B.TECH (EE) MID TERM EXAMINATION, EVEN SEM 2023-24 (SEM IV) Roll No. Subject Name: Measurement and Instrumentation Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 50 Note: All questions are compulsory. No student is allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.1) Attempt all Parts : (a) Illustrate difference between accuracy and precision? (b) State the purpose of shunts in voltmeter? (c) Define gross and random error? (d) Name different methods for the measurement of low resistance. [4 x 2.5= 10]
Q.2) Attempt all Parts :
(a) What are the common features of analog type of instruments? (b) What types of null-detectors are used for A.C. bridges? (c) Classify the resistances from the point of view of measurement. (d) The measured value of a resistance is 180 Ω whereas its true value is 200 Ω. Determine absolute error of measurement, percentage error and relative error. [4 x 2.5= 10]
Q.3) Attempt any Two Parts :
(a) Explain the construction, working principle and torque equation of PMMC instruments. (b) Explain the substitution method of measurement of medium resistance. (c) Explain the working principle of Owen’s Bride and derive an expression for measurement of unknown Inductor. Explain how Quality factor of the inductor can be calculated. [2 x 5= 10]
Q.4) Attempt any Two Parts :
(a) What are the different dynamic characteristics of measuring instruments. (b) The four arms of a Wheatstone’s bridges are as follows: AB=100 Ω, BC=1000 Ω, CD= 4000 Ω and DA= 400 Ω. The galvanometer has a resistance of 100 Ω, a sensitivity of 100 mm/uA and is connected across AC. A source of 4V d.c. is connected across BD. Calculates the current through the galvanometer and its deflection if the resistance of ohm DA is changed from 400 Ω to 401 Ω. (c) Show the constructional features of both types of Attraction Type Moving Iron instruments. Derive the torque equation for any one type. [2 x 5= 10]
Q.5) Attempt any Two Parts :
(a) Explain construction and working principle of Rectifier type of Instruments with its applications. (b) Draw the circuit of a Kelvin’s double bridge and explain its working and principles. (c) Describe the different types of errors in mearurements. [2 x 5= 10] -----END OF PAPER ----