Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
To understand what archiving really is, it’s important to look back to its
history and general concept. A book entitled “The History of Archives: State of the
Discipline” written by Elizabeth Yale (2015) states that “the history of archives seeks
to understand archives as subjects of history, not just as its sources. The field has
opened up new ways of thinking about major historical trends: the rise of the nation
state, the development of public and private spheres, the growth of global institutions,
and the ever-increasing emphasis on data in our information-rich “knowledge
economy.” Archives are crucial sites for the exercise of political power as well as
profoundly important resources for defining community identity. The work that
archives do emerges from the tension between these functions, as well as the gaps
between archival ambitions (information mastery, objectivity) and archival realities
(partiality, anxiety, failures of access).”
A research by Nikolić, M., Petrović, V., et. al., (2013) defines modern
archiving as the “precise marking and storing of a document, as well as its keeping
and processing, which supplies the conditions for its quick and efficient finding.
There are several ways of archiving the documents: data libraries, microfilms,
scanning and electronic archiving. Electronic archiving requires the existence of
database which enables fast approach to pieces of information, simple search of the
documents in the archive, protection from destruction or misuse, decreasing of the
archive space, lower costs of operating as well as full monitoring of the documents.”
The task of guaranteeing that documents and records are preserved and
accessible to the public lies with the National Archives of the Philippines. Its main
responsibility is to preserve the primary sources of information on Philippine history,
the basic components of cultural heritage, and collective memory. These documentary
sources are the embodiment of community identities as well as testaments to shared
national experiences. The Archives utilizes a two-pronged approach where effective
records management goes hand-in-hand with the development of a sense of pride in
one’s heritage. To achieve its goals, the Archives interact with other government
agencies and the private sector to set up projects which will illustrate how heritage
resources can be used for enhancing community life. Archival materials can be
utilized for tourism information, creative product design, and heritage education
modules that revitalize the youth’s sense of identity and membership in a dynamic,
multifaceted nation. (2022)
Despite the snags and challenges of the manual operations, some of the public
high schools in the Philippines, particularly those in the provinces, still do not use
computerized systems for the development of the system itself is costly. One of the
operations of the schools is the manual archiving of 201 files that contain employees’
personal information and profile. As the files are hard-copy documents filed in
cabinets and folders, there were incidents of loss of files, duplicate data- entry,
unsecured storage, and difficulty in retrieving and updating records. Oftentimes, these
records are needed to be reproduced and updated for promotion and accreditation. The
development of the system resulted in a well- organized, uniform, and easy-to-search
records. Specifically, the electronic archiving system developed store records
(documents) into a safer and secured database that can be retrieved easily and free
from any damage. However, it should also be emphasized that the most efficient way
to have a good process in keeping the records is to have organized manual operations
aside from a computerized archiving system to automate it. (Cuevas, L. A. &
Casauay, R., 2022)
The study aimed to develop Online Thesis Archiving System for UMAK that would
help the students,
faculty or whoever are in need to easily access theses. Users can access the system
even if they are off
of the school since it is an online system.
Users will register by filling up the registration form. Upon registering the system will
send email
verification to the user for security purposes. The system has the features of
searching, previewing of
full theses and abstract, users can also download thesis. The searching has filter by
title, author, subject
matter, year submitted, and program title. Users will be able to know what the most
viewed thesis is.
They can also save a particular thesis offline by adding it on their profile. The system
will be managed by
the admin which is the librarian. Admin can update, delete, and upload thesis. The
system has the
dashboard which displays the numbers of users registered, number of thesis per
college, number of
views per thesis and number of abstract viewed.
The study aimed to develop Online Thesis Archiving System for UMAK that would
help the students,
faculty or whoever are in need to easily access theses. Users can access the system
even if they are off
of the school since it is an online system.
Users will register by filling up the registration form. Upon registering the system will
send email
verification to the user for security purposes. The system has the features of
searching, previewing of
full theses and abstract, users can also download thesis. The searching has filter by
title, author, subject
matter, year submitted, and program title. Users will be able to know what the most
viewed thesis is.
They can also save a particular thesis offline by adding it on their profile. The system
will be managed by
the admin which is the librarian. Admin can update, delete, and upload thesis. The
system has the
dashboard which displays the numbers of users registered, number of thesis per
college, number of
views per thesis and number of abstract viewed.
Thesis Project Archive System (T-PASS)
Thesis Project Archive System (TPASS) was developed to help students more
easily to find their desired report. Students can enter the system at every time. In
addition, the safety report is also more secure as more systematic management
methods in the T-PAS can create data integrity in it. By using storage approach using
database system, it will prove to be helpful to manage the report thesis in FSKKP for
their students more effectively. The system can help thesis information stored in the
database and users can interact with the system to get the information about the thesis
their want. Each thesis done by FSKKP’s students will have their level and also grade.
In current situation, the theses only arrange in thesis library room and do not have the
proper information to help the students find their wanted thesis. With a system,
students can find the thesis in an easy way and safe time. (Bin Ismail, S. N., 2013)