212 Mte 2023
212 Mte 2023
212 Mte 2023
1. (a) Let g(t) denote a real-valued band-pass signal, with Fourier transform G(f ) specified (5)
as follows for negative frequencies:
−(f + 99), −101 ≤ f ≤ −99
G(f ) =
0, f < 101 or − 99 < f ≤ 0
iii. Find the time-domain expression for the output when g(t) cos(200πt) is passed
through an ideal lowpass filter of bandwidth 4.
(b) A signal x(t) whose spectrum X(f ), as shown in the figure, is sampled at a rate of (3)
20 Hz. Sketch the spectrum of the sampled signal. Can we reconstruct x(t) from
these samples? Justify your answer.
f (Hz)
-30 -20 0 20 30
An envelope detector is used to demodulate the signal using a single diode and an
RC filter. The detector operates on the positive half-cycle of the input signal.
i. Draw the envelope detector circuit diagram.
ii. Show the input and output waveforms for the envelope detector.
iii. Determine the condition on the RC value for the proper operation .
(b) Consider the coherent detection (synchronous demodulation) of a DSB-SC signal. (5)
The bandwidth of the message signal is W Hz, and there is a phase difference of
ϕ radians between the carrier signal and the local oscillator output. Let Ps denote
the average power of the message signal and Pd denotes the average power of the
demodulated signal. Assuming that the average power of the local oscillator output
is 0.5, plot PPds as a function of ϕ for 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ π.
(c) With the help of transmitter and receiver block diagrams, explain the working of (5)
quadrature-carrier multiplexing system.
3. (a) An FM modulated signal is given as the input to a differentiator (a system whose (5)
input x(t) and output y(t) are related by y(t) = dx(t)
dt ).
i. What is the envelope of the differentiator output?
ii. Is it possible to design a system that can recover the message signal (i.e. obtain
a scaled version of m(t)) from the differentiator output? If yes, draw the block
diagram of the system. If no, explain why the recovery is not possible.
(b) The sinusoidal modulating wave m(t) = Am sin(2πfm t) is applied to a narrowband (6)
FM modulator. The unmodulated carrier wave has frequency fc and and Amplitude
Ac . If the modulation index is 0.1,
i. Determine and sketch the spectrum of the modulated signal.
ii. Draw phasor diagram of the modulated signal for t = t0 , given that
2πfc t0 = π/2 rad and 2πfm t0 = −π/4 rad. Clearly label the diagram.
(c) A narrowband FM (NBFM) to wideband FM (WBFM) converter is implemented as (6)
shown in the figure. The NBFM modulator is supplied with a carrier of frequency
100 kHz and a message signal of bandwidth 500 Hz. The frequency deviation at the
output of the NBFM modulator is 50 Hz. The local oscillator frequency is adjustable
in the range of 85 Mhz to 95 MHz. If the WBFM signal s(t) is to have a carrier
frequency of 85 MHz and a deviation ratio of 5, determine the following:
i. Frequency multiplier factor (n)
ii. Local oscillator frequency
iii. Center frequency and the bandwidth of the bandpass filter.
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