Adobe Scan 16 Oct 2024
Adobe Scan 16 Oct 2024
Adobe Scan 16 Oct 2024
Howeve, ut late evenus epredcton ol he WC wth a hne contol on the weN eectron number
did no attact much atention due muny to t denuty. In a 2D ecuon syem, he electrons we
pracica ptoblen of attNng the low decton teo to move whn a pla, whuke thek motUon
numbr denes (6quWed for crysokzaon. Fo prpendcular to the plane n stcied quantum
instance. in meras the elecron number densbs be mechancaly. The moss mporant advantage of a
In the ange 2D elecson system that the ueal lecon numbe
densty parameter dehned as density can be vanod by orders of magntude and
aso. thee es a dhoice with the eectrone' eectve
mass nd hence. the electron kinetc elects
r, = Moreove, one may turther modtylsuppress he
octron' unebc onergy by opplying 0 stong
rensver magnec held Low carler dengty
with n bng the lecvon umber densty nd he coupled wh h tasme monetc dd have
Boh alomic radus Phycaly, eprens been oxplored lo detect he Wigner crystwizalon in
Fadius oB spherical reg0n 0ccupd on an v ndecton bi-lay (he system ol wO paralkel and
by one elecron. Thus. so a meaure of the coupled 2D layers) nd ts subilzation in the
mean nter-elec¯on epwUon. Whu WIoner had prenca ol an exenal magnec old was reporded
predicted thal the crystahzaon woud occur a much for the tme by Manohan d (4) Since lhen
hugher I, Nowthstandng hts, the compu Uhete hve bn many expments to hnd evdence
smuaton expenments pertormed byy Ceperiey nd o Wgn cytazation whout external magnellc
Alder (2) esublshed beyond doubl thet the lecrons hetd, but h uon s not th clew a evena
wny n mount ol dsorder may pln 5) the
would cmullze at ,a100120. Sdewse. aaempts
continued lo the enpetmenal ealzon o he Wigner cryal ae s nol absoluiety cea
WIgner cryual on one hand, end the development of whehe he craton s onoder induced o
theory of crystaizson on Uhe othes hnd The through he electon-dectron nteracæons. Recenty,
theoretkcai sudies eucidated th¡t th scton Yoon hv recorded a covncng evdence
correlations e st the hear of Wigner crytalaIon o the 2D Woner crysul in a highly pure 20 hole
pYase trangaion syslem a ,35.1l10.9 nd nerestngty, the cribca!
s tor cryakzon has ben lound obe very eeeN.gnted.
As notable deveopmen 0wc chevno low close lo th predcted (,=3715) by Tana and
election denses ue. high ") dvnces n he Copertey [ by sng the queum Monte Cario
mera gowh echnology made poasble o (QMC) multon.
(abracate a wo-enssorna (20) ctron sysem (3)
a the wtertace ot semconducsar hro-structwes On he theony Hoe. he DFT Ns bon lound to
provide a osonably, accUrate descnpuon ol the
knit Yatlay Vandarva Yadav alt 2604