Power Factory Software
Power Factory Software
Power Factory Software
It is easy to use, fully Windows compatible and combines reliable and flexible system modeling capabilities with state-of-the-art algorithms and a unique database concept. Besides the stand-alone functionality, the PowerFactory engine integrates smoothly into any GIS, DMS or EMS supporting open system standards.
PowerFactory Modeling: .... any type of three-, two- and single phase AC network, DC systems, synchronous machines, induction machines, doubly fed induction machines, loads (static/dynamic, with profiles, load diversity, unbalanced loads etc.), shunt and filter elements, cables, overhead-lines, line couplings, two- and three winding transformers, series reactors, series capacitors (incl. MOV protection), various types of AC/DC converters, FACTS (UPFC, STATCOM, TCSC, etc.), voltage and current sources, extensive fuse and relay library, IEEE model library, user defined models ....
Power System Planning, Analysis and Optimization for Windows DIgSILENT GmbH Heinrich-Hertz-Strae 9 D-72810 Gomaringen Phone: +49 7072 9168-0 Fax: +49 7072 9168-88 http://www.digsilent.de E-mail: mail@digsilent.de