PQView Brochure
PQView Brochure
PQView Brochure
What is PQView? number of days. PQDM also automatically correlates
PQView is a multi-component software system measurements by time stamp and location, and can
developed by Electrotek Concepts® for building and be combined with add-in modules to provide auto-
analyzing databases of power quality and energy mea- matic fault location estimates, voltage sag direction,
surements. Its components build measurement data- or capacitor assessment.
bases, write summary reports, compute power quality
indices, view waveforms and rms samples, and trend PQView Data Sources
steady-state quantities via workstations and web PQDM automatically builds power quality databases
browsers. Power providers, industrial power consum- from data sources. It also automatically sends email
ers, consulting companies, and university researchers notifications using SMTP servers or Microsoft Out-
throughout the world widely recognize PQView for its look clients when data sources have finished import-
capabilities and flexibility. ing, rms voltage variations are imported from data
PQView builds databases with billions of measure- sources, or measurements are not collected from a
ments from thousands of monitoring points taken monitoring instrument for a specified period. PQDM
by many different types of meters, including power automatically correlates measurements by time
quality monitors, voltage recorders, in-plant monitors, stamp and location. It also deletes old measurements,
and digital fault recorders. It can store and analyze manually adds missed rms voltage, and performs EN
information with the measurements about cause and 50160 compliance calculations, automatic derivations,
source of triggered events, as well as evaluate the and automatic fault location. In addition, it can update
financial impact of events to both a power provider measurement databases automatically once per day,
and a power user. It can quickly extract meaningful manually, or as fast as once every minute. PQDM
information from a one megabyte or one terabyte integrates data from the following data store formats:
database. IEEE® Std 1159.3-2003 PQDIF Files
PQView combines powerful features in a user-friend- IEEE® Std C37.111-1991/1999 COMTRADE Files
ly interface. Measurements can be stored in either Mi- MODBUS® Devices (Optional)
crosoft® Access or Microsoft SQL Server. A complete Arbiter® Systems 1133A Power Sentinel (Optional)
PQView system consists of three main applications: Advantech® Corporation ADAM Analog and Digital
the Power Quality Data Manager, the Power Quality Modules (Optional)
• Cooper Power Systems CYME
Data Analyzer, and PQWeb®.
• Dranetz® Signature System® and Encore® Series
• Dranetz PASS® Database and PNDS Archive Files
PQView Power Quality Data Manager • Dranetz PES Database
The primary function of the PQView Power Quality • Dranetz Portable Monitors
Manager (PQDM) is to build power quality databases • Edison Electric Institute® Load File
• Electro Industries® Nexus Communicator Log Files
automatically from data sources. It also automatically • Fluke®/Reliable Power Meters (RPM) Omega and
sends e-mail notifications using SMTP servers when Scenario Databases
data sources have finished importing, rms voltage • GL Industrial Group/Stoner Software® (Optional)
• Gossen Metrawatt MAVOSYS 10
variations (voltage sags, swells, and interruptions) are
• GridSense PowerView CSV Files
imported from data sources, or measurements are not • GroundedPower Monitoring Data Files
collected from a monitoring instrument for a specified • HIOKI® Hi-View Pro Text File Export
Event Lists
All trends are interactive so you can zoom in with your PQDA can quickly build event lists (Figure 4) from
mouse cursor to an area of interest. Also, each trend the millions of events recorded in a measurement da-
can become an event timeline by plotting any associ- tabase. PQView “measurement events” consist of the
ated waveform or rms variation measurements as waveform and rms samples recorded during voltage
tick marks along the x-axis. When you click on a tick sags and swells due to faults and motor starting, and
mark, the waveforms and rms samples recorded with voltage transients due to fuse operations, lightning
the event will open in a new window. This feature is strikes, load switching, and capacitor and cable en-
especially useful when evaluating faults and switching ergizing. The event lists can be built based on simple
transients. queries that only select certain meters for a specific
Each trend and histogram can be copied automati- date range. Or, they can be more sophisticated. For
cally into Microsoft Word documents or Microsoft example, you could request a list of all events in which
Excel spreadsheets or sent to a printer. For example, the rms voltage dropped below 0.7 per unit. Even
you could create a report showing the trend and/or more sophisticated queries can be run allowing you
histogram of rms voltage or voltage THD for all phases to search for single-phase sags, three-phase sags,
for every meter in your database for a year by specify- single-phase faults, and three-phase faults. PQView
ing only the file name of a Microsoft Word document. provides methods for viewing waveform samples for
Each chart is automatically created and exported to events (Figure 5) or recorded rms samples (Figure 6).
the specified file.
Figure 7: An rms variation magnitude-duration scat- Figure 9: A voltage sag scatter plot of rms voltage
ter plot overlaid with the sensitivity curves specified by magnitude on a 0ne-month time line.
CBEMA in 1987 and by ITIC in 1997
In Figure 10, PQDA temporally aggregated voltage
sag measurements by determining the lowest volt-
age during a 60-second period of time at each meter.
Rates of occurrence were calculated by determining
the number of days each meter was available during
the 31-day analysis period. If a meter had unavailable
days, then PQView took them into account when
computing the occurrence rates. A chart showing a
magnitude-duration distribution (Figure 11) and a dis-
tribution of SARFI-80 rates recorded at 241 sites (Fig-
ure 12). The height of each column in the SARFI- 80
Figure 8: Voltage sag magnitude versus duration scat- chart is a count of sites that had a similar rate of volt-
ter plot with ITIC Curves. age sags to below 0.80 per unit. For example, 44 sites
had no events resulting in a drop in rms voltage to a
Another scatter plot will plot the voltage magnitude
level below 0.8 per unit, while 27 sites experienced an
of each voltage sag, swell, or interruption versus time
event below 0.8 per unit three times during themonth.
(Figure 9). When plotting any of these magnitude-
Only one site experienced 20 events resulting in a volt-
duration or magnitude-time scatter plots, you may
age sag below 0.8per unit during the 31-day period.
click on the point representing each event to see the
You can automatically create summary reports using
waveforms and rms samples associated with that
Microsoft Word. You need only to specify the sites for
event. Because PQDA’s rms variation analysis al-
the report, specify the desired date range, and which
gorithm involves temporal aggregation of multiple
options you want for the report. The rms variation
events occurring in close in time, you see not only the
report writer can include monitoring site lists; event
event that resulted in a particular voltage magnitude
lists; SARFI summaries that compute the count or rate