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209 Tahilram Quarters 11 11 I II
210 Up Muhajireen Society V V 11 v
211 Upper Gizri PS Gizri A-I I I A-I
212 Usmani Colony Society Near Rizvia Col Ill III 11 III
213 Wadhomal Odhoram Quarters II I II II
214 Waheedabad V V II V
215 Wilayatabad lV IV 11 IV
216 Zaibunnisa Street I A-I I I
[File No. 1(121)R&S/2017

( Muhammad Masood Ahmed Gorsi )

Secretary (Rules & SROs)

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